Newspaper Page Text
TUS ETDTTHTQ HERALD, AIBUQTTETlQtlT, H. If., XreDNESjjAT, MAItClT 18, 1914. ' r Tin. TODAY'S LIVE NEWS STATE OF SUNSHINE Annual Convention of Honey Producers to Be Held Wed nesday of Next Week. I Five of AmrricH's forrmopt I cooking authorities have writ I ten a practical and money I aaving book of recipes, in j which the shortening or cook ing fat recommended is PUBLIC MEETING III MASONIC TEMPLE !EE KEEPERS OF IMPORTANT BRIDGE Cottolene b I A 1 h IU Mil FOB IBS E YOUNG TREES COMING IN BY CAR LOAD live Hundred Tons of Hay Held on Pecos Valley Farms. Bishop Howden Visits Ros-well. Imwll. N M., March IS An Im portant meel'nR of ihp hpp kPcppra of Dip valley Mini Ik to hp held In Ttoawpll cm March 2V TIiIm In ( lip Mu- annual meet ink of tlii New Mexico branch nf the National Iipp Kpcpora' iixim'1 .lion, the bp"IoIi of tt'hlfh nrp In hp he'd ill KaRlc hull. Mailer iHTlh'.tilr. In Inn nil! nr.' will I illncumi .1 nnd election of ul fictr will l.i' held. VtnitiR Trivs llv t'nr Irfinil. Thp ftri of ahipmcnta nf .vi-liliB apple ifvn in ), ahipped In I In apring fur Hip H.m'h Hprlnga pro Jil i.f Hip I'orua Vulli'V Inxcalmciit 'irnimiiv arrived yi.-toi.hiy morning (iinl M.'iimKvr Wyalt ...hnmn nf III' l:-.awei Nurni-ry company w na hnav Iniliiv pinking after iiio ri'Ninviil in tin- Iri-m rn.m Hip n.r In Inn uko iiere tract ihm I lit I, plnnli-fl. An other our liuiil In cvpe.ic.l n u fpw diva 'mil l.y ill,' -ml i.f l ho inimth il I ppiiir( all ihp irpea Kill huvp ar rived mill Im ii plaiite.1 I'ltp mm of Hay I'wtl According to Frank Tiilmngc, Jr.. n IiipaI liny merchant. Ihprp are iilmul r.'iii car nf iilimfa liny now In ilii- villi. uwiiiiimr ch puicut durum lln nt week ur an. of thia amount In' ( una tea iIihI there are about SOU i urn nf hone hav. end tin. II In -I -pi lid, will l.p ahipped t. nt before I hp new hay I1..111 other polnla tu km charge of tho market. Th rp iniiiniiiK 2" care of N... 1 huy. It la -x 1 -. t will have to he tuirlcd ovpr mii'l next yPHr. At ihia 1 lino Ihp lamina arp ru nning III .i r Inn lor choice hay mid I2 a tun fur Him No. I, ul llHMIgh llllll' uf IIP UMi'l la being lllnv I'll. According ti rcpurla n -w hay front iilnr p.nnn. 1 ha 1 in, i..intK faithcr .Hill, will lie iiI.ii-piI on I he inarki'. dy April 15 'I hi- iiwiniii, 11 in px p. ct.-u, will bp a-ilfiflcm In liuiil Ihu iiuiiki'l niitil (In ni'W hay urru.a an. I lliut will pri'Miu Ilii- ailiy r.iriiiil4 I I win a-'"K Mil of nil hi lam ypar rni unli-ra il :k iimimt.d within thu liikl pi-k or Irn Ua. Ilf llmt liili'll hi llOfWlHI. KiKhoi rrpilprirk V. II. iw ,1.11 of Ihr Kji!P-iiii!t I rhnrf'h wan a mltor In J:nki'll him. l.y. oniinii hirp t. .uy Inn iitki in. 1 t Hi. Anilrpw ii jiarikli. At Ihp 11 a'rliKk Sunday m i'MI'l' II rlllHK f B.X Wdk com li nn il. Mra. l-'ay Alb n. I'aihprlnp .M..igi.n H'liy Aihp. 'ap Aim-n Wurrplt und I'uti ri.'H. 