Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., SATURDAY. MARCH 7, 1914. fIVJL iTTTs Th-" 1ow-gjv.fl powders nre made from "alum." or "sodium nlnminum sulphate," which is also alum, a mineral acid, which docs not make the food healthful. One pound of the low cost powders contains three ounces of alum, a mineral acid. Is it safe to put that on your pantry shelf along with cans of food ingredients? Food baked with alum baking powders is found to contain a portion of the alum unchanged. Read the ingredient clause of label on the can. Unless it show& cream of tartar don t use the powder. Steamer Discovery Again f Bound for South Pole (l'x tin- -.-n. iali-d I'ri-w.) Iimli'ii. Mar. 7. Tin MUiiiiiir n ic.virv, Inch tin- Lite i'.-i plain Hcult uh,.iI In hn IIimI A lift, r.-l If ml il'i. hliM ,..... . i, .ei ...... i i... ii.,i.i, im. uf He i-M.e.lill. n nlil. li l! lo lie nun.,1 i, J. K.iKlir Hla. khi.UM-. anil will lean- I.oik,.i, nl.oiu the llim or AumiM for Hie far roiilh. Mr. it.i.k- Iiiiiiiii-. whose i-xcloraloiv oik Iih ln nn. lure lii-t-ri . i.i.llne.l to I. i lanil. ill mall., no aili ini l lo lea-Ii Ihe l.oie. 1 1 ih loa n ,.urioHe will he to uul.iniiii.. iIik .oiih hue i.i KIkk K.I- Waul VII l-ntKi on one ill- of Ihe circle, anil illaham lin.l nil the oih.r lielwe.n I hem- two ei . llona of .Uncover,.,! l.m.l mr. t, he a vt ami (.radically uncm.'l'ir.-il if- Kloii The i xieilillini vi ill iiilem.l to reach the fii'lc, delerinine tth.-lhcr this Intel i i-niin! ki.i- in land or mil. Mhelln r Kin lalnnrd I.and In mit of tho m eal Antarctic continent oi all Inland or K""U' "f n-laiii ft In tile f i oxen Hea. The exixlcii'-e m lir.ihani l.'licl. uiid of 1'n.ila ti ml. lln.leti.y I. ..nil and Keiiii l.iid on the Atlantic horder of the xreiit t uiici. .i.i will an the dim in ! of land hioi'Ii l.y l.i.-uti mini I'll, liner id the lieiman ex i.cil. t in 1ail. Ihe i ontineiilal theory, ln the oih.r finnd Die ureal tir.a of PacK i.-p nn.M,-il on l!sf north mid went iiin.1.1 of Kin K'tward 1 1 Umd point Mr. Sta. kh.nim. iukhisIh. lo r four ear. Fl oin C..elow n w tide Ihe diiU ol Ice northward from Ihe lh(. , ,.n.,n. Ini-lriimentii will l.e lln Wfddfll wii !o the ll.m w, prfKinn- Hy ieie,. the ico ory will r-iil thi-oniih a nlralt Beimrallnit Klmf t(, tlp .-Mklaiid Inlalidn, a diBtanci- of K.lwatd VII lin.l from lirahitm ao.uit ri.iiioi milf". Hfeii in-a noimrt l.aini. Thin I the moHl noutherly of !, will have conider,ihlr Hrllinh"ion for Ihe w.n do f- h droKta I'hhal valin-. will he taken In iwi-i n im rnlian il.-nr.-' : j,; i. e Intl.- fie.iin tiled ni-.ib, in ti .-ill and mi l idiaii Ku ilcrrwi wt-Bt l " for the ItrltiBh Tin Inform. .Hon which lh- fxiu-.lltlon will ohtnln im to hurliorii, whalinft fdallonH and (i-allmr uroiindH will he nf neat erv Ice to Hip xhulinn Industry of Hip I'alkland lnlalidM. The errw of llip IHm-ovf rv will roll, pint of 2.". men and In addition there will he fly if mielit lata. e v. ral of Ihe ihi'a oth'-fra aUo iindertakinx hi .-n-title ol.Hirvailotia. Thev will have an in r.'i'luii" for phninuTuphlc Hiirvey woik uiid Una too will If ll-cful in f-nahllinr llm leader to rhmw the heat FREE TO (STHMA SUFFERERS A N'w Ilium' i'vrv That Aii)oim 1 1 1 1 proceed tn I.ainen'a a.-.i mid ftt l'a' Mllkoiit lllniiifiir or lAum I ri.uvor I" fix the n-nat helwpi-n lir i if TUul. ! "m Umd and the h-iae or Ihe laat ,,. . .. . .,, , 'liirmiin mpedilion TS rietcte.-a lie iiiiv-9 a . w ..i.-iiiu.i .i..i ....