Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, IT. IX., MONDAY, MARCH 0,1914. SEVENJ You've Certainly Got to Hand It to Mr. Jack. By J. Swinnerton. cuff vajhe.pi?. V; WES it is "I f A , VJeUT.MC. fi S.AJ tU f It I I i 1 1 J Hill j .4 nil fed-.- Ty 1 I) . k aL,.. , """nH I; Today's Market Reports ; 4 4 444444- BULLS GET CONTROL OF MARKET TODAY (lljf I rant I Witt' u Kvciiing Herald. Ni-w York, Mar. o llu IHhIi trud ei Mil " il (l in changing tin4 throe lion of the marked toil.iy from the minxr followed In I e hod Wi'i'k, but lirnnri'sa upward 'u only temporary, the .KlullK oil. 'v inn 111. nil' liy St. l'lllll mill Kiiiii" of Ihe eiiMtern mllroad Mimic l'lllll il 11 1 tin- whole Umi. 'I'll'' upturn tviiN l.i iilltiilcil by iipcn)oii i.f luiililui..i 111 fhcHapettke A olito, K11 It :iii"ie Ai oli'u mill olhrr toi k v Iiimi' mukiHM lecchiiy wo 1111 Hi nil Ti.nling huh active on the upwind vt .ng noil tin mai ket mailt' good tica.lvvay until the iimliTn be g.tit lO ll"Vcop W I'll k lll'M. KlH'IHlX i'hI l.i hmh In I'.ii lu uliir i i' Mold Iii-ii II), the latter reading three point. A Ihew etocka aouKcd Ihe whole market giuiluuliy fell back. St. 1'aul mid New Haven IohI Hull gain" Mil. I al IHmll Ihe average UHH lllini'l- laat week cloac. CiiiiiIn -a l ie heuvy. 1.1'IUIllllt loll of till- VUl'i-IIIH lillt'k Irilunil IioihIm wim on u lu xe mulr. Tle iilliiliT.,U tell refuiiiliiiKM 'i't unit the ilelipiil nnn 4 ' iolnta. I'rli ilnlu'il Hlly In iniil-iiriirnoiin liut the umli in iie mew Kti'iullly f inner. I li" Hint ket t-lot-t-il -niy. l,h'-4t-li'ake nnil 11I1I11 fell xMiftly In the In" ! iiniiiii" The n-Ml of the Mil wi'iit oil' ti.iiili'iiMlly In Kyiiipiith)', I'li'xiiiK I'liien on the moie imi'uri ont Nio 'k were: AiiialH'iniHted, 71 SiiK-ir, llillt. Ali IiIhoii. (. It Imx. 142 t-4. -.'lit tn i n Piu lllr. 3 t-8. I'liion I'm illr. l: h-H. HI. .1. i i t. Meel, .ri-lerreil, ln S-4. wexti-rn Kieem, I J n'l li t.' " ; Kn'itliiTn uti'i iN. Iti.Mi . m.mii; iiin, K.X.'iV h.'iri'lM, I6.T " 'il :i nil; t i ii kera mul foi'il. rK, jn .' K mi; IiiiIIk, H. Mult 7. .".il; inlvr-n, tH.fiiiiii lO.Mi. Sl)i ei Hi'i l. ll.nioi; intirket ll to 20 feniM hlxhir; Intnl. n, $;.J.'i 7. til. Vfurlintix. inUMi .; wet hern. i;.!ilii.!ii; in in. I. '.,i"i 1i .'..fin. HEAVY DECREASE IN COPPER STOCK! Three Lines New York. Mnirh .-- The m mo ment of the 'iii.iT rrnilllrelH' iikmo clatlott fur February t-ho-AH a le r ...,. in Htoi kM on hun.l of :i.'4.x;l.l I'oUihIh, l-olltiHI.'fl Uilh the ileioUH mont h. 'o'ier Klenily; Ktumlaril kii-I ami Ainl, IIS ..'iliti H.imi. Tin -lull: Br. .1. f 37.4ni 37.71. Iron meady. Xii. 1 northern. $l5.nii!f, l.v:.i; No. 2 norlhi-rn, 1 1 4 7 i I i - .','; No. I (oillhern, 1 1 4 7 "i l 1 V So. 2 mult hem. 1 1 4.!U 11 I ft.ini. lximliio lnilket-a rloned im fiilliiwn f'ol'her eH) ; tiot, lit. future, 4 Bil. Tin dixy; i'i't 171 li .l; future-i, 171. 