Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, MARCH 0, 1914. Aztec Fuel Co. rn.i: I ..lift 1 1" II V. l ,M lo ri iv. ' "11111111 1 '' Ml I'l r.'..lf Willi. .11 aC'l . li t. it t l:i i ..ii .-tli. .til I p. ml i i.l I ti i ii ii that Hili. i in n i.. I. hat In i n re- wllh la 1-. .I!:, ml '1. KEEP THE IHOII R OS ROS. Gallup Stove Coal Cleanest Coal in (Xr.0 l'Jt N. M IIM WN rm in t mi i i Afii'i I'm t.i. Cm. la, M.ti'li '. -fl.liilnl IihIhv In f 1 1 1-1 i Hi' il ll'im f iiil.i Mini .1 '.I II,, m,. win. r i. l. tin- li.i.l'. lit V. l- lata It V -I nalil lie Wntlld lli'l ln'l.' ,,ln kI. it. n. in nilil iinil.- ill in I In ! I II. o.. ? the market TWO - a I I . . ENWALD PRESENT THE ADVANCED STYLES FOR SPRING IN 1 1 1 1 , .(.. Ii . t- . . 1 . .1.. I llll' ', I ll'i . . , ..- ,n m .n .. l.i r h , o mh o r " t . i i in f .ml. i f.i "I 1. 1 .If .1 I.. Ili-i tin... I rci nil t.i ilif . of iwn in. .11 I. Hamlet in t.iti"Hi I nil. . 1mm I ho piunl I v. . I, i. .i.ii. it a. I ' Ili.ln'.gn. i.,l S:i inlet a ami incrl- II I l it I. II r.l Nlieloj i ni.i ... Hi.' 4-mlle IIP li.'illil HI'" ill I h 1 1 .-i linn I"' " c ir.mio -mii i' Inn 'I' . i . 1. xr.i in l"i n""n nung ill.' wotda "l H I'l II. .Ill Hlo II '' Mull Missing Banker MakesGoodHis Promise A. C. Felt of Failed Superior Nebraska Bank Gives Him self up to United States Authorities. (fly lraaed Wlo to Kirulag lle.-aJd.l n I h M.Ai. .in altli ' Ann l H .ill i.( do I i .tit' ih. ii, ii, , in, , I. ! "ill" i.l i;M V r w -Il II mil. i .. 'ti Ins H i. r ii i.f l lll. ! Ill 11- In iiiiiihIi.iI iiinl aui In- ilnl iml in M" umli I liutli I h i r i lint In- .'ii 111 in Mai Kelt ll! Il t - If HI iii oniiia. i Niili' I Ik.., I mi. i .1 tin I ' ii ii oil .Mill." . ml. io I. Ho aatd w iii-i In r In- w.i ,r lii.l . Iillt if III' i .la lio. in. I In- wialicd I 1 1 ll Is MTIrT(Mi1 M il I Ii I'll null tit ,i lull roiinrt Ir-mi ,liil mill A lii.ll' in Coil- t,, In- r.tnllicil In tl ' atul.olltloa 1,1 l.i tin- manner In u in. tl j .olii inkl. ,., i.t i '. iicntc Ventura. I iip I y,. in.ii. ii. In n allow Unit Ki lt wag n i t I. i It iitlxoll. kllloil ill M- Xli ), j,,,n oil mi a" M il lulllilM Pv a apocilll v h H tin mil ! Aiini l.-iiM mill. io. loiiil ki.iii.I Jiuy tit l.iiioiilr oii. t.t rrdilniK in iliniiali lion, iiii Koliriiiu. ,1, iliiin.-.l with i-mlii-ie- fmi. ... Ii. u TiLm riiiiuorii IimiI rum- nlomi-iit nf t'J.'i'-i mnl miM'i ilmi t" ,.l ii. t.i M. xion iltnl h.iil .H.illo.l tliolll- hm n 11 iimo nT nm on Mln. ..f ..riiiil..i l.v I lin Moxt.nn ix.lini. nil IVlilUiny 7 tho Kov. I). .. i. . .i h. i ,i .... i.. i ...... ,, ,.ii i 11ii. Kititiioriil.l i.f Siiiift inr ro. oiM-il l'l- fnl ii,,uiit I., roinv.i tho Imily. itioil-r frnin turn t.i ... i.l. Ki.irii.irv llivun onll-! " Hltolliloil i, mil til I. iixlli. Tho ,roi.liloiil K,inl I horo. i. fi. i nl tint mi nttii inf.iriiiiiitiin In li-fiiiilt. hnwovor. nf miy ...I In i ii i i i oIm iI ; I ti ll Ho it! Willi h In- w to niirronilor to Hint hm.Kill itlhloil nil mm Ii wlntiior i.'iiiihiiI ijnirrit I ,il :ni n rinili'n in Itiiio tho Imilv i.l . I III 'I ho Mitiihl iinml .i lull il.m riii.r I'ulnuiil In fmo n iKii . nv i i.niiin-nt Ttio n otnilont . . I nl lin- IIhiiih kuoi linn-lit 11 nl j -ii ni.i ii ! littlo Inliii inutinn tiliiiiii Vor- i in u .i.i. tli i tnic nliniilv Unit it winilil I inn iloniiiim lm . i-il;ito. lint oxinoi.ltm Ihc nilti! ui 1 1 ho II... I Vrm.lM tl'lll jiiiliod lllo Olillfill u- 1 .;ikm I .i -n. limit". t'niiHiil