Newspaper Page Text
j V WANTED: A Good Doctor Without Family Tiei. Ap ply V. Carranza, Chihuahua Mexico. TOUWM MOWS TOHIY Yom gri H In ixi HHIlUdi. lift crnla m tamnih n IS rrnlg a r-k ddlvorrd I yuur lMir ftf( iTnla lijr mall. Tiunrx K-cmzKN. vi. t. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 19H. TEN TAGES TODAY Till: I IMMi Mi ll l.l Mtll Ml; I. Ml. I. 1$ mm TREATY WITH MEXICO FOUIID III ARCHIVES Document, Had it Been Rati fied by United States Might Have Saved Present Situa tion. NEGOTIATED PRIOR TO THE CIVIL WAR Gave This Government Right to Intervene at Any Time Anarchy Threatened in Re public. .-..-..I win- in t-yonlim llc-ralil i Vv ntllll.:loll Il ll -.olu.lllllal llilcrenl III I III- Mexican ituatl"ll both preneiil anil hunt, wan lent today liy the publication of the dcluila ol 11 inioHei Irciiiy negotiated mora ihHii half 11 tcnlury ami between the lulled Sintea ami the republic ol Mrxiro which. If rutilteil. would have in,. I nilcd Staiea to "111-li-nine 111 auiort of 11 own treaty light and the neurit. v of lla own 1 l IxeliM whenever MiXiui may be till al'lc to gllitlalllcc the Mime, without intuiting the ohlntalion or nrceeaity of a general intervention Ihe tlo lucalic altair of that ioun,r." Hiu treaty had been " I'" Bevret archive 01 the aenate 1 "in inillee on foreign relatloliii anno January, I The Itijuni Htm of e'- ret y waa removed yentctduy liy the aenale anil the, dm umenl ordeied 'I lined lor Ihe line of nu inliem of HimI body The to eminent .rl lit .UK olllm forto worked on thr lioiuineiit all of liixt nmlii and todu aeimtor held lefoie (hem f n eh eooea ol It whuh they read with interest. The trvuty waa alaned In Vera Cmx on I let'em Iter 14, I5 llohr M. Mi lain, Aineriraii miniater to Mex ico, anil M. iiiiiiio, relary ol Miala and toielan affair! "I Mexirn mid ahortly uilcrwurda iraiiKiniiled to th. wnate by I'realdeiu I lui Itanali, but 11 waa never lutltied l the I nil ed Statea tn'iauae of ruii uiiiin im I- detn the oulurt-ak 'f Ihe t'lvd war. Aiiule fie fit tile treaty reuda ua followa. The reimlii ot ilexiro aitreea that ahoiild It laionie iiiii..i) at any nine (o employ military fone lor the aei only and iiroti'tmli ol liernon and on. i.i 1 u ow 1 an of the route aioinaid. it will employ the leiiiiimitt lon e (or thai ui'..r, luit on failure (o do ihia. from any i-aiiaa whatever, the mnernmeiil of (ha t'niled Matea may. .. .ih Hie eminent of or at Ih'- reiueat of ihe oern meiit ol Mexii o or of the ii'liimter thereof lit M .inhinKloll. or ol Hie con- net of I" aally a ielnted ha ul mi t horn lea. mil or milnniy. employ him h fori Im ihia and for no oihei piirpoaen, and when in Ihe opinion of th km rnmeiil of Mexico Ihe ne ceanlty ceuaea atn h foite ahall be im mediately withdraw 11. "in ihe exeepiional 1 im.', however, nf unforeM-en or imminent thinner lo the Uvea or properly of iilueiia of thR I'llilcd fiutea, the foreea ot aaid reptihlir ara a ui ton no il to act for their proteion without a'uh coiment havliiK het n prev iiiiiidv ohiained and am h lorcea thall be withdrawn when the ne.naalty for Ihia employ ment ceaaea." In a roinintina ation tianniiiulnn Ihe convention lo Ihe net relary of alale. I-ewin t'ana. MuiihI-t Mi l lain warned that If Ihe a-nat failed to ratify thn (reaty further imanhy would rxM In Mexico, nei eult.itins Intervention. He nuld "I am pemuadtnl that If tin. tov arnmenl of (h,. Inited HI a leu t.e linen the reaponniluHty luiponed on it ' rtdnplioli and ratitication of tha con vention, further anari hy will prevail In Mexico until It will he terminated Is Albuquerque T J list fw