Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING IIEHALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, MALCH 2. 1014. Aztec Fuel Co. TWO. MOT ME IIOTJIE STOREHOUSE Kt Gallup Stove Coal Cleanest Coal in the market. PHUNB Ml. l..tli ll' llfl'r a i i "i '-.lid ilt u t iti tcin im i .1 I Ml I II-. Mm, v i ,lh. Willi MII.W II I lilll I ..h .111(1 I 'hl lll. I nil- till' i'! i ii ii i i.iiih i Kin. wiih lower Iiiii- "li lilli' I HMttii'il iilnl KlJf .lll 'I I li.i.thll im II,, I..III ,t lur li' liit. hi in N i i Mi k ii 'i. Sio Im l.ri-t If). in- i . ' !. . .Mm. h 2 -A hni v Ii II lulf :il. 1 hi i.ilif hutil lil .ii.ii i., ii in we) mill tncltltut I 'I 1. liilmli l.lii( I'ui-nlwi'il. Ti ll. . ill !. In. i M.,:. ,i - Tin- hlit- ;-..ld Will ll I.i nan ji-Mtrlda)' nil. I run I.I, I.-, I Ii,.hkIi III' 1 1 1 W 111. Illillllll III 'l.i. Tin- i.iiIi-i.miIi. ii 1 1 1 1. - h 1 1 In lie lln v .i i .'ifli uiH. bruin mure dm in-il it. Hi, ,n in nnv Mlmm for I'.-tir ili'.iiltH were in.rt'il In Hum .lit illicitly doc In ihc mi, Mil. V,,,i.ln,ir u 1 1 m-iiilicr tumuii, on y Ii i- Hutu- or fiiii - Ii -II. Inn tin- 4,1- l.ll.. Will. I ill. III. I II I .... 1 1 ., . Cuilni.ul iintlii- nil i.uili ihc IVnn uli.tnl.i and Iti-mlmic IiIii-ii hum pr.ic.- I I it H ni ii Un tnl-l ill in (In. rally pall 'I I In- day. Ni 1 1. 1 in hail arrived here ,m-w Vol Milne I.iki nUIlt lllnl III III im nlli-iniit waa made to uml ii.iiiih nut l Hi. ii cu. I'r.i.tKully mul mini- In th in. Ilu. I' ll.- held wciu abut down, il in to lllf .I'll 111. Two iliiiiliM were i ei'inied nl Hcran I' ll- ". II. Wn.-clork uf Cleveland, 'IHm, nut ut -1 . i . ii i .- while letill ning I. Ii im linli-l from ihi- Mintluy :cvivai till 1 1 1 1 M in .iiiki iI). .carlj .Mm pel mils nili' in. ii 1. 1. mil mitlit in til h. inl.i , titlii i nai li. nl i.iiiIihi, nil- I. I'll- t'l Kt-t llMllll'. m-itiv. Mm in i,i iiiti r. .ii-liiiiMii.ii. Mnirh a. Tin- hi-x-r- I'M Minim Of till' Wllll-f MWIpt the .Xtlautir I'tiaul 1 1 il t nun Kant h.i t, M.iiiii'. In Savannah, c.i , win lr a tulii wain lollitiif down fi-iim im. great I..I.IK 1 1. null) ovi iiiii'.til thi- A I In in lo mi.ium :m Ihi- Mouth ,m Florida. l,uw- hi icinpt raturca i'i-r n i nrdi'd In Ii m ic rimM.riil In ( 'liarli .Hun i. n.l Mm im mid i.tin-r point in the r..'it IiciihI. Outerlng fiver unlit In rn .Vi a k.liKlMlld. the nli.l in hluUKllt lu.nv mii.hs mirth i.f Maryland uml mill wtmla nil iiIiiiik the Atlantic i ...i.-t. Nil murine diraNlcra hud been I. I'. Hi d. TOKER EQUIPMENT HID UNDER BIBLES l la-aned Wire in Kvenloc Afraid. ' liiiili v. I'olo,, M.nth i'mprrty ..i.i in Imi ii m. .it'll mill ii rum- J il l,'T l-.,lll,lll III Will, (nlllld lu ll. iv hi nilhi-ra who Kiiii-rlied the In. in i i.f V. s. Tipton, iiri'i-fili'il yi-B-iinl.iy ( luil .-tl wild iiuiiinrfi'lliiiii. 'lit.. H'nli-ii k In wile ni r.-i.-il undi-r I -ii I'-" uml H'Iihiiiiim ....ii,ilr(M Ac i. r.hnK l.i Ihi- iilllii'iH. in, .11 i.f It bl--'iik'i'tl in J. M. I ' i nl Kviiim, u M...,! i.,wn iii-iir hi-if Tin- iilli-hl ;n ma, I,. I. ItnWlmid K. i.'.l.l.ntl. I iiiii iI Stai.