Newspaper Page Text
THE EYITHTTO glllAIP, AISUQITIQTrZ, g. lf.t SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914. 1 TWO Herald. Tullnh1 b, . i r .w-n.i.g Herald, loa. 1. 1 S. Valium!. Munnucr. it , : II. num. I -..Mor tiffl' ml li,.r i tii fit or AH'U'iui riue. Phi l'abc.l rvrr afternoon eg i: Nmih becond licet, A ll'il.iierUr, N. VI. na second -iliiee mattrf if ih . .,i.. flu bI Alixi'iuriu. s t , uii'I'-r tha Act l Marco I. m.Ti'h by nn. I or carrier. to I'im' wink It imflcT Ho mo ).r liv nml I .r carrier III s tvuDi 11.00 Telephones 1(7 and 1(1. I'tiTM 1 1 II IHU'klVX. P . i . i. r I! . II. .. I. rm. In re- l.l li : II. in Mil- A I l.'l.llcl 'IIO pI'Hl- i. ii... I. .ii Im Ii n. I him more Ihnn . ;. :m nf luithful service, nml ii i. i.l . f r..:irt'-nim trc.i'mrnt anil th r. ii. li i-nii i.-n. i hul him m lilmn I .-. ii . .!i ,lliil m the public service. Inn , ti In icntir nf (he office Ihr A I' . . I. , .1 I li Jh ii4i r . I 111 ( llllKallln ll.m In. i'. . .! i in. I iiii.iihI v . It has ml- .. !,. i I 1 1 a i rn mped I ineonv m- . i'i I nl. In. i;, while K.....I it'll li f WHS itiiii. i ii. io ,i m.tM modern home; nml lln.iii ii ill I In- it'iiiltiK poal mauler In.. nii fill) itriiiiiml upon the of-lit- n.i n.iHir how d if id nil. with tin luil.iu Minim, lAi-ry roii.pluiiil mi J i i i ;. 'nn k." Jiihi or ii hint, him l i II mil with prompt ami in.irtroiis at t. nti. .ii. inn I It Ih hill (air In Hihl Unit i.f " k . U during lint 1 1 i pit I iih ud lr in i ' i 1 1 ..n thin- have bci n miuhty d .v 'I hu ,..i..lll. ! now rank antunc tin t.t.iitv moHt cffl. lent jioulnlllri'H In th. I mi.. I Smii-ii. Mi. I ! . k 1 1 im tn kin with 111 III tin' Ink iii-m i Nti-. -in of tin' people nf Alhu ini"i.iii. iih hi. ei,c-a the office, ami in. I;l.- III.' think nf till' i olll ill'l nil . ii.( . nl. lor hia rervice 'jiii lor thi Nt.iiiiliii'.l he hui art In itihlu' i.llln-. Mr. liiwhl. tho in-w iontniu8ti-r, crt ii hu h'liiril fm hlniMi If when ho khiI thui hp wiuhl ofU no in. .ii th. in, on hln ri-ilriiiiriit from Hi.- i. fiU i.. to Icnvfl hi-hlnil him reu hi. I iih . KatlHfiiilory ua thut nf Inn ir-ii'rOMHir. IIMI. Tin- hi. ilr flxh and (tunir drpnrt iio rii is now niKimi'd In flttlnR up Ihr linn h.-rv mi thn Itiirllrit rnmr prr- i . . ;n tiorihrrn Colfax ciiunt', uml pi.;.. t prodtirr In our own n. .. in - . t liu iiullv Kninr trh In li:. .i nt itiiintillr to kerp lhi many h n nil nuiuiitaln BtrrnniH of Nrw .M,-, rll to ki d. 'Ilo- lish nnd uanir ih-pat tmriit of N. Mi-ilio ia rlf up.oitinK. hul ii.ii li It ii.Ki thr atntr lnrar atitua ..! ii y rtuh Jijr, It would hr. or l ;. Ik'. Jtir of our InoNl vnlil.ihlr in. l.iir.-iiii't. Thrrr nrr Iwrlve mm i- II inl mountain atrrimia In Nrw .M.M.o. whti'li, krpi proprrly aiorkrd, at.- tin' i-.f'iil "f ativ .iiliitiil Milling iM.niii- in Hi" woil.l Thrrr nre I...... -1 1 . 1 1 1 i Hirrnina nf nlmnat r'luul ..'i.-. Wi ll hi... i. ..I firl .nm atrratua hnvc tv.. il -1111.1 viiIikh Klral. thry to i. in own pf-oplr aplrndld npnrt, t.. i.i hul -Allium! going far from I. ..i im tii rltm arral rxpriiap. The i il.:: ...I i 'I .ii- Iuih-Iiii'in iiiun( or thn i. ii,. ..i ia. ii Hit. luoi r'tiK man, tun, ii n.' il. -.urn, hutr two or thrre oul-iif- "n thr I'i-oa during a amiinirr, nl tin oil Ihr Ji-iiipx whrn til !. I.- h.ulrii.iy lomiiilw-loil ua I hi- 'pi oniiHi'.l iitiLntiiiihiU. roHd. Thr il.,i.-..' nf H'ii-h a vu.'ulion. with ill. ml.. I i-'i"t i tin own In, i.i ;.lmoMt i li.ou. H i vitl'ir 111 ud'linK to thr I n ,.t I..111K ih Hliimal limitli'Ha. 'I h, oih.-r .il u- Ih In utt rii tinK il rt.