Newspaper Page Text
-k home Mrr rmtosorirY. Our 'l ft Imil Dorothy Dig ear the Woman Hti"niU of Hit' limn ulic lc IihI In" ho f Itcgtslcr, Kuiil iM'nrl. IIiIIomsjiIm -r mihI slate. IHr otMjr lx might have added that, fall ing o Im an kthii of I MM mm li mMcr, m Yivniagp of l.ouo In oilier respects nn mifliit. Tfiorr.irrnTon rxmv. TIh milim of m-tkm lrlgv dTi-r will m xi-r demand nit right lour ilny. Mimic ) will not hnf everything hut II will lii) ciisritlilng lliai i!m k k til money t un I. EDITORIAL SECTION ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914. PART TWO mm v.... S i WK HAD a resonahly ronvlnc Ina demonstration lam night tit Al b u q u c r q u eg trua tfliiiiilliiK aa a "shew town," In the number and character ef tho audl- nee which cume In see Margaret ll lingion In -Within the Taw." ll haa been auiiU by theater managera anil others lhat Albuquerque Kill nut "lurn out" for the lit attraction which require large guarantees ui large percentages; and that therefore the theuler cunnol arrord lo take u chance. The fulhicy f this ii demonstrat ed last nlghl to Ota aatlsfuctlon of the moat tlinld mnnnger. There la a bin investment In Ihe Elk" building It ought to be a paying una. The theuler Itself ahould lie a paying In vestment without the rest of the building. There are many people, in fuel, one mint l any every one of lust lilght audience, w ho believe with nttrai'ltona of the Margaret lllington luxa. the IheHter could be made rx tremtdy Independent and very profit able, tf coursev, one duea nol ex pect t'.-.o management to bring at .lie thing na good aa "Within the Ij-w" every few days; in fnot there are very few aa Rood attraction In the coun try. -Within the Law" la held by imtny people- lo hiive been the boa. play ever presented In Albuquerque, nnd certainly It ranke na one of the lew lop-iioii'bera In the hlxtory of tho iheiit-r There In no nee In giving a descrip tion of the play. It ha lieen de- rilx-il enough. Nor la th re ue In lelliiiK of the powerful mlint of Mlaa III, mill. n nnd her aplendid iiipori. The whole organization la perferl. and a a every aeat In Klka theater na filled Inat nlaht. a lurge er reitliige of the pruplr of Albiiquer que heard graphic deaorlpliona of It at the hrenkf-ial tabic Ihla tnornlns. -Wlihin the Ijiw" la grnit. and ao , MIh lllingion nnd every member of her brilliant aupportlns componv. Hut t r!urn to our muttonn. M'.aa IMItiptoii'g i iniipnny la nlmoet the TiihI tiln'tl nttrnrtlun we - have Una in Albiuitierqlie Ihla winter. And uoiltuft knom a ave liud our bare of bad onea. f'ne wondera Jut what the i:ik theater manage ment ron !1 have been thinking of In i:; lit n r aurh thlna na "The till! tn the TjxI" und oihera of the anme and k.r rlriHN. It ha been awful. Albuquerque will auppoit at lenat me good iheatrli-al aura, lion every week. The amlienre Iwt night w aa not a ilreaa-up audience. It i repreaent:tlie; thoroughly o, for It liii luiled people from exery walk of life. It showed Juki how ready our people are tn apend tnelr money for good thing. And I be management of the Elk theuler knowa full well that we lire tired upending our money for rotten tblnr; na eviib-nre "The f'rlee Hhe I'abl" which hud an advance aele of 111 nnd didn't perform. They any it wna a fully god company, at that, ttut we hod been fooled nnee too of ten, lllington'a name drew the crowd laat night. If the management of the F.lka theater Will beallr Itaelf for next aenjion and ftlgn aome big thing, teaeonnbly good thlng and fill In Willi fair to mediocre thing, Albu querque will gmiranlee