Newspaper Page Text
TIIE EVENINO ITEHALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, MARCH 0, 1914. Pythian, Ready tij Welcome Guests Tomorrow Interesting Program will Keen Mineral Lodtre and Noviiiatrg Uliav Thronjrh'AwMH',"l,"n r Ticket Agents, who Two Days Session Supreme Keeper of Itecords Fred II. Wlnnlon, of the Knight of Tylhlua who will consider Albuquerque it possible site for the sanitarium the order la to bullil. will aa take purl In the diss Initiations to lx- held tu niorrow und Wednesday nlRhta. la expected to arrive In town on train No. S tomorrow morning. I lu will le nut nt the station lv Mayor Hel lers and a 1'ythlan reception commit lee composed of I... W. dalles, rhalr nmn; C. . fushman, II. ti. Htrong, II. It. Cornell, George Arnot and J. E. Kliler, Oram! Chancellor Howell Knrnest !" of Hnnta t. and Huprom Itepreaent-1 1""" ",f """ Tne ,,'k,', """nta arn atlva Hugh Williams of Knnla Fe. are .valuable sources of publicity. They expeet.M to rome to town with Mr. cnm In contact with the traveling1 Wheaton. Mr. Wheatnn will be tak- 1 and ran aay a good ninny en for a ride about the city and the word of praise Tor point of which district tn order to show him aome- I ,h"' have personal know led nnd thin of the terrltorvln whl.h It ,whlrh they like. Telephone to No. hoped to have the Pythian aanltarliim ""' HTetary Kgan he can placed. When he ha viewed Alhtf hnv '""r "r- The ear are wanted querqtir and the surrounding ronn- ''-v ' o'clock. try. he will have placed In hi handi I The Commercial Club will hold an voliimlmma data on the district, Important general meeting tnnlorr. w amaaiiod I. a special committee up- r'lihl. All Ihe memhera are to pointed l.v the local lo.lge for th'n,","i' " welahly matt'r of irm purpoi.0. The data Mill anawer ev "' Intereat are to he l.roimhl up. ry poMtildo o ili-Klli. n that thosS J ' churited with el'ollnir a aunitarlum JTJJ)QJJ POPE OPENS 1te will want annwered. finTrnw )ftr V on Wednrrday niomlnn Mr. When- j FEDERAL COURT TODAY ton will niak nn aildren liefore the ! i atudenta of ihe I'nlveralty of New JuiIko W. H. Pope of Imh Cruoc MexU-o. IjiL-r in the day he will t 1 ,llt n the tcderal i-ourt today. IU the Riiet of honoa nt a reception Jn !m hold waalotia dally until aurh the Coinmert lal flub. buvtneaa a the ultornt) may bring Plan hnvo been virtually cuinplct- I before him I dlapoaed of. ed fur the rtaaa Inltlnilona. The At thla inurnins aeMion Judge 8:inta l"e l.xlire nl ni-rnl a larve Pope entered an order extending" thu rlnxH. and Ihe IVrllloa Indue hnn aent . tune in whii h the t'hiiiexe deportu word that It will dim iwnd a clan, j lion iae of 8uk Vow la to be Mineral lodge. No. 4. the local ImUc. . cloeed up to Airl . ha a large claxa. and other randl dale are expected to awell the num ber of novtit' to thirty or inure. The Initiation will begin tomorrow nl.tht and be compl.-ted at a aelnn the nigbl following. The degree work will lie done by Ihe local team. I HECKLES IS SOMETHING NEW IN STAGE LIFE Delama- Meavr. Martin and A. ! ler will prekent Neil Tuoir.iy drama tixatlon of lien Htratton-porter'a "Krecklea-' at the Klk- theater. Fli- day evening. March nth. There haa been nothing produced In the hiatory of the American atng jui like "Frecklea." it 1 ditlnctle and origiiial. but of auch abaorbitig Intereat that It la not difficult to under. land why the hundred of thnunnda ol fiction reader have delighted In ine etory, nor wny me piuy nn o cumi ao popular with all clae of theater goera. In hi drainnliaMtlon. Nell Twomey ha kept f.utlifuMy f. the text of Mr.' Porter 'a ator; every ch.irncter ha been brought out In bold relief In the play, and where the picture wua In the mind ee