-x M'i'i'i'i M-rv. i iiKt'iii uml iMu iIrt M. Afi'.-. V .1 M... Ii uml J. v Unki-r. iiliim .1 il'lj. Kill H.ijiii u hi ,ii -1 ti - hi w ..i 'li.i,.n who win- iirii'Hiiil in ( mi- " '' win ilii- nlli'ki-il llufis, di'- ' 1 Km w .il l'lii.ii i-uiintiT- 1 m.i l'.ll IMIIC o nlililltf In till' "nils K II in In, III. i Unit . uml li-iKl-l h id y Hi. Mutliully ri.hl.l'd u ill.. Ml..ln Mln If lllll.-. Correct models in Dresi and Street Hats for spring now ou display. No opening this sea son. Ferguson, 109 S. Fourth btreet. Chicatj Mill & Lumber Co. General Planing; Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 Your Floors. Put down Con fcolum: it is water proof and v ill wear for years. It takes the place of oak flooring For Rug Border and Flooring. Water Proof. Wears for years. V.ith it you have an Oak Jlojr at a minimum cobt. j Strom Bros. HOUSE FURNISHERS SECOND AND ZZVTZVL Don't Paint Congolum TO TESTIFY III TRINIDAD Congressional Committee Garbed in Slickers and Boots Explore Depths ot Delagua Mine. tj l"ril Wire lo lnunt lli'rnlil , 'I i iiinliiil. ..!... .Mm, Ii : - K r I 'nMllt.itl. i.f IMIllinl f..l I III' I lilll d Mnir Wi.ikit" nf A iiii-i i. n . Inil.i' tl-lliM. .11 ll Willi. Ili'W I III' liil.l mi Ihi ii.M'iiimiii-i' nf "M.'llii i ' J.-inr hi-. I..ri' ilu. i-niiKi'i-i-mniiiil im im 1K..1 ln I'Miiitinlli'i' l In X lln ti'Mi iiiiiuiv nf thi- iiKi'd miiiHi Ii'.hIi-i will In. In kin in I H'tii i I Thf i i.iiiitiiiitf liuil . In ii n.'il In Imu Sun Itiifni l Ii.imiiI.'iI Hum hIu i 111...11 m Itili-rtU'W M. .ilni .Inni-M. At 1 hi' linn' 1.1I fur lln Mil' I" 1 hi" IimI'I'"I MH' 1 hi I ini'i-tiriic wiin iiilli-d nt w Im h Mr, I'mmIIKIUi Wltlllll'I'W llIN l'.lIHt. Hi. ia. 1 N II kill". Mi-nmr i i.iiiim. I fur Hi.- Miii. Wmiu.-im ix ..i mid 111. it tin ilinimi- 1.1 im.iii iiiihIi. Iti'i-.iiiMi' it HUH fl'.lll'll till lakllltf nf lI'Mllllintl III Ihn hiiMpltnl iiiikIiI illlillil'l' Willi Ihn hiilii'im t-nritiM irnt i'I'iIimhn IiinII luird fnr thi- rilfuiT nf Mmln r Juiii-h. I.L t'KIMIX l, t' l M ltlKI! W Alt I'llM IMI II 1 'hIu.. M.i nil .' - All nun- hint in mi nmlnn nut ..I 1 1 1 . - rriciiil 1 0.1 1 Mlrikp niTu linn iniliiiiii'ii until ih. May linn in .IihiiI.i i i, hi I Dim llliirillllK. Till- rliai' Illi llllll' HliiMI- nf I.HIIIH Xaiii'iini-lll. .laiiirn lt.-ii lit im. mid lluhi rl I'hln ji. ill 1-111 In tm i.f thi. I'nltud Mine Wiirkna nf AiniTira, imaiiml whnin liilm niHlli.iiM 1 Im rx in k in i 111 1 r hmi luiii 11I11I BmaUMi- i.f llir tidlMiiMitinn of Ma jor Ii J linuiilituli. Jiulk'i' iidviirale. thf lii'inliiK on lln- 1 Moilur" Join's hiihi'in ruii'UM raBi. wire omI iiird iinill toiiiurrnw nun nlnif. II. N ll iw kiiiM. 'oiinMil for tho I'niii'd Mum Wi.tki'ts ill Mid Mpfidy 111 1 ion by the 1 uurt. 1 o;iii-mk t'.MM.uiti: 01 ri n or ii;i..i mini: Tilnliliid. Colo. Manh - I :!!