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THE EVENING nERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY. MARCH 0. 1914. THREE. J ii PUT CHAVEZ NEXT TO TOTLE Fast little Fighter's Future Depends Upon Outcome of His Rout with Fatsy Bran nijran St. Patrick's Day. SETTING STANDS ON AN EVEN KEEL ftaeetal Car res e-oe gear la Ik lleralJ Pueblo, Cui.i., March T. Patsy Ttruiihlkiin lie In Pueblo not lut- rr I hun tinnirri' night and will put tn li' XI m i k getting Ihe kinks mil ul his i Ii-! nfn r Hit' rlilv (ruin I'cnn- eylviinia to Pueblo mid ticciistouiiHK himself to thin altitude. I'ntsv hi" lircn training hard riir Hi.' Chine I. Hi III', which will he staged Hi III'' Hex stadium on I Ii 11 tw lit ir March 17 und It's manager, .tlmiule Iiiiiip. aitva Patsy waa net rr lu iM-lter shape for ii hard contest. The Irishman w ill I every effort in pot Chaves nwny with It krockmil during the Pu. bin Lull lr hiiiI n llilii el.vie wipe mil the only decision ever given una I nt lirmitilKiin In the rmg. The clever Hrannignn haa never been 1: nui ki ll down In n buttle imil his manager In oonf d'nt of It in ability In lieiil Chines lliut I hey w ill come to I'ni'hlo ri'tiir-i to offer odd" thiit llriitiniaun wins. If Iletiny Chnvev: should acore 11 armi kuut i.w-r Palsy IfrHnnl-iri. tli M klriin fiuhti r iii'i'il wasie no more tune In Colorado. New York and other big i In. w ill I..- lamorln fur n gluht of the Imv who roiilil liliike Palsy Hiannlnan take the nninl, fur ia noun'! hum no hniilatnw ciuht luis been elite to tin In the past ten years. Pulse ItranUiitaii nev it laid ' I m to III" bantam till, Imt he has tin nun h rit ht to it n nny iiihii in the game hiiiI whoever puts him down for the fount lieell not lie airuld to tin kle nulon, Williams or nny other bun tani In the world. Kor the past couple of yrnra thu li. li tn in class haa hehl Campl. fhave, liratinlgun. KM Williams ami C.ui'on, with fnuloii claiming the ti tle mill staying out of the (lunger one liv l:eeiinir avvny from nny of the other good men In hi chiae. lie tin fought a draw with Itrannlgan ami n draw with Kill Williams Imt lioth I'liitli wire ! rt distance of f.iim. the llrantilgnn fight goiim hx rounilN unit the Williams buttle 10 ' Imnid It m iloul.tiul If Cntilon has is I lil n K on either r.rHnnlKiui or Chaves mill either loy would give Ills end of I he gate to yet Cnulon In the rln wllh the title aa u stake. i 'onion him teer. asked to meet the winner of the Chav c-Hi antiigan liout n nil It In expect, d he will eminent to accept the ofler . t . i I . I the Imltle here i n. ii with 11 knockout. W 1 1 1 lii him hit heotcn Cumpl mid the wlnmr of the liruiihiKiin-Chuv' "Tvt or Williams would Juslif'.'.l In lnytnif i hum to t'ii..n' t!tle mi Ii'mn he di'lehilM II I'llel.lo fann llHe Ihelr lippettte whetted for the M 1'nlii. kii day ln.l tle whlrh It la roiireiTed w II in. l. l.l. Il It' the rholeiit f!ht in.rd eer lirrnnKed for Imnl Iuiik. nlnl It Im riniililful f ii more intert'Htinit h.uit could le Miriui.'i wllh the whole field of I ulii' ti! In ry elufii lo K k from. Ill ltltU k TO I K.IIT K1U MH AT Itite-WI I.I. I'.i'Mwell, V M . Mureh Jiiek llirruk of r. fa Mi, In expeded here tomorrow to kh into tm nln t f.,r hla fliiht with Kid Moon on Man Ii 1 5th. H'H ha l.een hfre for Home lime und In 1.