of Ihe reader. It la now In the actual line of vIhIoii. Tim great Llmberloat Bcene, In whic h Freckle ha uen hold on lite 1a reallxtlcally ahown. It I beuutl- ful tnge picture with the tlikkne of the aw amp forming a dark mamlva background below, while, tower gigantic tree. Th coming of "Krecklea" will be a theatrical event Jut ac It waa an event In llction: the dram I now nt grent a rtu-re a It the tory and la where" ;;..: 'zrvZXtumtZ' Hobert ThurMim ;weJ.,n;!::r,: Hide Martin, Helen Wltaon. Krederlrk ftteln. Harry, Joeph Willard, and othera of eiUal note will all o aeen in till dcllxhtful Hinging diumu from Mr, porter'a I'.elig h t f ul etory. VICIOUS KNIFE GETS BEARER SITY LAYS HoIm I Corou, one of the half a doa en vagrunl urraigued lfore Police Jiidgn tleorge It. Craig thl niornlnir. wua Mcnienced to 0 daya In the county Jail. A long, vlcioii looking knife brought the aentence down on l"lonlng have died r'nee Huturday. .( I were defeated today when lr. C. II. The weu,H.n wn. found on Coro, ! Whitman, .uperinien.l.nt : r the coun whei, he wa. aearcbed .1 the elation I ' horpltal. announced h all I of a hi, ni- after Captain o'cirudy brought him in In! night. It hud a blade I a-x !nchea lung, and bore murk of very recent careful aharpemng. It "end l.ei-n ground tn a rnior edge, und the police who noted the larefuliieM with which the weapon hud been ftharpencfl wondered If Corou hadn't j been making ready for aomebody " w ,,, the treatment wua given, and Corou told the Judge he found thitW)lu ,, rc.rleil to be dying lat Vnif'v night, wna In excellent condition to- "TIT FOB T SORE. ACHIIIG FEET Ah I what relief. No more tired feet) !o aiore burning feet, ewolleo, b4 niell tri(r, sweaty . No nora pain in corn cbIIuuh or bunion, tvi buvIUt what aila your feet or what Under tbe bud you've tried without petting relieT, Jut ii m "T1Z." "T1Z" drawg out all the pol onous exuda tions w'ii h pull up t!i feett TIZ" I I" leali "HZ" ia nr. ml: "XXV will cure your foot trouble you'll aever limp Ara" hp 7ur Item la pain. Vour ho Woa't aen tight and your feet will aerer. aer hurt or (let sore, urolk-a or tired. "it a u rent nox av any uniii or dcr-art'iKxt Iters, f4 I'A rlat. ID i Pi YOUR CAR FOR TIIE TICKET AGENTS CoMiiiMTt'int Club Meeting TtHiMwrnw Mulil nil liiiHrliiiit Oito lr0 ,Ui'imImihc lrwlrrl. T'luna for the entertainment of the 12S members of tit International urn i In Inn city tomorrow after- nnon m Ihelr way to their conven tlon In California, hf lieen rum plcted by Herr-'lary Thomas Kgnn of th Commercial Club. Itrpresenta tlvea of the Commercial i'il will meet the special train of the ngents at the station, and welcome the pil- grim The vlsllon all! lie loaded Into automobile und given a rlda that will tuke them to all the sight to he seen here end hereabouts. Thirty-five or forty enrs are wnnt ed for the occasion, and stilomohllo owner who hitve the wi Ifnre of the city at heart nnd want to hnrk up the Commercial Club In l(a publicity work are urged to pluc their cars Hecrelary Fssn's disposal I The taking ot oral lentimony in ' the caae of Klon n. e Llllluu llarciu ' aaalnel Petra (. tiarrla wax beRiin. ) The pluintirT'a Mile ul Ihe uaxe wua at III being prraented when the ciiiJ let'onveiifd alter noon revvaa. I Probate Court. Judae John Huron Burg will hold a , of the proUat court tomorrow. Col. J. U. Aliirixnt to file a detailed I atatvment and Invintory of the eaiute of hi wlf the late Mrs. Kruno Al bright, of which he la adnilniatrator. 