OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1914-1922, March 02, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070582/1914-03-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Reduce the High
MAKE more and better coffee from a less amount
of coffee. The old recipe for coffee was a
heaping tablespoon for each cup and one for the
pot. With an Electric Percolator you only need one
rounding tablespoon for each cup and none for the
pot. Come in between the first and the tenth and
let us give you a cup made this way. We also have
a few spring steel iron holders which will convert
your electric iron into a serviceable electric stove
Everyone paying their bill by the tenth will receive
one free.
Albuquerque Gas, Electric
Light and Power Company
Phone 98.
likely Lad has Graduated
From Featherweight Divii
ion and Sayi Us is Out foi
New Clas3 of laureh.
Carefully totlnij a nn' h w hii Ii he
In iHirylim with him nolely lor thv
imrpoM. of niukint. ihuiKn interPHt 111K
lor Ja k Torrea. Hurry lin-dp of ien
ver. Inner known mnler hi fiuhiliiit
iiiinut of I.lttU. Johnny Murphy, mine
lo town thin niornuiK. Ttiuii No. 3
limited him in wall nil air of rnm pu
pi l.le.
With Hn ilt. iKine lti i t t'onnum. ht
ni4n,iicer Thpy wpip nipt ul thp ti
tiotl h Murk Levy, HnireB u in of the
New Mexico A. I".
I'.ie.lp pin (he II rut ( inlnuipa of
hia limp In town nunm liir. . tor l'
to pllll thp lliltp of the llieellllK W ! Il
Torrea uhend from M.u. h ft In M,ir h
It. Hp wu 111 the extra limp in whnh
1000 pairs
regular $4.50,
nl 1 1
of Livi
In work himself lino I hi' pink. 'Hi ol
condition, lip waul to iut up Ho-
Ill-St fllilll of hill career when hp fill P
TorriH, nnil means to make mire that
hp 1m in con. In ion to kiw the fan n
mi 1 1 ii: exhibition.
"lill'lIP IliiD llll. ,11 I'll h lot p ' lu he
im Keen hiTf," said i 'minors. "Hi
hit h mt on up I tin will tin wciuht
run lie Ii.iihIiI hero heforo lie wan ii
bantam: now ho mixes It In tin lliiht
Wciphl .In in. .n. TIip funs will ki-p ii
lot of Iniiirovpniftit In him."
1(1. . ! will In xin I r . 1 1 1 r t k nt Hip
New Mexico A. t' n wiiiiamum tonik'ht
at H o i lof k, nnd thp f.niM tirp nil in
vited to drop In nnil wr hi in in n I'
ll..;!. i.liy r'oj.l Hii.l oiliir li.mil
I. Mill liiijn will in. in with hi in
Tulip la I'.itiMiiuinu hi' inilniiiK ut
ihr vymmmium. Hp will hoik out
ih.-rp thtn it I i-rnoon. It- Isn't woiry-
init i. iioitl the lilode ilimh to higher
pimllistic level. Hp in certain he hu
cv I ) I hill lieooss.il y In cause Untie
ntiuiiixh ami disappointment, nnil mo
nip U'.n l.-llimi r.
Thp ll,iiia won the firm imiup of
thp ap.ifloii cuter. luy Ht AuMoclutlon
park, ilefeutlnii n pu kcl team by .1
eore of 10 to 1. Tli" ll.ippy linp-un
nun voiniKiMeil niontly oC pterHnfl.
hut h feu new iliiy. ra kept p.n e Mlth
Hie olilntnra.
Red Cross and Queen Quality shoes and oxfords for women
$5.00 and $6.00 grades; all sizes and leathers. On sale Tuesday, 9 a. m., at pair
l II
West Central
Great Pitcher Closes at Mavlin,
Texas, Turning Down Flat
Offer of $G5,000 from Fed
eral League.
il'i l'H.tj Vtr. i r uiiic flpp'tl
Murlin, Tex., .M.ireli j I'hiiKty
M il lie ion today Kilned w ith the
Nf York Nation. il It t4..e team, ex
ecuting hia t'onli.ii l wiilt l'ri ii.ii tit
lipinpamiil ut Hip N'pw York el.ilt
MutlipWHon 'iiil h nj.l r.e.ixd the
I'eilei.il le.iKiie oflir of ii .".. 1 1 lor
three elili. tir,imu of t Ii ik hii 111 lu be
put. I In uiKancp.
