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THE EVENING HERALD, ALTiTJQTTT.TlQirE, IT. If., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18. 1914. TEXEZ T SCC OF EUGENICS A Lecture Before the Albuquerque Woman's Club BY DR. EVELYN F. FRISBIE We lis v. been roniMerin, tht home Hint In already huiloed m rci triiue in oil iK'at tun and welfare, but nothing in the ri'iilm of hi n in literature run ih itimlutticnlally inak. fur happiness mill lilcullsm lit til" home a k Hi careful, sensible ellltloll of I lip ciell.e of cllsctlli . The word rUNemc means literally I hi- y b lu e Hi wi-II-IhiI nunc How" nun h iIimI mean tn tho conscientious jinlt-lilliil pnri-til who In sufllclciit I) liir-sceing In have nl heart the Itilcr eet mil mily n( hi own child, Iml well Hint i.f th future nullum rm e. It iiiiiv appear nl llrst ihottKhl nb nurtl I" u 1 1 ! t in reduce to h sci ence a subject we hi'Ve always nil-sidcri-d mi esacniliiliy concerned In the emotions and we wonder how IhIIiuk in love" can Hive place tu I lie liilm, deliberate selection of the par cm of our children. The ii n why this subject, of audi iirlniiiry Importance in I hp up JillllK of the human rme, hue been the lust to I" considered or studied as a in li-iii e In because oi be exist ence of h mistaken sense of modest which lorhiide decent so let) from r,-i okiiIxIiii the existence ut III hiKll ml ) i h l it I function nl miinklml. Never shall we Improve our proK eny unlll we make il our business I" tin so ami devote to it I he same core ful sludv Ihul the hoi 1 1-iii ti iit Rives In the improvement ot his plant anil the stockman lo the hlshesi nreeillnit of hi animals. Those v,r princi ples will ellmniHtr ill m iii lm ami pi mini s a rare uf human la-mas "like iinln nods," minpured In I lie present one. To bring thin annul we. too, ns well us the liiiinlH and animals, must have some sane miliomil Icuishitton Tln must rome very slowlv . Two lines of action are suBKenird : Klrsi. statutory limitations ol mnrrliiRe Liming cer lain delerllves; acritiid. I.y actual sierillsmlon of certain limited classes of criminals. I,ong before this can lake place a campaign of edmulion is needed such as tile ilallon Icasuc has licen enrrv IniC on fur the people who are sud ileiilv nwiikciilnii io I In- crying need of culture In the human rare. These sui leiies - take up a course of casv lending cocrinic the luiidameiital subjei is concerning eiiucnli a. coverltia nbiiiit a year, which gives a solid fuiiiiilai inn for actum and hails ! il' sociological phase. I.t us (lame for a moment al some of the f unda mentii I luwa of the manifestation uml pel pet nation of his: I. Lite Is always manifested In some Individual lorm of existence. 2, Km Ii Individual has. In w hole or In pari ' I depcndltiK upon lis biological i lass i, the Inherent alulitv under nor mal communis to perpetuate life by the cnniiiiuation through reproduc tion of thai Individuals own sin-ell's 3 The reproduction of life is iilwav nil orderly process governed by def inite biologic laws. These laws are fundamental In ev erything that relates In line culture uml reuemTiillon. They are also merely adaptations of the broader law of cause and eflecl which declares that like causes produce like eftecls under like circumstances This law hold. Rood In the production, of biulj results as well as good n iiml It therefore lichovrs mankind to so en lars" Its Intelhiieiice as in eompre-1 bend Its di-Kimy and conform lo ll""0 which increae Ha well I. dim. In lbe enuni laliini of the eei oiid law you will note that the wold "coin lnull " I Used The fact that lite is iirtuallt pcrpcl uali-d linsteinl of reproduced 1 and panned on witlioul break from one general loll ! another. Is 'lie of the I most lmporia..t ilimoeries of modern cleni e. To properly unileiKinnd this prin ciple wc miiHi consider the ecieiitilU fact that the human Imdy Is made up of microscopic parlil'les i-ulled cells, which consist of Iwo class, s: I. The real mass of cells shu n make up the bulk of the body and are con- cermsl in its nutrition and ihe var bodily t iini llons i i talnltiK lo the In dividual ate called body-cells or uniiaioplasm. 