'Application lor the order waa mude by hie daughter. Mm Claude Al bright, the aniger. Following her bp- nhcallon for an uuvuuntliig ahe liwtl tuted prurecdinga tn the dint rat uourt fur a partition ol ihe eataie. Final report n guardlun of Deal- deriu liarcla la expected Hum Alfredo j Chaves. Chaves waa ordered to Ale! the report wurthwlth by Judge Uurg Iat week. 1 1 1 MICHIGAN STRIKE PROBE IS MOVED TO CHICAGO TODAY (,r f4.mao Wire fa. F.icnbi Herald.) Chicago, March Member of the house aub-committee who are lu veHtlgaluif. Ihe atrlke of northern Michigan copper miner. arrived here today from Houghton, Mich., and were prepared to hear the teatl- ln11. of .,,,, 4f Ule i,.gn ,,, gulird wn dlu ,lrlkl, juty In th copper country lat cummer. Churlca II. Mer, pteeldi-nt of the Vtern Federation of Miner, ex pected to appear before ihe commit tee In tell the atory of hi deporta tion from J Uncock. Mich., Inxt ccmber. The. i-ongTeinen hoped to eon riihvr :'"," - ...narrow and then return , to Waabluglon. Attornra for the trl!icr and mining rompuniea accompunled Ihe commlttee to thla city. NO INVESTIGATION I OF DEATH FROM SERUM TREATMENT ' fit Wire : veiling Herald. 1 Iai Angelea, March . Plana to 'nnnlvxe chemlinlly the aerum treut ment under which aeven oiinty pa tlenta Buffering from apeclflc blood ev-ruiii ri.M.i.i up twi hud lieen ued Calvin Hiiftwell, countv coroner, ordered an autopey performed on ons of the bodicK, but did not expect to develop anything regarding the cuunw of death mule apeclflc than "toxlv poieoning." Ilurrv Ijine. the ilghth man tn 'day and the hoepltul autgvoiia hoped j for hi recov cry. J Hr. Whitman an id the xerum which la ullegrd to have killed the aeven patient had been tn ue for u long , tune hem and never beTore rauaed a death. It la the prescription of o Doled German a. lentlat. An average of Ian treatment a year I given at the hoapltul, according to Dr. Whit man. ASftUITH PROPOSES CONCESSIONS TO ULSTER (It lrard Wli to Krenlnf Merald.; Ijondoii. March i. Premier A fliilih today laid before the hou of eommoua hi prupoaed roticeirna to l lmrr in regard to ta laaiiilon unib-r the Irlvh home rule bill. The an- H.....w.....M... u ft.l,.k 'l.M .. I, ,11 i''v f j "1 and anxloiiHly awaited, waa to the ef M i i ,ni4' before Ihe bill became PP- f ? eratle a poll ahould be taken of the , y v.'t th - iarlimentary elector of each oun- iarlimentary ty to d 'clde whether there choiild be an exeliiHii.n of the l'ltrr rountie from the l.r.n lnli.n uT Ihe bill for a p,-rlinl of aix ycara from th first mceilng of Hie new lnh parliament, u t, mulorlty of the voter Is In favor of thla scheme the rouniy wolilil ant malically be excluded for (lis preset ibed period. ALDUQUERQUE MAN TO START DANK III 11 W. A. Foyil who Organized Citizen's Bank Here Behind Project in Quay County Seat. TO PROSPECT FOR OIL NEAR KARA VISA Tucumcuri, .V M., March 7. W. A. Koyll. who ban organlm-d luinka uu cuaefull lr i'lovla und Albuiieriuu la In Tut umcart inureatlnK local cap ital m the oiKnlzuilon ol anniher bank here. II j pn.x.Kt-d to orgnu ls with a capital atock of I3U.00U. At a meeting held In Nuru Viu, hi county, tin week, a HiibxcripUon Wag tuken for the purpoe of acc wr ing a tirill rig to pronpect for oil. I.cporta on the diatrlct have ehotvn tilling Indlcatlona of oil und ihe Nuiu Vina people are going to a little money In tin effort to find it. Twenty-eight additional Htrccl light, with ornamental pot. are to tie IriMlnllt.l in Tuctiincuri at once ua a rcmilt of a new t-oiilra-t jut tnmlu between Ihe clly und the light com puny. The city ha moved It oTfi. lul heuiiiiiarera to the building at the corner ol K'tim.iI und .Main, the niov o being forced by the file which de troyed the old city hall lat Hat lirilay. The Crencent Creumi-ry company ha decUI-'d to incorporate and dou ble the rapacity of the plant here The company will huve a paid up capital of tln.O'iO. .Mi