itirrot' illMmti ho -.i.l.l Vcimirn iinio In lim iloHlli i.i tin- hiimli nf Moxloim toilor.ilri. Tho tiroKlili-nt hil no furl h.r flil Mi i a tniliiy nlii.til Iho Ill'lUJI V Im-iiikt iii.iiIo "f tho oiiiiKtitutinniiliKtii into tho toiont ,..m nf Will i.i in H llililuil. i. ltritlr.ii mih)..i t hi .Inxrox. n t!'" F.ilijo. i i.f ,i..i. Hon nf Inioimioi in Moii n the iionliloiit inilloiitoil clorlv ih: t iho Aiiiorinin u.ivoiiiinont wmilil i i.lilllilio o ll"W Its aimil nlllioa nil ho li.iir nf miliioctn nf llinrio pnwora v. hi. h roi'iiKiiloil ho Hnortu itnv. . i mm nt a ml oniilil nni. i lioiotm o, iloal iih iho i .iiiittlluili.niili"ii'. N" liifin - in. , tin n Iiiih iioi ii iilit.ilii I .in In whotn- I '..llllll 'll! THI..I linn llltolTll IllK ottiiiiilo nf donyinu tho 1'iiitoil Si.itm tin- t lulu to Imiuiio ii tn tho wclfuro ..I ii.iih.iiulH ntlior hor n. ' lnri.tiiit.illy tho ihohIiIoiiI ilonio.l i' ,1 tho Aniorlniii mm ii ninont know ni... ihinit nf a iHiliiiNln-.t roiiiiit Hint i,. i in . m warm 'I Moxlon miy :i l ii m i.i mi, .ii i-ul' I".' m tt'iiilil ho .1,, t llll rot.lll ilhill 'I h. .riniii iit tnl'l inll. ru Hint Hit- 11, Ml M .ttltllllo IllVlirl ll.O HlHltl,n nf tli. IiiIoh in iho Hlt .'., in. n h.i'l ho. n Mii,i''i,.t,, ami llnil h .nl I II II - ! I .1 llliiHt tl IkC n I ..iiii.ii t ti rniii: tintit . Ilo ilnl tint ,. .iiiii ho nililiil. ij.-r. to oiiniiH-ato t h ltif,,i nullnli hole (hat nn Iwn.'i nut Iho iiiiimlnil illil foil. Iml inoiol ki il him '' inn il ho i-iinltl ;Jn iioiinr i ti h ki.iiIi. f n. Hi.l.i inn in nut iirriat iimlor nut' hour In l roilv to hln iii.uim Ii) iiiiii nf tho K'niiihm nf I'yth- nur li.ill TiiohiIuv nlkthl ILiriiKiina will moot in tho liiilK" rniiin. Ilrni-y Wontorf lolil. To Oirc n Ciil.l In tiri Iy Tnke I.AXATIVK HltoMO Ql'ININK THblotB. PruRgiMta r?funil nionoy If It fiilla lo l ure. K. W. OHOVIi'B nnture la on each box. 1 5c. INTERVENE t'niilliilli'il frmil lK' i t ni.i I i : ..ill t, ii.-r fi ll i.f Now M.Xiio. toil iV i.i.l the fr .m .-ii... i- i'i,l.i.itt. iln loil AitKtln, ,f Mar. ti s . mi iu-i in n i li nf it toliur im n i , , . i . 1 1 1 1 Siiiiilom of Toxaa luim : . . hn In Iiinl ri-litrni'il frnin lll ..... M.l'ii. with Vomiirii'H hoily I .... l,. It i.ll A llloririlll anil. -,i.i .1 . ii. II. i-i H.tjflTT. "i in i t imr i f Toxa." :ii i 'lm n in;, ii Mni-lov i.f tho Chirr p i Mill & Lumber Co. C ncral Planing Mill old and Marquette Phone 8 Bed Room Suites ! A nan Eed, beautiful mite in Circa3 Walnut, consisting of rt:ri':AAM vmiiiuuci, ,.,f (with triple Tressin? Table Dresser, j Table n.irror), Chair and Rocker. auite com This handsome e for S2!rj X'let i.45 f,10 down and $10 per month Strong Bros. 2I0USE ruRNisnERS ( IC0!.TD and copper I tho nninHOK nf tho Moxt.nii io.i.lo to io-niornto with ii". o Hliiiinii h'i iiiiillaloly iliri-it tlio iimo nf tho lunil iiinl iimihI forooa of thin fciivorniinnt fur tho proioitliiii nl our i itlai n iitu' ot hor iitm in in M. xii ii mnl lotnl thoir iiHHiHiuiii o In tho roKii't'iitlmi 'J1 oi lor mnl iiiainloiiani o of n'.i o in that iinlniii i.. iili'l "I in i k m iiii- iiuilmrity aftor u tlioiity mnl illo I't oi'i il' iii nn .rr. I' ili nt it jimt if li-ai n.ii mnl. r i nt i ii ' -tin tuil law for nui Ii a. tiiiii. lint I will only roail tho iiiomiuo of tno iiiuityr Mi Kinli-y with only Hi.. mintd-Hi mn i- llnoll tho n. f 'Mill ii' fur that of 'I'ut.ii or ii.iui.' Mr. full nail a I'tiitiiiii nf I'roMi rtont M. K)nli war inoa anuin nml i lion roioi roil tn fri'snl'-nt t' ro lai. itutiiinii tn traha nit Infinitum. .n rilntiw to Mi-xho to ,tho mniito nil Hi.. khiuihI that it u" i Itn'oiiiinitlhlo Willi tho u ' 1 1 1 inl.