1. A small mass of cells whose sole function Is the trans mission of life from one veneration to ihe next are called nrin-cells or crmplusm. In human beiniis this nermplasm exist In txiih the male and Ihe fe male. A Kcrm-cell derived from the Kermpliism of the lemnlc and another derived from the Kerinplnem ol Ihe mule niust be bulked toKelher lo cre ate, not a new life, bin n new body . In which ten otiKiiial iiermplnem de rived fiom both parents unit miles lo exist as ermplamn. Thricfoie, we in me at the scieniltic con. lusion from Ihe ph)slnll demi.nstruted fact that life, Ibrouvh tile iC-rm -plasm Irelibled with all Ihe aitnliutes of Ihe race, is continuous. .Memor has never bridKed Ihe chasm lietween Ihe Keneraliotis so that we hiive a peiiod In hie whin there is no cuh Dcliius exisi.-iice, but these lo bits of Kermpliisiu, mule and feu. ale, when coalesced, havB Ihe power ol build ing up around ihein a body of a new I li tl 1 1 nl ii ii I which d-vlop lie t-tiritillte of ciiiisi IoiimIicss slid continues its own individual existence. This concept ion of ihe continuity ol llle was discovered by V elsmatin. who formulated Hie law of Ihe coin mull) uf itcrmpliism as follows: 1 The f ecuiulaii e eleinenl tP'rivcd from and consisiinii of the parental n,-im-I'lunin, male and female, untie with vac h olhk-r and perpetuate thems,le as nei rnplasm In ihe iiew iiHlililual i It thus occurs (hat Ihe lilcimiul ttei nipliism of each parent exists in 'United lot m, but still as the same rmplasm III Ihe onnpriim by whom. In turn, ! la elalioratel wilhoul i-hiinsirv Ha united but not blended nuiilities, and is then Irant milled In Ihe same milliner lo Ihe next Rcticr Klion, and so on through sue eiduiK llelieraliollS. 1 tie in celcrallui Influenc of hti mail pioKtesa of this discovery of Weisiiiann , and the furthir work of llaeckel, showing Unit the gel ill-cell l Ihe epitome of ruclul .nicicdems, has been remarkable. II Hives us higher sense of moral responsibility s custodians of the life which II Is our duty lo puns alona, not only un tarnished, but Unproved. Apropos of lh posslbilitle throuiih hered ly In rai o culture I w ill give GENUINE Juan Fa Poriucmdo Ciarn MILD AND SMOOTH-RICH AND FRAGRANT A NATIONAL STANDARD Gross. Kelly H Company Distributor. you a brief outline nf two epntrastlng families well known In rriminoloii) . , Karly in Ihe eishlwnih century a hard drinker living In northern New York became Ihe orlHlnal prosenuor of Ihe notorious family known in his-I lory under the fictitious name of "Jukes." Al Ihe end of Ihe nineteen! h century the known descendants of Una man numbered twelve hundred per sons, i if t hi-se, m er Sail receiv ed pauper support iiiivnlent In IM'Mi vest of pauper support to one per son i, 110 sirs r i ii 1 1 ii ii I oftenders; there were 2T.ll arrest and trials; til Were habitue; thieves, i were Inur deters, nni were prostitutes. nf simuui give p...- .0 u n.oie 1111,111 Ihe iwi HI who acipilred us riil Inules '" o. m.tten 1.., pcipeiu ten b-s-ned them In stales prisons, ion 01 I lie I1U11..U1 iai.1.1,. 