-n in. I tourinta from otln-f .-. ti..tiri of th-- i.iuiitiy. Knr mi rx ,.i. p ui' Inn' l, il In look to Ihr r- i- I i ..loi.iilo. With flli-aina not i .-. 'iii 1 1 .. . i - .i-l ui'ia.iir, lint ii triflr I- .-I n I i-li iij Htri-aniH, hut Li'lliT -i i, I I , I. .1 11. I . larl H.-HH. .11 III- I I.:. t.l .-.-: twi.ity thmiHand Mini I ti .ii i.i'i. r -i n.'H. wlm .aine for thr I I.....: ;,i -in- Th" I n n r and It!" inn. I. i 1 1 r ... i I f i tiinhi d iiitliiiilti d j . ... : .. I i-arila to Coloiudii prupln for ii . 1 1 ion ion iniT tin. n num. The n u" luiiilHhi'd .Utiir Imiika nhnul t 'o- f -him Htr.-aiiiB. Th'- !'nvrr coin n.i i. ml I... .Inn -uiuud in a national .n i-...-il of iidvrntHinK for the lour-i-i' 1, i-.-.l on Ihn (li-hln aloiu'. And It la worth reinrnihrrlna; that tin- io:. n who Cull coma from Nrw Mlt in Coin i it Jo for a, Cahlnz trip ini'ai hi- a in;ii of Tirana. Whrn you t f i i.-.l thuuanml of thitt kind of in. ii In thr rnurre of a at-aaon ynu im- I. i-innl to find a lot of ihrm, with mi i tn o biiHlniMJi. who r buainraa uiiyiitituK. a Mid flrvi lopnirnt oppor im M. -i in ihr roiintry. l. t i nliira lo haa donr In attrart- In I ut.Hta Nnv Mi Airn (an do. nfl and thr tl.'a inlliltry; the I'i . nn l (hr J. i..e h:ii --. Tana and ti:. . i i.i. . .. air JUKI aa i.ttrui'tlv Io I 'h- lii , -r of nul-of-doora aa anything t . i.i I., in. I In Colorado. Tha 1 . i. .o.rr t of our rtreama la Ilia fAmt t . i ii . Thr ,iii.nrri-a am. din apoi-t- a it find ihent. alrront wlth i.,i 1 1 In ii it. nr t-i ready. ( uU e lioulJ ac that ur lead)' Iy thr aummrr of 114-X-w Mi'" llll.y Millflv li kin adterilre lis imim. mrr plnrre. Ami In doing II, Nf Mutli n will lr mi' to set Milrhiv te tmna for n vrv small lnvrtment- riOM.HI sw id l VI V M III Hl , Thiri l rnii.r i f Intense eiitlifnc' j lii.ii In the t .-(. i.l A !lniiiii r-tue it ml ih. ii.iinv In the s.l'.l nf prog I nr now mi rin.iixU mutiif.'Nt niimin jihf. n'f.tif. in tho iiiinii' iiiiiiii'iii'ly llililjitv. f..r belter hi hi ml f.i. irtl'-a. -. ui-i-U M hnli.l li.mii. of l..M'l for .. fir Ki hoi. I K.ia Soliil hy ntir m hnol illtln l. ThiM Kri't iiivUhir fiillowril whh u l.iin.l Ikkiio f..r l ')"'i lor th a;in nirioiir iinil nti Siiturilnv lhi , nf n tlnlil ilmtrlit ll vntr anil 'oti fn .-rulilv for n llnnl n' W m hnol. fill of ll'll 'll Will I'lllll i.iin., utlii.r lii. ml la"ii.a nf Iho a.itnr i liiiiii. t'-r ni- In i.ri..i'i l in nihi-r dint ih-t n. t'l.'inly Hi-hnnl I'lK-rlntrnili'iit Mon tnya hiia rm niirimi il, w mrly nml .i i- filntriilly, Iho 'i.iiillihllloll nf u- ho"l ilintrxtn whirrvir im-."!!.!.., IhiiM n' . in iiiU (' i'iiititl.-ll. T luillilHiK" ami hi'ltir li'iu hiiin utiilT. l-'or wnh ,.iiiiii .fin. ml i..ii It In li. in h rnmrr In Hit ;i 1 . - ' 1-1 t I iu of l'ii'-hrl pVTtl for thn im. ii iIin'-iiiI tM.-hoiiln ihnn I'onlil l.r h.i.iil for wliii. niii- aolituty niiii v iniiHt hiiii'lle a wholr h. hoo I iiloiv, fur from nl i-in.toin.iiA .'itiiii'liillona nil. I mini. nm. .li"hti. Th" n. In v In a. mini nml In Ki t' n rrmilta. Thn i iiiinty i-iipi'i iiiii-n i.