Newspaper Page Text
SIX THE EVENTKO HEIIALD. AtBITQTnniQirE. N. M., MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1914. : SOCORRO CaUHTYiMAY HAVE T Officers Find Plenty of Evi- dence that End of Casimiero Baca was Brutal, ers Escape. Murder- Bectal t'rres'eaaace ta lae HereM) SiM i.lTn, X. M, Mum Ii l a-is that tiihi. Junt Iftcritlt i ( 1 1 1 1 1 to litihl I It ' I m 1 1 ' Ihm llK' k Hum if unlii.n n lliicu near hi home at I'iici it t lt UM week hm nothing short mi uriplo- i i I iiml i hi I. . , I uint.i.r A' fording to the st.ililiit-ht of J Hit It A Until, the only null of the alt-. caneil. kimI ii.iiti i.a. it tr s.tu Aiiiitintt. cousin. Imlh tl whom were in So itiiiti Thin , tin killiint wan wit iii'Mxi'tl he ii.tii.t-n renidtrit; ni I'tiir-l-i Ho. Tlii'"i' nti.ic iiml Hi.- i . i it Iiii killed Mr. Ham "i,k the bittern pistol (nun liltn mill nlml linn Just behind On- lift fur, mill thin, ni I" lay on tin- ground, lircd I mii more shots Inlu IiIk fai t'. MOOHtltO MV I AW. ITS I Mil l.ltol Ms The Hiiiiirrii County Fair ansm Iii tltin In In danger ni losing tln grounds Mini -'iiiniii ill w Itu h II ha spent upl'inxliniitcly 4,(hmi In nciiiire anil nii in order for I lie holding of coun ty fair mid for other public uses. Tin" fin in thai warrant the fore going Kiatiiiii'iii nir llirr: Money Kiih int ii .1 In a 'I v.i in n for paying some of ini tii-i ruNary xpcnm-H of lli. InM county fair. 'I'o arc money I ho oliiicrn mill two or three other members of tin- aitxiM'iiiiliin Jointly Kik'ii. il in. ten at I In- Socorro Statu (.. Ii K. Owing lu oiiu extraor dinary and tinfori'Hi-cn lii'in of cx penne in ln.l.lifiK tin- fail I hi- notes hate not been paid anil Iho interest on them ha hi cumulated lor nearly thre0 yearn. Tin- money rained on these noltn wan used l.y the fair im ma Int Ion. alul tin- nnfioi ilinn In In. Ill morally anil legally under obligation to I'Ui the tli'lil. tulii'mlw I ho sign ers will have tn ,ny )n tin.' notes nun varying from tu marly IMul cm h. Tint Socorro Commercial club has appointed a, committee to look Ini'i this iniiiii-r iiml m e w hut ( in la- il.iiin In (hi- way of iliatinu up I ho fair mutiM iutioirii I ml i' lit itl u i hm. OFFICERS NAMED FOR TOWN OF MAXWELL Muxwoll. .V. M , Man h .- "Vliile II. I'ert 1 1 It'll I I'M of leetlotl luiM lieell I'eeelM'it liy the recently elcetfil uf lulaln nf Maxwell, tne cinmty clerk has certified to I lie newly elect.! iw n clerk, the official family. Mul aa the town run linn tio uhetul mi l 'In htlKineNN. Th" firxt ineetiiiK of the hoard will lie held noon, the exact dale liemir iiik i hecauxe the lniard want i U 1 ' ri 1 1 1 1 1 of Kut. .ii. to meet with them ami Hart Hit in riuht .Mr. I'lilllli tit ircent Im etik-aued in builii.Nn In I'nii.n conntv l.ut im iio'iii Jm he IM remly fu meet Willi thM liniird. thu firm town iiirctinif will lie held. Chronic htoiiiin Ii Tronlile ('unit. Tin r In rinthiiiK more ill niirati'.in; than K chrolile tllNorder of the Klolli uch. la It not iir.rimt that mat v unfTer for yearn with Hilt h Hit Hllment when a iernianeii cure la within their rt a.h mul inn y bn had for uinil. T "Ahout one year iiirn. ' a.iy I'. II. Heck, of Wukeli. Mich., ' I hoiikht .1 iB''kitK of I'liHiiihei liiln'a Tatili tH. and alnet' imlitif them I htivu felt perfet t ly well. I had H e lomily uned any of different niedlcltieH, 'mi holm of them were of any In Mir ben cllt." l or a.ile by nil di UKKtata. KILLING MS JUS PLAIN MURDER ELK'S THEATER Daniel L. Martin Offers THE IRISH LYRIC TENOR JULIUS VELIE ' " In THE NEW MUSICAL DRAMA Adopted fro:a Mrs. Porter's Book. n With A BIG AND BRILLIANT CAST And ORIGINAL NEW YuRK PRODUCTION Prlce-$1 50 31. OO. 75c. boxes 52. OO SEATS WEDNESDAY AT MATSON'S tt " " "v PROBLEM OF THE fil Dona Ana County Fruit Grow- er Discovers Unknown In sect Which is Waging Bit ter War on Pest. Hfrll rrrrH.nlrar In the II' n 141 l.iin i rm ik. X. M. Man n J. Viniiit, ii Irnil iiiiniir nf I.I M.iiina ) i . 