1 ms with terms a Kurt-mil In ID years lor culinot be don uy supplanting Ihe al one person. The assregute cost lo lemons o rfvicii.c, u,u n .,.hiiiis Ihe stale was known to have been ll.ilOs.uail.uail. It. I., lluxilale, the author ol this classic lll cut lual lmi, I loses with the remark: " It Is iieiiinK time to nsk, do our courts, our laws, our almshouses and our .lulls deal with the iitci.iton presented, since these diverse streams of contaminated Ketmlplasm are today i low inn on throuich the geiieratlons vvlihnot lit or Inintrance from siaiely of the stale V" In contrast lo this hideous record we have Ihe cane of Kllxalieth Tuttle, II w oman pb sii ally and mentally su perior, who muiried a 1 'mined ii ut lawyer. Itlchnrd t-;lvvntds. In lKtli. Among her itesi-cinliints there have been more than aim collcae grai.u ales. fourteen college presidents, one hundred college piotessors, thirty Jiidxcs. slxt pin Hlr Inns, one hundred del gv turn, missionaries and theolog ical professors, sixty-live authors of me hundred and thlrly-bve books, numerous editors and leadcta of in dustries. As pronl of her mltm-nce ill this prog.-ny Is the f:ici mat her husbiitid married later a niedloire woman, average In talent and char acter and of ordinary nppcaiuncg, who gave birth to five sons and n daughter, among whose progeny none rose above mediocrity or gained abid ing reputations. Krnin these striking example of the results of heredity. We see iTlat the problem is not only a personal one. Ii u I iroiii the stamliioiul ol so itciv invwlMs the burden of Inefll cienc), vice, degenracy and crime that tiiday folins Ihe chief expense of gov ernment and nil nai es the progress of Ihe race. In orib-r lo sillily the racial phase we will consider each Individual as made up of a bundle of character mills, est h of whlih Is susceptible of transmission lo offspring In sci-oni- termlned law. of human K.naXI.-m. eniliracltig nil Ihe laws both good and i bad concerned In human breeding. These are of two classes: I. Those thai teiiu to improve ine race, cain-n eugenic units. 1. Those that tend I" deteriorate or destroy the race, called agenlc units. Among eugenic units we have strong phvsioiic. Iin'luillng weight and stature, menial ability, aptitude lor music, art. literary com- position and mechanical aklll, mem-1 Martin, girls well known to the po lity, morality and tempe-ainent. The.u., hu were arrested yesterday af results of the blending unit dominance, lernoon In a Japanese pool hall near of these irits wo find in si hoolg, vol- tu0 glimmer Burden by lepuly, fibrin leges, cnui' nes un 11 nsmim 0111- ees. anil legislalive nans, lit nmiesi Islior 11 ml finally, in the highest func- Hon that man may exercise, in n,ly krftt htg ,.,.,,hone busy. urritiB establishment of happy homes asd , ,n , ,h. ,..., ., nr iheir fines. the H ill ing of well-bred lamlllt-s. Among mimic unus are m ie. phys,lie. fe.-ble lllllidedness. epilepsy. ineaiiii v, 1 ,i.i, erlsiii. ulcotiollsin una drug habliiiatlon. syphilis, criminal- ny mid cerium m rvou dlseaws. de- I.--IB l f.,-.-. II Ml,.. ..... -... The remilt of roniamlmiilon with Hies., strains Is found mil only in the deterioration of prev iously w hole siiiiie families, but In Ihe accelerated degeneracy of I hose families pre- vioiiHiy tainted. The tennis or breeding with these classes are found in Ihe thousands of homes whii h 1 h...' 1 ..-M .itwl..,..! j.f 1.1,. mm In Ihe pcnllci'tlai lea. relnrmalol-iei insane , " asylums, -hools for fi'ible-mitiiied. 