Newspaper Page Text
J eight. THE EVENING 1IEHALD, ALBUQUERQUE, K. M., MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1914. 4 tl mm Crescent Hardware Co. I: STOVE S AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pnmps 318 West Central Avenuo BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FOP.MS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 20S-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 I hemps Fahlaff and Draught Beers are the choicest products of the brewer's art. A trial will convince you. Consoiidated "H.'i'fLZ The Diamond l.i tin- .r if .ill art: lit f..r n. Mi ni III I' I I'lllll'liltl .. I l-i'li I'l tlw Mi i i r mm v un til i( jkmI.iI lift', ulnl rln. uli! ud.cijiil overtake us I' Willingly ) If Ida ti 1.J lie cse llo of 1 1 M Willi, supplying till- means for drill? over the lean days until pros It illy return. Ill MOMS arc i.ur ipocially Y"U will find our prices. Motto fur stone, low us anvwhere III tliu I'mtcil States 1 nam. .nil" la. unlit i f ur til ways ri '.niinc.iMe. eSTD 1883 RELIABLE VATCHMAKCS JWtltRS r (07 W CFNTWAL AVEI, i I I I K. U7 Wis I'liirul f. DUKE CITY CLEANERS ii ' tll"UiK, rugH. t'urtaiiwj, draH-iix, ft.'. kilt Ui'Mi Kiold. ri t 44t. Prowptnesi Our Motto F. Crollotl FUNERAL DIRECTOR ANL EMBALMER. ll KT IJCAO rtvuat. da? ur altfl'V lit. FAMILY l.l(U'JR HOUSE t . A. l.llM)i; l'n-i. hlr ag.'Ui liir hn I'vlrti Mine and I liartiwl. liit.if.nii i.riliT nuitly Hllrd. IVrnUliiU lluai ! wit'U or nioniU on iff line. ilMn T03. hos x. Tit Nr VliKNT TIM TII Mil Mil: Ulllllll 3io . All .i HI I5l' w'JIf llu) I" VA1LUUS "DRUB CO. 307 West Central Thane 7S9 an i SAW DONT FAIL TO SEE Wright's Trading Post 3rd and Gold Ave, One of the show places of the city. Largest Collection of GEN UINE Indian and Mexican Handicraft. NAVAJO RUGS AND CURIOS PnONE 315 I Liquor Company Albuquerque,, New tfex. CALL 47 I For Parcel and liiiKgaae Delivery I Sunday and night calls. I'hona 131 j Alliniiirrque l""ri'l Ix-IIitjt. I A. I. liam. PlTItJ. I.IIMMVd PW'F.ll IIWt.INO Kull-latlloil lii l u ry I to port. JOHN III KIIOTII Tl.r. Sep iilllif Decorator. !lii I -uN Ac. I'Imiiu. 149.11 C. T. FRENCH T.i:Ulj lllll THL KMIl M M Kit. I.nily Axnih ant. Iriti anil I ciitral. I'hona ly ami Ml.l, AM. v. ii. r)i:ii. m. it. i). o. (MUvipallllc KOrtiMlllH. I I nut all cum Me dmenir. Offlc Vtrrr llldr I'honrt Ibi and 111 KNOX HATS The opening day for the new Spring Styles of the best known hats in Ametica will be MARCH 1th. Stiff Hats $5.00 Silk Hati $8.00 N;lby Soft Styles $4.00 and $5.00 Mallory Hats $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Mail Orders Deliverid Free. ELWasliburn Company lii B. touu(I. lit V. Gold. H , ' A. : c.. ' ' gtt t ' CRYSTAL Today "H rTMI It hl'MHTII IIIH M)" wllu. Tin: hoi i: op ii ir Two-IP-cl I.iiIiIii f'callllv. " I l.l IIF.HO" tlthtlHp ClUVHll). IhtllH' JAekl Tomorrow. Coming I'rlda). Mnn-li (nil niiiiMi, i mis." um- in in .r ti -mix in- Tl lti:n Ol K 1 HI.YN." LC3 Pictures Changed Every Day SPRINGER TRANSFER MOVE HOUSES. The Weather KOKKIWHT TcnlKht hii.I Tu.