It The appninimc nt of a new poatmaMer brought lu I kit In aome Inter, ntlim facta. r'liat: That AlbuiiieitUo'a I fat olhce la ranked aniiuig Ihe tint twenty oltlcea lu Ihe I'niied Hlatei In point of eltlclcncy. Hecninl Iteielpla of the AlbiHiifH'.ie pontnrtlce h.iva doubled twice over during Ihe 12 yearn the retiring pom mauler haa aerved, aa the following Interrming figurea furuinhed by Mr, llopkina how : !ti:ci:ilTM (IK TH K Al.lll (JIKKVUK I'' 'KT KKK1CK 11Y YKAHH KKM 1IJ TO 1U. INCLIMVK: January January January J.i nil a ry J. i n n my January January January January January J a II ua ry January lo Kecember 11, IHOi (u liecember SI, IS'lS to lleeeinber SI, f"4 lo Iei einlier 31, !( (o December St, I"8 to December 31, lt7 to I.e.einU.r 31. 1" In tiecrinber 31. 1" lo Heteniber 31. 110 to Hei-ember 31. I'll to Oectinber 31. I II 13 l to December 3 I, lU liy direct Intervention from aoine punter In the ledriul i 1 1 1 i m tif Mcx leu, or by an Intervention of ur own, canned by gome audden mill uiiloie aceti provocation (hut will expose uh tu tli renponnlbilitlce ir a general war, ii n l u emiiiiient that lew would desire ! unite rtuke or cniisiiiniimle." The lui't that thia i niivinitiiii wit drawn k long K' anil ratified rcmovea nil iiiliillty of Un inr be coming inmiive now. but it" publi cation will prove Interesting In i lit Unlit of (he (Mimiil Mexican anuu- 1 MM. I tin llcliimn lo New rk. Washington, Muri h 7 - K li Din, thu exiled Mexican revolutioniM, went to New York toilny and v. ill n-turn 1 nexi Wednesday, whi n he expecta tin HfllPtv tlll'clgll lellll lollH COItlllllllce lo j llMl'll to Ilia VllW Of enl thlinhlllg coiigiliutlnniil govriinicni in M-xi o AI.ISI IITU TMIH .s II - NO I IMMDMYIh M:IC I (Ml I.I IM 1 lia Anxelea, Till., Man h I. AI-' hirto Terra 111 a, aon ol (leneral l.ola Teiraxaa, (he head of (he fnmoUH l lllhii.ilnia lumiiy. aaid (inlay he had no feat a at preai lit lor (he life, ol hin brother. LuU II.. who ! held for random by the Mexican reocin. Yet added to thia In hin niniMl.innl iiialirirutlon Hint while he In plan- j nun to (ake lua wile and four chll- , dren nliioiid "niui Ii dependji on dm, Irentmeni metetl nut to m broihi r." Terraxux confirmed the report that hln father haa onciod Hie rebela ,.t"i. tiini pecoa lor (he releaar ol I.uia. j m t w-t a Mexican Jbxcnangc Rate Hits ihe Ceiling New High Point of 350 to 100 Reached Today with Banks Flooded with Demands. (Ily IjumnI U'.t ii I-M-iiIiik Kerulil. Mexico Clly. Mar'h 7. The rale of foreign cxiluihgc hem leached (he new hlKll jioinl today of 3M' for The ha n kit were flooded with de inanda for nuch exchanne bimed Inrael) on 'the uiiiiouiiceiiit lit by the government of (he eaiuhliahiiieiit ,,f a lank of limiie With unnalable bonda II n collateral. The hunka today were oflerimi 330 tor 10". und predltiioiia were current that the rate would reach 4U to tt" lo Ihe near future. rrlcea of InotlHlufls and all impori ed neveaalliua illKl.v. are riatiiK lorreapond- SEAMEN READY TO WELCOME CHINESE (liy !.raac! Wire I" i:ninf llcruhl 1 WashliiK'on. March 7. Andrew Kiiruneih of Hon Krnni Imco president of the Int rtialioiinl Keamen'a union tuld the hoiiHe marine committee to day he would lei Ihe C'htnen- neam n come ahoie III the fulled Hialia and re-Miip at lioller vvageit. rather Ihaii to keep them ulioard lit the Chlllei-o wiiae atantlard He waa irenin for favorable action on the LuKollette acamcna bill. He cald that hla union .ilvwitx had rcfiiMil In inlniit Aaiatna to m"lliherFhlp. but thai If leltlMa Hon which would build up the inn rhant marlnea were relused. hu mn no reanon why they nhoubl not wcl- come the t'hmcae. the laiacar the Japunene. Hid ( all for Itnuk Mnicmciil. Wnnliinaion. March 7 The com troller of the fUirein)- today lanileil i cull for a atntement of the eonditi n of all national iiankn of (he t'nited Slalen hi (he i loan of huninena on March 4. GIVES HOMESTEADERS TWENTY YEARS TIME TO PAY FOR LAND (Ily l-anetl Wire lo K enlng Herald. 