When Hnke.l whiiher ih.re mm hHU
a poMlhiiiiy for him to 1 eiiHi.l'i' n
Keileiul leiiguti offer Miithewum re
lled; "X11, llolie. I have Hinne.l Willi
Hip illitn'i. Kurihermore the 1111
nullnc einelit of thp Kedeml Ipuuiio
tint they will no( try to Set plnjera
Vthi hIiph.Iv Imvt- bIkiu-,1 n tiie
ll'l tier." .Mlltllewaoti h.ihI lie did tlol
fepl ut lilieny to mnke 11 1 1 1 . lhe
It :111a of the coin 111. t Ahlch In It. id
aiui'eil with thp Ne Ym N'jiPip.iIm
Ji 111, 1 1111. r in illx.-iSKMiiiit the Fi 'i. i.il
Ir.iKlle olfer neelned lo indicate tllill
h - h.i.l tliilKhed in net i.tl I....K nil. 1 linn
111 Pallilblllun.
Tui'iia llituii hu.Muiii Intel'.
I'liiciiKo, Mureh 2 A il.tt offer of
niTT p
!.'. for thiri m,,,,iii,' tort a
manager of rt (-!. I, It It'.IKUC tl'.llll
v.tn wn.d to i.'lui-i M .it ht w sou nI
I lliv New Yi-ik i.i.u.'s i. I'resi.l. hi
'iilinoie i'f til Feii.-i.il lemur.
Tin- ,ifl r Mim in uli in n l. hi. i in
w hli li r. ml.
'Vliiihiy M il hew .401.,
"Mail.ti, Texas
''Niwapapcr rtlN slntn tul iltil
not lake FiiIi'IhI leav-ut nili'i- Miimii'-
l. lict in .111,11111. il with Kcdci.tl
ll'HHllM ClMK Ul In II". I 'v Will sooll he
"lu lined Hint we .ii. I. "I loiir-lluMi-
I will lp you ii , imiii ,, three
i io'iimoiih it milium, i ..f Kedctnl
league ( lull, $ 1 , ' in ii.lv . ii i II
kiiI imImi-Ioi v meci n.,. in New Yi.r.1
"1 It i ml,!) hi my i " n-.'. i r atis-
hit i "h l ..-.'n.
iKimiMli "J,t.M! .1 (ill. M. .(:.
' I t lit '
'illn.ore would i.ci a what i lull
M at lie W Soil would i..,i I . i 1 1 1 1 ho 1,141'
the offer Dili It i supposed Hi. ii
ri..klvll In thnl mint would he
handed ovrr to t'lTwiv.
Mure Mnftl-ej in I i'i.m-,,I.
The I'hlenmi clnh . iki two pi.. vers
In tlir sh'inlo ninro -ho ,',,.r.i
ll'l Kill' III 11 II .1 H I". It n;i I -.1 II" I ImliU
Iihi (i on. hi --J wrl.'1 in the
' IlutTnlo FciIitiiIh, In ex-change, the
lii. I, tin i In:, et ( il ii.t ,i,n, ins.
"iir under'-1 ml to '
, Hi.. (luints.
I., I" M pt'M of
ri.otlilrnt Ollmote
'h'irle. Wecuh-M-r
of il-c I I-
. . Weil lit fill V
I the I .'! li IT, I X
run .ii.l William U
!: i Ki.ii..ii,i w in
f r . w York to -,i
Ul-int unil vhltt ''.:.
i.inr M:irrlon pr m Led i-i tun
I'l r i.tt huve ol In i r ll.i- ra-
I i Ml"' it'.iml ninn-l i - wni' h urounl
I Hill I),, broken. It I" xperipd, loiii'.r
Choice Unanimous and New
Leader Declares Flatly
Against "Advisory" Conven
tion and for tne Primary.
(It 1tnMMi W ire m r-vPiilnit Hem 1. 1.1
Sen- Vol k, .l.ll , Il 1' llll.llli
( liiir.h itnlioi ii w.in . I. . I. .1 . lout i.iiin
of the I lent, I. I III le hl.,le . . .Ill III It t ee Hill,
,. 1 1. I 1 1 .... 1 ,i Klliee. i l).',i'(. M. I'. li
ntel .
The ote mih 1111 tl! in., toi. TIllH W.li
i he tit i hii'ii in tii,- ! i.ix.iniieiiilon of
the I lellio. nil le plllli ill till Htftte fo)
Iomiiik :l I". ent c.,1'1. ii n. p III V.ifll
nun n li. iweeii l'f "i. I. 'lit W ill," n mo I
ilovernor i!lnn.