-m-ilny li'il, and gt'iii'iitli) tltiinly. Culilrr Tut'wlay. AI.IU'ijrKltijr K Wriilhi-r for Ihf 24 limir" rmliriK at 1 uYlix-k till iTiiirnlim: Wurn'Hl. Ii0. I'tiiii it. KHtiltf. 4'. Al . 3H. Soul Imcm wltitln: ilfur. Alliiiiiit'iii Ui'ntlur f'r IVIi niarr. Mil X Ifll II 111 HU'MII'. 8 .M I Ii i in it in nvtrnKf, 2 S. Mti'li. 3 4 Miixliiiuni fur thu iii"nth - li.'i nil (lie i Int. Minimum fur I tit" mum li in mi thf Till. Hr.iiti'U tlitlly rniiKi' 47. I'r.'i ll'itatlon .2i 111' Ii. i 'ltn r clti m. 19. 1'iirlly iliiuily, 5. IMoiiilv. 4. TIKrt lKllU TttlllUlll. I'lty t'uiiniil nifi'tM. K li IK ll I i.f rytlilHi In K. I'. Iiall 7:SI o'clock. THIi VI I II WCIX iif of AHiuiUrtui'i nntt fti tiilliitiK ymiiiK mi n gut out of It In iii'i'iinti'iiK'il ln'iit nt lunch tinif nrn Tii y luxt 'k Htitl wnntloritl Into h iiilK liinth ftni'urlum mi Vtnith Kiimi airrft. Hi. arntPil hunvpll at lh lunrh I'ountiT and llfti-tl 111 ! to ihouc of a pfiillitrly litiiltln yttiiiiK wnnuin on thf ulln-r ''a youmT" Inquirrd tlto II. Y. W. In u roltunt mill tli tiTtndi vtl voire "I'tifTftt and r ! I. If you it," K.inl thf K. Y. M. Prt'i'tify ono of thoH' li-tul-lm!-liirtpil, ttUHripr-liich-rliiiniftl niinii of roffi'p wan Ihumiipil vlKoroiiily down 1'i'fort' lilm. Tliu vmmii nmn Klancftl tlmitlly U. Ii.nkrtl iiikIit thf mug and iivtr It: h" tii.kcil ii fHinr niiit'Min Into thf third liitiTattttion of tint iiulu-cut tint. "W'litrc la tht.' aaucor?" hit In iiulri'd. "VVr don't Klvt- no witn im lu r''.' Mild Ihf II. Y. W. "IT " did mime low hrow'd ronn- H I n' In in" drink out of h!a miut-i-r. iin' ui-'d Ion., all our nwt'll triidf " ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KH0W TO al'HM'RIHKHS you tall to get your evening paper, call I'OSTAI. TEl.KOnAIMI it COUP NY. I1IONK it Fee's Shelleil W. S. Candy Htiirc. Ibnutllul jieiMiis direil from Texas. Fullcrti.u . Ialil is s,.il '.n a few days in A iiu.Ui-riH . A. W. Ft.ssbuiii id Madrnl w lien: ) enter. lay to spend the da. V. I'. Wjlie of MaMdulenu wua an Mluuiuennie v isilnr yesterday. Mr. anil Mrs. .'. A. Tuinel of Kan I'edro spent esterday in APiunui riUe. Ji t. C, re. tie ot liullnp w as a X ta ilor In A iiiuiiierUe rlcrdii. Ml and Mis lla nes tiritib-y of Han I'e.ltn vser Sunday Msimrs In the t ity. H. A. Coomer, manager of the New Mi'iini Central ralla , w us a x Itttur in A IhiniUf riUe outlay. Instrltt t'ourt I'lerk Tims K 1. Mad.lison. left thia morning for Her liullllo. wheie he will spend the day. 1 ir. . L. Ilurton leturned honn- (ant niKtit from u ahori int in Kete Mile. Mo. Mra Charles While u ml daiuhter have retuinod from a week s .sit tn iH-nver. liegular review uf Alamo lllvv, I.. i'i. T. M.. tomorrow. Tuesday after noon at 2:30. Initiation and lunch. Allill.Uet.ilf Coiilli-tl No. Ill, hli.shls i.f Columbus, will meet in regular aessinn Imiiaht at H n . In. k. In odd Fellows' hall. The regular meeting of Mineral laidue No. 4. Ktuxhls of I'ylhlas nil! tl.l AMVO AVI) PHIMMi of LAD1KH' and HKN'TLKU K.V8 Ct-OTIlKst. 7alwr Rrug., I'rnpa Ilk H. eiKltl NL, f'UiMto 10. "V Clean "Km riean." Ootid Called for and delivered. BILL'S SHOP 3 PASTIME Today nil; two m.M i:n" lll'llailll'. i Tin: n t hi op a a .