Newspaper Page Text
' TWO UTS EVEKIftQ ITOIALD, AIBUQTJESQTJE, H. 11. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1914. 77. Evening Herald. Published he Th Evening llrrald. In. 1 . . r v . H Y.illlant. Mrtnnirr. I", lmna Johnson, Kdilor. Official rf r fir ih cur ( Aliiuiiierque. Published aver afternoon et rrpl unlnv, at 111 North MaCoad Hi eel, All.u.Ufr'jim, N. M. Kntered ntt srond-clns matter t t h jiostoffii at Albuquerque, N M , under (ha Act til March I, 1171. month by mall or carrier. tOc Ona vievk by carrier lie tn year by mall or carrier la advance II tt Telephones 117 and It. vow iii, tor in-: good? 'I lit' mi in .if four h ii ii J r ihI thousand I'.'Mix him I n uside for Inline- iluiii- i i' ii'liiuri- li the Santa Ft' i.hIhh) oiiuny In the lonsiriiillon ol pull of its onli oi, two mil lion shop intension In Altiu- iii riir. The ai'iti-ial manager of the S.i mi n Ki' system made thla statement yi'Hlorilny In .llMiiii-riiie to a leading i.iikiimhk imin. It In understood an iMiini n, roundhouse will be the Ural buiMing erected. The Keoeral iii ii i ii k-r ol the Hunla K,. i. light to know whut hn la talking iiiioiii: uml he seems to talk pretty iiiiiily. tti' iittuiilly foiilxl a cuuide of men In In Ik rlty thla week who said they ilolu't lielirv" the Santa Ke company na going 'o atari work on Ita new hhopa thla year. Thla ought to hniil him for while. Ait the Herald him aald before, you don't I i 1 1 I two million dollnr railroad ahi.i in one afternoon while you are t ext Inn. The time that hna elapsed riii ... the atrrurln of the aite here It) iinthlim tin ri-usona lilts when one con noli r the magnitude, of the Improve ment find the tie. eiwwirj uinaluking i ,iui i. hi in getting atarted right. We hiive II "low down" that the Mania Kc rullrond company need three nhopa. Their completion will lie K matter of economy notwlth stiinditig the ImmenMt outlay. The operation or the rullrond la actually huiiilliiiiH-d by the lui'k of theae shop. It iloean't lake n motor trurk to ill iw the inference I hut If the railroad 'oiiipiiiiy neeile the elmpa 11 la going to time them without unnecessary du ll. . mi: m:iu ii ion kkiio. It would aeiin eheer nonaenae to hm ml any time In diwunalng nothing, mid jel in one aenae of the word thut i:- ix. oily whitl aiiemiata ar doing in their effort to discover abaolute io in the flelda of meteorology. nil ua now umleratood la a reta in i- H I to and Intllratea 2 degreea be low the fn inline point upon the Kuh n lilii il ihermoineter. or enactly frces init. ui'iording In the centigrade sys tem. Hut I'roleaaor Von Onnea of i . . 1 1 -. who him heen spending hla life uml i-niiKM'H in experimenting with ili'tin ca ol told, tt-lla the world that It fur (nun auoreeded In finding ah soliil,. mldm-hs In I he doulila hoi her an. h u condition la to be loiuiil upon I his gloht, or thut It ever existed In ru even lit the eluciul per iod To Una man the antii regions are .o- the ill-mil or the tropica, und with lino one roiild warm hla handa by a hunk or he or cook a meul with an li eli. ig aa a range. Zero, he declarea, r present 271 degreea lielow preaent i : miKludi' xero. and 4"l Im-ow thut of I'lihnnheii. TIiuk when those ol .V.rih Oiikoia or the far northwest l.iiin in iligreea lielow ua "aoine went her." they are riullv enVing. i .iinp.irutiel apeukmg. the breath of the simoon or the lumea of tho al loc I o. V.1I1 onnen in rerttiin Unit ahaolute i . 