'I In- hnl i .iililnunnni mi obn'tMil ut l tn- 1 Inne ot a piy Imp iiililrpcH by thp m bnlarly vlailnr, lua iil.Ji-i't Ilium. "TIip I'ri.iln il 'n ' Munlc i 1I1I11 M'rvicp wh pa-i-i 111II1 finp, the choir In ma" a larifi' one. Neuralgia iuiTnTM find iniUut relief in Sloan's Liniment. It prue tralrl to the ainful part xtutlu-i and qukU the nerves. No rubbing-mcrely Uf it un. sioAirs LI1IE2EIIT Kills Pain 10 wmikl not bm itlMt ymir X iM Will mitl prmum it iu all tMJlfrr 'If klMta'AU. UNM t nfrrt with quit tMTwr ns- fWl hratlw Urn 4 bwitillM wtltiu( ur rc-4-.f-f. uwhI yur LniMHitit fur two vr iitr ftiKMa I Uavn'lMf frrwl wttii my ti ivl tlH).'- . C bmu0m,, A Trwattw-Mw) rW CU mmd Owi 'Mv littl vtrl, !! fn tM. eftitrt't ar vet rohl. mn4 I hr t)M-4ln1aii1 4Mlt I JltltWrtlt (HI WUfhl on rtii t rtl, ami the gvrf up in fMMitii will) im mutt & uf a coM. A ll tm Oft, twit iU i4 iionjp au4 I Ptw-r I .tnutnl. NHvavrtkia tif rti.iv- rut ffiHtMI lo bl, ami li ! Mt. M . aL aia il.M. ill. AialllWawa. frtM 11. M. aaa ll.M UUNb KUU UN State Engineer's Office Select ing Sites for Structures Which Will Mean Much to County. Kant I -an Winn. N. M . Manh IS. Kokiiii'ith .1. . JntiiiNntt uml II. Mni Kun of Htiitp KnMiiiPcr Jaint'n A. h l.'ln ti n nflicp loft ypMlprduy luoininir for Wal rniia. whiyp thi'V will bii-Hii thp hiIpm Tnr two tiriilMPN thai arp In bp binli npar thai iilai'p. Tiny will lilnin to t li im cily HiIm pvrnlim. Ai cnniiHiiipil by .Mayor It. J Tall inn ihp Iw.i pnnlnppr will inuki- thp I r i i to Mora tomorrow iiiiiriiliia and Hill Hi'lvct thp klip for 'ho brldKP thai la to hp Inn It thp ('pliolia rlvpr. nml iilmi will work un ilann fur th,. ImkiiiiiIiik of nclivp work on 111.' load IipIwppii Mora anil b-vilanil 1'hin road la now in fairly Rood ahalip but ciin Ktiind coiiKlilpriililp In. pr. .ve in. .nt Tim Morn pouiiiy ipoiIp arp unkiou to ri'iuilr I he mail and thP iiilMip that Ihcy will rprpivp from ihp two piikii'tm a ml Mn or Tmit-rt will pnablp thPin to tiikp atiia tn . i. p ihp r.nnl In pxi'plb'tii condlt Inn. Thia road la on tho ironiMid nulo' mail iohip bclw.-pii 1-ix Vi R.ia and llnlmnn and tor thla rPamm It ! PHHi-nilal II bp pla.-pd ill ii'llila-i-ii t condition for travel. SAN JlNCWNTY MAKES CORN RECORD Axtpe. V M March H WhMo You know all of the women by reputation: Murion Harland, Mrs. Sarah Tyson Rorer, Mr. Helen Armstrong, Mrs. Mary J. Lincoln, and Lida Ames Willis. AU five of these famous women en dors and recommend Cottolene. Their recipes are practical for every day use and insure economical, wholesome and appetizing food. Cottolene goes a third further than any other short ening or cooking fat, while the re sults are ulways uniform And, satisfactory. I Send for the Free Recipe Book of th five famous women today. Everybody Invited to Turn Out Tonight and Aid in Giving Cordial Reception to Visitors. nf ihp order, I .Ol III M.II'M iitNiimriiiiihi'il will rpHiili in p i ! I EIELlIR2ANrEEEl CHICAOO Oiin for hi ininlnu dalitm. Afler the wlliter act In he hla alleiitlon In trai pIiik fin "til ma In. nnd w hen he rrin h. hp had a pack worth npiKhbnrtinnd of I .'