Margaret Chapman of till clly ha received notice or her ap pointment to a clcrkhlp In the treaaury department at Wimhlngtou at a H.ilary of finia a year, u a reciilt "f a m ( Hfnll rii xoliatcd cxam Inm.on. Her eter. .Ml Alice Chap, man. 1 itlreailv ciuployed in the de partment. Hnth are uraduate of the Tucumcaii public hool. is now if fOU'OISE Article Arrives Bearing Seal of Government Inspector Under Law Passed Last Fall Hooker a lie) t Thu "bottled in bond" Ho not that either the "munufaciured in bond" eigar la here. It I a Havana cigar that hu Mai una tobacco In it and the certificate of the govern ment to that effort l on the box. For year Ihe Havana .'Igur hu bei-n anything thut the council nec of the maker dictuled. You can ihj thu u-callc llakunu clgur now two for u nickel, but If you want to inuke one that uctually cunte from the land of the Ciibun belle lithographed on tho band you tan bo a ure by looking ,7.:: .;;, VoVrZ.;";? ,lle gvemm. n, la located u. the fac on the oulalde cover for the Heal that lory und wnthe Ihe muiiulucture A In the diHllllcry bueinciui, the mak er pay the wage of Hie lliepector, but the government appoint him. Th:.; la made poeulble by a law thut went Into effect Iun full and the firul cigar made under thu new "bond" arruiig.'inent ure now r..-r. "Kpcuking of wurld traveler, you gel II In aiiine of the ulicged Cuban tobacco.' auUI u local deulr. "In lfl when Ihe Culled estates took churge of Porto I tan and the duty on tobacco wua lowered we gut u lot of t.iliucco direct from thut inl and thut wua manufactured in the I'niu-J Hate and old u real Ha vana. Previous to that time tho Porto Kl.o tuhuct-n had been Hhipped to Ciilta and then relayed on to tho t'nltcd Males under Ihe name of Ha vana. "P. i general ha the ohtl!uiion be come thai It ls Indeed a wlee moki r that know hi Havana The pure to bacco lahi-l the protection, if you want to be sure." REGISTRATION BOARDS TO BE NAMED MONDAY In fii'epral ion for Ihe approach ing municipal election, Ma . or Kelp X la coliadering Ihe appointee to hn named on the reginlrution bouulThe mayor has until next Monday. I be dale of Ihe council meeting, to make Ihe appointment The law reiitnre that illy registration hoard be nam ed twenty d.i belorr the election. Three member are to be named for each of the four ward in the city. rimmbertalu'e Tablets for Concilia tion. For eonstlpation. Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. F.:iy to take, mild and gentlo In effect, (live Ihem a trial. For sale by all drutrglsta To Hake PotaliM-w. When your oven 1 In nae, try bilk ing potutoca on the top of the to-e. Put them on nn abeto mat and cover them up 1 1 . I y w ith a large kettle Turn them a couple of limea while baking I 'or I roll Halailo. To prevent fruit In aulads from turning dark. aoeex a small nuan- ililV of lemon Juice over l. 'Ihe iriut will keep Ita color und be freh until Ilia following du. YOU GATJ SMOKE HEAL HlFi NOTED LECTURERTO APPEAR HERE ill David uoiastein, lamoui as Opponent of Socialism, to Speak in Elks Theatre Un der Auspices of Knights of Columbus. The Knights of f ..Intuitu, puraunnt to the action of 1 1 n ruprcme council, ha Inctltuted an n-ilie lecture cam- palan In defense of th,, prlneliili-s of t lie order, which I fouiulcd upon the doctrine of the Clinnian religion. The aervlces of Mr. Iiavid (oldteln of lloMtt.n, a of thn order, who I rccognlxed a an eminent socio- lVII .ol.lsTK.I. Not ill liviiivr to hier'.. In' lllkn TlKait'r April Tliltil. login and lecturer, have been Be i u red for a traiincontinental tour winch beHan at ft. Alban. Vermont. Mr. (loldetein I roiiiderel to be fociallem's most foi ntldabln opponent. He I often spoken of us a walking eniyclopedla vl knowledge related to the entire ground of hia aubjert. Mr. Huldateln will lecture ln the KIab' theater on Kml.i,, April 3, unib-r the atiMl'ice of Albuiuerquu council of ihe Knlghla of Columbu. In hi lecture Mr. (loldnteln will ex pose Sociallt prtocltile oy eontriiMl Itig them with t'htiHtiiin phlloaophy ; make clear Ihe double-dealing tactic ot S'olUliNt. Mr. iloldmln i Joint author with Mrs. .Martha Moore Avery of u work entitled. 