to provide the r'naiicial aupport. Herr'a hoping. TH0MA3 ELMORE LUCEY AT ELKS THEATRE TOMORROW NIGHT The Htinl Fa reading rmuna ar offerini another aplendid attrartinu at the Rika theater tomorrow. Bun liy night. In the appearance of Thomii Klmore Lucey, poet, artor. aoiig humorlal, who worka under the pleaalng program eubject, "A Night In a I'oet'a WorkKbop." Kvery one In the nilddle weat knowa l.ucey and hua been faaclnalfd wlih hi niarveloua work. Knur different burraua handle hl hualnea and It haa been found tin pooalble to fill hi date. The 4e nund for hia work la ao great that he I obllKi'd tn lake a month off for rct, and It la the good fortune of the employe thiit he think the beat rent he ran get la on the Haiila F at the rcmlmg room. Mr. l.ucey la a muafr of many ar compllahment. Pjnger, lmperona tr crayon artlat, actor, reader, lec turer, he embodiea a wonderful ver aillliy, and miilupllea hlmaelf iiMny tlinra. Lucey'a 'Mlourl Mule" hua rap tured thn rounlry. When that mule kb ka there will drop a rnoat valua ble b'aaon into everyone' itnnd, and liniim a guiding principle for re hewed effort and grander character. For a variety of enterlitlnment, rollege glee rluba will be emirely out ll.inm'il by the rendition of l.ucey. mlaa the "Mlanouil Mule" from ebarinlng St. Loiila. The udiih) houae rule govern ad minion of Ihn grneral public. CRAWFORD SERVED AS SECRETARY TO UAllYh Lllli-i" 'Like a riaalilug diamond ts !un Claw ford, the African missionary. grass,, emsxJ .'t-V -Engage . By JEAN HUBES. UfJnfr"m1mmu' aataaataaaTfcatel when he put pen lo paper or openg hi nmuth In public apeech." i aya one of the moat brilliant of news paper men, of the lecturer who la to addreaa an Albuquerque audience at the 1-ead avenue Melhodlat churrh on the evening of March 17. Horn on the river t'lyde In Scot land, an active, fun-loving. Inqulal llve boy. nn Inherited pulmonary trouble drove him from hia atuillca and hia home lo ',.k a mllu.T cli mate. He chnte Africa, and in her wild and unexplored wlldernraa he found the balmy atmoaphere which gave hi in a new eae of life. Ill remnrknble facility In acquiring a new- language found ample oppor tunity for development in the eludv nnd uae of the different tongue and dialect which he learned lo apenk In hi Intercourae with the native rtlbea. In the carrying out of hia theory Ihnt In order to rightly approach the African conaclence he muat become na thoroughly Identical with Africa na poaaible, he took ftie poattlon of private Rerretnry ,o a native chief. n poult im which aome traveler have declared wna practically that of a lave. The elory of hi adventure and nchlevemrni la more fnaclnat ing than the life of Allan Quarter main, been ue It all actually hap pened. And Prawford like America. It nnye, ' the beet thing I have found In America la the luck of emphnnl on eciHrinniain. I have epoken In many a church witnouf iteing told wliat denomination It belonged to and without having any I a aa to Ha ecclealaatical fellow ahtp." f all the dintincttve group that he ha met In America Mr. Crawford aeema to be fondeat of the enllego ntudent. particularly when he ran take time enough to lonf In their fra ternity houne an.d eatabllnh point of contact with lb t intent roneclouf-ne-. Ilia experience and prowcaa na a hunter In the Jungle conatllul an effective m'liM of appruuch to voting men. At Hronn university he had a royal reception, the atudeqti lining tip ua he went away and giving him the college cheer. lie la taking many nnte of Ameri can life a he go- about, and aome of I hem may ultimately