Newspaper Page Text
IIX THE EVENING UtRAtD, ALBUQTTERQTJE, N. IT., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 18. 1914. ( V"!1 . J; ) ''Cii-' t -v yjftli)Vi! Ciiziy Years (ho Standard if I ft s4 WISH C R CAM I ? H I- - a i C i i It 1 I ' N I VIHil tills I ' ' Its use a protection and a guarantee against alum VETEII SCOUT IS Of! OLD TRAIL MORE 0 C Mining News of the Week in New Mexico Fields 4 RICH STRIKE OF VANADIUM AT EL 0 Vein Said to Carry Heavy Quantities of Valuale Ore Found in Romero's Com pany's Property. OLD MINES AT WHITE OAKS BUSY ONCE MORE .peels I rwmfMlpari ta Meral1 Cast Iji Vega.. N. M , March 1. ri. m' from tho workings uf I hi- Komcro MlnliiK ooiiipuny'a prop erties ul Kl I'lilvmir, Han Miguel I. .nut j. hut at a depth of 7 HO feel, in u tunnel, a rich alrike hua been if '.In ut uranium iinil VHtiuilium ores. rpcukiiig of Ihe all-Ike, Mngurlto Itiiiii.-io, president uf ih company, suvs: "A rich vein ciinliilnlnir uranium iinil vanadium, iiiiiI also some achee liii' ami I ii ii ichi ii urn, hu been f.iunil In the KiiiikTii Ml n I n if com- Spring Clothes.. Every Man Wants Good Clothes Some men get them; others don't. There are more dont's than do's. The men who do not get good clothes buy at the wrong store Buy here and avoid disappointment. For instance Alfred Benjamin, Washington $25 and $20 units; absolutely Hand Tal- lored. CLOTHSCRAFT SUITS AT $15.00 Match these values anywhere at the pnew if you can. p.lll tllllllll III Kl roivcnlr. 7 HU lid In. iii tin' mouth ii in I 4ut fuel In low tlic .inline of the iiiniinluln. "Tin1 flume tor tho iriMlurtion of ii mi .1 i in 1 1 iind iiruiiiiiiu ii.. were not vcrv satisfactorily repotted fur I'Jli, ii ii. I I In. iniiiiit huH, been partly cstiinul -d from various 'la I it r. tin. possession of tho survey. In tho I'niti-.l Mini.', iiruiiiiiiu and ii no iM ii in lii-nrinK iti tin rn ttt were produced 1 1 1 1 1 v from soft luinilHt.iiioN of the high iilatoaii regions of outh vvestcrn 'olorailn ami southeastern I'tah. except a very hiiih II quantity of pitchblende ami urnulie. Much tin. larger mrt if the urn were from v'ohirndo. "The production of uranium up penrs to have been equivalent In n little less llian ZD short tons of tirii i.lum oxiilo, or approximately 22 ton of nii'tallU' uranium, alight Increase over ISII, when the production wim equivalent to about 25 tuna of ura nium oxide, or 21.2 tuns of the titctul The production and ante of pitch blende, and urnnlnite In Colorado and North Carolina, umountcd to mil,' ?76 pounds, which hroiiKhl II 4 US. The VHiiadlum output of 1912 seems to hove been equivalent to a little Ices than 3110 tuna of metallic vana dium, a Somewhat larger quantity than that or 1911. "The reduction of the figure, to term of metal seems to he the moat feasible way of representing the out put of both, uranium nml vnnndlum i res. a th ore. are of many per centages nml there s no generally accepted standard of grade, a. there I. In tungsten ore. for which. In the I'nilert flutes th' standard In nn ore loritainiiiK per cent tungsten trl oxlile. "The KrenleMl part or the vana dium produce,! p., n Mtaled. from aaniNtonea earrylnir r'lacoollte be tween the the next lara-cut n from antidMtotie with ilnillarly Inter titiiil cnrnotlte. uml 1,'hh iiuuntitie. r.r obtained from other vanadium mineral, not yet thoroughly InvcHtl tfated. The ro.coelite occur. moMtty In minute flake between the flue Brain, of win. I of the flat -h Imr l.a I'liita aanil.toiie. but moat of t ahow. no harncterlHIc form.. "It la aalil by hlith nuthorltle. thnt rndlnm I. found in thee ore. Kot beinB well inforined n. to thia I can not make more mention of the ap pearance of the.e ore.. I have never aeon radium ere. orrnvrioxH i.ivki.y iv wiiiti: okh camp Mining1 operations In White (inks nre now- better th.m r..r I""1- Tloth the North and B.nilh I I liime.tak e mine, are nrbiH r.,n Hi forf'OlA H. W-etl fhn iij..., "tump mill, which s wnrkimt tisht and day. Theoe properties together with the rynnlde plant employ a fori of ever seventy- men. ".I. f.landell The Live Clothier M W I I tll'Mt VT WdllH iv Tin: MM.oi,itA New ileveli.pmciit work in ths Mo. goilon. I. being curried on extensive ly end the Various companies oper ating in this district are currying tin intensive operations. On the property nf the ftnenrro Mining and Milling company the 800 level has penetrated an ore .hoot eih-ht feet wide n.wiylng $.'.0 a Ion. The mill .hip. about two ton. of gold and silver bullion monthly. In addition to larae qunntte. of hlith grade coneentrate. The com pany recently retired It. I7()(l 000 Im. ne of preferred Stock from earning.. A laige c.Hh reserve Is bring iicctim tilated in the treasury. The shrift of the raeiflc Mine, company has renchul a depth of 5 feet below the thld level. Hilikltut ing was delayed aoveial il.iv. from encountering riunlitlty of water, v. hi. h wu. soon hi. lute. I and th work continued. The south face of the level a n Kood ntlll ore nboiit six slid one-hulf feet wide. The great .tope which wa. recently opened be low the 2.'