1 1 . I iiimi iia iiuinu a i kilii'tl lh- lntlinl of f .!il'-i n nil ililo inoloKitn l tin iiifniin !n hi oi ihuril of a iii iA nifti'i i. Him. lar un i lattKllli il. alul lii lliwil lo In- minif ihniii: i-ntiii'li n.'V in iIoh n.'i'lion of i hi- i until i at Ii .im . Tin' liiii-ii in iiik ilium ali. 'in III. n w nini.t im Hint il u..k-1'H ilf iilly walfali' nil tin' It t'oilillIlK m "t It . fill' of I ho ni .it of tin- ni'n MioiiLI thu Hi ii'i t .ro' iii lo it h i uru n . in. iiio n an a liklilir. on further y lent if ii' Hi ve. M mat ton M' .stnari will take rank UN t.lii' of fa .em e u tnoht noletl lllnt nv. rr S.ei linenn have hei n tu n tu Vt.u-liiM.lon ami to Mill. .UK m lentlHti In niher imrtK nf the totin'.ry Jy the Stale t'olli'Ke lit Meilllu I'ark, for further itiMHtiu iii.'ii. DEMINO TO ELECT VILLAGE TRUSTEES TUESDAY, APRIL 7 (Uprrlat Cwtfpamrr ta Ika llrra4i Helium;. X. M M irt h s. 'I rim 1 1 CM of 1 1 in Vlll.iKC of llillllllK will I... elcited TlltHtlaV, A.lll i, to Mic-i-ci'il John Corhctt, JilllilH Itoach, . l.lilaMcr. I-. J Kelly mid N- A. II" In Ii, the iireHi ni liii iiiiiheiilM. Th' eh" lion Will he III III oil the nr. .1111(1 Hour el the city hall, I lie io1Ih i k n I11K ul ! o'clock in the int lnllm mid t Iiihiiik at H h i l"i k 111 the eNeiiuiK. A. 1 KuntK, Th.. mat llii.ln.iu and (li-i.rKf I.. Miakevieare will ud a; election JinlucM, u ml I'harliM I'. Tom-' Hell ami I', A. ltiirdick um el-( Hon clerka. Wciiiiary Willard K. Holt if the iM'inliiK I'hainlicr of 'oiiimeri Il ia In-en ilirecled ly the ntrk ominltleii to jilant a lii run nuinher of treea'tn the iark froiituiK the I'ni'.n Htation. and In rnmcuuence Set retary Holt ll lh I'lil. li 'l oe htimlleil I'aittllliH .oi Iiiim. which will he net out In iowk at the I ni. 'ii Mali, n pari, within lilt m xi i.-w (la s Work on th.. luxt unit of t,a"'l ncriM of the Miiiini.M il.-y AMnlla Kiiiiiih coiii..iliy Im ia.nlly neaiuiK coinicl ion ; iIcciIm have l.-'cn ohtiiin 'ii for rmiHl of Hum land, mid all of It IlllH lieen Mtltl. To the 1'lllllllX VIK- itotM whu iiHn'ctcd the trtii't early Hum week In ("Uipany with v ol. W. It. KnlHoti .itiil l . K. .Mm In II of A la in. .no. .lo. the Ha. I U I'Hi'iKt'il the n. la arame of i oinilei ion. 'I'hcie me foulteili mili'N of tilailed I'oatlM, lllonif which the hmh ti iimioii .ower linen extend to the iitittii' hoiiNi'M Im ateil on each uiitirtei Hi'i iii n. I'll i- titer hand I it-it the 3, .'.on a. ni. of .,11. ,11a t.eilH in iieriect coniliitoti Tu- miciIuiv to ttie "loiiK Krei-n." and with ilitiheM from the lWeht-lwo wt lie. now fully i ini'.t t, to t i.titani the water to t hem. GALLUP MEN SEEK JOINT TOWN TICKET f fpretal rarrapaaa.ri ta t lltall iialliii. X. M.. Mult h .- Iieino- i ruin iiml I'roKreMMivea of (.nllup r trlliH to Ket loKl-ther CM U Joilll low It tnket for the cotnlllK loWII election. Scleral llleetlflKM hate h.