-- Ki'iiiaip i lirm-M. I.miiim mid ."iitlii-r- land. of Ihi' hoiiw Nulii'iiiiilnltii-r In- M'MtlHllllllK I 111' I'lihirmln lolll llillli-IM , Nlilki'. today i'Xii.nd thi- lnhiKiiu miiii- nf Ihi- '. tor-Aiiii'ih mi Kind comimi, tin- liirm nt , ..ilm iiik i oi lkr in thp atati-. Th rnrmri'HMiiii'n li ft Trinidad i-iirly in Ihi- dn, iiinkinu' lln- t wilily-llilli. tllii hy nul'i 111. il'llf Thi-y won- iiii-i hi thi- mini' hy Hnpi-r-, iiili iiili'iii II. W. Si mlnraHM. whnui i-d uk I10MI for lln- Vlrtor-Aiiii ru an roin. pany. kaHliid hi riKht eye. The wound At thf mine oftli-e the ri.nxrei-Mini-l! w aM dn Mi d hy a dm tor mid he re were Miipi'lli-d with overallM. Juliila lM turiii il to iln . AvlMlant Chief I'm- mil ititnerM' i-.i.m. The ronKri-MNinen went throuKli Mi-vela! iiiIIi-m ol work Iiikh und Miiw at first hand the toll of the liiini lii. They Inli i i. w i d u num ber of the men, niii'Mt inning them re xarduiic workinu rendu lotm ami their ri'latlotiM with their employem. After the yiMii to the linn., the l .pi . mi iii.i -tlvi'M returned to ' It wiim Kenet'iill nnili l .1 1 1 lii hi u H not let oiih inllv uniiiinii. i d. that the Iim tummy nf Mother Marv Joium would be taken diiriiiK the Htti-riuion. COURT UPHOLDS THE TAX Duncan MoPhail Loses in Fa mous Denver Canine License Suit when Supreme Court Decides. (Rf Ix-aacd Wire to r.eulug llrraid.1 Uiimr Manh I - Tin t ik IK o a inuiih ipi'lm to I ix and inlleit a tax on doilM wan upheld hy the Ml.llr KU- . I ni,- unit t, ,.!., in thi- im- ot Inifi iiin Mil'huil ol I'eiiM-r. v ho hud lur ried It up thl'oiilh the JUr.ll.i-. lOllllty und dlMtiut iniiiu to thf hikheMt in bunal of the Ml iU- In .uli toiirt the hndiii h uiiauiHt M. i'liuii. who pio- loUMly hud aiiiioiiiii-fd that hi' would "rot In Jail ' In fine he would pay There wrir lwrlf typew rill.-n pane. Ill the i-oiltt M oplllloli M- I'liail aul In i nun today. II,. K.i ii- no liuiina tlen a. to wheihi-r he would comply it tin.' lourt a in di r. M1K ..MlJhMi:T II Wit o M T oi;; l. i: I'rnii-r, Manh '.'. I he iikh.mi.iiii nl ou iiiinea under tin- i'.UJ law will be on a hii mi. of um half tin- kiomm mid all the net Mi I in- ol the ore. nu.Kr a dm imioii ol tin mi. i It. Miipieuif ...nit handed down today. The iloi imioii waa wrllti ii hy Juni r . II. liab tii It. ('iiiiiilr lsiiiti Iti'iii.itiiliil. lii-UMl. Xliii.ii .'- Mi,, .tula au pli lllu l ourt today Mi nt bin k to the hiaer lourt I n n il 1 . 1 the boundary diMpute bi-i wi-i-n ti'uav and -..ii Juan i on n I lea with inairui tiona Dial II ha tried tn the i-ourt i.r either euunty but that un nutMide judue bu railed ill lo prekidw. The point iniulird la where Mineral rriek Join, tne I'n- coiupuhiire nur, the ontrntnuia of the two roiintlea hrliiK hanrd on two different piuiita uf Juiu-ture. The run una uppealiil Iiom the dUti'U't court iif han Juau eiiunt, where u ileriMina had bei-u rmdered in f our i.f that i niiim. wiii.Ii nw-r-tuined the boundary aa aurw.ed l-y tiate 'iifiiiei'r In I 'Jim. The diMpuleil teiTilory rontaiiia i'linaidrr ubla vulunlde mineial bind. Ferguson, the milliner, is slowing all the correct models in Dress and Street Hats for liing. 109 S, Fourth street. TO BE ERECTED AT ONCE Plans All Ready for New Building to Take Place o: One Destroyed by Fire Las Night. LOSS ESTIMATED AT ABOUT $20,000 1 City Department Makes Ef fective Fight Against Flames in Spite of Serious Handicap of Short Water. Kill- ri diu i d 'hi- mita I i- lulliim l Mii.ri hiMiMi-. mul tli.