12m d. Iron Cli t'Uinl -n.iut.inti,, tu 4 ' jd. of lhi I9IS i-rop, KO 1 ier rent of Iho lsr''s'r ltll tro, Bin 8C 4 er rent or the ) 1il .-lull. Onto Ah. nit 4:11. 47. 000 liiiHhelta, nr S7.4 per tent of the 1S1I c-mp renimneil on fnrnm Mar.1i I, 1X14. I iinimr.'il with 004.211.00(1 IniKhel-a or 4 2 mt c-etit of the 11 1 crop in , IflJ. 2Kil.WiH.00l) bunlielll. or 11 4 per tent of the ltll rrop In 112; ntitl 44. 605. mill bin-In Im. or 17.3 per rent or lh- 1910 imp In 1911. Aboil! 20 ft per rent of the 1913 tr"P will he uhlppetl tit of the i-iiun-th s where crown. KguinMl Xil S per ent of the tl!12 .Top no ihlpHil: 2 It II per n-nt of the 1911 crop no rhlppeil, n nil SO per rent tif Ihr 19 1 i-rop nhippe-l Itnrley About 44.12.0A Inii-hi-U. or 24 per eeiil or the i y i X i roi re iinilne.l on farm Mareh I, 1914. rom puri il lth R2.2H.'!.0iin liiifhelH or 27 X per rent of the 1912 rrop in 1613; 24.71110011 hiifhelB, nr in.5 per rent of the 1911 trop In 1912; ami 33 -4 ilk oil a I. noli. 'In. or 19 3 per tent of the 191H rrop In 1911. About 414 per rent of the 1911 . t"P will lie Mhlppei! out of the r.iun tlen where Kion. nRninxt fil.T per et nt of the 1912 rrop nhlpiwil; 2 r rent of the 1911 rrop no i-hlppr-l. ntnl hf) 0 n r rent of the 1910 rrop so uhlppeil. Storki hv Statt-, .Hoik of ftrnin on fnrm-i Mnrrh 1 by priiirlpnl hik lee (expressed In mil lion of bushel), follow; i Meraldl W ant Ad NeW-llIWV -lliWlllVSeVVtWV-WlMVW-lltArV : Three limes : Three Dimes llAHt.lM. We liavi an iiiiunially t-iitrnrilvo IM of lltt-UHr ami Varum Itn JiikI Httn, whlrli rill ho lMiit(lit oil i-uj tri niH. hj iujr rent . I. Sllt(i; l,H IIKTI.S JOHN M. JCfiOORE REALTY CO. II. on.. 10. SI '. I K SI4 't f.ohl Ave. REGULAR MEET fib OF ROADS LOCAL III Mill KALK nn tniy term. one corner lot t,"xl4U I'arlK Ail.lill. li. I'rlre 4 J. H. PKAK. til Won Ontral. Thon 193. feet In 13. HI. 00. PERSONAL CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET lii-ail ami Sh'Ii r. New Vol k, Mar h 9. Lead iiiirt, 3 9.'ifi t o.'.; I.ondoii. 12u. Spi Iter . u i.t. j :.'.! r. . :l li . London, f2l Ki. ,t LoiiIh. M in h 9. -Lead dull. I3.9H; (.pi'ltcr uonilnal. I'.lT'j. LONDON W00L SALES SHOW ADVANCES! London. Mnrrh Ther.- were 12. 