-r- "Ahtaliiini l.ilu-i.lli thoiiuht It not in ii'iiii.itit.l with iho imiillr intor-i-fiH lo fully liifin in tho noli. it.- i n n i'.rinic -oitiriiiirit.-MtinnM Iiiimoiii !his- ictixot iiiiiont anil that of K.'a mi', Haiti j Ho. "limvor I'lovol.inil thouulit it imt lm onii'iitihlt with tho imlilli' 'intor , i mI in toi wnril In Ihir: 1'i.ily nil ia ' iora Mini out rHmiiUi ni f i-nnooi ninu tho niri-Ht, ili'ath, ,-ti'., of vanoti- Aini'l n iiiim in I'ul.u. iih w ill ho poi il liy rotoii-iii o to Ilia i.ioi hil iii.'hkii gi'.' Son.itor full, iii.'tuiiiig i-oiiiiitiiiiia in Moxu o, in. Iinlr. I a il. i.l ht.iti nn in lio had loiolioil t. il.i from l-.'nn loi i,, In li.ila, wiio I..UIO tn W.i."lunulii. U-l oar in liio iniii. hi o( tho Huort.t j ii' i luiioiii. from ill la tium .t j lor hi iiatnt fall Hail: "Tlno wti.i j now lulv In Moulin, nolli at Iho Ai itu.un c.ii' .nni Hi. it of tho rov.,;u tion mo iiy liioir iilomli ilooiln a loumii i,f InlnXii a It'll it" nii.iiK, win. mo tnltlt- iii-; Hal ialluro. A laiK" fnrtinij of tho lit i or whi'li fiilli.HoiJ that, wan .1 ill lllili-il ii t l.ii k "ti I'l oHiili nt W'llmin's Mi xi.. in imlii y. Tlio BnVoi iimoiit unit tho roi.lii linn, Imih nf ttii in, mo unhi-althy iiii.l liao uniio mail, an thoir aim in iintiL titllt-r I linn In 111. HI ( l atl'l n -i nm iln-li hui Iml Imih," iho Mi-iiiiior it-ail I rum tho Ii tu r. Mr fall talioj u a rooluMmi I'l- tlnilil'O.I I ant inilllnor hilt llltai'toil I h, I roultli in i It w a .l,i iim In iho lioinn r.uli i in if 'Jli in t.illnwa "TIlO I'lll'HliUllllllllll l Ik nt of Ainil- li an i in.' in in -u i.l .rnto. t thotn on i.ur hi'iiliri. anil nn wiih ih. 'in Ihii'Uh'iut tho wnrlil, rM-ry Ainorii'Mii t-itiKt-n romtlinfi nl haling irn.i rty in au foroiKii t niiiiiry la 011 Htloil In ami iiiimt ho iiion the full irntoi tlnll ol Hit' l llltoil i i ninoiit hoi Ii fur hi.ii f ml ma jirolifny." Ilo il i i'lnlinm of Iritot national law lo J.i. my lm. i iniiiiiri. not fm war, but lor iiriiiortlmi, an. I nUo oil" I liim.ui' ! of auii liiiorvon llnii on tho part nf lint gut ol limohi in othor niiiit i ion. ' Mr. "rtli!. in.'' ho tloinainloil. "lit nut our Motiroo tln-nino, nur Amor I.'hii ilii.tiino mnl nur aaltty aa u nu ll. Il III Jooiarily now?" i nnli r fall tloi lurod tha f lilt. '.I K'tutoa hull ' liollln ally Inlorn tioii ' It Mi xn o hit oin.'o John 11 nd waa nl with an ultliiialum to Huorla, ami fuithi r ftoi lur. .1 Ilia I'lilli J Htatv i.hoiI a ilut" to it" in t ltinoiia an.l to tj.alfi. ti.!uinl, flutua ana Uiiumny, Vnited State. Supreme Court Refuses to Review Convic tion in the Famous Dyna miting: Cases RYAN AND ASSOCIATES HAVE LONO TERMS AHEAD I'.f lmiuvl Wlrr- lt evrnme S -M il' Il 1 Tim u ll.lno .mill Iml ay li -luaoil tn n'W'tv Iho i niii Ii tlnll III tin' ".! nailillilia raaoB - of frank M. Kiaii ami twi ni throo nlhor ni.'mhorn nl llio iron ..ik. Ik tinn. n. only a .ai il"ii i.hi now k.i i lit.' l inn ii -toil mon lm in Iho iioiilloiit i.i i y Th ti' i linn '! l: 'ii t'll I' "" fi..i iiilt-a in tin lm i tt ' I -i'i."' i'1 linn nf I ti i.l Ki- ami f..iu lUlal Iri.n wnikora loiliiwoil iho il j n i mil .nt "I tho AiiKili'r- Tlmoa ami nllnr t nut iiii tin-.. milium tho oiiiiiiiry. Tho (ini'i nmohl ai'UKht to almw tli il iiiirnximatol)' oiio