-ell held mid confi-rt'iii en ure Hlill under way. It Im lielieved that the coni'iiti.itlon will he -lfi- tetl. mid iii that event there In alrolitf leaMon to i xiccl un u i vim. fifKMtri--i ?vrn7pwrTB7r GO DUNG MOT fil f fi SOLVED HOW SAN JUAN CO. YOAKUM TRADES BIG TOOK LEAD IN First County in New Mexico to Vote Absolutely "Dry" Under Act of Last Legis lature. (lly Ortal llh kelti..) Kal niiliKlon. Man h l.aMt Hat unla San Juan lounty 'ty Hm vole of :i7 to Un Iii liivor of i rohililtloti Jiiint'iil Into iiroininenep . the hrnt county In thr atate of Xew Mexivu to mi "ilry" under the new law en iit -led 1 1 the liiMt Hi'MHlon of the ntitle li ure. While I'oiia Ann tounty went I'll. l-.llnl Ion in Um 'eciiit elec- l.i.n. the liinnl. in.lhty of Uim rril'-elt went the other way t' the MilKht nil lorilv of IS. In San Ju in county. however, lioth of the iiiiini. l .a in n' voted the Hiiloon out, I'aritiinKtoll lend I ii K and Alice following Hint noon ni lei w.i rd. San Juan county Iiiim hud un Innr i'mi .iik cMM-rit'iu e with the lluuor liieMtioti which ha euuned mi end of imitation, iIimmi imion and nil lie. Thu ieoilc of Hum Men ion have much t he thankful for now that tn mutter Iium la i n tu ttled definitely mul luw ful ly for four yearH to dime. Ia.t.kinK hack over Ihe hlMiorv ( the county we find that Hie Mexican town of lairito hid u aaloon for u lunula r of yeara, which whm tluteon timit'il. aa i.iiioiiuiii- hum not Miifti cli'tii lo warrant Im coiiiinuiince, a In. nl four yearM into. i;iaii(.(i. In he wime nirt of the county, aUi- i ported a Hiiloon wlinlt w .im i.u-raieu until tine,, yeura ano. wain It, too. cloHi'd Um doom liown at Kiuiiland an .iltemit wua made to maintain a aaloon which met with iiliMnliite failure, aa a trial of nearly two ytara proved, tin one o ('iiMinn Home hoy hrouKht down a load of lieer at one of the Mormon fi-MtlMilM. and for their pauia had the MtuiT taken away from tin in and de nt royeil. In the palmy daya of San Juana pioneer period, when u lil waa the iiicti'oii.l;.i of the county, at that lime having thu only newMptiper In tilia part of the Mute, aevcral aulooni lliMiriMhed, hut with the decay or tho town the aalotioa diHUppeiirctl. Kven I at I'latu once hud a ciomm roada ariMiry ator.. which for a lini" Hl.n ked thu I III mt of the ao-uirlim d, hut Hum Iium Ioiik Mnce reared tu he Aztec, Ihe county ai-ut, had u nn loori, or two lor a hiimhcr of yearn, hut puhlic Heiitiiiienl grew aualiit the liiMtitunon until the town hoard re timed to maul ll.-t iixi m. which put an lul to the tiiiHincMf. tu that city. De cember of liiMt year, however, all election whm field under the new law u lul l.y a vole of il In I overwhelm inuly declared uKaiunt the meiit of Hiilooua in Axlec. In I in ili imliill the caiiae of the t'-mperume people haa been met will! HlroiiK oppoHitiou which lit tune haa threatened tu end In a victory for Ihe lluuor advocatea; and for thin reanon the hut Ilea lime olteu grown very bit ter. KarmiiiKton'a aaloona have had un odium HI Inched tu them that haa tauHcd their oppoiienla tu fight with Hlucr deHpcrat Ion, uoiiietimea blllully. HoiiiMtlmra with un urdor that haa bordered on the fanatical, but ulway with a fury horn of conviction. It waa in a milium that a killing occurred In thin city yeara ago. and while not directly the outcome of the aaloon, it ul h unt attached a feeling of repul alon for audi placca. loiter on an attempt wan made by two women of ilucNtiomtlilu purauita tu make heud 'liiiuii'iM In town. In au'tie manner thia wua connected with Ihe aaloon, the rcoull being that a vigilance com mittee waa formed by cttlxeiia and the object loiiahle femiiilm-a were tacoited from the peaceful precinct" of the town. About live year ago a camp of coAhoya located here made their heud(uurtera ul the aaloon and nightly became intoxicated and canned no end of dielurbunre lo the towns people. AnJ the sentiment gradual ly grew ogaliiat the tolerance ot thv aaloon and Ua attendant evlinj Among the objectionable fculurca may be named that lui'ior wua aold lu mlnorM. either directly or indirect ly. Kuiuhltng in MirioiiM forma wua canted on; the nuiwuiice taiiHed by Ihe aaloon linngei a-on who made the front of the Hulull tin ir