-nl fi'i'ln Blllr t till I tin. iriiir will Vnlo III f.ix or nf Ihr i-o'inly hill a luml. It inwilvm un nililiimiml lux upon Ihr of the inunly iliairlrl, lull Mr. Mnnlnyn auy.i wiiliinriii tnwuril Ihr luttir kind t.f nluiati ni In iirow I 111! tan r.i.l.lly thnl thi-rx la lllllr flniilit i.f fnvnriil li ni'limi. All nf whlrh lii.llriiii-B n di.yi-lnirni-nl Willi h Ih hikiiIII. nut. It in mil lour finn' Ihr i i ii t ' a. hnnla of Him roiinly norr ahiiaily Jnfcr. No' ihi'y urr a ih:h. for iniiir. rnry nitvr iiu- suniril niiw- i n fliier wln rr fnrthrr priiKrrwi la, Thr nopi hin Iriirm-d Ihr viilur of onil IiimiIh. A c.miii: nm ) Thr I .nil f'rui'ra Citixrn In Ita lalnat lamir pulillxhra a aprnklnu llkrnraa of Hon. Klfritu Hat a, of"PUe, i hulrman of Ihr rxrrmlvr i-nmmittro nf Ihr Ilirnalllli) riiunly Itrpulillvnii orxunlxullon, poard Kracrtully upon onr of thr noma of u rrrairnl num U'r do not know Ihr alKnlflrnmr n' Ihr union, hut under thr pii'turr lip liiiir thrar nlmnfli'lint wordH, whiill urn quite plain. "Hon. Klfi'Kn lim n, who arrka nml will iimloiihtrdly t.rur the niiiiilnatloii fur ronitrraa at Iho h.milH .f tho Iti' alnto cnnvrntlon." Tho antiuunt'i .nrnt of Mr. Hnro'a t'nndldary fur Ihr Krpublti n miini natlnn (hui ral ly ia alKiillh nnt. It piiintH to thr IWi'il drtrrmlnatlnn of Ihr AlhuiiirriUr man to ki-I it. Ami hr la. In Ihr vrriiaruliir. Home little n Rrttrr. tnlirr (rntlrmrn in thr lirpuhllrnn party havlnii llii-ir ryra lurtnil to v. aid tnniora wuiild du well to kri'p Ini.H on Mr. Put a. Hr ia a forrr in he rvrkmird with. The ntt.nilHni at XUntarrt llling ton'a prrfiirmamr In KUa' thrntrr In nt niKht, whrn every aeut In thr hoUHfl wua K'.lil, di -nionatrutva rlrarly that AlliiuUrriur la prepared to pat ron in,. Klka' wh-nrvrr md a often na it la offrrrd thr wot Hi of lla ir-ney. Tho niuniiiirii'.rnt of Ihr the atrr douhllraa dm-a ool nrrd In be told that If It wll' aitppty (nml ut trai tlotia thr proptu will muke thr InMtllullon prolllaljlr. Wr huvr had our Hhurr t f auperl.itivi'ly rotten "ahnwa" thin winter. l.r' ua hopr thut du. n thr eoniinii n ioti we may hnvr n littlr more nf th,. Ilium- ton i lan. Thr Auloinol.ili'. ii pn lillrul ion de voii'd to tin. iimoi cur .inliiHtrv nnd l ul.licln-il in New York, in n t'oinplla tixti nf tin niiinlii't- of iiiitoiimliili-ff In ill" atulea, kim-h the nuiulu r nf rui Hi New Mi'Xlto ua llii and plat r Ihia hi. ilr nl thr holtmn of thr lint. Thr Hi'i-retry nf alalr nl H int.i Ki nlrrady luia pwurd iiiuir Ihnn 18"li uuioim l.llr llreimea, find it ia Hife tu h,i hi" Iihi la nnt Thr Aulouio I. ilr hIiouIiI lure a rel'ahlr alallHli t In n. A CITIZEN T I K annual rrpurt of Ihn Chit Hi.ttr t ominiHHiom-r of naturali xa i mil, k-lviiiK fu.-ta for th 1 oar 1VIS. ahiiwa that u Inra'r per rentaar of rejfi-t lima fur llitiorulnr and for Imnioriility la the w hop aonm and roiiiiurnduhlr result of thr alrli trr law panard ly ronnrraa lit IK 10 That thrrr ahuuld he an evrn lamer proportion of rejii-liona la thr Ion of thr i-oinmiHHioiier, writinu wllh all llm faita In-fore lilin. riliariiHhip In tha Culled tSlut.-a la held at too ehfup a rate, elm) there would he murr randld and hruve dia ruaalnn of all the f unwimrnlul laauee Involved In Ihr framhla holh for native and for alien. Thrra la niu thul rourie w hoao Judfea rxamlnr l i n Mppli'-aiita mlahi do Io imprrmt Ujuu aio.v( ui jivlitlunvra tlia dU- nliv nml armlty .f Ihat .rivlra whh h thi'V havr ai'iight nnd won Thrrr la rvrn nn.rr ilmt i nniiuunilira mailt do thmiiah rli nl uhl'-h nil li" Mititu iinil.l hr lm- pr.-uar.l with Ihr nmini ntoiia mrr rinl In 1 1 Kirn inorr than th i. ill no do nl. I l.r lirimimlril aninr il.iy sti'ml.iriln of mliiilaalnn In lh fi.iiKhln. will alrmlily r'w. aa ahnnlil M i n.hi ril of It" i-rti-ntion It ahcmlil I... olti in r i-iirni il. iinil iilun nftrnrr fortiii.-il v lii-n- thi-ir la l,rtrniil of 1 1 ir wrlf.irr. No It a.