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TnE EVENTNQ HERALD, ALEUQUERQUE. N. II., MONDAY. MARCH 2, 1914. J t ll'll-l A & A i New Mexico's Picturesque Pueblo University BIX y uyi y y ISale Y V' L. llroin Ihf Kunlii I'p Trail Mitmiilin nr Mnnli: hy ti Inl 1'it iiiI--Ioii ) ('rumbling away )m iii iiHi to. Htiii ml wind nf New Mix tin. pen hi d mi Ull llUt Iniioceanihle point, gleaming amid tlio green ilel-1 of fertile val l , or ptunilliiK gentlnel-llke ii n wide plain, tire the r-trii Itm nf many hundn il of undent communal tl a I -llngn, together with Ihcir modem t' n 1 1 it the ningle-atory minim atructure i,f the modern I'm tiki In- TIIK tllnn. To riiiiiinemnrile th nrihl-teetut-e of thrnie often rulnoua ulul hnlf-f orRntlen Innitei,, in at t iiiui.iiiiii iil in th, r.i' wlu It lirnl Kulidueil the New Mexn an ilenert and Hindu It fertile by Irrluntlnri. there Ikih lieeit ilemwued it vtyle i,; c. nut ruc tion fur the university of hnt intn- iiimiweiilth whir i h li niiliiue In i he eiit- li lim uc of thu i To William Mirlll K iHlllllillKM. tieoiXf Tittltt, theft lie ni-rordeil ireilit fur lirt'ul.leiii, niunt the lil. 'a. utile ill luier iiiWHiil the l lilvelnlty of , v .Mexleo to Inn ome known na tlio "I'm iiln Ciilvernliy." The work of ilerniMntig buililitig which ahniild embody modem inn veliienee with the UK bile, lure ll-e. by the nlH ii'lu inli.iliil.inl i t thm land of lunnlilne and npaie w in. It la tnlu, ih lie by unoiher. Im to ir Tight tniiHt in. given ntl hniior fur tlie in ception of the plan How mil ma prop.iaiiln nun the favor of the . n -Ixelig may he Wi ll in. mm. il by Iho approval of the t nil. ins w hn live ntnl llinly In the building wliii h lire Its reaillt. IT. Tight In aitii't, dead, but the I'm lilo tpe 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e remnin. a nmii unietu nml a tntniie in bun. The prlni'lpnl plan wiil.h he had In itilml In adv. .urn the en . turn of hlllldHlKM of thia 'pe Wag In lall'i't- uale the nr lul if ( ,u ,, rapidly In exlini l. that ar. hit-" Hire beat aulted to the (i.iiiiiiy. whi 'h uffi '. .I moat advanlagia lor line m (he New M.xiean t'llinatf, with fewent dlnad Vantage!. To nfYnrd un ixatnple of I'uehln beauty to a k ptl nl ru ing hoard, lm had hi! own reaidi'lue, then about lo he built, emlnl r u.led neei, riling lo thia plan whb h he had , Hired in hi aluilie uf the iielii.a if the region. He auri eeded ill ( nil- in. ing- them of lt bi aiity and null- bilily. Follow inir thia tnnKl'ilo lciritcDta- 1IIU tlJUMil.VU IXHM IJN ,. ; i-h' ;.,- -i i ' .,?.,- ' : ; ' i ..' $ ..If, ' " 7 "4aa y-f .lllll. l Tin t'Wpt . linn nf In, tlit- regent nf the liiMituihiu In lsni uiH hni i.ed the n . linn i I t in iniinit r tn : i! I rur". Ilnkimn mill kwntnkil nf tin- him- genlcd li'. The Mill, t'llc Ml'lM'll name lined in ibi.-e who were In u ' hi v Hum, Kwiit.ikn nullifying M i ti ITn arid link,, tin lliiii.rlty M. mil ii. Mi tn-.-rsoli .which upic gcnt i bene name nilnrii the- fimit ol each I u I !1 1 li K. T'li ir 'i' wa 1 tti -mediate. 1 1 w- -.-- V .... 