if 0t?P a
It In lio HMtAMl. Mil- tvntm a
irmnth nr IS crnU wi'Tk llrllverrd
I jour tlNr; (in jr emu by auall.
. . WA
Vol. I. No. St.
ol. I o. I
iea seov.
ill nun nnun!
EHfV Milan
II ft I 1 1 llyl II
I 111 HI I I I I I I
19 II I Mil II
III I lal) I LU
Rebel Array, Well Provisioned '
and Equipped Sent to Meet
Enemy in Long String
Said That Bandit Proposes to
Shut Off All Wire Com
munication Until After the
IH Um-0 Wlri- iu K'iiMik Hi-mid.)
luurij.. Ahk.. .vurth II Auihori
Uiint1 aiiiioiiiii mi ni Kim uuiuv nuic
imc mu union thai lit'iK-ml Viliu
liml It'll I hili un mm iifioiu Uuvtii,
moving iiouih lonrl Tiirrcuti.
1'tiu iii-mii oi Ui-m ii'l ui d'pHi
lure. Hlihi'i'Hil lanJully fiuur-JuJ
KM' I " AilXU'HIl I'llUIUl. '
la mil UK inaiiuliliH ll" ll'i' UMKaull
vii Torivtiii viuulil ( Kin m uiic.
TIiiih lunilliur with the tuitu of
lh- r,-i-l li-nUvr irt-limt't. Unl In
vmjuIiI lint Ui-luy I lie mUh k ultirr
iiiufciiitf m firm inuvviiH'iil lunar a Uif
o u i h .
This Ltllif burnn out liy thv
rlKiil tulinrnphit cc nm.mhip. huh
Viilo limluulvd Kl t'luliuohuk lu
ly 11 no. itiiil lliu iiKHiiiin of rust
i nml iimflr. iirobttlily Ih orilrr lo f
cure ull ukttiiiil'li- t-MUipiiiL-ni fur h
lluop rnoM'IIK'llt tu lllll koUtll. Till:
mu in n lM l urni), tioni-vur. hn liven
If 11 in pomtiun for the iilim k (or
i-mim! unit hhii-i- thv rmmn
of lh- iinbiitK'i on in mill ion of um,
li.m l.nn Kill miiiiiunlUon'il nml
JiiKumi-nt olfiilHlii hrri' Hppnri-nl-ly
tv-r- li H iminrHlit of VHIh pluim
or mux -tni-nlri thr- piiMiv, rignl
tuiil t.i-in Ihu I'lnliiilK'i on nil nrn
Imiri tin- Koiiih. KiulniHil ti-li-Kruph
I. lu x ttirn tin luili-il in tin- -nH..nhip
nil w l-nii nun pi. ii i d upon all codu
or piriB-nBl ihckiihv.
m:uv i tm im:
Juhrea. Mex.. Mari-h 17. Klmd
retiKoinhip of tilriiliiih anil Hie -in-piiifinn
of nil Millrimd Iriiffli- smith
of the hnrdir prevented the receipt
of any new from the Torreon dm-irii-t.
An f.r n w made hnim ly
offli'lllla here there ha a In en no
fiuhtiiiK a limit the Invented illy. In
Huraent olfu-ialii here di-i llni-il to miv
whether Ovneral Villa remained at
h I him linn City or hud ill piirt-il. nn
wnn rumored.
The nionoplnne whleh Villa had
ordered ent until l nni-e la l.elnu
repaired here, and will mil he ready
Boys and Girls
Here's Your Chance
See The Circus Free
The Kvi liiim Hi l.ilil wr.tnln eM ty
In.-' and Hill III Alniiiif ritir und
vnlnily tn ra-e Ihe Kfirtl Pelu-Cliitn
.-hiin ftee. Many iHim.it arfonl I'm
irlie. T'i thee the Kniiinn ller.ud
i-flert a flee admliuiinii lu kel If thiy
wilt mt ope new tnili". i iii-i to the
l:eiilna Heriild. In.nl In adkani v lor
um- month at lift) t-entu per month.
The etilMH-rilier imut he hoiia tide, In
lu- delit ered at annie addrt-wi where
Hie paper la not now gotntl.
The p-ella rioto Mhnw, !1 be In
AlliiHileriiiie M.inh JKIh T;ie par
ade will he III the forenoon, and lin
ineiliHtely after the parade The Kteti
Inn II. laid will (Ha an nd.nlaaloii
tit kel. wiy th 1 1' enty-nve i-i nta, lu
i vei y hoy or Kil l w ho hua an uli.d one
In w null rllu r who U paid lu udinme
Inr al h aal nun month. The II' kel
will ie glien out at Ihe tiuniueaa of-lltt-
of The KMlllll. Herald al l:t
Nortll Wern nd alreet.
A b ?C i m
for to dnya. It waa hiiiinn tlml
V 1 1 In hud planned in uw the m-ro-
I plnnr III the Hamuli on Turrenn.
I huh ixploalve bomhe or the eonlnc
type Kill lie employed hy l'iiiluln
Allirtn Hullnna. awalnr.