-" AHihma, and wo w.uit you lo tiy it "t our i p nae. No matter w hi ther your ciiwi la of lunu-Klainlinit or re lent .level. iim. in. whiiher II la pli--tnt occaKloual or chronic Aathmn, )..u alimiid nd for a free trial of our nulhod. No mutter In what ciliuute ymi live, no imiller what your hup or occupation, If you arc troubled with a hi hum, our method thould rtflipv yuu promptly. We eBpeclallv want tn aend It ta thmu niipurpiitly liopele rnafa, whar all form of InhiilPia. douchea. opium prpparatlona, fumea, "palpni mukea," pic. hav failed. Wa want to aliow pverymif! al our own pxpenap, that thla new method l dflsnud lo nd nil dillhtult hrpalhlng. all whex IniC and all thorn." tprrildii puroxyamn at on. and fur all limp. Thla tree nhvr la ton Imnnrtarit I" iiphIpcI b (inKlo day. Writ now and then l.enln ihe method al once. Hpii.) no tnnn.y. riimply mull coupon ! lo. Do It Today. niiK. ahtiii riu i-ox Kit' 'N'TI K It A8TIIVIA I'll., Hoom ll 11. MiiK.-irn and Iludxon Kti, Huffalo, N. V. Hi-nd frpp trial of your met hud to: r7 VJ " J Its superiority is unquestioned Its fame world-wide Its use a protection and a guarantee against alum food , r--a roule when hi) want In ailvaii.ii. Most uf tm nm it. t; mill m Ichtilic staff have already been chosen. Lieutenant n, i. iiarnoiii 01 in.- no...,. .-'. ill" " haxlgaliiig ulllci-r on Ih In I hi- Mini nl. ton i-xin illtlon. c niiii.unl Hip I Hue. .very. The r'"l 'MCr will he iitenant Klchiinl O. linmlin, of Ihe Itoyal Imllan Ma- h" 11 "iisi.l. r.ilile Know- '"'K" "f nurvi-yliiK. ami Ihe iiavlKat- " "llii er. w lio . oin. -i rrom Ihe .Mine rvti-. will I.p l.l.nlenant IS. M.-ally. '"'li Ke ir-Ailmli al I mini Heally. Chli f IVIIV I ill). , r Tom '" " hoai!e,J llh J-' oll III hold IHoM-ry anil Terra Nina ixietil- 'lnh. will he lM.alialn. Amoint Ihe micntttlr "luff will le T.ord I'oniileli.n of Ihe iliena.lier finnrdii, who ha done a Kieat deal of j military nurvpy work; the M il. r of j Seni.lll. inlv m.n of hta-m pt II. j h.i m-rt ed hl a.irentlceh; . In en- tlneerlni! kii.I will l.aie i)iiie of! I In il ..n Inn nl. Hie electrical plant and the motor I. oil and neiopl: lie enc.ii e: i'iipia:n A K.I t'aiilrell. win. him lucn lent lv thej admiralty, will ha.e hurtc of Ihe' piii v.-y work ; W. II Stewart "i.irm'tt. ', M. A. an expert on Kki and iiia hli.-d : marine engineer and i. He. lor I'.ur- mm, mi oitlcer In Ihe Kimix Tffrilor-j lain, will he mm of Ihe niirveyor. Tim exnedilion will he aai three! the wa the liiH.overy will im i rtatn Ihe i-xacl inlmlo r of l-lanil.i i.ifitaiiifil In the Sandnl. h Hioii. and deteitnine the pi nil mn of the Hhajf It.H-ka. Ina otiafinir hta pinna Mr, Stai khuuw all "Afur iiilllHK at Ihe Falklanda. the Illncolery Will irocepd I.I Ihp Hilt aide of Crahain Land Mere 1 .ronie to land a parly of fifteen al.oiit rif.'em her :ilh. Their tank will he to dp- jtPimine. a ilonl.l an to Hip Inimla lily of l initial!! Land. The i xlate ni p or a air. ill Imiwevn liiahatna land would explain the rreat act miiiilatioii of Ice hit ween that land and Ihe im-iit l-nr-lier Thia purl of the pxpi'liUnn will have the aa liinip of tht- aiinmn. He will. I nm eonilnced. p Ihe tnin h luelewi alfilcr -haullnif. They will alao .all) out a lairii ..oi. .iil.l of work, rrinaininrf luKiiher 12 ni.-mha Meanwhile Ihe Inaeiivrrv j mmth. " Ki-t Ul tiln K after nlnlpHint In Ih Ice, we will pick up the land puny l n limit January, IMID, ai d then mi- !il. m or to make Charcot Ijuid. ami llie Hm following aprltia iiu down coxHt to McMurd ) aound. "W will li-avp pari) in ll New Zealand. for EGGS IN FOREIGN COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES Wai-hltuton. I'. '.. Man-h T The fili.wlUK Uf peiolpm-p ol Ihe rultfd flalea upon foreign coiintne for li pail of ita food iuiply It-lid Ihteir-H I., a himiIu! Hini.-m.nt retturdliia tin porn and export of e. prrpure.l i.y Ihp hllleail of forpiun and dome tic commerce, d.pirlmelit of runt no r. e ImnprlM of emta In the inoinh of llecenilicr lam amounled lit -2 Hit doxeiia, or mm p than In the eh tir flaciil yrar whl' h fiide.l with .li;ne. I'llS. Ill Ihe IIhchI year 13 Hie llll p..rn..i in.iunti d lu ". t. S not! drif.-ua, In lii. MS. mm: in 1HI3. l.aH'.Huii d.m-i-r.a: and In the Ural ihrcp 111..111I1 nu ll, r Hip Iipw tiiiirf law in toiler. No ami liecfinhft lint during which period ikk wfie of duty, Ihe Impoit aHi.u..t"d I. 7 'i 1 1 F. 7) doiiena, no. hi of them arrbhtf tn Ih month of lie.