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THE EVENTNO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, 17. II.. SATURDAY, MAHCII 7, 1914. tour. v1UtW Crescent Hardware Co. STOVE S AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pnmps 318 West Central Avenue PIIONE 315 BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 20S-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 Letnp's Falstaff and Draught Beers are the choicest products of the brewer's art. A trial will convince you. Consolidated A HI l iBIWIMMmB'lUBBBB 11 SALE SPECIAL ON SATURDAY. 14 Be xlmll make titi-lii mlu I r'- ilui lii. n on iMery watch tn mir Kir. 'Mil- reilinllon Hill apply ! nil Mir illflireiit nnilii. WaU J ilium. I lulu. Howard. Damp, j lc ii. 1 1 liiii il, Hint in... hII ti-Hcr. ll Willi ln. I Hit- stork I. Imil largo lui tin- llnii' or Br mill III- lll-MOIIIIf hi- li:ill I.MIII o M l' Mill enable you j Inn n wan-It Hi hIhiiii fm tori 11M. 1 lake iii.ii or lilts. Our can lie. uri' priced in ihii ig. iihs Hiul 1 1 it- iliaiiniiti - niTcr will bo n ri'liirn o mm lllulll'V "ll. ol; i V. s T 1CI V. f Mill tiM.V r eSTD'1863 RELIABLE 'WATCHMAKERS & JtWtlCRS r I07W CFNTRtL AVf .11 n i 1 1 ii. WiH t iiiirHl vc. iu; DUKE CITY CLEANERS Vl clrgu Ivala, men and M ipm' rlot'Hiig, rugs., draM-rlcs, -tc. till Wee rild I'll.. lip 44a. Promptness Our Motto F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECT Of B AND EMBALM EJL. Ill MlT UCAB. Wiiiat. tlF ur Bilia, 7a. FAMILY LIOL'OIt HOUSE . A. I. II VMM:, l-riiii. Koi aiin(a for Kan 'inlru l.iuic and rhamwl. liut-nf-lown orliT irimily lilleil. I 'urnir.lHHl IUhimi Oy w k or nuulu fin car line, riiono 702. OS N. into 1 WAY. 250 ENVELOPES FOR 45c WORTH $2.00 4 , i ) iviiLO onus co. 207 Wet Centni Those 7S3 ATC i DONT FAIL TO SEE Wright's Trading Post 3rd and Gold Ave, One of the ihow placet of the city. Larpest Collection of GEN VINE Indian and Mexican Handicraft. NAVAJO RUGS AtlD CURIOS Liquor Company Albuquerque,, New Hex. -"" I LOUDON'S PURE ICE CREAM X .311 E. Central Phone 507 CALL 47 For Parrel and Baggage Delivery. Sumlny anil night call. Thons 911 Albuqurrvuo Ircel Delivery. A. B. uaoa. Scott Knight AUtrgiTiHrr.' n: uiu U1KIMIK. fr )ihm. Mnkcw all kliula T in lion Males, onieo lliMtm II. Ar inijii Building. Corner Third street anil Ciniral Avenue. hill I i I I Jt ltl.l II THAM-'.lKU LINK Piano Moving and Household Hood it Iv in special attention. lu si storage hnuse In oily. Oltlc uii J hhIoi (labile 2I Win! Copper Ai PUN'TIVfi. illlIXO PAPF.Il I UMilM; Sall-iucilon In Every ltrvt. J(ill 111 ItllOTII Tln Kt'lPinllM liisiiramr. Sill 1 wl Am: I'Imuio Mt.J IHB1 C. T. FRENCH l.r:ltlj IMUKinOR. KMUAI Ml It. l-aly Aa tlx ant. ruth ami iitrl. T'hotwi IHty anir Wft t, IH, c. ii. ro'i:rc m. ii. n. o. lum-opallilo IhoivtarliKr. I treat all curnbla tliiraM-a. Offlra B'.rrp Blu. lh nr ttl and It. THERE'Sl A RUN on our llri ud M) the prrm n( lime the pul.Uc la In ining to find put Ita aupi'i i.irlty In 'Jmtie, flavor and jitilrl Hp qiiuliiiri. )t in pure In all Ita !n-ieill-iita and 'rr.oKt nrprlming In Unite to old and yuuinf, rjet It coat lha cm Kuincr no rnur,. (tnui other brand. A'e re licnt on nl In aMtiefai'tion and a ar going to Im ii-un our tiulmw ty doing II, t k PiOlIEER BAKERY w wuliivi at. a CRYSTAL Today iMii.i.v or Till", imimi:" (Vooiul of Hie Mary Fuller Hcri-) lall-Mui. -nuiiiihe