appear la another bunk from hi pen. The qliUknca of hie Intuitive powers en able him to graap apei-dlly the meaning of thinga ihnt are distinc tively American, both In apeech and in action, while hi keen aenae of humor permit him to derive a deal f pleasure from the novelties which he encounter. He wna quietly chuck ling the other day over the rharac- crlatic Ano-rifun expreaaion. "Deliv er the good." "! like ft." he anid. and hia face lit up with one of hia Irre- letible Mullen. Wc hope the atudenta of our own I'nlvernliy will be able to take ad vantage of thla opportunity to ee and hear one of the greatest of mod- rn herne. NOTES OF THE UNIVERSITY iF.nvnxo contest tomc.iit. Thla evening In the Presbyterian church the annual debate between the Cnlverslty of New Mexico and the New Mexico Agricultural college will lake place. The public la cordially In vited. The aubject to be debated is "That Congress In lis present Be salon Adopt a Minimum Wage I .aw fur Women nnd tllrls Employed by the Indusirlea Which Kngage In Interstate Com merce." The N. M. A. C. team haa the affirmative and the I'. N. M. team the negative aide of the question. The Judgea will be Mr. Nelll II. Field. Mr. (leorge B. Klock. and Judge I F. A. Mann. The X. M. A. C. team will consist of Misa Tlnih Hay. Mr. Edward Whar. ton, and Mr. Kb hard lluevens, w ith Mr. Caspar Ilea as alternative, and the following student will deiutte for the university: Messrs. Leslie M. Ilurk nesa, Frederick Myron Calkins, and William J. Higglns, with Mr. Helen James as alternative. The rolloaing musical number will he rendered: "Awake With the Lars" Pert erf I'. N. M. Chorua. "Dreaming" Shelly tlirl' Oleo Club. "Altjia Mater" Male Chorus. TIPF.Il TOMOIlnOW. Dr. fiavld K. Boyd will apeak at Vespers tomorrow, hia subject being, "Standing Watrh." Miss Margaret Franklin will sing a soln and the vernier choir will render "Hut the Lord Is Mindful of His Own" (St. Paul) by Mendelssohn. The V. X. M. catalogue for 114 1 la being prepared by the catalogue committee. Mine K. A. Ilickey, Ir. C. T. Kirk. "and profearor C. K. non net and will be ready for mailing b the last of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Noa llfeld have re turned from a four month' eojourn In the east. I Miss Catherine Strlckler arrived Monday evening and will make an In- .and Mrs. W. S. Ntrl kter. Misa Fitna Mautey of tnta Fe la a houae gueat of Mra. Max Nordhuus. Some Pleasant Social PEIJI.IITI I I, lFOnML MNXF.Il. Mr. M. t. fhadlionrne gnve one of her delightful dinner parties Thursday evening The affnlr was quite Informal and entirely enjoyable. Her guests were: Mr. nnd Mrs Harold H. Jamison, Mis Barbara Johnson. Miss Catherine Ktrlckler, Miss Flleen McMllleu, Mr. Ilobert Ueltx. Mr. In 1'. Johnston and Mr. Lawrence F. Ie. PLKASAXT 0K (ITUKV LIXCIIM). Mra. P. O. Cornish, 122 Houlh Wal ter street, gnve a particularly enloy able luncheon Thursday In honor of Mia Kdnn Masaey of Santa Fe, and Mra. T. Hiuher or Hlllaboro. Her table was attractive with on Immense bunch of beautiful yellow Jonquil In a graceful basaet. The guests Were Miss IMmt Massey, Mrs. T. Hucher. Mrs. Fred Kent. Mrs. Max Nordhatl. Mts. W. S. Hopewell. Mrs. T. 8. Woolaey. Mrs. Wcoige Slmma. Mrs. It. W. P. Hryan. Mra. Ivan tlrunsfeld. Mr. K. J. Alger and Mra. It. It I'ollock. .MHH. Mi LAI fillLIX SI ItHIUsKH. Thursday evening Mrs. J. T. Mc taughlin was delightfully surprlaed by a few friends. Auction nnd lovely refreshments made the -T.iir particu larly Jolly. Those who were present were: Mrs. Mnrgurel Medlcr. Mr. Joseph Hrown. Mrs. lleorge SI mm. Mrs. Amnd Chaves, Mrs. James Honor, Mrs. J. K. Saint. Mra. F. I'. Woy. Mits. ((iwm nosTivss. