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1 THE EVENTT70 HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, 17. K.. MOKDAY, MARCH 8. 1914. eight. 3 tr 3 0 T X X DONT FAIL TO SEE Wright's Trading Post 3rd and Gold Ave, One of the show placet of the city. Larpest Collection of GEN UINE Indian and Mexican Handicraft. NAVAJO RUGS AND CURIOS Crescent Hardware Co. STOVE S AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pumps 318 West Central Avenuo 0 0 BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON TR INTERS, BINDFJLS, STATIONERS. 203-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 Lemps Falslaff and Draught Beers are the choicest products of the brewer's art A trial will convince you. Consolidated WATCH SALE SPECIAL ON SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Mliall make a Mitaduiiilal rc tluitlun n every wnlili In mr mi Mr. Till ndiu tlon uill apply lit nil llw illll. r ii iitultc. Wal lluim, I lain. Howard. Ilamp. lni, IIIIikMh. m, and ul-ti nil lllaft'lt'l In".. Onr 1. k I- li liirgo for I In- limit of jcar Mini tin. iIMikiiii wi lmll I. 1 1 It AWdlMi; will I'luiUe u ! lm a uaii li at nIhiiii fa lory tw.t. Tal.ii niil ill liil, Our ujii'Ihk an- priced In plain du ll n ami tin iIIm-ihiiii vtc nfl.r n III I ii return nf tt mm li llllltlf) III )UI. oi: tv. sri ituw. I llli lM. . esTo RELIABLE wATCHMAKEIS & JEWELERS r 107 W (,r NTR..L AVr" A DUKE CITY CLEANERS . i ll an Imiim, ten' itt'litg. men and wo rug, curtain, tnu Bold. draperti-.. 1 rluuie 410. Promptness Oar Motto F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM ER. Ill !! I.KA0. nmai 4i ur night, tla. FAMILY I.IQUJR HOUSe V. A. .U Mi:. ITii. Suit. uini fur hau l'rlri l.linv a nil (liartiwl. OiiUl-li'.n iinlcr i.roniplly nil. it rumlii'd ItiHini hy M''k ur nioiilti on car Una. I'lHinw int. US N. ItltoVnWAY. 250 ENVELOPES FOR 45c WORTH $2.00 VIIUAUS DRUB CO, 307 West Central Thone 789 i 1863 - JhT ' n C PHONE 315 0 , -a. LOUDON'S PURE ICE CREAM 511 E. Central Phone 507 CALL 47 For Hurcel and Knggagg Delivery. Sunday ami night call, l'hoiitt ill Albuquerque rari'cl IM-llviTjr. A. II. Ivac. Scott Knight l.iti ointorivs i.kaihm. A itioi:i:h fur Iirv tear. Mokcw all kind of m Hun suit', iitheo ItiMim . .r niljii liiillilliuc. ( ttriicr Tim il hired and ('intra! Atciiiif. hill I I I.I llltl.l It s TltANM I it mm: ..inn Moving und Household 'Ii.i.Ik given apei In I attention. I'ikI att.iuge li i.iiao In l ily. Odlco un.l a-ilca mrtil 2111 tVol 'llIIHT All". IVIMIMi. l.iaiMMl I'Afi it il wi.ivi; Sull-fiu'lion In I ltcict-t. imu 1 1 1 I : it 1 1 1 Tln NiJi'iittlU lot-orator, in I 1 ul fliiiuc IIS.VI C. T. FRENCH 'I'M It l IMIil lTOIl. IMII M.MI It. Ali a at. lirCi ami ''turnl. flioni- liajr and Mtl.l. 5A0. C. II. t')M-:tL M. I- I). O. OMiiipaitiic KoiwinrtM. i ir.'Hi n curnitifi i....i..n orru "i-rp lii.ln I'hunri tii and lit THERE'S A RUN on our Itreud at Ilia prent lime tlie pulilli' la tn Klitniiii to ftml out lia niipi'1 Im Ky In tiiifte, tlmur and nut rl Ine iU ilitlm. It l pur In ull It 'n uri-illi m and tinut H'n linln j l i tua'e In iihl ulul yuuuir, i t It conta the ror- umrr im inure ihan other l.randn. We lire henl on clvlnc ai ief .1 t ! m and we nre roIhk to liirreami our tiulnin by doing It. II! I a r m m m : tuT aVmO. Itrat IM. CRYSTAL Today TO l.Mi I llii t.lll T ltl I lf HI I III. SOUTH" A iiiiil'i rnl Mi nk I'riHlm llmi CZ3 riii: mi m iv iik h i i;" rHxui Twu.llri'l i nnii'ily Urnnia. jCZZjlaf Till: I I r V Tolt limH-ily. Pictures Changed SPniHGER TRANSFER MOVE HOUSES. The Weather ni:r.r T a run I ruft paitly t Imiily. TVnluht fair: imrtti.n. Tii.