or HVrm.EEV' Two-lbi'l Yltitradi Drama. TESTED nv FIIIE" Sa-llg Drama. Pictures Changed Every Day SPRINGER TRANSFER MOVE HOUSES. The Weather Foil KC AST TonlBht fair ami rilL'hily unrmiT. f-umliy fair. AUU'gt'KllcjrB Wrnthrr fr lllr i'4 lie. urn ilulili nt K oYlork thin iiioinins : Wnrmi'l, 59. i.lili-Bt, 24. ItiriHP, .1'.. At h. sr.. Northwint winilw; clour. Tlliitt l)onu ToiiIkIH. lnirri oil gl.ilf ili'lmlr; I'nlvor Hv K. lolligiv Klrl I'rcolivi. ri.m chnn h, S fi'rli.i k. Free lo th- liu'.illr. il. K. Wiirri'n pimt, O. A. rt . 1-1 Hi. in h Thiril airret, 7:3l. to ar-riinm- fur enirrtulnincnt of inaiul.r In chlrf. i 11 rnthPr 1 n Coulil Hp. I If 1 run not hi- an Ar; For n Coulil Hp I a May Ip. With u t liiincp of lout ItiiiK lii" I'd rathrr hp n llan pppn Tlmn a Might lliip Itppn liV For Mlshl IIP la n Haun t Iti-on Tint n Han ttu onrp an Arp. Aim. un Arc I I wad Am: ' A W;i wiih h II of th. nr; So I'd rlhi r Iip a H.m Itppn Than h flann'ti If ou ppa-." ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO hi" 11 "R I ti E R8 It you (all to get your avtning 4 papar, call 4 POSTAL. TEI.KORAPH a r(Mift ST PHONE It. Fee'a candy afore. Thine good nut curami'lN, IrcBli today .liuncM Ftilwi came down from Ber nnlillo laHt night to apend the day. If von can't UHe a Navajo l.lunkef youraelf. wlrp aonie friend in the eiml. " it lan't iitTold to puaa un entirely the wonderful .Mivur l.iunket tuile now III i.rogrexa nt John I i.p I'liilLr'a. A.V Homeone WHO knowa. Pantnln Freii Fornoff arrived lnal nlnht from Hunia Fe and will upend iceral day here. JiiiIkp M. P. Mechem left thla morn- ilia f..r hia home at Bochitu iiiti Hpendina Kcvcrul dnya in Ar.nniuerite Phurlea F. Wllmin. the well known It. in..r fire iiiHurunce udiiiHter, la III the city today. It will never enmp ngain nn op- portunitv to buy Navajo nmnKcm in prliea like thoHP In Hip John i -lark., aule. Auk aome one l.e who know. l-riniileiit r.corpe A. Kaaemnn o? the Pommercliil club left thi morning for n brief huitlneaa trip to Polorado. Pol. W. H. Hopewell l.i spending feral d.iya ut hi KU-rra county cal- tle ranch. Una Miilholland of flnllup l at- teniliiig to bUKlncK matter In Albu- iiucrniie loiiy. Himi.n Neuatadt. the well known ta l.unaa uicrchunt, la In th city today. John 1-ee Clarke picked up the big g.nt liar ii ii 1 11 of hi life the other il. Thut'a why he tan aell the trnwl de Hinilile klnde of Navajo blmikela ut uch rldiiiiloimly low prcea Ak aonie on who known. Frank K. Andrew, of ISanln I"e, la looking aft'T bualtiea inuitera heta today. , CI. I.ogan. depuiy rniinly clerk of Valencia county, la In th city to- tny. rherlff William P. Kendall of Hlerrfl county, leit for hi home at llillehnro Una niorning after aprndlng a day In AIIuiueriU". J. Porter June of 8nU Fe. w in the city yeaterday afternoon leav ing laid night for F.I Pao whence he will go to Fort Worth. Tex. lo ntlind the meeting of the Texa Pal- CLEJl!! U? F03 SFECIB IVrfM't Work oat Naiajo Itiif ml lraMrK. BILL'S SHOP cu.AMNo Asn rr.KHWxo Ilk M. KraiMMl Ml. PIhmmi 41 M. PASTIME Today i -on ihki.wd sKir Tliti-e-llc1 Warner I'ealure. (I ''at Mi-Inn tiene I. sootier.) SWKEVII.I.E'M I'lHK M. anil A. Wcicrn Comedy. FOR A TAXI GALL Dl F.1AUR0 Phone 17 LYRIC THEATER i nut M-Mivt "The Opal Rinf (Imp) Tuo-ilii'l lrania. lor) fif mrlril mywlorjr llh a iMinrrfnl lino ploi. "Sheridan's