1 . . j" 4 St N DIl- i. l.t iil MDIll U Two year Inter, the Hilmlnmtratlon luiilililij m li.l no. I etilHrseil io milt the I'tK-lilu a. and Ik li.iluy the In hi emuuiili. (,f this 11 1 1 liitti I iirnl (!.. to he Inuiiil un lh n.1111 ii Thu rentral power innt had heen tmllt nri nnllliK to the I'ih hl.i (i nets. It I true, but wax hardly liirce i iioiikIi t.) ; rTind i.iioi r it 1 1 1 1 fur the nuiMt rt. fei-tn nhli'h are rhiiriii'terlil of thl type. Thin ltodi-y Hill, naund for th,. r.iiirul. r of the iiiHIIiiition, wan hiiill, anil thlH cuiriid in i-M iy di iall Till: WOM S iMillMIKtliV, JltiKOM, SIlAMMi "III the ren ii Inl tea of the alyle. Al uboui the hiiiii time, the flnlah Ing t.iii. li to the entire IMieldo ! t I lenient wa (flven by the nninlrui tli.n of a finlernlty's gecrcl hmber In the rxiK t line and alge of a "khlva'' lr J'ueblo eereinoliial llullne. tUi MI MOKIVL. - . t . The ntont unit ki .l feature of thin type nf liulhlltiK lire IK great urea nf wnll. it m.-iaalve Hpnenmnce, hiiiI the utt.r abm-rice of nny enrven. The hit ler ihnractertailc come from the tact thin Ihe I'n.-bh.a dlil lint underatuttd th.. hi. li principle, and never employ- il tti t in iter except Die trunk of tree lo rurry the weight of wnll ovit a i r m window. They tlij not erect building which had door upon thu llrt or ground Coor, hut thin t-har- nclerlHlIu was nhrnKiitcd heiiiime the tiuililim reimoned that too mu. h lime would lie loHt In traVerplliK hiddem. n did ih" micienia, or mnlr tty. n do the modem Pueliloa, In enterlim it huililniK. lioorM on the ttrnuuil Moor were ininle, hut they were numk- il liehmd hreniil walln. hidden In n llie and nlhi le rollrenled. Hint the general effeit of the whole might bo hi nearly like that of the m nll I'u fblo un ohiI'iU'. without Interferiiiit with the in iminry tonvenieni e nd . r r- Ui Li ncreaxlhllitv. Alihoutfh all the building are of brn k, they are made 1m reneinble the n.I, ilia or atone Uaed In thi Indian dwolllugg by the u of rement plan ter ii un exterior, while the wood that I uned fur pur hen, , er1 ',, pll lura and the like win all left un painted and lough. Time and the knlvea of ntudenta have mure reduced tin roiightien materially. To itdd lu the Indian Idea, hidden if peeled Ingn wele .undo and ptiiced iitiitut the hulbllngH. Needleaa to gay, thine oiti'ii nrtnid a nieang of iiitirena nfii r houin, when lm ated on the dor mitory building. The .i r t it-ii l.t r hnrai teriatl ' found in (lie iiiiUernity tin i lit i ri km ure taken more from the I'uehlo of Taoa, In the Hurtle rn part of the nta, than from nny i,th-r. T-m ha long been known a the liiime of the pureat -nlooded in m i inlniit of the aborigine, and tl.i lr biilPlingn are Junt nil purely d n. i iiili'd from the ani letit atone and toiiimiinal dwelling, whuh wa ma.le fur ili I. line a well a fur rei .Idi'il. e, I. ike many of the old In dian d willing!, mid like more of th riiiin d pin which today dot New Mi'iiui, the uimeraity I get upon bill, and lliln fa. I leem to make the put bin hi the inure llilllig lo the eiiiiipii and aurrounding. Snitubilli muat alway remain the prime neteaniiy for an hitet lural bea ily. mid tin the I'tiehln buiidnt havr for Ihelr liKainm nn the unl titsliy eninpu There they have, mile of rl'iii-e about them, mouiitiilu (or their bin kgroutnl and New Meg leo'a wonderful aky above (belli. Were It not f. r the fre,Ui nt pannage of atu di nig,'Kf.r und vlnitor. they might well he taken fir the home of gome branch of the Pueblo tribe, a. line t,tT ahon of the almi iginle. I'y ila light their loan i. ma efii i I of light and ahade, o-Jucad by th I ' many reeewvn. In, I, omen and minim, ireeenl tiiyriiid i..i.i i unit lea for .e. I ill en. Inn It U hi liixlll that their mil l..