47 hall- i. Tired at the woi-1 wile today. The larii., oni riiiita were read ily iilmorbeil lit lu per rem advance for merino mi. I la to If. for rroai-hrt-tia. t hi. it'i. Man li 0. tii'ttiml hi limit tif wli-iii In i luiiin. H to-) day v lpe.1 out Kiiiii d ie to a ttiyder utely biiillxh of the i(.a riiiniint report on farm reerw lipemiiii prire Wire 1 41 S.r hlaher mid thrie w.i Kliht ail. lit i.. mil up turn lii fi.l,. til reialmn et in. The t -io waa Kteitily lit the name n Hut unl.iy nlxht io Srr hlither. Iti'KiKp the mi. all. it .n.e 1 B0 4 had only li ary vtlenKtaenir.u ( tTcct un coi n AlihoUKh prli e at the out act were a allude to hmn i r. the markei went under lt niKlil'a level. Mliip I. Ma ortleia and utmrnru of Mipport In-rraKi'd weakueiw but Ihv iloxe wan Hleuily, Ho off In up lonipared with Saturday nlnht. Htntlinent retfaidlnK tiiila mil al io.. xt tinlveraully bemlh on account of the iruveinmenl Un lire on l.irm (tirtk beln much lamer than ex pel, d. A hurp break rame riubt at I ho tnf.a ami there waa no aign of miy ii.t'ortunt rally. Il", tier pruea tor hx ra tried pn vi.ui upitradti, tirnln weokiiesa, hoiAc(er. I.rouitbl about t autaiciuenl (all. t'loKlng prura; Wheat - May. 9lr; July, 7Hr. iin -Xl.iy. rniUc; July, tiivc. J1('; Jul). 3'r. 121 SJ'i ; Juiy. f 21 1. IKi. ,3: July, lion.",. Ilir.2; July, III.- llalM lint. I'ork May, I-ard .May, Klba -May, 2 ',. OPERATIONS IN LIVE STOCK MARKETS Illi BKU l.lre-l( W. t'hlrago. 9. Moil Iteceipta 3'l.o.m; niaiket ti..nlt. li rent above KImiii.I('; bulk, " in; llulit. In !,0t ., J; mixeii. In tjiu n; heavy, H lu a.7J. , r..uwh, .Su 44.4r; piu. 10.7 :.!i. 40. t'mtle - Itetvlpi it.imo; market leaily to 10 ((lit lower; IJ.I'MimTU; T(a atuera. ;.i'0 K ill; W..U UI kleer. I.7ht 7 9u, mucker mid feeder. I i.lo i . I It ; t'tiK mid heilvra, J.6ojk.4i. culve. IT MID 10 75. jheep -lte(Clit 30,000; market alow; naiivv, 1 il 1. 1 ; wenterii. lKStili; yearlltiKN. I 7 .On natlkr la io I, l 7.r.i 7.4.1, wratern Inmb. .iit7.7o. Money Market New Yoik. March . fall mi Kti ad), I l-4i 2 per t int. Time loan atriiiiaei ", tin il.iy. 2 Cl 3 per rem; 90 day. 34)3 1-4 rent. lx no. nth-. It, percent. Mercantile pnper. 4 ti 4 ' tlier, T.H 1-Hr. M. x.ian i' iillar, 4. 1 -4 1-. MUIO l'etniMV l linlH Ollt Indiana Ill'nol . Mlnnewitn , . . I(ii j M!M"iin . North iHikota Eolith I'll knt a "ebritkn . . Kiinee Texaa i ik luhotna . . WaahliiKton . , 'rejti.n Matt" New Yoric . . , I'ennfyli nnia , ' lii Indiana , ... Illinois Iowa j M iHMouri . . . ; Ninth llakola l"'r ' Houtl, h.iki.ll I Nebraska . . . New lu.ct ; Cotton Market. Yoik. M.ik Ii 9'ti iiii. mlddlll.K. 113 00; Ktilf, U2J. per i'(uI'Ikii Montana Idaho . t'al fornltt GRAIN OF LAST YEAR'S CROP ON FARMS MARCH 1 Wlwat II 9 1 1 0 7 1 , 19 7 4 3 7 . H,0 . 9 3 .13 7 . 10.4 1 4 1 4 1 4 . 0.7 OilM . 114 . 15 0 . 19 6 . 10 . 31 5 . 4 9 R . ; 4 7.4 . 27 2 . 11 I . 22. B 7. . 10 0 4 1 . 