Wll.l, M il' ItU'K M WH
x ni, aiti:ii iivm.i:
V I'n-n. Te . March 17 II li
regarded UK prni'tH nPv ri-rlnin lh.ii
I Oi in rul VIIIh left 4 'h Di unit mi Inline
I I., dii.i t til imnpp aaniitpt Turrenn.
IThe rrtipnrphlp mnlil"nlv nrnm fepei-
H Ititl 1 thin murtiing mid official
in Jtiurcg iiciinen 10 ling won new p.
piiper tmn I. lit Americana with btii-
""" 'mere! on the other able of
Ihe rl er brought bark wi.rd Hint
minnlcd hiIuiIppIuii I.f trmac III piipt-
1 1 Ion lii know. Indirute Ihiit the lilt
movement nf troops ha begun, nml
k... !... . .. .. . i A .....!. ....... I.f.
I a r"pri wiim rnrrrni mm w'n"T"i.
i - 1 1 I imn him ill 1 1 it'll in I fi 1 1
.f' n itin(itit( ht'P off tin w ire lilt 11
nfl'T thi" liiilll"'. ulthoiiKh h- wiiiiM
iriki" n m rfirrppiion'li'lili nllh
Mm to Hip front nml hoiiIiI nllnw th"
piorv lo ! writlfn nlmiit the liil
(V Thrr hub tin i-onf irimit Inn of thi
rIMirt pxrifit Ihi- frl Hint no irf
ilVimiihi-ii rro rfrr-lvpil lai-l tilijht
or tinliiy.
Illfated St. Louis
Building Claims
More Victims
Three Women and Eight Men
Caught Beneath Falling
Wall of Ruined Missouri
Athletic Club Today.
llty lrjrA tri to P-venlr.c flprald.)
ft. IjiuIk. M .ii ill 17. Tliri-o llirlr
and Nix to rmht men wire (auaht
miliar thi- wi-ki knll of thn MiK..url
Aihli-tli- i lul. Iiuil liuir wlil. li w Up
IH'i.i h lire a vii-rk nan. whin it
wun lilow n jv-r thin uft.-i rionti unit
fin on thp iiinf h fniir-Htni'v
I'uiIiIiiik oicupiid hy I he r-t. Kmilti
.-ri'i i olllpiill.v.
Three i f th- five were Wnini-n
Thi-ir naini'K weie aivi-n h iiffli-ern ot
the rt. IjOMIh heed cuinpiitiy iim fol-
h"a.' I. SI N 1 1 K 1 1 M A X.
mi i.i .:i:n m iii:hmax.
MAC Ml HI.llKISr.il.
It ii I lii t fii t'nniinliiMlon-r Mi Ki-lvi-y u
Hhnlt tlliie hefure tin ll;ttM ufili ri-'l
the liii men em a lit mK l.n ruhia I"
tlie Tin tnlniiti'H luier the w ill I'll
William Kolilinrf. nn t-iiiiloi- ol
the M-eil Miiiipimv. iluiiht to a third
niiirv window mil until itwiu-d h
Ijiter three of the yoiinx woimn
Wert- tnkeii f i oir) Ihe ili-lirix. i nil)
one of them wnf Heriotmly lit lured-
ieorKe . .i ihiild or Wnli-rioo,
III . a imniher of the Mimnnrl Ath
lillr rluii. and J. K. KU of Mount
V i l nmi. III., were drmiMi d out ilo
ISoth were hurt hIIkIhIi. Three men
einpliiven of tht a'ed ttuiit'iint
ernwltd oui of the Mi'eikuue litlli'
'. A H.mim. hi-ail of the rontriii--Unit
i iiiniiin repiilrinif the neeil eoin.
pull)' lull 111 i ria. Kalil hi- entlld ai't'nunt
fnr only k lit of Ihe eiithli en men at
work in the huildlmc.
Representative Barthold of
Missouri Comes Forwara
With Cheerful Plan to Pull
It Off in Washington.
W JULili VC lUL OvHUiUti
Carranza Shows Growing Ten-1
dency to Be Decent in Rela-'
tions With Diplomatic
Agents of the Government.!
(11) 1.1'uM'il Aiiu iu '..viiiIiik I lei aid. J i
WaiiliiiiKtiiii, Mini ll 1 - A tnnlur
tllie lit lel'lt-pelilulitek of Ihe wuf
I lIlK MeXli iill lacln.l! 111 Vl uninllKlnll
Ulliier tile liuppa-ea ill the t lilted
Mati-H wan priipom d in a repoluimli
l) in iie-. iiuU.n Laithnnll ot Mia-1
aoun. one o i tin- inlet iiaiioiiul pt-ucw j
i-oliiminpiotli l a lit t'i'llgl etu.
Mr. ll n llimiH a ix hiiuiioii reiiieHta j
till- pleaiill lll In tut He I epl eaelllutlt t' I
nl llie iiuel ta giji el lillit-lll. Hie l uliali-j
lUlininiiiNia anu oilier li-Muutioini, ) i
leader to meel li'l al u cany
a uuie it a la piuttiiiioie.