-'ii".- Al.lH'glKltwri: WintlK-r f..r 24 liniirn i ndlnK ut K o'clm k tliia iimriilni:. Wiiriiii'Kl. lij 'iihl.'M 24. Itiinic. 4i. At K, 21. H"inhi'l infix; ilcur. ThliiKN Holiiit Tmilulil. ('.hrnii l' S uVlui'k M miihlr TmiiIi'. umali It.'i' I'rMli lrl ill i hiiri h S 'i In- k. AN ADVERTISING SERMON T ALK iiliimi the viihip i'f ailvrr t i mi i Whirr wi'iilil " I'ula ! hilt for the aiH.riiH I ii u Im ilrxor iiijiiiftirii (iirnlii t r The (ifiilciiirnt of Hif rnui li.iny 'Ic.ilhm in tiiln roiiiniivlltv SllOWK Hint tllf 'llitlll aa J. 'I "I hna ) n nuiniaim il nt th it Huiii" iiml that with rucIi a i.ipital thf urihii iiml pni'lt inn! n nl- nnce tiiK-iliir nr. $.9i. The Murk link u hunk Viilili- uf .over It 7. 'inn a t'haro. Try It we tnran the ii'lvertiMinn. ABOUT PEOPLE YOV KNOW TO SUbhCKllitCKH If you fall to get your evening papar, call I'OeTAL, TK'iKORAPH COUfNT. I'HONE 1. Kee'a rnnily alore. ' hone Rood nut riiriinielH, freeh tuJay. Mr. and Mr. Jamea n. Illork of Culiero lire KtieMta ut the Ktui'gea. Ktiltiiie Ki inpenieh lell Hi la iimrn 'hi; f.r lil liuiiie ut 1'i'riiltn utter Hpi-iuliiiR Kumliiy In Alliuitieriue. A 11 Hilton, nliineer lniHiiiea mnn ut Hiniiir" iiiiiiily, ranie ill fioni hm home in Han Anloni'i thia niornltm. Ml mid Mm J. M. Si'llif have re turned liume frniii h vlelt In frlinde 111 I'lnrlilii. The lliiiry-up Hoy" will u-t H yon In a I'fly AnythlnK In the drug jlne. Iliichlnnd rtiarniary. Phone SO. li. II rinhl left yeitlerdiiy for To'kii. K1111. ivlled Tief l.y tele icimmi niinoiiiM itiit the tlittli of Kiir. Mr. It. V. 1'ord. I'nur t'lirravlm; will ruin the np .r.ilMiire of the 1110MI poKtly piece of ilverwure or Jewelry. ArtlHtle en- unuiiiK In giinranleed at Itoaenw itliln. lieorKi Monty, who h:m been roii- iiei-n il with Tiioniiia liiHi.rmore, uu- ili-ruikir. f..r si'iiie time, left yes terday for hl home n New nrk. liexulur lated aeayton of Miilut Al.vad teniple A. A. o. X. M. K . nt ii'rl'ii k ti'iiiuht in Miia.'iiii' temple. There will lie amoker. W illiiiiii Miilfoiir. triiiiitiiiirtiitlon In "p.rl'.r for the Saiitn Ke with hend iinrtir here, left thin ui'irnlnic for the northern part of the at 11 It. T J 11'l.eiiry, aperuil iiRent f'r 111" (-aula IV. left l"l nlrhl for aouihern New Me in h ft ;T p ndi) the duv in AHni'(eriiie. Mr. and Mr. K. I. fliupmiin of Helen were vlnitora In All'ii.yniiie yesterday eoimng lip In attend the .-anta l'e reading, room eiitertaliinien' luMt night. There will he a regular ire l,n of Trihe I., nk Iteheknh lodce inniorrnw evening at 7:10 at A. n. I". V. hall. HiiMiieiia of linportiinee. Meinlitra and yielilng meinhera Invited. The W'oiiuin'a M laaloimrv utirlety' of the Central HeriU" Methoduit etiiireh will meet with Mr. T II V. IIk, 312 Seventh tilr.