-rnia in rnmr too eiiKtlv .in.l niitoiiwil i nllv, In hr rxrn-lrril loo i ml . ff . rrn' iv anil run inrlillv to hr KHirih'il Willi Hm !) I li .Kiln n r. ..ri iiiimii'I'-, thronrh th" rffi.rla r.f Mi.iin-ll pitrio". Iitrriilltrr for himi rm t ion nf Immiariiiii in fun rlfiiin ii!;iIh i.f AinrriranlKm i llK In line. iiiii-rior In form anil nirthml lo nnv rx ai nu il ilr. mlr nan. Vnrlolll iiii.-iii I.f ir- hrniKinv Ihl" Informlim r tit I'll lllilttrr In Ihr Htlrnt Ion nf ih. tn roim ra; hut aiinirlhlnn hr ii.. 1 It . i .it .ii i : in-. .I' ll Thr irr nitiiil mm h of nntlvr-hnrn with Mil-Mr from ovrri'UM, nf il.-iornilunt of llnalitili I'ur Hun nr IMlKrlm nn.l ml'ilt and youth flrrlnT from Kimnlit. in in i ilril In thin f ii lil Klrnl milna aln nniHl hr rrnlltrd to nrg.inlxrd Ki-in n- I lint Imvf ronir In rr thr. rinic nrrd nf rlnwr tnllrh of nil rnrra nml nil f.illlm If Ihr uiwlmlln- tKe iirinran la to prnvr hrnrfh nil anil thr tuition In hr anvil In n ainniiir ilrinnrrnry of Ihr f'hrialliin I pr. Nnl thr Irnal alanlf Irani nml p'a.t- lli-iil of Ihr ailMmrv In.'nin tlnna iv- rn t ' I'lini't rvmrn I -v Mr C'lllrk thr iiilKaioiinrv lone r "M.-nt In Jii- pun who ia now ill tin l lilti'il Ptntrn ti.i illnllliK lirtwri.n thr two mitiona. Ik thai imp in w hlrh hr nru' anp pirm.'ni Inn Ihr ml nf nal uraliriii Ion liv miitr fnrnuil. rlvlr rrrrnmny llint jIhiII hr Iniprraalvr anil niifi.rKrtiilil", II.. ioiitmt thr np-ithv and Inillf- fi r m of hla rnunlr)mrn w llh th pri.f.niiiil nitrnilnn lvrn to Inrtilrnt Ilia yniith of Japan wllh national loy. nliv nnd th lark of any immunity rlliinl. rrli-liin,iti thr rixht nf Am rrirana to voir with Ihr rlnhnrnta mnitiH thnl .In pun hn for imikinir rhlldrrn nml ynulh frr Ihr aohmnlty of i-itlxi'tinhip. tTAT no rtrm itaiiti FOR TIRED HUSBANDS 00KO0OOO Let hiiHlinnda rejnitr, nnd wlvra hr Slml, for thr day of emnliripntion I al hnntl; hooka and ryea are no Innu ir it iieeeHHity, deilurra a New York I'reaa wrllrr. Mra. Ninn Wlleox Putnam, ahe who "art aurlety In llolhnm hy thr nnt' inrly hint aprimt by uppearlim in "niotiiiplree" gnwn, fnat"mng v lit limp nnd liiitlon in the front, hna an eniirr in-ill ol. full of (ikiu fur "II ni'i a aioiia n ml nrer a hook nor an rye! Now pleuao do not any I (n in ' drraa reform, "ihia ua ahr got up ahow h"r lati Ht at reel coatume, "thai ia not my tniHineaa. I am n writer. iln not auk any woman to wear thcat' Inthea. I draicnrd them for myaolf, nnd limy ault mr. Hut I tin wlah In Itnpreaa upon women thrlr right In lunorr fnahlon thr right to rxprraa IhrniHilvea throuuh their clothing." Thr ault Mra. I'utnam wna wrurlng wua of a gray rpotige "it'l wool Hhe linprraard that upon you matrrlnl. hi i.iii'-i'lr.'o driaa wna rut after her IniHla pntlrrn. ulrnmht linen, on a iloithlr fold of Ihr gonila. nn tier ram, and kimono alravr. nrt a V" haik nnd front, en unlit up In two ny plaila In front to form a dnipery, ami hIiihI.-iI at tnr tru aior oi ine klrl to brine It mill mure up to dale. The walatleaa waiHt, fur Mra. Putnam mtikea n point nf thr nntorfrlrd lig- urr, waa euu-ht in with a to-atnrv xrlvrt hrll. of gtay hii-I aomeihlng in rrn an nrangr nnd a rrrinr. She unt Into It. ahr explain", "V aiu-ainn hrr hrad through thr "V" In the lop. and nt thr aame time putting her nrma through thr big lunar aleevra. J tut t wa tha mat to Ihia two- pin r auil that waa Ihr Work of Br I. It waa h aort of eul Htmlitht-on-thr I laa iiffalr. Whrn unalvxrd yott found Mra. Pallium had taarn a mUure ol gniitla. fuldril II on Ihr hlaa. tin out huh- fur her head, ahl It down the front fold, turned lint k thr pnilita nl either riid for iuIT. aeamrd it up a few Int hea beneath the lower edge i thr cuffa. giilher.d It Into aeml-hlla. hmk and front, rut the extra, gnoda Irfl okrr fit. in thr hole III hr link, nun n polnlrd lollar, arrd it on. iHi-t.lie.l thr wholr with a button and it loop, and behold! A eoat of Ihr day mixture of V'renth pnlnle. Itunatan MoUHe. Jnpanear alrevra alitl Ameil- taii drxlgn! "It gnea arainat my aenar of hti mor. aaya Mra. ruiiiiiiii. m o.ijr at ila uml iartia of heautlfiil mater lal and then eul II up In dnxena of impowiilile plena With my piittrrna thrrr ia no wnatr, and mv gnwna nrver eoHi me over $.'