-rmofr. Ilp.nn ciinuiar advlcea tr-in t'luna and l-ilr.ip. .111 poll-, nidi. at i.iulliitli d I.i r-jc iiiviuaiica In tho lili nicnl uf . i v. BP i Kg to tins country. Kkk tit lit-r lhi n those In lhi mill i on 1 1 ii i ii n me ft 1 1 1 subjci t to iluiy though at reduced rates, mill the how Im leasing Imparl In Ui' btief h i mil (or nhlch Ik' monthly figure urt lit hand. Frozen nr precrxed eggs, the duty on which Ik now 2 cent pur ijutinil, cniupitifd with cent a dom n under tho former tariff, shoxv tor I in- limi thiife month or lull a tutu) importation o iihuut unit inilllon l,. .1111 l.tll.,,1 Ml U llttrilKllllllll'IV .... i-,, ....'a,,, .,,., .1 lii in hl.i at I 10 per u nt nil valorem ad uf per cent, in. iimlcr I hi- old la, ugurc- Kaled all. .ul ;'i.iI.imiii puiinilH. and dried ikkb, .."i.l poutnla lor Ihe Ihr.-e. nnntha ended with Hecpinhcr. Ill fach Br the I in " tt a were conalder ahly lamei than lhoe for the lor reHpotnlkiiK period of I Hi i. The luiintr'ea coiilti.inltli'j the puna iilipoilf.i Inlo Ihe f tilled talea are few In niiinher. our Imported H are ihl.ily tp irodiiit of China, Sl-h.-ri and Kuaxia. and Mouthei n Kiirojip. Ihoao urrlviiiK ftoiii Knuland and fiprniany for the moal pMrt Hlnppcd into thoHe count r.e f.-r re ale to roffiMn markela. of i-K Im ported in the li a I n t h I Male. Kiiahind j la tho i hid nominal mm re next in i order hcing t'hinu ( ili.iinllliK II.-HK j Kulij.-1 and h iora n . uki. arc j c h Ii tl y from Knuland. with amaller j iii)Hil Iti.-M frotii HoimkoiiK. Kmk "!.. . . ..tin" iilm. Hl exililielv Irotil ! r I many, which import lame f-uatilitif ! of .-Hie. from the plod iiclna ci-iitera ol ! Kino lie and Aia and reexpoiia them In Ihia loiiu I.i Ihe 1'nit. d IStalea anil jollier parla of the world Moot of ihe tmiMited I'll a m r-nler I ihr.Miuh the porta of New York. I'hll jBdelplu.i. Itoston. ian Kranciaco. itimore. Milwaukee, r-'i-atlle. Takom i, land l'ortlaiid. urenon. Hawaii also , rcceivea c..u-l.lerahle iininlltlea ol i lr...en or preHerved eaiia ffoni Honn- kiuiK. an Important iliKirl'iutinx point for i hm. no producla. Kximrla of vuhh during Urn enr i-ndfil with lieceinher, ini.1. iimouni.-d tn 17:-3 inillion ilonetia. .-oinpar.-d wlih prticllcally l million In lull!. 5 'J-S million In ll. and I million ill l'.IU:l, ll decailf an... While export o fom are mill much .renter than hnporta, the cloalnii innlh of thp par allowed a illalini'lly iloAtiwaid tendency In pxporia and an upwind irend In impoita of that ,oinmolll. Jelly ll aria wlih Muall akop. Mold a K"od fed nelatin. flavorpd i.k priierrt'd In '-eati ahapea. or In u laiKf flat pun a:il lilt Urn hi-urta. Thuo are very iio.ul one fKg nd tW' rixa . tike ri f in-.1 niakp i xcelletil laity tin culici. I'ae one of theae rod turn u anuiU henit nilic over tho ur i V Ji l:y luait mid ion u uilh ulr.ppc.l or Hjrri-am npirad on lop. Ths C-if-i Wuiiuwuiil How ! Aroifl TtifM PaJnt and Di-dma VVIuch m Manjr M-xhar Hatra SuflarafJ. 11 t ihr t"f ial rt.i k-it f It.ntier'H frleaJ ll.'fv i ll.ttl fe.Opu II. l.-.iw-lr, wlWe. llw.u In eipta.! SHUout MKT viraltt VI'HI I .r.i.'II, aii'l Pual'le s.tuteu lu . il,rNiKli Riirrii,lf am. .Mil im'ii. kail.-. aM, Ium. t,r .i nt il urw.lrd I jiM..O'ttitt M. laHlHtaf lu ..! i.lwn. i'llarM III l!l-U ilil 1.1 Im: 111 kill..!. Tii.- ii.ii-!iii 4u uii tin n. .11 ,i,iii H.i.t ur l- rlcir l-K- all a are ,.i,l.-,l 'I t,.ii,i,.a f S.ixfl tl liHitfi'r reluf tM-.u.-l,e. I Ik 1 tl,..i.tit Hint M' k.MMu. aii.l,-a gre lia-iirnl. I 'I'u.-y Ioh. U-tt.-r. f.c I.i Mother 'rtr...l tl,-r I bMVH t.,uu.t ,.il.-rl ill ur... not.. 1-an-Ujr la l-w 11 1 bit St ,.'h-d e. i., ,...-. - I 11 . wri w.ttcan kim 1 r. rai1 Itlltte.l ril'O , ,r any i.e., tl,,Mnk l m.-l U. I liUK n., li .,'1 n ,..! t,n .t-l sim i.n.-l'.Mp iui.iier lu wk.4.1 t la ptiu. l.'l U..IUPT', hhiil sill .i,i. w,,, f-illl l,l,'..l.. Ti'la laue.a rvi,-.l. I ..l. I'f all d."dRi-l. au.l l .m.Ii l 1 a. a iaiol. ll ta f-f renal a.