1 1 1 exist lotiiewheie. though It may n sidereal iokioiib uloim thut It l l,i I,,, roiiinl. He wishes to succeed III Iiih iiu at in order to lie uble to llipiifv iiiiiiiioi. nl. i,h la ii i'oiiipoiienl or Hit r .hi uml iiiio (oine ilav be iliai'oven d n i din t in Hi. t hile the piofenxor him been the li . i,., i lit of the Nolii I pr e for hl pi iKi veiuni e und ai Inevenn nta, and on iioelion.ihly ilvmrvm It. it la to be hoped that the eiu whKh he aeekn will only be ilK.intnd by artllniul me. i ua. The ifftet of extreme fold upon the, human ayatem l alinilur to that of heit. and If the acio in nutur wi re to come upon uk mankind would i ruiiihle tiy powder it InllnitDdinul inirni'M. I JOU lit UNO. Aa in everything eUe, frrlglllklity fiiunta in hunting Job.. A w yrai uiso a manager for t !,mIf aiidilory and hurneaa cult run ot hia Job and wanted another In the mini' line -r W"' e-ld ,i l ine a.leiii' iin "t in ft Journal l,iiiely read by ll.e auddle and harnea limla. Thla advertlaemeiit rerlted th Mppltcaiil a nual.ficetlona. hla paC. record and hla expectation aa in eal ary. Though I he advertlaemeiit roat hint more than I7S. H "" 4I,..., h .f I lire offtii at a i oinp Hon 10 per cent hlaher thim the phi' from which he had been dihinied. A atreel faker who had de lib d to gel Into aotticthing Icaa nomndlc hit IndLinapolia in the middle of winter Inking for n Job. He (pent two weekn in iniiulry that proved fruillen. Thin he went lo the proper rlty oflhlnl und aecured a (Heel fnker'a Ihenae lo woik on a ceri.iln atreet. Hv following hm fuker liuiba he iMin had plenty c' Ipnrera. Unl In Hleiid of Irving to (ell anything he nuked ecr hotly who liatened for a Job. The tlral dny iliiln'l net him any tiling, but before noon of the aeroitd day he had been offend employment ua auctioneer. He accepted, and l mill In that bnalneaa. making money. A country boy went o an Ohio town to look for work. It wna hard to find, and he wna compelled to accept the Job of rtiiRlng a bell In front of cheap eating honae for hla iihiiIh He ohaervetl that If antiody wna attract ed by tho hel ringing hla next move would be to read the menu, whlth wan (hulked nn a amnll blackboard propped up agulnnt the building. Kioni thla the !o evolved u plan to better hi'lotelf. He won the confl dence f,f a Hint) painter and had a aign painted which read: "I am a tountr boy out of n oik. Who will give me a Job?" He took thla aign, and alter lunch borrowed the reataurunl keep era Itcll and alood on the curb and rang II. I'naaeraby noticed the boy und Ihe aign, and tt wnan'l long until a dairyman had given the outh era- pMymrnl. , ! IV Kit MM KMT I'l.AMH I ITI.KM. tIIII THAIMIMG. With the co-operation of the Na tional Municipal league and other or gunlxutlona long Inlereated In the problem of education for litlxenahip, the I'nited St uteri bureau of duiil- tlon In undertaking a comprehenaive ntuily or the whole problem of civic educutlon. The work will he under the linnit (liutr direction of Mr. Arthur W. Ihinn. now of New York, who made for himaelf a national reputu tlon aome year ugo by hia work on thia aubject in the public achoole of lndiiinapolia. In Ihia field of activity the govern men! bureau of education hupea to do officially and ayatematically what hit heretofore been attempted by a number of orgunliationa working In dependently. Many c. Ic aaaoclutlonH throughout Ihe I'nited Ktnte huve been ugiluling in hehnlf of education for cltlaenahlu; valuable reaulla have been obtained: and many communllle have made Important experiment In Improving citixenahlp through the (choot --unit-through "Titlur agent lea. The bureau will aeek to co-ordinate theae hitherto aeparate effort; to bring co-operation where Independent action ha prevailed; to make known everywhere Ihe