Newspaper Page Text
TIES EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., SATURDAY. MARCH 7. 1914. THREE. JUL SPORTS it Give Us Baseball Or We Perish! Cry the Fans With tlir linn nf miring In the ami cdinc (it blu leiiyii" traininii t m M licKlnnuiK I" I in r iii th "MI tulUltllin, the I . - I l 1 1 fill) III AlliuiifriMi Ik acBlnnltia In m I hi vruiiinl ii nl mi Iff hniimilt In ihe gen. mil direction of A'i i.ili'Hi p. nk in I other open npacen made Hhil provided tor tin1 nitH ittiiit nf i iu inn' inn! only liutinnal pastime In i lii' I' H A There la an ilch abroad fur m'lne Ihinit in tin- line nf f.mi sii nny mm. Ii.ikmi lily fast Mini oi l:. Hum ,J h.ini'hltll. I'lii' fan are weary of ih' lean yi'int III. ii hnvi mil . i i ih i the il.n when A lliiiiiicriiii wan ii power on the din ini'iiil in ihc mini hwest. nnil there ia i wiii ml d'sne lo i ' I ! in 1 1 1' lui ki'I'i'1 liitnn In ttii way of fi'iiily and i -Hlytnc diet for I In' KiiMii-liiiiim y pop. Dili o. II been a iiKni'M' d Hint ii fcn tiul New .Mexico Ii iihiii' iniHjtii be for m I'll, with two Iimmk f mm i h m i It . . lt li n team nmi a licriielilln dim III llll' I III lilt. ' II' Kit. It t I'Oltlt- il out, should In- nl.l" In r 'id II r- ruin pctoiit oi kmutihkc tciimn, n ml In' fiii from the heavy fmen that f rt mi a ilr.i in t'.i. k to vv nlcr i Ir i mm or lo Mi. miiioil of ii nliml' i.icn: I'iiil team. If thnl nort oT a Icuirue can't he or' ALL SORTS OF HEW OfJES EAGER TO BREAK IfJTO Koer Sullivan One of Backers of John T. Connery in Ef fort to Buy Chicago Na tionals FEDERAL UMPIRES ARE MEASURED FOR UNIFORMS! McCulloh and Thompson Rep- resent New Aggregation of Capital Anxious to Buy the Cubs. ltv latixil Wire lo I enhi(t llcrnld.) Clii. HHii, Mar h i. A n 1 1 ii i "" . 1 I 'liiuKo I. inn will he t'mini'iM o' "h'i T l i'iiiHit if hot I'l'iiitiil eflnr'.ii ti ,1111 I Kl." tlit "oniroll'tin xtoi K of III" t'l.r. In Nat ional l.akiie (lull alt- i.t i"Hinl. I In rr)- Oil). nihil, tunnel can (ll.l.itu lor ulicnrt nf I'ook rnui'lj. K"lt. r Hiilliviin, the I " 'III" l. ill, and I'lcil 111. i. k uia a in ii m ihiiKe who t.'k. .utt nf the Mia It, h wan . ii i ii. .1 to- la). Il.ilik Ii. ( 'oiiiiil , illy ill''., I miller of John T I'oiitiery mil '. he w an lint iilll' llt I Iiuki w .111 NnttKh'. t Ik loi M. John T. I'oliiiery, who Ih in New Yolk With the 1 .1 UN to 'I 1 '.'('.It to l ('. the I'turning ..rnl . uinatu In ,iie.o lent of 11 1011I He in chlu tlliancially 10 mke over tile r.i'i'.. .illiiin ililerint, ii nt id, ail in 11 .ih, i..iiI 1 111 hum. int. t wa tonncieil mtti'.' "lll UKll With U .1".. ro.u 10111I 'l ol I'Mlu'lH I teillll on h' ll'itlil fide KeliK I'linllill.iril, fo-ineily Mith the t'hicuiiii A merit. mm, hi Julne'l fi'ileialM nmt mm ii uileil l".l iy to the liintiAl-in teiitu. He Will li'uli! emn for the irainliiK cami. chlif -1 : 1 1 1 It re n 11 in uml ut inn I'll'ep met toil. ly mnl .lei lib' I ill ii Ii 1 1. tel. ill. .11 of the rulen. The .1 tfi 'i"lali'lia, hnuetcr, will be '.'