-,"' ItPHinnt Two-lb-el hi') 4imc ( oniiili. THF. roNVUI K'H KM I.IITIH" III! hill. (mini; fiir Tlmr-slav r-tt Tin- I lrl nt "Mill Ml Tl AL Mill." KoOcs, FOR A TAXI Phone 17 LYRIC THEATER ToUW'N l'i:H.ltM "The Devil Fox of Ih Norlh Woods" (l;. Ilr) Tit-H.fl Oritillil. Xioalifr id lliiete Norlll imnN MilMi'i pit', in llllltle Imiiioiim b) tlH' I. flair All Mar SHa-k 4 iHiiiaii. "Hie Weaker Sister" tni'i) iiimiiii. "Rounding Up Bowser" (Imp) onHly. I'UTI III m 1IIVM.K lII.V I 4 KIT hH HIY. I be held lonlrht ut iv. Worl; n the rank of piiiic. , J. J . IJuike. too mil known. Lamar. Colo., Iivestoi'k mail, la In the city for a few tla a on busineay with local slot k nn li F. T. A. Jimkin. general attorney for the Santa Fe luillnaii. as In thu city last nlglit on hia way to Flag staff. Arm Hon IV Johnson. sulH-rvlsor of the I'ecos nod Carson national forests, urrlvtd lust night from hia hiiidnuiii lera at riantu Fe. J. I. of the Fiiinegan Hrnwn Wool und Hide company, re turned yesterday from u busii.eaa trip to lata Vegas. Mr. P. I, flea i ill has relume I from l s Vc-miis where she has been lisltinit her cousin, Mrs. Arthur ILoiikIoii for the puat three weeks. I K. A. Vatiiiht y of he Occidental Life Insurant o i I'tnpatiy, has return ed from a biisln. sa trip to I' nv and Wichlla, Kan. J Si. in llouxioti. hia It a 'tied bear. Irti ned monliis. etc., brt town thla morning fur tmuthern New Mexico where the i nmpaiiy has playing ell gacements ftr ' . oral weeks. Jake Hal Inn nl Harlan anil Hon, left this no .rmiig f..r 1-uii.y to super- j Ise the flu fh. I.H to in hog on the new I dining room of the Harvey filling, on which the firm has been at work fm several months. Few women realise how llltle It costs lo have broken brooches and stickpins put In perfect condition. Ask about II in tho Itoseliaald Jertelry It-pair depaitnieiit. 111. hard I'ouii- loupes tomorrow for Washington, l. I'., where he la einplned in the ai.veriiinelit pi".ntlng office. He waa called here laat week bv the death of hia mother. Mrs til Towers. John Ijiiiliiiui. h laborer. Injured fthlle at work on lit new city hall, hut onlay, will be discharged from Hi. Josephs sutiitiirmtii today. I am ha in suff.'ied u lirolvtn arm and painful scalp lon he fell from a seaffoltllng Inside the buldlng. Allan Mif'lelian of New York city arrived In A H.'i.i.i-rU last night, called h re In the death last week of hia ninthi r. Mrs W. W ti... iuii.. The funeral of Mrs. MuClollan will take place imiinrmw afternoon from St. John's KplM opal chun n. James 8. I'.l.u k for many jnri connected wllh the Albuiincnni nevthp .pt im In . il.. us editorial ca piieltlea anil mure recently the man t.uer or the Fteiiing ! lerti I.I has gt.n In i:i I'as... v hero he la lo Im-coiiio . Itv editor of the F.I I'aso Times Mr l'lack's famiiv will icinaln In Albu .iieriiio f..r lb1' present. The cmiimitiee In charge of repliea to the ten tti.'stioiis asked by th sanilaf iniii commute w leti here btsl week, will nieel mailt in the Cisrnnif r.'iul Club In fr.ini" the answers -Alt of Hie data 1 1. 