In hi .i ec)i oi in . ptnii. Ml
iivhurn uriie.l the p. .11, to "iibi mir
Ii.l Ulihexiliil iimlV Milli the people mid
the pliiiinrl.M 1111, 1 in.,ke no 1 l'. mpl
to (leTellt the Hpiril ol 111.' I lent". Ill 1 1.
eleeil.-n r I. .1111. Tliuw hp ex preK.-e(l
h;x opitoMitiou to lie plan of lioliluiH
tin "Milvim.ri " I'iMneniitin to re. otn
iiipikI iiniliiliitpii l.e ih'Iih le.l l.y the
priiini i'Iph.
fii'i-nmitjr roiPi.ti ItiiriH-H Hill,
iihIuiikIoii. M ilch 2. liei iiiiiin
him pi,. lined .'iK,,i!t lite i.iimioii ..I
thp Iturnett ln!i 11 re. pure 11 0:1. nit
Khlpn to t-iiri'v 11 I'nltfil Kinti-H Ion Hli
IllHIipelor. The ,:eNlion of Molelelull-
ty over fnretuii hli In Involved 111
IiioIpmIk liy li,il unil Ueliii.inv.
Tin" I'litlj rr 'le-l.
An iirMde 11.11.1 he t ex, epi ini. ti
merit to atirMie lor 11 period of 1. .11.
Jpiira. Chiimliei l.tin'a t'oiijli K. in. .I
KtlrHt orfereii 1.1 the puhli,' In
I roin a am, ill hi uinnlmc It hun ci.,.n
in f.vor ti ml ;"piilnrttv until It hi
'iitiiiite.l a noil, 1 n ide repuiat j.in. Vi.n
will llml 11. .1 hint hotter fur 11 coiuli
or cold. Tr It nnd you villi umt- r
xliirtd n hv 11 is .. favorite utter a per
I. ul of more Ih in fort) year Ii .1
oiiIn Kiw rein 1 It eiireii. Koi .,.
I I v nil driiRUlstii
Hudson king of motor cars
Complete display of Dresn
And Street Hats for spring.
I No opening this season. Fe:
'suson, milliner, 109 S. Fourth
' street.
tn dm. w ho.n II
100 lha. corn 1
Kit) II.n. rorn h..pa 13
l'liotic iss-l'.v th drper
MAl'SIAllll Mlf.l.fl
Hudson - king1 of motor cars
l'or a tnxl. i ill 11 Maiiru. I'honc 17
Wait for the Hudson
i niu
Jl V
Eight Thousand Dollars Sus
pended for Horsemen on the
Southwest Circuit in Week!
of Racing Here.
adeitionaiTpurses ARE
Hiuuel piil en nnd le tter i nr. In III
ir.nrk the ri proirniiii nl the H'nle
Inlr nei tut. .her N'.. ! 1 1i ii ti ii -I-nil
In ptnvi'M will h oil. red. the
i.,nm i 1 1 1 1 llml riiiiniii-t mid hut
li. Kf hoi i' lime evr hud a eh. nac
to lll!ht lor at a Npw All'Mi n o'nle
Iii ml, III ii.il to thn fnttened pui-p
lo hp hmiK up thprp. the lour" of
hoim r, ii -1 1 1 k will n't the le ii.'f it of
Hie nit i hi 1 ion that lie In mi nhiiL'eil
circuit iitt.l a f.i ol :i l.le place in the
'h'dlih HolllP of the hent llornea
to lie no e.l III till'
Iii thin em. The
em will ho tlniw n
cirelrit 111. Illih" Hip
I'ltlew I'llevenne,
Colorado Hpi'lliKX.
Union. A!l.ii.iier-
lollowInK tittle
I ii'lll 1'. I'llehlo.
firaiid J 1 1 ii i 1 1. . n .
qttp. I'leBcoti mid I'hoi nix The fair
iiio. I'eloher r-i, Milt lull Kotlie
h re tv nr the ml, Idle of thp
( ll.'.ltilp.
H.irtieHH r.ic.'i will nhuorl. 7.""n
of the pin to , The nocini ton will
devote $l,loi(i to rimii IK rncen mid
..llier ptlT'w'.. will almost rertainlv he
lllnde from other wouleev
l'!ionl nnil l'tiraw.