.leireil lu ricnnli nt iiilinore ul the Fell-lain f.ire they are a.l"l'letl ami ilv. .tit- HKIIllielll of Ullll'ire tn II llllill l tt tu Kill await the I "turn of ll'a I'leMltleiit, hu hi rt'c New Yolk tomni row. The. umpires were iln lr unifiii 111. w ti:h I lm t iint i ti! ional blue. n il ha. k ft Jin meunureil fur ill llll'llllli 1 I" , will iln iii . a ilk ntyly t'jf tli-e tun cranh mii tt of Null In hot weather. I'll. iiIi n A.' M' I'lillin h nnil John It Tin inl'Min wi le ii urti! tmliiy to hate cnt a leleKiam In I'rcmilciit BASEBALL TTHE road to econ- omy and good dressing leads to Stein - Bloch Smart Clothes at this store. Follow it! Suits $18 and upwards. frr TfT ir . 8ntiici properly thin ncaaon, av thone ho nie intcrontcd In Ihi' inii"i, H iiiinIh In lie ponnttilc In form a Hy I' ax-iic, with (our vi rll-li.i I. in fil team. Moll ii leiiRtK', with the lemiiH mi balanced aa lo nmke mi inn rn'i', nimbi canity fill ll f-ll tin' fiitin with i lot of action uml 11 hectl.' t . I I nf i o.v eratloi iliroliKliolit h" sllSotl III ci'hlleotlnn Willi tin- iiikti Ion I of tho iirmitux.itlon of cither'ie It m mailed that mull mi m n .1 iilm i.e. I i i i 1 1 latin, hi d mnl run thrmmh a mo I'f'KMfnl ni'iiKon can to- iii.hIi- n tmst efT"ititc iTellriilnnry to I hi ni'uanira i Hut of n ptioim i ii'i ii.. oi ,i 1 1 1 , i.. no If a ivntral ,i'H Mixi'-o I. ii mi" or n Mti'tly Imiil bauue ban nnv kltnl of m hallway nuecesstul fi'imoii It wt! i.liiln.lliti illy nerve ii b h whet in the a ' i't ii i'H of the Ian". Winn an other i .".on dawn tin y will In' rcinlv lion of ii Ktri'im represent itlve I r-1 in iu ihm ii .eiii,e thin i'ur in ii c.ihiI.v mean tin- revival ' i.-in'im n f ift minor league ralilne in thin i it y in XI year. If ci'rt.iln rarncnt mnl i'ii'rit o youim in .ii in n hniiK it hIhiiii. it will lie ilniii'. Tin y :ire r.nimili'i ini wnvii i' ml nii'.iiin now, mnl In Iiiit lotiit miim' ttiiiia likely In ftiirt hIkxIiiix In l.irl I'irrll". Toiur mnl Ch.irl.'n K. Tuft unkmi! Ihim to ft 'H' e on the ihni'tti Nut ioiiuIh. Mi i nil", h nmt Thoini'son in1 irmoil the i.iHi'M! niniMiiil'n t ) y ttidi- il lo he t'lrnliti-retl hulilcrii for t'lo i'ii m Tin i u r.'ir. " in ii ne ' oin- I'lll.itlon of t.ll'iliil m rMlllll to ITl'i r rutiniyi'il hintetni n Baseball Will Be National Game of China i Joe Benz Says the Celestiah are Just Simply Nuts About the Only Game on Earth. IL-y IhM'I Wire lo Kxei.liitf lli-rnlil.) . (.'llUeBU . .M.irvll J. Jini"lHll i il'-B-t.iioil in I" ri'iin I'hlnii iiiilionnl K.iiiM'. M'-i-oriinM to .Foe lleiix. Iirtl of till. uortil linn mu lo r.'. ii I'hu-iitio. Jupiin fe ulreaily h iiutloii of linKeliMil fiitin, he unlit. lien nrriil loiliiy nnil wun fileet.'il hy Mim All"" Leilily. v. h"in he it lo niHi ly here Tut ml.iy Il till. He eieetM In lrne for Hie While Six Ir.iinuiK .nni in I'.ilifi.r n ii nf'cr the ' i"l.liiiu. Il- iix liiouuht B"iii t iil in V" of i'lili'lier lnli'. III" S"X rei'luit. nmi nil. I Jim Tln.ii. the liiiliiiii iithli'i". hail Iiiiii o oil nmi wonlil he of itritii hmiIpIhikt to the 1 hi lit n thin yenr. FEDERAL LEAGUE GRABS OFF MIKE B00LIH ltv I cw-itl Wire to I'm-iilim lit rultl. New Vntk, March 7 -The federal 1 aKii" iroiiiot"rM miuuum-eil ihia at ' t 11 ' in that Micv hail jubiiiiI Mi kit I I. in, formerly ol the l' lill a N'nlioiiiil I' HKue cltih ami Steve Kvaii" or the St la. uis National, liyi.lun ban In en allotl. il tu the H ill .uioru luh ol th" roller. 