(1. kern rhiefly l.iml men. rhee after llerrleka reient rum ahowu. .hut he will put the Kevwin'e fiKhter awiiy. For the Man Who Is Hard to Fit It you huve omn pliJHlrul pe rulmrltlva. no mutter how it la hi y.iu probahly kilo prui tK ally Impoul.ile fur you tu Ki t a ready-made ault Hum ho aUsolulely alialurtury. Why not he ur of .itlafnrtlnn III your clottiea Una aiirlim'.' Ai xpert cutleia wa in aolutil iiunriintre you per fei Hon cf til. Moreover, If ou have ua Hfuke your aprlim rult, you tie. d have no anx iety loiireiu'UK lie qu.illty uf the rihilc or Hie iIUHUf lle o( l. a pattern. Vim will W iirprie.J how . hi.i: i.i i run iiiane you the kill J .'I i mix ault la ri.ili w "Ii Ii while. l-rt f "Im.'i Vim. Louis C. Gielitz T X. T. Amiljit llld. I'l.oiir. h.Iii. WIN AT PUEBLO WILL FANS i --is'" n i ---inn i ....niu J it OF FAST 60II16 If! T Riede and Torres Well Match ed Concensus of Those Who Have Watched the Boys iu Training. GOOD PRELIMINARY BOUTS ARRANGED MiiiV Levy, the Imnl ImpreaH.. rm, nlei h:ix uii iiiu. iI the li ti-timnd .mul heiwern llirry IHede. the eien ' hiiiw lnd." and .lin k 1y lorrea. Hie loi n I f.i A Vol lie, W'HXed elllhUHl- i uxtii th Ik iimriilim In rcK inl t o toiwKht a eonteat nt the lilk' opela llollMe In apl'llk tli ol the I'el.iliVll mil, t of the loiileal f iililH. Mark e.inl I looK for one I the timet eM iily-louKhl I'ollleMa thit hua heell W'ltneHHi'il her., for aome line. IV hen I nmtiliid Itlede villi Torrea I took Into I'oiiNiueiatlun the iiuuhliea of hoih I ii iy n iiiake-iii. , fur 'rum pnat expi rlem e 1 have Ii ill lied thut any tine you inatih a haul, two-haiuli d I'll in her IlK.ltllxt a rli ier lioxer w ho hua nil of the line pointa of the kiiiii it hia fii'ker ti. ou can rent aa ii nil that It mi, ma one of the pnt tieft ri'iilentM to Mitnexa Hull tould poeHihly he MtiiKeil." (ruin tin lunula r of tthii lliriuiKi'd the truitilnii iil.irler ..f the I'ohli'KinntM for the iniwl emht d.iya one of the himi hi irowila Hull Iium heen prewni ut u hoxlim ri.nlinl th.a winter will he at the rnmeule t li In h t when the hoa appear. Tlie 'lemiiiid fur ai'Hiii, whhh lime heen on mile for i vera! iIiinb, hua far ex-i.nh-.l picvioua ealla for Ihe paelehoarda, ami If pnmnt inliru tlona ure Imme out MtundiiiK room lll he at a premium loiirf in-1 ore the doora are open. Itlede Iuik trained harder for thm 'oiilext than for uny of hla onx ne rei r. II,- la alixl.uu. t., be at hia heel lor thlM hout, mm he realixea that a ml hark will ki u loim way toward puttiim him i ut of the 'uunlnit ua a liKhlweliiht t hiilni innnhip poHKihllity. Hany waa up hnahl and early this nioiiiuiH for a walk, aa he wlil not do any atnnuoiin exenlne until after hu etflifrf -the " film and 'wfir teat aa niuih ua poMihlo. He la not worry lux uny over Hie reault of the hout ia he la i-oiiihlenl that he will win over the t.unli Mi-xli an w, hialflv the Imnl gave out the fol Iiiuiik Hiatenu ni. "l! Torrea will aLam) up and fiuht und not eovei up. then Alhiuiueruiie lima will see one of the icre.iteal houta thai haa la-en atiiKed lure fur aome time " Thia Ik .ulte an aaiei lioii. enhei hil ly mi when a ho of Itiede'a .ahh.-r la tiilkinu. aa Harry haa partiiiputed In Hu- three livrdeM fiKhiH thut have ever heen alaketl In the atate of New Mixiio, and thoae I.oiiih. .11 of whuh went the aiheduud Iweiitv romiila. will I. n. a he leineiiiheied h; the linil fall. Ihrl I'onuura. the man.ier of the Aepen "Whirlwind." la aatirlled with hi pi'iiiuea eoiiditlon ami Muted that If It l.d.' ia def.-uted lie will huve no exi ueea to offer. Comiora la eon lldent that he haa the luikiiiaa of a ihampuui ii Uiede ami will leuve iioihum undone to reui h the top. Hpeukliic of loniKlit'a :lni 'l i'onnora aaid : ("Mime we have atarted liaiiilna for the Torrea hulil wc have heen luld I'miKiil. lahle of the pum h that the loii.l l.uxer pui ka urmind and whh h, If It liiiula, i pel l di'feal. If that Im the Be, then we will net aome eredll for Huh lonteHt If we win, na In my ion ex p. iiem have leained thnt lh,. touaher they are the more credit you net when you get a deeieion