-n ut Ik mi. hi i Then the lll'ionllHIII lli-l lllllll out their tlmtloUH an.) Huh mill, rotemiue nil- h. uiellen. Acliled in the dnrk meen nl the tree v hi, h Ihem ntul the blue vil'.il or the :-. flat rm i'ii lln'ii their dark rev Imiee take on n ne- tiilttim, nii.l they tlntten Inln the liiiiilrnie with a tlinenit thnt iro ilnlnm their propriety In their nur i ..itiiiinun. Itiiiilj. howevir, in pro erliln My V'H km -ilei p, ihniixh In the nine of i l iiil.liiiu, It tin. i n.ii.1 tu he ' will deep" lliiiutr litre liiiililinuii hue. i oil t.. ir', I. nt on . Iiitiriiir.i win. li ii.'i.i i.ii t i.,,,iin i,n, nnihiiii: to utility would be hn: n liiine one. t'llllty wan. after adheritne to th, IK llin- ,if. th,. I'u. bin type, th to ii' aty failor in the . .null in I Inn of thi ne hiilldinur U I lure examl tiatbui, the mu Inn uf the Htrie ture Iro n the an: lent I'll.. I. In loilldinu ale een to be ninuv. thoiiiih none urn great. Kirnt bihouk thine In Inereimed heiKht, anil eonreiiiently Inrreimed ix to muliitnln the P'.i.'iiln propor tion. The I'U"1...h liulll low-eelllnued liiimin, partly from eeonomy of lulo.r, purtly from renr.nn of eeonomy In heatlnir. N'n choolroom elu uld he low -eeillngeil, ntul these urn not. rtehonlroom ahoulil !ie well lirtlited. thoiiKh the fUfbloa' were t hiny or windowi and eivered them with trnr.nliK ent .narehnienl. The roomii nil throiiKh there l.iilldlngH nre llhti .1 Willi fin 11 1 1 windowa plueed high In the wnll. but nd nulling nn iihundan.e of lithl. No I'nehlo huildlnii e er had ii hail or Interior;e. the roofa of the lower atnrlea aeri Ing to fin nwh n.inmunl. nili'ti betueen room nn. I room. Hut thine building have halla ;iereer needed True, the i. illd New MeXi.'o r'iniale innAen triirh thlt.Kn n 11 in 1 1 .a r in many mm a. an. I thin f.4 true, theie nie imne 1'ii'M.l. il Hut Pin bio details h ue been IIHI'll till lillKll.. Ill wlole nu . l.,e. An lllxlal if tin. lil th,- great hive- limped (lav iiiii in n.uiii nl I'vrry Pm-blo. i in tin linn i:i bii.lillnga ri ilci of thene are iif.-i! to , otii eal anlar heater mid Hot . age tntika for Ifi heated water Ho wllh other fen I urea. The fatnllini biea t wall la to om ilnarr or the atairwnva whieh the nimh in generation deinnnila Inatind of the nneii'tit bidders of notehed io-i. ntirior deeorutiona are taken flu n Indian pietot giiphn. and one iimtun o. that of the naM in'ily room In the lading' dormitory, in an exei piiinall fine one. In thin eane, Indian am hiila In i nlnr nre uaed to fuim a freue about the room. Kmm llrat to laat, the Keneral PueMo type of lonatmc linn and riign h.m been maintained, hut nil thoae th nga w hleh are de irlnnded for ('Onienlili.-e. aanitatiin ii n.I health are provided, by utilizing iniim t'Uehln feature w heer poaaible, hut In any rnee. prolded. The univeraity will eoinplele the twenty-tilth yenr of It life on Keii ttiury ;'s, at whuh time nppropriate exeretaea will he held. It 1 the h. inl of the public ncliniil a. nti in of the v. . 