Pride" (Joker) Owned r. Animated Weekly. The vry lici 'nrliil Fvoiila of llio ral WfOk. He Orowera' aaaoclatlnn, whih eon vi'lo a lh. ro on Hip 10th. Ncurly cvervbnilV In Albtrnuerqu know a aoineliody who w ould buy a Navnjo blankei for half Ita real worth. The opportunity la now at the John I'lurke aule. Aak amne one who know. Mr. and Mr. A. J. Strayer of El Paao who have been vIMitna Albu (iieriUe and Santa Fa during the week, left tnta morning for their home. Mr. Strayer represent the National Paah Iteglaler company In the pouthweat. Additional Society News (CoiUlnuoil fro) Page On.) and the ufTuir Yiiui been arranged aa a farewell imrty. and wua rendered very mu, h giuer by th glad new that the guim of honor u ill remain In thl city. An Impromptu mualcal program waa prepared. tieverM.1 of the num ber were minii In coatume and the at cm ry wa iuil vivid. Mr Oeoia,. I'.verltt fcang "The De mon King Am ." wearing in appro- priae cinMiimp decorated with I'ny eleitrlc I u Ii' a. and atandliig. appur enlly, oul in a very black night through whli h the lightning flushed rreiiienil in ilaxxling aigiag alreak. Mr. t hi iii. in., garbed In a hand- aoine toreador outfit. .mk the I ore ador Hong ' In.m Partnen'' in a moat dramatic manner and completed hia number by nkiUftilly killing a toy bull. Mra. y. I.. Bradford and Mr. Phria- tlan aaiig iin- duet from the "Hone man tilil.' ilreaaed In proper coa- t ii in., uiul -i ling out the part with great tiiatrionic abil'IV. Mr Myei won great applaua with hia of "That Sweet Italian Wnlii." He appeured a an organ grimier, (nitying a xinull hand-organ on whn h pen lied a inoiikc) or waa it a cat'' and aang Ine aong through with a iiiaiol and t plcal Italian an ient, i The nn. I,. niiiirlet sung several numliers, Mrs. Harden playvd a ae lei i ion on the i.iaijo, and there were delightful aoloa by Mil. K. I. Brad ford and Mra. Pharle Andrew. A delii loua eiipper waa aerved about midnight and the gueata de purled all dei taring that they had had an eiilliel pit-aeunt and unusual ly eiiJoai.e etciilug. Thoae picM-nt were: Mr. and Mr Hugo Mer. Mr. and Mrs. Pharle An drew. Mr. and Mr. K. K. Harden Mr .and Mis. Felix Baca. Mr. and Mr. Hum Vann. Mr. and Mrs. E. U Bradford. Msa Fclyn Kventt, Mr. 1 honoia Phrlaiuia aud Mr. H. Bui loi k. tOMIItT UOMMV MfiHT l Pltlll l l Kl' 4'IU IM'II A number of Albu4Ur.ue'g moat kkMffMMBaaaHBHHMaMaaMMlaHi naBHBBMBBBBHRai popuiHr mitifiina will glva roncrrt In Hip Flmt Prinltprinti iliurrh Miimlav nlvhl. wliiih proinlp a miiHl rnjiiyalilp pvinlna: for luvrra of tooil iiiimlr. Th pmaram will nptln at A n'rlm k anil la na follow: MhIp ijuHrniip "A Snninipr I.ula liy." H ArrhPf Ollmolt Chun. i. Anilrpa. Minn P. Slrvpr, Thou. A. Phrlmlan. l'n. K. F.vprltt. iran Holo H''BPfllriliin Nuptial Ilolllna Mr. K. Wtiinli-y H-1pr. H the Hliorr." Phaniinad Mr. J Anitrrwa. "Thr Boril f Ferrara" rtullaril Mr. Jaa. A. Hlalm-y. Violin Holo KolPi-tPil Mln Clrnra Htorta. In) "ThP IjiiuI of thp Hky-tllu Watpf." failmnn (h) "Thp Ypar'a at thp Sprlnii" lloarh Ad Piph-p yinn. "Th nHiidppro'' , . . fttunrt Mr Thnmaa A. Phrlatlan. Si'hpntn Hymphonliiiip Miliar Mr. K. Blanlpy Hi-iIpt. 