AnlnniKh mere waa no authnrll)
fnr IMf kialelll. 111. oilier Infill fieru ol
the houae w Inr liatt. In-en in loucii 1
with Hie alluaiiiili were oi le opimoii
trial Hi-plem-ntiitiVe I ail I llnlOt plan
Would Le leaaroed -vith Invm uy fv-
II D.IK. Ill ('ll' U nl I'lll III III lllax,
till ! "I. .1 liiilal.it, und Whu hi
oei-ii laleiy wau.ug to ail a m-uniitf
lielolt- the mil. rle IhiiImIi lelatlolia
i iillliiilttet' to pinpnite hia peiite plalin. j
Ihe llitllllnlili reraillllmn wniiill pro- I
Hue thai l'le meetiuka ol the Jut&i-
run i niiii ii'i' wnn in i,e Held iu Hie
1'n n-Aim t n an I li nn IiiihiIiiik unit
im a Id upi'inpiiiitu l.'jivo lor ttx-peiipi-H.
' .Nn one van tell whether ni plan
will lie net i ;.l.llie In tin' Wallliu liu
tlnlla III Mexlio. liul I Jll.l'U' 11 tu Kl!
noiili tlir i hurt, unl Ki iiM iila-
l 1 V I ' HlMlllM.ll
"Klin it im- ptipldiiil, in (he etent
uf the piiPKiiie ol my repululioll.
"Il'iunl tail in li ih irTnrtM tn run) out
Um oiijei'tr., parti failure would neviT
lie lo our dititiedit. in ihe t mitral)
the mere al tempi wouitl, in my Jutlg
lli. lit. thallitiue the uppl ol'iti loll uf
1 ' ' l B7IIU. I
l'.UltJN. MIOWV t.UnWIM;
I I .V Ill'.St III III , III X I AT '
Kl I'iipo. lex., .'l-uih 1. - Ihu lu- I
ti.raiili- reaiilt i.t neani uitlniia he- (
tween the alute iii-pariiiif ttl and lieu-j
er.il iniiaiiiu over Ihe pi otet-tioii ot
foieianeiH waa made e itli-nt today j
w hl-ll tieorKt l larnthela. ppei'lal
HMeiil ol the department ot atute, waM
invited In he pren nl ul the triul h
a inilltai) iiiuit hi Juarex of Jumea'
l.n gun. an Anu rliaii m uio. rharaed
hy the t'. l'i l with In iiik a tetlt tal
i urolhera went in Juari-x early in
the tlat und it a a t inn leuilHlt teielted
ut lueiiiiieiM ol ihi. tourl. line ion-
i'-plon ill Ihe l.owan eaee t'nie.ea ex
ai'tly oui' iii'inth utter Ihe KilliiiK of
William f. Iietiti.ii, a llrlt.ah piilileil.
who, it la Haul, nnt niily hud no t'lianee
to aiieal to repl epelilal It ea of li ill
(in el iimeiil hut wua alani without
li nil.
II lu hnped that ( nrl inia a inm-
tlllHPInlt W till h la lilt I Hli.iliha i in'
litlltnli r.tne will hp ready lo report
to iieiierul i iii i an, i upon hia ariitui
ill Juare next .-iiinlii) ,
AslllM. IHX 11 S WOTIII It
I'llllMI-ii: I ItOM Kli
Wnpliinutiiii, Manh 1 i Another
priiiiiiee Iioiii i'iiirarija tn real-et t
folelKll life atid prnpelly Waa le
rei e.l imlay ihniiiKh i nn-ill r-iiupii h
nl Noa.tlea I'artuiiji li.in tiiKtiuited
(ii-lleliil llnnnalea o perlllll 1 r. r'er
aiiMin, an A ; i---. n heiil iu Ki.m.ia.
In nuinilt with Ihe lu an nl Ami in nil
A i e port from Hear Admiral
Kli-ti her. i iiiiimaniliua the Ameiti an
H'lll.nllnu lit the Huif nf Mexli'o, aaV
tna Ihe riinpt .1 ul lotia lieta hate it--
Ml-nyed pilln,.-. und lilitlii d till' w.iter
mifkii aet en itiilea front Tuiiiiuvo, per
plexi d ortii-iiilN heie uet aune of liie
biek of ilelmla.
Hear Viliiut.il Unwind reported
lolldllt.ina on Ihe weal loaat IIM ull
i i.n ned.
MliXIIO lli:l!.- III' MIMK
HI'lIlslM. -'i lIIMS
Mexli o i lly. M.iri li 17 The MeX
lean fnreiKll nftti-e ulinnlilii-ell today
that there waa a liki-plnmd thul
Judge lieoi-ae lirav ot Wilmington.
I tel., and let. hard iiluei formerly pee
relal'l of Piute, nf ItnHtoll. woulil lill
Mexu o to inteptiaate i iittdllioiia here.
Ji.xe l...u x rmlilln v Knlap. the lm
e Ik n miniHti r, anl thai aitu e the tun
men named would he ui'iiiia mily In
an iiieitili'iui manner, ihe M'Xliani
fnteimeiit would tie llud lo nteite
Jinlai' 4. ray Surprl-ril.