- kIhih, tn a in." nf riiiim liitv yrMtrtdiiy iifn rim.ui. i-n- 1.11I111K 11 I" mm nf III ll'.IMl - firi'iiiiin wiim kIikIiiIn injund llnii h' in, in n p,;.M!iiK i'Iikuii. ur thp uiiiki' mIih k nl ilii' pi.w.r pimii iiri- iii Ikimi'iI tn huvi. Mtmii'd lln i.!.ii Thi: firv wiim diMrnii'irit hy liniii' lirn ii.i. 11 wati hiiiun. MluiMly 11 Hi r ." n i Im k. Urii Ko m iiliirni unawi-r- i d l.y Ihp Mlmi r r. iin ii. und l !: u rloi k. a li'W imnuifa luli i. thi' u- ,,u,iIiim at I In- l'i-ntriil uliiUmi inn 011 th'- aieno. I ly I hut 1 mie I ho fire him apri-ad IhrotiKh the Month 1111I of thi- Mlori--lu.iiMf. in M.Ui- of fle Miri-uniM ihm tin- Hi.nla I f I in -filthier hud mIiT.,I The I'liitriil iiiKinf Htnrtid iuiuilnu ut the Hun I a 1'c hvdraiit, hut lha wati r ireaaure wiim Inn low for ef ff . -live nerWrr. Chief Klein had the en ir.tlf iliMcniiii. i ti-il and run to a i lly livdrrinl nulMide the railroad )uld lie mii Id nllerwarilM that the iliutiiiK" would have luiii Ii-k.i had the lin n not l.ii-n i'oiiiilled to mi ki- that i h.nik'f. The i- Iroin the file lo the i-ity hvill.uit w um mo fcrenl that null one line "nl Iiom wa aialhihle. Tin- lire m read to the north end nf the lillllitiliK while the tin-II w 1 i i haiiiT'iiK hdranlM. and at t::' 'ln f vh'ln ealleil thf 1 1 iKhlaiulM i oin.ali.' Into ai-rvlee. At 7 u'l'loek the Mton hou.-e whm a nia-.i of rintiM. Mild with the flreini-.i liouritiH water on the pile ull r of a Mpriad wns o cr. Tile llluhlalld iolllialiy hi-ld tip Hie eiiNt hiiiuid limit.'. I thirty minuiet with a hue nf hoMi' 11. tomn the tr.n k. A lallliiK pli ee of iron knoi ked ipt. I ri d IIiimmi I'm hi'lmi't off and vroye was knoi-keil ilow n by a lalilmf ladder, luit wiim not injured. The d. Ml rin 1 1, .11 of tin l.ii .:iu f'tn, in n way. plun. already imiiln by the railroad. A new utorehoiiMe. Iiiiluded III the planw for the new Mhi.pM. him I n il.Miuned. ami il will bf i-l-llMI ril.-t I'll at Oilre. IC. Con- lUTM. the Ki'ln'rill Mtori kei-pel'. WrtM hi-ri' Mi'ii't'al ilaM la.r Wfk imilir ruin with K. Ii. Hiewiiit, tin- li.iul tiion kei per. reuardiiiK the plmiM lor the tii'W MtorehoiiMi' Mr. ConiniM, who h'fi for KI I'iimii PMterdny. Im ii pi'i'tiil lo arrant!!- lor the immi-dlale e..n--irui lion of tin- new liotiMi- iihii li Im to l.e lnali.,1 I fin II f. i l Month of the Kini'Ial otf.ii. tnilliblihf. Some of tin railroad i.f ii. !..! i. I iiialid the dmuuue nt - fuiil or 1411. anil, but II K I dial of the Hlori-M. bitiK of braM uml .1011. im likelv to be aalMiKiil and Piun-keep. r tlnnliH J jn nun w'.ll n.M-r the damnge. SUNDAY SCHOOLS OF ALBUQUERQUE SHOW I ANOTHER INCREASE tf liilanre Vi-Merilav Iti-iu lu u To Inl ur 1 hiiii-i-ii lliiiuTri'il uml !. eiilr-liine. The Hninhiv . b...,U of Aibuuuer- iiie yi'Mifrday MlmMed mint her Im portant mi ill In iitt.'iul.ill. e. follow -Inir Im the re, in I : ! f'li'Mt Mi-thoiliMt J95; C rul Af- , ntle MetlinlilMl. 