'Flltnlirth- PrayiT" t From "Tan- haiinpr") Wannor Mm. K. U Tlmdrord. "Th CrpolP irfiv r'a Hon-' ruiillry-Ilnck Mr. I'hna. J. Androwa. "Kentucky naho," Opihel Mnle Quartette. Y. W. C. A. NEWS. The regular tioard meet In will take place Monday afternnon at a quarter of four. Tupdnv evenlna the KpanUh cl nierta with Mra. J. 11. Ilenld. W'edneadny afternoon nt 4 o'clock the Y. V. p. A. fllrla' club will mpt Nut Thuraday evrnlnu, Mr. Har old Pearre. lawypr. will addreaa I.a Amlnna on the aul.lect, "Home Law Kvrry Woman Xhoald Know." All memher are tirgpd to b preaent and new member and oih'r Intercated arp Invited. A ureal many out-of-town vlaitor In Alhuiitertiue are taklna advantage of the opportunity to get n delightful lunch In the V. V. ". A. iunch room Personal Mention Mr. W. A. Ilnefler of New Tork i Visiting Mr. A. 11. rem of Isletu. Mr. M. V.. Hopper hut returned from a delightful vlalt of several week In New orlean. Miaa Marian Watllngton of this city, who la a atudent at the Agricu1 luial collega In Meailla Par a, I re covering from a aevere attack of th mump. Mr Purl Hopping returned Tueaday afternoon from an extended la in California Mr Hopping anil her daughter. ' Miaa Clara Hopping, will leniain In Bukersileld until summer Friend of Dr. Ma.garet Partwrlght have received word that he and her daughter, France W I Hard. arrBed safely In Huanajualii, Mexico, after ix week 'trip from New orlean to a port on the Pacini- coasi of Mexl'-o Mr. and Mr. Knl Wetller hav re turned from nn extended trip to St I.ouls Phleatn. New York and Bos ton. Mr. Albert Plancy returned yeati-r day to her home In Santa Fe lifter a three weeks' visit with her parents. Mr. and Mr. Wallace Heselden.v Mr. Howard Douglua of Trinidad Colorado, ha been the guest of Mr and Mra. T. fl. Winfrey for the past two week, and a number of dinner ami motor trio hav been given in hia honor. He left yeaterday for the east and will aall In June for Kurope. Mrs. Pharle White and daughter Margaret, have returned from a sev eral weeka" visit In Denver. Mra. Harry Drumm of Phlcitgu hu arrived lo vlall her parents. Major and Mra. U. K. B- Seller. Mra. V. S. Deorth ha returned from lhr week visit with atr Arthur I-angston of La V'-gaa. Mr. and Mr. Manuel Otero of Santa Fe hav arrived In Alouqiier- qu and Will make their home here. At preaent they are guest at in ai- vurudo hotel. Mr. Bernard llfeld. ae-ompanled hv Mr. Julius Abel of Fuluth. left Tueaday morning for Denver lo spend several da there. Mr. J. V. Preatel. manager of th doldcn Kill Dry lluoda company, en. Joyed a lail Wednesday from Mr. and Mr. P. J. Oraney of Kokomo, ma, Mr. Preatel former home. . Mr. P. E. Vaught, left Wednesday evening for Phoenix lo vtalt her daughter. Mra. W. J. Oliver. Mr. and Mr K. Paul Ferguaaon hav aolrt their attracilv bungalow on Fast Silver avenue lo Mr. and Mr. W. It. Walton, and will move next wek into the David Strome home. ilJ North K.levenih alreet. Mr. and Mr. Sirom are leaving for Califor nia, to remain there several month Miaa Zos McKendrlik, who has b. en with Ihe Bull Drug company for several months. Is leaving Tuesday lu take a position with th Hun Drug company of 1) Angelea. Miss M Kendrlck has been In Albmiuerqti four yeara and haa made many friends who greatly regret her de parture. Miss Lou Hughe has given tip her position here sod I going to Denver to Join her mother, Mr. Thomas Hughe, who has been there since the first of th year. They will make their home In Polorado, Friends of Mr. and Mr. W. Tloy Lyon, former resilient of this ciiy. will be Interested to learn that