Newspaper Page Text
Tirssynmra ttthalp, alsttqutqus, it. n.t Saturday, MARcn 7, i9ii. THREE. TODAY'S LIVE NEWS OF SUNSHINE STATE NEWSPAPER T CONTEST Twenty-Five Hundred Ears Brought in by Curry County Hunters as Result of Conv petitive Extermination. BARTII OF ALBUQUERQUE GIVES $10 PRIZE pedal 'rrrtHHi4nra ! la tier Id -'i.M. N. M.. Murch The Clo Via' juckruhhit gcalu con ic, t ii lit. What a aliiuuhtcr It mind hue been! There were more limn 1.250 sculps or 2,500 ear, binimht lo tho Journal office ul noon on lout Sututday when the "polla" closed mid I hi- c ount begun. J. J. Rrimden of Clovia. who pur chased a new shotgun a lew weeks uii'i tu k' in the game brought In cv. rily 4 1 ." acalpa or 3) lac.krsbblt mm which lie alone killed within a iniltu of live m ilea of Clnvla In about I. my dnH. Mr. Hrssdcn la a flanl I'u emplcte and mvr!y anatchvd ten- Ileum inili ttcfk to go out uflcr Mac rublnta. Jjcili ivlier of ih Hla. kiower com. oiiiniiy. ohii won thr prite of $12 of (re. I by the Joiirimt and awnrdpd iintitijt tho county fair InHt fall, won Hi" jrc I prize of and the third .t 'r m hi h a miiilp up by the Hor t Hindu urc roinpiiny and the First Niiiioiiul bunk fr the third winner, wont lo lliiKo Klcenmn. of Tcxico. wliii bad 3.0 aculpp. Kllir had 3- M4 il 1tl t-' S. tin tor lunuc Hurth of Allitl mo rii;c whiM' nttmlion wua culled 10 the mi h oic of ridding the coun- 11 v of i be liickrabblta wh'n he wua oyer nt our county fair lent fall, of linil f 10 in gold aa the award which be J,,:. Ire I nhould go to the on win ning t.r-l In the Journul'a coniept. The i.iirtiiil k:ivc the accund prlae of l"i on. Now the quextlon la: what shall w ilu utih I lie i.Cuo ears? It turn beon i,irR -!c tbat we bundle them and bi int ihein lo the Allitnueriue ecna liir. but w have not made up our in nil n yet lo do that. Will mint l i nmke a auggeatlon and quick! El PASO LANDS NEXT CONVENTION OF Panhandle and Southwestern Votes to Meet in Pass City in Nineteen Fifteen. I' I I'ltxt wm In a hard lotight bai lie wuh Amtiilln fur I ho next annual of the Paiihundle mid s.hii h 1 nw Cattlemen's au'irlallnn. l ikbihoina I'lty thin rk. The Vote 0 Hie lliml show-down was 14 for Ki Peso ti Hi for Amurlilo. Roth f the hivni had big delegations on hand boost their respective rldlmi KI i'uso plans to make a big feature mi ul the convention In I91i and to hold in lonuection with it south western Mwk show. PETITION 00T FOR Torrance County Town Pro poses to Get Charter and Put on Metropolitan Aim. (-eelal Cerfseeailewo t lb Herald Wiilard, N. M., lurch I. Petition aro In In g circulated here thin week fur the Incorporation of Wlllard. The .f I It I.iOn. Bj.lrri.iM i1 in Mi hoard of riiuniy cuiiiin WiiiiiiTu of Torrance county, are being numerously signed nt Mill be ready for presentation within n few days. Many benefit will accrue from having the town Incorporated. At present the Hnslnesa Men's aaaocia Hon, la powerless to act In affitlra thil would aid much In the improve ment of tha town. I'ndep the artl. Hi of incorporation Wlllnrd will bve a mayor, a city clerk, an well na a ooiiik llmtin from each of the four There will bo a head to transact Ihe business, and maka ordlimncra for any Improvement di'ptni'd pecee-sry. A great factor will be the estab lishment of Williird'a credit. Thia means much to a tuwn, and wniild nuike l possible to erect an eleclrlo light pliint. grade streets, establish oleunlk grade and build th aid". wulKa. Home of our folk may think Ihls unreasonable, but tha growth and development of thla section de pt ml upon J nt such thing. CL0V1S HAS JACK RABBI CATTLE I com on FORT SUMNER WILL HAVE 3(111 ACRES Id CANTALOUPES Town of the Pecos Proposes to lead the State in Shipments of Melons this