-el. Tuemluy after noon frmn I to 5 for their regular work aiM'inl I. II. Morrl". of the Jewelry depart- CLEAII UP FOH SFalaG ivrP.11 Wtirk mi Xatajti lid llraprrlra. Ituga BILL'S SHOP ( I.KAMNO AD tla U. Hettattl Ut, inKjsixo I'ltttna 40. PASTIME Today i mi: inrii it s win I l' nn rli an In num. I I T NO M s !!. TiIIr' M anil ' IA I. m mi ii: "H'Hlirtn (iiiihiH. Every Day FOR A TAXI CALL 01 f.lAUI.0 Phone 17 LYRIC THEATER TODAY'S PROGRAM "I he Diamond Master" TnliW'M .tot.ltM. tl-liilrl Tlirre-Kixl Urania. Adapted tl tint lite t.ltui Viili'l l.y .lurqiut. I uirt He. Ilelln Ailnlr l-litlnrea. "Lizzie and the Ice Man" (I r.tlal ('timed).) I It I I Ill s ( II .l. ItAII Y :.( :'T sTi Iihay. mcnt of the Itoaenw tint More, In 111 iv ing In realdenra today Troni :.:'J W'eM Cfipper uvetiue, in 4M!i Nortii Twelfih atreet, one of the new nnd very at ti utle IK'uelden Itungulnwi. Major Ciiii kI Ml era hua gone to Khrevt port, lai . to attend the funeral ut hm limther, John M. Myera. who died yeaterduy. The lute Mr. My em wiiH lueMideiit of the I.uuinlulni I'apiT 10m puny. , Mr. K. A. I'urkeri and children of iMtroil, are ill AIIutUeriiie guet nf Mr. und Mm. II. N. I'aekert lot 11 few d.ij. en route home from I'nli fornia where they luive apeni the winter. I:. H. Krvlrn. eotninlKnloner of mute taudK. iiikI Mm. Krvten. Mnlor Fred Miiiler. MIhh Hunt and Howell Kr vten motured io Ailiiuiiiertiiie from Hunt.i F yeMerday In Mr. F.rvlen'a ear. They returned hmua Lift night. Alliuiiuertti. frienda wt:l learn with rrgret of the il'.nh In ItakerKHeld. I 'ill, laM Tllur-dav of A. H. ("II in. Mr. ColliiiN wan 11 linotype operator and for aom time waa employed on the F.vening Hi raid. Ilia death re united fn.m 1111 "' ration, .liiHeph I'.urnett, owner, und Horace I". Hierinn,1 imiiiihu'T of the CryMul und Haalliiie Iheuter returned yee lerday from . enter where they huve heen neg'-tiiiting f"r new atlruettoiia for the two All'iiiiieriiie noivle houvea and uIko Insiieetlng the lcn er moving piniire aitowa In aearth of Ideiia for Mr. Hiiinrtt'a proponed new tin liter on Nuith Second at reel. It. A. Kroat. for mnny yearn an na alxtilllt (aftlirr ot l lie l'llat Natlonul hark, and one 1 f AlliuiUeriue'a miwt lii piilar young li'v li;e.n luen let! hu'urU.iv eveiinig I-oa Angele where he expe-ta ( remain perma nently. Mra. Froat nnd children had 1 x eled tti in-. "iniMity him hut were tleiained I'V lli'a-l. w.lli which lillle Mil, Kr.'H It aiitf'iniK. The airtlnl.iy of Mra. William M. HlevetiK, iialloiiiil pifrident of the W l". T I'., will he oH.cred by the lo'iil union Tuekdity afieinoon at In the parlor ol ih.i 1..miI Avenue M K chuit li. II. A. Hoi tertteld and Mra. i'haa. Kutt'.li hae hulge of the al raiigenient. An interealini progrtm und enjoyalile hoi In I hour la anaure'l, und all meniher und frleiida are in vited to attend. Thomua I'.ltnore l.u.'ey gave a largo audience an rteliilig of great enjoy ment in KIKi theater laat night lin Jer the autplec of the Hunlu Ka reading room. Mr. I.ucey la an en tertainer with few pear and every numher of hi pn. grain luHt night waa a treat. He wii (.rtunute In liming Curl Veateli, i.C the Veutch-I'orter eompuiiy. anolher reading room ul t rait loll. act ompaiilal for M-veral of hi ntimhera. The Veitlt li-roner company fpenl Holiday her, leaving lual muht for Helen. Try HERALD wan ad they