1 ii I red Is in tiHiid and w III be sub tinned to tho commit lee by Hcciu- 1 1 .' -; urai liiHnun Inry Tom Kuan of the rlun for ap iroal and rrvlnion. I Mr. ami Mra. Imvld . Ortint, "02 W'fPX t'onl iiM-nui', rntrrliilnoil lttt -unlay utiilna In honor of Mr and Mm. ilforat- '. llpikrr of Halt Mkt- "If y. Mr. Iifkfr l toniifitid IUt thf W'tiii trn I'nlon and la looklna afti-r thf new wire Inntnll.illon hire. After ii n enJuMilile dinner r.uo i In) id Th'.i..' iiirttint were Mr. iiti'l Mra. Ileiker. .Mr and fluirlea II IHik aon, Mr. and Mra. William MtiKTi. Hunt. Hti'iKer, lltirroll and l.oaey. I Joseph Hum. tt. owner of Ihp t'rya lal mid i 'nut Into theaters, and llorui" K. HherniHn, miinnatr of the Mtiulur movlr.2 itlrture ahow houtiea, will ,ia liininht lor iTnver where they will upend several dnya inapiif luff lha lHni.r amuneiiiiiit litniwa. Mr. Ilnrnett la atuilyinii ftliitia for the tho uttT wh.rh he propum a to Itulld In thn near future on the North Kecond 'at reel property, whirh he liouaht aev eral month nao from V. L. TrimhlP. He and Mr Khermitn nlito will run trait for a iiiiinlter of linpoitunt at triiitlona for the t'rytilul un.l 1'natlma while In iH'nyer. DISTRICT COTRT TO 16 Only Seven of Spring T:rm Jury Panels Have Managed to Escape Service--One n Dead. Juilie M. ('. Meihem will hold court in Alhiuiuf nine I'rlil.iy next. In etui in Iters. A number of unit el have been aet for hearltiK ul ihut time. J mine KaMiolda in nut or town lor the week. The remilur eprlng lerm ot Herna llllo e.iiinty illHiml ctjutl will open two witkH from tt.d.o. Oriind and petit Jiirma hitvi' I ti ai'tiimoned and of the panel only aevin bae inruped at r"ii'e. The to men on the petit Jin y who wire not aerv.-d have per fectly Militl kt'iiKia nil" la in lo Alim liH ami the other la tleatl. The Jiirien are .,h follows Tint tiraud Jury. Frank Arlaa, Joae Iriim it liei rt-rn Itomun Luciro y (in rule. Mibiiu Muninex. Juan Idum. Neator Ktini he. Ix-opoldti l.utero, Muxiinn Turrlela. II. T. tiardner. H. K I'uiney. S'. A Mi'l'loakey, It. II. CoombH, Kliua (iur I'iu. Henry tileaaon, rUnnm (iunia. l.i-on Allen, -Mux IliK-u. Joao (uriilo. Vint't nl.itl.t hmr. Curios Suveilru. Antonio l.opea and Joae Maria Za The I'clll Jiirora. The petit Juiiirs are: (iavlno tiur l la. Ail. tlfo Ha Ins. I'omiiclo Aiuiyu. Lo reiiso Sa nt hi s. I'edro 1'erea y Huia, KiniHilii ilnnnales. Juan I'lolllla. Hum Kurr. Thotiiua V. Keleher. Jr.. Julian t'uno, Tony I'ltls. I'. I'. Coli-man. O K. Hnvla. A Kay. I it ur II (Josh. J. A. Iliibba. AniiMtatlo del Viillv, Fe lix Ih-lllasnl. Abel liuriin. tlubrlel Ar inij.i, J. C. Clark, 11. 1.. K Newt'oiiiit. Hitao .sihulte, hrnt-Ht H (liner llali.i.n Cutleries. W. C. Kelm. H. Imve W'elller. t f. Itos.-nwiilil Henr loi'klitirt untkJ.iKe Dm a. OF LOCAL PRINTERS OF LOCAL r RINTR3 Thomas HtiKhes, during whose har monious administration th member ihifi of Albitiiieriiie T pn graphical fn'on No. S(i4 iliiiil.liil. retired from the pics dene:.