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. V. H. Conner enlertnlneo a few oung la dles at a very delightful affair. Auc tion was played, alter which an ex ceptionally delicious lunch was served, and u Jolly time wis enjoyed by nil who were there. The guests were Mrs. Henry Coors, Mrs. Tom Wilkernon, Mrs. lleorge Talor. Mra. Hcrt Skinner. Mmse Maybelle and Lore Lovelace, Mm) HcHtrlce Hill and Misa Jcnn Huhhs. I HIST OF Mils, w ti.i;tovs sFHILs. Mrs. Charles Wellington. South Third street, gave the rlral of a series of partiea Thursday afternoon. Fumy work and gay conversation were followed by a very delightful lunch and all apent a particularly en joyable afternoon. The rooms were decorated with beuuiiful, fragrant potted plants. Mra. Wellingtons gueaia were: Mr. John W. Wilson, Mra. J. 11. Hannum. Mra. J. W. Hall. Mr. Sydney Hockeit, Mra. N. A. Hardamnn, Mra. len J-eaih. Mrs. T. J. Johnson, Mrs. lleorge lioollttle. Mra. W. II Copc lund. Mrs. ilvron Ives, Mra. Fred Nohl, Mrs. II. J. Tompkins and Misa Claude Albright. News of Albuquerque and WOMAN'S CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Friday afternoon the Woman'a club held annual election of officers. The results follow : President. Mr. J. II. Wroth; first vice president, Mrs. John W. Wilson: second vice president, Mrs. W. W. Sirong; secretary, Mra. Keuben Perry; corresponding secretary. Mrs. J. A. Miller: treasurer. Mrs. Fred Metxgar; assistant treaaurer. Mr. Hoy Strome; auditor, Mr. Ada llltiner; custodian. Mrs. David ft. Iloyd; historian, Mr. I James Oould: critic, Mr. II. H. Hob- lnson; press reporter, Mr. Hum Vsnu, The election was followed by the reading of the history of the cliu during the past year, which had been cleverly written by Mrs. J. O. Al ' bright, after which lovely refresh jmrnts were served by Mesdame Fred Metxgar. F. A. Martin. McLaurln, Akers. Dryce, and Mueller. Owing tn the fact that the eigh teenth anniversary of the order full nn Murch 17th. the entertulnmenl planned for next Monday night by the Fraternal Drolheihood has been post poned for one week. The Wednesday Sewlns club was entertained most pleasantly thla week I by Mr. I. It. Morrl. who hud as guests besides the club members Mrs. I Susan Parka. Mr. F. K. IVarth and 'Mrs. W. C. Ilambly. I The Jolly Fellows' club will give a IS!. Patrick'a dance Thursday evening. Murch l. at the Klka' lodge rooms Mrs. Add Hlttner entertained the ll!igblund Hridge club thla afternoon 'and served a delicious hot lainule lunch. The Physical CtiHui club contin ues lo Increase In membership. The girls aie uoing wands and Indian dill's In their drills now and are Improving rapidly. Lockers are being made for their gym suit and lutrapherualiu. fluperlnteiident Keuben Perry of the government Indian acbol was host to the Ten Dona ml week. After a particularly excellent dinner Dr. W. tl. Hope read an inlereai ing paper which was thoroughly diacuwvd. The Poatal Clrrka' auxiliary held a business meeting Thursday afternoon In "li Fellows' hall Mrs. Ixuia Ilunlng was hostess tn the Herman club thla week. I'.I HI KAIIH TO I.IVK ItANfl The Tiiple Unk llebekah bxige Ecents of the Week MHS, fiKOfWK TIIOMA4 t.tVF IHNM.ll. Tueabiy Mr, tlenrge Thoma gnve a Jolly dinner In honor of Mra. Mary Heed of Toledo, i., who la Vtalling her daughter, Mr J. It. White, and of Mra. W. A. Hoefler of New York, who la I be houae gueiq of Mra. A. tl. Kela of Inlet. Thoae prcaent Were: Mra. Mary