hiinilioil iliiTirint OX.iiHII.H hail litkon I' IIH II ti- nil i.t the M iiiimito i 'insiirat ' 'I'll.. ooiiHiiitiinnl oiinlonHiiiiirt nf Hit' M -Nn mm aa at i ni. ti-.l K'oat iillonlinn t tho t arti'ii. Thnno whi noiiKtit lo tvivo tho 'J liioino imlii .iii. wild ihoir toii ili'tlonti nml l.'Bt . nl. iy flunk M. Ityan. John II. Itnrr). Kutaho A i l.ini-i. Mil h.n l J. Vnuim. frank ' VVthli, Philip A fniiloy, Ji.hll T. Hut -lor. .1. K. MiiiMoy. four J. Snillli Chin I. a II. Ili um. Ili'iiry W. la k liilil mr. fd.Mii'l Miiytho, A mloi ami. fiii.H' ISaaoy. W mil! Itrown. I'uitl J Mi'i iti, N" ill.ii hi K Mli liu.'l .1 I unnali.'. Ma hat I J. Mann. in. Muiim I. I'onii.ll, flank J. Ilniaiim, frank K. fainiir. Wil I it rii lni'i.' ami froil MiMHiox Th,. i(..v ornmi'iii ilnl ihilnt tho In hor loiHlota on oharuoa of l.lowiiK I I tho Iniililinvn. hut wuh lo oiirty oxi"Hioa mi lntoroiaio iraini mi whli h iiaruti iim r wiro ioIiiib. Tho nri.Hoi'iitioii of l.iun ami hi" UHMiii'lalon romiltoil frmil tho iiir.Mt of itrtio Mi'Man.Kal In oniiin it inn Hh tho l.lowinic up of tho l,..n Anmloa Tiniin l.iiihliim lino ..I tin urntniilM nn whi'li tho riiiiromo iiinrt waa ankoil to u i low iho uito w ih that M- .Maiiikul. hoinn a t n-ilotomlant, nhoiilil not havo ho. 11 p. rni.tioil th tt-Htily Uli.llllht tlio lltllllN. Itian w.ih H'titom "il tn himii yoarf; I'lanoy. Viu UK. W ohli. fi-'N-y. Hut-l.-r ami Miinooy. to a.x. I. any ami Sniiili .i i. nn ; lioinn. 1 -'v 1 tut nt- r. .Iiiy llio. All. hi ami, l.iov. Ill.iWIl Mmiu. i:o.l'liiL' 'niiHrtHfc .jUili'iaii tl'iJ foniol!. ihroo; IIukIiih ii nil I'linHr. two; ihii...o ami Mimlioy, inir your mil olio ila. I'll muni- il an I Iih- Mi xii an i V. nwv a ililty t" lUK!.lt lit- ih- m'i v rin.iM ONYX r"""lO embody in moderately priced hosiery th? X distinctive character of the world's finest styles has been our successful endeavor in the Onyx Hosiery. As the foundation of health and comfort as well as of fashion we have bent every facility at our command to create in this grade the most thoroughly satisfactory hose that can bs ob tained at the price. WE have on display now a very liberal showing of ladies' spring hosiery and will welcome the opportunity of submitting them for your inspection. Our stock of hosiery is complete to the smallest detail tvery conceivable weight and color being shown imported lisle thread hose with elastic tipper, Hermsdorf black full fashioned cotton hose with high spliced heel and double sole, a hose for wear -fancy silk lisle in black and all colors. Our hosiery have fit and wearing qualities not found in other makes of hose. Main floor, left aisle. HOSIERY F OR the kiddies we have hose that wears like nothing is harder on hosiery than grow- ii 1 -a 8 iron ing girls and boys we realize this fact when we bought our hosiery and purchased the strong est. wearing hose that the mills can produce hos iery that will stand the everyday knocks-try us next time and be convinced. Juvenile Dept. Second Flocr EN and young men particularly are reso lute, as regards the kind of hosiery they wear-they want style combined with durability - some want 2 for 25:, tome want $2.00 a pair Men, regardless of the price you have been paying for your hose, come in and let us shaw you the greatest Hose valu;s ever offered you we have jour size, style ar.l color all the new spring Lisle and Silk Hose now on display. Men's Section-First Floor M The greatest showing of Hosiery in New Mexico 1)1 