Season. ONE FIELD ALONE OF 120 ACRES f aeHel CarrMBaa tka i iall Kort Kumncr, N. M., March . W illi 11 acre of the i Imli cut vuliey liiiul Riunrd up for canlu loupe grow ing the coming rpmmhi, and In all pi ohn lillli y enouxh more to make an even 30 acre, thing look good for cunlaloupe aliipmenta thla year. Thia nit-rune la dial r I bitted annum sixteen of the moat experienced and MUcceaaful of the grower a. IjihI year there wan 5.0 acre planted to cantaloupea by thirty-four different grow era, but, according to J. J. Weinman, who handled the out put for J. J. Nix A t o., of Chicago and New York, thera only forty two acre Hint produced anything like a profitable crop. Heyen grow er on ihla 42 acre ahlpped thirty oar. The averaga net prolit per acre for the pat aeaaon waa flit. One of the above men cleared aa high u II SO per acre. Varlou ca ue arc aanlgned for the failure of other men with their crop, chief of which are Inexperience In growing the mclona, poor qunllty of Ihe around aelecled for the purpoae, Inaurilclent cultivation, ami aphia, or pliitit lice. Ijmt year out put totallvd It car, or two eara leaa than the previou year. Total number of cmte ahlp ped for the acnmin waa 1J.C38, which brtoight IK, 544, The average net price received per ernie waa hi cenla for Jumbo. Standard (2, ManJarJ flat 3r, Jumbo flat II, I'oniea 3;, I nd I'ony Hat 24. A company compoaed of JJeaera Hiinon. Ilallintyna, Oulp, Ortega and Weinman will plant 110 acre in one field, which la tha litrgeat tract yet handled In thla locality. All tha output will be handled by Mr. Weinman, aa I lie rcprcaentatlve Of J. Nix Co.. who have given the grower of thla gertlon very eat la factory deal. . -Many aectlona of th atate have claimed that the product of their lo cality hua topped th market, but It remain to be pioved, and from Ihe beat figure obtained Kort Sumner can juatly lay einim to till honor both for price and quality. FIVE CANDIDATES OUT FOR ARIZONA STATE TREASURER I'hoenlx, Arix , March 7. Preaenl prospect are that there will be more Ik'iihk mtlc aKpiranta for the atate lreiiurernhlp Ihi year Ihnn for any other office. No leaa than five are already in the field. They are Arthur t'earaon of Douglas, reading clerk of Ihe atate senate during the recond and third apeclul mmmIoii; Don C. Itabbitt, Mesa member of the house of repreaent.itivee; Harry Johnson, I'hoenlx, member of the houae uf rep reeiitalles, Mlt Huns, riaiford, mem ber constitutional convention; 1'eter liiley, Clifton, merchant. i'earson la openly t aui(kiHliing and I confident of winning? Johnson, Slum anil Hilcy have told their friend that they Intend to go before tha vo ter at the primaries a candidate for treasurer. A few weeka back there waa emtio tulk of Uatibiii being ae lected by tha cornier alive Democrat aa their candidate for governor, but (leorva Olney. leader of that wing, decided la run for the governorship himself. Then It was nulsed about that Habbltt would run for Ihe corpo ration commission, but he haa decided thai he would rather he treasurer. He waa one treasurer of Uurtcupa coun ty. Habbltt la popular and will pool a tremenduua Vote In hie own county. ewa come from Coihlse that II. Hutchklaa of ttouglag ha mme busi ness deal on that will probably pre vent him running for treasurer, liolihkisa wua Ihe flrat Democrat mentioned for th office but now feel pretty aure that he Will not be a can didate. Muriuopa rounly may hay a third candidate In mate He nut or O. 11. Wood. Wood la now In Washington, probably trying In land tho I'hoenlx potnmtrrhlp. jf ha full In lliut ha Kill probably run for Ireuaurer. In fact, before Wood heurdthe postofiice bea binning he Mated that he would b candldute for treasurer. 