1 4 WimhliiKlou. Man h 7 Home- ateadei'N on Irrigation proj.v l will have twenty yearn Itmiead 4 of ten, an at pr-nent. to pay for 4 (heir land and water riahtn un- der an iiuuiiniHirtil.nn bill fa- vorably repoited (odav l.v Hie houne lirimttlon committee Growing? fJ'I T f It ft 17 Ii S SlllrXJ C of APit'Ueriiie h.ia Ii3.7v4.un Z7,0i.4l S.S"4 3 . 7 1 " SH.oiU 7 i . 7 a 3 4J,1; JO IV.I3X.37 3...i Cx.iuti kl tl.t'iV" 4j (5,ll G HIP Ml STILL ILLIfJOISloEIJ 11L EV I D EHC E AG Al N Oil j GAPTAIN AFJD CREW ICARHAflZA 0 H THE ABLE TO PUT UP A FIGHT AT SIXTY-FOUR Speaker Signalizes Birthday by Addressing the House in Vigorous Reply to Zueblin Charges. ROUNDLY CHEERED BY MEN OF ALL PARTIES Pepublican and Progressive leaders Join in Paying Trib ute to Speaker's Fairncsi and Honor. Ily la-afil Yv lre lo I.H'tiliig llcrnltl. ) Wunhitnttoii, Marcn ". Sp'uker t'lark alKiiallied Inn 4lh l.lrlhilay to day by d'-noiincliiK from the ronirum 1l.1v hy iP'nouni' " 7iii hill), of Wi on nthlrena by Charles ,'ini hett r. Muna.. fnr- mcr pioleor of aocioloifv in (he I nherniiy of I'lilrain. inmalllna the upenker'u coiintinK of volea on the r port of Ihe committee thai Invenll Baled the Mulhall lobbv chara . I eiin rain. ISeiiuldleunn and I'rogrea- .ven t heend ami ai id tribute to the penker when he had f riinhed Mr. Clark hud rend lo the houn" a pub-ll-hed article iiioltiiK Xinblinn at tack on hln melhodn and the nlli ed nrbitrary dlctailon of ihe m kir anil alfo lemoirat)c Leader I'nder wnod. Clark branded .ueliHn'n alalem-ntn im "untrue, l.iiixiii ami inn i iiKcmin." ninl a reflection on the Integrity of the hooae lie iln.-d Ihe MKiiren of the Mulhall vole ioliitiuR out that any meinl- r winhlnn lo vole had four opportunltiea to do no. and aihled: "I huvn lai n lied aout nt much T nave aort of amten lined 'o It lleprenentailve Mann of iinoa. lieuiililicHn leader: Kepren ntatlv Meonalil of Michluan. I'roarenniv e; litlireneninliv e Ituller of I'ennnyl vuiiln. Itotniollean. nnd tdhera Joined 'n . iirroboratim: ihe pellk t and p.iv'nit tribute to hla fnlrnenn mid honor Mr. Malin'a n!luoti In Ihe npeak er'a slxtv fourth birthday iirmluced ntipl.iiiH. and whouiiutr lie naid no mil. could intention Speaker Clark'M honor Intetrltv of fininena in npt'Hkcr. Open Warfare in Camps of the Unemployed Strong Cordon of Police Re quired to Keep Peace Be- tween Rival Factions at Sacramento. (Ily la-nnitl Wire In IM'iilnii Herald. 1 S.i' rnlu- iiti. fill . March 7. l-il -teen hundred member of tvvu n tinier of unemployed "tlenerul" Kclly'n force and u aecedina faction welt cam lad today In the rioutheru I'acillt yaltln awaltina nil uunwtr from the Cat raineiitu olllt laln their tlemand for food and traiinporialloii in coll ide Journey Inward V .ihIiiiikii.ii i A heavy cordon of police wan thrown ai'ouud Ihe tumpliiit uroiindn to keep the mun hern from m atlcring throiiKhoul Ihe clly and o kei p peace between the two facllolln. The tie aertlou tit aOout 1"" men liom the Kelly army tu tbul of Ihe opponit.un hua alinont eiiualixetl ihe aireiiKth ol the two 1,11'tlomt and canned coualder ablv billeriiean. FRE3H AIR AND SUN SHINE TAKE PLACE OF SKIN GRAFTING 'fllv la-aneil Vlr in i:veln Herald. 