10 Com 21 7 Ml r. s mi S3 tl ur. 2 21.4 2.3 20 9 27 14 49.0 9 4 0 2 0.1 llnrley o r. o n 0 3 no 0.4 10. Si 2 0 0 9 3 9 0 4 0 S or. 17 R 0 Itti.OA. D.n A A V, "XT A 1t C M m berships to be Main Topicj of Discussion Among ftigh-j tI,H'"gr- way Boosters. "OK CAMPT cleanln. furnltur and aluva repairing- W. A. Ooff nut HI NT. t-room brick; modern; cor- 4 ner New York avenu and Hixth it reel, 120.00 month, No. tl Xw York avenue; I- room brick; modern, 122.(0. ItouillllIK llolliie and Hotel, 4) Ontral avenue at n bargain; rent l'riu;nablc. 4 lloime on Cenlr il i(enit. with i uite hind .l,r."0. Itain h on Muuntaln Unud for aulr or mil. 4 HouKra on Suillh Kdith atreet 4 for ale rheai. 4 All kind of tetm rim: isi it k MOM.V T( Hut.cliraond lamia; hounca and 4 Iota; btiKlniK properly. 4 DIMlAlt'l HI-:.!.. I'.STATK omt; 231 fitilil Ar., ( tirnrr Third St. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. 'rat-tiro l.litiiied to (ilsMTII-l ItlXAIIY DISKASK3 And IilsKASl'ft K TIIK JKIN, Tlic Wnkmtiiinii mid Nogu. hi Tmta Knl vii man "IKUl" A.imlnlMlered. CltUena' l:ank Ituil.llng Alhuuuerille . - Mew Meltrffl aTj. Mutit ri.i:. m. n. I'rartli'T' I lintieit to Tiinrn-iihla. Utllce ll'iur t to 4 p. m. I'lione 1171. 124 4 Wt-Kt Central. rtiinlmrluin Phona I4l taught by an txperlnnred Sitlnxar, 113 North lh l. BIG EATERS GET Tijera roiitl and Hie ix'cur.lilt of tie." iiieiiibt-rMhlpa will he the main factor of In-e.titt ul the ijood roinN meeiiiiK to be held at the t' rlal fluh next Monday fvemtig. Th'H will In- the regular hcmkiuii of til'' !o.j'l good roiid til ganixat ion. am', n x Tljerna road i u live (jurat ion in the mind of evceyone nt preMciu. n K". 'd attendance i expert d. The work th'- forent eivl(e I to do, the rimpcriillon of the county road hoard in urlnu bridge und (iipneeling tip with the forcnt-liullt road und many other nllteil mntti r are to be ditn iiHsed find in led on at I the meeting j The local' metnherhlp h.i hern leirinl ly f..r e.'tne time pa' ' nt ' I now It ha hjirdy 11." niem l ii - and mane of thee fall to turn out for the meeting. T!i loi-nl I ter want to have every member attend every meeting. For aoine tune pn-it poMirard ha't he 'n enl out tinnoiineimt the meettnxM and me reMiill have l.e n attained In thl way hut it I hcPecd thar mole rnthii Intuit run be rre.ited and th- local will trv to flinl the het me ill (if matlnir It i:vrv member I urged to attend the Mslon Mondav. Shoe Repairing. Mil IK ItKi'AIltlND whllo you wult. Hoi ei)ti,)prd ahop In city. 300 Kut Central. 