'Hoi lallm: The Nation of Falherlen Children." Thl book i most highly recommended by ex President llooaevell. Suniuel (iomper. and other leading men III the public life of the country. Kpenking of hi work In Chicago, "The New Win Id" say; "We do not think that there wa u man or woman preHcnl nt the muit n I lire nt iicblr.-HH delivered lat Sunday evening at Kt. Alplionu' hall on Ho i la!lm that did not real Ine that Mr. tiolilKleln ha Indeed made tin aub Ji i t hia nw n. "Truth la we have too many people attempting to iIiscuk thin ubject on Hoclalirm wilhoiit lilting knowledge or gra"p of the HUhJcct. It le a iiie lion that reai he deeply into our moral life mill touche so many ide of Ihe ocla fabric that no person flioll.l iittempt t dim uh it publicly iinb he ha given thought to I1 given such meanure of study o it a will make cleat and cert;, In hi pol tlon, make char, convincing and Irre futable hi com IumIoii. "The iiirHliiti of HociuIihiii and it Koiel a pronounced and propitiated by It diKciplcx In thi country I full of thinner to our Chrielliiii r liiuilinti, and the Ii" iui, r who woul.l hope to i arry ci'iivtetien wh.le illneuHHinu th ulijec( iniikt ii'iove all treat It w a moral ua well a an economic iiu--I'oli. "Now Mr. lo.ldsletn doe thl an. I docs it fcari !. We would like to m-e Mr. lioolsiein return to Chicago and pseak to not an atldleni v of y hundred, but tin audience of ix thousand ' Mr. liobletilu wa formerly a mem ber of thu So. iallt movement. lie wa It II rut . ...ululate for m.ior of Ihe city of i:..-i..n. He resigned from the Hceialmt movement eleven veam axil. Thi v.oi nine mouili after a I utile uttemi'i hi Induce Hi" roalalit party to il. it.i- 'torn It platform tlime ier')ii who advocate violence, li re ligion and frei love. It la the I'linent III lor" of Mr. Cioldateln for -be work b- i that ruuned i : board of dliectora of tbe KlllsblH hi in for ihf f Columbu to aelect ..line or lei tur, The .uncil of the KnlnnU AtliuuueriUi' i f Columliu . n.l It friend look for ward with ill.''. Iiileret pi the lec lute bv Mr. i i. ultiteln. which will no dobut he of I'.ii-lleclual value to the entire comnt.m i , . Mr. lloliuu n lecture April S wi'l be free, and i'i- public is cordia:ly In v lted to alien I 11m lortr Vear TMt. An tiltlil,. inut be of excei'lionul merit to mil'.'-' for a period of fi.rtv yenra Chain " i lain Coitgii wua first i.ff.-i . .1 to the public In IHT.'. from a ktn.i'! 1 . ulnnlng It ha grown In favor an I i .puliirity until ii ha all iliifd woi'.l-wide lepiitatlon. You will find n us better for a coimh or cold. Trv n and you w'.ll uniler atand why i a favorite nfii-r a n-r-lod of more tbi.ii forty yem It not onlj gici rel.ef It cure For sale by all druni-' tlenry Hauls. Phone S93. f EXT I T r i ; ! f I., ,- Navajo Blanket Experts Will Tell You that this Is a Sale Worth While 'Bring Some One Who Knows" and prove for yourself that we are offering one of the most beautiful collections of Navajo blankets ever as sembled in New Mexico at LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. Don't Wait-Delay May Mean the Loss of the Very Design You Have Been Looking for JOHN LEE CLARKE, Inc. 1 LIVE iJEl'J MEXICO HOHORED BY THE HOLE Richard de Oraftenried