.mni, mip f "r ni liiif allvi-r Ink, valued tirnkiinatply ;nn. turned bcnrliiK 'd Kpn In I Hp of I hi ll I np- I'lnna have liepn i nm.etpil by Al-bil.ii,-r.ile balar. ,o. MJ, l.nval I ir ill r nl Alnnap, 11 .'iiill.' nn-eiinv t-i IllKliI ul Mi... III.' T. tni'b'. at which former lnnirri,ie.mHii .Inhn .1. l-ntx. Km crniir of MimaPil 'nil, an. I Jamea J. Ibivia. ilirector acnPt'il wiil make ndilri-aai'H. hnpp ihp Malt ol Hie metiiliera of hP iirib t nr. Ill alli'en thai Ihp ln..ied ti.lmO, ii un aaiillHiiuni will bp l.n.ile.l her.. Il In cXiM'clpil I hat .iiila Kp Mn" will aeiid il ileliiilinn in the mcclinc In K'-l III touch with Mi l-nix and Mr. Olivia In umo the am lPiil city iti Hi,, inn- for thp aiinitai itiin. Thp viaiinra arp pxi-cip in arrivp In thp cilv on thp pi.ibmiii.l Calif. .r hih limited nt ( 40 lliw eveninv. Thi-y will bp met at Hip Inn by a enm-mltli-p fmni Ihp Mih'i-i', comtioaed oT I', ii. Ciiahman, Mayor Hcllera, ir. It. II. Ilnal, A. t". fiilvpr ami lir. W. T. Sal mi n. wh'i will eainit them to Mn mute TpmplP. Kipiybialv In ln cily dealrnna of hi'liini Albiiitipriiip aeciirc I he nl riihilariuin in urn 'I to alleliil til.' meptlnsr. If thp anl'remp nllbpra of Ihp Mirniid nrp allll iitideelilpd na to the riinltarliim aitp, Il ia pnlnipd out by lliim li-adliiR the Hlle movement herp, nn Imprcaalvp ili-phiv of enm iiiuiiily Mplin bill help have II if!. m. Mr. I in via. II ii n.ild, will liaip areal Inllinn P on (he hIIp iU 'Nilnn. Thp nipptlnir will atari at II o'clnck. Tin- North Ki-vpnlh atrppt cntranc to thp hall Will Im- uaeil. Itoth Mr. li'ivla ii ml Mr. l-cnix nrp iinted oralora. Aalde Ir.'lil thp alt' poHaiblliiipa iiivulyeil in their vlall, iheir inlili eaaea will iindiiublpdly be inti.nina in t hemn lv . i.. San J in, ii ,,-t.iiiy haw l.e,., luiio-.l l..r irrnH'iiiK in-arly pvpryihlnir pIup uml. r the aim it la only lately that alio hits bi'Kufi ahnniiiK what kIip can rin with corn. ThP following from thp Axtap In. Ipx la moat intprcaiina;: A farinpr lipitr Flora VIkIm, John t.utlipr. plowed 11 1 44 Hi rpa of alfalfa land and put It In corn laat year. From thia 4A nrrfa hP aold morp than Soon bimhela at an nverairp prlrp of II. H ppr ImahPl .r a total of $2,249 from Iha fb-id Ilia yield waa about 75 hnahpla ppr un,, and Iha Inromp aonvwhiit morp than 14V per acrp. Mr. I.utlirr aaya hp rotate hla al falfa und corn crupa and ha hna navpr fallPfl tn tret a.-illafactory fp aulta fmm bmh. ypnj hp ImiiikIii thp farm .anninir hla orht Iniil pi. up n rmi-ilnwn proppriy. Hp wiya hp will mlnpt ihe Muni- plan on thp new purchaap. Hp l-.aa a pnbl np water rlcht for hla land that an nually doea not coat him morp than 5 .ciita pi-r acr tn mnlniuln. rinwltiii In well nmbr way tor Ihp aprlna crmia In I hi county. The lurpp nmoniil cf nmlMtirp that fell all aprlns and wlntpr ha p. it Mip ami In excellent ciiiliiliin nnd Iha ranp will anon bi-iHn tn Inrn Knpn. tin ihp l.o I'laia valley the f:rmr are plannlnir tn in. the altalfa nrri-. np. The I.n Plala nnd Npp.IIp moiinliiina cnnlalna mum annw for thia time of ypar Ihnn Haunt, w-hb-n tiipana Ihp Hanoi abundant anpptv of water f..r Irrigation In Han Jnnn oiinly lho rorn'tig ypnr. Suffragettes Make Assault on King George Their Magesties Showere.l With Brickbat Literatre While Attending Musiu Hall Performance. Tln Importain-p of prnilii.ini a fit -vorahlp Imprpaalnn on Mr. Hav la and .i l.i nt x can hardly bp .KUer iteil. membera of th" aald today. They arp morp inilniiii nil In pvpiv wh than Ihp committee lh:it vlalteil A'iiii.ilel.lp rpi-'lltlv. It waa nil. I. line member went an far na to aj ilint what Mr. Imvla :!! "wpiiI" III th" anpremp cntinclla. "Imvla." aald thia mpm'.ipr. "by "a-li of hla pcraonalliv uml th.