bring results. t M. -t - " - - V7 .1 VT ! w ortn w niie Stationery I II III HU M OUt II MHMIIIti: IIOM IHIt 3.V- HI II IMIX CraiH-'a fluitilaml I Inen. ram-V Im in Initial. Ohl laniM.hlrc lloinl. Hrlmi-a hle. Hilt niie M il HOX Old lliiiiiH.IHrt I! I Till' Hlatlinier) ttf a t.iiitleniau.'' lull .V HI II to 4'raiie'n I anon l-Bwii (In ttlor). Ilurtl' Ijh Hiii-;i (In it.lor). fram'- lnrl Inlllal. nm n.v Hi:r. iiox CritiH't l.liien Mnn, gtild In lllal. Ilmd'a I aw net te (In rotor, gold let el). SIROKG'S BOOK STORE 'Your Money Hark If You Want It." fta983 DR. HAYMES SHIPS STOCK SALT BY T Albuquerque Man Astonishes Mail Weighing Clerks Here j With Truch Load or Ranca Supplies. Thirty or more auek of tii'l n.n aiaiied tit panel pnM, went out with tho rem of the mail on train No. li till morning. It wu jutt plain an It the coHiHe grade of the aort uaed on the range for ilt llrka. The ahipment waa aent h Ur. John l oger llanc. uf Hark View, ltio Ar rllia cuunty. in II ;!:(, N. ,M. Hark View la twelve mile off the railroad. The auek ranged 1.. weight from I 10 I'.'i pound. They rained poatagt ranging from 24 tenia to f4 teiilii. The ahipment attracted a good ileal of attention from rallr..,.d men ana puaxenger whit noticed it on a iritfii 011 It way to the haggage cur. All "ru of thing have hern going through hy iHtnel pom. hut it wn ihe flmt lime a ahil'inent of aalt In waa noted. k SEEMS GOOD TO Owner of Bier Golden Rule Store Back from Month in New York Says Confidence is Returning. J. A. Weinman, owner of the t'.oldtfii Hole lity (looda More, returned lal nlgiit troni a month In New York City where he ha heen engaged chlelly lu buying good for hi log Alhii'iuer-iue Mole. Mr. Wa.ninan aald Inia morn ing that he waa unuaually glad to get hark to Aihuiiuc niue and the aun ahine. He wa caught in the great ollaxard which purulyaed Nua York laat week. "I am alwata glad to get back home," aald Mr. Weliimaii," hut 1 am more than uaually (lad to aee the aunahlne. I wa In New Yorg during tho whole of the tog bhzard and hav never een an thing quite to compU-le 1111 the of l int great el'y. Kuow aimply blot ked tratllc and ul luoat entirely rtopped buatiieag. It waa an expt-rlente I would na have mlt td, hut 0110 1 would nut rare to re peat and that waa not pleant. foi.i ernlng the hualnt-aa outlook, I' ahould any I nut it la dlatmetly good.'; tw York, a every one kuow, haa; hud a. period of depreaalon, and un- lei tiilnly haa het 11 largely reaponaiala ( fur It. Firm ihe buaiiiea intre:( were fearful of the ttTect uion Ihe: country of the lai tlT, then the cur. ( rency law. and laat Ihe piendenrt triiHl leglxl.tllon program. They hat gotten all uter their flight about the tariff', are more than pleuaed to hat the currency iiueatlon aettled, and I 'HI, not think much fear remain concern-1 Ing any pataihl auiowatd edeol from the tiuat nieaure. j 'The reault la a return of confidence und an opening of vaulta which will' mean period of devolopmeni all over the country. To me, and from all I could learn from prominent htiaineaa men, Ihe outlook la rtinaidered very Kttiafactory. "Tha beat Indication of my on view of Ihe bualne outlook. Ilea In lha fact that I bought the largtat atock nf goodn I have ever dolus I hate