8taie of Ohio. i f Ity of Toledo, ) a. L,ucaa County. ) Frank J, Cheney tnakna nntti ihi ha la senior partner of the firm of V. J. Cheney Co., doing buslneaa in th city of Toledo, County and Ktute Bfureauld. and that aanl Arm will i.. Ihe sum of ONE 1U NDUKI) DOL- i-AUB fur each and every com, of Catarrh thai cannot iu. cur...i t,u ih. Ua of CATA Hit II CUHK. THANK II. CIIKNKT. Pwnm to befora me and In aiy pteience. this ih dav or t.. cember. A, U. II9. A.W. (ILEA HON, Notary 1'ubllc. Hall'g Catarrh Cure la laken Inter nally and acta directly up.m th blood aild mucous lurliru n ha )Htem. Mend for leailnionliila, free. f. J. CHUNK IT A CO., Toledo, O. Hold by all Druggista, Tap. Take Hull's Family Pilla for run. tlpatiun. For taxi, call 11 Maura, fnon IT. WILL OFFER PRIZE FO SCEI10S FROM SCHOOLS Woman's Auxiliary to Exposi tion Board Expects to Stim ulate Interest in School Ex hibit for San Diego. (aeelal Carres la Ik Herald Kama Fe, N. M., March 7. A eah prlx of tr0 la proposed by the wom an auxiliary of the New Mexico board of exposition manager for Ihe beet motion picture scenario on the history of New Mexico. The scenario I to ha enacted by the public school children of tb. itnte. Th . hooln In .act. of Ih. tu,..,. t, ...a... u i stnee one acene or act beginning with i ne prenistonc periou, paasing through ihe Hpanish conipiest, Ihe re- conirticst and tne Mexican period up to Ihe American Invasion and the oresent. li can e.mlllv 1,. atn,n the history of the Punshlne state lends Itself lo the great epectacular play to be acted belure a moving li tur ma- enine for rerroductlon nt the Han Dieao exoositi,n. I!i,rh Ml,,.ulrf be dnacrlbid In d.tuil. th. ,,iinininif anil grouping of ihe tableaux its well a the action suitable for moving pic ture reproduction. The mission play h given In California may serve as a model to certain extent. The Mania Fe rhiml. dill or t asked lo stage thj reconipieat by De urgaa: Valencia county may prnb lily nrodiii m i,.W'un k. ..i, u scene and thu different section will furnish the background unH o..l cc'oring for one of the grandest mov ing picture film ever produced. Thl ia one of the Idea advanced by the exposition committee of the woman auxiliary which mi at Man. tit Fe laal week. Thla committee with a member In each county ha taken cnargg or the entire educational ex hibit. Another fruitful .uu..f i thai of Kduciitlonal Kally day to be held In each rnuiiiv at i h. ,. i,... as the county Institute. Inspirational addresses are to be muile on that oc casion when teachers, school direct or, school patron and school chil dren will Join In mnas meeting that are to ne photographed to give visi ble evidence to the seven million vis itors to the Han Plcgo exposition of tne enthusiastic school spirit that PMVnlla In every section of the state. Another bcHm i.i,iii.m i- .n v... taken of athletic event, of May fes tivals, of class plays and of uch no tlva productions as the "Pastures." further testifying to the fnc I hut the school of New Mexico are alive to the modern spirit. There are also lo he photographs for ronroiinctb.n n atereoptlcon slides of modern school houses exterior and Interior, of school gardens, of the. children at work and at play, of educational exhibits such aa waa at used in th. Pali.,.. .r .. lUovernora In Fanta Fe last week ny ine county schools. Manual truinlng and domeatle aclcnc .iiltii. -. . t-lully are lo be featured. nemuera of the auxiliary commit tee exiieci to visit varlou. mu. although It la expected that each member In each county will get to Work Immediately- I. ...I.... i. .k... -H III. Ill i. I, , (11 her rounly la creditably represented at Ihe exposition, for one of the flrat things that the Intending homesceker and investor aska about New Mexico ia: "What are your school facilities?" nd upon Ihe answer often depend ins uecision. The exposition romnilsston in.