reaulta of civic educa tion ao fur accompllahed, und to for mulate a count r tu the plan for defi nite work In thla Important field. One of the moat prenaing problem in citixenahlp educutlon la thai of properly equipped leucltera. There are few teuthera that huve had the reitilalte apeclal training. It will be one of the vital tueka In the new work to find out what tan be done to truin men und women, whether already In the at rvh e or Junt preparing to tent h, for the definite reaponalbilltlea and poaaibilitlea of direct Instruction In clllxenahp. I'reaent method of leuchng civic will be curerully Invent ixaled Wheth er it I (Ufllclent thut children ahould know how the preaident la elected, or th il they ahould be able to recite Ihe c-.tnalitutlon; lo what extent modern wxiul und civic iiueationa clean Hi recta, pure water, milk aupply, fire rotet tlon, mean of trannportutlon. cu-operulion, aufTruge, divoiHe, etc. are to be conaltlcred. Theae are the or! of intention lo which the new corps of nit cHtiualor w ill have to give me attention. Spettal eft". ,lt will tie mude In re pot t the muny attempta on the purl of e conimunlllea In give all bool auhjeci a more definite civic value Jn Kuuaaa City, Kan, for ex ample, the chemistry cou'ae in Ihe high achool I In effect a course in practical tivic such thing at water and milk annlyai. with their lgnlrl- uhe In community life, are t-mphu- ixed, und high (t hool atudent serve In the municipal laboratories Cleve land It-ui he munit lpal problem in the biologv course. lndlanapoll has a course In "community arithmetic" in the elementary schools. Vocation al education and achool hygiene b- n ,.ve civic phase ( Immenae Import ance. These and other practical mat ter in cllixenship training will b carefully examined. In annouoiiiig the bureau new work Commissioner Claxtnn point out thut in Ihe larger aenae all edu cation la really education for citixen ahlp; that not only la rltUenahip training co-extenalv with effective education in general, -but that "Ihe finaj Juatiritation of public taxation for public education lie in the train ing of young people for cliuenshtp." l-uoii nuroiiMA. following m year whist featur waa an economic disaster In Ihe form of a killing fmat, aoul hern California la now being flooded every week by pour. Ing. deluging. Inundntlna. (wumplng rain whhh nr washing the on hard away, destroying fancy home and eatntca, btirallng storm water drain. ruining atreet and covering th Na-!) lion I'Imv ground with a coaling of ' yellow mud. We ayinpnthixe with (out hern Cull rornlu. Thin I too much like rubbing It in They are an Indomitable aet of boosti is out there, however, and! the Hoilthland may be expected lo emerge from It bath a smiling a ever. Meanwhile no sinqly do appreciate the goiilun sunshine and Ihe clean, ex hilarating dryneaa of New Mexico. We eotil.l us ouite a lot of that Call forma rain water on our form with out Impairing the ell mat a particle.. However, Ihe farmer In th valley of the Nile of America ahould worry. He I Independent of rain, and rec- rd breaking .now. on the watershed promise plenty of water fur Irrigation in the rippling Itio (Irxnde thla aprlng THK MKillT Ul WIIKKIiM. The history of the evolution of lo comotion aa well an Infinity of other t tulle of the keenest Interest could all be centered In Ihe wheel. Without wheels we ahould have no watches, no aleeilng at sen. W should be una hie lo utllUe Ihe water falls n motor forte, nor ahould we have hundred of other thing of the utmost attraction and utility. All our modern clvlllxatlon ha come lo ua on wheels. All Wu know u bout