over them." Torn a haa trained faithfully for toiiiKlu'a hout ua he real r.ea that In lllede he la ineetliig the touuhiat iKhlweiiiht that he haa e heen naked to fa..e. Jaeh la conf.ui iu that he will make Harry extend hiuieelf to the limit and la confident he will win. Totrea elated Hi In morning that he Would el a ml toe to ..e with the Axpen "Whirlwind" an. I wmihl not reaort In hla ii'imh He realm. a that the fana do not take In thla kind of niill-Ina-. eape.tlally In ten-round' limit, wluro hoth b.iya haxe lo am Int urae- th'iilly the enure dialamc to catch the refeiee'a eye Kaat prelluilnuriea will ahnrpen Ihe fana' nppelitiea tor the piece de re alatani. The carl Include a curtain taiaer in which Untiling t Tune iiieela Tuuna; I'atxy Kline, ethedi.led tu aix romiila. Inaurrecto Kid and Voung V o.i k u in i. re down for alx roiinde In the eeml-wtndiip. Joe Knorr. who referee. I the f'hn-ve-lwla hout here, will he the thud man tn the ring The flral evmt will hrx I n Hi 1 eharp. Haya Murk l-evy, hy way of vale, rilrtorv In the eourae of ll.ede-Torref In'ervlewa: "Any tlina you give the puhlle what they want you can I keep thitn away." FIELDER JONES GETS OFFE?. FROM FEDERALS fij Ired Wtr o KTTiluf llerkl.M I'tiriliinit. lire., March v. Fielder Jonea. prealdent of the Nnrthweetern Kaaehull league, en Id today thai he had received an offer from the Fed eial leaaue hut had refuaed tu at'frpt It. lie refuaed lo alale what the of fer hud heen, nor what would he h.a altitude n cuae further overture tie ASSURED TONIGHT -A 4m i mi dtmtm J Mailt a-sj. Ullill.ll UnULUflLL FOIiBIDDEN TO COLLEGE MEN Intercollegiate Athletic Asso ciation, Including all the Bi$ Ones Refuses to Change the Rules. NOTES OF COLLEGE SPORTING EVENTS (II) lln --oi hilcd l'ri.) New York, Mat' h !i. That Ihe atatu of the collexian whi playa "auinnier IihmcIuiII" will n main tin tlnimied lit Ihe leading eilcin col- leair and linn erail iea ul' tertaiii from rei efit ataterni-nla lhucd n' llioxe In poHitloiiH of authority. Not wit hata n 1 1 1 1 k thai a numher nf x.iihII team capt.nna Have aland their heln f thai a alu.lem mn baai'hall for money or oilier induiu meiila durum aummer Vioatlon uiul ailil preNcrtc hla i'l...ll'iii utlilelh' atatu while In i nil. m , iiieae litophm daya are in. I fur the preaeiit world of uiideraradiiate npurt. A conaetiaua if opinion among the aihhth- wi.xMiiiiH hodu'N; ittiUereity faciiltiea it till iroiiiiii.'iil amalcui 'ath letic nuthoritlea ahowa an overwhelm ing majority amilnai the Innotathn which would permit a. haachall player to Juinp from amateur to profcaftotin'. ranks and him il kh l n Mi cording to the cah'ndar of hia coIIck'. A recent ranvaa of liiMtltulloua husc haaehall leu in a nppear on the Amhemi ached ule, undertaken hy Hi., ottlclal organ of that Indlcntea thai of eleven colleara lii' lniliiiK Yale. Har vard, Princeton. Imrtmouth. William. W'iHlean. f'oluiiihia, lliown. and Y M. '. A c liege, out li. Tufla arid Maaaai htiHi Its colleae, fa vor auniiiicr haachall. Three rollegea: Yale, X. M '. A colh-ae and Tufta arc nun-commit tn I ami have taken no definite aland, while alx colleaea. namely, Ihiruinl. Princeton. Imrt mouth, Wllllair.a. W'iKlcyiin nml I'ol u m hla. have definite nil. prohl!it inu aummer harehall The Harvard niiHiorlliea call altenllun lo the fact thnt Harvard hua entered Into no nareemcnt to permit autntiier huMchall. In aplle of repoila lo ihe conitary. haa.'d on the opliiluns of the team rnptulna, that I'ala. Harvard and Princeton contemplated aui h un aureemeni. )r. Itaycrofi atatea that nt Prince ton "Complete oppoailion doH'Tlhea the altituile of the Pllmcti'ii u.hletlc nu thoritlea tn both mi inner haaehall and the tendency