1 Svw Vork. M'.ich 7 ThrouKh a nrotena of frenh air and much luli- hlune. Ir. Joneph Kt hinankin, Imuau jphvnicitin a l.chunoii honpiiul, an ' iiuimced today Ihut he. had grown akin on l.ntie wound raiined by burna which oiherwine would have required the operation of akin grill ing I A four year old hoy from w hone net k and cheni thirty niuare Inchea tf nkln hud been burned, wan kept mi an open porch wuh Ihe lura wound ixponcil lo the air and (he .aunxhine When there wua no aun powerful electric hghta were used to rend liahl lulu ihe wound. Tha l:ghta were I'm wniind Ihe air. alao w ua uned al mailt Hlwnyg ixpoacd MORE TROUBLE BREAKS LOOSE IN HAITI (H l-aea1 Wire In Creninc Herald 1 9 WunliliiKiou, March 7 Krenlf revo A'nlionary dinlurbaiicea have developed In ll.tlil and (he badlenhip Mouth Car l lit han been ordered buck (mill (iuulil.inaino lo I'orl uu I'rlni c. The nature of (lie latent uprlnlna waa not illr.ii.m d In iin oltlclal dinpali hen. LOAN 150,010 TO COLORADO STRIKERS Resolutions of Sympathy with Colorado Labor War Close of Mine Workers Meet at Peoria MOB DEMANDS RELEASE OF MOTHER JONES Chase Prepares to Recall Troops from Southern Colo rado Field. Hearing at Den ver Drags on. ly lieMMil Wire) lo I vcnlnu lli'tnlil.) Teorla. Illn., March 7. At the 'oiiveiiilon of th" lllinola bialtcli of the I nited Mine Woracrn of AinciUu today Hie follow ing f- uiution waa carried hortly be- 4 fore hnal adjoin iinient . 4 'The coal nnnern of lllinola are in hearty etmpJlhy wli.i the ntriklng inltu rR of Colormlo and when we an home we will do all In our power in i-Hrry the it fi iciniiim in favor of the II 4 bum to the lliti i initlolial com- iniltee lor uc in Coloiailo," 4 ritTi;vr AtiMiT 4 0iim;i HITIMItiN lt Mil I llUt JO Mb Col., Mai ch 7. A I rot ml aiiaiiiHt Ihe Infarct ration of Mother" I Maty Jonea uudni military Iiiinnl at thu Ban Huf.iel huapilal, waa v oireu thin allernoon ui a .iicctliiK uttended .)) more lllan 15" women at Slarn vi'le. Tlioie attentling the nieetliig were wiven of atrikera and atrikr n.wn tiathixcia Iroiu thai camp and the niirmuiidinK dlitilft. The meeliliw waa held in Itedman'a hall. According lo n porta received hete a copy of the rcaoluliona atlupied will tie forward ed lo liiarriiur K. M. Ammoiia aklnif Ihut exit uilve lt order the releane ol the woman atrlWi t.'inler. A iiua liiuvtintt of nieu will lie held Immedi ately tollowniK women- nicttliiil ut which lime a similar ruaoluliou will b udoplcti. Hi: Mil M. AT lK l I II hi; u.s s i:kii.Y on Deliver. M.iri Ii 7. When t.iu day'a ataaloii of the coiigl csoioi.ul atriKu iu vtKiigalion opioid today it wan an nounced thai licnei il John Chanc. waa in the city and prclinlily would take I lie wltncaa atatid during thu day. Thu rat vwlncas .ailed 'ol the milieu w.ik Hi, ran- W. Ha vena, all employe of Cie Mala land hoard, who produced lit orila nhowlna vanoiin .ilea and leaaca ,,f I. mil to tin. coal oiicratolii. He ivna nuealinin d clonelv by membirn of the tomiiilltee about Ihe ayalem by which the alate iliaponea ol lla coal lulidH In renpoiiMi lo ouealniiia by Ki.ina K. linvf, In crona examination, ine witnena lad linu Hie nt.tte had re ceived more than S",0"" In rnyauiea nn 64" a ren ol land Included in tha lK-lagUa prop. ny of tho b lur Amer ican Km I coniiMiiy. The ntute In paid royally ti 1" i eiita a ton on all coal mined I mm nn land. Mr. toive brought out the ntaicmnnt that In thu t54" acren at Helnjiua the alale hai alreatly retcned inoro roallic the hlahenl pro e ever cli ilK. il by Hit! I'nlled Stalei uovernimiK in Belling IuiuIm nun litlii The atrikera then failed M. f. Lapp. former rherllt ol lloubler .niiilv. ami row- warden of ihe Colorado male re- toiiuatory. Hi- told of the nogMicrn Cob ladn nliik.