.. nor do they take ovrr I no linuia Io make. 1 do nil thr work l:y hand, Inn. 4 Household Hints I'Iuhiit for IScklfa. Thia ia a pew uae lor a inhalant phlKler: When lliukillit plreulilll ! main pliklra or any kind thai yod want to krep during lh winter, try making a mualard plaaler about one half mill Ihl. k nnd thr alr of Ihr Jar und lay It on tn. of Ihr pirkha and are how nicely they will keep. Have tried thia aryeral yrara and It never failed. KIii Im-ii lUtiniMiiilc. Try .1. anlng your allverware by lu.lling II for 0 m In ut In Ihr water In whli li potnloea I boiled In the ).' ki'lal have Win rooked. Nrw iron vetua'la n.ay br t leaned In Ihr aame nay. followed by rubbing in uuaalted lard, I. n h ia then burned In. Mi ki-l-lliilHlMil KlotP. To tare for Ihr nb'kel on your cook nl in r wanh It In clean goup attita. rub Irlnkly uiih clean, aoft rag to dry Yi, ii will nerd no preparation Io brighten Iho nickel If thia la dour frrtjuciilly. COLOC H oml I Iddlr. r- A.VP.W YuP.K BUtnmohllr publi cation annouinea thai we havr but 7Ti aiitoinnbllra In Nrw Mexico. We tlnni;ht I ha eaal wuiild iiull alnnderlng iih when we got tn hr ii atatr. WHY ANY w-eli7ii formed bunker run refute thai tnti mi-lit. ANYHOW II wlfl be a year or ao ii-t hrfore w Hiking ceuara to l re I p.vlnl.le. Tlli: Tlll.Vd that rrnlly grlnda the poor man. wlthuul credit nt ihr bank, la thai no one will Invent a ai lf alnlt ing kltrben atove. - O Slgna of (irratnraa. My boy may yet br piraldrnt, For hr la winning fa me At golf, whl. h we nl! km w to hr Thr prrnldrnliul gunr. And he la vrrr truthful, loo, I.lkr littlr Oeorge of yore hen he pluya golf br nevrr Irlea Tu III) ahotit the more. Courier Journal. My hoy may yet br prraldent. For when hla ultimatum Won t work out he litea anothnr way In wiih-h he may grl ut 'em. So when h a-flahimr gnr. And they won't tun. h hla halt. Hr weiira a amlle Jiihi like Woodrnw'a And aaa I'll wat. h and wnit. lilrmlngham Age llrrald. My boy may yet be prraldent For lie hna got roine trrlh That aland In place before hla fitce I.Ike nuleatoiira op the heath. And when hla mamma feeda him beana He reara hr rear a up hi Hide hrr And apllla them out with kick nnd ahout Like any tough Hough Itldrr, O fTHKUWISE Mr. Work lhink thr uilmlnlatratlon la all right. IV 8II.VKU CITY they ataek gllver bullion right out In the atreet hut thi-y don't leave it there over nlKhl "HOW to krep the public cool dur Ing thr torrid montha," waa the chief auti)ert of thia werk'a eonvenllon of Icemen In Kunaaa City. Hut no one I'Kireated cutting the price of Ice. IP "FRISCO had known about the Immigration bill, the Cannl tolla and the Cnatnma rrgulntlona ahr would have left Iho "Intrt' off her "Inter- initioniil expoaitinn." A TK.X Art man killed a telegraph Of.erntor bfauaa he Inaultrtl the lat- ler'a wife. Thia la cruel and unuaunl punlahment ami Ihrrrfore unconatltu- tional. A trlrgrnph operator poa- aeara a conatltutlonul right to Inault nnybody. PAVI.OWA'S lateat Invaalon doran'l crrair mui'h fua. We can nil inngo now. TUB DI1KF Ihotight conlalnrd In tho prrnirnt'a uleat perannaliy con ddtted meaauge to