- way ha baa nlvvaya thrown himaelf Into the work of uphiilldliiK thp ordpr liaa mad lilmaelf iha miwt powerful M.m.mi' in the wlinlp c.tiinttv He cum. -a i n ..p in .leltn the Ihim; nn ci her mi-mbpr a word In hush plana Han itup :ip antllp Wi-lKhl na lua. II he Kiica aw iv from A Ihu. pi.. r. me in f.i lor nf havina Ibe aaiiltarlniii here. It will be all over hill Hip ahoiitttiK Ibe aaliltal linn lll be liuiil here.' Thai Hip viatlola will apeak on tin a.ibitMilnm ittiihiioti therp aepma In .ie t:o llnubt allinna local tllrmbl'la of lb,- M.i.iae. " helhcr r hut lin y kivi an, aaaur.ilicp of Ita prei'lpui In ri-. lb. v will hhv a.uni'l hliia "f f'e aniiliariiim .i elect .' aald n pi ..iinneiil Imlav "Uf that I am aure. The aanllai Mini can be th iii-I. in. li ter of mini lent liupin la in r to bi iim mem .era liuiil In the order h'p nl I Ii In lime." Women Ha well na men are Invited tu Ihp meelinii, and Hip committee 1 anxlnua tn nep ninny of Ibem Ihera Thry will not be bured by ilrv aiieei-hpf. Fnrmer I 'miirreaaiiiaii l.pntk ia rpeoKtiixe.t aa one of Ibe hn eal oraiura ill Hip country. IBK OPING HUGE TIMBER SALE 111 THE GARSQIi FOREST Hundred and Seventeen Mil lion Feet Taken by Denver lumber Company Which Will Build Large Mill. Annuunrement la made by the illa- ll'il'l olltcp of Ihu f.m.tpv urvldn it Hip aJilP of 1 T.iMHI.lMHl hoard feet ol limber In thp C'araon nntlnnal lor. at. New Mexico. o Ihp llallack llnw-i ard I. umber cum puny, of lienver. The I lit will bp yellow pine nml liotialna! br. nt a at tun page rate of ! a thoua nnd. Thp timber to b cut la at Ihp head iif Vullpcitoa crci-y. The t'ompany wil1 build a liil'KP mill near the S. biilll bniii h i ilil I ti km. and aurvpya have al ien ily been started fnr u rnllrimd from falieiit i aidlnR on the I"pivpr Itlo Crandp line. I.uin.ierini; oper.iilnna will been July I. liil.'i and pxieiid over a period of ten yean. The company haa nouuht 3'l.oiiii,niin feet or ilmbpr from U iv. ite llitereala III nddlllon to the lilll pun haae fmm the Kuvprnment. EfiORfiUS TR1S i i OF RATES Last Night's We.t Bound Pas senger Trains Heaviest for Many Months; Total of Thirty-five Can. Thn Ihr.p ,. iiiim nUl weai boiiiid p.iaki n. r tr.una on the Huniit Kp laat mailt curried a ti.liil nl ibir-l-lie .-ma. The No 1 train had U rara, na did the Nn. 7. No 9 par ried nine nn. There nr.- the heav b hi trains earned west f..r enmn time ami every otip waa Imi.le.l to tit The iiiiikp waa Ihe npenlnf of i hp wealern tonriaf ami hou.caPPk eiV rate, f,,r I hi- aprlnic aeaaun. When frylnjr oyater nlvvaya n.l.l a little bakliiK povnler In the flour In vihlch they aro mlled. Thla Increaa ea ihp air.p of Un- oyalera very much. BRISK DEMAND FOR SEATS FOR THE FOUR ARTISTS A nice way to acrvp tartar (mice ia lo cut a lemon In half, clean out Ihp liiaidp nnd then fill flip bnlvea wllh the aiiuce, one Ih-Iiik aerved puch mipat. Thi-rp la a brlak demand for acalv fnr th Knur Artlata w hu coiiip lo Klka- tin liter Krlday iiiabt i.nder the niiFplc.ii or the AluuiiUirqup wnmiin i club. "Kvery mpnibnr atar," ria thia company exactly, Jacob Iteuter. vio liniale, ia d i Ian d oiip of thn world'a kipiileal. nf li.rm .n ib-acpiit, he waa n buv-wonder. Klvlna hla htat reclial nl the a hp of ., y c.i la He waa "dia ci v .red" by the cclebraled Ma)or 1'iilul who waa In Ihp miilat of plana for a wnrld tutir for him when he died. He la aald to poaaeaa not only thp lah and llrp of Kt b aler, who haa been henrd herp. but he even piny wiih mil.