2 blmka taut of iM-pot bhull & ttevar. BUSINESS CHANCES I'ii SALK Heat hotel propoHitlun In AI'iu.iier.Ue. A money maker. See M. I.. rVhuli, room 6, Whiting bid. I'hone 310, HELP WANTK) WANTl:i t'.rpit-Hentallve for our film, one thtu la Inlf rented In fruit growing preferred, for our high grade Colorado grown nurncry atot-k, Den ver Nuraery C'tnnpuny, 4100 W. 4 il h Ave., Denver, Colo. WANTKK A brltsht young woman an bundle wrapper. The Iv i.n.'iiii"'.. KOIt SALK he. und. -Mint Cafe, 214 HnUtll NKW AlK.XK'o I'.iiipl.iymciit Agency. All kind of reliable In Ip un nln rt notice. Ill W. KMver live I'hone 491. WANTED. kati-a 4'tij- UtmliM li. .Kanaaa City. Murili t. Iloga lie rel.l H.Oiiii; market I to 1" rent hiilSer: bulk, l.4ll o; Iiea). iH.ri.'iKt ."; packer ufid biiicher, II &oi 1 6.i; lliiht, lo'd . t f ; pig, Slit t.mi. Cattle lterelila B.6W0; market Blend); prune fed ateera, II H'Hi U.S..; (ltetH'd b'f aUeta. V I.t": WaahinKtun. March . tlralti of U'Kl year n . i m remaining on farm Mulch 1 formed the aubjert of the tl'-partmint of iigrlrulture crop re tain ror Mnrrh litaued Haturday. The department' t rop repotting hoard. Irttnl report of it roreMpointeiila und ag.nia throuKhout the ti.iintry. n- iniite the amnunt of wheat corn out and hurb-y on fsmi. with cmii- i fcV i parfMon for prereding yeuta, the proiH.rtlon of each crop which will be li;pped out of the count le where grown, and the percrntage of the 1913 turn crop which wua of mer chantable quality, a follow : Wheal About 111.109 0011 huhel. or 19 per i-ent, of the 1113 rrop re mained on farm March I, 1914 com pared with 1 f.4 33. Oil" biiKhel. or 11 1 wr rent of the lll crop re niiiln'.ng ill 1913. 122 02.'..io0 hiiHhel or 19 4 tier rem of the 1911 crop In 112, end lti!."05 000 htmheW, or t' p r rent of the 1910 rrop In 1911. About U I per rent of the 1913 rrop will he ahipped out of Ihe eoun tie where grown Hgnlnkt II. Iter rent of the 1911 crop no uhlpped. 56 1 pt r r. iil of the 1911 rrop no ahipped. mid li t er rent of the 1910 rrop o uhlpprd. Porn About Rfl.3I. An huehel. or 3S.4 per rent of the 1913 rrop re mained on fiirnia March 1. 114 eomtmred w ith 1 .3 000 huehrla, or 413 per cent of the 1913 rrtsp in 1913,- 114.06 00 bli.ltel. nr 34 per rent of the 1911 t r..p in 112: end 1.145 K71.000 huh1 nr 40.4 nr rent of the 1910 rrop In 111. About 17.1 per rent of the 1(13 .-r, p will be vhipped out of the riiim tie where arown, atitlpat 21 per rent of the 1913 rrop ao hiiped: 20 11 per rent of tha 1911 rrop o hlpMd. end ? tier r-nt of the 1910 rrop rn . Vnped. Tim uroport'iin or ine i i a rrun j Wll'.'h IB inerrhanllib'e I" e '"'lit 10 1 H-r rent roinpurrd with 15 0 per rent Kill at ITr-4 Sign of lllmlilfr Inltailmi or llai-karhf. FOR SALE Real Estate. KOIt 1AI.H-100 tier. In Shaipe coutitv. ArkanMim; Ml acre In culti vation. 