1 Imspltuls for epil, plies, and home fur blind and deal-mules, ccunty jails, elc. The 111 linlenalii e of then,. Insti tution la Ihe 1 liicl burden of govern- im-iil. " The race problem Is therefore In the nhscrv ance of Ihe laws of human breeding and by legislative measures 10 repress if nut eliminate heieditary strains that tend to degeneracy und to effect as far as possiiile the domi nance of hereditary strain which tend lu Ihe uplifting of Ihe race. In siudvlng I he iiiestlon of Inher itance we fin I that Hie gel rnplasm In he indii ulual represents lbs suivlv- Ing charm leiisU' of Ihul individ ual's ancestors. This Implies that In Ihe transmission ol trails something Is lost and something has survived. If this were 1101 true we wiuld ha.e an arithmetically progressive ncum-i illation of character Units. What re-1 allv occur !; I. When a character i unit from one parent and a like char- alter unit from Ihe other parent co exist In Ihe germplasm of the off spiing they cumiiliitivelv uiinlily Ihe ii suiting iniii riteii i n 11 11. v. or z - When a characler unit irom one par- Mtit and un unlike or untagonlstic i hiirai ter unit fiom the other parent coexist, they ure manifested by the dominant-,, of ne and the recession of the other corresponding moditicu tloll of Hie lacultv. We thus see thai human faculties ure modiried. hut not miiiitpHed. It, was Ibis fact which led I-ram Is ilal-j ton to formulate his laws of Inherit-j Slice yeat licfule others rem hed similar nu limn 111 Tin -c laws ate as follows: I. Ihe iwo parents tic iween thetn contribute on Hie average one-half of each Inherited fat-nil) ' each of them 1-011I1 ibuting one-foiirlh. i. The four grumlparems contribute among Hi cm one-fourth or each one iiieciith. 2. The eluht areal-ralld- parents coniribute oiierigluh or each une-slxiy-fourth. and so on. 4. Tlis sum of ihe frai-Hon Ibu , forming Ihe infinite series la a!ayr one. and each Hueiion of Ihe scries is always enual to the sum of tbs fruction following II. The application of this law hag two fundamentally Important conceptions' 1. Til,, germ cell I Ihe summation uf its racial aiiteiedenia derived In more or lesa definite proportion from es, h member "f preceding geiiera-IHMO-- m. i mi ine svciaxe ns ninny liei liable Hans els ueiivvd Hum Mils ,.,., o. us ,i"iii me o.tii I. Iml, IS rt II'IIHIMHI lellllclliy III orogeny to tpproxntiute iuu mtmi laimaid or meuii inn in oi I in in,. ,.. ,o.ii.s in a. fcime lis Hints lu in no use ilniv is aisu u Uluuiliy on nit pari Ol ill,. ol towel svali Uiilns li.ionSli lna....A i. I . , viiosw fl bvllvr Ktninliiid lu louu.e inu u ills! appi oXiuis . s .e uii-iHKt Uo, III ol tli .ace. ml is a plcvvs m.i.ii o. !-..,' o. .r 10 . .ii. . , i .e uf tins la also true ami this is a piu cess of ivtiMio. naivioi iiu o. -.iiiiiiiiiii m sv. o ine o.cMi.. .. iv.i ., ,..,.... t-i nm,i' pioK-ii. i t'uiciiis oi 111411 ciuirac- ei .,.... 11, ... ... 1 i.iiuuii w nigh in.uaiter umiH. tf. 1 .titnii iii low iiu.. s telm m plouUvV Cllllai ct, o, inVv' U1.1.S. e-lleii,- ,i,ii,i.4, v. 111 ol 11. an 01 luw cnuiutier ninis, icnu m pruuuee 'vii.iu.t,. ...4. A.....u v..uiaii-i units. I OIK .1 mull. Ths iniiru or less nistlmllva selec tion 111 .oiiriab no miiK 10 voauv the scutum 111 of love uy iitlelligi'tii't-, 1 tiy la-nig triinien ami Ii) Huimng 0111 iiilili'iii ihioiiKii Hie intelligent per iod of udolcsci me 10 look Imwurd lo parenthood and lo prepare lor II as the highest fiinitin in lite, uml as the natural and morsl ciitminai Inn of love. Teach them the diTeicnce be tween eugenic lories uml agenlc tones, and it may help to bring a Hunt a mental uitituile In which Hie ap peal lo love has a broader hasts than mere ptopuuitilly line clothes or a fat bank account iinil depends more on eugenic 1 haractcr units which hue,, been Ined Into the tmljv idiiul nml are being hnsl.amli-d by him. with ample ciOisiiIci at ion of the welfare and happiness of our children, both as lo physical development and char acter irnits. mnee th,. si b in e of citgcnli-s makes II possible to predict with reasonalile certainty the 1 harscler units of off spring when