of Guadalupe County Elected Vice-President at Oklahoma City Convention. NEWS AND GOSSIP OF THE NEW MEXICO EANGE lilchurd do ("Iraftc nrcld of hin-linn-ii n, (Jliildulupe county, one of the oeat Known stucKincn In New Mexico, wan elected second vice president of the Tan-HuiiiUc tSnuthwetcrn I.lxestuck inundation in thu Oklahoma City con vention lai wee. Mr. de (Jiafteu- eld began business In New MeX'cu exclusively as a siieep mini, out artt-r achieving great aucce, branched uu' and Is now In cattle on u big -ate us well as a breeder of fancy and hi-.n , horses. Hi ranche In Guild ilu o are among the beat equipped in Ih) southwest. J. 11. Nations, of Kl lao. weil known to all aouthwetaern stork im.-n was eleited flri Ice preaident of the auclallon at Oklahoma t'lty and w.i materially Intlurutlal In taking next ear's meeting to Kl I'aso. Kl I'uso alo I going arter next ear'a convention of the Texas Stale Cattlv-Urower awiurlatlon. and has e nt a strong delegation to the con vention wnlch opens tomorrow ul Fort Worth. Mr. and Mr. Charley llarl. "Ill Johnon. J. It. Htcphcnon. l-cm Clu- ii. r, Kd Tyson, I'ml Keen, und A. S. e'eay, all of I'ortiiie, were among the New Mexico atoiknien wliu alleude'l the tiklahoinii City convention last w cck. K. C. WiIkoii week shipped iu car of prune yearling to the For; Worth market thut are said to be top pers. They were fed at I'ortalch on cotton seed rake, bay and k.iltlr and sorghum, Mr Wiloii bought thcuu calves lat fall, dehorned and dipped them and put them on feed. Tln-y were a tine looking bunch. W. II. ha shipped .'"'I hejd of cow from hi TulaioSH mix h to In farm near Fort Sumner. I. A. Karri nipped HH head ot ewe from Kort Hum nil- last week to northern Oklahoma patilea. number of sale were made hy Fort Sumner cattlemen during the past Week auri sating about I ") head. Tbe lu(1 all wa In good coii dilion and went at fair nur In cluded In the sale were. HU year ling bv J, K. Hron; l'i jearltng by It. K. Krwln; S'lO yearling and two by J. C. Ininlai.; I in) inn and two by V. A. l.ylc and ;'.o )c.irliuiM by W. K. I irion. Ijind and Makrnicaon, ii'u of Fort funnier, lai uei-k Bold Dun ateer to Colorado hu)er. J. O. Wclliorn who lis been doing a. live trailing all ihrouwh ttie Winter, luMt week piircltascd two Mile lleicfoid bull for Albeit Hrown who will place the animal w It .1 hia big herd of too r.ot. h llercforii wet of Fort iiiimnrr Itobert and Ted I.llea of western ran orro county were in hoe. n r. latt week to receive a big bum h of eatt'e wlil.-ii they look to Ihelr father a nn. It acroa the I; lo ir.iu.le. Tlo-y a., . Ii. I.ile I buying all the cat tle de chii get thi spring. Jusn A. U.ti, a will kuuwu wiu-iu j mumi 05 W. Central Ave. STOCK Fororrn county ranchman, any range co'nditioii are line In that section of tho slate this spring. The Hoy American sayn: Hob Mar tin, ihe I'nion county cow man, wan in town this week. He us Ihe long winter has not hurt him except for tho feed bill during the six weeks he fed all of his slock but they are in line condition and most of them lit for marael now. Mr. Martin I one of the few cow men who depend on feed rather than trurt to I'rm to get their stock through the while--, lie finds It easier snd more pracllc il to buy feed than to buy mure cattle In the spring. When there ure more lilc hi in and fewer of Ihe kind who ovei -reach In their effort to "Hog it All" this country will develop fater. l.em CheHter at f'orliilea lnt wee . bought ino head of while race from I.on lllankennhlp. Mr. Chester I one of the pioneer cowmen of ltooeelt county and i Rtlll one of the lurget eastern New Mexico operator. The cattlemen of Kddy county have nn kick coming since stock wintered well, says Ihe Carlsbad Amu.. I'rices are twenty per cent above t.nisc of a year ago and the calving season I pro. gn-KKing satlHt.K'torll v with indication that a larger percentage of the call crop will lie saved thl year than lnt. only a small volume of local buy ing and selling is being done by the local cattlemen, many preferring lo wait until after the i'nnhandle und Houthwestern Cattlemen's convention at Oklahoma City this week, when the price for slecrs will be set. Home cows are being sold now, hriiming t.'