other countries, all Ihe com merce we have established throughout the world and our mean of wealth w owe to the wheel. It I difficult lo Imagine what the world would com lo If auddenly ull wheel van ished from our mlds! No war, no famine, no revolution could be one hundredth part ns effectual In putting u back centuriea aa the luck of w heel. The romance of wheel hug gone, never to return nguln. Wheeia are now looked upon merely u aceea sorie. whirling Indifferent Iv, faster and faster, hut practically ignored. Ml AUK TIIKY ALU AI4i IIAMDITS. The recent performance of General I'ancho Villa In abootlng down in cold blood a weulthy English ranchman who wu ao audat lou aa to proleal aguinsl the nil .atlon of a million dol lar ealale ought to lie a pretty convinc ing demonstration of Ihe futility of talk of a "constitutional government" In Mexico. Villa hna proven that he la the prise bandit and murderer of the whole bunch; und the line of demure- l hm tsMweew fedeittla and rebel 4 a hair-line, ao far aa respect tor law or order or humanity I concerned The I'nited dates la not In an enviable position in the role of moral support er of the cuuae of ('arrant.. Politics in Poety lly K. E. Riser. "I cannot vote your ticket," said Ho ratio lexter'a wife; "I possian no wish, my darling, to en gage in futile strife. Hut I cannot vole vour ticket kindly make, a note of that Kor I was born in Dixie, and dad was a Democrat. i "I have studied men and measure, and I think I understand: We will have a higher standard when the women rule the land. Ilixaca shall no longer sway us. we've made up our mind to that: Hut 1 cannot vote your tltket; daddy waa a Democrat. "Principle Instead of parly ahall be come our rule and guide; Old. moth-eaten prejudice we Intend to thrust aside; We will have no niosabaek aiwler and no ailly standing pal: Hut I can't support your ticket, f'r dud wu a Doguocrat. Ienrest. I reaped your Judgment, and I'm glad to be your male; You For Hut hnt virtue that should cuuae you lo be named among the great; I wan born in Dixie, and dad wa a Democrat." I'll have to vote agalnat you let that trickle through your hut LITTLE BENNY'S NOTEBOOK ' " 1-r-ri rAI r-' YE8TIDDAY aftlr supplr I (tuck my fliiglr in the appel pie wen thawt nolaiddy waa looking, pop looking without me knolng It and ho ed terry lowd, lleer, heor. Sir. I sed. Hiking my finglrs -erry kwlck. i"' Ihene anotnalles under th a You will pleexe reman In th umptlon of Imperfect Icoatatlr ad house tonlt. yung man. aed pop. IJuaimeiit, vertl-nl heterogeneity of preevyu Intrnahln and ingagements ,lh crust, and vnriatlon f depth of to th kontrary. .eompenaatltin Th geologic rel. O pop I aed I 'Ion suggested by Ihe map show ing You herd ii, ultermaylum, aed pop, go up In ihe setting room and do yure leaslns. I I did my It-saln. I sed. Then do the in agen, aed pop, a In twlae- dui. I weitn X In th hook, O. O. I .ed. and went up In th . setting room and opined my hlatory ' i.u.b .,., , ,. . ... .... naole. .nj . f-- .i'T.. ' ..T. . L" . I liar waa a nolx out !n th streat. - JABS I IJ IN IK" TUB I'OWKU or th Dollar keep on shrinking, the aubject of a terrirylng cartoon by King In the Chicago Tribune. A Consumer Ii aeen carrying In a bushel banket full nf coin to buy a two-Inch beefsteak; a kind pedestrian drop a (hovel full of dollar llilo a blind man hat, urg ing him to go buy a cup of coffee; a wngon load of money la used hy weight lo pay the rent and you hav to drop a tomato ran full of coin Into th telephone alot In use the long distance. (Vmfuftlng. our language seems quit contrary itecaune ll'a