- of li. and Ihe var n ua dinoiil ir with which he h id in deal In Inn ode utl capacity, lie raid thai during Ii"- acme period ol the ninke, he employed from three to elev en dcpiiiu - to keep I lie pein e in the iiimea of lioulder cmJiiiy. I neao ileputlea wen- paid by Ihe county at tha rate of $4 a day. Mr. Capp then related Iho all' d oUer of and II each for deputy aherilT a t oiuiuia aloiia. in iriwa , iniuution Hie witiie wan i-hmely iu alioned nguriiina Inn t..ui,,i. uiin i iic ninaera. i niunn.1 for ihe operator m kllig o entabiinh that h,. r,.t....i ili.. Uliiona in the labor mruuitl.. Laid. Mr. Capp declared thai he never had laeu-d a deputy herirra lo mine guard. Jainea II Hloml. whom Mr. Capp had ,,. ii, I in. having Ihreatcncd him during Ihe nu nc or II1", wan put the aland In nu operator. He ntai lliui he waitiiMuiney for Ihe Northern Coal and Ceke company dJriug early alagen ol ihe ninke. lla related a toil he aaid Were Oil' th exnerielice ol t norlheiu opecilor with tile rimed Mine Woinct t America, tie. I.ung thai (lie lunu la walked mil in vlolalion of (heir t oil llael. He then recounted lh in Junction and c utempT proceediiin in the dlKlrni mi.r( which lenulird iu Ihe lmplloniin nl of a number of la bor leader at tha order of Judge lireeley W. W Infold. Illood wan iin tloned by K. I". t'o- tlgaii. co;iiiel l"r Ihe ni r. aboiu I lie nlory told In former (IhrrirT Capp and Ihe proponal alleged in have been miido lo h.i.. I"r ihe uppolntment ol deputiea. Iliucd lealilled thai nu on In Ihe employ of (h Not I hern Coal and 4,ke company, h largeal coii ein oper.ii nn in (he northern field. FATAL FIRE Oil T tin CONFLICTS Man Who Gave Death Dealing Alarm Described as Both Tall and Short. Fat Thin. ana All AGREE HE WORE BUTTON OF ALLIANCE Congressmen. Eager to Con clude Michigan Hearing Threaten to Work all Night (Ily I en-atl Wire m F.vtuInK lleriild.l Calumet, Mich, March 7 - Cernoim who lenllllcil before the corolier'n ln .,tit hi lurt Jiiiuiiir) Unit a nuili weui -iiig n Cilixeim Alliance" button ntarteil the ChriHiimia eve lure In an hall, today rcpccicd lln lr .tanerllollB before I teprenelll 1 1 v e I Taylor of Aiknio.ig nrnl of reiiiinylv nnla. imeiti.- gatoi n. The dent l lpt lonn iiiriiil an grea'ly an they the eoroiier'a Jury which of the limn ,1,1 befol'e body ditlc- tin. nil I Inn line of t ntniioiiv lem hing an open vertllit. Tinlav'n proi eeilimm were held lu the aimory vvh.ih the Caluniel uh. I Hie He. In M.lilliu toinp:ili leanen lo local niitliin oraiiiintnl'ini. i. N Hilton v in prem nl . to rt pre (.cut lh Weatern ''del a I ion of Min era, Iml he wn not allowed lo iiien- Hon the winenea the full i inniun- ite at HoiiKhlon had itareed that An thony I.ii.h. proculor of llnuah lon toiinlv and the committee mem ber Khoiild do all the i,u.-Hloiilntf Mr. Jn.-icphino lanliela Icniireil Hint ghe vt ua near the mnPHe of the hall when n man who ntoot) nliiii:- Ide her cried, "fire, fire." and Ihi't nlarteil fnr the tlo,,r Mie mini m- uim ii lane mun with a lolia nver- cout iind that lie wore ine ouniui m the CtCaen- Alliance" on hl coat. JolvJi llnrcar. 