lievd, Mia. W. A. Hncfler. Mrs. J. II White. Mra. A. tl. eei. Mra. W. H Avert, Mra. Frank ll.irria and Mra. Murgaret llennevay O- MIW. VIFm: IATFItTlS. Wednesday Mrs. T. U. Wlnfrov gave a very delightful luncheon In honor of Heverend and Mr. II. I. Williams nnd Hev J, Mnddiaon William of Ioa. The occnalon una a particular ly happy one and nil enjoyed the de licious tnciu which was served. IV IIONOri OF Mil. AM MI!S. nt K. Tuesday evening. .Mis. Harry Hraun enterlalned In honor of Mr. s id M-. Fdward Frank, who are leaving Mon day tn make their home in Califor nia. A number of sanies were played and an exciting guesalng con text resulted In Mr. Frank Houfn win ning flrat prise and Mr. Frank Houfn receiving the consolation prlxe. A dvlightful aupper was served at midnight. The guestg were Mr. and Mr. F.d wurd Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Frang Houfa. Mr. and Mra. K. strove. Mr. and Mrs. Hcrt Hchultx, .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sweeney, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. I. ltrown, Mra. James I'ooliille. and Mra. O. Kapple. TWGO CLASS IUir.FI. Wednesday iifieihnon. Mrs Tyner orianixed dancing clami- In the af ternoon for tho bnites und in the evening for the gentlemen. Heginning nl haif-paai nine there was a Jolly Informal dance at which the beginners could practice the new steps and adepta rould gaily "trip the light fantaetlc toe." The occasion was a most enjoyuble one and, since It is to he weekly, II promises to become a verj- popular srtnlr. jolly hvk m niu:n iMnw. Thursday evening Mr. und Mrs. Hurry flraun gave a Jolly five hun dred party. After a number of ex citing games flmt prises were awarded tn Mra. K. 8. I'rlce and Mr. Nash, end Mrs. Mike Naah sad J.. II. Jnglee were consoled with tlio booby prises, and a very delicious supper was served. Those pre sen were Mr. and Mrs. Vlke NshIi. Mr. and Mrs. F.. C. Hol ler. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Hoger Mrs. K. H. Hice, Tacoinn. W'ashlngion; Mra. C". F. My era. Mra. It. Qoickel. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Innlre, Mr. nnd Mr. '.curie II. rale, nnd Mlase Flale nnd Annu I Myers. Clubs Social Organisations Will give a social dance Saturday even ing, Murch Hlh at Odd Fellows' hall. It la an Invitation uflair and prom ises to be a in "l delightful occasion. Church Ikws The March Circle of the Ladies' Aid society of Ihe Lead Avenue Metho dist church Is planning a tea lo be given ut the hmnc of Mrs. John A White. (21 North Fifth street, next Thursday aftcrm-on. Next Thursday evening Hev. J. Maddiaon Will'aiiis will lev lure ot the Hold und llrouilwuVj Church of Christ. The King a Daughter will give a St. Patrick's lea a week from today ut Dr. W. tl. Hopes residence. There will be appropriate decorations and loualc. Tbe puM.v. Is luvittd. St. John's litilld met with Mr. Amudo Chnvrs, ul North Eleventh street, Wedncmf ay afternoon. I1I-IIVU.ILLO COIX1T SIMY rW'IKMII. ltLLV. The Hernulillo County Sunday School asMociiiti' M will hold a rally at Ihe First Pr -) terian church to morrow, meeting in Ihe uflermMin itt J: la o'cloi-k ami m the evening ut 7:30 o'clock. Everybody is invited, and especially those iiueieHic I In Sunday scholl work. The full iwlng program will be rendered: All. riMHio ' O'dwl. Illliin, "All Hail the power of Je sus' Name." Invocation. Dr. P. W. Longfellow. Selection by I . ptlat Sunday school ore hest ra . Duet, llernard Slevert ami Duvld Wllilums, of i In Uan Sunday s. bool. .Vocal solo, Mik. J, O. Sihwenlker. Addreaa, M ir M. A. Smith, of Hio Grande Induauial