1 1 lean ii". while l iiih will play with Itrooklyn I'rennleiil ll.ik.i of the I'lulailelfhl 1 NiiIioiihIh niuli'il that he hail emleav orcil to hold lioolan ill With 1111 i T" elli lit nftor uml that he had rem li ed an iimli'i 'l.iii'linc with Manmrer 1'elir.iw of the New Vol lllal.'n uher.hy In. nl. ill umilil hae l.-i 11 trailed In the Nation al Icamie ienn int nlnncr of II3. Ionian, houeei, 1 iiuld no be iei'Hiiail.'d in 11 )".t the I'lolioitalH of the Federal li aitue. LELAND STANFORD TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY flly 4HhI Wire 10 lAciiina lleritlil.l Hlanl'.r.l rmerHll. l a' . Man 11. 7. laluml Hl.ililonl Jr. nnleriiy will eotiimi moritle Itn foiintliliK by Heii.t tor l.i 'ami Ktanl'old mnl Mm J aim I -.-1 1 1 1 r . t Hianford L'l yeiir nit", bv de' larliiic Miuitlay a Unix ' rnnv holi day and ci li-l-r mint the day w ith h i irnirlut " im rclHen. All unlverlty ork und cliiMi-'-i will be miiemleil. si niEDEHHD TORRES READY FOR THE BATTLE 'Both Boys in Splendid Condi tion for Contest in Elks The atre Monday Night. FINAL WORKOUTS TOMORROW AFTERNOON ; Tomorrow h ft'-nioon'i walkout wtlt ; roiiiih'ie flip li.ii'l it, union Hriinl f"i lll nry l:n il,. - u.l .l.i' it l i'i ii e. h" Will llli'i'l ill 111" tlll'l' 'Iinl til.. ill l' "III hi th" IIIK'.' i.i"i.i liino .i.inii ii. Itlit. i :.i Ii liov him tr.inn il ! . i . t h i 1 1 -ly for the i oiiii'H mnl i i.. m, t mi their tru.iiinx iiiii.iim il.iim i In oi i h,. III th" I'l'-I ot I'l.lllll ,i.n i" ,i- l;niil for :i liind 'sin. I'T'in 'i." 1 im-:"Jl . Ii ,. HARRY RIEDE The "Aspen Whirlwind." "lit (lull, nl 1.. Ii 1 1 to i f lb" I.iiU'-i crowiin ihat ban w iiii'miI a !" X ni ii. hum in thy. .ii. f..r" tiim. will ti" in at 11 lui. tin e mIoii thi i niir 'In I'ilK Statu Were 'l.-n il 01: nale V'l'Hti l'ti.O II fill in.ll In H.' I... nl ki " ' 1 1 1 1 1 U bt'ii'l'iunrt' Tn an Well a-t at e'alila I '" ami eieHl lii-ar-l'V I'.ttiiH. iili.l 111. .lit 01U-0I -tow n latin are cXiert"i to l'i III att. lui iln e .laic l.ey, Ih" Santa Ke Hpoiunk iiihii, ban 11 '. a hlo. k of In k"l- it lm It it ill r... In I.I lm 111.. Saliia I".' I. inn who tti'l mini 111 al'lolii'il'li'-n th" Iniu ii.llu nl lln- ..11 t'nl. I'. S. Kl'1'llll..lll Ml" I ; . I i 1 : 1 1 1 I't-n. innter, ban hIkii w.leil h" Will l.lil.H 11 il. Ii '.'.ii 1..11 ..I tans Hi. m lial l ii in w 11 in -1- I In Ii an ri.'frt Iti.'ile ban t.u 1 1 ' 1 11 rnumriis Into condition ami ih "iii .ib-ut that he will lower Hi" ii.i.i oi ih,' All'ii- 'I'lcl'iu,. Iiivoiit 1 .!.inl.i nmht" Villi K llii'.iili h liain im at the New Mex'.i'i A'lllil"' 'li.i i "ti.i;i: at x ..1 lm k wnli 11 11 1 s. Ii.n ii r. V'.i.lnt ihim nut 1 nil'!'; Who Will ml ,.H Ina t'.il mix ialt'l"ln 1 III I rv wan on I he load Hut 1 1 ... t 11 11 for bin i.mi.iI iiiotiiitiK "si'.u ami c.n lied eeen 11 11.1 a ball in 1 ! m ii. f "iv it tuiii'iia: tn hit 'laaitert. Toiiin baa been la :i hf ull for over 11 weel, mnl in 11 th. jiiiik of c.iiiiliiii'ii. ua he leiilu.