w,. know the character istics id the Immediate patents and Ibc chief trails of at least one gen eration back, our individual nmrul respoiislhlllt v increases. I The law of natural si led Inn left lo Itself operates against the individual who Is mil harmoniously adjusted In his environment or Is Inefficient. I Herbert spencer calls these "unlit." thai is. n i 1 111 nl selcclti.ii makes them unfit to survive. I So far as the animal kingdom goes Is a bi-netii'i'iit law. but we have , rem hed ton hlsh a staae of intelli gence In have any right lo Impose lextsteiiie upon an oflnpilug fore doomed lo pain uml death. , Kven further do We own a duty lo avoid sending such strains ot depen eracy down Ihtouuh the geuerat.'otis This obligation rests upon every mr cut. actual or potential, in the human race: and upon Ihe rest to aid in .'bringing annul ihe 111 1 1 U-li 1 11 111 in the """ """ "UK . JUDGE CRAIG SPRANG A LITTLE SURPRISE ON IFRISKY LADIES Thera wag a iiirprise In court this morning for Flora Anava and Mary v ,,, Armijo. 11 was tne uncxpe. l- lnH. ,,rI,rie, (hem. itetore Judge flats openid court , Th.. i.rr..n..meiit ere nil comnleted. , , h . , lh ..,.., ..... h. ,,..,. r ,hollJ. who hllve , f . ..111,,.,.i... And h .tmu,. ,.,,, 3 ,,v, .traigiu ' .... r m.-iiti..ii. ltd H line Whl.ll would certainly ur 1 prise any lady under Ihe circum stances. la t.lrl t.cii. I troi-n lla. Mai 111 liarcla, iirrealed In a pool hull near the Hummer in ilea )ea lelilav afternuuli, was committed to Ihe county Jail for filteen days today I In default of a line of tin Imposed Justice o Ihe recce I'rulg. Warned for 1 la-It. t'ndersherllf Hick le-.vis loday de livered lo un officer imin Valencia county Ihe youth, Climun- Atuurea, arrested eslerday al the lenuesl ot the Vub-nciu a ut Inn. lies It is un derstood Ihul Ihe boy Is wanted for au alleged theft. DAN CRAWFORD SPEAKS TO GREAT AUDIENCE lorn Crawford, the can missionary, spoke famous Afrl In the I .end Avenue Methodiat church last night, of hi wonderful work in the dark (-ntinent to an audience which lit erally filled overy Inch of space In the church. To give anything like u resume of Mr. Crawford's le ilure Would be Impossible, so filled was Il with deeply Interesting fact Needless to say, Ihe distinguished missionary held In audience In close attention throughout on of ihe most ' enjoyabla and beneficial evenlngg an 1 i"'i-ii' audience tss had for louiiy dayg. t liaiiiis-rlain's Tablets for Cnitdlu lion. For constipation, Chamberlain's Tabids ale excellent Kuv lo lake mild and gentle In effect. I.ive them n trial. Knr sule by ull drilggmt. t ltll IM' Til WkS. Mrs. 11J1111 Hull, Mis Florence Col batli and Mr. J. H. Column ilesirs to cxpiess their sincere applei lutniii and thanks, especially lu Ihe Dalits !' e in nl nves. for the many kindnesses extended them on the occasion of Ihe death of His late John Hull, and for beautiful floral offering of friends of th family. IF HEADACHY, DIZZY, BILIOUS, "CASCARETS" Your liter Is I "till of Itlle; ltow-t I'oggiil. Moniadi hour, longue I'laiUsl. llrewlli tad. flel at in -cent box now. You're bilious! You have a throb blnic ii.suiion In your head, a mi. tame in your mouin, your eyes mirii. your skin la yellow, with dark rums under your eyes: your lips sie Parched. No wonder you feel ualy. mean and ll'.