94 oil In aorvoil ix . Mailoro'a ulrl. ottt- attl 111 1 t tn l ll.lM' I llrolia hail III ..llttiiAl (I. "Wo nwo a tlnty In I lo ihoiiiM. Ins; am! tilllllariil V it tll' h ho Maul ho. "Tn il.'tt-r a-'l imi in t ii n i it i " n - nni Initio o nn."t'-iti ti'-i I.NI ol OillrMuin. Tho r.illn.tinu iln t mitrnm-a A mini-1 iih mnl nllnr fntoiKmrn Moxloo waa ulitn:t I' .l l.y S. nati.r Kail Mia. Aliilorxoti. ilnmihtfr nn i in-iith hor linv kllloil Juno till, fhilini h'.ln: inurtltTi'i a itrroasoil umniliH tn Jail ami roloan il. anhliorit. Maliol Iiii liMlo Co). nl. i Juiiit. No nn.:h .orii trii..ra. JainoM 1 llatv.y. kllloil. .....ti. r.f Chihuahua. May I'll-', an.l iiiniilut "I with u Hntilo; tiothiiiK ilniio. Williani Ada ma. killnl July -'. 11-'. nlth hla il niKhtor a anna iiroiitiil htm, liy Moxloan t.fli. or. NothiiiR ilmio. Thomaa Kniintain. altor i nuit niiirilal hy Salazi.r m I'arnil. .-ilttr naming from Waolilnismn. Sulaxar lalor mrratiil tlila anlo nf tho Imiiior i hai.'-il with inniit lini! nml lalor ro ll aao.l. Now lu lil a Kurt HH J'.ahna St." t in. k.l.oil n.-ar nlonlii I'm ho. o. Moxloo. AumiKt 191.'. in ilof. tllllllK tliiliahlola flnlll atta 'k. Jiihnny Hmnka. Tixan, ktlloil ai Cnlonia Clmli hiil'H, Chiliuahii.i. I'l IHll. Ilo ktltod liia an.iilHii'. I'm lillo. Maihow tioiinl ami Iwn ilanrhtora. uhh.i till nl mar T,nnio. Ju'y :'. ISC' I tutors r.ilniir, i:imliliiniin. killoil I c.'., lie,, of filllllio In ..(.on wfi. it I lilt .1 UK. i, itlmllt Jlillo 1!ll. farl.ia Von l!r.unli nml I- W. Kill-r. Allli'l n allM wmtlliliil iilinllt aamo Him. l.y oxiili.Kinii of lininh. H. V. l-It. Aim rii ati. iiti'1 m failure- to pay Iii o luimlroil n ana rm (iiiii. A. W. I.aitrilaul. Knullfh aul.Ji'l. Hrli.o.l. hoalon. allot, nilil hit tnr llonil ali.'llt fame tlnio. laliniiml llayta. Amoi Ii an.' of Mail, ra r.itni'iiriy, ii'mi l(oh"ii Thninaa. Amorio ni oitii n. iii-C'l at M.nlora iv M.n,iii foil-r'l olli. or .-'anla 'iii'iii on. iirri'Kii il ami lalor ilia, harni'il II. Hniiin. allot In Chlhiuihu.i rla III ISIS. VntliliiB Hi nj. -iiiiii Crlitln, ran hor. inui-.h r ol July ti, 1iii:i. tour Chioulmi'i I') I nnilita. John II. William, mining -ninoor, ktlloil l.v Hit. Imllot. Mar. h a lttlj. whon r. I la una. k. . N'a. oniri. Itnrl liirnw. ..tiwii It in if onvnoor. kili. il InHiiinK mi Niii-ui I' l' Krhntnry tl. 1U. I'. l. Wolf, niininn iitgtno.r. in ir doroil July 1, 191J, liy outlaw in tii.rihorn h'.iiiorn. Mra. It. W. Il'i'.nioa. killoil liv hoi durum tha of Mi xloo 'liy. Konrnai v 1 ! I 3. Kntnk Wurtl. ohot In l.a- k li.m dlta In hniiio m ar VaKn. T. I lo it rrl t..i. Ai'iil . Il.l. John H II llmtar.l. Cult..! Kt.l.a ruotoma luaiio.-tnr, aavaasin itoil m-ar h roi'- Kaflo I'.ium, Toxaa, Vi tuilary 11, 1HI.1. rnhlo Solo, morr'hani of Nii.-n, Aii, klllo.l liy atrny htillol ilurltiK onn. tin t l otwoon foilorala and rolioi Mar. h 24, 1H1J. Xj. Jiualiii. II. mountoil fiii'.li'om.-in, kllloil In Na.n. Ariz. Murili :'l. I I Iy atrny Imllot llr.-.l by rooola Krarik llnwarit. kllloil liy 1 amiita in Coalooinan. ata'.o of Miolim an, in Marih. 1913. Hcrltorl 1.. Kufm'II. innnnBor Annr- ii an 'li o Cniiaiil Mi v'autilit.n'M ran. h noar i It y of Imiai go, ni' t o,l l.y rt inla 8oionilor 29, IK 1 2. lioliori Wll'iiiiiia, iitlloonnin, fhoo nix, Am., kllloil l.y M.xn in who rrcaaoil lino lo iittoml it ooliila tion .Moxii'.m lnit'ionilonoo day, Hop. lomliir. 1912. fiooti I'noo, l. namlor. klll.'d whon htiltilita W'oio llnng on Wllliama. V. Mitlionnn. Mnrinon, klllo.l whil flooing from cl.inla Mnrol. ti, Xi.norti, .