20 in clover and alfalfa, 12 acre young apple orchard; balunre In timber. Tin land can ad be rul- I tlvuted. Coo. I woven wire fence; ! new aix-room ftame dwelling, barn I and other out bulldlnxii; live mniiiit and gi.'od i iHlern; utin milt) from church and achool: three milea rrom rii'lroud alatluri. I'ricu 3,CiOO; imnll r. ... payment und Imlan' to auil purrhaxer. Addre'a K. M. Uroyie. Wllllford. Ark. KIDNEY TROUBLE CATHEDRAL HOLDS LARGEST CROWD Tho American tm n und women mil't guard rotiKtiinily aKoiitHt Ktd- tro'.ible, because wc f'tt too milcll and all our food i rich, iiur bl ind la tilled with uric uci.l which the kid- neya airive to tiller out, tiny weaken from overwork, heroine vIukkIkIi: fie ellmtnatlve limn. r!i g and the remit la kidney trouble, bbidilef en :'(; und a general decline in health. When your kidney feel like lump of lead: your back hurl or Ihe unite la cloudy, full of aedimeni or you al't obiHvd tu neck, relief two or three lime during Ihe night; If you Miirfer with al. k hcutlHi h or dixxy, nervoii iell. acid l, nr you have I heumatleiti when the w.'atb.i la bud, get In. in your I'huiinai Ihi about four ounce of Jad Knit, take a tabic im. infill in a Um of water before breuklu! for a few day and your kill in y a will then net flue. Thia f.i in. hi ll i made from Ihe mid of grape and lemon Juice, combined with lit hl. and hua been u-d for geiierutiona to fluah and ailinul.ite rlogxed kidney, to neutralize the a. -Ill in .the urine u It no longer I a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder dtaorder. Sail la lnexielllve: In line, muKe a delightful effct vei eiit lithia-WHter tH.'riugr. and belong In cveiy heme, because nu.iody can make a mlMtaite by havlHK a good kidney tlunhmg any time. Ill ITS HISTORY Six Thousand People Gather in Great Santa Fe Church Last Night for Closing; Sei--vices of Marist Retreat '.- lttiiialcr al I 'tart W oiili. Wanhliigton, March . rreaideitt r.Vil, m iv nominated for poet- I niiiNirr Hubert K. Hperr of r ort i Wni i h, Tcxu. (laeetal tlplrh ta Ivnealaaj Ileral4) Saiitu Ke, N. M . March 9. All reo orda for atteiiilntice at the cathedial In thla city wi te broken I it xt iiikIiI when a i mint, c .lion of iimrv tli.ui all tnoiiMund pi. 'pie packed the gr.Jit church from (bin. el tu the riy oiior door, with a m.i-ut of hiiiii.iniiy that rould timely li. e kUlllcletitly lu fol low tha aerviic Tha great iiu.i" iiif came to ulti id thu rlo'liig aii'i'e of a twelve ri.iva retreat which h . been rnndui ted tv tha MariHt K.. i ;n r nf Han Antotiln, Tt-XHa. and wbeb haa been fraught with unuaual int. teat u the t iiiirnmUs Rltenilatiie rbi.wii During the twelve tiaya three rvi ea dally have been, held, and in an rage of more thin (.000 people il.'i'v have nt t.'ii.lcil the thrt'e wrt'lci't The Kather have l.een devotion their arrmi na durm.4 thla retreat i.lm"t entirely to the great evil of divorce, ndulteiy mid el roll g drink .""1 the aeniinn n.ive ueen tf treiii. H.I"" power. Al the foli K ervli'o laxt nlunt Arch.ilHhop J II 1'll.ivul (ook part ed in t. 