- hi. iv, ami la riailr -. Pa a. l.-bl tl, ,. Wntr I,. ,,a! la il.e H'a.l, ft. Id K aula"" I V. lna.l BIO , ailat.Ua. l., tW a aWt )la'4 Ua, . Text of tall Bill Granting Unappropriated ;: Lands to the State of New Mexico Follow log la thp li i .1 Ihe bill Hi v .xenutor M- Irodiicfd in the apnate h.-rl II. Full Kfhrunry . lih. hy w hu h unappropriated nil unifafrviid and piihllc lamia In Ni w Mexico are Kranted to I ho i-tnlp: He It enacted l.y Ih. Semite and if lite 1'nlt ongrp us- houae of ri pli aentatlvi-H ed HtnlPH of Anifricii 111 aeinhleil. that nil unre-. ned and mi- approiillled pllhlll' Ian. In of the 1 nu ll Hum a within thp Iiii.iIh of Hit anile of New Mexico am In n i. m.uit.-d tn aiild alate, auhjrct lo the pi" IHl.niH herelniitfi-r apt forth, and nil land heteti.rorc Kiallled to Htale ahull Im held aiil.jn-t lo lh- pioiiHlona of Hip reapectlie grallla Her. 2. That oil laid- herein rant ed ahull he HtlOJecl to lite lilltielill lii k of Hip I'nlted f-tai.-a now In force, prior I" diapoan 1..11 In private pa it if a hy the atttle. The I tilled State ri-ere 111 till, to ,11 the coal, oil, phoaphiile, and mini lala of any kind upon and within ill here in Minuted, and tho .i"i- ahull be Nlll.Ject lo dlHioaill l- Ihe I tilled Htalea under thp io ihioiih of Ihu coal mid mineral luwa :n force at Ihe limn of iliHpoaal of the landa or liny pail thereof hy the alate, except im lo aiiffiitp ari-11. riff. 3. Thai Biild I. in. la and the procecclH Ihi-n-of shall he held, lined and illKpiiHed of tillili 1 the lawn of New- Mexico, aul.Jell to all Ihp provl alona and peiialtlca act forth In bhIiI act of June 2uth, l-'l'i I'rovidcd. that thp proceed of . ae, mile or rental of eallie aa received Hhall he H.-t iiHide an follows: Sim tity-llie per cenlum of au.h pumcimIh to tho sup port und miilnlf name of public Hchool. no per centum for tho aup port of the alate pdm iitmnnl Inalltu tioiiH. for which specific uppi-opriii llona wile liut.l.i in said act of June 2uth, INIu, and for the conatriu lion and maintenance of puhlic roHda In audi rcHpct'tlVe proporliotia 11a Un law of New Mexico nihv lilc. and Ii per centum paid Inm Hie lreaurv of the I oiled Miate to the credit of the reclamation fund -I mile hed h thp act of June 17th. I''".-. fee. I. That such herein granted may hp i hiHxificd and the landa upon which then- ih no aurfacp water tor IriiKallon ad' I not coni.uti-liia- subsurface huh m within forly feet of the aurfutp. In fan flit I. 11 1 n-jiin-title to fui nlah hy .iimlni tiol lea than firiy aalioli per iiilnute. may be dcHiKiiated "icr.iaiiia homi-ate ml." and dlHioNed of at a minimum price of ll.;:, per n-re In .tuaniliies of not more than six aoi-timi of tin m-re pinh to any mm pfron or peron, with a claiiM,' in the deed pio'ldiiiK for forfellure if resold to any p-ronK or ii. ration owl, ion al Ihe lime ol aulf or Ihereafter hi liina from the state or I rom any x-i 11 or i-orporu-tmn. other lamia of ih,ie herein Kranted. which with Ihone an deeded with Hinh r.iifellurp clai.M' would UK irreiiate 11 total of more than ix sec liona: and of the I.,ioh n- I so cluai fled ua urazmg hom.-atead. not more Hum I .'mi uiri s i-hali lie sold lo any imp perou ,,r per..ns, tmr i.t u price of lea than f 4 per .1. re. with 11 clause in III deed pii.M.linK 'or forfeit 111 e of title should the purchacr thereof then, or the reaft.-t. ciure mo:,, nl auch laud than in the total would UKXrexalp lisil acif. Spc. R. Thai ail IuiiiIh herein do nated arc sulij.