- eoiil, mnklnR hla W i ndcrtul "lieSaln" In ilruinent fair ly weep and l.'nmh nt tltnea. Klikbupli. Ilie bnrilunp. waa fnr four ai-iianiia with the tii-rmun Urn nil npera cnmpiiny at Iterlin and haa pikhtepii or Ihp Ccrim-n nr.. ml opera number In hla repertoire. He la mi ni u. illy a mpathctic. pappcially In am h mimbera na Carrlp Jacob Ib.lul' i "Itnbv liear" Lillian ItinRrdnrf la the anprann nnd instantly charma bv her rare lipiiuly. then holda thp rloaeat utlpn lion by ber hcaiillftil aiipranii vnb p, "bl nml atllah." Hnlh abe and Kb'k IiiihIi hip favorite alngcra for I ir. ilun aalua In hia I 'lib ago lahernaclr, and Tfcs Rclnrn cf IWW J Sal i4tJJ Na Reason War AaysiM SbcNilcl SaffaT Suck. Diikaaxtanana Fiparlaac). fl. P 4IMNfl I ' a " f: r' t.'' ii ivv-iVii-.. J Nn mp of p..t.-vned MhpiI la an-f eiifp nnlll ll'e H.f il. tr.i.'ttv germ tiaa twm piliii'eai-il Ir -in I'.e ai.i.'in And Iha only r.'iu.ilv U n..ln.likl.-il In lite Ham.- and i.i.iiiiinf. o-Mijiiir a.-tlvit, tn over r.nne ha ti f nl ireriim I tlm fauiim blal piiniier. S The "km I Lit flae n.'iwork of tlnr hliMat -.-...'l.. him I I lie H..-iltr a.'il.'B i.f H H H l it.-. lar-J t.r i-imncnl anttmrllb a In In i.r'iniiiii-rd aiiiiiiiiaili'B ut the activ ity of ill.-..' rcl: The n-.n f..r tl.'.a U In tha ppcnll-ir .!l..n of . M a whi.l, enat.l.a it,,- ri ll In iii" nkia In n. i.i l from Hie bl.-l tlm Dutrlmeni It r.iiilrti f..r r"ff-'nertt..n N..t uniy tin., tan if fr.mi the pri-aenea of nia dlatnrliln r..l..a th.-r- la a I.khI ur a.iieral minh ..( natritl..a to bi-ll. n rlaiiicl.-a, t...'.' and khln. tr.inble. K H H an illr.- ., the local .'li that Hip i la rejected and Himlnil.-il frem their ppiMM-nc. 1'hla fact baa Im-cr Iffnivnat rated var tn nd year out In a srnnderr-il nun. Iu r ,.f raae nf (n'Tere k' prupilna that bait IC'-med t he tnrlirnllle. Ynii ran railaln H R. S at aae well itoeked draR at.ire. If an In-Ul titma Ii, tail Im- aura im ar Dot la Ik. . I lain anlue Iliinir "J'mf a xm.l " a, a a ta prepariHl ls Iha Rwift Hie. in ("o 'J II Hwlfl . Atlanta, Ha Writ.. fr llitlr llluadatrd b-..ik ua akla dlaraaea. never f.ill In pl.-nap. The planiatp of th rompany la the i-pbrnl d Kram, once iar pupil of Kudolph Ui'ii. and haa bin recently Pompli'ied a erv aitccpaafut i-oin-crt tour Willi Alice Nlelaoii. The Mollii-r'a I ayorlip. A ci ii k h iiii-dn ine ab. uiiil b, harm lea. Il a.tuiilil I. pleaa int tu lake. Il ahoilbl Iip cITi clinil. t 'haniberliiln a i'iiiiuIi It.