-tempcred. Your system 1 1 full of bile not properly passed off and what you need la a cleanilia up Insula. Don't continue being a bll lou nuisance lo yourself and those who love you, and don't resort to i harsh physics Ihsl Irrltsle ami in jure, iteniember lhat mini disonler j of the atoinach, liver and bowel ar cured by inornliiK with senile, thor- ' cuih Cast areia they work wMln you aleep. A ID-cent box from oiit' dius liisl will keep your liver and bowels clean; nlomach ameel, and your head clear fr month. Children love M ' take Cus. uri is. becaur llicy taste auud and never Krlpe or si. ki ll. Distinctioc Stationery In texture and shape Ihe paper we recommend meet every reiiiilremettt of the mint exacting pi nml. Vel With all their Sim,, I taste, these are not paints resttlcl-,-d lo those wbn inn afford to spend a great d-al for sta tinmrv. Wc me. in, of course f ranc' llluliland l.lncn, t'lanc'a 1 .1 itcn Ijiwii. Iliird'n laiwn II11IJ1. Old llamp-lili llnnil. Old llanie.ilre clliim. Strong's Book Store M GOULD TENNIS CHHMPI0I1 OF TUC H MIL American Wins from English Title Holder by Overwhelm inrr Score of Seven Set ti One at Philadelphia. lit lA-aaed Wire f.ieullig Herald. 1 I'lnlaib Iphl.i. alari h In. J.i tlould. Ameriisn amateur court ti-n-nis champlnli, won the open proti-s- aional hiimpionsbip ot the world here toitav tniiii i.eorge r. 1 ov,- of, tile title linlil.r The American chanipmn, in one of ihe lineal exhibitions 01 the game ever scon hete, vurru-d 11ft the title seven sets lo 111111. Tha sco,-s of the match weir ti-b, -4, -:;. -.', ii-. (oiilil an l-jiky Inner. Philadelphia, March IV When the court tennis man h lor Ihe open championship ot the world was re mined toUay ut Ihe i'lnladclphiu Itac- unci dull, Jay liouid. Ihe American and llritish amuteur 1 hampion, had to win by three more .set from lleorge K. I'ove), the worlds proles sioiuil champlnli, In capture the lull liould won the II lit sd iilu.ved to . tt-2. making lbs mutch stand liould & sets, ('uvey a. rtia seventh game In the first set today was the longest of the mat. h thus tar and was won by the Aim-riiun, tlould won the second set b-S uud Covey Won the third, it-o. LOCAL OFFICER LANDS DESERTER FROM FT. BLISS With Charles Tubber, a deserter In his went lo will col from Knri Hliss. Kl I'aso, charge, officer i:d Uonohne the border city today. lie led a reward fnr ilelivrlng the de crter lo lha nrinv. Tuliber'a ioiisc!encsr betrayed him to iHinahue Monday nuht. When Honahue gutlicred In Tubber a a Militant, the latter blurted. "Von want me, don I you7" lHniahue, who hadn't the faintest Idea thai Tubber was "wanted." Bt a tried queslioiiiiig the primmer and soon diKinvend that he had a de serter In his rfusii. While In Kl I 'am Horn, hue will visit his people, who live there Try a HERALD wa-t Ad a 44ana4aaaall I X mm n I U I ILL) -.JC I as SEE OUR LINE OF CHILDREN'S PARAS0L3 SPO R T S nniMVPi Min ii nci "" - ULIllll UIIHIUL tilllU i inimn CLEAN VICTORY III PUEBLO I , . .... ixylHSSy i-IlliC lUCXlCHIl W Hip Patsy Brannigan in Fifteen Fast Rounds; Decision Popular. Hun la I Telegram to rvciilng lie raid. I'lleliln. M.ll 'Il IX lieniiv 1'll.ives. f Trinlilail, ami Hatsv Hraiiiiiuun. of rittslilllkll. lollgllt fifteen ..illlillJ toiltuls here last lligtlt. I haiex got the del Mlnll. and the popular v. rilnt aeecrded Willi I tl it of Hie nreree As .1 m. liter of fai t, ihe Tiini'l nl feather weight b'd all thy way. The .Mexican ounlasscd Ihe cast- ettier, and ringside experts say five mure roumls soiibl have piodui'eil 1 knnt'kntit. Itrannigan was bli-eillng alter the tenth round, while Chsver. eame tlitougli the mill witlioul m si latch. WILL REAL P LAY Game Already Made With Col orado College for Week in April and Big Games in Sight. Pirct Other I'l lisped for a suci es-f til baseball season at the I'mi eisity of New Mi Men me rosy. I'lenty of eiithus iiimii was show 11 at a reient miM-ting ol Hie Athletic association, and plans were laid fur 11 game with Ine strong Colorado Aggie team, which is due 111 this part of the world on tour the lirat week 111 April. i "oa 1 Ii Italph P. Hutchinson