-ci to " hoine tead'' putry not i-xcidin4 Sin acri-H In reasonably compact form, to be allowed by Ihe sluie authority charaed 1 with the adimnlHtiation of said landp u.on the follouniH condition, n.imf- I : ! (al That the . nttyman shall be a , iiuulified h.iuii st. .1,1 enti yimm under the law of the l ulled State, ami ahull be a rpsulcni of New Mexico, or 'ili-iiare I) la int. till.. n immcdiali ly I" . hfi-ume such. I tin That title hIiiII l.e Insim-iI Ihe i-ntitmin for such landa hy the proi-,1-r slate aulhority. n.on proof of ti-l-, df nee ihereui'iin t.,r 11 tout ihuouh pftiod of three yi-ura, not dediKiliiK absent-fa duiitiK ,ach year lor (.er , l"d aa-Kre KiitlhK Ine Iliclllhs, and ; upon proof that ihe riitiymnn ha . mado iei niHliein lioi'iovcmenl upon said land of Ihe. value of n.. less than Jl Si per acre, ami payment of u l. hp turned over l.y the state nil thorny to Hip liutcd Htale gcncla' rt'iiamntloii Hind. (1) That any homeatead ptitryman in New Mexico, ol 1 ,m.i uf the I'mi.-d flute of tho I hat. n-ter herein dp- rurilipd, who hu m.i sulimiitfd final I proof upon hi cn-uim eniiy, i.IimJi I huvp Ihe lixlit In chici", s'll.Jei 1 lo lb. provision uf tills n 1, such an itmotiid of l-ontiKUlills public lands, dPSIKIlated under thla act, un -li ,11 nol. toKctlu r with tho amount --ic iaccd in hi oiik inal ptury, cxtred M" acre, ami n-si- 1 dencp upon and Impi o elm-ut made on Hip original ,!il. nhull he it- !;;en on both pnlrie. 1 111 lit w must e. ma I J within tho 1 1 lea. Id 1 That per. ' milted final pioo t the Improvc : '3 for fin h in ie nd fu - who huvi. or acoui.pd mih litlp in New Mexico I" nd of the char ai ler herein den. t ifd, under the homealpad law m 'hp I illted Stale. and who own ui"l land ao uciiulred o inv iaion of t Inn . al entry for' and i liguoua public Ian emry under Hi,, pi. w hi. h, logplher w . I tofoip ac lulled iiiol. luw, ahull not n proof of expend!!'-! permanent iinj.i.,., original or addii Ion ijuired amount re I. I'-hIiIp upon Hie . Riibjpct to Hip . luakp uildi'ion .11 patent t con dealgniilf.l l"i -ion of 1 his it- l. Ihp area thcre- the hoiiipHtead d till acres, on - oil HCCOIIUI ol inula upon 111. entry of Hm ie ncd on the aieu son who I Hie who ha arrived - und la n clineen h. w ho hit in - 0 Iillp to bimia in ilescrtb.'d i.i ni 'iiltiii-al pun II.' 'I Hip home stead nd ri-Bid.' iipiui of both entries tel That any ,.' head of a lamilv- .1 al Hip ale f 1 1 v ..1 of the I'nlted .-1 .if mured In New M " of Hi chut, i. r h. i purchasp or urnh 1 ' land laws other 1 ii . law. ami w ho 11 I Im Inm! an aciti ! Ihe pros iMon of 1 ! " llom.t entry for net 1 onllguoiia pul. In 1 in entry under ih,, pi"' w hi. h. togelh. r w 11 11 I. .for ae.iilreil and imiy. .ih t to act. make adill oblaln pali iii to I do, liali d or i-ioiis of 11, ,h a.i, Hm area there held, shall nol piece, I tin a,,-,. at .1 obtain patent thei'elor Uimu iuuo. vf Ilia cxpeiidl- . i ture on ntiounl of .pt nt im pioM-uii-nl ii.on the land so owned, or Ihe additional entry of Ihe numicd aim. mil reck oiled on the area of nil land so nci,iired and held and upon proof that in has matuialii.'d lei deii.p upon either Ihe piii.iitiv owned land or the land iinbti I w.thio the iiil.liiloiiiil fntti for not le than Ihrep ftmn and nfnr Ilia date of the addition il entrv. tl) 'I hut i n pel soli who is Hm lii-ad of 11 family, or who h i urrlvpd nl the line of ;'l year, nil I Is a fill Ken of the I'lili.-d flalea, who has en lered or 11c iilr"d, under Ihe Imme stend laws or oihcrwim-. In New Mex ico, prior to the pasagp of thl mi. I.- Hum IIU acre of laud, ami who ia miuiI.Ip lo pxeriiae the rmht of a.l- dilintiitl entry herein conlcired be I red be- inline no vacant land adjoin so filtered or a.iiiir.d. m ia 11 1 iii It 1 1 11 u proof 1 hat he reside upon and ha not sob! or Itn umbered the land entered or lie iitii'v d. convey to the stalp of New Mexico the land no octupled and intend 01 a-'iuilcl. atnl In lieu thereof 11111. ? and a. iiiire lllif to not fxceedlmj H 4 ' ii.lea of land ilesninalf d under this a. t. hul miial show compliance with all Hie shdia of the homestead law und of this act rcHiu'iiiun the new rnlri. I Ig 1 That any pcim.ii who ha mail.