-B ihm u, 11,, I i.lnl Iil.l Ion hi. Will Ii:. meet- Ins the t"n,'h"st lot that In- him ! wen imlic'l In no et J 1 K wnrkeil out thiw ariitini.,11 vtiih 1 ..una W'l'l,, I., (it IIo.mI mnl John Mi. ni I'liniorrovv .ilii-i i.m.11 Ho- i,la hava I'l.iiin.d t" Kite their filial workout nt the clulin gt 11. 11. n.1,1111 in iml'lli' Torien will woik fioin ; 1, in I :i of lm It ami will la- Helm ili;, ;., lownl b.v liiiile ami Inn Irtiiu,. ot Iruim rn. GALLUP BOY WANTS FIGHT WITH REIDE f. S. Frchhiiiuii, the i;,iIiii ,ro llloler. yent.l.lav wiled llill folllioln the liialn.tir of Harry l:lei", th' Ai"n "Whirlwind," an ninr I i ineil th,. w inner of the .M. I ii.,.i hl-'l ..1 1 1- bout, which liikca ilaep 11 1 liullu N. M., Mar. h 14. fiuitinia ban lind. niali In ii fur 11 l.i-ioiin.l limit at Vic tor, fnlii. Man h l. uml they will leave for th,. i'.. I. .1.1.1. 1 i in I he 1111.I.II1 of llet Week In nil aevclal il.on trtiiniiiK before iiicetinit 'Sibier' Hum h. foiiiiorn wired Fi 1 simian in leaaitl lo tei iiia mnl it in .riii. i.le the) will nt'.'iu the lialiuii uti-i ihr luiier hart of the iniiuih f aaiutlactorv In dm 1 tinlin re olfiiitl THIRD WARD WINS BASKET BALL GAME iy u aenre of 31 to 29 tho Third ward achonl banket bull t.aiu defeat ed the H' olid ward im lui.1 five ck terday afternoon. Three banket oiled within a minute und il hulf of the' end of the game decided the vic tory. , rhnna S. Rd nam. Ill W. fopfxr for flmt-clana hack aud carrlaeo. W , ?rlnir' 4k Co. - J SPEAKER GOES TO BOSTON WTH SAURY OF Activity of the Disappointed Federals Serves to Boost the Price for Star Material. NEW YORK'S WEEK OF BASEBALL FRENZY ENDS Banquet Tonight in Honor of Returned World Tourists Marks Work. Beginning of Real lt I en -nil Wile io lAi' llernlil Nrtv Voik, Al.ii.h .'. Tile iiiiniiii't t"iimlit hi which the White fim mnl Hi" S in ii i n will I" ill" kiH'hin of honor "HI rloe the k of limclmll funny lias ri litneil ti n-. Tomorrow "I Momliiy Miinuuir M.i.rn .1hiib to Iiiim- with hot li.iiriMt ilni'l fo M.ii lui mnl UMiii't i I'liiinkey mnl the Wliiiii .Six Hint lor the went tu Join the other lm mln IK of l ie leulll iiit.'iiily in triitniiiK. Keilenil leiltlle mil' lillK. who fulli-il to hIkii ii iln)et In enleriln'ii nifh llUl Iiom drill. Ill "itviiI to rHtilhlintl h new liiHh mu i for nl.irlenl iiIm.. ii ill l.'.i vi town. Tin- Hii'nry Ti in Hi-cnker Ih In re fine irom the liot.ton A iin rii " n liiiKue club wim I'i'l.iy the mibject ol nun Ii Ki'i i iilii tloii. I' In iiiiiI' I sln.'il 'n-.iker'ji '"iiti,i--t t .iIIk lor tin .iiinii. il ciliry of IH mm or IIH.nlili i l .i In inlilii inii i" Mix, he K. i a I',, mill linniiK fm n.miliiK. Itiloio muniiiK a l;"il Hut rotitri't Si'.'iltei' lixteneil to the Feil"rnl of. Iiii. hut ,i He nr eon ll.n l llili nil of llll"" yciirn He nl" .ii iniinil. il the i I inn of the -In n-.. in the cotiti.n t n hi' h Kl.i'i m i lull the irillcK" of ilroi'inni: h pl.iy "i" hi ton iiiii.' iiotn i'. The Niiimnnl le.iuue meeting re Milteil In no ilei'imoii with rcu.iril I" Hie I'lll'iiRo-lliipuin "lull den I for the Hctvli'o of Johnii) i:v.