congrexa, the ra aentr, In fuel Ihr uub, la "Krpeul It and do It now." CLKVKLAST)'! tax collrt-tor aayai he haa found It impoHallilr to collect 1 1 i.i.iiii.llliu taxrg off John I). Hock- feller. Aboul HO. 000,000 people brut him to the discovery. O ONK THOP8AND bahleg wrre born in Charlraton Hi 111. Uut It waan I their fault. IT'S about time for one of our gen tle brcexeg lo blow In the bock beer algn. THEN we'll nil be runny. OILMOKK "You big allff!'' Man JoIiiihoii " You little t-'hrlmp!" The Fana "I'lny Uall." O "P.E A KINtl in your drenma." ad- vlaea Andre Carnegie. Thanka Andy. we've tried Unit atuff. Ila bad for the narvca. rniui ?i,!hmi .town with the grlppr. And thafa no preae,'"'r "u ugrnl'g dope pithrr. THAT Nrw Jrinry rhlrf who want ed to kill the prenidrnt and blow up the Whltr llou-.. la guaprcted of eat ing hla own looking. MIL TAFT prnmlarg to lake the ala ml ligation v.. te for women. Oh, very well! ni'T how ttbotit Senator Aahure of -w -T at Ureat 1 rials or Mistory The Trial of Adolph Luetgert V 0"' Till: niKht of May I. 17. there iliaippeurrd from tier home, al llrrmltHKe iivenua und liUriary boulevard, 'bli'ii, Mra. Adolph l.uctHert. the wife of 4 kuumiki! muiiufiii-turer of city. II waa our of th oao myeberlouB I'aera which haa baffled the mint expert lolitr. and ileitctlve In Ita solution. Thr huahtind wua arrested for tho murder. It was a long and a diffi cult effort on his part to save lilm mlf from execution, for many thlnifs i-enir.l lo point tu Mai guilt. Klrvrn Jurymen wunted lu hana him for the .rime after hi-iirlim all the evidence, but the verdict finally decided upon was Imprisonment for IKe. The laak that wna art for the pro ctiton waa not an eaay one. Mra. I.iii'lscrt's Inily, 11 waa eatiibliabrd I. IlliKNt beyond iucgliun, had bet. a k- Cr.'T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ' ORIENTAL CREAM 01 MAGICAL EEAOTiriEB - rmorTn. pta- lilr. rtltklfl, Muth 1't. hr U' V on braniv. anil riv- II tarn sterna Ihr trtt ca! rn riat. and it a hnrmlna we tattr It to br anre II ia finlrtlr mwlr Ac rroi no rouiitrffrtl rtl rinulnr mat. I. I,. A. aar aakl to a ladv i4 Ihr haiiiton (a palatitl. " v..n In.lir. will iir llirro. I ir . ommrnil (iiiua Cuaai' tlx a-atl liainilul efall mr Hkin (.iriutralama. ' Al iuiil anil rtrtrtinrnl Mure. fart I. aagtiM A Im. rrait, ) If Hi Jem IIJ.TA, Artxona. -0 ACCfifintXO to Mra. Iielmnnt, tin- lraa he obey a nrdrra hla name will vhaligr Io Aallrap. CON(Kn'B your common aene. Tho aupply la a lot more likely to run out Ihnn that of coil and limber. O THR return of the world lourlala renrm.ileil a Monday morning bargain rale la diamond. ONLY thrrr aerma to hnvt. been no marking down. MIKHot'ltl manufin tured five mil lion dollnra' worih of corn coli nlpea fourtrrn million dollar' worth of whiakry and nine mllion dollnra' worth of mulra, laat yrar. Talk about ytiur Inland Kmpftra. O THKY HAY that thr thrrr great Mlaaouri Induatnea arr Intrrilrpi-nd-rnt. You can't manufacture mulra aucrraafully without u corncob pipe and whiakey. 8CIKNT1.JT8 have found thrro gen logical faulta In the foundation of Nrw York. IIHI Hulxrr lound flftV without t-ven a (clrutlllc Inveatlgatlon. UHADMTitKKT and Itin cheerfully ndvlar that w have managed to get through it year of the Wllaon ndmin lHtrntlt.n without loaltig any weight. TUB ONLY wrlghl loaa we know of worth mentioning but why recall thr reefa In thear (i paira of panta. VILLA la the boy who put thr cry In thr Mexican crlnla. Itl'T HOW about the guy who put Villa onto Vllluny? O lOon NH5HT! f t TRIED RECIPES llral-d Tongue-. A fresh