13 vear old. ilenrril ad Ihe man he aaltl h" hrard t rv "fire." an n nlmrl. nloul man "lie wore a lona overconi with the fur rnllar tnirieil a mid had n "iMixeiir.' AHImice' biiltoll on lln briavt." -t I tl the vv linens. Mr. Mi.rv Konl.olos mud a larue. nloul in. hi cried, "f re. ruh." nnd the panic started Hbe mid lie wore a I. nil. ,11 bill nlie could lint tl list 1 11 lllrtll Ihe leltcrillK oil t Mr I'.lia l-nh heard n mule cnl.e 'Tv "lire." Iivice in I'llKloll lll'.d llt' ll ilx Slavonic equivalent. "Vitlra" Mr Ann i l.tintlg. who l"t n Ut ile boy lit Hie rilHll. Wli M'Hlive licit ihe 111. ill win. i ricil "In-e" wore Hit? inn gnia of Ihe Ciliyen' Alliance. Wil l. I IMMI IT IT TAKI.M Al l. MI.IIT The muriiliiB aennloii of the con- uresjilonal xtnkc inv .-angai ion ended with Ihe propeci of a elunh I. tween the eoiiiui'llee nil, I Ihe altoinevn for 'he oiieraior Hu iilicrnooii. Chnir mnn Taylor iniimnteii lo AltorneV I'een that Ihe coniuiii H e w ill flni- li loicthi If the aennloii ha lo eonltnii I inch! The operator mtorncv have u .t nuited ih'ir poMiion, luit aa (he pe titioner, the WeNtern Kedcral.oti of Muier. were glvn three week" In which lo put lu their " the oper ator Hunk liny an min h time nrnl ihey number nf w II iie n After the Itilroduct which f-'lurilT Crime f-ne. Ihe npcrntni entitled to a have a larije ,-er to pi mine. . in of ,-t iiunliV nllered a de alled Wllnetuo to how that Ho- touti were open and thai eii:al Junllee vvn avit lallo lo both allien J lint !,.( Jil'-knl.l. riKhi r und Armi', nnd l'ol'-e enn ( Tfl'il'll. Ull ot Callllinl lenl.flcd. ihe lailer proiliicliitf two doxen bl.nk i.tckH, i lull and Inlhen that he n.-ml he had taken r.'i'in rioiiriK nir'kcra Caitaln .Mend of (he Citliimtt in I- Itia company, testified Ihnt In u r . uile at lied Jacket he had neeli a mriker vtenriiiif u ci.r of denote hcri'f IhiiIk'. evideitily taken from depntn in the eailc rlol'tig IIMMI II I l Hl lll . Til II I 1 III' Ml IKK llounhton ,.,h.. March 7 of the houne eoTiiuililee who ,,rc Inv i'hi mg the nirlkc ol ih in.ith et ii M ch. t opper min' in evpei i. d lo eon, hide Ihe r hearing In ihe i up per coiinirv l.iilny. Two meuila.r of the eonnni' lee Wi'lit lo Cllllllliet lo llllllie i.ll Invciluntlon of (he Itnl an hall il'v aater there on t'hriniiuan eve 1'iiml Willie.- for the opi r.itorn vten heard lit re hv the other t oiuum' ,-e-meu William llcaclie Mlianla. Imrnzxo. Albania. March T. - fr m e William und I'rinct-n Hophie, (he new h of Albania, arrived here toduy The populace gave Ihciii uu enl h ll at ic. web-olnn had any aiiihoiity ,o iiiakeBtich a pro pil. l.aler in Ihe aenniou proof wa un mitted of ihe di.itli of the man w h"tn Cupp had di-i'l,tied tried lo puii haaa deputy nhellfta colnuiinMlolin flion him iu In half of mine opeiuior Th' I'niuuilttee thru ordered all leilmoiiy lelalivM lo (ha( alleged traiinai'tloii airl. ken from Ihe rt id. AV PERILOUS VOYAGE 111 IT Eighteen Men of Steamer Charlemagne Tower, Jr.,! Rescued After Terriffic'Iq"i in Kansas City for Battle with Waves. Reliable Physician to Assist SHIP SPRUNG LEAKS I IN BOW AND STERN ' l ife Saving Crews of New Jei- sey Coast Helpless to Aid in Face of Heavy Seas. in Ijeanitl Wire u l-.rmlnt tlrd I New Vol a, Maiill 7 - -The elahleell ...en of the ci. w of tin i h.tilcini.i:t. ' Tower, .Ir.. inliitl in a Ioiik boat, land e.l n.ifelv ihi u'teii n al the Cedar Creek, N'. J- life Million. Thotnpnoii. Iliw male of the Towr, after he ea .ndi-oc wilh the nthtlt of th" crew id repair lo Ihe ma chinery ul leil:i WI The entt pu'iiiiir I. Hitiiplou Wetl- . iu."'y nnd not W' H done. IM lit had ilKinn noon after1 .-.a .mil Hit conilitmii. ii.Nii' wuh heavy renl:il i't ' Hie it leek. Tin- lllp j It'll In Low and Mci n. he n il'l. ami the plate were shaken loowe. J Waier c, Into the VC-'I i," thr.Miuh a i"ve. Tht tt am pump kein i her goiiin for a while Willi Hie mil nf In. ml pl'lnpn 111 crew tried tleper- alely to Ituhl bin k Ml' liruhlll water' but tlx It- hi i ii v ule w a n nn v a 1 1 ,li ami l llll.ll.y rem li' d the ell'SUlen. l.Ni i;o r ii s ! a i-i uu oi s ov.r. Meanliltt I'.u k. J J.. Mar. ".