-ii nnil tu tin I i ii k ii new n nor for the t'hl' HRn club Alter two lengthy .-."Miinn the limiril of ilir. i t"m Hiiiniiiiii eil that the flnul Kilili'iiii'iit of t!ie litem trmle boil been Iclt lo ITeHiil.iit Teller. A the intuailoii now fi.inil-;, Km is. wetie .iml renin., are xnil th.- .ro crty of the I lout on club. Iinl l lw Jnllln S(Ullll. lakliinil. ful., March 7 - Hal ''bane, firat iiiincmun of the I'hiciiao A inorii una, jniiietl h.a lotiiiuilen here today and w ill Intu the lne-iii thia allirilimll uU'ilnnl the San Krall'lni-n 'lub fhim.' hi' I. "1 11 tilayinii witmr ball in San Joite uml in in u I conili- ti'.n. HAPPYS MEET OLD TOWN TEAM TOMORROW The llaiin. who have played name thia hciimoii, vv il meet the 1 'I.I Aiiiiiit r.ii" I'.intvtiH, whn hiivi n't I" en In in 1 1. .11 yet thin v. ic at As ""iinl inn 1 in ik tomnrrntv. Vet em lis will niii'ni' in both llne-upt. Tin ru t II be 110 ailuiiMNiun. The I 11 -1 1 1 . will he nn foilowa. Itrmv tin- a 'b vald". can her; I. I'liaven. I'll. Ii. r. .lan.ii. m. firnt iiasc, H Torren, aecoiul base, tlue "irr. third l.,i. : Tdmr'n, horistoi: 1 't-rt .nili i b it field; A. IN rti, liter field; Armijo, riKht fieltla. Ilaiin- Si - 111 1 f, inn hi-r; flalk, liltt her; ,1. M. I 'llllilll. flfnl bane; Si.'tic.r. Imac; I.akev third i'ae; llmKHin ahortatop, I; Mi-I'an-na. I.'fi field. Murphy, iinur ti'ld; White, rinht li id. wilsonpendTday in philadelphia lly l-famsl Wire to Kvi'nine Herald. I'hiludi'lphi i March 7 - A hm Tovvil chicl".! I'reaulent Wilson when he in rued here tndav lor a two In urs' v . ,t with h! ocullsi The pri'Mil. i l haa been hut i in; bis ten fxainiinil aniiuall" for a Mioi" -if vearn. IIin desire to have lb" name physician I' i k after them brmiiihi Ii in in I'hil.i.b iphla. lie pl uimd f return In ali imton inniKht. I're, i.ilclll In'ill wan in the nrli bnt'a offlc,. ii lutle ttiore than nn hour. At enmpanii ,1 by Hei reiary Tumul ty, the pn nil. ni n.r.ill.d (bnvn fheat nut at reel mil ' nlereil a department nlnre. He w i 'Kid IhrmiKh the place and aloppctl ,,i ii book lotinter where he pur i hum d three bookn of new fic tion. The prenidi ni attain mlmled w ith tbi- thronx on I'iienlniit atreet. Alnnn the wav he w.ia ot'ensionully if nn iiinetl and be "topped aeveral limen tn greet rrn nils. At Hie railroad Htnlion I'r. s.. I. lit Wllnoti pui' ham-il fevernl maKa neg und went to hia ear. ClmiitlKTbilira Taldila ftar (NiiimIih Ihm. For ronntll'.liuii. fliambei lal'i" ' Tablet- arn ex. ellenl. Kuay lo take, mild and aii.'le In effeit. (live th iii a trial. For .ile by all Uruglt. NOTHING NEW ON SITUATION IN BRAZIL flljr It'aix'il Wire Cvralnx Herald.) Wanhliuji'ii' .March 7 J'la putchca ti'dat to Honor d.ilaina, the Hmliass.iilnr from llraml. re- ported i unditiniia tiiiet and tin- chaiiKed in i:ii and other cilica which hate been declared In I I Mala of elca-e lierutin nf rev o- luminary uiHvitiea and added that there sua trouble in only ni.e atuie, feara. 