- i-ntty 11111I1 r the homi-steul laws, w bethel' in New Mexico or else where, but irom any cuum- has lost, forfeited or abandoned Ihe same, ahull he lo the benelils i.r ihls act as thmitih such toiim-r entry hiia not iH-i'ti made, and uny person npplyliiK for a homestead 'imlci tin act shall furnish a iIch. ript 1011 of hi former en! ry. I'roi til. il, that the pro visions of this section shall not apply to any person whose former entry wus cunceled for fraud. (h) That uny homestea.i i nt r ineti or landowner who shall be entitled lo nddilloniil entry under Ihl act shall lone for nlneiy days aller the desig nation under this net of landa contig uous lo those filtered or owned and occupied by him, Ihp preferential right l milk., additional entry as pro vided In thl net. I'rovi.led. that wlicre vacant land conilgiimia lumla of two nr more entrymeit or land owner elitlllid to additional en tile under l 111 Bed 1011 are nol tail r- llt'lent In aniotim und urea to en. 1 hie such eiilryiiipii to secure by audition ul pntry Ihp inn x 1 111 11 111 iimmiuia 10 which Ihey urp entitled. Ihe slat, au thorlly l uuthollf.l ma lie all e'lUltahle division of the landa al'pllcii for hereunder nmoiig the avvi ittl pn tryiueii or landowner, upplying to ex erii,. preferenliiil rightH. such divi sloii to I.,, in trAiia or rod leaa I In. 11 forty a cri', and so made a to e.uul inp us nearly us poBsthlt, the men w lilch said l lllri men nnl laiidou ners will iic.iuirp by uddlng Ihp irm Is un braced in 11 ilil it ii ln I entries to the lumla otig.iiully held or owned by Ihfin. I'rtivhli-d rurthpr. that wh.-rp hut one lu-acrc tract of v 11 ant land may adjoin thu lumls of ti.i or nmru nelrMiifii or Ian. low iter flit 11 led lo ex. rclsp pi-elf rential tight hereun der Ihe Iract In u.-slion tony l.e i-n-tfi'id by Ihe person who first huI iii it 1 to Ihe haul mud olicc his up plicuilon to i-Xficisp said right. Ill Thai all i-nlrifs mnde and put-.-nl IsHiifd under the pi i.v ikk-iih of I'.'.i. in 1 bIiiiIi be subject lo and con tain u rt'Hci'viitiim to the I'tiiieil Male or all Ihe coal and olh.-r Inin enils In IJie land so 1 more d und put eiilfd, together with Ihe right to pros pe. I tor. mine, and removp the anie. The coal und other miiietal depoxii III Hitch lllUll Hit. ill ho Mlbjcct to iIih- l.osiil by the I'nlted States III accord -an.',, wilh the provisions of the coal and mineral land laws in l..r.- at ih linn, of such dlHpoxul. Any per.. n tuulttied to loi ule and i nter Ihe . oal or other mineral m-ponus, or having Ihe light to mine ami remove the x.iiiic tinder the laws of Ih,. I'mlt-d Siaic. shall have the tight ut ull times to i-iiler upon I he laud t-uli-rfd of pali-nled. us provided l'5 thl uct, lor Hip purpose of proHpi ctmg l..r coal or other mineral therein, proud, id he shall nol Injure, damage or de stroy Hi,, perm. in. lit Impl .11 cjucht h of ihu cm 1. 1 man or putinu-p, and shall he liable to all. I compciiNulc the i ti ll) man or patentee for all dumage lo the crop on such laud by reason of such ptor-peoting. Anv persoiiK who has un iinred from the I'niled Slates Hip conl or olhcr iiiiticrnl deposits in any such land or the right t" none and remove the same, m.iv le-eniir ..nd oi iupy so much of Hie sulfa. thereof 111 may he reunited lof all pin post s 1 11 . 1 . 1, nt to the iiiimug or removal of the coal or ol her miner,! la, hrt; upon m uring the w til 1 en consent or waiver of Ihe entry mull or; a. c oiid, upon im vm. nt of the damage lo rops or other lungii.l. Improve mints to the oatier thereof, wheio cgi-eemetit muy iiiii.hiiii thirei't, Cither of the 1 1 upon Ihe excculli fulfill hoiid or I'lllled Slate for be had us In the or Ihlrd, in lieu nt ilegoimi pi m Ihioii. n of a good and aut umn'! taking lo the (he line and hem-lit of the piitrvinan or owner ol sec-urn the payment of nm h lo the crops in tangible Impi of the I'lilt) limn or ownei. land, to da inii.i' v i-meiii bp ilciei mined and fixfd lu un .oiioii brought iimn Hip bond in il ...nil ..I competent Jurisdiction, axiinm ihe .r! n I I and siiretn tbei.