- of the orga nlxntlnn yesterday after e.ghl euia of service J. W. KiiKtell was elect'd lo atieeeed him. Tho following la the full list of officers chimin: 1'realdent. J. W. :.umhcII; vice pr H ilt tit C. IS. Hhaile; se. relary treasiuer. Ira It.icon; ex 'cutlve com milloc, P. II. Lowe. o. I. Lewis and II. II. I.usk; ai igeani-Ht-iirma. lioy Kirkpatrlek. The union Is strong arm prospermia, nnd the new president, efficient an 1 popular. Is xmi te.l to carry on the Rood work of Mr. Hughes. Don't buy a car until you see the Hudson. Throw Away Your Eye-Giasses! A FREE PRESCRIPTION Voh I nn Hate I'llletl ami I se al lloiuc lio you wear giusaes? Are uu a victim of eye-atrnln or other ey- weaknesses'.' If so, you will be glad lo know lliul there is real .lopu t .r you. Mint whose eyes wele fallliin aa lhe hate hud their i restured through the piin.lple of this wmi mriul tree prencripllon. one man says, afler trying II. "I was al.nosl blind; lould uut aea lo read at all. Now 1 tan lead eterythiiig without an glasses and m ees do not water slit more. Al ills lit they would pain ' dreadfully, now they feel fine aJI Hie l ine. It was like a miracle to me.' A lady who used It an) a: 'The al mosphere deemed haay with or with out glasses, but alter using this pre acrlptlun for fifteen days evenimng set n.s t lesr. I can en read Ill's plint without glassea." It Is believed ' Unit thousands W no wear gluases can i now nitcara ineni in rrast.iiswit- tut.. sntl muitltuuea mora win us uuie i atreiigtliem their eyes so a in be si's red the trouble and expense ol ever gelling n lasses. trotitiles of many ilea, notions may be wonderlully bill tit led b foilowlng the slmiil rules. Here la the prestrlinion: Ho lo any drug etoie and aet a bnllle optima, fl'l a two ounce buttle with Warm water, drop In one Ol.t. n.i lab 1e slid allow to diss.. he. With thn ll'iul.l. battle the eea two -to tour timsa daily. You should notne your evea clear up perceptibly right frmn the atari and Inflammation will tiulckly disappear If your eye are bothering you, even a little, lake atepa to sate Ihein now before II Is loo lulu. Many hopelessly blind miaiil hv been sated if Hi. y had cared for their Jt III I. inc. i nn uinpii P1FULLY HURT li HORSE Frank Quier Confined to His Home with Badly Lacerated Leg as Rrsnlt of Accident. Krunk yuler. Ih well known ela ttitliin la conllned lo hia home with n pultifuliy larerateil H'. rereiveu ny a klik from horae. yuler. with John W. Hulllvan and ctlhera waa re ttirnlnn from u trip to llnmin. Hut tirduy. when one of the horaea de veloped a limp. tjulor Rot down to find the trouble and lifted the hoof liiat aa It went off like n repent luit rifle. The horae had been freahly tthod and one ahurp ahoe rut a deep aimh arroaa the ealf ct ruin lit to the bone. FurgUul altetitlon waa tuid ut Hernallllo, DENY ANOTHER EFFORT AT WRECKING TBAIN NEAR GALLUP Hnntti Fa aeeret w-rvbe nu n In Al hiiiinriiie yeaterduv anhl that the re port from tbillup Huturday afternoon that nn eftort had been made to wrerk the No I weal bound iiuaeiii(er train Just this aide of tlallup early siiturdiiy tnoinliiK. waa m' inke A swltt h nt the end or the Cnlitip freiahl Minis waa left open. It la staled, but was not spiked down, and ardmeti v ere In the vlilnlty of the ewiU li a the time No. 1 waa due. SCHOOL SAVINGS BANK SYSTEM STARTS, p. hool children of the city will itnrt laylnir op wealth today. The s.iinas bunk plan, recently