2 i : Cor.urt' K.i I l.m.i I. US: I'reMbytellall. Hold lllnl i Itrolidwiiy. 12; 1'aptlMt, Hi:,; KplMi-n-!pl. kJ. I.ulhi'l'iii. iT. total. 1.379. jimi Hiiml.iy. l st'..1: na.ii, IB. I Chuichi'M MhiiwiiiK iiiiium: Flr.t MethmllMl. la-litral UM-Iiue MrlHodlMt. , I'ti BbMerii.n. llaptiMl. (Jold and lliroudnay. The Im ki-m! Haiti whm In the 1'irM I'ri'Mlu ti-riun i hureh. 1 Correct models in Dress and Street Hats for spring now ou display. No opening this sea son. Ferguson, 109 S. Fourth street. INVESTIGATING ALLEGED STEEL TRUST REBATES file 1. rated Wire In I'teiilng Herald WuHhii.atoii, Mnrrh : lii an elloit j In UMi-ertain what foiitotaiion there may be for i hari m that the I tnifl Ktute fteel i nl poiution haa lereixed I diirin the IuhI mix yeuta illei-.ii li -t bale, from the i'.iIIiii.Im on fieiaht eharxea, I ominlMMloiier Harlan of the 1 InlerMtute (-ommer. e eoiiuiilMMlnti lo- ilay mumini'd li.nnl Uirnir of New I York mid W illiam f. itreen -it Iowa, nn m hi.Hf the .mute baMi-d iH tfMoliitioll eiiil Mlllljt the rominiltee tn in. ilii) into the a.thje. t. Albuquerque women wont need to wait for a formal open ing this spring. All the or rect models in Dress and Strett Hats are now on display at Ferguson's 109 S. Fourth St. Hudson king of motor cars 1 ime to think or those new Draperies. You have put off buying them until Spring, and Spring is almost here. You'll find all the new Curtain and Drapery ideas on our third floor; scores of exclu sive new patterns and many of them entirely inexpensive. Colonial Drapery Fabrics Every woman knowi that the name "Colonial'' itands for luperiority in draperiei. However you can't know until you have visited our third floor tho varied beauties of our line of Colonial hangings, Colonial Draperies come in Scrims with th: most artistic colored borders; in Cretonne and Chintz; alio the new Walden Kepp. Taffetas and Tapestries. SEE Construction Begins on High way to Isleta Forest Ser vice Commences Contruction in Tijeras Canyon. COUNTY PUTS IN $2,500 TO BUILD BRIDGS of the foreMiry Meryl',, un- no lllt eil irim moiluriK linn l"iiu) ei . ......... .-.. ..Ill 1... -I. ....... I ..n IK..' Koxi'lllliielit H atreti II of the Tljerai t-anyon road ihrouKh the fori-Mt re Meive. Tin Htretrh tuna fourteen mile.. In KiiiiiUiu ut ftlxu'a and endtnu at firUilh.. Work will he ciarti'd ut dilva'a. IimI wei k the atute fotre begun Work oil tbr Mlale road to Islrla. I 'ainx thi mule. pureh.iMfd ri-cent-ly from the rouiily, the atute tjanit Mt.'irlid in at the HareliiM, and the iilun Im p-iMlt the work a. rap idly llH poMMlhle. The foriMiiy .ervlie lum been til luted J:i"" a mile 'or th,. Tijeraa road work, half . which la uiuilaliln now. The real ol the auiii to be expended will be iiiuilil'le ufter July. Th euunty hua 2. t. ( u tn hand to be deyote.l to hulhiiim bil.litia in the canon, und the roudM Ij'jomii'Im aie mixioua to Mi-a that mom y put to work It ran he um d only for bridaea. but that mm h Work d to the a in. nil Minn of liuprm eniiulM will comfort Hi, p.oil loaiia etaiiKeilkta u lot. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY SCHOOL BOARD The rerniiir firai of the month meituiK in the city board of (dura tion will he held thi. afternoon ut 4 o'clock. Th- liourd t xpfi im at ttiia meeting to lit a contract lor llir at eel furniture ol the new huth w hooi luiililiiiK, wlili h Im In. lea the ixlui.ive lot krr i . i ii 1 1 ' 1 1 ii it t for the nii l and Im) a. ill . -.nim, rooiiiM nr., I f.,r the x 11111111-111111. Tin. di'-e-.ii!K ro larife and roiiiiiio..lloiia. i.-riip 1 1 1 r the veal and went tear room, of I lie) (round Ho nr. mid will be eiiolpped w nn Min i h ki n im n t ili -lent ly lnrae to hold wi ll., und pi-ramml belonKinK. of ..i ll llltill kiwi.. I atuileiil '1 li ii m-.i 1 rouiiiiu I.UMitifM. la tu i ollie I. eh. 1 1- In- boa : ii. Tu C ure a 4 old In One lay Tnk I.AXAT1VK Hll .! QI'INIVK Tublita. 1 rtir x .at a nliind iiiuii.y if it tailn In dire, f V. (il-ti)VK H nature la nn e'h tusl. lit. Hudson -king of motor car J " ...j- -r-f -ii -urn ir-.iniiiMaiiiiinii ins.' ii ll i -miiia-i i.rf .Iimiiihmw i mm iwiurfimri ir a. -M-r fli i rr- it 1 -i-m nun i ..-n ii- yi mTkmmm .i 1 'A . H j Vs m muni. an i'i ia mi mi i iiiiiiiiii mi in. .in. mi 11 I in jin M mi i n n in i 1 1 m B. fi ma in I n in m, i u ,i nt- imiunii mi m mpi f j 'tiaai miiwii Ir iiril J i.nn samii - iiiMi....aiiiiMiMiaiiMHiii-1 inn M - - - im m .... , . , . . i , mian mmjfJ, I I IMPORTANT m ! WORK STARTS ! TODAY WINDOW DISPLAY ROilF RACB OR KIDNEYS BOTHER Jl I -i Men! M-o Take LIu-h of Sulla I'efure I -mini! I'.iiiikln-.t. l'lir arid in Inrnt il p.. thi kld-hl- M. thei bei nice o eri. nt k.-iS , net MiuuistMh. lir-he, and feel llae lum;n ol lead. Tile urine hi-ei lin'i clolnl. the bladdi r In irritated, anil otl .na In ohllKeil tn aei'k relief hm or Ihrea titiiej durum thi- ni'-'iit. When tho kldneya clost you iiuihi help them llil.iti off the body'. uritioiiM waMie or youli he a real alrk perMoti Fhortly At nrt you feel a dull inlm-ry in the k.itnrv ri-Kioii, you aulTtr Irmn b.u a he, Hi- k I'l-adarhi-, dunclncMa. alomurh Krta .our. toliuue coated und you feel rheu matic twiiiKc. when the w.-allur ia had. Kat IfM. meat. illllK iota of watri: lau act from any ph.iima'lat Imir ounrea of Jud SaitM; take a tahieMpoon ful In a ttluaa of water before breuk fat for u few day. and our aidneya will then act line. Thi. fmnoua aal'a t made from the acid of kimium and lemon Julie, com lined with lithlu, and hna been uwd for aenerationa to clean (logxed ktdneya and alimulate them to normal actiniy. nlau tu lu-ui t alt .- tho atlda in urine, mo Ii n bmai r i a aoiirce of Irritation, thua emliiia blad der weakneaa. Jad Halt ia Inexpenuli c. cannot In jure: make a ilelmhtful i-flerveai cut llthia-w Btir ilrtnk which eM-ryone ah, mid lake now and then lo keep the ai.lncia clean and a.tne. Irua rimIm here aay they aell Iota of Jad Salta In folk who lie I it-ve In uieri-om-Inir kidney trouble while It I only trouble. TOO MUCH LEVITY LANDS LAD IN JAIL .fliT Tmi-iiI KsaimiU uf l-lla-rlj; or ml! in. MW.'t-luui Im Iiirua4 Itai-k In luraiHf. After twenty mi olid nf liberty, C.. llir Una Mrl.,hnii found