nf college men lo I like Up profeaaional iia hall after educa tion, Il ta felt thai. In apile of the fact thai profeaaloiiHl baeehall la a perfectly legitimate ami honorable tortatlnn.' nicii with collcKc-triitnlng. even thouah thi-y are gouil hueehail plaera, ahould he encouraci'd to en gave In a m in u iivelul occiipalion In life. If any cliannc la made III Iheae rulea. It "ill he In tin direction of a more riald ehfori eineiit. Ah the iip (! rarailualc cornea tu have a clearer uuderataliding of I In Vallum- linlni" Inv olved In the aummer laiM liall iUi--llon there aeeina to he a growing aen limelit aaainat ihe practlie." (r. Kauver of Wcuhyan unlveraity wrote: "iiur coll.-u.. tw opio?e.l to C'd lege men taking pun In auuinier bane hull." Mr. Auderaoii In millimng the wit -uutmn at Yale atuted "The college, aa aiu h. haa (akin ho ilellnite eland on the iiieatioii of aum mer buHcuall. The Athletic aao'ia tlon, however, ia governed by tin; rulea of, the I. A. A. vvhi.h la ugalnut profcfHloiiallaui. Thcv made coiiala tent effurta to maintain purliy in apnlta. I enclose elippinaa whn h will alve ymi aome Idea of ihe nttitude ot Prealilciit Hadliy and Cnptain Ploa miiii Tho allow lhat Prcehleiil llad ley la unconditlonallv oppoeed ami Caplain liloaaom ia In f ivor of aum mer baaehull." Htaiiliim l-Vver spicadlnu. Tlu at.iUiuin lever Im ai'cadiiiu weatward. The I 'mi ereity of Michi gan la iihoilt to atep In line and erect a aecllon of a remfoi ined coiH'rcle atructure along the liuea of Ilium' now building at la-hiah and 'ornell. T .I" new football amptthvatcr tvaa made practically certain nt a meeting of th bonrd of control of allileiha, when thnt body expreaacd llaelf favorable to the tentnt've aketchea and plana tirepared, which had heen prevloimlv examined and acceiucd hy the hoard of regent. The regenla. at their aea ainti, recommended Hint the athletic hoard adopt Ihe plana. Aa prepared, the plana for the con crete aland call for the erection of a alrunture which will eventually fu.'lil a component part of a atadluin. mod eled after that of Harvard iinlveraiiy at Canihrhige. The aland will he ile aigned lo accommodate 13. huh pcr aona. und it la eallmatcd lhat the coat will he lMlecii -.().niui and l . According In the action tak. n the athleilc hoard, the whole of the w irk will he done under the immediaie au pervlelon of the athletic uo.'luiioti. PriNlh-ia hlor j for MUnfoi.l. The flrat truck and Held meet prophecy of the new year couiea frjin Ihe Pa Hie where Tialner Wal ter Chrlalle. of the. Cnlvetalty of Cal iforiila autiad. predlcla thai Ihe Htan ford unlveralty team will defeat the Berkeley alhlellca h' a ai ore of ahout I to .'. pointa. ChrlHtle flgurea lee way mut he given Ihe furecaat aince Ihe trainer In predicting Ihe defeat of hia team had an ohjei t In view . Harvard lo Mate New t.vni. The lung eunllnued agitutlon for a cew and modern gymiitum ai Har vard nppeara tu have Hi'coiiilii.iicd the deaired effect. prealdent l.owell re cently gave hla ofllclal aain lo the nuivemeni and A gcadiiute comiiiltiee had heen appointed to h.-xtn a cuoi palgn among the gradiiaica for the lieceaaary funda. I'ndergriul.iale ci.m mliteea have heen al work fur over a year obtaining pl.ilaea and collectlntf gubacrlptii'lig from the ttiidciita. The UUI graduate committee will .ii,l.nbl In clude thoae of the al.lmn who have heen iii llNely Inn reale.l in Hart, ml athletics Heneral liana for Ihe lulldliig It elf have heen drawn "r nhlrli will lie Uaed except for a few modlth'll- tiona. They call fur a a minima lank. I aa artllltiul he rink uiul indoor ten- hia. aiiiah and hand 'mil imnia. TIU' prohahle location of the huildl.i will he along the Churl.