-.m. ho. Ii bond lo be In form and in a. i orda uce with rule und regulations pn-si rihed by Hip sectelary ol the Inl.rloi. and to hp filed with and approved by Hie l en il er und tpceiver of Hm ina land of Hep of Hip iliHirnt wherein thp laud I sllllale. autijei't to appeal to the t omiuCiHlom-r of the general land i.r- IUe. I'loV ldi-d. that all put. Ill iHKIIf'd lor Hip conl or other mini ral de.s i In-rp I. -el v eil shall -,iiu,i In up I Inpliale not..ll..M lie. Iiiritig I hem to be Biihjtf't to the provisions nf Ihl ad Willi lefeieni to Ihp ili...n-ii i.ui. upancy and !!, of the siiiiiice of the l.iml (Jl Thai Hip commi-.Mlou.-r ol pub lic l.ilida of New All XI' o l beleiiv au thor. Ked to make Ull lleceja.,l ll'le and rcituiali h in b.iliin.i v Willi iho prox IMon of Ihl a t anu of law of New Mekiiti for Hip pnipoK,. of currying ihp samp Into ifl.ct. I'ro nli il. Hint beloie sale or I. ibp ol ah) lands herein donated thirty davV ud XfliiMcitiiul ot Uvh awlv or K-uv tbail t hi nil t.r Miirv mhn' In pwm t. !( nr hollll t- 111 hi 1 Hm It .it .til I MH In llU' tint rf Mir UU. all- f tl 1 I'tt IM-Hl" 111 Sim . t. I hut w (li d ah'' l.ltl-U r"fi fil in w ; mo hIihU in inilrsl. Ill (.r !li I, ill. ft . t ! rr It y si, til W ' H'lrr nt' nth n im-, tho land Nn .Pinion i hip In- In donated ami i 1 on-d n itHlertH ..' Inrvi te I'lOVl.lcil 1 -umicH. 1 I In lo- nlai ,.. nt ol See. 7 Thai Hi! inii-i lot ma v . w 11 Inn I I 'Ml 111 dale, f .'He! V 11 h.'!l!l llect 1 1 if. I ecrei.irv' of tlo I Well. mo nl h ' ,il!V Mh h I.iioIh vv b ic 11 ma v be SlllcllV nee. Hot! of 111,, g.o eriiinci.l fiaitty tor Hi I'm). 1 or niiili lo ptolei I vv ..t anv ticam In I lilted Slal" 'H M' Nl" 1 now has ov pi ill., dlstio hu 1..11 .if such si ream for power in h I.i ii 1 m hIiiiII not he rant herein made all. withdrawn. unl.-Ha ibei. f-liniuialeil 01 ri-Hloi llet or law -j . reevtsn Neighbor Killed Cow Also the Tony Klicinjvicli Victim of' Murderous Assault While Peacefully Engaged i' Milking j ll lu-iil Win. to I iciiiiij llclal.l.l hall I'lnticiBco.- March 1. W hdo Ton., Kile iiiov Ich was hi cow today, Marks Skaiilch, w H ll whom ho had iiuiirrelid oxer the purchase ut an orchard, appeared on Ihe scelio luitl began pitinping lead ul him. dodged behind the coxv. hkaulch shol Ihe cow through thu Hack and ahu I el I di ad on top of her master. 1 1 1- body proleiied him p.iitially. 11ml 11 he lay piuiicl to thu ground. Skatiuii shot him Ihtoiigli tha rlchl arm, the right leg uiid Hot left hip. lie la dying A'armed l.y the sound of shooting Mr Kl.ciiinv nil rati 1.1 tho i..,.r. Skani.h shot lo r through Ihe l.r.-ual and she fell dead. SRIllllih fled to his lodgiiu house, locln-d himself in Ins room and otu inittfd suicide COUNTY TEACHERS TO MEET NEXT SATURDAY The llei tnililhi founly Teachers' iiasoi-lullon will ni.-.i at the high school next Halnrday. An iiiiumiuiI! Inlet,. sting program, on wh'i-h In. Motse It'-rgmiiiin xvlll appear u 1 liu-l Hppak.-r, i being prepared under the direction of I'ouni.y Kiip.-t Intel.. lent AlaiiuMo Montova. I'l-ellmlniiry plans are being mnde lor Ihe coutiiy l.-acher IomIiIuI - to be held ut the Central I. milling for Iwo weik following June '-. lii-v. I)r Mendel Hllbi-r. w ho condmio d the i n h( it 11 1 r- In h( year, will l.e the con ductor The fiifollmeiil ul the insliluto I expected to la- III.- bu-eHl on rec ord, because all IciniuT are i'c Mllltcil to 11 1 1 mill till year. I'loler I ruling of the Mlal.- board of I'diu-ation even Hionp holding pr.if.'HMlonal and 1'fo 1 1 1' : fical.H tn list iiiii'tiil. I inlx Ihojo. vv In: m.-.y a rr a 11 te 1.. take si-ni-mer ri'i'rwn ul tin- l.n Vcgii and SI'ver I'llv rma I will be ex'-uHcd five or six iiiHiruiioi will be em plo.e.l in the ilHl.liilc lute id llli'lll will te.n h music. Or. i me and domei He s. ielic. KX. for cerlMi 1 ale will l.e held Jump :' 7 I. n. I V X Albuquerque Foundary and Machine Work. KxiiTtrM-rr 1 ounuer tlai.lnlita t'aatlnct In Iron, ltraaa. Itrom. Aluminum, Structural Ptwd for Brld(a and Building Work tat Offlitf AlfcuniKirDa. tn 1 1 TM ' I ff. '' "Tl ' i "i ' ll !'"'