school, subject, "Mlaslona." , ViKi solo, II. lam Cudabac, of Cemial Avcir c Meilmdiat Sunday av ho4il. Piano solo, Howard Munii, of Luth eran Sunduy s. bool. tllrls' rhorun. llurwood Industrial scboul. "The tib'iy ftmi," lu Engliab an. I Spanish Violin solo. Willlum King. HI Johns Episcopal Sunday school. Address, Hev. W. C. Merrltt of Claremonl. I'al. held secretary of Sunday school work. K.VlllIng :! O't be-k. Hymn, "Onwuitl Christian Sold iers." Invocation, Hev. C. A. Foreman. Plaitu solo, Misa Eleanor Hde, of Congregational Sunday si hoot. Anthem, First Presbyterian churi b choir. Address, Ttev. Archie Toothaker. subject, "The Strength and Weakness of liur Sunday Hi hoola." ' Music Flp-i Preabyierlnti Sunday school otx hestrn. 'ih-iiI solo, selected. Address, Hev. W. C. Merritt. flel-l Secretary, ol I laremont, i'iiI. A woman s missionary work social will be held at the home of Mr. P. 11 Wells. USD South Seventh street Tiles day nflernoon from 1 tn f o'clock. rtiniF. clash i:TFiirii n. The Wesley Adult Hlble laa of the Central Avenue Methodirt Sundav et'hool was entertnineil at the iiwen Dorrla resilience. 711 Souih Edith street, Tuesday evening. March 1. Ap propriate gnmes were played, after which dainty refreshments were served nnd a very pleasant evening was spent. Those Invited vote: Hev. and Mrs. Ilivan, Hev. and Mrs. Alli son, Messrs and Mesdaines Hn on. Hamhrook. Ileaudetie, Ilia kwell. Cul vert. Cheney, limit, lloehrlng. Ham mond, Juice, Kay. Koblcr, Mark- v. Major. Merrill. McMllleu, McKinnev, Petius, Holterts. Itnilitv. Itmlei-rs. Hchwenlker, Selwuy, Smoihera, ThaX ton, Whi'bin; Memlumes Holibkria and Narramore; M1nms Hanxcoiii and Parks, and Mr. limes. INTERESTING PROGRAM AT ST. VINCENT'S The Criticism clans for the Inter mediate of St. Vincent's Academy was held Wednesday afternoon and tt veiy Interesting program was iir'.mtic ally rendered. The violin numbers were especially pleasing nnd the liee tboven Minuet," arranged for four violins, was h splendid nii'iiber. Fol lowing wus the full program: Maxiirku, duet Krntinr KcKlnn Candiilnt'iii Ferroll Clark Harcurole llenard Ethel (loft Tyrollcnne Necke 1st vliilm, Marguret Doble 2d violin. Irene Kcnnctt Nocturne D'Orsuy Lillian Abouslemail Heading. "The Hoy s Prayer" Cnrleton Oruce Huxter. Violin aeleciloii. "Dlulogue". , .ordlu Eugeniu Huppe Etude Heyer Anna Keily The Kobln, vocal solo Ethelberl Nevln Antoinette Chauvin Feather Dance .' Dutelle Jnaentn Pudllla Kecltation, "HoriTrwed Finery'... lose Abousleman March, duet Krnmer Iraee Hnxter Antolnelte Chauvin Idylle liaenschut Ferroll Chirk. Duet Hiihv Lilly AhouNcltnun Abousleman Gypsy Land Pauline Armljo Violin aeleclioti. Wall "Faust Delhi Vttblea Gypsy Rondo Antoinette Chauvin Heiilatlon, "The lirumbler" Ferndl Clurk Dream of the Keupcr Hose AbotiHlemnn . . . on h from Gounod . . Haydn . . . .Anon . hner . . W mun Woodbind Ei hoes Agneda Delgndo Violin Hebwlioii, "Mlnuetl" lleelhven Nellie Dagenett Eugeniu Ituppo , Delia Valdex Eleunor Lynch Arcompanlst, Frames Hothe RECITAL BY PUPILS . OF MRS. HIMOE TONIGHT Pupil of Mrs. Mabel We vena Hlmoe will appear in recital nt Ihe Woman' club tonight, the program ' beginning: promptly nl K o'clock. Following Is the program: Murmuring Kephys Jensen Jesslo Venable. Wultf Dcnee Tinsley P.urton. .senrf Dance Cluiniinnle Mildred liustafsun Tensing Voii Wilin Gall Heckrnan. Hut terf lies l'e Harold Partch. Allegro frtun Sonnlu, Op. 31. No. 1 Ileetlioveii Dol a Koberls. Tn Sllllnr Grieg Louise la 11. Second Mnrurka C.odard Marjory Sieun. (a Elfs' Davice Irieg lb) Harchctu