- i,.. signed a contract with Pathe-Frere. prunaoiy me most famous moving picture concern In the world, who will have the exdualve rUht lo lake the Picture of the of vivid cowboy life. Indian ' dunce. view or activities on Irrigated farms, on the ranch, in the o. i ,.,i., .. the niountuns and In the canjon'a of the state for the ban Dlego exposition. One advanluae or ,, linn .ltlt nrm Ilea In the fad that the picture ........ .11, i nown not only in the daily lecture at Man in..,. .... thousand of play houae all over the world. CHILDREN HATE OIL. CALOMEL AND PILLS "California Kyni of fir," beat for -im.-i- miiiiwii, liver, boucls 4Jcw iIcIIcIuuk. Look hack at your,! a,..-. Flemember the "dose" nioth.e i...i' 'd on ciialor oil. calomel, cihar tics. How you hated them, how you "nam BKuinai tattiiiR Ihein. With our Children Mother who cling to the old form of physio simp!y don i roolixe whst they do. The children's revolt Is well-founded. Their tender little "In sides" are injured by them. If your child stomach, liver and bowels need t leanalng. give only dell clone "California Byrun of Fig." It action la Dult iva. but ..mi. uiiii. of mother l:eep Ihla harm lea "fruit mauve - nandy. they know children love to take It: that ft f-i:. clean the liver and bowela and aweet en Ihe stomach, and thai a teaspoon fui given today saves a sick child to morrow. Ask your druggist fop a 5fl-eent hot Ask your druriflxt f..r . ti . bottle of "California nriin E1..-H which has full directions fop babies. . nnoren oi ail ages and fop grown- upa plainly on each k.... of counterfeit gold here. See that Is made by "California Vtm a...... Company." ISefue any other kind with contempt. INDEBTEDNESS OF THE FORTY EIGHT UNITED STATES TtHal IW,. Pond and lot raiments or .ill Male oaj J una 30. 19 It. Washington. Ma rrh t I l ! t i.i pi figures from the forthcoming bulletin pertaining In national out -i-i. in. debtedneaa and funda and investment nas-e neen give nut by IHrector W. J. iiiirria, oi tne bureau of Ihe census. 0?g Eveimiimg' IMerald W amt Ads aa.aa.aa. asaas. aw tr - - - - ,, - Three Lines : Three . nit(;iH. Wm hate an sjnnsually atlra.ilte list of House ami Vacant Lola ust imv. whP'h tan Im iMaiiilif n easy term. Why pay rent.' INhl It-WCi: l tH l(KTl. JOnN 21. KOORE REALTY CO. Ilutm. lit. km-". IH I4 West t.ol.l ,. BUSINESS CHANCES Ft lit )A LK Heat hotel propualtlon in Albuiierue. A niinn v maker. ee M. U echutt, rojiti II. Whiting bldg. Phone 110. FOIl SALK Mint C.ife. 21 Houtll Hecond. department of commer. e. Th bulle tin carrie Information for the t'nltcd Htatea and for each stale in the Cnlt ed Htatcs. The data were compiled under the supervision of Mr. John Lee Coulter, expert spe-bil agent In churn of wealth, debt stul luxation. Tho bulletin which tmiu will bp ts ued will contain stiiiiHii for each year from to 191.1. inclusive, and will also contain details lor Ihe year moat nearly corresponding to Ihmi, thus making II possible to show ihe generul movement dining a period of over thirty year. The bulletin will show the total debt of enh atate as well aa many detail. s'i h a the varl ou classes of outstanding t.onils and special debt obligation lo public trual fund. It will also show ihe floating debt and lta component puna. I'nder funda and Investments will be shown separately all the different funda. and In each case cash and so urltles will lie shown. The population of each state fop each year under considera tion will be used, and the per capltn debt (leas sinking fund assets) will be given. An Inspection of the tables In Ihe bulletin soon to be Issued show thai on June 10, 1911 tor the close or the fiscal year fulling within the twelve month preceding that flute), the total debt of the 4 tale. In the Cnlied State amounted to 1 4 1 ... : : T.OOU. Of thl tout about 119,11110.0110 repre sented floating debt, and nearly 1400.000,000 represented funded debt. Of the funded debt about titaH, 000.000 are represented by bonds, and 141, 000,000 are special debt obligations to public trust funds. As an offsetting Item figalnst the total debt, the 4 M alatea reported 177. 