says he ha good material lor team-liuililing Til,' Colorado Aggie game will give him a line on just what he has got. because Ihe Aggies. three times 1 hamplons of th Ids ky Mountain states, have a strong combination The I. X. M. team will gel a lest w lien It clashes with the Coloradnaus Conch lluuhiiisoii thinks his men will make a airawg alniwing. Finances ate in g I shape. Money enough lo meet the tnlal expenses of the coming game, which will amount to about l',. Is in hand or In sight. Manager Arno Karl Leopold lias sug gested thai some of the gills at Ihe Institution might sign tor tickets. GROCERS TOO FAST FOR THE BUTCHERS The lina-era took thtc games si 1. 1 it lit from the Ituielicrs In the em howling Ii. 'ism- at Hie liriiinmei alleys bint luglit. Wilson of the Hin dis was high man. scoring -la In the sceiimf same. The Hanker' team of the h.indb'a" league and a Las Vegas bunk team will roll a telephone inuii II totilghl. J. Di EBS .M-w anil sss-omi nami 1 uriu-tun-, klli-iien (abliicls UH anil up. 115 W. C0I1L I'lione 1181. 4 aA UNIVERSITY SB .vr tar-War as-trsT W - y ae-as-ws- eJS-Wfcs' f V"ter 'EM OUT 1 Uiilllb HI full stars are said to be readv to jump to lh" I'ederais if i.nvri"! mnliev rnoiigh. Tlni are n good "" """r H"v- I'1"11" "I' mnliev enough Is the easiest Uilumre does. I'or poundlnu one another fur a half hour in Milwaukee the other liighl Willie IMchie go H (mil UM, Ad Wnlgast pocketed Hi.liiiu. Jui a llillc reminder thai 11 guy dnesn I have to he a ball player to b.. able H""r "i mattress with lliuusanil- iiiiis. It is said Hans Wagner has n't ciillecled a cent ol ..l., 1 1 i.-... llainev I'lnfn, for two yers. Iis ' mvesi it ,,,r mm. A man who doesn t led a d.-slre to lamp A I II. llj'ii salary at least nine n ,, veins, ni'l lo mention a heft of it Is more pbb gtnalle lha luHi liman h is a light to he. Iliighey Kullerton savs oacar Hlan nge is the In si ml. h. r- rielioli has ever had not even excepting Jlmmv Archer when he via, a Tiger. Not aylng un an ful ,, f,,r filanuge as far us the Archer comparison goes. Archer was Jul beginning to find himself when he was a Tiger. t'ltcher Iiu. her cumes lo frmn Pi. Jne Weslcrti league, up l.i his name. Mobile Living If II come lo n rw of dragging the faithful old patriarch from the high places to defend nrgiinfxed , I'liict.aii rrom the assaults of Hie ' ' resilient John K Teller of .-Minimal league will be elot.t there. I 'tiring a v Isli to the I'hll raining (amp at Wilmington N C. I ihe other day. he puf on a suit and sin into action. And truthful scribes say he fielded and hit like a regular inn in mention the fact thai he put . in koaii-.TMIMI n TIIK MALI thmw lug a f. -VV l.t a iiinMlfnn.n lie f ! ami hit like a resub.r reads all right, hut a regular whnf wed like I,, know. And what did he put mi ihe bull? t!cinrt n few iliiys ami that sciutl- rate hemled John T. rnnnerv ami Ihe iieuel svnilicnle hail forme,! mu tually aareenlile combination" In Seeking lo effect purchase of Pub reiilvfit with friirm lnrr,.li,liir f'otililn'l see how v mllcate hemleil bv I'liiinery ever reached an nmlen bl iiKieemetil with ayiiillciito heml eil by 8iIckc. lt'a suiil that Imnilarntlnn ..ffb In Is cut I'cil Inpe nl iiilmlited fhlnese bull teiim from Hawaii al frisco hi-n iiifnrincii (hat secoml busemnn n known s Ty fiibb the Ki-.