lodging place and their place of iuduHlry; Ihe fuel that the public (I. linen gtew into dla reptite from thu In m who apent their Inter tiiiiotii.tiH ut the bar and thought tint hum of appearing on the floor In iileil, the freiuence of drunks which 'were unnoymg and ut times dangerous: iiul the further fart thai moHt of the salt. im were at some time or other conducted in un indecent utid law defying mull lie l , Out of thia Hew the kpark that ufoused public atlttiinenl tu the pitch I ha I reaulled In a mans meeting ul which was punned a reilution a-kihK the town board to refiiHe to grant llil'llne. To this reiUeit was glten the answer that Ihe town could ill Kill 1.1 to lose Ihe rcteuue. ho the cltl lens guaranteed the 1'iiui t In hum l ea. 'This mill kid Ihe punning t.f the aa loon Iium l-'JriniiiKtou. The next year Hie mi loon was niMde the inHiie at lht town lam -d election, nnd the 'dry' board was nwept lutu wer, pledged llol to glalll llictine s.l loons. At Hie to xt board election n not her iHMtie overshadowed the l.iuior iiuen Imn. a" the hoard Hull VtuM eh" ted ( atiiod upon thu plutlorin that wan I pll tlveil o call tin lllicf II. ni I l ici t I. .11 tu 0 teriuiiie the nentimeiit of the peopht when MK.lllI resulted In u tote, HI to 71, In fawr of the tilmli In.n of the aaloon It was during ihln boar. l a ailintliin Iration. the present t.oald Ihm the hew law wua jtusnvd iTuVldiuj lut PROHIBIT! 0 fl PORTALES FARM TO OKALIIOMAN Brother of 'Frisco Board Chairman Gets a $70,000 Building in 0 kip horn a City in Exchange. l'ortales. X. M , March . 11. D. Yonkiim. whose big file '.iinidred acre farm on the outskirts of I'or lali'M. which has been "tu of the nliow places of the district haa iraded the property lo t 'kht- homu parties, receiving in i xchange , the children wandered Tor hours, un it l.iiHilicHN block In Oklahoma t'ltyiullv finding shelter In an abandoned Miluctl at $70 1100. Tin Yoakum ranch s nearly all under cult Ivutlun ; has a fine irrlwation .liinl and is un der Ihe pumping project Iwfilso has a large acreage in young fruil treeg. Thr board of trustees bate issued a iiroclamatloit calling the regular elect Ion of tow n trustees for Tuesday, April 7th. J. T. Wilcox, who owns consider able land Mouth of town will put out an aire of Siberian alfalfa as an experiment. Il la said to grow In ii clinuile where the rainfall is but eight inches, and where the temper ature tarles from over !" abote In the summer In 10 below In Ihe win ter. Thi experiment may prove In lereniitig. SUED FOR BIG I Curry County Commissioners Bring Action for $10,000 Alleging Libelous Attack. leetal rrresailar ta the Herald I I'lotiH. X. M, March The Xiwa I'riiMtng company and urtuiir ',. t r - ren. eil. tor. luiiiimners uini euuor i. the Clovia Weekly News have been made def. nilatits In a damage Milt or iiii.hum in which tiny l. Vihler nnd Hen Crawford, inemheiM of the I ...1 ...... .n.uu.l i.t. .ru Jit C, ry coun.v. ure the .,.lu. The . . .1.'. ii,.. v..w printed libelous articles concern tig i.lll.lltl nets or the t nliillilMitli.llfl s The alleged libelous article was In connection with the letting of the county contra, t. i Ion I rcali- Unit liil-nt. The corning city diction creates little Interest in I 'lmu. und thus f if lint iri'ich diMcuwIon of imiilidaiea has come ui. A number of promi nent bunltiesa nun bate been men tioned for the council and Cash Itcmv is referred to us the mont probable candidate for ma.tor The mayor of Clovia gets : tush salary of u U illir a year. MOTOR TRUCK MAN BADLY INJURED GLOIIS NEWSPAPER DAMAGES near silver city,;;'";'-; ;';;r,7lh Silver Cliy. X. M. Muivh .