. pi ,.. m lr't mm j I IM 1 1 1 ill' 1 r ih in ' ma h of a. I In ar f a inii.lit turn j'. -4 ( 'll mch. rid'l j i Hll'-Jfit v j- S - III' 111'' H ' . .'' ;' V i ft. i m i mi- .it.- If ' I v pro,..., ..r. fi, -7i VAh--i-jk -v- ii't'ii 4 ,7, . or- f, p- 7-V: r fi The California Limited' Somewhat difTercnt from the "limited" of M9; but it has been in service for eighteen years. A first-class train to California, carry ing all-steel observation, compartment and drawing-room Pullmans, club car and dining car. It is the king of limiteds. Remember: Fred Harvey meals en route, smooth and dustless roadbed, block-signal safe guards, the Petrified Forest and earth's scenic marvel, the Grand Canyun of Arizonaall on the Santa Fe. Three other daily train, to California. Axle (or booklets, "Tican ol Chii Gr4n.l Canyon," and " Tu California Over the Suuu he Tt.L" I'. .1. JOHNSON, acni. t llio.Ucim-, N. x. i -V-A- v- r, r, Op Hflini-fliijifl .I.-)., ,.l.e ,,-. U:il;rO;-rl'ia!''. Vlii'atnllabnia " 'i'l.'aa! MtaV'll 'a n 1 1 MBS. WINN'S a Take LydiaE.rii.kham'-Vegetable Compound cm5 lift Restored to Health. Knn- City, Mo. - Tho dtw-'it-i l.l I m 1 would never li a ninth.-., river Un onlli tl..- ii :i I n I tf j' " . jw-pr-f a) I n I t'uit ' : u ' y . ,1-otiii! not U ar my . ... s' ivvenrht on on,, font. I liey-tin takinrr I.y lia V.. I' I n k h a ni'a VriTPtatil.' (oiii jwriinil ami '.ad not IhiIhIh d the first Isil- '' Vcri'ntly relievp-1 ami !:I t'H.k It until It -"made rtio ound and well, nnl I now have two ti'i baby pirN. I ennnot ithI Lydia K. Pink nom'a Vi'if.'lablix lomnounil too hiKhly for whiit ll lia ilono for m. 1 alwayti jB-BK a woril In favor of your me.licinn to otimr women who ! I havn an opts.rlunily." - lira. II. T. Wis. 122i Frpemont Ave., Kanas City, Mj. IlrntnVlint AnotlicrWoiiinii naym CumminK, (la. " I toll om tulTer ln(f wnmnn every ilny of Lyilia K. Pink riam'i Vegetahli' Compound and what If. ha ilono for me. I could not eat or sleep, hail a bail tnmarh anil w In misery all th tinm. I could not il my hoiiicworli or walk any dislance without tifTarinn: prcnt pain. I tried doctors medicine and din-erei-it jmtpnt medi cine but failed to got reli if. My hna bnd hrousfht home your Vi-Ri-tali! Com pound and n two week I cnulil eat any thine, could sleep like a henlthy baby, and walk a Innfr distance without f.liuu tired. I can hfRhly rcommn.l yottr VeRptabla Compound to wnmnn who utTt-r aa I did, and you arm at lila-rty to UMI this .'tter."-Mm. CHARL1B liAO- LEY, K. 3, Cumminc, Cia. fi TO CELEBRATE TOiViORROW Mortgage Burning. Marking End of Period of Indebted ness t be Fcaturs of Ser vice. ' A moriau" lufrnln w'" murk l motrow the i lose of the nc inl serx aes held al the t'hrislliin church, tin hi aietnie nod 111 ondwi. . for the liart line, wok by Itev. J. Mudisorl Vlllnma of Ins Monies, la. Th .iiiei. reii-c. tit nig Hip cuiice llutlon ol tb.- . hm. h il.-nt. xviH l.e burned by Hi- piaior. l:.v II. 1'. WHIiums. ut the i veiling lurvbe. That ra-rvlc will l.e ihe b.Kt of the special meet ing conducted hy hi father. The pined mortuage on the i in lu. 'I he l.:.' wa lend olT ut i hurch mi ni it repre- N. 'lite. I JI I The choi, h btM'll Hi rv ed he rale of year meetings I " Id nl tho I . r ih. past ihr.c wicks l.av; laiKilv attended, nn.i luiv to illi' ken tne coimrcgntlonul Hpir.t oi k and in. nun. em liiisliism In tho lo a to Wed ext. id. in Hint a i ount the morrow w ill Hplrlt of mo! I Sag,. Im u. irked Jitl'i niion. ournnig to by tin epe- llenry nipaseng ra flion. HI. - . i- r O- O O O O . vx. - v V t 4 A ' - y. :0' , ., ,.,,. ,, , ,v a, , I , . . , . ,Mll . 0. ; v ' I I ' " ' I ' I . . as, n . a il. I . , J 1 1 r I 'll tTis . .1 I ' I' -I '' mm J ,