-mcilv if all ol llila ami la tin- mutheia' favorllp pvery w hi'rp. Knr ap iv all drumtUia He dopxn I r.irp hnw far away you llvo thai "Hnriy-1'p lloy." Hp jual Waiila In ahow how ipil. kly ha can In inn you anvthltiu In th- ilrnn line 1 1 IK l I" I riiarmui y. Ph. lie HU. (Itjr U-waed wire lo Kvcnlnf Hcrah!.; l.on.l.iii, March II. Militant atil friiR.'itea com rlbuied nn extra mid .linieheaiiM-.l "tuin- lo thp pronrain iiivpii bploic King iJcuige ami vju,, n Alary a miiaic hali pet tin main p in aid of a hospital I. ..lay HiiruiK the aliiKiux nf thp national a lit be, n n iiiourr ul militant aufira-Ri-ltp piimphb-ta lluiicipd Irum lb" Knllery above the royal box. Koine of the paper tlonletl int.. Hip bux ,n ml I. .un. I a inilnia un the almtihlpr I uf Ihp kuiR nml ipiecn. Simullatipuualy a woman oi cttpvlUK n place in ihe alalia of thp i heater il. u. I up and poiiiiinje a lluaer ut (he : royal party ahuiiii il I 'Vour miilenuco. Mia. I'.inkhiirat la In iirii-un. 1 ibercfurr " t The wum.-in waa unabli In proceed 'fun fur with her api pi h, iih ii il.-te.--tivp clapppd hia band over muinh and ahp wu caiorti-d trnm the ihe- uler. PREMIUMS EXCEED CLAIMS BY HALF A MILLION Hanta Ki N. M , Mhm Ii J. Thiii thp ainnuiil of premium tuilcctr.l l.y the at t.i ik hi Uf - liiMuruuco coiiipiiiiiu iu New Mexico in IV 1 3 were over half it million dollar mure ihuii iha amount of Hip cla.iii paid, la a atllk- Iiik feat hip of the auinimii y Jual mud-- by the Mate corporation cum- initial. ill. Therp ar Si life iiKurnnce coin pa n lea m New Mexico and thu niiiii' Per of puliclca written by thi-ni In lkl waa .! Thp number of O..I- b ip In fnrce Uaci' tuber 31, 1911 waa 1 3. our, which la a decided Kaln over thn prpviou ycr, whpn then- were but 1 1 . 7 U policip. Thp tuiiil amount u( Inauraiicp in force lx e mber 31. 113. waa which ik near ly two million iloilar' miiiii over the UK urea uf lr.'. which allowed $. Hi.kk7. Thp i bum paid in 1911 umoutited to J07.33 45. iH-apIlp the fa.'t that Ihp paat ypar waa "II," n auppuacdly unlucky ituin- 1 1 r, the figure allow that thp minium of cla i ma waa lea than In 1111. when Iha aunt nf S3 1 H.i.J.9 4 1 wax expended. The premium collpcled In 1913 were tnjl.4 111. which la n sain over Ihp previous year. when they amounted to tHn.7!il.4r. The aiatp corporation commlaalnn'a clerical force will Rather ataliatica on frnlernnl Inaiirancp luialneaa In thn alate nnd alan on thp telephone hual- neaa for Hip paat ypar. MORTUARY t.h'iin II. Iluvcr. i I Olenn II. Iluyer, a luiilthacekcr. 1 died ypalerdiiy ul hia rouiiia III thu In. ri hern purl of the i-ll. alter u rea- ' Idvlicp In Albiiiiier.iip of two i month. The rcmaiiia were a- tit to Jtho former home in Wiiiiiiick. i iblu. .today by throng llru'b-r. j SaJ1! tiftun when hollliiR pgg the w hile t-oima throiiRh Ihp ahpil und apulii thp Main of Hip pgR through It up . piarancp. Thla muy Iip prevpnle, if ,ii teanpoonrul of aall la put in lli J water lii fnre boiling. TRAPPER MADE $27,000 IN CLEARWATER DISTRICT Spokane. Wnah., March IR. Twanty.aevpn thnuaanil dnllnr a a reward fnr a wlntpr apent In hunllnf and prnapp ting la the record mud.' by D. J. Mutepvli, who came tn Kpo kano thla week In ell hla alock ot furs caught durum the paat winter In the rip.irwatpr diatrli-t nf Idaho. MatPdVlc went Into tha ditrlct laat Beptetiuier and apent (lie fall In prnappcilnc. In October he cam acroaa a portion itf creek bottom which had been awept clean by a I'ltiudhurtt antne time previous, leav. InR Iha crevlrp nppn. Afler a few Pmia he realixed thai he had made a big find, aa evprjr pan was ahowlnR trung rotor and running between 10 and ffl cent a In gold. He located hia clalma nn November In and prcapm-led a much aa poa Ihle hpfore the anow set In. Hu aialea that the average p.