'iilbl orgini recital In the I'lrat lrebytertan rhurch. The ;r!y' inol popular artlt II take 'pmt tn the (irogrum which I a IfollovvK: I. Mai.' tjuurictte "A Pummer Lulaby" Archer t)ibon Chitrle J. Andrew, lingo C M.y.r Thomus A. Chrlallau, Oenrge K. Kvrrllt. 2 (irgan Holo - Hi ned rt ion Nup- tlule llollina Mr. K. Hi a n ley He.ter. 3. 'fy the Shore" . . . .Chamlnude Mr. C J Andrew 4 "The H,.r. of Kerrnra," lliillald Mr. Jumes A. Hlalnev 5. Vl.d n Holo Hcb'ctcd MIh Htnrtx. 6. nil "The ltnd of the Hky Itltie Water." Cailiiiiin th "The Year at Ihe Killing." Ileuch Aila "terce Winn. 7. 'The Itmiilclcru Htuart 'I'll. .milk A CltriMlan. H herxo S m'hi'til.iie Ml!!er Mr i:. htanley Heder. . "Kliinbi th'a I'rayer." from "Tuiili.iiiaer." Waitner Mr !; I.. Itia.lford. 10 "The Creole Lover' Song." I Hl.lle) -lu k Mr. CharliH J Andiewa WANTKD Hoy mid girlx under l yearn of uge to bring nlioe to the A lliii.pif riiio mine K., 'Hiring i'o., ul 115 X. 2nd XI. Imlii. . iii. Ti.M the next 90 iluya aim Iiiik' .March 41 h r'unt l.t ii.e I ID ..Hi. 2nd .i le f' "". 3nl prl... 13.00. AIIiuijii. riiie rhoe Itc . airing Co WANTED TO BUT It A.ViliU We tiu uul gold aud ab ver Jewelry, tleiitielt'i. IIS S. ind. WANT Kl) To buy, adl or txchnnge aerond-hiind fuinitiiie. 123 WeKt Silver Ave. Thone 16N. DRS. TULL & BAKES SMf!itlltH, Kar. Ni'. TlinatL Klnte Itaiilt lllilg. I'Ikmih SHI). 1. KOI.OMOV H. H ItTON. M. IMi)Mi(ian ami hurKXtiit. Iteitdenco. 610 ttottlh Waiter 8tra4. Phone 1240-W. ftfflra. lint net t lll.lg . Phona 417. Dentists ltll. J. KltAI I , Ih iilal Surcery. loom I und 3, I'.ii r net t Ill.lg. Ovar (Itlelly'e Drug 8tora. ( Appointment made by mall.) I'hone 711. 4 I'M I. II. MOtlKF. 4 4 'onnl log .Mining: ICuglneer, 4 I'xuoillimloo anil ltrMirta. 4 IliMinin 12-11, Cromwell lllock. 4 I I.S4 II. NOItltlH Aitiilm-C. rrarllral and I p to Dales Work. ItiHinm ill ami 2:i. WliKliitf llulltllnc. 'I i-li phono 1003. FOR REN1 Room TWO f urmi-li.-.l m.,.l' rti. Mra Ituthi, S17 H. llrou.lway. KOH KKNT t)ut:de, uleam heat"d room, Kpc.'ial iut' by iiioiilh Weal hotel, 2 1 6 i Norlh Second hi reel. FOR RENT Ranch. KOIt I.ICAHIv ISO nrren or good land w ithin one mile of Willurd, X. M , 60 acre now level ami under Irri gation from pumping plant. Good lunch liouaea. I'arly with rif ri.icnt IuikIb to operate pump und V'lt III crop rnn find baiguin by wrli.n or railing on J. It. Ilerndon at Wate Na llnniil bunk. F0lf RENT"1 Houses7 Kolt IILNT 4 room mod. rn cottage. C'one 'Il llent l'.'2 fiD Water paM Apply C. A. iliidiion, till in. I Copper. -TQniTbo'ard. KOIt II KNT Nicely f ut iiImIic, aulle Kiiituble for man mull wife or yi.un men. lloiuu