.O a head this year as com pared with 1 .15 to III) s year ago. The t hief reUHi.ll for the lm leaned prl 'es I Ihe conNlaiitly Increasing scarcity ot cattle all over tho .-ounjry. The advent of the calving (aon find conditions pror-itinu for l-trge ctop, since ibe weatbr I .nil.ra: and the rows have gone through ihe winter well. I-jiM year the pet , n I a Sc ot ihe crop saved was around lxty per cent. This year It is li-ipcd It muy reach from " to so per c.i.l Local sloekiiien who are it'eiilinx Ihe catllenien's con, etilion 'i. Okla homa this week will iIIwumn a eo.ilinu Mllon of the activity to have cmgiess eiiiict u law applying lo the ; ovei n mtnl domain. For taxi, rail in Ma tiro. Thone IT. J- .fcwii' - J. I;!"' HJ The advisability of placing your Jewelry and Important Papers in a safe deposit box in the vaults of this bank is clear ly apparent because you are always conscious that your valuables cannot be lost or stolen. We rent safe deposit boxes .n which may be placed invest ment securities, contracts, in surance policies, heirlooms, etc., for $2.50 per year. FIRST SAViKGS BANK i!iD TRUST CO. Albuquerque, New Mexico Open Saturday Evenings and Railroad Fay Cays Until 8 P II. CAUGHT WITH STOLEN CATTLE Allnn Hmith waa nrreted n thn Had Ijind ciihI of Tucumcuri last week by Sherllf Frank Ward. Hmith had In hi posRewlon It head of unt ile uhlch he wa driving eiixt to ward tho Texas I In-, lie wu dona and when he saw the sheriff he raadn nn attempt to escape, but later le- ciilnd lo surrender. The rattle 'In rim-stlon belong to parties near Titer, la de I. una in titiudalupe county and dianppeiirrd from thai pbn-e nbotil Ibe lili-d of February. The sheriff of Qniiy county was notified at tho time and hnd been on Ihe lookout continually until he located them. Smith ! about I 'l year of see and lives near Ilunley. WOlttlH FP.OM HOMK. Statement Ttiat May lte Inettgalrl. Testimony of Albitquerque dUsona. When nn Alhii'iuetoiie citizen come to the front, telling hia friends and neighbors of his experience, you can rly nn his sincerity. The statements of people residing in far away place do not command your confldenee. Home endorsement Is tho kind that backs Ioun's Kidney Illls. Km h tes timony is convincing. Investigation proves It troy. Helow Is n statement of an Albuquerque resident. No slronter proof of merit can be had J. M. Vlckrey, plumoer, 1001 N. F.leventh street, Albuquerque, N. it., says: "I don't hesttnte lo recommend Dnan's Kidney Tills, t am sure that they are a good medicine for back achu and kidney trounlo. ln my cano they In ought immcdlute relief from backache. I know of another ens where Doan's Kidney Pilla were u'il for pain In the buck that waa canned by weak kidneys. Such positive ben efit was had thut It proves Ihelr Worth beyond question." For sale hy all dealers. Trice ft tt cents. Foster-Mllbttrn Co., liurTslo, New York, role agents for the Culled States. Itemember the name lioan'g and lake no other. TIN- MiUMtV Favorite. A cough medicine should be harm less. It should be to lake. It Mliould be effect mil, Chsmberbile's Cough liemeily Is nil of this and t tbe mothers" favorite everywhere. F'r sale by sll druggist.