-"ri.tomhor H. 1911, w In n woro looting tho town. MiKlnaoii, Amor lin n oxoiui-d roar Agu.i 1'rloia. in Hotitomhor. 1912. I.ooniia,. roliols Fitl'o.-tod ho had giion inform itlon tn foiloral Iroopa. w. II. waiio. intiiingor I'.aniirtiiuoa i iji, lilanttitinn at ii Intnl. Voni Prnx. lif honiloil April I'll:, whon rofnaod li pay mnnoy doinanilod hy bandit". II I.. Htriiiiao. t irmorlv currt'St pimil . onl for tho Xoiv York llorald. killod with .14 nlhor n..i'-iomliat.'itiia win n .i.piititilaa In lil n;, train AiiKimt, 191:1, hoar Ciiatala. Mnr-lna. Tli'imaa C. K in no, rullroml con. Ill"- EEST LAXATIVE FOR BOWELS -"CASC ARETS" Tlif) Otwti IJrr, aui'flfu Kiniiiarli, t'liil sii lt Im-. IVad lln nlli, ii'.tlMill..n. D 1 SCHOOL RALLY Hot u 10-iont Imx. Art- you kooping your l.nwola iKor nn.l alomai'h olonn, puro and froah wllh Ciia.arotB. or morel fnrelng a piiHi-agowiiy t- ory few ilaya with fnlta. 'nt hurtle I'IIh. I'tiatnr 'ill nr 1'nrKativo Watora? Hiop having Imwol w null-day. I.ot CuMi'Brota thomiiKhly t loana.. ami rog nlato the Nti.mni h. romi.vo tho amir und f. l nn nting fonil and fmil gtiaoa. tnko tho oxoi tia I'll . from the llyor unit i-iirry out of iho ayai.-ni nil tho oonxt Ipatt'tt wnfto matter nml polamia ' In the ht.wola. handita a Cnaenret l.mNtht will mnko yt.u 1 r....l I.f ... r a't....- u,.ri. while you aloop novor gripe, alekeii or oniiNo any lni-i.nyonloni.o, nml mat only I'l t'onta a lu x from your drug mot .Million of men mnl womon lako'n 'iiaoaroi now and then and r.eyer hayi Homlaoho, HllloilHllexa, Ciiiiii'd Tonuuo. Imligoalioii, Hour Stiiimi.h nr Cnliat ipnloil Hwwt'la. ' rar.'la l.nlong In ovory hoiioohold. i.hlldron Juxt love In tako tli'-m. I ' YERSTERDAY Keetings Made Presence and Judge Pope, State Sunday ciation. I hi mi for tho "drya" to one for tho wota." Ilt at.oke nl ramie Itlnrlh upon Iho opiiortunlilta of tho Hun ilav at'hool during th yeara of II ti, J, during nior deelalm.-i I wore mailo for Itf.i. Imth for I'hiiht 'iml the ihuri'h an.l iigauiMt ihoin. Ilo i.Kktitl that the work of .Mr. (Stephen ! ixiiy, na founty atiporlnton.lonl ol Ilia nrgmititod ii iln It rlaaa work lie gon I t.iiihly roKpniiilod In In h.a t-ndoui-r I lo rogiator llieae rlaaaoa. The Inter liatinnHl no-.i atlnn naka thai thirty- I aix of Ihoae rlaioi It roglatort il nl j Now Moxloo to t'lialilo Ihim I" toai li Notable by,h"ir oui of r.imo t-imuH m nn- ... , 1 i.rnattontil field l.ofnr tho AdureSS Dy tonM'hUon. only aovMifeon liuvt President 04tr",",r-d " '"' . ' . . , 1 The evi lung oaion waa wtill nt School Asso. loml 'il and a.l.lroaaoi wore mad." l.y I llev. Ar. hle Toothakor of tho C.n I Kreiiatlniial oliuroli, and Field H" -- I rotary Morrill. Tho former apoko t n HOW YOU MAY THROW AWAY YOUR GLASSES The ata'.oiui i i a uda Wear i i . . need I hem. 11 unfortunate, it, lie I ulllllig I it at t hi m. Th. "vt linlnwa" hi. iy thai they eiih it.i-'.ienao if tin y will ui i iho f' m mailo that I limn. -; a-aoa ho dn 1ml ,..u are olio ol tlit-oe -ti tlliao glat-ttea ll'.a i-i a liiHtead of help iii.tiula w ho wear for ilioniaolna wllh giaKoea linwlng 'If .li'li"li fllli'l in ai llle lit llu hf"l ,. i i ton i. till n Iw water ami tlin With thia haunt in i.nt'o. io to uh mil at I a liiillle nl uUU'-e t.ottlo wltli t.tie Opiomi na ll'iuid anluti.iii I. ..till, the i-i.i. or fmil lim. I r.'tiii.t dully and ou are likely I-. lie imtnn ihed ut tin. rii'ilta rtwht from ll.e alurl. Many who liaio la en lold that Ihoy hale aat -n ma t lam. i-yf-Birum, lalaritet, ante ejeliila. woaA tyoa. eoii Jum nulla ami oilier i e illaordera, reimrl Moiiii. tf,,! I., n.