4 8.000 HEW MEXICO CLOSES ITS CASE III THE Attorney General Frank W. Clancy Here this Morning Way to Santa Fe from El Paso. RESULT MEAN3 MILLIONS I OF PROPERTY TO STATE Interesting Testimon y Brought Out in 4.000 Fages of Evidence in Big Suit With Texas. Aitornry ll.ncril I rmik W". Chinry. w in in th" citv thin inornltm for mi hour, i "1 ii in ' nt! to hl Inline in Hiiiitu I'.' ti"in I:' l'ii'i uli.i" f..r the itl llll. Itiolllhi. Willi II f"rt ililert.llh. llll Ihim l.i i ii i iik -ii'i il In reir"i nlliii; the t ate ill Ih" hilt boiitiil.iry mm (' New MtM'o iit.'aiiist T"vn. ami mvolvitm tlllole ihmi LT. huh ai-l. m of 'il lllllliln Miili v Imiil. will' h T'Vii-J cl.iiittH uml H hi' Il New M"Yi"ll lll-.ll I lllllllH II il II H The Milt, which llll! -ittelltioll, rests llllilll iiitriti tcil w liln :lie one iM'H I loll "t her" IIH t he lull ol the l:in (Iniliie ill IS.Ml?" Th" el iilelli e thll III' the lit. lie of New fir Introilneeii Mexico, winch . I'lS'll itH fl'li of the ciii' Kriiluy, lakill Miill lln crrNH-cKiiiiiiuui ion. llll't lllllOUIltM to ttriiten i.iii'. villi h Ih In he mi illaie rm nr "lit an eiMiil I'lnlir th" iroi 1 1 o i'l "leu lo t v. i il' ln e llll roil lei nior' The l.i k. I ' til ihmi I mm t tie rail" for Ti l m. nil In the Im tu oh. i hlv dllllK nliiiiii' of leHt immiv. oillll f I' cull 'II Pt:i1e. Ill" I'Vi- l nt thiM honriim. i:ne illrect of lliicillK ii the I'lliteil Statei eollrt i for iiil.iuilictn ion. 1 1 t be 1 mil tc ol I hi i hm ince I tvr.'l V ll"ll III" T't'i-N"W- Mexico ).oiin1ary wa." et ililii-hid, 1 he b"d of the lllii flnimle him Nhifted freiiient Iv, until now T"Vii iluinin n larita area of land, irr uaf d and which will be it rivaled bv the I'll (.ham Unite pro"i 1 which Net? Mi-xicti eoiitend in well within the boundary entail lisheil for ihln mate by the bed nt 'he rlv t at th' I'm" 11 In. unitary win mad". 'i iri r I ua llv." mid Mr. Cluiiiy ttii morniiiftr. "vve eoiiientled that iihiitit 1 4 .100 ucren had been ( la lined by Texan which r itfbt I iillv bclunzx In New Mcxli'o. I'm 111 the rvblen' e nroKreiiaed we were forced In amend our complaint to take In almnnl twice lhat ncreiiire. It In verv valuable Ir iitiiilil" land, valued at fiom f I an to $.'iinl an acre, no ttuit the taxable prn- ticiiv iiivoiveii rein-nen int.) iii" mil l.oiin and In well worth fiKlu nu for. "We have hloUltht nut nome velV 1111 1 HM 1 im icniimoov of pi 1 ma ndi hintoliial value tn the coutno ot Hit' lirarinit S'teral melt have been in troduced bv New Mexico who navv Iho Hlo liriiiu'it' iti IxTiii ami were preiiir- il to testify an to where It ran III lhat time. llll" man vt e put nil the aland went iitmiK t hi r.'.r 111 the (im puted Ii i ru. .i t In X4. n tub) 11 story of two vniinu moil who kidnap ' il 11 V'llllm Wi'lllall at Siii-oirn whet" the wltnenn lited. ami carried h" r nff. ilteiiiiini: to Ret acri'sn 1 he linrder In In Mcxii-u. A iiisi" wan ril'i;anixed nf Willi h the witlu sn wan one Tin V irailed the fuu livcK nmi ilnlr pria "n'r f..r davs. dot. 11 the 1:1.1 liramlo. I'r n nl If Ihev VMldeil In the r'ver I'.r milea to br' ik Ih" trail; but tlu v fin., llv laiiLibl 1 he al'Hconilitiu tiariy iii-iir l'i I'.iso. When th" pnnHe nine up Hie kiilti