-, ru,.r near Huldieta' field and the .Miallmiu.. The new hiilldlng will he .. laiae that II will he Impo'alhle to ll-' (ii,. ,, the preaent Hemenwai u innaxliiul I The committee w ill alti mi t M riilae a .million l ii I In rn. alx-tem ..f win u lll he li Bed In the em,i no t l.m of I he hiiilding mill the rcuiaiiider aa u mitilileiiance fund. Bowling Notes A vvi.incn'e liowllng li ak-ue la a pna ill .lily in thla city, aci ..i.l ng to I". i'. l.oriui'T. proprietor ol ihe liriim mer ftlleva. Acting on a liiimhcr of teuiu ata he tiai ilechh il to reserve the nil. 'is for women eviv Tuesday, hegliiiniig March IT. H Inieri st III the game auiuhg women tea. ties th.' point It i" ems lo have nttaiticil In other cities further eust a hagu.' will lie formed. I'lilhol'lto's Coll vv II! t.ou I the Hankers al the I riimini-t alleys in Ihe I'ily I.HKiie tonight Th' t'nlta lead 'he hauue wllh a pcr'.iii.iti' of H 1 7 W'eldinger of the Colls i the Indi vidual lender, w ith an an race of 1H2 l.undin of the Cults is aecond. wllh an Hieraue of ISs l.athrop of the Itutcheia. 1T. Is The C.dls have the hlKh team marl( I. OH. HAPPYS HAVE A WALKOVER IN GAME WITH BROWNS The llappys alugged iluir way lu an easy victory over the uld Albu i;ueriUe tlrowns at Aaaialatlon park .vestcrduy aflernoon. Th, score was 1C tu 6. The game went seven In iiinga. JOv er body on the Hpie lilt, giv ing I'. I haves, who held Hu- mound tor the Hrovvna for five liuilnga. an uiihaipy tune. Kay M.i'.iiina led In the sliiciiliiK'. gelling four tills for u total of nine haaea. la-o Murphy imuched out two home runs. The Prowna fell the hall, hut couldn't land on It wllh marked aiiccesa. The Mure by Innings: Hcore by Innings: It. II. 1" llappa . ..t I I I I I l-ll II 4 Crowns ...J i 0 0 0 I 8 4 t liiitteriea White, llarthne and Stumpf; i. Chnvea, ftrlix and Vulde v uldc. DEMIN'J INVITED TO JOIN THE NEW COPPER league; laming. X M. Mnr.h . The Iteming chamber of Commerce has received it propoPal In whu h liemlnn la Invite j lo Join the Copper Pasehall Vague, which includes the teams of i:i I'a so. Hurley. Santu lllta and sil ver City. It ia claimed Hint Isim w i',1 take care of u loial si'ml-pro-fcHslonal team lhroiii.'hoiil the sea son. provldiliK that the gale receipts Ji'i' normal. Itesules tin' patronage of local tans It Is certain lhat the nil. I. .l ea of Hie I'hlnu I upper eiim pativ. many f ttix'-ns of Sliv er City mid Kl Pa so would attend the games here, since iHining is the midway point ind not far from any f the places nameii. The itcasi.ti will open In May. nml If l. muiir lulus the leaaue. It will he piissllilc In ui'i one or per haps two games here each week. TWO MORE MISSOURI BOYS HAVE SMALL POX 1 r. J. K. Klder. Santa Fe coast lilies physician, hua learned thut two more of tile Missouri eollcue glee club men' ticra developed i-ases nt siiiallpox whin the clu relurncd in Columbia. M .. the college town. The three memhera uf the parly w hu were tuncn from Ihe Irani suffering wllh ih disease here ten da:, a ugo, are anil it Ihe ih't.-nt mn hosf Hal Their cases are mild, and iva the men who have developed ihe dis.ase In Columbia were Vac. lnal 'd before they left her. lr. Klder he lievea their testa will not be aeil.un either. The two i n-.