1 TTIJUI - V M l HI glate and has attained a w ide mengore of and ndumement h,.th frm , ,rn,.r;l, pllh,k. .,, frm kln. dred IiikI it ui i.n.n uf learning. At pita- enl It i under Ilia adinlnlit'.rullon of lir. IlaMil Una llod. who go fciltvena fully built hi i th I'lilveralty of Ok lahoma frnni Inrty aerea of wild land und whufe wmk In New- Mexh'o hid fair to he e.pml y blilllant. lir. lloyd a uiiu, expreated In re rem Interview, i o make the unlit r n the m i i.m.i nf all the petipie in the glate. to . ell y it to those who are unable to uitind 11 tlnane and to gradually li,..,,l,.i it g.ope 11 n I II II nun aliniiuil tin, plate In the nouth wtnl heltl by l be I'nlverniy of W'! tniinin in tin mi. Idle weat that o' the enter of inbure und education uf the community H' w well in aim la to he realised la Indiralrd by l ha proaperily t the Inatitulioii glnee hi e.lioininllil tlun begun, lir lloyd ha given n er Inl alteiiiien to exteiiHion worg and ha n In ady materially Increuned l lie nummr nf aiudent from ull of the at. ite. an well a obtaining fur hi l imine i:i h alundmg a the Phil Ipplne Irlamla have gent tin ir aim and daughter to he edit'-aieit in II lie ha made a vltforou lampnlgn for proper leeoKnttlon for the uiiliernll) nd under hi retime It ha received tm r-ued attention and a larger ap propriation from the atate. The uni veraity la handnoinely endowed wllh public Ian. in, which Include all ilu rl.h anil nn I .nd of the glate. and la dim im, ,i be a power In the educa tional world aa New Mexico I In the IndiKlriul. ('liaiiilat-lalii' Tabjei fur ('innlia thm. For eonallpniion. fhumherlalii' Tablet are excellent. K.iny in ti ke, mild and gentle In en, el. Cue th.-m a, trial. Fur gal by all dtufglata. T i Women's I f y f y y y y y y 1 1 I Y: y y I Tomorrow t 1000 Pairs Regular $4.50. $5.00 and $6.00 Grades of f y y y y V Shoes and Oxfords for .. ,X Women on Sale tomor- J V tow at y y y y y y V t y y y y y y y y y y V y y v y y y y y y y y y y y Y All the new styles and lasts; iu button, lace and pump effects; all sizes; in Patent ,Gun Metal, Vici Kid and Tan Calf. The last special offering of Bed Cross and Queen Qual ity Sho?s for this clear, ance season. f y y V x V I 3 I Y i Golden Rule i Dry Goods y y y y y Company y y y Shoes Stasis V The advisability of placing . your Jewelry and Important Tapers in a safe deposit box in the vaults of this bank is clear ly apparent because you are always conscious that your valuables cannot be lost or stolen. Wc rent safe deposit boxes .n which may be placed invest, ment securities, contracts, in surance policies, heirlooms, etc., for $2.50 per year. FIRST SAViXGS BANK AnO TRUST CO. Albuquerque, New Mexico Cpen Saturday Evenings and Eailroad Fay Days Until 8 PM. ;. ; Practically Ii::possibl to Get Wagon3 Ovtr rreit,rh Route from the- Jcmcz Mountain Sheep Country. 'leelal I iirriiitNrHt. te le llraiM Cuba, N .M , t'eb. i.