-flta from iho uo of thin irie pn m ripfmn 'i' t thl I'lotnriplmn lilU.I and dae H; )'i ma.' n. alrt iiiitln n yi ur o)oa that giaoxoa will nni Ijo no, .Kiy. Thouamln who III lillllil or I." ail) ail. or Wftr glaaae. w ould ni'iiT ha.o reunit ed I hem If they hu. oart il for lln ir e) ea in lime. Hay your t yea In loro it la In" lute' Ilo Ilnl lie. 'nine ..lie el ihoae V I. I llila n. Iitgle.l. IV-iil.iain lira ntily like iliit.h.-a. mnl miy few yt-uia iie inuai lie thaiiK.d iii tit tho eyi-r-ln-rreaaiug IH iiki lu ll t ollilil ion ; an hol ler o If you .'an. Ilk many nil . la, g. I clear, hoi.ltliy. iitriiiiii lii.iKl'i 'K oio ihroiii(h Iho pr Ipltmi here Kill II. tor. ahm through head when inandita w rooked train and killed paaat-ugcra, April la. I a 2 . John It ln khan. P. olla City. Mo., mining engineer killed hy l.amMa ill Iniratifc.i. Noiomlier 1911. I!. X. Meredith, Tr..y. Ohio, atrwk hy htillot during l.omhai dnieiil ill Moxl. o city In Kotirrary, 19 1 II. Mra I'on y lnff th, loica ahol off luring tho n me lionil.ardiiiont. A. K. Thomaa, I.) han dita while pr. .tooting wife an.l atvon . Inl. Ir. it n.-ar Xngult a, Mareli 10, 1 1 2. Itnl.ort 1 1 nut Ink'tnn. rnlln.ii.1 wltih man, hol without onuae near Agun I'TlelH. April 11 1911. J ('. Kdwarda. nntlve of Virginia, Khot to death v hit ii.'oliloutally with .ii roh' l lima near Agun I'rieia. April 13. Ill. Htopaon of J. M I'nott r, of Nowiirk, V. J.. kl'led nl Aliuiio. June 1 1, po lio had profoaHodly I real oil n wounded Inaiirgent. John llortlliig. nf rinuglaa. AriX., hongod m ar Xogult-a. hy r I" In un der liroxro. July, lit I 3. (iu.d.i thuliort. Itiiiiglua. Arm., hnrigi-d aunio titne. John Citmp. killed KI Titan. May . 1911, when reiol attacked J na rex. Aiitimlu (In rein, kllloil. KI 1'aau, M iy 9. 1911. hy aday n liel liullel. Cliiroliro H. Cooper. h mm rill nml Inblieil at I'taraon, A UK tint 4, 19 13. lir.iha.n Tailur. nt Attiaa Coli.-iite, Kiik lifh. illod after t.etng rnhlteil hihI alrippod. Annual llll I'lilil.-iiilMeil Anioru'i.ria killed. Kilfeen ieilina of tho wrocked irain at Cum ire lilllnal. Keltrualy 9, 1914, nrle Aineliiall. Allied Hi. nit, now of laia Angt loa. ahot, Ki.noia, with part nor, ileroinlin wife and from outrage. Clemente Vil,ilil i Inula i Hiiui'l, Will in in 0. Hellion, ll.o latter Knnl!4'l. Th meotinga ot 111 Itoriialilli County Hunday Hi tiui.l iiaaociatloii hold yemerday In the Kirat Kreali) terlan ihurih, worn a fine tril.ute t. I he inlorenl taken III thin work in AI l,uiuer.iie. I'reaidtiit Ueo. Mitchell and Hoi-r.'titry H J. Bradford hud ar ranged it fine program which wna well carried out. The parta taken l.y Iho .lllfor'-nt Kumlity of the city were highly itpproclnted, the largoal oxproaalon of which fol lowed the duet l.y two Utile Iml. Hen of aliinil five gnd : from the Kliat Chrlatlan achool. Th. preaence of Judge Win. H I'oiae. prtaldtnl of the Now Mexico Sunday Hi hnol naaoclitt Inn, und hln j Uililrcka wore eaeelally enjoyed. Judge I'ope gave tno mimiay acnoox of Now Mexico Iwn ah.gniia for their work. Kind, "None Too Ynung to He long to the Hunday Kehool. ' The pine it tit imp'irtttiiee of the Cradle l:oll th llttl lii'glniitt and the primary ilcpnrtmeiita could not lie ucer eati matrd. The hoi mid wua, " Tuu