-a in Columbia havt developed amon Ihe oiilv tlnev m n In the parly who had not lu-cn vucclnated re'cntlv before gciiinn railed here und no further apt-cud of the dlaeaae ia expe. ted. (iri-iiinit MfHiner Mtlng. ttlcttin. Oernianv March u Tin- loss of the (Icrman h ' inner lleinrich with her crew of .' men is feared here. Hhe left Newport. utea. on I'el.ruury I?, for Al , i n illea. und Is n fortnight overdue. I Is believed she foundered In the t,, ..f lliaruy in thu hurricane of Kehrinuv 4. THE BIG UK OF A WOMB CITY The wonder i iy la lieimit, brie a live, lluaalung automo bile ia turned mu eveiy imiiuie of the working day. lietroit is growing a.i raimlli hulh In value uf ita products si). I population ilun in a year ur two a will he the ,i . olid city along ta. ijieal Ij. k.'s. w "Mil only In li ;.iii. Ita extra onlinary grow Hi is "lie of lis w nu de rs When II coiuo lu the wonder of newspai ci a. Inclement III ll foit. none can compare wttn The lulu.,: New --f lei noons a. d The ln Ti Ihiine aeveli llli'ltllliga a Week. The ea im" i circulallon ol i:..1.iiaii dailv; th.- tii'1-k cl.i) Trib une, lo.iinn ami The Sunday Tnhune Ijfi.iuiu, a tnlal of I. J'ju. I'lMI pa.ea eveiv week. Kepi at. -I testa have ahnwn (lose two news paints o proiiiue mote results then all other m usl'Si-crs In I'e troll lomhliied. BIG TIE DRUE WILL! T DOWN Oil APRIL FIRST Unusually Heavy Flow in the Rio Grande will Enable Santa Barbara Company to Make Early Start. j (eel.l lll.aa.raT.vekl.. Herald? Hodges. M , March '.. - H.causo ol iiiiusuallv heavy early flow in the lllo ilriimli ami the i nurinuti supply in the muiiniaiiit. It is ir. . ). -..hie that Ihe first lain.' drive of ti.-a down the lllo Cramle will he madrt h.. (lie Santa liarhaia Tie ntid pol jcompany early In April. I'sually th mat itrive has mil I.e. n made luilll May. and tin hulk ol Hie drive haa coin- in Jiitu-. The iiiiiihokI water oondlllniiH this year. II Is now iv pet led I'V the colnpMtiy .iffieers lu-r will make Hu- early dine pi seil.le. Il lhat this year's drha will go ov time quariirs of a mil lion lies, which will set a new nci'id The tics will he taken Hum Hie l.n.,m at I a un I lie i . to Ihe S.inta IV timber treating plain ut AlhuiUrnue. GALLUP TO VOTE Ofl BIG i Western City Will Determine at April Election Whether i to Issue Bonds for Sewer I and Water Works. i(peelal ni.gaiek 1. t.veala Herald 1 I liallup, N. M., March It. The town I of liallup at Hie regular town hoard election of April 7th. will he called on . to approve or disapprove two bond Is- anea; one fur Ifin.oiui for u new aewer syateni. and the other for tilii.iuui for a new water winks plant fo. the town. Notice of the election has been Hied with th.. state authorities und It la now up to the vntera. OF G. A. R. HERE FOR Former Congressman Gardner Arrives to Attend Gather ing Tomorrow. Well Known Veterans Here to Take Part. Vuriiicr i 'i'Iiii m iiv.111 'iiHhiiiv;t"n Hiirdner of Mini hi. Midi, national ciiiniiiaiulcr ol Ihe i A I. , Is in the i to iiiteml Hie ai'iunil ('iii-aiup-liu ul of Hi" New M. xa o li A. li., whhh will he hi Id l 1. 1 row mid j Wcdiiceda . He urrived last nivtht. j i im of tow n iiu-iuhcrs ot Hie ii. A. It have begun to artive for Hu- .niaiiui i ment. Among Hum are 'uiniiiaiuh r : ! J Pace, of Kni Captain ShlUlh II flllipson ol Tans. JiuIko I John It. Mc Pie ami .l.u oh Wcliinci of Sunlit l''e. The public is Invited to the rump . llle. to he hold .,1 I II. 1 1. -' hall i tomorrow iiikIii. whnh vv:il !.. one of the featiucK ol the en. ainpiiieul. t At thai lil"ctina I iiiiimi.iiiiIi r lial'l ilier will speak in n ,.iic to un ail jdi'esa of wii i'ine. The pi" li.