Waphipimi. yialili 17 -Judae (ll.it
wua auii'i'iped ut the newa i-i,ntt-)pd
in Ihe diaimii h In. in M. xl. n City. It
waa Ihe in-l be bad heard of n limta
t'l pend him tu alexieu lo llitepliaale
rnmlilmiip theie. he put III. nml lu Ihe
aliM tu v of in Im in, i mu mi tlie aubjei't
de lined In iltacuaa li fur-
Nil a ulllllKo.
VhIiiiikiiii, Munli I. S hill
IIiiumh hi lit tula nml iiiIhth lure ilf
linn-il they know ihhIiuih hi m m
Imrull In l-cnil JuiiHu lira)' mill Mr.
i 'lin y lu Mt xn o.
Hi, lUney.
ItoHlnn. Mmrli 17 When Unhnrd
t w.i old tod i) of the report
from M mu 1'ily Hihi h.. nilKhi an
Menieo to InveHtiKiite i-ofnl it mna
there he lllUKhed Ill-Ill I il .t till Hil'll.
"Thul In abniit Ihe iimt iidittilotia
thinic thai 1 have hrmu tor u Intia
lime. 'J 111" m Ihe flint I luive heard
nt It. I huif. Iieur tniiieiiipluteil
KoliiK lo .Memo. l'mi inn make HI
iiiniirtliliid it ml alwii!tile denial."
4 linrue I mliie lilflui'lli r.
Kl Pllfo. Te . Mitlell li. Vcrhuli
charueH were tntiili imlay In the,
'luted Htiiti'H eiiiiiiiiif.Niniier'H t niii t .
that la ml nt. Inflm-nee had tn en i xer-
i iMi'il tiinn a wit mna in lite i aei- of!
Ihe I inled Hi a I en UK.illiM .M.KUll l'le.1
In. I.I, fi deriil iiiiiHiil ni ii. r, 1 1 nn the'
i liorder, ii ml three oth-r M-xhitn of-!
Ill-inli of 1:1 I'iihii. Ihe preliminary:
Iheiirina waa pimtpotieil until the mirui
I niK W'ltiieta eoiild he Inruled
I The Rnvernmenl nHintny lodiiy
j iiueatiinied u wltneHii reitardlttf- the'
' i i Ha pea m n 1 1 of one ot tin i ivht .
I Mexli Mltn w liom, t tun t'lialKi'd. had
! tieen enlleted ut Kl I'.ien lor aert Iro ,
i in Mi x n o.
llui-MM Mlnl-tir tJiiila.
Mexli o l itv, Mart h 17. II w.m le
pnrti d today that t,' uernl i .Mnheno.
minlKii.r of i-otiimeri a and lanor, waa
0""111 """"" fr""' ''"""
Japi Vlit lexlit 4lty.
Mexlio I'lty. Mai .-li J A tuitty
1 1 if Htxteen ottli-era ami mi-it from tin
.ljlIHlH'HP rt
; M.tirrUiiiillo, i
rtniMer 'd'.iimo, now at
aiilved tp'l ii nn a piLht-
eeem lrli lo the f. .leral euiunil.
They expeet In relurh lo the Idxumo
lifter a few ilaR' ala.
C. 0. P.
George W. Perkins Likens
j Chancel of Oid Leaders to
Those of Congested Atmos
phere in Hades.
Efforts at Coalition Sharply
Blocked by Open Letter
Which Refuses All Compro
mise in New York.
. .. . . . . I
1 1 iy ia-wa-"n vara iu cvminn nriiu.i
New York, Mil nil 17. The pnHi-
Hmi nf New mk elate I'liitirepHitea in
nplmpltnin tn all) toilllltnll w:tll t He
Iti 'pnldP it iim la expreaaed in u letter
atKiied hy Uioiu.. VS. I'erkma uti'l
liniilv- puiilii' Imlay
hy Ihe I ri'KfeK-iit'e
plnle rommittee. Mr. 1'ei kiliH uil
dtefxed Ihe letter In I'i-nf. Kledelt''k
M. Ililtenpnlt of 1 1 1 111 I H i II lolleae.
Ai-riiiiininltiK the letti-r la tinnthi-r
Planed hy li. II. ri.illipa. who Ih ii'tnitf
Piute t halrmall dul'llltf the ahpent'e nf
Themlnr- ioui4l.ip Kohineon. Mr.
I'hllllpa aap:
"Thia puta nt list nil iinrertiiinty
rip tu our ptand nn to KitiiiK up the
fmhl up u li nai i KI.IVI- pnrtt ."