tin) ar living at it:' Allwlrosa avenue. San Diego, and Ilk southern Palifor nla very much. Mr. and Mrs. U P. McFlwaln have returned from a several weeks' trip Mr. Sensible Man! Your Spring Suit Is Here Styleplus $17 It it no longer necessary for you to spend $20 or $25 to be well dressed. The makers of 1 Styleplus Clothes Are presenting: this season's Suits for $17 that are in every respect the equal of the more expensive kind in style, in fabric, in tailoring;. Yon simlpy can't afford to buy a suit until you have looked over the STYLEPLUS line. SRMN S (Incorporated) ALt C.OODS RENT HUT. UT AIU'IXH IH)eiT. to Knnsn Pity and Denver. Mr. and Mr. 11. P. Brooltfleld of Omaha are visiting their daughter, Mra. J. S. Kusterdny. for a few day. after which they will leave for Pall- f.n-nln and Idaho lief. .re returning to their home. Mra. 3. England Smlther will ar rive tomorrow evening from a month's visit with her mother In New Tork. Favorites You Know In the Movies ; KlTIII.YX Wil l i IMS OF THE hKMU COMPWV. Mim Knihlyn Williams has been the leading ludy of the Sell Polyscope company fur acvernl year ana naa llicreaaed her great popularity re- i enlly In the ''Adventurea of Kalh- lyn."- written especially for her Harold Mci.rtith. Mia Wllllama waa born n Biit'e, Mont., and spent her early lite there During her senior year lit high avhool the falling family fortunes compelled her lo start out to seek ner own. lli-r charm of fai-e and grace ol flg'iret her poise ami lil.-irlonic re sourcef illness on no led the attention of a western theutrliul manager and he engaged her lor small part In Butte ulavhouap She had Hot been on the singe lung before shu waa served by Senator Plark, the copper king, who made lmiuirle i-limit the oung girl ti nil offered to give her a drumatic educatiofi- Through his generosity. Mlsa Wil Hams waa sent to the Franklin Sar gent dratiiHlIc hoo in New Yolk, where she studied two years, with such avidity and to such advantage that she accomplished wotulcra and waa, at her graduation, accorded the position of leading woman with I dramatic company. William N. S.-H. seeing Miaa Wil ability and engaged her I'r lending woman for his aiock company In Phi- cngo. Mis William entered into the new work with a seat that made her tnPiuhle acquisition for the serious side of the motion picture Ouaineaa. Having run the gamut of the acntl- menial snd tragic heroine, she be anie the favorite in a new sort drama In "which ' wild beiiai figured vitally and pli torlnlly. The beasts of thn Jungle prior lo lb la time hud never been brought Into the line of Ihe camera without steel laira ba tween. Miss Williams has proven herself past mlslresa in all plays which re- aulr unusual work and daring. She haa had several narrow escapes from serums Injury but remains undaunted and fearleaa, seeming to court a dan geroua altuatlon for th sheer spice bam on th stage, recognised her of novelty. New Books at the Public Library (.olden Itujo Isulllvera: Margaret Cameron The Dolllvera, who are from I he west, energetic and optlmla tic, buy an automobile and what they do with the nuioiiioliiif makes the story. Their friend call them the 'lohlen Bule Dolllvera because the begin sharing their car the very first day they use It lo sivp nleasure '"' pleaatiie'a sake in the poor, tire wistful people mi the sidewalk. The seven stories of iheir