- lows. Call to older - I'ofl I olliliiatlilel' llllss Mu hi. I..111 i. In I'ircle o. 3, l,a dies of Hi., ii. A li Prayer Chu da I n liar wood. Music Jiilui A l.oKau Circle No. 1. IjuIh-b of Ihe t;. li Address of wi l. i.nic Hcpai Imenl i imiiiianili-r Suthci laud. lii'spoiia.' i '.imu.anil. r tiardii. r Milan il. K. vv unt il poal, om iiii a iielief Corps. .VddreHi ' Comrade John li. M -- Pic. I Music. I Short talks bv other comiudea. Sung - - A rn.'i ica. Iiein da t ion. The puhlu is invited In ilia tamp- lire. I.AIHI h To IMI IU in , '1Altlliltll lull t UMIt 1.S The Iulics ol John A l.. in I'll In No. 1. wiil ani u suiipcr in honor of , llle fiilliujii ol Hie liiaud Anny '.u , morruw olleriionii, March l"lh al i u'clock In the new (hid Pcllowa' a ill. 1 I'll South Second aired llv order of the presidi-m. Ktl.i Allison, seiretary. j To hs-rie Nimmi liliiner. j The mi. a n s lleliei Corps in iioiior of the III ami Army encampment, will serve a dinner tomorrow at 1.' u'cln i in I nld Krllnws' hall to whhh all , unit vlsititur veterans and sons i f veictniia and their wive, are cordially invited, liv enter of the president. REPORT SUBMITTED ON CHAVES COUNTY Santa l'e- N. M . Mar. li H. Ttav- ! eliua A il.. Well I'al'm-sl today I i aulmiliied to li.iverni.r Mtl'omilit a! Ilcnaiht i....ii on oiii.iul i o lulu i nis In I'havea iniiiily, covering the lints-I Jngalioii whhh hia been made here by the imveling uudlli.l'a of e. It j ia eipei led that the report will be. I tiidde iuhii- Una BfU i iicou. ST IMPROVEMENTS COMMANDER See I his List! I a Here are the goods we are closing out regardless of cost Staple Merchandise of the best grade- The kind needed constantly in every household. GINGHAMS CURTAIN MADRAS f CALICOES TROY CLOTH , POPLINS INriA LINEN ' PERCALES LACES Tj RATINES EMBROIDERIES WASH SILKS RIBPONS ' DRESS SILKS BED SPREADS SHEETS COMFORTS PILLOW CASES DRESS GOODS MESH BAGS HAND BAGS NOTIONS RUFFLINGS BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN The Model Dry Goods Co. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY TO THE PEOPLE A Stali'ineiit by th,. itiluvrs ihT the Noii-Mis'lMrhiii IPiicvoleni Hsslcty.) The Nun-Seclai Ian llenev.deiit so ciety of our cily deslrea to auhmit to the ptialic a bru f account of Ita work and of ilia tl itllcu It - which now coii frotita It. TUia rtilllculty la the luck of nnuii. auppon. The oi Kanizatluii ia a voliiniar.v la sni laiii.ii ami w aa oru.ihlxed Tor Hm sole puiposv of giving aid lo the p. ml ol our lly. There are a. this time enrolled up on Hie list of ihe anilely one hundred end Ihlrtv -eight permit w ho rci iw aid from It There are at h ast eighty Hie I.innlits having limn one lo Lu chiitlicu who have rei. lied assistaiu c. i'f this numliti Hlxtv-i.Khr piisoiia nr.- nfTIn ted with iiihen tiloM Tner, arc al h ast fort) -four unmairied pcr s.'iis who have reiiesed und re cced aid. The sin ii-fy has nans p.. I tatinii far hixiy-i'ine pei sons Ttu' pi Ints to whn h transportation h is heen xiveu imliiiles Hi., e.tsl. south west and tile wis! In the I'a Hi i !, The miha of Ir.ttieportni ion have var ied from lift, tn ilticeii huiulieil miles The Alt illsi.ll, Tnpek.i tr Santa !'.' 1 . 1 1 1 r ... 1 1 1 and lis'. Inns l.a.e in en vt ry kind in these upplh atlu is Iliad.. I'l It tur ncessiiry lratiioria tuill line half rules have been ..I 1... i .l . li in all lii.-la.l- . i. The sn, l. t v has fill llNhed n 1 til ' 1 i'l - Hill u l"l persiniil Slll'SI'.lell, e im lutling house rent, fin I. milk, it'-n-ceri.-s. shoes c. ilium ami iiu-iIh iiim. II has paid the burnt! eellsi-s ot I in' It ad. and h i I foalld I Iill'l'il Im III I'.r III leitsl I ' cltt V Il e ol IhltlV pcl'snUS ll reipllles ill hast J.'mi per llliilitll to prci. t are lor the i llv piior siui iinfoi t uii.ite. The s.c n t.i h is mi' h. d VERY SERIOUS TROUBLE Breaking: of Car Seal Open Way to Hay Burglar for Twelve Prison Sentence. 1'le. tiling guilty tu several churn t Hi' tt. Adollo llar.ia ot Sun Ani" n t. who wua ul ri and Salurduy u;ht in the ai-l of carimg oil s... ka of Kt'.n frniu the Siar 11. .y uiul i;ia;u coiupaiiv aln re. North Second at I Del, was held Inr Hie grind Jnrv .v Jo.