Nev in lirena Hurton. Itomunc- (for left hand alone)... t splniller Lft'biir Cuvanuugh. Shadow Diuice MacDowcll Lilian Guatufsou. Polonaise. A major Cbop t' lUelen Goetx. AM Milt TIH IPsHW IIIIIIMM. Ml IC I I I H Following Is the program for Hiu regular luee.'jng or Ibe Thursday Morning Muslf cluli, Thurailny. Munli Klb: Subject Diiisettl end rtellini. Sketclie of iheir llv.'S Ml. It. II. Porjo'-K Selection from the Hobeluiun Girl Hwlfe Vakk-tVllson orchratra Piano duel (a) Don Paanjunln rjonixeitl tb Merry Wives of Winds -r -. .lcol.ii Mra. I'MVauaiigh Missi Pauline Postel Ilaka aolo Helei'4ed Mr. Thomas Christian Sextette firom Lui bi (arrungc.l for left hansll la.uixeitl Misa' Paulina JJorrudutle Selection fiom II Tmv aiore, . .Verdi Vali k - Wilson iirilii sli a - 0- IMul Mil I! lol IV Itl CITM.. A lare a mlii-nr,. inJov,, the re cltal given l!i. ainriiooti l I'n- pu pils of M.c i:-icl!.- Vai. k i r stu lllu ill file IV.v i,i back li.lllililix. All lllllisil ll'V till!' pliKtllll w a ri II .1. led, a . f..i:., Minuet III l Ilccthotvn William King. March Taiinbaiiscr Wanner lloMense Swltner. Tn 1st led ii vv u ( a pi :' e M uellet 1 1 tie I'M I t. ll. (lav otto IriK- i An bur lie. k. r ii lug Soiic M. ii. 1. !-..!- ii Clie-.i -r M in Mi r. Papei Life i f i He Hull Heutrlcc inn t'low.'i'a and Feins Kelsir Madia Ham. Traiiiner. i Si humiiiin Hall h Miller. Souvenir Dbll.i inliel Kl-ke. Valfe Caprice Seyludd ilr.ue sioit. Trio Serenade lloimod Halph and Cluster Mnl. r, Frank s.-'i. ck. Miss l.mioe l...w . r, . vi.iiiuiniai. - r- ENTHUSIASTIC CHORAL REHEARSAL A good crowd w is presc nt nl the re hearsal of Ihe A Ihn. li -rqlie Cboral club Tllccd.w evenillK. Practice was begun on "The I aimer ol St. Gcorirc" by wlih h Is i.i lie the bin num ber ai th.. i nu'vrt, and eveiyoiie w as deligbti il n It ll Ihe music. It Is hoped thai it who ill ir,. to sing in the concert In April will n. in And Here Is Indeed 'V I i i : Sv ' i' ' ' ?. c ' j THIS IS Well, we arc .m! t i ba i'f, lew lla 10" cm- with a-1 in a etv lew tlav now .11., I ail. ..Jv ll. i.'i:. . M'"Ti I. .ll so .Vo'JIi;- p.lall.K lie Tie M-ils-lioti. .ll,s rtr- i 1 1 1 i n 4 I. el'.- 'il-iiiiixe ,i-.,,o. an. I will I' a i i l i,t.ei.uc on tlio Jliu. 'I'io i.ft pcr- lo"rillce A ill lie oil Ibe 'V. il. alld III Hi-fill Willi the Sc'.ls liol.i ; -' 1. 1. Ii, it I lil-'tir nnd In tier th.m i-vei. I- lie hides l.i.'U .io IIHI lllim.el.l am: lil I'ts tS ll.l VVI .-I I'l Uold.'ll In. Ilioi). T'.e lollovv .1'. .s ,l ell'' i - H- I..I . .1.1- 1 1. e, Init ll is a ml one vv ... ui ia' Have i ill sii'ii lla- llcvin v From A f rn i the iimM v :. mn I. (IH- tlalla nio-i mill . i' ia ii'.- t.c .r Hi.. the Ih. ilistt n t. l-i A mile sial rn. lb III- I U-. no -M slot bt'u!. and Tile lesilll is will be sliowrr the Sells. FPU. a new til Ule I II cu abllllal VV h, -h Im-llatl.-rie 1. 1 mid Hull i i liill (hi.nselli when the c.niibniiil.on conies In I ins Cllv SatlU'dav, :'S The lllticl IS llie name of the Kllilliili. I.evv a. i-l. alid It i live rc- lll of vents of i x ! i .no -in linn and W"lk (t , . ' on b,. (.art of Ibe Ionian ol n li . ' I . ai hi .1. r.n.leav ors nan oven nni" Industry of tb.i I nited states d. pnri-, . r.wa the xebr.i wnh Ihe horse. The mi i.i of ngrii iHtui. . For hv combi- . did not succeed. The sebra has been i... th., IcioiiHO.