-. result of an atiio tru. k u.cui nl at r-lt e-inlle hill Ileal Jat-kaun. X. M.i ' Hopping at tne union nouse, ..earn on the Mogollon road at 4 : 30 Wednea-jlhc shootlna Tuesduy tilglH he lirono dav afternoon, swan HDltcKin. acedilu Inve.tlgMte Ihe cause, going tu lh.) ulmut 4, a miner, lit n crlilcully In- Jured ul the Indies' lioi-ptlul Buffering from what may be a compound fraf ture ut the base of the skull, nnd A. C. Thompson, malinger of the Silver City Terminal Cm. Is nutTcring from a il. nl. icaled hip .iiid cracked knc cap. Three other pansengera on the truck escaped Injur. The I rut k was tin- 1 - m lit one ami u half-ton Velie owned and driven by time of the act iiletit ThumKMon, un experienced truck dilier, waa ul the wheel. The engine went dead 'iet ! before Ihe top ..f the KtveinUe hlii I was reached and Thompson bunked the cur lo prevent It rousting down Ihe lull ua the brake lu work. The car turned over, burying beneath it Thompson an I Hoge"n. who eat on the in. nt seal between the ilt iter und l-cn Mn lllu.rn. Ktery body bad tune to Jump except Thompson who lo desert the car until he hud bunxeJ II safely. I it. lies, ill did not tike Hitlilaue of Ihe opportunity ami wa pinned he llcat II the car. Self-Reliant Home Doctors la what women ure culled who all oter lliis broad land make their an ntutl collections of runts und herbs, und rely upon recipe which uur pin net r mothers found dependable for d.ffercnl faniliy ailment. In one uf these ri Ipes. I.vil.a 17, I'liikham' Vigctahle Compound had II origin and so ucc snf ul haa II proved Ihut id. ii. I a i nt. town or hum let n America where some woman who ha been rcntortd to health bv It use doe II. il lenuli. !MMtlaShnMnfN'SevNS4VtMittl the railing of an el. , lion by peti tion. The iUor eleinenl got busy und called the l lit lion, but Were beaten nl their own game by tt Vote of 7 to Ml, the demon being held the '(! 1 1 of October. In m year Thus hu ran Juan t utility become the Iii mi prohibition county m the, Halt) Cf Ntw .Vicsuu, CARNEGIE MEDAL TO , RE ASKED FOR ! BRAVE GUILD Eleven Year Old Helen Mor rison of Elkins Saved Lives of Brother and Sisters by Her Courage. ROSWELL DETERMINES TO HAVE A FAIR (feeelal rerreaaeaanreea t tm llarali) lloswell, X. M., March i. A l'ir I negle Hero medal will tie asked "X j lloswell people for little Helen Mor j rison, eleven yeata 01 ., who lives with her parenla on the plains near Klklns j In Itoosevelt county. The child wa lost on the plains last January In a heavy fog, while bringing her amiill brother und two smaller aisters homo from school. It was bitter eold and : cabin. Helen then continued the search for help, finally finding It In the early hour of the morning when near death from exhaustion. The smaller children were rescued safe. Itsx'll lo Hate tlr. Aa n result of nit enthusiastic meet. Ing In the I'nmmerclal club lloswell I to have a fair and lite stock ahow which promise now to he organised on permanent line nnd made and an nual event for Ihe entire -valley. The project has enthusiastic support from business men generally. The grouche mite been told to fade away and act ive work for the first fair will be started In the near future. Mm. Kathryn M. Hay, appointed by Oovernor Mclmnnld delegate tu the Tenth Natlona' Conference of Child Labor, at New Orleans March lath, will leave the first of the wctM lo at tend the conve.itlon. The State Press. Hard I. in k, HeviTcml. While working in the limber In Taoa cunyon last tveek. Ilev. Thomua had the inlnforlune to have a piece . of hhikI strike him in tho lei I eye. I causing unite a painful Injury, which I however he thinks will not Impair I the mghl of said eye. He carrtea It 111 a Hlilig. Tuaa Yulloy News Tli" Trouble. When the hut provides n certain expense for a slated purpose, rev enue must he provided with which to meet the expense. That I the chief difficulty confront ing county UV)j state olficlala in New Mexico. I'ast l.