bucked my optlmtalic lew of the alluattun." I'hon I, nd nara, for flral-claaa hack W Trtmblg A Co. Ill W. (Topper and carriage. Try a HERALD wait Ad ( PARCEL BUSINESS OUTLOOK L Plenty of Signers to Petitions ' in Practically Every Pre I cinct in the County. UNIVERSITY WINS I DEBATING CONTEST Report for First Week Shows That Saving Bank System it Success in the Grade Schools. Clrculntlon of petition calling for a Kpeclal election tin the cuunty high echuol qiieaiiiin waa atarled In In old Atiuitieriue tliatrict today. Men hired hy the directum are taking the paper from houae to houae. I una much na the diatrlet aend more pu pile to the city high at hool than any other tha alaning of tho petitlona i expectetl to be general. The reception accorded Ihe pell tlona thai have heen turned In ao fur Indicate that the cnmnilaaionrra will undoubtedly b. lenulied In cull an election on the arhuol iiueatlon In Alainedn, Iia I'udlllaa nnd I'lurlcl No. 2, from which return have been received, many more than the nece aury 20 per cent of the vulera reudily algned. The Indication that the county la dealroua of voting on the high at hool iiueatlon 1 al rengt hened by the fuel that the tnree dtatrict are ut th j county limit, and lend only one pay pupil to the city high chol. Ilatrlct that aend pupiln to the high achool In mi in hern are txpected to be even more Intereated in putting Ihe iiueatlon lo a vote. In view of Ihe fact that aignuture In lavor uf the election lire obtained ao reudily, It la felt that in Ihe event of 11 vole ihe propmtltioii will cer tainly carry, innamiu h a a hair ma jority of til" voir cuat 1 till thai la required. t'ounty ?4iipcrintrndcnt Montova hopca lo hae pelttiona algneil by the lie e.iaary I'll per tent tit t In- county volei in time to lay ihein before the totinty coiiiintHHloiierH at I lie Apr. I meeting. In that event the election would he held In May. Satliign Hank ScImiiii' Mi'iced. SucicMt ol the aitvinRit bank avateio in the public a hieila was indlratt d by Ihe llrat week, t 'lie liiifidr.-d und twenty-tile pupil wer0 tit poaiioi bv the end of laat week, und superin tendent John Milne txpcctMthe num ber alinoKl to double during tho prca enl aehuol week. Ijiat wcek'k d.-poallA ranged from a cent to :t. Thirty tent wu the average. The money gov into the vaulta uf the American Trual and Having bank. I MHtMIY WINK l in:iiiii; (TIT The t'nlveralty o New Mexico team I won 1 hi' debute w .th the A. M Col lege. The Hurt judge were iinunl in the opinion Hint the 'titlnliy deliulcr had prtsenit'd Ihe negative aide of Ihe ilt-Mion regarding the deairitbillt) .it minimum wage I'K.a luiion for women riiore convincingly than Ihe v In. tola 1,1 Kurd fi r the al tlrinative The d bale wan held in the I'reahv lerimi thiin h Satui'd.iy nighi. ami it large nudlenre, rom poacd mainly of udheienl of the t na, enjoyed it. 1 he debut., win Kpirited. and punc tuated by frequent iipphtuae. Th(. A. A M. team ncquitied iiat If with credit, bating Ihe buttle by only n ahade. The Hlule College team wa miitle UP of Mlaa Until lay, Hlchurd lluven und Kdwaid W harton. The vb tor loim 'vnraily ill hater were l-alle llalknea. Fred Calkiiia and Willutiii J. Illggina. While the Judges werr delilieruting. the