approved hy the board of education, waa put Into operation thla mornlnn. Thn American Trust and RiMnca Lana ti.rni-h.s the children with Looks ami deposit slips and will send rep resentatxes to the aehools to collect the deposits. The brat i cUoctlon for the new wiv Iiirs system was inuile at the First Haul si hot. 1 this fiornlnK when elKht depoKltora made the.r Initial depnsttn ami received pusa books. Kupetin teiident Milne said this nimninn Hint he waa well pleased with the alurt and front the Interest nhonn In thia and the other ward schools expecta 'he system to prove n complete UC cess. CASUALTY COMPANY TO HOLD ANNUAL MEEING The Interstate Cusualty and Ouur nty itiinpnny of New Mexico, will hold 11 ftrt annual atockholder moetiiiK at the general office lit tha Stern building, Tuesday, March loth, at It a in. In addition lo lha usual formal notice of the meeting Manag er James a. liiuiney la seninmc in an tockholder a spinal IntHatloti to attend this meetiug. The new company, orguiilxed a lit tle more than a year nuo. now num bers umn tig Its stockholders the most prominent bi.sln.-sg men In New Mex- ' and in ull sections of the stale. Ha organisation has taken time, for ll is upon u large scale, but tho work f organisation la finally completo and the company I just now bt Kin Ming ll active business career. WELLINGTON GIRLS MAKE BIG HIT AT ELKS THEATRE I nl.pM. Miii-lcBl Oruaoluiiion t.ltcs K.iccllciil ITouram lo I -a rue a no I ntln .labile Autlli ntf. 'I he Wellington C.lrls- hand, one uf the tn tat uiiiMUe of musical nmuiilw lions, ami a dandy olio at mat. piit.-n to an entht.snitttic ai'dieipe which crowded F.Iks' theater laat night, and pbiyt'd ex. ee.liliKly well. The young lutllea are traveling under the uua- pn ea of the r".nl. i Fe reittling room. nd are unusually capal'le musician aa well aa ery tiltructive girts, mid on of the ml Hi daughter of a San ta Fe employe at Wellington, ami they have been carefully and skillfully trained. Th program given last night wua one of the most pleasing f the niimy exceptionally fine attrac tions which hae been brought to Al tiiiiieliue thia season by thu nadltig room management. Til progiam follows: S ll. Waynlck, manager: l.'is H. I. Wnyiilck, chaperon. ; Victor I'rb e and UusM-t I'riie. t"is. 1' c. Price, conductor. March The Uoyul llriilesiiuilti . . . . i itHirj overture--! he lion mint , ... King . . Verdi I from . I'ucclri! Selection II T'titutore ...... Voa aolu one Fine luy Madame llutterflyi I ali Know It s. Piano solo- Hungarian Ithupaody No. li Li Vocal duet - The lllpslcs ...Hi stuns lah Know lea. Kuth Huvage. Waltx 1. stleiiiona Kill It Medley Hits of Itenikka Hit. .to, 14 I'Uini'l i I'm to lllcun Iiitnte l.ldorado. . . . Keifer Vocal aolo Shuogy Shoo . Keading An Abandoned men! , Ainl.ri'So tlope- . Lincoln Ikiisy Wilson, (juiirleltc Pon't You Mind Those Sorrow Cnwlcs Know leg, Havage. Waugh, f'help. Votal solo I Want lo He a Janitor Child ilotierlg Pauline Wayult k. Selection Siiperba Iialby I esi ripiite A Trip to ilie Farm.. Huff ASBEST03 FIREPROOF FLOORING FOR THE SMALL COST OF $10 1 will leach ou how In make anil lay Asbeslo