tongue la nwreaary for brulalng. I'ut tongue In kettle, cov er with boiling- water and cook alow ly two hount. Take f.figue from wntcr. drench with cold water, re move akin und nirmtirnneg; faatrn th" tip uround agitltiat thr ttritk piirt. tying or akrwrrlng firmly. Fry two onloiia. one turnip and one car rot, all cut fine. In butter until brown. ISrniove from the pan and art uaide. Flour the tongue ull over und put into a hot pan with the but ter. Turn It on all aides until brown ed alight ly. I'ut thr tongue, the fried vegrtu nlea, a amull piece of allck cinnamon, onr clove and a bunch of awert hcrba Into a cnaenle. Add onr quart of thr liquor In which the umgur wa boiled. Close the lid aa tightly aa to keep In the gtrum. Place in the oven. Aftrr one and one-half houra oprn. turn thr tongue, and add thr Juice of one lemon. Cloar aa brfore ana leave one-half an hour longrr in the oven. Now put ine Tongue on a " dieti and art It over hot water while Ihe gravy la bring boiled down lor j 15 lo mlnutea. If It la not quite j thick enough, mix two maapoonf ula of cornatarch wllh a little cold water. tlr It lino the boiling gravy, and boll two or three mlnutea. Htraln aome of the gravy ovrr the lungue and rrve the remainder In a auuee bout. Tongue bralaed In thia manner may lie aervrd surrounded by a aoft puraa of potatoes well eraanned with plen ty of butter or rich hot cream, aalt and pepprr. ttcrve ail tha sauce In a saute boat. Good Houvekerplng. Tongiio flngrrs. Fine to uae up cold tongue rter K has been rcrved hot bruiad for din- Orute nearly a cup lover a half) of the re- inulng of a cold tongue very fine and mix It with the yolk of an egg. a large spoon of crram and flnrly chopped paraley, dufch of aalt und pepprr. Ilrat thoroughly and pour on some prrpnrrd .narrow strips of bjttrrrd toaat. Thrn aprmkte thick ly with fine bread rrumba atlrrrd In little mrltrd butter, wllh a ahuke of pupfika and brown quickly In a hot oven. !. t moat eutliely ronaumrd In diiauled polaah In one of thr culorliig vols of hrr husband's sauauae factory. In reducing Ihe body of hla victim the nlnrdcrer hud overlooked four vi tally Incriminating drlulla two gold ringa worn by hla wife, the complete removal of the fragments of the body, a bit of peculiarly ahuped por celain tooth, and failure to notify Iho police, of the woman's dlaapiwarunce. The riiiKS were Im-ntlfled as the property of the wife, the family den tin Identified the toolh. expert os teologists were able to place the bones thul were discovered, but of course with no conclusive proof that they were those of Ihe murdered wo man. I.uetgrrt and hla wife had nnt lived happily together. It was Ms eocoud wire and ahe had been emplovrd In the fumily whrn Ihe first wjfe mi .aalk y dFk living, tt waa claimed that he wn ! Ilr.-d of her ami deairrd a younger and more attractive voinn". Whrn It cam Io thr trial of the huahand. Ihr laak H.-t ..r Ihr Chicago dlHtrlot attorney, lieneen, waa u moat dlfllctilt one. The bmlv of Ihr vic tim had brrn praclli nliv rniiMimi'il. and yrt It waa nb'oliitrly neceKrary not only to pine Ihat ahr wna dead, but thnl ahr had tnrl hrr death nt thr hnnda of her huahnnd, nit charged In the Imlli tmrnt. Tha flrat trial .reaultrd In a ilia r.grntnent. Inning Ha progrraa I 'led rich llli knrar, a brother of Mr. I.Mttgrrt tratlflnl thnt he hnd ararch d for dnya for a rlrw na to hla ala ter'a w herruboiita, but had found none. one week rfier thr riimmla alon of the rrlnir h notified Inr po ller, nnd thrv aiiinntoned l.rutgert and nuratlonrd him. "Khr dlanppenr- I." thr anu'iigr