.l ii k i li at ol -li. I he tellua the el
folta of UepiltilP a UP to Wiu'U up pome
anrl of uf a pi heme by whli h I hem
would he harmnti.' hetwe.-n the lle
piil.liiiina and Ihe rridtrei-aiYep llil"
full. Mr. I'eikltin fata:
-'I'.very iia'. It :u ema to me. iiiHkea
it more nml mme plain thai we are
tu fnr a kn. i k-ilmi ri and drati-nut
f - X; tl t till llln nv tin- line. Cenili.ili all
li idera fail rutin ly In lei i-Knl-n the
I rettif ndoiiH i-hitiii.'i thai have i-niiu
iilaiul 111 the thi.ii.-hta ol the penlile
hp ti reault of tin- mlahiy ei nlui loll
th.it hua he, ti inuli-r Wiiy In rei ettl
yenrp. and tlu'r.. in no more rhHti'e
of their old hailir or old prim iplP"
ever aicu1!! henu; iipiilU-iilile to nur
people l liu ll I In 1 1- la fnr u Pimwliall
In p'ii vlve In ll.nli p.
"W hetiet ei- um pee any Intimation
i trade or dial .r pympathi" with
he l:eiublti .ins. I hope tun will pwiii
it nml let up kiiottu itnttii here Pi
l tun we inn li t .i-iaut whin- you hit
ll before.''
(ll Ia-atp-Hl Wire lo irmiln( Herald.'
Ilalilnx. N f-. Mun li I ;.- Tin'
pteumer I'lty of -vilney, .. w York Inr
.-t Jiililip. N I' Ii on ihe Im kt at
ainliro. a few nulia from here. Hhe
pi l in k duilnu a itenee low lo,l.i mid
water in her nnki Imld put out Hu
hl'ep. Mie rail hp l number nf pu
kenaera. The tun li., aeiu.it y rr.ii he, the
atriimli-il pieain. i iIuiiiik the nml
and imiiiediaieli li"k o!f rleteu
paa -
penaeip and pari of Ihe i lew. Tlie;
It. null!. it) e,,,lliil by Win leap that!
the ritilni')' wan in a bud ponitiun and
likely lu be ,i I..I..I lupp.
Hy Ia-aaiNl Win to r,enln llcfubl
lu-nter, M.mli li -li-rmii, llie).
fu?.a, the loiui Hinl liiputiinre .irnai-r
who abut hiiiia, if yeaierduv ut the
huiir Pet for Iiip Dial on ,-l,,ugea ol
fuini ij, on, r-1 : 1 1 -til ni'ieh liniuiitrd
Imlav. rhypiii.iiip Hunk he will re-ruver.
the judge
I her.
SI (Ell BY
Minister of Finance Caillaux
Resigns from the French
Cabinet as Result of Wife's
Rash Act.
Hinted That Figaro Editor
Had Improdent Letters of
Woman Which He Had
Threatened to Use.
(Hy Leaped Wire lo 7eiilii-r Herald.)
I'urlB. Mureh 17. The Kreip-h i-ah-lln
t lodiiy th i nli il to retain nfilco
In piile ot the repiKiuition ol Jnpi ph
1 "ii il lit UK. mitilHler of finaiii'e, w hnpe
wiIp )'ptirilay apHHPnlnuted liuHton
ii I ii i 1 1 . editor of l-imrii. I'uilluux
appi ari d ul Ihe mlnl-itry of finuiue
for u lew ii 1 1 ii ut ia thia iiiiniiiiiK iu
order In illpiope of peteral in Kent nl
faiip of ih luu l nn in IiupIiii-pn. Ha
tailed Into hip private nflue peverul
o.' the mlniptry und Infnrmed Ihem
t,f hip repiKiiatinti. The itihiipii r waa
ex' remely itept epped.
Allhntih tailllutix Hum cnnMidi-i ed
Ihe HtronKt'Pt und mopt luflminial
member of the i iiblin-l. hia eoleaKue-i
ifi iel inilli il tn it. eept hip rettintinlion
ii ml re-nraatiim- the varlotia portorn
In. a
Ketto ll'-noult. hitherto mlnlater of
the Interior, will heroine minlptrr of
fimim-e. I.nulp M alley. niinlHler of
loniinerei-. will piueeed Itiimult tii
linnipter or the Interior. Itanul 1'e
re deputy from Vienim and under-i-en-lary
of the Interior, will breotnu
iiiiniMier of iiiiiiiiiene.
Madame I'aillanx. who eatiped lhl
lipheatal in r'ntuti pnlitfenl life,
meanwhile p fit. I.iixare tirlpnn.
tier hnpliand todav took nn nffeet.
I'llt hate .,r the of-lriulp of Ihe mln
Ibfry of flnune.