The limn of pv. ntH. prl
, 'irils tire an follow a:
I'.lflV I'l.lMlltk' SIal(M-L, 1
a ml
t rot .
P ica.
f I .ion. ; U .".ii IT..!.
I I lien. J 'In pace,
I.,.'.' t'..-'tlu
i.iii; 1
1 1 .nnil.
1'nr-i : 1 1 trot.
".mi. fr.e f..r nil
r nl! pace f.tirt.
r..t I .. i. ii; fre,. f. r
,.. . I ll Veil Me
sii.. I ; ena 15
it'.l I 'nil; In pace, f'.lill
.-'p. i lal N M.'X.eo events for
hoi.-, owned nd in the Mate hoi
lali-l t lie i J one 1 'I I I ml iter Hill"!
hale r'MKl. .1 .11 "late of o Ml Aleil
not Ii-nn tlimi one ejir prior to Jutiv
I Ull.
I n. -tin v, th i. lM r tlili,
J I i trot llak i. 71 ilnil; 2:21 paPrt
ir.ilil; f ve-eiuhlh nil'e d.udl. H'.ll
Wiiltu'silai, Ik ioImt Till.
I' 311 paee ol ikri f I. unit; I XI
(rot I New Mevi. .. Ste. lull. $RDi;
ni'ii n eluln h mil,' dunh. I'J7.; four
and a half f ul loilc. IT".
TIiiiimIii. IhlolH-r Nl It.
J 1 pnei- iki.'Ici f (inn; I:art
ri.l iHtak") ll.tinfl. Alhu.uPriUP
deihv. nne nnd one elul.Mi Mule J27,l;
fue and oiie-ha!r t ut 1 1 mi.
I iln.v. N'ti.lM'r ili.
2H pa. e IN A I .Cpeitnll. 17.110;
free for all trot. Min, five eidltthii
mile d txh. I Ml
Siitiinlnv, Ikiolior I ill Ii.
I'rep for nil pa. . . $ .'.mi ; : I trot
I '.mi, slv mi, I ,1 half I tit Ionic flTiil.
'olldit-i.IlK XoMtlilim the PVPUM
are UK loi'ot.n:
"rinii' Mt.miiii.1"..
Ametican Tioinnu ataoehitlon riilen
lo u.iii'ir
I'tul.i Ihe new rule. a recr.l
mini. . 11 h..l.e In .1 race he ,1 il not
II '!!. M 'II he Ii.l h:li
A home thnl ti m not raci-d
iM.ii a race v. Ill h.
olid for ench year
allowed one ec
frotn the I line nf
lt Wllltlilur I'l, ' I '.Oir Het ondH II I -
lou'p.l on recordN made on tulle
Hacks i t. iik or Ali.ti.iier.iip half
mile ir-i.'k
t lllltlillilllv of TloHllta ntlil I'lU'lm;
Cnti i-i lor I ;. 1 1 1 1'loi. riK Kiukp
i lose June I i I, when lioe nuts'
h' iioin n.il.'.l mid :t per o n! of Hlake
aceoni pit n' noiiiiu.itioti ith l.' per
..nl iiddtioii ih riltttit I, if. re the
race Noitt' ttutors m:iv v' li Iri.
with. .ul futtli.r expeiiHc l. uiiin-i Ihe
HPiTeiary urtt.M n..t:.' n..l later
than A tilt list I."., lull.
i:mrs f.,r late f,.KliiK Kifiitn
. pt, niPer 1 i, 1 'i I I ii Io n tioin
i rui t i. . n itiiist he mndo with 7. per
cent of ptir-e end name i f luTm.
All Iiich I'l he ln:c h-ats. I.e-I
'luee In five ti'i, I. r the old yti m
llotihles r't harr-.i As..i.;,tt ion r
serve Hie rinht to r. i ct nnv i ntrv
iii In I off or ilia to." the older .1
prouraiu for :iii- ii.'.'d reason nt'.en
l' the speed comiiiitlee
The H.'or.'tntv li'll ni,,fv n'l noin:.
Ill .tot', of l.'.I'lv 11, iL.ee fCct... I..
mail hhoii'd tin v ti,.l fill mIi .i.,, li.r
Ih A llolse that distances th.
ii I t Is .ui' il .1 to first inottcv i.n'v
I 7 1
I Everything tot
Go Regardless
18 J& jHJl
Entire stock of staple and
fancy dry goods must be
closed out in next thirty days.
Absolutely no reservations
every item in the store offered
at a Scicrifice.