maker rrpllrd, "nnd I rxprctrd hrr In rrfuin and bad wlnhrtl In nvold Ihr dlagrnrp thai nniat attrtul ihr dln-loanre of hr fncti." Il wna Frank THutk who gavr the moat dnmaglng Irntlmnny na to how hr made arvrrnl Irlpa ut the rrqtirat of the prlaotier to a drug alorr on thr nighl of Mnv 1. nnd rnch time upon hla return Lrutgerl would tnke Ihr pni kagr hr brought and would hnrrlendr Ihr door Io ITir main fne- t..ry and buay hlmarlf In thr rnginr room. It wna ahnivn at thr trial Ihnt thr nrrtired hud planned hinal ruiiniimlv. Almnat three montha beforr Ihr mur- drr he hint piin hnaeil n limit .1 pminila of crude potaHh from a w hole -r-'.i ... . s- W i NafT I . 4 Commercial Accounts This lank invites the commercial accounts of all persons who have business transactions involving daily deposits and disbursements. Its facilities for handling accounts of this kind are unsurpassed and the increasing volume of business passing through this bank is proof of entire satisfaction on the part of depositors. You are cordially invited to open a checking ac count and to make use of the facilities afforded by this bank. New Mexico-Colorado Lumber Co. Wholesale lumber. Mixed Cars a Specialty Native Fine and Coast Products. A. H. IIEYN, Manatrer. Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber - I- .- - - . I waerreaeeaeraarAaeeeaarrraeaaaaearrAarrrraeaerareyy W. II. IIAIIil GO. ror ttf Ueet In I'm! ol All Kinds. PHONE II. Baldridge Lumber Company ; Evreything in builders' supplies. PAHIOD roofing with ; ; a 15-year guarantee. 6herwin-Williams Paint. ! 4is sotrrn nmn. pnomK s. '.II Is 325 S. First St. Owing to our present limited quarters we were compelled to warehouse the bulk of our fur niture and in order to reduce our stock, Removal Bale Prices Still Prevail. ALBERT FABER Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves. rale druggist. Ijite In AprIL umli-r he pria..n r'a direct Ion, I wo 1'nlra hrokr the polnah Into gmnll frag ineiita nnd later In thr anmr day hi"l iinHlHted m plin ina Ihr brok n pnliiHh Ihr nildillr vat. That night Ihr aleaiii waa turnril nn and the putuHh tnnipletely dlaanlved. The iiccued man Waa not permit- led to teatlfy In hla own behalf at the flrat trlii I hut during thr eecoml lull Me he wag enabled to rrlnle Ihr Hinry of hla llfr. Hr vlgnrnualy de nied the guilt Hnd on aevcral ocia- lonr m-Uiully wept. Ilr wna a atnlid tlermnn nnd by many ennerdrd to hr rndoweil with wonderful mrniul nnd phyalcal energy. Thr convict Ion of 1. cut cert did nnt eatnhlinh beyond contention In tho public mind Ih" guilt of the defend ant. In the light of the conviction. hnwrvrr, and the finding of the cntirl thr aeirpied vrralon of Mrs. t.rul gert'a murder nine! be tnkn aa the I rm hlatory of a myafrry that W ill .-ilniiyx br tainted with unrrrtnlnty l.uetgeri lhrd lraa Ihnn two yrara nf hla life arnlence. dying In th'' Juliet penllrntlnry on July 7. l!ia. Irnving no ronfeaalon. Ilia attorney. I.awrencr llnriiioii, nl Ihr time if thr t-onvli'led ma n' death, hnd Juat trnii pb'leil arrangement to have Ihr rrr orda In thr (nw prrpnrrd for the gn prrmr rottrf. LuetKert'a trial wna no ilonl.t onr of thr mol arnanllunal ever held III lllinnla. At hla d''nth fra. Wrrner nnd o'Mnllry held a poat -morleni rv nmlnntlon, dixloMlng the fact that br had dlrd from fatty degi-ncral loll of ihe heart. ... i i ;).'!' -' on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company j -. J.. . . a a, CERRILLOB UTMP OAL.I.UP LUMP OAUA'P tXJ ANTHMACITEV At.t. rtl7.K KINDUINCI AND MILL. WOnll BRICK AND PLASTERINO UME SA.NTA FK BRICK hi Now at