hima-eif bark behind the bar of the elty Jul' ttUH iiinrinna It waa too much b-v-,lty lhat nippcil Mi-ilecliull a freedom in the bud. Me waa arrealrU yraterdu'. chnrs ed with araiuy. With lat llarrla, Hay Itol-.en uml Wl'l Cneiha, all ar ulnril hi fore Tolice J j.liie lcoru It,. Craig on the annie i harae. he wa releiiaed under a fmnirndcd li-n-diiy' aeiiirnce on i-ond:tion that h li-ai town lit oilre. The other three went down the Mtrerl wllh l-.'"'iil.i'll Mined and den. rum. tint M. 1 1, " ban pmiri-.l oulMldii I'hlif Mi .VHIrii'u i ff ce tu e ectile a paa Mi ni miii liitat Jo-iou-dy the while in the general direction uf the hull of JiiMMrc. Jinbte Craia" aaw Ilu- perfoi malice through the window i.f the lliletM oil I.e. It' yanked open the door in hurry. "Yooiiit fi-llow. rin vim thitik (hia la u Joke.'"' (i-ked the jtxlut. ' iHl Bungalow Nets For summer draperiei theie is nothing more sat isfactory than Bungalow Nets. We have them in both white and ecru in fishnet, Italian filet tand cable net effects. , in hiTe." Mi't.l'l hall I'lllne baek ' iiilniiM hi Mltiile. "The MiiMienaloti I in your i-iiae la mumji ndi d.'" urlinlv j nnnoiineiMl the JudKi'. Metli-i hart iwum put bark In hiM yell. FIRE CHIEF'S LITTLE RED WAGON SMASHED AllluiiMiblle Suffer-. In Willi riimr-ri.ilcil l arm Waicun llila MornliiK. I'ire Chief KlelllM nlllollioblle and n f ii fin wiiKiui nut at e'oiilh Su'im I aired mul W'ol f Im r nveiuie Hum morning. mid tradition wint In miiiuhIi iiiimnu other th ii.:. Il wa the iiutomol.tie and not the farm uniron that Muffere-J. I'ln f Ixl. ln wax ut the wheel of the niitoiiiuliil-, travcliiiK iiotili. Near Hilnr uenue he Mounded lua alren lo warn 8. I'. 1 in via, a farmer whi.Me place In f:vi mitea i.iilMide th city oppoMlte the 1 1 lo tsrande Indua trial mi In. o I. In ki p Mm Iron-t red tnrtii natron out nf the uuy. iuih wax drlvltiK in the ttanie ihIm took u IniMty look tu the r.-i.r and aw iiiik hia witm.n around to t un up K.lver leli liiie The chief t-pei-li-d Imv.m to hold ha ciuirae. and the fn nl of the ear. trnvellns nt 11 mil. nn hour, hit the Iron-clad rear of the wuaon. The Baa lamp an I the Milliliter nil lamp on the riuht aide of the car were, ami the inudau.ird una badly bent The wag on wat-n't een ai-ratcheil TUt: IT IX TfMK. Juat a tSfri- ut Alhuuuertio l'inlc Have. Wnlllnff doe.n't vf. If you in meet kidney biokiKhe, I rlnury trouble ulten luliuw. 1 loan a Kidney rill nr (m ki.liuy bai kiuhe. and lor other kidney ill. AH.u,ui-r.iio citlxciia ri.ilniise them. Mr. K. Kuurtiellu, 40 1 Suula llroud W'ny, A Ibiniiii r.U", N. M, ay: "I Iwi rei'omnieiuliid lionn'a Kidney I'll la lu liiuny of my frond and ar- UUHIiitun' e end they lime learned ol I their value. I.Ike miu-if, tiny all think huchly of them. r-omu year UUo 1 lined threa bolrsi of I'nan Kid ney I'll la BniJ waa cut el of pain In n.y back tliat liad troubled me for ' many year. I wa ai.o relieved of - rheumatic pain and 1 liava nnvtr been bolnered lo any extent lnre. 1 hold 1'U.t a an opinion uf Iioan'a Kidney illla now aa I did when I ; puhih-iy rerotiiioenilf it them aoma !) atrn. I haven't m i ilnl any kid . Iiey medicine .lure. I am certainly ! niHteful for th curs l'oun Kidney I I'Hi. made." I Kor kale hy all dealer. Price SO cent. I-..rirr-.M lihurii 'u., Iiurfalo. . New Yolk nla aifetil for h United Htate. j Itotitembrr the name Dianaand I tuktt nu other. Henry haul T'ln.n. :. Wait for the Hudson Ferguson, the milliner, is showing all the correct model in Dress and Street Hats for spring. 