Aeiiinf on iiirnrimitlmi t-rlvrn In'
Madame I'mllatix. the pnlni tnd.-iy
took iiiippeppinn of Ihe wirlotip pn
Pits In the ottue nf the rdilnr of
iriirii. It In iimlerptnod thai nmi.nn
th. pe paperp Here tarlollp letlera
it i it. en l,i ,. i-aill.nix In hip prrpent
wife h.fnri- they turn married nml
while fche v :- Ptill the wif,. ,,f ,,.n
rlaretie It ly i-ini rally atippoer1
Hint Madame I'llllalix ll.nl reerlved
tin i nl i inn t i. ii that Palmefte wan
ul. mil i.i put, hph t M'Me htierp nml II
wn thia that led her to nilriek hltn
Calmelte waa a ,ltl,r politieal fne of
The ehamher of drpnt'ep openPil
with otilv fifteen mi-mlierp In Ihnlr
atulp. Home hiniilr-da nf i, (hern
ppeiie their time In the l,.l,l,iip (,,
ciimmirii.. ri.imiH ilisi-upiiina the eltu
alliin briiiiKhl nhniit l,t- tl,,. napnaplnn
tlnn of M I'almett,.. AlthouBh t
w-iia r.-Kiinled hp tll.-t-'nil t hold the
euhmii In Biie ttav ii..i.il,,. fr
Ihe crime i.r Madame I 'a il In ux. vet
Ihe nptii.rtumly wup aeixed In- nppnn-i-nl
nf ih.- i nbuil t tn ilriu, uni e M
f'lllll.lUY und hip tlaaoelnti a The
ndherenlp of the ei.trrnment were
Pomet. h-H rl -mri-. nr,,., n,l ,1 'ntila t ,.,1
pelttiin, t, nf , mini h. , ronfidenee
l.i I lie iimilMlrv he'mr ubl
in re-
ln nn- i
ib'tu-e of
phiuip' id
it nf the oppnall Intl.
I'"' plrkeU were pl-leed
ilni'v ,.f the private rial
M I'a.lliiux 'n Ihe r!iw At-
.Vein III., ti, order to pre
tent ileiiii!ni-trjiti',iii
A Kriuip of ptinlrntp from the T.al
In .iiinrter iiut.iile.l tl,.. .tre.ta tmbiv
iiii.i all. iiite, i i,-:,in. Caill
al, ,1,. t
lim! I he
A I I Ki ll V 0 N
I'arip. Miifili ; A .mi,ik woiu.tn
alnaer iiapaulieil N'utiir Auaaaiieui.
tlii plexlileill uf the I llalll ,, 1 of ,,.pj
utieM, as he was iii, mu t., i,p(n ,ur-
Ilalnetll Imlay. M n h IX, itellielil waa
i-iiiipi-u lit ihe u'tai k. ouiiik to Its
llllppi till, a Kn Piuill niter I lie HHPiiHPI
llalll, 11 I.f Inlrlnll I'llllllltl,., rdltnl of
M tim.iKiii'iir. whu I" h deputy
Irmil the Kin. lie ,li ia 1 1 ni in , tiua ell
lel'IMg the pal Iiiiiiii i,t ,tl ,,r (he hi-k-
piuti. wnn ii waa j n -1 ready In
wlim the a 1 1 in I; ,., , uned' Hi
Hlllllll una i. rr..l ...I
hut vtaa biter pet
lut liberty Th,. in,
I linn dill In. I lii-enll.e
i"i t e l it In r in -.'
km.ttii M Ail
Hiiliil i.ilu,l i,,,. i
rha in lu f.
Kaaneor la
the pepaiuu
lY IV (UM.UI.si,,
Met at liiioii.
Iielaleil peimimi bilia und liter
and hall. or upprnpriaiiuna.
Jiuluiary roinmii ! ronferrt-d on
report on the .Mi I x run, it rhurites in
' 'b.- I. .l.l.i lute-,; man,,,,.
l InlerMale t-oinl-ier 0
i nmmlttie
tiink ttpliimiiiy In
ma pi li e t xu.g.
f.uur of a ui In, i ix
laapt-d Wire in I v'iilng Herald.
siiiHiin.iit. in , Manh li - 4
rue origilulling nil ine Wuler
IrnfM bile pul it thteutt'lied Ha-
t iilllllilllH W liolep.ile il-atrnl. e
I'lai'lli ally Hie whole Hie de-
pai'toietii mid n,- bi-ula are
fiphtina Hie fi.tmep. 4
College Hall, Largest Building at Famous Institution foe
Women, Totally Destroyed by Early Morning Fire Sup
posed to Have Had Origin in Spontaneous Combustion,
in Labvatory; Not a Life Lost; Damage Will Total Mil
lion and a Half.
-y I4-MM1I Wire to Kiriilii."! lleriilil.
Wi IIi-mIi' . Man., Manh I i. Two w a iniiHtriii led and the lnro of tha
huiiiliiil and Hfty Welleoliy tituilviiU llatnea armiaed I hem. Mn-a Mnflat
and nun huiiilnd other pi-r-mip, in- I a n from her bed and ruahed Inm
cknliiiK mi'inliera ol me laruiiy niijliii.- hull, wln-re Hhc met Miaa Inn
Mlalil-l f li'il Inr th'-ir uvea unlay
tt hell Hie iletri.ed l'nli i;e Hall, liu
lari;i'Pt uliil iimpl pr teiit iuiih nl thtf
liuilillnitH In Ihe inlli-He Kruiiml. .Nn
one waa Injured. The loaa la eat limit
ed nl f l.r.im.ouii.