ippern ll' il, b ut in tin ir I'llptiv.' The . .liiesii sav'i h" one ol thelit an tracl a nf blood VV'TA loiiinl Hut the iniiinrt was Infest,.,! Willi rather Fav.iue Imliann at that time ami the ponne mist' d no 1 1 mo in I'rii.i b stt imrsuii . "The stale' can" In a l !' .l ic oiirt and of verv material Interest to N'ev Mexico " NEW YORK POLICE RECOVER ENORMOUS MASS OF LOOT fit) l.t-asisl Wirt, to I vciilnu UiTnlil. New Vork. Ma 7 floo.ln ntoltti from New Voik formal frciubt am ainl Valued at b"- 4 tween i 'a nun and 17'iUim, were found bv the pn' ee .ind railrnad ietei-tiin List IliKbt ill 11 flat 111 the ItrnllX. oel'llpleil iiy Nicholas Kni'th, h ioiiarv' euKineer. w lm wan arretted Try HERALD want ads, they bring: results. ALVARADO SHOE SHOP FIRST CLASS REPAIRING LADIES AND GENTS' Rubber heels - 40c Half soles - - 75c E. VAZQUEZ 207 Y2 W. CENTRAL BOUNDARY DISPUTE Everything MUST GO "We have The carpenters are crowding us now. and we sim ply must close out our diy goods stock. Cost marks have been disregarded as you will see from these prices: New Wash dilhs, 50c vilues 20c New Silk Corded Poplins. 50c Vrilues 20c New Ratines, 50c values 20c Nw Serpentine Crepes. 20c values 15c New Dress Ginghams 12c and 15c values 8o Apron Check Ginghams, 7c values 5a Linen Torchon, Val and Irish at Half Price. Entire stock of New Embroideries and W. B. Cor sets at Third Off. Everything in the house at 'ess than cost The Model Dry Goods Co. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY 4 Today's Market Reports 4 WALL STREET CLOSES WITH HEAVY MARKET lly laust'd Wire In ICtt'iilnir Herald., .Sen Voik. .March 7. - Tl.c muii'.c; i Inneil hciivv alter u petit' tif sharp b ' lim n .mil rallies today, la Inuli alle broke a puiiitn und llendiiiu tell a uoim iii.d' i entcnla.. a clone. The inmra list weak'-ii'il liaclioii .ill an ll.l'lern took profUn. The li t -tl ol prii however, vtaa held well .ibove the low p. mils on the opcnlint b 1 1 a k. ealtiicsa ul Hie Mart wan fore sllailotti ti the tleprensioll anions A uit'i I. a ii Mm k in l.niidiin. cjuotu linllt here apploxnualcd Ihoitt; '.lilnail. llll' decline huilia: tlC'pcd by Kurop an itelliiiK The dial .m ily un- lattllable slmwiia III .IV ll.ivelin " r. poll, knlloulliK the HI I'anl ami fhi Hapeake and I'liln incl 'i.-nt.s in. .do H'tititiicut biurish. pai liiiilarit low, iid i be l. nil". 1. 1 shales Itnliils were ea.ller. Th.' t lone of the niont iniportaiil ( Mll'i k w.'i ,. UH li.llt.nn; AmalManiat'-il, 7 M.ik.,1. 1 ii J 1-4. All Ins, ,ti h.1 .1-1. i:eaillUK, I li 2 7- S Hum In l n I'lieit ii I I x. 2 l-H. f. hti Mi l"ll el. 'i I. l'i.. if I :6 12. 3 7-K. preferred. lfl'J 3-4. Money Market N.vv Y"ik. .March 7 Money all li, ni. . lit, I , no Inmm time 1. 