032,000 In sinking fund assets, leav ing the debt (less sinking fund asset) for the 4 statea IS4 5.SJ1.O0O. Various practice are found In dif ferent state with rvference to th as sumption of debt by the state, and aomo difficulty arises when attempt is made to compare Ihe debt of the different stutcs. The only two stale which call for sp la I mention In this connection are Arlxonu and Massa chusetts. In Arlxonu the state hits assumed responsibility for a very lurge amount of county and munici pal debt, and hua lasued state obliga tions lo cover the same, holding the counties and municipalities responsi ble in turn. It might be noted, how ever, that the Arizona debt, even un der these circumstances, amount lo only eight-tenth of 1 per cent of the total for the Cnltej Slates. Muhwi chuiett. on Ihe other hand, has as sumed the liability fnr debt of mei.o polltan districts which In moat states would probably be clussed n local, county or municipal debt. The total debt (less sinking fund assets) for Massachusetts represents S3. 2 per cent of Ihe debt for all stales In Ihe I'nited Mutes Iowa. Wyoming and Oregon each hua lesa than one-lenlh of 1 per cent of the debt of all states wr.lle In Ihe ruse of Pennsylvania Ihe sinking fund assets exceed Ihe total debt. Vermont, NYbruMku and Kun sas euch ha only one-tenth of 1 per cent of thH debt of the 4i stutr. In contract. New York hua 55 per cent of the total for Ihe 41 statea. IVr Capita Indcbtcdm-aa. A study of thu pen a pita debt aho M thai in lowu the debt (Irs sinking fund auectat amount to only three cent per capita, and In Oregon, four tenia, per capita, lit Arkansas. Flor ida. Illinois. I ml hum, Iowa. Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, Oregon. Pennsylvania, Houth Dakota. Texaa, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming, the per capita debt (leaa sinking fund aaaethi la less than II. Tim lal and l're-it of Htale Debt. According to th.. report of ten years ago. ths indebtedness (lea inktim fund assets) for tin 44 state amount ed lo t234,09,Oii, as compared with 141,21,1)00 shown In ihe report now bring prepared 'I bis la an Increase in ten years of 1107. 342,000, ur nearly 60 per cent In contrast with sn In crease of slightly more than 20 per cent in tha population of ihe coun try. Ten years helm- (hut, in mo, the Indebtedness ilea linking fund asset) for the state and territories of tha Untied Males amounted to 1311.110,000; wbile ln 10 II amounted to $!74 i 46,000. Thue be tween Ids and l oil tha per capita indebtedness (Uf sinking fund as sets) for ths 4 ernie combined grad. ually decreased, vvle during the last ten year there li.. been a very no ticeable. Increase. In 1K0 the per capita lndeblr-.lii.-s (leas sinking fund assets) aim imiod to IS. 4s; in 190 It hat, been reduced to 1137. due to the Increase in population and decrease in debt: in 101 It amounted to IJ , due lo the rapid Increase in IHipulatlon and ver slight increase in debt! In 111 the .r rapila debt had again Increased ! 