- Ktght- ' e. :i ineiii ier. lie linlitia the captain of tho crew of the nicaiiit r Charle-j ningoe Towet. Jr. whl'h n.'iik near hire, are adrilt nn the ocean In an open bout. The hint M-t-n of them, thtiv were K'llna nut ( aea 111 a noiilti-. eanlcrly tlileciion. The neamer naiiA , in li'tv lo t i.r wilier. Ihrec-nuarl-iK ; ot a mil.- Il'iin nhote helweell, Cnek .itnl Forked Itlver lif niving. rt..lloei. iv mile nullll) of here. ' II. H Tholllpo'ii. of llloi.k l.v ii, litnl ' II. ate, and tiller n ,e 111 I ' l if the crew i.i ie InoiiKht nhore. The revenue culler Itasca waa ta nallcd froin h'loie ..f the predl, .. ment I of (he clKhli'in tin II. and pill to n-,1 j to f .i i h i or i lieni ? There are two biK -and barn near J wh-'lc Ihe ltalnll' went to Ihe not - ( loll , M. nil,; mi l Ihe lile Haver woic n.'l liiunly ha i .1 n ii I'peil 111 In HI" h- ' ,1, K II,. : t In.;, In. I n, w., Hnallvj l.i ii in In-. I nil' '.in. upi-el and the life-! i ' in w ..dial iitdmre. i CiptU'li llnloiil .-lliiMiotl of the ToWel .Hill M V.Iliein I Ull look a loiiit lto.ll It WIS , Ol I I II osl ,l d lll.ll I I I . nil" an,, i I to lr i.iiiilliiu oil Ihe llll I.ll and lelll. llllfd itllnulc. Inn., lis ilia ' iil iiblit ne.i would ul anbv Sniw w.m I. ilium It kicw th ilii-r a'. .nil :i a. in loilny and Ihe long 1.. I blHl 1 1 iii v lew . In ii i Incil Ull. tide lol .'lull llld 11"! I ,il. j-., I. .mi. I by ' I.IKl he, II I I UKC I lie o.i I o II I I , I III,. Ill,, li'lcflin It . belli", e IIIV'II e' ll'nl t till .,.,11 I . I.' I. I r e slealll cllsll. p'liu lb r! ed 1 llcv will ,i ii i, to iiiii nn al ion lie, II i ..lill'l. I, ! , .w ' 1 1 1 I I ' Hloi'lil. .IlltollU Ihe llle- v ir. o.i h.i nlln e lillllil''at .o i i i. si rated anil com m lug 1a in coin ti. n In dilili nil liinl onl: pp-lud afiei d.iv Tin at If l.all.Hif life boat of the ll.ii ni-Ui't llfe.jit ing i-iaiiiui ha I ri out "f for the thtce wee, awaiting I'epnlls. The Tow.-r w i i w ncd 'v ml het u Tl .1 nr-pnl I I ! loll , oluf v l Ii v In Ii li.ii lei. M 'l -. i. V, ..I I. I. l.i. I, I ,1 il ,1. Il l H. .1 ! his the in li v . New VV .IK Ihe iiii :i-.p ..r ih, i-i. S. .. In I llat l 111 ill w o I He, i -.. , i oi ,t iik .It'lIT 111 si V Was new l" to Hie , n w 'IV.'I'I -llol'C i .i I-I a Ml oUi'J ill t. he did Hot i ale t i har and ha i e I lie n r.nk g. nu ll pollllll. 'I ill l.i pie. t h. Illlo I lie I .V II ha mis an In Wit.' old, III lief, lie t'.i nu r s.i nil Tin I i' W , I e on I V I snip ami on,, wn.- s a ti'l ol lie r pel soli. I I Tli;s Ian,' e.iin,. u.sli lllsMl lllilt. the 1 Ihe e. ot Ih" i ila) ut One of Siamese Twins Dies in Convulsions Supposedly Simple Surgical Operation Results in Speedy Death of Child. Othrr Re- tv I e -e.l Wire o I v enlng Herald 1 Dan. Mart i 7 - Madeleine. Ihe ' H'.'iio Twin.'" who waa ep.,raid on Wciliitxlny from her sislcl hu xuniic, Ii..' incut. of a delicate nuivl i tl o pet a i r n. died toitnv of coliv ul nioiia. Hiiiiiine In recovering rapidly Hum ihu effect! of the operaUona and the phiMiiana av (here l every pi"-p.ct of her lunig. T RAILOFEXPEHT AEIUCMI DOCTOR in Examination of Benton NO APPARENT RUSH TO ACCEPT THE JOB Bryan Says American Commis- sion is in "Status quo." Cam. mission Says it is Defunct. M'V laa-etl Wire (o IM-nlns Herald 1 Khiisik City, March 7 -Attempt to olil. tin the ncrvlrcn of al te.ini nntt Allieriean pbl.