-iftlitturen ure lesponaihle lor ull unnecessary und exorbitant ex peiiMe now being l.orne by the county mid stale government iur prese'il lckinlature waa elected with Ihe h-.c..,.,..,. .ha. i. would etiln, hul the verdict corrcc such 1 iiliariinitH.s hat it made a ilininal failure. The thngs the people will do in the n.-xl election to that republican niujoi.ty aliould be a plenty, i. Ii u sufficiency. Clayton New a. A llounc a Week. With ii growth of a house per week without any boom show a u tery ad mirable growth for a year past. Magduleiia New ('In-uiiintaiiiT. Lincoln lit in hey has canned his flying machine to turn forty-three someraaiillM in the air. once there waa a lion lamer who stuck hi head in the lion's mouth 317 time He had intended going right on with the exhibition, but circumstances a rone over which he had mi control und . " " "' . - door !n hla night clothe When h ! ret urned tu bed he got into the wrong I room, which wna unoccupied. In the turning when I'-arney arose he rould ; not find a stilih of hi clothe. Coat, pants, vest, overcoat, shoes, watch, j I ot kclhoiik In fuel every thing wa gone. He naturally supposed hat 'some one had entered his room while ,' lie) wa Investigating the shot and leaned hint nut I lttirney waa surely up against It. Ild he make a "holler?" lie certain ly did put up u loud one. that was a pencil. II" had latinll.uly Baca and all the other hotel people run ning around In circles and Harney taxing around In the chilly night air in hla kcanty underclothing. A s'.r.n aa the landlady fully un 1c ret i tod the situation he anon lo ut od the miss I nt clothes. Al Har ney shivered Into them he at id lhat people could "shoot their blnm head off for all Ihe Invest Ignttnf he'll ever do. Magdalenu New. I fvmie Light! The Albtinuerou Ktenlng Herald, which hit been distinctly ami strong ly im atrongly at time that It rould be amelledl Republican evrr slnco It waa a llcri. Id. bag changed owner ship, and now come out l.rondly I lemocra'le. Truly light la apreud lug: people are more and mure be coming awnkened tu the good, th beautiful and the true We welcome the Herald to Ihe rank of fond gov ernment, and congratulate It upon now sinning out on a career nf use fulness la.kewooil rrogres. TIh Kaiiiloni. This belnx election year In New Mexico the habitual office hunter I bluntly i l. client lag some leeples night, part of them In pleasant dream i I poslilnn Willi fat .i,i. t ru t ao pleasant. Sin .l.g. r Him km. II A Knee Tiling. Albuiueru,u Evtnliif lUriild has again changed hiitida and hence forth will he u In nidi-rat le sheet. Nil we are more certain than ever of earning the state at the coming elect ion. --lata t'rucea f'.lgen. I While Ihe I ii n.ocrai y of Now Mixiio welcome, the Herald to II ranks. It was not h iiecentmry tiiovd to Insure party suet ess in the statu I his fall. It haa been eoucedi d for some lime past that this fall's elec tion will find New Mexico and liotiri 'Ana county In Ihe In inocrailc ranks. - Spr.ngi r KIim kman. We fiel tu. NtrveJ That Hew Boeorro hritlge liter the I.' lo I'.ravo del Norte will bring Al iuiiieriiie forty miles n'arrr lo H rorro liy tho niilo route.