-- t-.t. .. Hit- Peace Crulg tntlav. CI, i II . tin l .r. ni eil Hie district attor neys office nt the Insuring. I'.e 1 u.i" lUc.l ul $ o ii i. Iiart:.l i unless, d a tuiluher tif thefts o Ihe police Following ti.S l-.'llfi sanui .H,.r,.i, I'lpllly Shenlf A C. Kurthsa ami Special I' ii'oi-ac II ThoiiiiAs. id thi Santa Pe, retnveied file talis ..T laid alohn from a frt ulit car liar, la's i miles -non iui'liui.'it ihert of ataln fr..ui w ill near Mansards mill, hreikuiit in to a Swift a. Cnmimny car n'ur the heel Ionise, and the theft of u ght cana of lard from li' laht cara. ll Is an l, that (Santa had been coin milling theiia fur two niuhtha. Iiiusmuib, ua he glide nily auih ADOLFD May Store ' Year! OF ALBUQUERQUE the limit uf lis resources. The connected with it have gl er years In carina for those who are needy and In soli' ii in k runn fuuu th general public to make pcislhle thia worthy charily. It la now up lo the cltlaena of Ainu iuet.ue to ay whether or not the work of our society ahull he contin ued. It hua no f inula to carry It be yond the present nuinili of March, ml unless ausiuiiieil oy item roua contri i. mil. ns from tu.. public it must then llisha ml. It Is a myaterlmis lapse In our slate, 'nun,, iiiy in,, I municipal dlvlaiona that tin provision Is mail., for tho rare 'if ihe r. No oilier alate is known to he sn waiiliriK In thia necessary re iftllrctliclll us is Ihe a, ale of New M-'X-. o. The only resource Tor the poor ol ihe i , l of A llni'iuc riilr Is Ihe li'l liny receive f 1 1 mi the vol mil a I . i IT ' r -mi!s of Its citli-ns ami while ihcse of li nnxr are unilnuliledly i iinsiilt ralde in aimiunt. vet M is lmiissll.e tn prnp eily i are Im Hu- uiilcsa it Is di.ii lhi'oiii:li in in.r.i il cliarilv The Vnii Sei lai : in aoci.-ty haa en deavored lu ailutltu-tcr In Hu- wa-its and needs uf eveiv worthy case and It In ikes this Hliiiwiinf to Hie people nf .lliil,iii r i'ic nod with revirct ait luiullt es that lis cnntitiualire dep. litis eniirely upon the support of our peo ple see lit to give II. It Is for our i itm. ns lo say w hello r this worthy urn, iiiatioii shu. cease I is labors ..r i' on t iii tie lu ,(. gi od win k in Hie ct.mmiitiiiv. Th.s 1'. the apical we call make alld !' make It cai ncsllv , f..r "the poor ale uinavH with us." and must he t- mil ln ntul sin h t are is nun li the nett.-r md . .im.iiii. a II . maintain.'. win-,, dine bv an ul ii ini.e.l sm h as th" i .11 - -ct I a t la u lleliev I'l.'llt Sin li l 'if our t'y has fui mail) ) eara susiain. ''. t hums I1 he could use j p'.a. c. It ml ol f.-re.l lie altoiit hia ow u thiiiK for sale. ihe luu:hl have K"'le oil lllilcl -liltely ! hut f...- a hit n! t ur- h'r-M.e.' s SatliliiaV lUcht After I-leaking the lock ( the Star ll:ir uiul Oram i-uinpa ny a -t..r . li.- v.. ill avitv. lo rcfuin lai.-r l'i i. i In. g..i i.a.k It was d si in cied th.'l ill" link had la-.-n broken en, I t'li'tl VI.Mllln, si i 1 1' flier IM llotm hue lo VI .1th for the leluril of th" Hi..-!' S... k I'f am n piled within hic l, .1-1 im e ,,f the .1,,,-r In. lit ni. d Hi l lu- ha I plamnil lo . ..u. hack W hin ij in in rciuin. it to g- i iho Main wuh Ins vtagor. he found him - U fa- 1 1 ir lioiiohct- s revnlw-r uinl a f- v inuiiiii-s later was lu a cell. lu breaking Hie c,.l if n frclKh' mmiti.'.i a hiahl:' acr-- In the eyes of the law', tar st,. I i '.ii.-titutes l.ur iMlelllf degree, reg.ird alae t.i he g,.u.l St. -tell. f I. let. tl l--n t liet'easarc e- 'VV.' All the cheering refrewh ment that lea ever broug hi to womankind u blendoJia fD T-' Auu(iLxrrirn inn rr I asT a L3 ir H ii ia .ulsly ol li-n '.try n iii I l'-.-N ot t he v I i n-t a nni'er li si'.ti auvtlnn I n .mi-r.-lv l.renk l"S the . ,tl. li .tela laid hlllisclf 11a I'h' to t.velvc v.-are' llllpriaollllielit - s.ayaaa