-lan who-e Held In far ((nun Iho Mexican in i der are bclnT i made hy the coin run tec ai.wiliiteil by Cii;r.illit:; Mexican cnun'itll , (lonallnt leader, lo lii'.etlgitte the nim ! of William H. Ileiiinll, uei ording lo ml announcement today by S'-nor Cablini Vlm iirra, nlnnier -i il .mi ni hi m of Ihe cmn-tituilntialiht. ya-nur N ixciri t made public the following I V-grnm received lodat and luiie.l "ilcneiil Itaiiion I'launlro," pi'i'ldcllt of (hu Mexican inv "iiimitli-e. I'leane Inform hv wire if (here I an ex peit medical leial aulhorliy Ihciv who would come nt once lo ex hum, . holy. Mow mm I. he would i haritc. Iteferrina to Itenton cane." "Il I eililenl," natd Selior 'i carra. "HiBt Ihe eaminl"loii in ek I ti k ihe nervlcea of an expert who will he entirely unprejudiced and for thia i cam il have prelerred a phyaleian (I mil aome other Hum a border city." Hi nor Vlxcarra nabl that from tha It l.-xrii in It wn apparenl lha( Ihe con. alltutionallKt coinmilnii intended to exhume (he body of llenton. I in und I -alely after receiving the telegram ho made mi offer to ! leading local doc tor, chief phvnulun for a public util ity corporation. Itclllnll 4 lllllll-loll Ullll. i:i Dam. Tex.. March 7i' n la Iclicr. Anierl' i.ii iiinoil ill Chihtia hua. who iiin.. here I ii Sunday (o is. oil the lO'iiion liivcfilK.ition com mittee to thai tin. returned alone, today. The ominlon han no In li il' liniiH and itn un uiher believe that no far u they are ei erned (hu lnvetiuaiuiii la over. Meanwhile Iho l onimlmion appointed by Citrrania t iiHi-ertaln all the clrciimKia nee of Ihu S' oieiiinan'H death I al work in Juarex. Mill III "Mlalu. W.iKhingioii. Mar. h 7 - Sc. it-i.irT I'.IVill n.iul today Ihe Allgio Auiein an i oiu uiiHmn ai'l'iuiitr-ii to ex amine the bod.' of William H lien toll, tin- I til I i-li Hiililecl, null wan In "l.n u nini." In udicial circle. II w.'t lilideiitliioil the t i.niinivnlon w ill make In, fill Unr attempt In accoln ldih , t he tank tor which II w.ot appointed. Sec retary llrvan iilno nuld noihlng had been recciieil t oll'-el lllllg the iuvtll liiilion heiiig m ule In ihe Id moil and Dam II cant a by the Mcxliali Colmll- .11.1 1 tbl llllllllon. Tile h.MC- lurv ill, eel to receive 111,- colnttnf- .1 I Moll' I'.UillllU III the II, 1. 1 I' c ue. tierieral t'anauxa ulr.iitly Im t" dared that any information In lh Helltoli lane miil be dcllvcted to Ihe :ri',h auth"iitlen theiiiaeivca. Slvly I cdcrnl K'llcil. Hrovv nsv ille. T.-x.. March .-nxiy Mexican ledelal. tin liltlilig MX olll- i t l r. Well- killed ill a llllllie W'eilllen ilin In the hill bnwecn Mople Mo i lei. i and Cub. r. ila In the Mate of W..I.I 1.1 oil. .11 .'orillllg to t-eWH 1'- 'lelleil toibi' III Mat., il. oil al mn- n( II in loli.i list In-ad pim lei i The report Mated Hint Ihe feilerala i iaeu;.cd a nirioig poition oti Iho i hll'n but w. re d.nloilg.-d lifl.-r it. j ho'.trn' llghllllg. Sklliolnhen are te I polled lo liavi. occurred near Alt -.iiiiia in w I i h I' ll fciit. lal and Ihl' O I iclicln were killed. Bandit Holds Up Sacramento Bank Three Thousand in Gold Handed Over by Cashier Un der Persuasive Influence of Six Shooter. Illy tngaed lr lu r v.nlng lleraitt t 4 S..CI aluento. Mar, h 7 A hail- tg !4 dit walked Into the iiuk DerU 4 Inati.'li , f ihe Stcruiii.' Lank 1 i.f ili, a i n al noon today cov - 4 cr.-. the canhler with a revolver and ati'r taking IJ.uaa In g' l'l. :vei and urreticy, made hi esei.p' H-- ftrai drew Iho cash,-r attention In promt- ! I li w u note Alter forcing ihe 4 c. inhn r in urilork the vault, he : pla ed linn Ir Ihu luvntory aipt lo, keil hi in (here .