-a fact which A hiiiiieritin should not fail tu up- preclute. Socorro ( hleflnlri. The I'jiv Job. An exchange rttntr that rend the iteWHpnper proof four tine nnd repiritedlv same error without s.: iik newspaper men tell you ... soon as the pin la starled Von can three or puns the 11. All Tint a and the ptipcr lu printed In there stands the IK complete error Iii front shapiv of you. so Liu that you cah'l see uny- thing s-lne. It a strung! ftM't ttlld probably the reujaain why 11 la ao rant' tu edit a newspuper niter It Is printed. Moulin a Iteptiblican. , fleneral I.Ike Hie Trimming, The statement of Attorney Clancy that common law marriages liold good in New Mexico will hardly cause any material falling off In the receipt of the license office, or anv dwmdl ng of the fees of the prench ers although It may complicate Ihe enforcimiitt nf the KdmumlH ni l Xew Mexico people bi-lleve In th" estab lished way or doing things, which In cludes a wed, I Ing under the ,l annus nf yueensherry rules. nostvell New . Its MlMloll. After reading ex-l'resitlent Taft , article on "Th" Kill lire of Ihe llepiib j lleati imrty' In the Saturday Kven- ing l'oHt. ve lire led In the conclu sion that the future of the party should be prm l Ii ally confined to iht work of keeping one Theodore lloose. tell In. in eter iiKain helng president of these l iiit.'d Ciulea. It lna be that the once powerful but now dying par'y, can be rehabilitated by such a strenuous luetic, but we doubt II. I'linning im Tunes Mueller. A UluiM-r. KveiiluM Herald at Albutiier- Th uuo tiug been sold lo new spa niel! named alliuiit. w lio eitmo per from Texarkana. The new man.ige rneni unnoutirea that hereufter the I laillcy of the paper will lie "broadly I Kino. u .tt lc In pol.ticH, with u Ihor loughly Inihprnilcnl policy of sup- pirtln public iitlminlritratlon when it le efricietit and criticising It freely when the public Intcreais o demand. I'urttBiinnhlp will not he allowed lo Interfere with The Heralds ndvoca cy of what it believe licet for th peolde of the cny and Mlate." We give to tho new mittiiigemeitt the right hand of fellowship. for I Intl Is pricbtely the policy thia pa per hag followed for thirteen years in this slate and territory, and it Is not only n mind policy, but a w-inniim one. I'armlnvton Tune-Hustler. Wnrw Than Slit. Ilu,i-e has set apart next Motidav and Tiii'H.lny aa ceaii-iii data. Iiotig I. is hating gullied the limelight through the big auicens or "Kvery body.t li-to. Church lay" is wns up t ti.hce to do something. We tt lnl good old mother much suc cess In licr campaign against dirt, which la about um object ionnhle und a great deal more unhealthy than sin liotiglas (Ar.x) International. Wake l t! This week we hud Ihe pleaaure of rejecting a contract calling for three thoiiHiind Imhea of ilisplay advertis ings tendered by one of th- greatest commercial comiaiules of Ihe l'nlte.1 Hlatcs The advertising they wish to place In this pohlicntiun I in nn wine object ionu hie. The reason for rejecting; the tendered contract wa ntniplv a matter of price, which wa nlanil (.tin half the price we charge our regular nih erllner Space I our slock in trade, and when we have any to give HW'uy we prefer git lug It to our home people, in our re jection of the contract we dented anv connection with it charitable Instl tut. on. nnd a later advice from Ihe advertiser bring the Information that our regular term have been accepted and thnt a new contract In conform ity therewith la beinn prepared for our seceptjiiice. Clayton Clt xcn. GRAY HAIR BEGOES Try f.iuitilmoilicr's old I'stocito rtjat uf Kei T and Suipliur. lie Almost everyone know that Hage Ten und Kuipliur, firoperly compound ed, uriugs bak tho uatural color ami lustre tu the hair when faded, streak ed or gray: also ends dandruff. Il- bins Btulp and lui fulling hulr. Vents ugu inn only way lu gel tin mixture Wua tu inane It al hum, which 1 liiuasy and truuhiesom. Nowadays we simply ask t any drug alor for "Wyetli Sage and Sul. lihu. Ittfle