- I:a t'.iobi ol Axiec. N. .M . who in limning a lulK'.' herd "l (iheep on the Aputhe ruM.i lal no. ha npent lilt pant weeg in town buying upplics and contract ;lng for men to na-!nt bin pr netil ber di I . J. 1. Y oiins;, luiinaKer of the ttu- 1 plln men u nl lie alnrt , ha been Very dunKeroualy III for amne d.iya. ll pbn.cian lepotla lluu pracliLally out vt tnner. I The rnudn between Cuba and Han 1. otile on the route to Albuiueriuu are prai-lirnily iinpuanble. Iir a liiti-n team li.nili'd u'I'.h freight for the dllferent ini'tcaUtlle entnhliah llietil ure tttrunUeil tind limible to turn a wheel. .Many urinyag atv w. inheil out owing lo the hem y atream already runnint: frmn th" llinlilitalnn The weather ci, mining tbri nil nitiu but aumeuhul warmer. I M. lli-yea j.iiet'to rt-lorried frmu u Inp lo Iterniiblin yenterdny. Ho w u! ii. . niiipana d by h n daiight, r. i h hnn he. n iiUetiding the imin'iil ut I : - 1 1 1 lil.'... he will remain fur u be.ef vlnlt tH-li.r . e,n (nit lr a three J earn' I'mirae In 11. l.nuiM inmenC Kulher 'iiiiilllo hn re turned to J. inex after up. lilting a lew Week In. Id. ok i ii.'e anil perlorm IllK wetldHiaT elenintilt a nl hi differ- nl charge In thia loealily. WILL MAKE LIMITED I STOP IN ARIZONA I'hoenix. Ari. March t. Judire Kdwnrd Kent filed a uiiplf montury hill nf romplniiit wllh ihn t'nlted Hi a tea court tb.n morning In the ivine of the .n li I il h'a Knllrond nualnat the Ailxorni cut poiutiott eon, ininnb n In the milt Involving the rmii pulnh.n of the limited lluilln of the above roinpanv to Hop at leltnni in ilon In Arlxonii. 'Ihe nnbr wna'or.g Inully haned on the fact that three of Ihe train of the cornpaiiy ran ELKS' THEATER Friday Marrh - - -VJ Till-: ,ki:tit M -SXTION Till: Mt.K II S kW ! - - i l lileolically the Kaiiui hup. Nrliiig Cunt ami I lalanr ale I'riMlm lliiu n.e. u In IH-tm-, I ant Aiiki'Ii-) and huu llmnU ii, I. to, I'ltM KSi SJ.IHe $I.-U SI.IHI fa-at snlo )a-)i imIihi. lay, March fill at Mnl-nn'a. urtalil at 11:30 ' T-vr" .... (lonely together If il It Wa a nerea kii.v for the cc, .iriiinidiilliin of the truveling piiblio In have the llni.'ted nt.ip nt certain ntiillim not Included In It ached nl- of atnnping plnce. Since I he order waa turned ihe t orn mllv haa i hangi'd Ita train at heduh an that the other tlnllin are now tun farther apart than before, und nn (ip plu ttnin for h in.iililli 111I..11 of the older pre limaly Innoeil waa denied by the i .'iiiiiiinni.iii. Hen. i. the prenetil giipldementary com phi Int. 4 lii-niib htoicai Ii Tnnible CiiiihI. Tht te la imtbiitg mnie dlacouiaiti'iit than a chronic diaorder of the gtom ui .'b. g It not aurprinlng that mnl V miUi r for t ti wptt ain h nn alliiieot when a permanent nire In Within t :i-ir le.n h und may he had for a trllle? "Aliout one year iiko. ' aaya P. IU ik, of Wukelee, Mich., "1 bought a i kuue nf .'ti -ini to t lain Tublet. and alme lining them I have fell perfect, ly well. 1 hud previously lined nry tiumber of dirferetit medicine, hut none of thetn were of any Innllng hen- '. " Kor aale by all ill llgiiint. Hudson king of motor cars Don't buy a car until you see the Hudson. THAT SUIT OF W0ND ERFUL VALUE FOR LOOK FOR THEM IN OUR WINDOWS AND THEN JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. WE ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR THE CEL EBRATED ALFRED BENJAMIN WASHING TON CLOTniNO. II Handel I The Live Clothier c oth- craft