The t-nllege pi ppimia hat e been
temporarily miNpendeil and ppeiial
1 1 iuiih were liiu.li' up tu take tin- kIiIh
to their Immep. riaeiii aliy ull Ilium'
who hud r is lu the huililintfp Inat
their peip.iiial pnMeaslona and tloiti
ii"k'. The hehatlur uf the oiiiih women
probably atern d heavy lot-a of life or
injury lo many who aimii''il iheir
way throuah Hie Htiioke-filled bulla
and down atalrwuva und fire efinpes
lo palely.
t'olli'Me hall .had u fe-nmandlng
pile nn ii hill Jupt iiipt nl likr
Witubun. ll wup fite piorlea h kh.
wllh ll.mr Ptiaee fiini by 4.'0 fret.
The bnildiii-4 ttiip ditnled Into dnr
mitiil'lip, uiliniiiiiii niiit e olfnea und
Miiurtera for Pertanta. Three linn
dred und fifty perpotip klepl there
lael n it; hi ttvn hiiiiilred attidi nta.
Iitty meiiilur uf the f.-.tilty and
filly miildp empoed by the furu.ll)'
and aliideiitp.
M-nlnrp Stum' llitriiliHa.
Mip fhurlotte lioiitiell of rt'ipena
pel, .Maine, nml M IpB ' 1 1 l ni.i Mnflal
of lirmiae. N. J. both penlora. wero
ilho hermnea of the fire. They ott-u-pied
mump nn Ihe third floor, under
the liiboriilory, where the fire oriM
ilnalt'd. puppopedly from ppuutiineoua
lomhuation. Their rooma fated on
the rmirt around whlih the building
(SH'hil I'l'lruraiu tn I'.ti'iilni; lb mlil.)
Kiiiilii t'i. X. M . Mai il Ii'. A inin
llllltee of lillPlllepp men ip apliollltl il
toilil,' tn an tn A I Inn I ll I lie tullliiriniv
t,, in"' i tin- i , 1 1 1 ' ' i- '-r Hi" l.-'tiil unii l
uf .Moope anil ace In hate them ti-il
Minta Ki- lu 1 1 ipei- I Hup i-tlv and a
pu.Hllile Pile f'-r HI'' prnpow-ll MulIP"
aim ii nun Tin- I'u.nnillti e will gi
,i .t.iiiii r.U.' t'Uilahi
Ity lia-.-d Wire to I ' nliiu lli-rald.1
In n er. Man Ii 17- si. rutrh-k'e
tlat waa ri b In, .li d bete w ill a ai-riea
ul tialltillep will, ll he.-an eally in Hie
il.lt ami ttele tu iiilitlliue Well llltu
the iiikIii After pulemii huh map
111 I llllllilt til. lie I 'nil, e, Hull I lit Ill-ill al.
Hu re w.ih a p.ii.nle thrniinh Ihe biipi
Iii np diall li l. pallli Ipi ted III bv llll
meroup ul na ni..at Iuiih and nt t, hnil-
U'P A bull Will be 1-ltill .It tin- 11. I'
ll, i l. Ill audit, ,riiim tmilt; it.
I aaed Wire evening fierabt I
Sin. k hul in. Hwedrli. Mal. lt I ; - The
innilitli.n of Hie luiillli nl King tiup-l-iv
p iiitlHiii aiixl-ty tit I'uiirl cil'ilee
here. Hip lliajil'lv huk luiilnl il tie-'t-p-
Kary lo ruriail hi ifi- In the iniin
try. while he went l mm Sin, l.lmliii
a lett uat a apu. He i, uu m il bur
I nl I', lu Hi - i a :m il t, ul. it
PappppaeaPjppPpSWSAPX atpppaapkpai
Guardsman, Disguised as a Hobo, Learns Details of a Plat tt
Seize Federal Arsenal at Rock Island, Illinois, Arm and
Equip 500.000 Unemployed Concentrated at Chicago
and Move on Capital.
Illy la-a-id Wire,
h I. Ill il ri -
tin war il, pari -
I, . 1 1 1 1 i III I leu -
uallolial gaal dl
laiuetilu. M..i
ulnlimtit, al li I
III V il.-Mh.-l"
Knl nep nl Hi
put l t
tin III
era I
uf t -a lifm nl. i h.lP k
an iillei-d plan nf
linelnl'lnt ed al nit I
lllpell il nl )!'" I, l
t i ti i-omiu.i in i
't elu i a I ' Kellet a
i pt-ie f he I, ill la!
and. IP., in order
In t-ii p an alius nt ail tiu-u with'-iiul Hit- iiuemplut ed fniee, well
arilai and ailnniirill lull fi- u I et ulil-j a I Hied. wuilld lift rilHhed Inward
la n againpi tlie g..t ei iiinriit. .i-l.iiiKtmi. wheir ll would hate at
llelieiul K"t Im p' ripult la baaed J inn p Ihe ffe b-rnl gnterninelll ut lie
upon one tn id,, tu butt b l.ieuten-iiii j meti y. There wnuld Ineti atirend a
Km r, k 1 1 ti litioup ul a i-a, i i meiit -i liu l mil w nle retmlltun of wolkiiigmen
i-nuipalit ot Hie uatlnntil viiaid. w lin iigainat elitplnlela uf labor. Which
Jnincil Ki'lin i in . nt- aa a bniiu puine t, ouid ib pope u tt i and luilitarv in
latp tm while 1 1 t . li it aa a pp., mi be-I thnriliea nnd Hiatal! the aiinya lead
h'll ol In.-, ill : f . j el'H nn pupteliie.