Old lu H. lnlig to the Holiday Hi liuol." llol Hi emphaa.a fnila upon tha adult di p.irtmi nl and the depart no nl. both of winch urt tu tli lurgeat and Inat work. He npoka of lUt! aplendld liilereal in Ituawvll, at which place he In.d recently belli hnliling cnuit. whole the regular Huu duy atit'iulaiice atorugea l.kuU; of tha fine apirlt and iuiorexi alioiui at lata ruoia from which illy lie hud junl coin utter a tt-rni of court, fie !. relirred to aome tliifiga ho had ii-in In HI. la.uin. Aln.. whir ho apenl I lo om la-r ami January mm on of tint Judge i.f the Culled rilal-m circuit court of itppoala. Tiny wire doing flue wtkTk there fur the aecondary till Ian. n tha 'loon ago department. Following Judge I'op ami hla ringing came Hoy. W. ' M'rtitl. Ililernatliiiiai field aoorilary for Nw M.xico und th aouihweet. II railed uMcntton lo tho virility of ih orgauixod work In th aliilo aa allow n lu the wuy I ho county oigaii inulli'iia were going to work guthurins aiuiiatita for Now Moxl.'o'a report In tho Fourteenth Inlerintlional conven tion to l.e lu lil In f linami. June ti 3H. Ii noted th good work dn I. y Ih Hunday ach.H.I worker of Han .1 in, n omity in the "dry campaign" Junl Bald there where the ote pulled The Hirength nml Holiday Hchoola." world'a enrollmonl a. Ii.ioIk of nearly Woukneaa of 'ur Ilo noted th ' In the Hunday SS.ftiKI uiftl ii a re ported at Zurich laa July. Hpoke or 111 groat hunt of Volunteer teacher and offirer--near1y S.Otiu mm-and of the atilen.lld ai.rvlc rendered Kin phaalxed the power of orgaiiliuil 'nn. all in n happy and folloltoua way Mr. Merrill apoko on "Th Hunday Hi'lmnl Toaohor'a Vlalnn." r three Ihlnga th teacher Inn! magnify lo do Ilia or her heat work. vl: "A Vlalon nf thu Child. " that whk'h h la to lioronm rather than wtinl he la; "A Vlalon nf the llllile," th groat, character-making nook of th agoa. lie iUi.tid I'roaldont Ornnt. uhn In 1x76. rent a to th Hunday arhool work era -f America and in It aald. "Tn thia Hook we owe nil our progree In cv IHantion. and tn II wre niurt limk f'.r atrength In the future." Mr. Motrin rlnliiie.l that Iho III lilo in tho hull. la and Iff of tho com mon people, or Ha al'Ri ili a from Ihcii life waa Iho groul fnctor In Xil.'tln tng the ei.lilranl of con.titiona In Mex ico and the I'nlled Plat' today, the contrnnt lalween the nullona (f aouthern and northern Kuropo; ti'a third I'l.lnl waa, "A Vlaion of th -final." "Tho toucher." he aiild. "can e,ieh nn more than h klinwa nf Iho groat poraonality of the Chriat. And O.rlut ia the groalintt nod of every ..ul. rjronior than education nr W'-nltli or ( poller l the need or Jean, t nrim. v e moat oo 1 1 in and know II in In 111 ' power and hoaiity If we wi.ul.l loach llllll with groatoal lielifulneaa. Ait In all, the rully of yenlordiiv waa one of the I.eHt In the li.att.ry f j I Ii county work. VI'HTUUAVH .TTi:Y!AX r: IN Till' HIMIV M IHMII.fc A gain, alirtnuirh a very amall one, waa ahowii ill the tuul iiliiliilanoe tn the A 1 1 in i i.-r. no Huinl iv achnola yc ' tordity. The guln itmoutiiod to twit. The all- mlain o wna aa followa- Kiral I'reatiytorlan. SID; Kirat Methotllot. 174: Onlrnl Ave. M.iho illnt, Iiii; fluid iinil Hmadwnv lV Klrnl Cnnrtrogtitionnl. 144; Lutheran, , UH; KpiMcnpnl, k; Klrat ItaptlHl, tut; total. 1.3X1: total altoinluni one week aiio 1 .97V. Cliureh.a fhnuing n gain: (Jnld und Proud way. Cntii'r.' ratlono!. t,ulhornn, .!ilm(icil. Itnt. t tat. I .argent gain l.y I he Kplacotul.