-r pan ovpr all he covered waa li cent i, while nn two pans at one ii hp Rut 14 nu Rla. MaIppvIo h'i been nfrrd $:5,- MEAT IW1S TO THE KIDNEYS Take raiili-KNrajtful of Malta If I lack I Hurt ur tliiililt-r Ibulii-ra. i We arp a nation of meat eater ami i i. or blood la filled wiih uric and. aaa well-known authority, no wirua ua tu be ronatdiitlv un i-iiurd nu.i'iol iiln. y tr..u ile , Thp kidney do their ul noal la free thu blood of trl Irrllnllng ucid, uut i bi c inn weak fmni overwork; tbev H i altiRglah; I' .e pllmlliallv p tia.u .'l i big and thua Cic waalu la rctalne.J lu I lie blood tn .i limit Hip entire yn tnn. Wlien your kidney ache and fe--l like lump of bad, and you have ktiiiiiliiR pain In I hp bin a or the uiu.u ia tlnuily, full nf e.llmeli(, nr iu bltdd.r la liriluble, obliging you to ipek rrllef during thp nigbl; wiipii have a.-pre iiruduchel. Ilurvoua and dlxxy apella. aippplcaaiip, acid a'uiiuicli or rhptimntiain in bud wulh er. get from juur pharmaciat an.-ni lour ounci-a of Jail Malta; take a l. bivapiinnlul in a Rlaaa of water tic i, -re broHkfnat each morning und tn a lew tlnya your kidnp will act Hup. Thia famous salt la made fro mtbp aci.l of Rrappa and lemon Juice, combined w ith lithlu, and haa uecn uard for ( gpncratlona to lluali and alimulatn clogged kldtleya. lo m-utrallap the Ri'lds In urine so It ia mi lunger a source of Irritation, thu ending url- 1 tiury and bladder dlanrdura. j Jnd .".ilte la mux penal vr and r.i-t- not Injure; ma'gpa a dv-llghtful rffpr- ' veaceni lilhla-water dring, nnd no body can make a nilatakp by tukltu i III 11m iM vaaionally tu kpep the kl.lliVM I lean and we llv a. 9 y'ilir mm li I i ia' The Opening of Our Enlarged Store will be Celebrated by our Spring Style Show on Thursday, March, 19th We take pleasure in announcing the first view of our wonderful display of Spring's Newest and Smartest Styles in the most correct and approved Fashions. Parisian and American Creations in Spring Suits, Gowns, Wraps, Coats, Blouses and Millinery Fashions. Our display of Millinery not only contains beautiful creations from the best American Modists including our own millinery artists, but many Hats have come from the fingers and brains of Parisian style creators You are Cordially Invited lo be present Thursday, March the 19th, 1914 oui m:v n.r.vvnui. (na of Ibe moat Important i.-n-i provemciii wp huvp pi ad., m our m-w 1 etnre i the lii-paaaemier Kli-cirlc Klc- aiur b.rxc coiulii l.i hie, und a siifi i aa tne lineal luudein inei hatiUui can i be mndc. the E conomist Wt h.iVf. l-ut'd n nl'tM ml ttivlin tttui. fill nifiitl tu rv ry vtotituh .mil every mm tn AllruUt rU nml vi , i ii il uit ln lo h ua ThutHtlay Hit r.fih. 'I ti i tii'Wiihu i'f nur 'iilnrtf fil litttri will t-ni) the must tlatt iTtt atuiutrigf of Kiimiloii v r hfttl til AlhtiiU ittif , V ulvo r-uumhI ti ItltaMurt of a vivtt fioiu ir nu r li.tittt.