109 .S. Fourth street. Lace Curtains Some beauties in English Cluny mounted on scrim, white Brussels net and Duchess lace. Desirable Nottingham curtains at from 75c to $7.50 pair. LARGE ATTENDANCE AT LA TI-JERA GOOD ROADS MEETING llmiilrt-il riMiph- uf ITliillcl l.uili' r In Hear ftiuniii-iiii. Sa-Nkiii mi l sit- Ilu- I'ti lurea. Melilt.eri: of the (iouil ItoiidH uml other. interei.ti-d in biH.Mtiiii; l. t-ti-r hiKlivayM throutih thiM m i.- :i look pn.iiiit,ent parte in a'j .i I. a TiH-ra. In Tijeraa rnn..n. yr-tii lay niicrii. iiiii The in-el it. a in I In Jomi. 1 oiiiiiikiii-.'m llall. iviih c' Ullded bj 1 etl reMi.lint uf Ilu- . -till V. TI.e auo. I roil In ei nntfcliMlM wen A C. Van li'inw'. A. Ii. Mrmip. I 'r Ki 1; In- iifoloalft, N. M,' l;..... 1 ' 1 1 inn ti. John X. HtrumitulMt 1 i 1 . .1 iliuulc. T J l' I'n Mirv KliK-nei-r Jamea I. Maiten and Ma. i r I. K. II. Hellera. They left th.a i i;. at 14.'. u'l'loek. Iruvellliii III tin- i. m uf Mi-mmi. Van Jh-itine, Cuilahu.', MirutiuiuiKi. Hellera uml l aioain.i' Tie Journey to TijerriM took up un boor and a quarter. Mra. Hi roup, Cmbibuc and Mra. Hrriirn.iiiiMt ma-i the trip. Kp'i-i hea were made bv Mayor .-'el Ic'm. .Mr. Mullen, f'r Kirk und Mr. Ktroup The lutti-r explained it I road, pl.'tnrre ahow n wfth n protert IliK machine liy Mr. Van lalnar. The luiplla uf Ihe Han Aiitofii i" h'.nl. under Ihe uVrcctli.n ,,f ilu r teacher. Ma Cliiivn, .ana two mi Ii . tiniia, Joe Camp ouf of the rbii ilren. recited lAUiurellow 'a "The Ch'l-dn-n'a Hour" and a a,-x-.,eur old ,lrl wnij a verae of 'America." The party returned lu Albuoui riii. nl l:20. Woman's Beauty No Secret It all Ilea in the tare mIi. Lrnli.n-i upon heraelf and In keeping at bay thoce diiuC Ilia iiocullur to lur The il.ilinu: eye. the elaallc an-p ui-: the t leur eotnplexinn nner an i tn-l-uny orKaiiii- i-oiiliea. The uitreii. d expri Maloti, laanitude, headiu In m an. I in li t it I depiction are only lite I, 'I tula aymptuma. W omen o truu'iii d aliotihl tau l.ydla K. I'lnkhainn Vcn llahlr Compouiid, that Ml nilc r.-it ii-.i .. made fnuii roota and hcih and t. tore Iheir health tu a norma! roiiui tiun. SISNER0S CHARGED WITH WIFE BEATINlf I'recopua HiMii.r.M f MarDuex tnw ll. will be arraiani'il l.r..r-. .i,ll..H Jll.ilie OenrKe l:. Crm ut I o cluck . thi aflriliuon on a churxe i t w tie- ibfutin Mrs Hi.m.1,,. ..i,i.r...l ....... ph. bit UKainat her hiiMhand ri ilih.v and nh, i r,l u Hark r lu nii',i..i the I'harve. f Albuquerque women wont r.eed to wait for a formal open ing this spring. All the cor rect models in Dress and Street Hats are now on display at Ferguson's 103 S. Fourth St.