adventure lieu thp lilies: "The Man in the Bond, 'The Old Dear Ihe Doll! vers taught Napping," "Doing the Dolll vers." "Aid to Ihe Injured," "The Ikillivera Dine Oul," "The End and the Beginning" Tlie Light of Wcicrn Mara: Zunc tlrev The eecii of Mr. Piev' new RECEIVER'S SALE OF HARDWARE STOCK The riimied win, until March smb. 1114, receive s. b d bid on lb stock of Hardware and Fixtutca of the Mcintosh Hard War Company, of AlbuiiucrqUe, New Mexico. The ff'-'p I appraised at f 19. !.? and th fixtures ut A condensed ropy of the Inventory ran h had upon application, th original Inventory snd slock will be open for Inspection. The right ia reserved to reject any and all bid Ii considered too low. J- O"0l. Receiver In Charge. TIC 41 novel 1 laid neur th turbulent Mex ican border. A New York society girl Mujcaty to her frlenda buy a ranch which becomes the center ot activities in frontier warfare. n-oin the moment of her arrival In the west things begin to happen. I'.cne Slew art, an InloXualed cowboy, behave In n most astonishing iiuint.i r. Net ertheleaa she makes him h r superin tendent. She la lairled nfl by banillis but rescued by tlene and she Dn-I" herself constantly thinking of him. After a misunderstanding Hene goes to serve In the Mexican army, and Ix captured by rebels. He .a senicnced to deuth but I saved by i.lujisl) in dramatic dash across loumiy. The Price of Place: Samuel ;. Illylhe The price the native honor man holds deur. the pl.n e--niiy , one of the "sculs of the nng!it ill un.' American cnpltol; the bonk - u- cur ate In every lticol. nl except ..r names and places, a revelation ot the atro phy of the l.ionil sense in .Ann ro an life. The au'.hor ol Una le murkiit.le book Is probably the l.crt Informed Jotirniilmt In Amiilr.i point of knowledge of the Inner work ing of ittpttnl life. rcub-rs will rccnuniKp him as a coliirilmior for ninny years fur "W ho's S ho and Why" In the Jsiturday Post. The 4'lillilren's Blue Hied: Mail im- Maiirue M.ietcrliiick This Ih tin- siory of the ' Blue Bud told Mi prw- and beautifully illui'iialeil .. v.-uiot Ii Iks. No doiilit. however, in mv older people will enjoy I he w "ii.l. i I ul stor as wel las the amu!l'T I 1 1. Juvenile, Tales of HerolHiu From the World H History. Phyllis' Field friends, blr stoiits. Lcitnre I:. .Mulcts. Phyllis' Field Friends, bird at.-i n s. les. lanore K Mulct. Pmuky Fro-.'s stor). Amy Pri-mice. Nearly -vcrlMly In Mtioqoi roue knows aonu-lMMly wlut would lm a Navajo blmiki-l lor luill i. n-ul Miartli. TIh opiMirliioii la now at iIh John lift' lurke mU: Ask miiih' one wla knows. DysteHila Is America's curse. To restore digestion. normal vvcii;hl, good health and purify the 1. 1 1, use llurdiH-k Blood Hitter. Sold ut all drug stores. Price II tin. Join lr ( lark iu. k.-l up ih. blggii iMtrgaln ol Ills lilc the otla-r day. Tlial'a why Im tan m-II tlx- iiumI nsxlrabb kinds of NataSi Idunkiia at such ridlcnbiualy low trice. -k Msme oim Hlu kiMiws. i.. .mis.. ... . j i Tlier.'t lot of difference bo . T S -1 tween Toric (MXX Liniei and Flat Lens beaidet their light extra ccst. They give you extra vision and extra comfort They ara better looking, too. Come and co ua about Torio LENSES We supply the SKILLED SER VICE in FITTING GLASSES without which the most ex pensive lenses are worthless. C. II. CARP1ES OPTOMETm'T. 114 W. Central. Phone 452. s 3 jTZVZZZ.-