aii iiaiit i.iiiiup wiih it wealth nf
, unfi.t,
related liuw be bad gallu'il llte.p-rld lb lliinemelil Wmp betu run
ii. e i.i ih.- leader of Hie un ilu. led li.un ihe fait mid Hint K.t-1-
.-iiii-tot nl, wliu iln clked to him their i, t a tnt'.e w,-a but one aiuuil unit III
plan f-ii i api a i mt' the I tilled .-i. it. , the whole. Among- many other r -g-.tei
nuieiii Tliiic l-i i.e., gal ii- ti.ark.ibl,. at.ii, iiienip wua one I hat Ihe
eting nf iuai,v annep at t'biipgu. leadera were reittiig up-n Ihe aufy.
rotibiia In i.i uio . Hie men tfin hm I pui t nf a Ui tn t auudm n contingent.
There la a fire," phe t-rletl.
Mipp Imnnell replied: "III riof
the fire alarm while you call th
Hull inn arlloii lo Ihe word. MM
linimeii run down a fnaht uf ataira
and atar'ed the fire. gutiK on th
eeiilid fliM.r. Mipp Muflat hurried
nlung the bulla potindlna: on every
dnnr. Hhe did nut rry "fire." but
i-ommunded: "rut pn your v. .'
i ii lekly."
M1p Imnnell then joined the other
and toifether they roued all thoan
who hud not nlreadv reppnnded to
the kuiik. Huon the halla were flllad
with Pinrtleil yoiiua: women. 8nmt
,a 1 1 led perpntial efferla In their
uitiip but the greater mimlier harl
not wHifed to ante their benina-inm
The halla were already filled w Ih
Ptnnke up the IMp formed In Una
nml mtili hed from the building-. Tha
iiillee volunteer fire brigade wa
early In art Inn, and made aura that
none of the pleepirre were left to th
rinee nulaide peteral nf the lria
nought lo reenter Ihe building to ante
valuable paper In Ihe offlrea. Mlaa
Mnrv Hinlih of Vet Ctiealer. Pa.,
peerelarv tn the dean, made a hold
hhhIi inln the di-un'p nfflre on tht
flrai floor, nnd with the aid of Ed
ward P. MnnuhHn. n employ, eavetl
iniwl of ihe dean'a rerorda.
I'remdeni Klb-n B. Pendleton an
nounced that the rolleg- would ha
elnaed uniil the end of the tiaual
pirlng vacation. April 7.
lly latxaiil Mrt to IXt-nln Herald.
I'tieblu. ruin., Mart h 17. A box
of Irlph iiump ami phiimrmka from
J.'lin lleiliiimiil. Iriph leader of par
llameiit. arrived here Inat night di
rected in John i'upielln. who died
alniiit twn teura agn. I'optelbi waa a,
well kiniwii IhpIi Amnilcan here, had
been a ripe fru lid tu Kciliimltd on
th,. olher aide. Apparently Ihu latter
had nut linn d of I'liatelloa death.
The box waa upeued by relallvt-a of
Ihe ileiiil inn li. whu cabled Kedmond
i In ,r thank mid the lien a of In
triind'a ib nilre.
I'uebbi. folu.. Manh 17. Altlrejl
In u i uni, li le pull of buy s uapnrel,
u gill who kiild Phe w.ia tiludva
I'aiker. 17 yeara old, of tiltn
.iiiii pi reel, lu iit i t . w ua picked ul"
by the police in Ine rallruiid )arda
here tniluy mid held at police hend-
it-iiiierp. The girl wua urn-pled fur
liiltiiiiiK iiiiuat the yatila and It waa
nut uniil hi'.td'iual tela ttu leuthed
thul her pex berame timnvii. Him
ti,; I the police phe had worked aa all
exirn oii.-iHior In the lienver tele
phone ex'-liiitige, but Ihut khe wan out
nf wuik nlui the ' world wua au bard
ui a girl" Ihut ahe derided to tuna-
jui-rail'- up a hoy. Hhe aald ahe bad
walked from Colorado Hpringa to I'u
ebbi. I'iihIiihiMit al 4"leburm Texaa.
d-hingtuii. March 17 J. 11. limn
pome. Jr. wua iiomlna.eu lor poal
I mieii-r ut t'b liurnr, '1'exaa,
to r'.vruUig Herald.
gllial city up beat lllt't Ill-Kht. The
I b uiieip ui i i d i ng to thn .ntliiia nty,
I bi llet ed Hl. t i ii, lid akPeiliiile tilltl.Ull'l
tin It p( t'lllidvau 'I ben, mntttig in
f i ill i' ihe) would attack and capture
til,. Kock Iplulld uraetutl.
K. nil i. ail out ot I 'hii agj would be
romiiiuiidcf red. paid the lieutenant.
. liniiiea dr, luted h' Infnimanta aa-