Iteittnitv " V,. ii u ill u.,t M (urge buttle for about 60 renta riverv. body use (hi old. famous ret lee, be cause no on can pnsailil, id! thai you darkened your hair, a It does ll so natural)' and evenly. Vim dumpen 'a apoiige or soft brush wii.i h and 'draw this Ihruiistt tour hair, takina ! one small strand al a lime; by nirun Ing the giy dis ipiears, and uf ter another application or two, uur hulr bi'i'unii'i beatililully 1I.114. thick and glossy und you look jeurit younger. PRESCOTT TO PUT I ON FAIR IN JULY 1 rreacott. Aria, March T The first luyiiuul vl l,0Vt vo the Mctutly DARKJIRGLOSSf iPbpIss Scarce cf Great D:ncr May be Means of Absorbing Disease Germs in Most Unexpected Manner. Maka Yaw Kam4 Pare aad Intmanaj With , a. a. In thntind f Inolsnms t tin ett-f hsic I n I Tli iililtl Hm ef Mi ml trmitilei tin- result nf ronilna In rt.'itatt whit - ' rne eruis In iiitiiu- tilitn-i. and fin np I psu ntlt liisiuiiliit nut f.lii-, .l. tis l''n the 'inn-f. Ii spt.-sds wlih sitittiiiiiiii ripldtiy, 1 1. fu n In lw i lug tin- vullie ssieui lu a f . dsjrs. , I li Is fnrtiinstn, h'.a-trir. that there m ' ri'tietli ta i'... kly and llt'ir.tiiglily j with su. h a r..n.llH..ii, and lltsnkt t" i niTirr i.f lt lir'niilt its tin' fsia.iint S S, j unit n..w Innl i must auy drug slnra I ti... , rnll.,11 Mlali.ta Blunn SS B tlllMtd r.iirlr.i'r. It Is must "i. In ct.mpnull lull, since It aei't.l.illllii n sll it... etnlini'tt fur inert art. li.ilttt.'S, linenir, nnd iuhr d.tu i n. tlin u.n.rsl I ilrurs. snd ml It l'ly a nir.'l T.'L-tisl.lf It ii.nniiii "iii- liiiire ill.Tit serves llin active arMt nf l m im-tlat liiv a. h llnv reltular fisrt of Id" j ti- . It. the .fSlll. and lil.llcli.llS s.'lee. il.'ii nf Its imn i-pMiitint niitriin-'itl. I ti ra 1 sr mare i s.- uf articular rtn"iiiil Ism, . l..i-m sistla. pan sis. neuritis, and , "imilsr ilss rnstilinnf from the an uf i riln. rsl limn run"! ptnttln sr" sre i.f. I These 'ni ts are hranri.t out In a Imrlilr i Inierpstmg romiill4 br ttin mi-iii-sl 1 a. ririieit ef The enift i-iite ' aiT . Uslft IliiU.. Atlanta : l Is msli-d fr.e,'tli. r wUh spt ela. tu all lah.i writ" il.-crll.ln ttn-lr STntpinnis. I il -t a hot i In of H H. . l.'tlsj, hut he . rsn fnl Utit tn bs stnnnthliig unlrni'd ,.rT ..n juti fulseljr claimed to be "Just aa I rsal." purchased ln.ngherty ralr ir?unil was ortl'Ted drawn from Ihe treus. uty of the Northern Arrxomi Kair us eoclation at n aesaion held yesterday ufteriiiM.n The Initial peyment wms withdrawn from the innstiry will still leute the exi heipier of the or ganisation with good balance with which to start biisimn upon the Frontier day celebration. Yesterday afternoon the Nn art hern Arigoiia In I r aMnocintlon und tier day committeea met In Session and dlscuneed plans fo Kron-Jidi-.t r the mammoth I'roiitlcr day I 1 1 ii mil for next July. celebration At the re- i.ut'Ht of the I'rontter day coinnilltei., the Northern Arixoiia 1'alr aeaocia .lon und Its head. 1!. N rrederickn. ngreed to take over the management 1. 1 the event. The i rneram has In a ureal mess tire been completed with the able as sistance of "I Mr' Turdcc. A hua tling committee is now working hard to raise the financial means with which to conduct the event. I re. mams but for the Northern Arixon.t l-'iilr nsMticintion to simply munnga Ihe liuMinesu end of the project. The HERALD want AD gets the best results. You have ex perienced th: en brae: cf our tape line, you will swear by and not at the Taylor Made Clothes wo build for you. We are showing a wenderful selec tion of material, made to your measure at $15 , $18 up to $10. 4 i if jH M. r.landell Tho Liva Clothier ; , -ef-, 1 in. i r -r-.V I Once- i i