rooking. CIO North Second atrttet. -r'nr holiNi-kei-it-Ovellind Hotel. MILLIONAIRE RUSSIAN TO HAVE HEARING TODAY Read the HERALD Every Day ORGAN RECITAL IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH in. ol Dr. Ilorla Itannff. known a "me millionaire ItUMoiin doctor." tun i-ltediilert to app 'itr before JuHltee of the I'. a. e Ci .g thla afternoon to un vvcr to a romiilaint of John Cornel to. Who allege lhl the ph)'!rlan owe hint 1157 for board and lodging 1'anolf wua urrected tine night l ial week. II a rendition wa Milch that the polio had li I in removed t the t-. ti ti I v Jail tnatead of lot king hint In tlie Matl.n houMc, und he ha been muler treaimeiit there anice III eorulit ion ha excited the i ommlat-ru-II.. n of the county of filial, nh.i ma' that h hi lling in u hoMpital IiibIi.i.I a lull. ( " IMS Kolt lli:.VT log or with boa r.l 309 t, Wi l Cditral. Foi S::le Miccuancous r oll SAI.i: h ,iMt i lac b',ie and buggy; i!.e for rnh. Call at (13 South )(r.,aily. Public Stenographer. MANl'Si'lll'T.S liKYISKD ready for pre. Cl.'orit I!. Holme, 4 Harnett Itbig. oitice phone 159; km. 1510 J- l'lllll NIK Mil. I'ulli.' UiH: Volar). Julia Wlliug. 10 I tu rut I ( llldu. I 'Ik k.-iH. TYPEWRITERS. ALL KINDS, both new and aeconvl- hattd, bought, gold, rented and ra-p.-tlrrd. Typewriter E change. I' 114. 121 W. Gold. Kolt KAl.K Oliver typewriter, good a new, 2u.00. 32 1 Wrrt Uold. Phona 144. MONEY TO LOAN. MO.VrJY TO IJ A.N Money advanced to railway mul ctlur empioyea oo (atarlea or hou.ehold goada. without reiuoval. t'nion Loan Co., over Ktrat atlonal Itank. JOHN . U II SON Horne t .at - aw. liooiiiH l-i;.iv Cromwell I llil aj. Ilea. I'hone I ...'2 W; Olllce i'hone 1172 SANTA FE TIME TABLE Im ax. Furniture Repairing, jliXI'KItT fttiiiinie rei.i'riii4 und I imckiug, Wu nUo buy anil Nell ec-Jond-hand furniture. Crown Kurtolurt. t it. in n. titt'oiiil St. I'l-.onn 6 24. FOR RENT -Storeroom. Ilntill l.rii k, jr.xlva f. et. 1 location to town, for r.ti'. .'iu pe. mouth. 1 1-ik Its I'orlule. N. M. ! - rOR SALE -Antomobilea. Kolt SALK 40 bure power auloino tula. Cull 313 N. 121U ML No. 3 I 7 ( It 10 3 4 19 KM III II II : in Cul. t'ul. Cul Cm I. KITeetiva December ittiuuuu Ciua. Limited Kxprea .... . , . . ; Kuel Mall .... (Thurmlay only: tl Luxe ,. K-iIhuii.I overluiii Kxpresa I'.aMiei'ri Lxpri-K. . Chicago Limited . K. C Chi. Kx. . tWedneaduy unly: fDa Luxa SaiullilHion.l H l uao A Met E Kl Tern l'aenger I'eco Valley Kg.. Northbound- From Mex Kl P Kr.'in Kl l'o. . . . Kroni I'ecoa Val ley an't Cut-off. 7. 111. Arrlvea. I)t part. .11 Ida II :40a 00p top I0p 1 :30p II & It 4&a 7 10a I 00 Ilia lip t.lp Up I 05, I top 7 00 p S.4ip I lOp :Cap It to I lfla imp 7:00a :t0p l:40p P. J. JOHNSON, Affeni