13.12. (he Increase being due tu a vcri rapid Increase In debt In contrast with a much slower increase in populutimi. tlirouki kUxnaiii Trouble Cured. There is nothing more discouraging than a chronic disorder of th stom ach, la u not su prising that many aufUr for years wuh such an aliment when a periuam-i.t cure Is within their reach and may b had for a trifle? "About on year "go."' sa p. H. Beck, of Wakelee, Mi.'h.. "I bought a pavkag of Chaiiilierlaln'g Tabid, and alma using then; I hav f.-( perfect ly well. I had previotiaty used any number of diffeient mr'lclne. bm Bone of them were of any lusting ben nt." Fur sals by all drugging. - ,, - - - - , t FOtt HALR On easy term, t 4 on corner lot 7,0x142 feet In Paris Addition. Pi b e 1300.00. 4 J. H. PEAK. 111 West Central. Phon IHI. 4 . PERSONAL FOR CAKPET cleaning, furniture. and stovt repairing. W. A. Ooff phon til. S-l'A.NlSH taught by an experienced teacher. Snlaiuir. 113 North till St. MAItHY If you are lonely. The l!e llolile Confidential Httecessful club has large numbers of wealthy, eligi ble member, both sexes. wishing early marriage. Description free. Mr. Wrubel. Hog 2. Oakland, Cel. Mention A lhon,iirqu Evening Her ald when writing. SAFETU1EDAL William Schwab Awarded Notable Trophy in Railroad World for Most Practical Safety Suggestions. Ln Angeles, Cub, March . To William Schwab, conductor on the Hucrmnento division of the Southern Pacific compuny, has been awarded the replica in bronxe of tne Harrimun memorlul safety medal given by the American Museum uf Safety tu the employs In tha operating of the win ning road who wits moat conspicuous In tha promotion uf safety by sugges tions and otherwise. Conductor Schwab revolved the medul a few day ago. He also re ceived a letter from Julius Krutt schnllt, chairman of the executive committee uf the Southern Pacific company, commending him fur hi ttfety promotion effort. Conductor Hchwub made a remark able showing In Ihe matter of prac ticable suggeallona and of general In terest munileated In the safety flrat campaign of the tompany. Many of his suggestions were udopted and proved of cxcepliunul value In the furtherance of safely. All were con sidered meritorious. He proved an active member when on the sufety committee or his division, and after retirement from tho committee dis played the same untiring xeul and in terest in safety promotion. The Southern Puclllc company was awarded the Hurrlman memorial safety medul by the civic body as the safest railroad In the I'nited State. Schwab winning of Ihe leplica con fer upon him the distinction of being Ihe employe of the operating depart ment who, us an employe, contributed moat to the company'a Miccesa In making the wonderful record It did. Other rea( records made by em plojea who dlspiujeii greatest Inter est und effoit in connection with "sufety flral" were those of Knglneer J. II. Humphrey of Ihe Portland di lution; Master Car Itepulrer M. 11 Warren of the Sun Jouiuln division: Conductor W. II. tire n nun of th Coast divlsioni Knglneer W. K. Soiilli of the Coual division, and Knglneer A. LivingNlon of the Shasta division. They. too. will receive letter of com mendation and appreciation from the company. NOTICE. We, the organised bodies cf the building irsde department of Albu u,ueriwe, wish to give to the buslnen men of Albuiueriue the name of the (ontractor who employ only organis ed labor. Carpenter Contractor. R. A. CJertlg. W. Hewirldcn, J. W. Mcyuade. J. A. Harlan A Son, A. W. Hayilen, Lyon Jr. Axtell, , Morrison it Uarncg, M. I. daw telle, Kd Fournille, A. C. Hulli. Frank Arkerman, II. P. Mohn. PIiuiiImy Contractor. Peeman at Ayers, Whitney Co., Rantlary If. at I. Co.. Ouit Stnehlln, J. L. It'll. J. A. Mtrumiulxt, Dunbar Reauchamp, Crescent Hardware Co. Ilrkic Oaitractor, F.d Lembks. ' Anton Anson. PalnUng Conlrai tors. F. .amor. Felix l l:l,isl, T. M. IH-Iahoyd. n. L. Aaron, ' llastcr ContracVHM. Ham Wagner, Harry lludge. Mono slaann Contractor. Julius Johnson, M. D Tulllo, H. Dulfltio. Ws patronixej those who patrnnlf ti a (Higned) JA. J. VOTAW, Becrelnry Fxccutlve Hoard Orgunixed. Labor. Sins haii?1 Times : Three Dimes $$4) 4 4) 4) v txtn KKJ.T. l-room brbk; modern: cor- 4 ner Nw Terk axenu and flxtb street, 120.00 month. No. Ml New York avenue; I- room brick; modem. 