I'lilveralty glee cliiti. under the direction of Mlaa Mi Fie, preMented a I delightful miiMlcal program. The Judge were Hon. (leorge 8. KI'h k, Hon. Neill II. Field and Judge F.d waid A. Mann. MfillT W IKNH, ItiH.I. ' XtV TOT l-"4 IM Inrrenaed attendiinee at the night hool Inat week (Welled the reglat ra tion In 133. Arrangement have been made to In' reaae the faculty lo wha' ever glue Ihe atleiiduiee JUHllfiea. If the demand arlaea fur them there will be teacher for aa many pupil aa the Central building acuta. fl FOR THE COUIIIY Superintendent ' Montoya In stalls first of New Machines in Las Padillas Today Bond Issue Carries. County rWio.d Ktirt'rliitendeul Alu naalu Jdotiloya today Itiatalled In l-" Hadlllna. achool diatrlcl .N.l. . Ihe first of the aclmol talking machine, recently ordered for r'-lieral hm III lleriialillu rotilily'a d'Mrtrt g. IiooIm. The mm I11110 and a number of It pedal record wa tried nut wllh complete ant lf act ion. The record Include achool aong of ull klnda, adapted to the Vurlotia grade and In cluding comb , claicab g. pull lot Ic aong and inuatcal eneniwa anil iha rounty auperlntendent and teat her nre delighted with Ihe flint of the machine, expect log it to pove of advantage In t iicoureging gchoo) niualr. They will be of ad vantage alxo In enterluininriila. The talking machine are to be In- HIGH SCHOD ASSURED TUG ICilES SCHOOLS I 4 l k -f oaVes, A v; hart 11 BOYS CLOTHING We have the most com plete line of Boys' Knick erbocker Suits, Norfolk Styles ever shown in this city. Some with two pairs of trousers. $4. 5. 5.50, 6, 6.50 and 7.P0 ths suit. Young Men's Long Trou sers Suits $1.50 to $10.50 Mail Orders Delivered Free. E.L.Washburn Company ISS ft. Second. lit V. Cold. Mulled lii u'l ihe coiinly 10 lioohi a rapidly u p. I 'I ' -. Several tudei bating been placed already. Ill I. itio wii.i. iiwr M V Mllool. Itl ll lllMi In die apet ial I 011. 1 e lei Hon held III In I I:. 11 . hool iil.-lr;r Huturday lb" entire population tinned out lo vote and the 4 1. null bend iwuc lor a in tv Heboid liiilldinu wa ra-ried tinau1 inoiixly. PYTHIAN COMMITTEE MEETS TONIGHT The . on. null' - charged wph col lerimic tlata for pi eventiii ion lo Hiti ailpl'i me I . " i K ot III Ivlllght of I'v 1 In, i r- .u.l iik lite iidvaniacr of the AliiibiierfU.' d atrlct aa a aito for the ptopoaed Ktnilurliim. did not complete It liii-tltieae aa enpeeted tear-rday The meuibela will meet totiluht. Htipr.'me Keeper of ltecord Whenlon, to whom Ihe data will ha turned ovr. la rktire(j in Alhuqiier que tomorrow in attend the eluaa in iiliiliotia to be held tomorrow and Wednesday. 1 4 Notice to Our I Customers Voihe a hcrrliy given llutl (lyilc I.. Himjcvy., etlai fiMnHTly repreet iul i In the Tlllllll ltll. I imi liHigcr In our I'm doj. Our wagon will twil iiiutl umii tti-totncr In iliat dltlrti-t. KUBBS IMM GO. I'lltf!. III. TOR.IO There's a lot ol difference be tween Torio Lente and Flat Lengea benidea their elitht extra cott. They giv you extra viaioa and extra comfort They are better looking, too. Come anil aeo ua about Tone Lenaca. LENSES We supply the SKILLED SER VICE in FITTING GLASSES without which the most ex pensive lenses are worthless. C. il. CAR oiToMrrniT. 114 W. Central. Phone 452. iMES