-oml .' I inn't know it lit Ty Colitis the Hec nml but will lake oath that Ty Cobb I l.i I'lrst woiibl ni'Vir net bv an official from I'bl'inli-I-fihla. New York. Cleielnml. Wastl iiiRton 8t. Thiols, ni.sli.n. or fhlcairo any time between Miv ami ficto ber. MiOrnw sat Jim Thorpe Is no loPKer a luxury Hnvs m.rk on I'lltll lour leve,.ici 1,m ,, ,,.fu hired man l:i-cruils crieitei in seine cimrlv on the Men. Whenever thrciitcncil with the ran they will cull iiilcntliin lo the fact Hint a for eign ii.ur miKht work womb-rs. me nf the f'hillc reernlii s u ion m r minictl Tlnciii tmnin Is trv 'nc to find i. nt whiit there Is in Tln- Clll Ptieakitia of the Tlcer llimln'v .ti-nn neu nsvs he would rather have flicher .lean Imbue at bal In a nlncli than anv other man on his team. Pnd tHul rues for cm,, as well hh the r.-si i.f them. ft44 Special Display o. Parasols ! Smarter, More Graceful, More Beautiful in Coloring Than Any You Have Seen Parasols here in every desirable size and shape, including some of the very fashionable Bell and Dome models. All the wanted materials are represented; Pongee, Taffeta, Linens, Brocades. All colors and color combinations, including black and white. The handles range from the simplest to the most elaborate, some being detachable for convenience in trav eling. Entire line on display tomorrow. TUFT STILL OPEII FOR DEAL WITH (H Owner of the Cubs Arrives in Chicago for Thorough In spection of the Plant and Park. OFFER MAY BE MADE THIS AFTEROON lly Wire to rMhix HiM "hi iiK'i, Mar h 1 H m 'ha rtM r. T ift, in- ivii ' i if Hi- ( Itit nttti S. mil dtiiM Inn, i t ninlnt ui tl l'V 'hit i Iff W. Mtir(h, r'itnmi jin-Hi- It-m mi' Hi rnl( unci mrh 1 (i"tn hh, H-i i I'liii y, niiitlf a Ihi'i uiistn i-n.nn- iniMH'n ! Iiu ( 'u'tn' tiint t!n . It w an M r Tit ft m tulf nl tmi lu (tnl util iir t,l wh.ii iui'n pinctit will nc-'i tn i h ru nt ftitur-. H. () . lin.-tt t mv out hm l uiff r It 1 1 v tu h' I i't tl,( tU'si t lull i.f (he i'lllli. Mr Taft miuI thut I he il nl l'1virn htm ti iid lh i t in it i'i -SjufH'' I i ill I WilR Ntlll tMllillHK 11111 (hut ili lulU ale mi will liiik- .til ufli r t hrt afii i iiuuii w hit h would rrntut In h I IliillK'1 uf 1 h. ( 'lltrit' lA IIT.Hh t. I I thi oul ilu'n nut k ihruitKh thf t'tiiii till hi r'Mi KiitiijftMl, hi !iiiI Mr. Tail i'r'iNti li i is i1 f mh will iNfif.l th lhf rotulu t-ui nf thi V. in! mit t-U mi k hii lur hm lh uf-iy t'f th' HiiitnU wiih t urn rrm(t. hut ntthl that hh h liunuii fit i iitumi tun lh Ht'titiliK t'iiiH(M nhmjltl lit i'nlurR'tl. Forest Service Anxious to Get Hunters in Field in Chama Mountains Where Wolves Are Causing Trouble. (MOUNTAIN LIONS ALSO RAPIDLY INCREASING Aliviine who believes that he Is it Rood wolf hunter or iraiiper should try bis luck lit Ihe lhama mountain III Ihe northern mrt of .New Mexico. Koresl Suiierv Isor Marsh at Trea I'li ili. is. X. ,l , in a letter to the dis trict ol lice here, reports that lha wolves are Imreasimi on Ihe t'arsoti forest al au aim nuns rate. This Increase hean lo be nollcenble aboul two years uao until now It Is estimated Unit' there are sixty head up.-riilliiK souih ami west of Ties i'lS ilriis a station on Hie l. A H. li ra 1 1 w !l , In nililltioii to the wolves, there are more bona than usual In thi part of the country. The local cattlemen are becoming; considerably owrked up over the alt uiitioii ami ine n.-ri-rnirf a Inanity of liltt fur wiilvns, which Is In addition to the county in. mm nf flu. l-'.vcn with ibis Inducement ho far but few wolves bnve lic-n cauuht. It bmks like a virgin field fur u ifooii I nipper. COTTAGE SANITARIUM HAS NEW PHYSICIAN The New- Mexico I'ntiiiue sanita rium of silver I'lty his ihmiciI card aunniim-iiia that It lnivld C. Twin hell, formerly of S.iranac Iike. Ii.iS be. inn iiiiiected with that wull known liistitutlnii us ascuclate phy sician. Colds t ans,. Headache ami f,rli I.AXATIVI-: lllln.MO glMXINK tab let retnoce cause. There I only One "HfliiMO gl'ININK." It haa siunature of E. V. UllOVB on box. 25o. CHILDREN'S PARASOLS AT ALL PRICES BIG GAME IIU'lII'iG 111 flTHEi r J E W MEXICO 444444a446444I