1. ins tinner, i,u da' . it M-r em. !iii tlnvK .; I - 4 ner tent: six limiit h". :l I - 2 per i nn, M"i. intile paper !' I 1-2 per cent l .ir silt ,-r. :,n I -4c M Xn all iloU.irn. 4 ;, tint eminent In. mis, weak: I'l'iuls caay. null "ii d Cotton Market. N 'tv York March 7 i "i.i t .n npol. .tnct. tin. I. II. iik. Il l (Hi. uulf. Ill 25. The Metal Markets. New tiiik, .March 7. The metal lllalkela were dull ami noiiilliul l.nke ii.ppti. noiiiiii.'i. iii 1 1 rnlt i i. fli;!7 en st 1 1 ,K $ I I iiii , i 4 2 . iron, iinchiinaeit l'ud ami SiM-lter. Pi lamia, .Mav 7 - Lead. nlc.idv. 11 '.in; npcltcr. Ij lSiiilT', CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET f'hltuKo. Man h 7 I'redictiona that the lari'Mt acreage in Inntorv will be panted in the north it em with In it lew werka had a hnirinh influ t nee today on wheat. The noil there Wan "aid to be In tin beat (.null! lull ever known -nt thia time of the year, 1 lid Ifl erellt .'lllilea extended lllntl tn dun mirage buyera. The market i pened the aimie aa last limiit. to i- ill-4e lower Hiid conttntied tn aait. forn eaaett off becuunt of the acHiiiinena i,f di'innnd. t'!ai'terii lonxa were ti 1 1 1 t , 1 1 1 at in a ennnidnruhic ex tent. After ataruna uit' hana'-d to I - Ic lower, the market reacted aoniit Iml but Hi-n fell uitaln. n.tta nhowetl m'lim wrikueni on ae- to move Laces and Edgings i olilil Tradi In of the actli.n waa litfht. prm Inlona, tin of other ccrtviJa. main llillin n.'i' wna the siren I h of the li.'K maik'-l I'llnt uilea varie.l Inmi I.ihI tundra level to ,'ic hlichcr mid there i'.ih a niiloc'iuenl further upturn. Wheat clnsctl tirui at ! lb .I s,- to I -2c unibr last nlnhf. I "urn waa iiervoua at the clone. II i .1-1, loner in n ah.nle up t iimp.iieil with hint n i Kht. forn I hiIb- I'olk l.ard l-J - Ma,. f fi-X; July. lid. Mil), 40, July. 3!l -. Mav i: ti.".. J , l.i 7,1 Mav. ii H7 1-2; Jul,, ). - May. Ill r.7 1-2; July. . IllliH 87 1-2 OPERATIONS IN LIVE STOCK MARKETS lviiniis .ly l.lvcM'M It. N.IIIS.IS flly. Mi, j. 7. .... , ,KH :. eripta, :;.in .Market, air t Hulk. ;ia ;, x :,ii in ia. tn la s ,11; pncllls .i It tl bltehelH I V 211 X :,il Ill-Ill fill -.11 11,1 . V'l 2 r. ; 1 .',11. n.llltl'i M :t.. ' -to. k. Is 'n 4f x u , . i; ?7 7 r tif x ail Miillti'l. b Hi'ccipln Cr in- i"d ill" -I'll In i W . si , in . I,., -in st". is $t; all era. j x iiii ,,. it 7 2. b 7 imii v 7 j, i in, ; i on , I i 7a. he I rn ; l'i : I 'I lid; I X (III. I .".II "I 1'. an I l""d l'i till 'a 7 Mi ; I uMa. I ll .Ml Mil. It- 1 1 't M III, lie I II I. et llel , -.11 "I ni l..inii.s ; ti mi if i; ; ;, ; . I '.I es. $ ,'i l"l ,j llll'llui, Mv.slt i k. f Iii na... vi ,n , i, 7 . 1 1,, ft- f :, 7 "" M u ki t, striuia- In a iibot" tesli'idnt'n iivi'iiiu , i ' 1 1 1 a Slllll" Hull.. ' .1111 V.H.-,. I,hl. IX III-, K I, ,; ,,v x tu i t.7d: hi at ) , .s .' , -,, x ,,: "nth i x in. p,tf; !; : , , fa 1 1 Ir I ;,', i-'i't an j ., r steadv Pi'iai't. 17 2 a ?i II 7.",. T. x nlerrn 17 lllli V Kl, w,.,, .n. .,... ,1 III Vllii V llll, ' ir. r.ii -i ii ii, , , 'll X ."i i ; cites Isllel p Cei i tt . ,t k .i t it e 14 X ". i ii 2 ". . v lilllil s n itfte, 7S 7 7ti "i k- is and 'i ami lii'ife I :t i; -, 17 -." I ii 'P's. I .'.nil M.iik.t, II Vi'iSr, w . stern an na- -, r, i, j . ' 'i 7 .",, vv i ntern. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY in ii'i:ki:i:i-io r..'.m ..r i...itl T and roiiti'a iiiirland hotel, ;iii'J'B Wist fentral fO'J There't comfort good cher refresh ment -fif act ion in every c up of 1 ..) r