-s of tae (il'cvv xchra. with- Ibe slothfiiltie.s. of the; In., kv Mountain canar ." us the burro! or the west is kiiovm. Ibe goveriinici I has succeeded ill prodiii Inrf nil I whe h some div. for work, for beain ' end f..r speed. ioa s. ii piaui Ibe horse, i ' And that pi oWc of itm lountiyl 'm. iv see 111., icsilli.. of Ii i pel ilui n. - , ii I lull. Ihe I lined Slate g iVel lllo.lit I haa siicti live of the spi- i nens Inio the keeping or t It Sells-l-iolo- Hull i . I ill Circus lo be exhibited throughout the I nited State. I And a animal Is tli'l ot Ibe coliihlllnltoii of Hie xelilit ml to rehearsals regularly, ThnroJgh work is to bo done on the several splendid nclectioiis whli h have jeen chosen foe the iccasion ami g fine program will be renderr. roi ii istists win, .tpprxit lll ltK MAT I KIIlAV. An unusually fln nltrncilon I promised lo those who 'odd tickets for the entertainments ,if the lte. path Lyceum course wMch are being Blven under the auspb e of the Wo man s lull. The four artists, a notable concert (inpaiiy which his Ihe highest pra..' from nil who have heard it, vvi appear nl Ibe Elks' theuler, Fri day evening. March 20, Mi Van llooaiv is a talented pian ist; J.ieoii Hueler p!'i hi priceless Do violin with wonderful skill and expression; Madame Lillian n!nt!-dot'f b n fine soprano voice vvbi.ii is dear, sweet and very sym pathetic, and Is n reader of great Id 1 1 1 nnd Mr. F. W. Kb'khuah his a marvelous baritone voice which has made him a great favorite wilh thous ands of hearers. program ranking high In quality nnd delightfully varied will be ren der, d bt tills quartette, whoso Work ia ilnisbed and thoroughly artistic. The next Lyceum entertainment v III take place Monday. March 3l, w hen ir Wood Hutchinson will lee. lure at Ibe Elks' theater. O Gay Musical Evening Monday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. ticorac Everltt gave it very delightful musical rvening In honor ol Mr. nnd ?'.r. Hugo Myer. Mr. and Mrs. Mvcr weie planning lo It live Albuquerque (Continued on Page I'oir.) a Most Remarkable Beast . ? S ii v. i i . Z 1 T HE HEYNEY burro.. Perfectly marked, with an ee that I fnendl. ami inteiligeiit, att'l a is thai nr.. ellaloiy and pretty und speedy; with lunacies wbb U !' m.iotli ami supple along the back of the .iiiIiiijI. with marking w'.iicli bavo lost oi.iy In sIlKbt degree Ihi-lr . iiiu rli.i r.o lei .l o . the Hnio vs tif Ihe S lis-Flolo-Hiitlalo Hill Circus inn d.Kiiiiciive. Ami dlsilncttve In more ways in. n ma.- are they from Iho i l'or at.liii.ils In the menagerie !'T has been demon! rl. d that Hoc ji.ui in. made to d evei Hung that llioue urn do. In a better, quicker j lo.iiiiic r. llrokeii to harness. Hie i v.i.ik perfectly and yet lin y havo Ihe speed ol a race horse. The 'eirrni;th of a mule is (heirs, without 1 ll... plo.l'ling characteristics. Docile as a lauiiiv horse Is Hielr temper. Jet ih. ir tut .-11 .gence i that of a hnj'l ; s. honl mount. And that is why the government piedictg a future for the llvney far gieaicr than thai of Ihn ! n r, or mule. T'no begiiimng of the production of 'th,. ll") was ni-ido five years ago, nfi.r pilvate Individuals had failed at , nil elforts lo tamo the utitrm t.iblo rosse.1 also .with the mule, but HI vain. Then the government set about the ak scientifically. Inasmuch as t I th xc..ra possessed one of Ihe worst tciiipersof ull wild beast. Its ion .iiu-i be .hi extremely sloiblul animal. The burro, or "Hunt' Mountain Canary" so named because of It bray was choitell. The two extremes Were mat- ed and the experiment was a success. The Hyueya. and there are Ave ot them, will be on exhibition in the no tiaxer.e tent of the Sells-Flols IIiiUhIo Itlil circus, bolh before ut4 aftee tho mam performance. Tlujr lie alio will tie seen lu tin 'nn. 1 'V v, ... " ' f l