Inconaident. very; S maM fruM 1. . I a a. . I a lnl o man fron ,, no, , h,. C'hrlatlan .wvtence Monitor, ) A man from Sweden I a Swede Hut a man from Ceylon I not a need. Houston Dally Post. A man from New York a New Yorker, And a man from Troy a Trojan, riot he from Cork I no corker. Nor he from Am boy a mho Jan. Birmingham Age-Herald. It a guy from Spain Ii called a Span iard The man from Maine must be a Man yard. Mutator Strabiamug. From Norway come the Hlontl Norwegian; Hence, from De Moines. The loweglan. ' IT 13 MAID there are now over II. 000 publication In the U.'.lled KUtc Some day we'll have to take a. Uy off and read them. A MAN wu arrested In Texa for breaking Jail forty year. ago. What' th use? O- FASHION NOTK Mr. De I.uge Cropper, the celebrated emotional ac tnrlne appearing In the aeneatlonal proble-.n play "Half-past Sex" ha. hud her career cut hort L,I KK McLuke any that tha skele ton In the closet generally wear a akolu AFTBR A 14-year-old Prince ha had one experience at puppy love alio Imagine that th !tory of Her Life would atartl th world. V, i", , , ,-,, in i n , -d c. and wnt was It but my cuxxln A (tie yelling for me to kum out, saying, llelo, llenny, helo, Denny. Aftlr Artie had yelled, llelo Benny alaiut IS time pop ruttlled his paplr, nnd aftlr Artie hud yelled It about 10 times, pop ef. For th luv of peeco and hominy, go to the frttnt wjjid.gand tellJhat 0 horse powlr eiijln of noir.e you kan go out. Wich I did, leenlng out the Jnd stoury frunt w lndo and saying. I kant kum out Wy not. aed Ar', and I aed, O. no spe.hil reesln. Then T went back and startld look ing at the hlstery book agen. tern Ing to anuthlr page bekau l was tired of looking at that page, and prilty soon thsre--aa anuthlr noise out frunt and what waa It but Tud Plinpkinn yelling for me, saying. O Henny, O, llenny, keeping It up till pop sed. Kunfownd It. wat in this, a preer ranged pint. No sir, I sed. its Puds Slmklna. Well, let him yell his kust Iron lungs out. sed pop, and startld to leed agen, and Jest then Johnny Wlllson. wlch I cood tell him hy his voice, awn akkount of him having the low deal volt e of eny of the fcllo. startld lo yell, oo hoo, Henny, oo hoo. Henny, and I'udn Slmklna kepp awu yelling, o. llenny, (1, Henny, and both of them togethlr malt a prilty lowd noise awl rite. Aftlr they had bin yelling about i mtnlta. yelling lowdlr eetch inlnit. pop sed. Benny. Sir. I aed. Oo out and tell that aggergayshln nf side sho barkers they are luner- tlcks. and tlont you dare to kum bark agen. aed pop. Yea air. I sed. and got my cap from undlr the sofer and went out. and Pinls Simkln aed. Are you deft or wat. weve bin yelling out heer for about an hour, and I sed. Have you. TIIF. KHTII H IMTFTUOH , ItlrXailM tilt SPECTLATIOM A strictly clentflr contribution to knowledge. In the form of a discus sion of some nr th result incidental to Ihe trlHngiiihiion work don by Ihe Coast and fiodtle survey. I I presented by ( !r.,v Karl Gilbert, of the I'nited State geological i.irvey. I in a horl paper on th "Interpreta tion of Anomullc of Gravity." re cently published by th geological 'survey aa oart C of Profeaalonal Pa. per (S. After stntlnu th annmallea of gravity, which nr also expressed graphically on the map of the I'nited State accompanying th paper. Mr. Ollber, discusses th Interpretation (,,- poaiapiiie U'Siriiiuiion oi in an omalies are next vet forth. Th apeiuhttiv natur of thla dent If ic cm rib ul Ion I well ex pressed by Mr. Gilbert In th few- sentence that Introduce th section diacuanlng Interpretation hy nurleal h,,,r''''nelty: 'nnr rth I. the Inallrnaht Mai ground