Fireproof Flooring, owner of original formula. I did th wnr III the While Flephnnt Saloon: also 1'resbtterbm Senltt.ilutn K. M. HI sff, Slate H.. lei, after p. ni. BY;METI10D1ST GCHOO L DEGISIOri 111 APRIL Proposed Enlargement of Har- wood Industrial Institution Now Being Considered by Educational Board. Hey. Ir. II. A. Hansel i who lis me In Albtiiueriiia last week with ehnrvh of liiera of the Mt'thuillsl eduiat lomil board, left this intimitis' for the east, tiltrr a thorotiah Inspeitlon of the llarwood Industrial at hool whli li II la imposed to enlarge under ihureh RUldanee an. I make into a lame Indus trial and lit ll I. H I aehool. Itr liaaaell will annoiiiii'v on April 1st whether or nut he will take the piesi.lenry of tho institution and on Ins dot Islon prob ably will rest I lie determination of the eh tire h hoard as to whether or not to supply the funds neiesMry fur Us de- elopment. Mr. Has-!! has had wide exper leni'a in this kd of work." said Hev. C t. Hit kman of the l-ud Axenua i hurt h Ihla inornlnK, "and his work In Monl. it makea him specially filled for this aehool. It la our hope lo eatiili llall here not nnlv a Hlblteal eollene. but an Industrial aehool In the full sense of the title. We have San aerea of fine Innd and we are sure that this In ml properly cultivated would ren tier the aehool self suppnrtlnK, on.e ne I ''I a start We hopa that our plans will be approved." COMPANY Q TO GIVE SMOKER TOMORROW Company O, New Mexico National Himrd. will rive a smoker, following the riftular drill In the Armory to morrow nlKht. The offkeia anil ntemhera are liivitina their frlenjs arid an tn.ioyable ovohIhk la antici pated, t'otupuiiy 1), under I'apluln W.. I', lluiies, has been whipped lul l a first clasa ..raatiliaimn ; one of the ln'st in the stale, und It la the hopa of the adjutant ir. in ral'a office that another eniially eftlt-ienl company may be organised In Aluttiernue in the near future. Adjutant Oetieritl II. T. llerrlMi will be a guest ot hon or tomorrow night. Wait for the Hudson Ilenry'a messenger. I'hona 111. M III I-I LHIAIU.I H'h THANSI1H LINK Piano Moving and Household (It.tnla given special attention. Host st. .rug." housa In city. Ofllca and aalea aiubla 3 is Wen I'opiwr Ae. TOR.1Q There's a lot difference be tween Toric Lengea and Flat Lengea beside their aliBKt extra coat. TTicy givo you cttra vision and extra comfort. They are better looking;, too. Come and dc lift about Toric l-rn.'ira. LENSES We supvly the SKILLED SER VICE in FITTING GLASSES without which the most ex pensive lenses are worthless. C. ii. CAMS OITOMFTIU'T. 114 W. Central. Phone 452. - E. LEROY YOTT VIOl l.V IXSTIU'CTIOX htutllo, Tvl. I S. (Illteruf flank Ij'dg. mu. i: o. it to7. TIIK 1.ITTI.K 1.0U'KU! lla'g on lha scent for aomelhitig good, and the stent and mell uf una uf our loave quickly tempi him. It lh beat loud for young or old, and our reputation la built upon Ih high quality. Hava our Dread and Holla on your labia and your children and yourselvs will Ihrlv and b hsppy and roiitenied. It la no higher In pric than Inferior kind auld ! w lire. PIOilEER OAKERY SOT Koatl. Ilna) St, I I of A?y i