122.30. roit ij-;. Itooming House nnd Hotel. Central avenue at a bargain, rent 4 ressi ri.ible. 4 House on Central -letnie .th 1 acre land 1.1. Jinn 4 Hunch on Mountain Itnad for sale or run. 4) House on South Kdilh street 4) for sale cheap. All kind of term 4) FIIIF lv H ( K 4 iom:v TO U). 4 Ttanrhe and lands; house and 4 lot; business property. IH'XRWr IIKAU tSTATB omct; til 4iod Ave., Corner Tlilrd St. HELP WANTrD VVANTKD Itepn-aenlnllve for our firm, one that la interested In fruit growing preferred, for our high grad Colorado grown numery stock. Den ver Nursery Compuny, 4100 W. 4th Ave., Denver, Colo. WANTKD A bright ottng woman at bundle wrapper. The Kconomlst. KKW MKXICo Employment Agency. All kinds of reliable help on ahort notice. Ill W. Silver ave. Phone 4l. WILL PAY reliable man or woman fit. SO lo distribute 100 free pkg. Perfumed Rornx aoap powder among friends. No money required. Ward Ror.tx Co., 211 Institute PL, Chicago. WANTED. WANTKD Hoys nnd girls under 11 years of age lo bring shoes to ths AlbuiiierUe Shoe Itepairing Co., at II N. 2nd Hi. Inducement for th next 0 days starting March 4th. First prlxe 110.00, 2nd prlxe 15 00. 3rd prlxe $3.00. Albuquerque Shoe He pairing Co. WANTED Salesmen. SALKSMKN wanted for country towns, 12 J weekly salary, and 13 per day allowed for expenses when traveling. Wealern Cider Co., St. Lotila. Mo. 8PKC1ALTY HALKSMKN Iteully a new one. Full time required. Ona or more denla per day paying 1 .11 each. Straight but smooth. The Na tional Drug Co., Iowa City, Iowa. SITUATION WANTED. WANTKD Any kind of mailt work; best of references. Address Hog 1, care Keening Herald. WANTED A position as house keep er; no objection lo country. Apply U K. W. Herald. WANTED TO BIP? WANTKD To buy, sell or exchange econd-httml furniture. 122 West Silver Ave. Phone lo8. FOR RENT Rooms. F Ml KENT 4 rooms; bath, water paid; modern. I IS. 00. Inquire 702 North Third street. Foil KENT 2 rooms and porch for light housekeeping. Phone I3i2W. 208 South Arno. TWO furnished rooms, modern. Mr. Itutherford. 517 S. Broadway. Foil HUNT Outside, steam healed rooms; special rate by monlh. West hotel, 2lj, Norm Second treel. FOR RENT Ranch, awijLfLi (njXJT-rxjrxnfx jT'J'tJU Foil LKA8K 160 seres of good land within one mile nt Wllbir.i v u 0 acres now level and under Irri gation from pumping plum, tlood tan.-h houses. Party with sufficient fund, to operate pump and put In crop can find ha main l.w urll,,.. ... calling on J. B. llerndun at Stale Na tional oank. FOR RENT Houses. FOIl KENT 4 room modern cottage, cioae in. Item HS.tu. Water paid Apply C. A. Hudson, 4th nr.d Copper. ROOMS AND BOARD. Foil ItEST Nlcrtly furnished olt suitable for man andiwiie or young men. Hum cooking. 400 North Second street. 111 Notbe. Last will and testament of Vene. randu Urlcgo de Gutiertei. deceased. lo Nutlvidad Clttleire v of.niiunn 'littlerrex, executor, flogaciann lu tiernx de Kumoni. Just in kino (luder rex, Iiotnltllia Oullerrei J (larcia, Muxlmlhano (lutierrex, Jr., Henjumlna (Jutierres da Haca, and to all whom it may concern:' You ar. hereby notified thai th. at. leged lust will and f V. n- eranda Uriego de (I mi. luta uf Ihe county of Itcrnulilio snd state of New Mrxic.i, has been pro duced and read In I no probate court or tna county of Bernalillo, atate of New Mexico, on Ihe lth day of Feb ruary. I H 1 4, and the day of the prov ing of said ulleaed last w ill an, I i..iu. meut waa by order of the Judg of Aid Court thereupon fixed for Tue- uay. in inn uuy of March, A. D. 114. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of aid day. tllven under niv hand and the seal of thl court, this loth day of Febru ary, A. D. 1114. Oeal) A. K. WALKER. Probata Clerk. The HERALD want Ad reti thl best result!. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. Practice Limited to GKIT)-1 Kl AI'.V KliKASt-1 And 1)1F.ASF!4 OF TIIK fKIX, TIh Hasarrntan and ogin bl Testa. Palvarsan "gog" Admltilstersd. Cltlxen' liank Kulbling Albuquerque - - flew Meilca A. ti. SlIOItTLl, M. I. Ira-tloe IJinlied lo Tuncrttibail. urflo Hour 1 lo 4 p. tt. Phono till. 124 V, West Central. Albtiquerqaa Sanitarium Phon 111. DRS. TULL & BAKES RpesHallsia 1 ye, Kar, osC, Tlirnwi, fclai National Bank lsldg. Plume S0. HOIiOMO H. llt'ltroX. M. D. , lli)sbian and Hnrgron. Resident-, 410 South Walter Btrtet. rhon 1240-W. Offic. Harnett Kldg, Phon lit. Dentists iiu j. kit.vri , Dental Surgery. Itooma 1 and t. Harnett Rldg. Ovar (Vltlelly'a Drug Utora. (Appointments mad by mail.) Phone 144. 4 TADj B. MOORE 4 Consulting Mining llnirineec. K.xaJnlnations anil Iteport. 4 nooaoa 15-14, Cromwrll Hlia k. 4 4 III.SON II. NOHItltl Arcliltwt. Irac4lcw ami I'p lo Dale) Work. Rooms SI and 3:1, Whiting Building. Telephone) l()ll. Public Stenographer. MANL'il'.'HPTM HKVISKD ready for press. Cleora II. Holmes, I Harnett Rldg. Office phone l.'.ii; its. lilo J. ITPEWlvrTERS. ALL KINDS, both new and second hand, bought, aold, rented and re paired. Albuquerque Typewriter Ex change. Phona 144. Ill W. Gold. FOR BALE Oliver typewriter, good aa nw, $15.00. 121 Wt Gold. Phona 144. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Money advanced to railway and other employe on alarle or household good, without removal. Union Loan Co ovar Flrat National Bank. LOST. - .i'-- c u.ii-Qiririnii n fwj l. LSI -A llbboll wulcll fob with iio- mnn gold buckle attachment. lie turn lo the Evening Herald and re ceive reward. Shoe Repairing. SHOE KKI'AlltlNU while you Walt. Het equipped shop in city. 301) Eust Central, 2 block eaut of Depot. Hhuli sever. Furniture Repairing, EXPERT furniture repairing and packing. We also buy and sell oc-ond-hund furniture, crown Furnltur Co. Ill H. Second St. Phone 431. FOR SALE Automobiles. ------- i--ifr,V.DVul) Q!XJ. FOR SALE to horse power automo bile. Cull III N. 12th St. FOR SALEReal Estate. fTiKSiIk 1 4o'""Ja"crea n'Khapi county. Arkunsuc so acre In cultl vallon; 20 In clover and alfalfa. 11 ucr- young apple orchard: balanca in timber. Thl land can all be cul tivated. Hood woven wire tencea; new six-room frutnn dwelling, barn and other out buildings; live spring nnd good ostein; one mile from church and school, three miles from ra'lroad station. Prl-e $3,500; small ce.n payment and balance to suit purchaser. Addles F. M. Broyles, Wllliford. Ark. For Sale MisceKaneous FOR SALE Kit st clue horse ami bupgy; reaon.,b f,,r cash. Call at eij South Broadway. For SALE A $45.11) Singer sewlriir machine for $r. no. In first cl.ih condition. t)j N. ih. SANTA FE TIME TABLE Effective December T, 1111. cihounji No. Claa. Arrive. Denarfa. I Cal. Limited ....ll:lu li lea 1 Cal. Expre. .... 7.00p 7:lp 7 Cal. Expreaa ,...10;ilp 11 ()4p Cal. Fast Mall . . . . 1 1 ; 5up H;,J, (Thursdu nlv! II ( D Lux T:0a I 00 L'mmI h. ,1. ii, 1 10 Overland Express. 7:Iba 1:05 s r.asiern r.xpres.. 1: 16p l:40p 4 Chicago Limit, d . 0:40p 7 0p K. C. Chl. Ex.. 7:15p l:4ip (Wednesday nnlv 10 (Da Lux I IOd 0:00b Koul hlxMlmi III El Paso A Mex Fx II 10a 111 El Paao Puaangr I 104 111 Pco Valley Ex.. l.lOp NtartlilMiuHil III From Mex El P T:0a i rrom El Paio I. tip t III From PsciHt Val ley and Cut-off. l.lSp P. J. JOHNSON, Ajtal j