of the Imagination. Onee nr h' ho"'. P"-n Of di- em'ij,,iii si.irii I Jiter Symmea vast habitable hnHa fril t THE SOLAU PLEXUS By TON lONSOJf. finch I-ock. When ended la tho daily grind A Wearied gent Turna homeward, but. alas, to find Th cook ha went. Pittsburgh Poat. And mor than that, tu find a much Distracted dame Who tell him (don't It beut th Dutch!) The gocfla hsve came. Boston Transcript. Put wifey always find way. You can bet. And ere we reach another dny All haa et. Fallow, Nevada. i t on wifey we ahould not reflect A single lick; Unl followed then a strange effect They've all took aick. THKY SAY there' money In rain ing alligator In Florida; but then run II, th ordinary man doesn't even know ihe right Hm of year lo plant alllgutora. CAHNKOIK Is another fi.Ouil.uuO nearer dying poor but he has a lung ways to go yet. O- IF JOHN 111'I.L merely Bay, "I'm nupprised." und threatens to ship Mexico on th wrist, we shall give up. WK KNJOY IT When on of our leading Saalety Queens fluffs by with all null set and nose at en angle of seventy-five degreea and attimp. her toe on a wart In the pavement. WHAT we never could understand Is how anyone could think he has l work harder than we t!o. They all do. HOW OLD 18 Ihe I'nlverse? sol emnly asks one of our valued ex change Personally our memory I Indistinct on the mutter but we know a number of ladies in Ihe city who might answer t'.. question. HOLD HARD would you strike an Invalid, mudain? AltOl'T TIM 10 l end this Vlllu-ny. O- HF.FKRIUNU to the Mex. U. and nut of course to thia Colyum. THI.-t. however, being a good place, surtorlully speaking, tu clothes. -, i", r en , , -,--, a n r ,i n ril empire, concave like the world of Koresh. Science now claims exclu sive title but hold It chiefly, for speculative purposes, and the free dom of speculation practically ro ognltes but two limitations: The In ner earth Is dense, and It Is rigid. As to all other properties opinion la untrammeled. '"It Is my own vTcwUmt' the Inner" part of the nucleus Is not merely hot but very hot. If th law of com pression by pressure and Ihe law of expansion by heal, as we know- them at Ihe surface, apply equally to th tiucleua. then the mean temperature of the earth must be enormous In order to afford a mean density so low as 6 . An enormous tempera ture Implies an enormous store of heal." 00000000 j Indian-Meal Doughnuts I ImlUn-Meal Huugliiiula. Threl-fourlhs cup milk. 1 4 cups very fine whit corn meul. I 1-4 cups wheat flour. One-fourth cup betler. Three-fourth cup sugar. 3 eggs well beaten. I teaspoon cinnamon. 3 teaspoon baking powder. I level teaspoon salt. Put milk and meal Into a double boiler and heat together for about 10 minute. Add Ihe butter and augur lo th meal. HI ft together the wheat dour, baking powder, cinnamon, and aalt. Add these and th egg to the meal. Holl out on a well-floured board; cut Into the desired shapes; try In deep fsl; drain and roll In powdered sugar. Torn meal, because It requires long cooking. Is ecullarly adaptable for preparation In Ihe tireless cooker. SEVERE POiasiCIBIT CI t!rs. OtppeQ, f Tit Tears' SUi&z, ReHettf Ij C&rrliiL . Mt. Airy, N. C Mm, Sarah M. Oiai Prll ol this town, tav: " guiiertd lot live year wtiri womanly trouble, ahvo slomach trwibleg, and my punishment u mora Iran toy one could tcli. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me eny good. I read one day about Cardul, the wo man's tome, and I decided to try it. I had not taken but about ttr. bottle, until I wat almost cured. It did me mors rood than all the other medicines I had tiicd, put together. A'y friend bean iiVIng me why I looked so well, and I touf them about Cardui. Several are now taking il." Da yon, lady reader, tifter from any Ol the ailment due lo womanly trouble, inch at headache, backache, tidesche. Heeplctsncst, and that CvciUttingly Lied feeling? II to. let in urre you to give Cardul i trial. We Icel consent It will help you, 1ut at It tuts a m:iiioa oilier women in ue past hail century. ri?lri taking Cardul to-day. You Won't lfTet M. AJ (UuigitU. WriHH- Cb"iKc Msttidn Co.. tatiW tdooo. i Ixpt , uiwic.i l.n., Iu i.t J-uiiat -i rour bM and S4 ! Bos. hui 1iMat nx Wm' w d SIMM. tC iw Also, like sll finely divided foods which are conked In water, It can easily be brought In a uniformly high temperature, and there Is no danger, a there Is In cooking large pieces of meat, for example, that some parts will be cool when the food I put Into th rooker. Th large amount of water with which II la combined 1 also of advantage, for water hna a very high specific h'-ut. and for thl reason cools off comparatively slowly. In cooking corn meal In the flreless rooker, i hours at least should be al lowed. A recipe for corn meul mush made In the ilrelesa cooker Is as follows: I cup meal. I teaspoon tU. 4's cups water, milk, or milk rnd water. Mix the Ingredients and bring Ihetn to Ihe boiling point. I'lace Ihe pull In the cooker and leave for from 5 to It) hour. If th pall holding the mush Is aet Into another pail of hot water before being placed In th rr t. . t v- t , 1 ; Commercial Accounts This bank invites the commercial accounts of ail persons who have business transactions involving daily deposits and disbursements. Its facilities for handling; accounts of this kind are unsurpassed and the increasing volume of business passing through this bank is proof of entire satisfaction on the part of depositors. You are cordially invited to open a checking ac count and to make use of the facilities afforded by this bank. i tfuy- t'.rJlK KfJIay t NMjrei Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lurnber p iiiniiai Tmm------vrkrvrfssj 17. II. HAH!! GO. l!aTJtM-Bet tojfagj MJmla, PHONE II. ae For strictly nigh grade California Red Wood Shingles, Teiaa Flooring; 4 and (-inch Natlv Whit Pin looting, H-lnch Ciar Whit Pin Celling. Ruberold Roofing and Building Taper, try CITIZENS LUMBER CO. Phone t:o. i.frr them ncritK roi it skxt iuu eoo h, tuA. "ftt1f tit tttttttttttttl Baldridge Lumber Company I Evreything in builders' supplies. PARIOD roofing with a 15-year guarantee. Sherwin-Williams Paint. Z ess socTii rum. Fee's Candy OUR TEMPOlilliY SALESROOM Is Now at 325 i First St. Owing to our present limited quarters we were compelled to warehouse the bulk of our fur. niture and in order to reduce our stock, Removal Sale Prices Still Prevail ALB ERT Furniture, Carpeis, Draperies and Stoves. cooker, the bent will be retained bel tcr, but whether this Is ntresnry of not depends on th eltlilinty of the cooker. Th new bulletin Just Issued, which gives these recipes and other, Is en lilted: "Corn Meal as Food and Ways of t'slng It," and mny ne hnd free upon application to tha United sttale dcpiirlmeiit or aarlcultiirt' !-'-' I yOUE POLL TAX IS DUE 1 roll tag for the city ot Albu- f qunrqu la now du and pay able at th Cltlsena' Dank, i Third street and Central avenu, E. W. TENNENT J Clerk School liumrd. iM.'.i. , i on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company CCRR1LLO LUMP OAULUP LUMP OAIJ.UP EDO ANTrtRACITR, AL.L HlRS - ' KmfAl W-alMIrOl t BRICK AMU FLABTKKINC LIUR SANTA rB BRICK - ee - 4- 4,4 ttttttliitaeeaaataaaaaaaa i WWWWWW- W'WWWW'WWTV- -r pnoxB os. Z Store FABEIX. ai