Sale Prices also Apply to
All Rear!y-to-Wear
The Model Dry Goods Co,
lairlv t'lo-itiK Sink,
i lit nefj of dil . n m
h.le e.h!
ci.1.1 to till
and lour to si. ut l.nler
IOvpiiIh nnil peclnl New
Kvout to hni' six ctitrii to
tour to start.
All purses .In Id. . I 7,1).
I 'loNiite
fill and
17, nnil
III pel (.111. ,'. per cent Hill II lolla I fee
i. Ill he (led n. l.-d from all money
oii.HiIoiim of Itiilliiinit Itiiis't.
No entrance fee will he l llaTKed
l ot 7. per cni v III he deducted fr..ni
hW inotie', i Imiers I'lttsi d! ido.l
int. '7i Mtid 1 per ceril
Entries f..r all riiiinniK riiees must
he in Ihe halldH of the pccr'-lnry ,(
7.::lll o'i lock the evetltnu hefore the
Ill n ii I. i iik entriiH the ti.ni.. of the
ow ner, the iiani. of the I... kev and
colors, the lliiiuc. aue and 'X of Ih''
horse n list he Kiven. folldillons of
lace govern weinhis to he carried.
The iii-o. latlon n , n.( tp.. rU'ht
to do. !are olf all r.ic, s that have nol
Ueen stalled hv .'. o i h tile laid dav
of lliei'linu
livery horse entered iintsi start,
unless il'i hired out l,y 1" o i lock ii
111 the day of the lace and 7. p. r lent
of tit.' purse must aciiimpiiny writ
ten il.'1'l..mtioo N'ot over teh
louses to itarl ;n miv one ra.p
It Is the ptivih ip. of the ni't retarv
tu em out anv one . r more horses In
. M'ess of Ihe ie,iiir,..i nuiilh. r to
start- tho ho-se that has nol started
'o hn .e pr. ier.-m e in er horsed that
have tttarl'-rl
Applications for I ill- must he
m id,' t i th" sccrctars, st'iilni; num
t,t r of h'-ries to nrr'i e.
The I'olt-.. le.i.t. -.( the f:l
lean ue. will howl the ( ' ,, ,lt (,
i.mimiiv team ti.nih' 'i iiiin r
"I til.' I'l, Its. in.i.u II,.' I- ..1
Ul.- hall. leap ..iill,. ,,! , w II h Ull
lrteraKe of I'f, f,,f ,,,.. .,.... r.illt
I 'I li Mol lc'll and I'a'la.!,..,,, three
jotlier iv.'ts, f.,!!,,., lint, in il r.l.-i
Until.. I. an, I licsrlilr of ih.- f. t.i. Is
I hi ! i h plaeP.
Wait for t!:c Hudson
Hudson- kins of motor cars
9 A. M.
si'unlf, v
Mcl at noon.
lmtnixi at Ion commitief i-oliliu.
U.'d i... tllv tl u l lie 1 1 hill.
.-wis li. I'nrK.r of New- York
pi'vaenleil aniendinciits to the ttn
inim.itiou hill.
Woman MUllrnu.. consiiiutioiiiil
nine ll vl in out diMcuHHcd uiiir all
UI1N1ICI essflll 111.. ell, . ll to tuhle
it. Two thousand petiiioiiM
mkhiiisi. Hi., prnfiihiiion i'i-iiiiil-tiilloii.il
aim lo Inn III receive. I
I I om ivelll t: k V.
-M.t iit n
I i.iniiilriMoii. i- l:l , rs told Ih'i
itiBiili.r eommittce nofhitiK tint tn
(P.i;ielidellcu would satisfy I'orlo
Kl- ..ns.
lllll passed xivinK I'ort Mi
ll. nry Kroiiudii tu Ilalllmorp patk
II. 'in V !'. of I'hiciK.i told a
committee ihe I'hi ak'.. lake trout
hill was a "ruilroud It ante up."
Itepl-esclll.lliv i M.llde lltol'keil
a bill tu pension widows mid or
phans of the Spanish war.
si. cretai'V llryaii cane lied hid
iik. no-mem to rxphnn the Mex
ican situation to the foreiKii af
fairs commute,..
Miscellaneous hills, considered
under linn nim. .im coma-nt.
Complete display of Dresi
and Street Hats for spring.
No opening this season. Fer
guson, milliner, 109 S. Fourth
Tha mors critical yovr
latte the more jou'l!

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