.il f.iot level piomlKes to lie the l h .hoot ever discovered In the diHirlcl. it I. from 10 In 15 feet In whIi h and n.wiys from tiu to 111,1 per I .ii. Ilegular dally shlpmeni. are made to the i unti.rn wurks. Thia ptopert was recently optioned to the H.H-orro Mining and Milling cinipany, whose enclnecrs are muk ing nn xamltintlon. The Lincoln Milium and I level., p meiii i after rompietlng the new machinery Installation, has tin watered the shaft and sinking has been re.u-- ed below the mill ad't or fifth le. 1. The drift on the third level ta being extended south. The links company'. brea.t of tunnel A and wcxt drift from the button of wiiii. tunnel V cuinuiu. in soiid mill ore. In prospecting n three root !' Uko, which branches from the main vein near the portal tunnel A. ore was found assaying 13 Kii K"lil and 110.77 silver, a total of IM.R" per ton. A contract for ailvnnclng tun In drainage nml trans portation tunnel will soon be let. The uotk thus far has been dune on days' pny. The Kberle mine, has survey nnd sampling operations under way by the imk. company, preparatory to starting development. The mine I. already partially opened up aiol car rlea one of the lamest bodies of ore in the ilistrlet. i.oitisiti ni mim: ih Mki; t.iti xr ttixonn The KiKhty-five imne In the l.nru iHkiiIi i in making what I. con xiilcred u good recordi pioiliiiiiiu about 4a tons of ore per mouth. The value of the mine's output fur ISIS was $t;r.fl COO. It t staled. The Kighty-five Is now in.t-illini! n mill to treat It. own ores. The ore Is now shipped to smeller. In Kl Pit an and I ... ml. is. Arts. A railroad I. now planned. A branch of the Arlsona nnd New Mexico railroad has been surveyed to the Kluhty-flve nnd some of the other mine. In the same locality. The Metropolis mine nnd a group of other claims nenr the Rlghty-f've have lieen taken over by the Amal gamated I.ea.1 and Hmelter company from J. ". Waldemnnn of Km Trim rlson and associates. At this prop erty a larxe tonnage of lead-silver nd copper ore has been blocked out and It la likely thnt a concentrating plant niny be Installed within the present year. A good body of copper ore ha been opened up In the Hi. nny mine which is under the management of O Kybeek. This properly Is about five mlbs south of Iird.burg and close to the Miser a r-iost mine. A fair tonuaEo of medium -grade nre has been blocked out In the At wood mine, northeast of the Rluhty flve. The ore I. Cupper-silver. The property ha produced about $300. 000. The mines In the Iordsburg dis trict have produced in the past yenr r.S.StO ton of ore, yielding $141 .'.! gold. 271, 2M ounces or silver. -rK."i pound of copper and 4.RS2 pound, of lead, with a total vnlne of m.9i5. Immediately south of T.ordHburg. In the ryramld enmp. nre a number ef prcml.lng mine, which are being opend up again. They were for. merly producer of allver and gold. Major Burke, who Knew Thi. Country When the Famous Marshal, Tony Niece, Held Sway, Talks of Scouting Mler mnnv yent. Major John M. Hutke has returned tu the old rantii I'e tuiil The major, who for years Haw-led ahead ol the ItulTiilo Hill .how. I in town a. publicity man for the Sells-Kioto clrins nnd IMiffalo Kill ItvttlHclft. VA hen the ctri us people went into panne rship with t'oloticl t'nilv. It followed without iiiiohiIoii that Major I 'n ike would keep on "ahead" of the w.-rlil-liini'iti. .rout. iniflalo HIM without Mal..r llnrke "ahead" of him Would handy be Huf faln Hill. The major, nn old .colli ami I ront lerstnan himself, ha. been asMt.'taleil Willi 1'iil.iiiel 4 'oily slllie Ih;;i. The last camp. nun In which tliev weie iissih luted was the Pine Hnlge uprising In l!'l. when Slttlntf Hull mad,, his last nppivti.ince u. a terror to setilers. 'The scout," .aid Major Ilurke to day ul the Alvarado. w hi re he Is .topping - shade, til Kit I'licmn1 pic ture a scout lolling. In an AH arinlo "the i mill," said Major I'.urke. "wii. II lllll.ile flittile til floiilier llfi. There were mnnv. many good men on the frontier in the obi da., brave an lion, iitul fine In battle i.nd i olu 1 1 1 c. hut the .'out was a mint of peculiar cilllpilicllt He neeiieil Vasllv lliot. than coin. inc. He had to lie alile to read trails and sign, tike an Indian, and to exercise inui h of the alnlily ol a gleat gi llei ll HI the Held. ' In lonneetion licncrnl liodge in Ins "Thirty li'iim Anioiui the In ilniii." s.ivm, that uotwiihstandiiig the in ii 1 1 i i -1 n it of ln.ive men on Ihe Iron tier t In. t competent .emit, of lull ctfc puciiv of r.-llalill ly to outplay the Im), nn at Inn own game were vet v few in lact. could he counted on the fingers ol the hand-' the really great ones. Fremont made Kit I 'arson fin-ever tamed. I'uster made Hriilmr and I'alilornia Joe (leiieral Sher man. idler. .1 Sher'ilan, U.-neial t 'lis ter, lienelal Men III. liellelal Miles, ileneral Hayes, (leiieral I'arr, Hen eiul iloyal lilailo V. K. t'lnly, 'Klll' ti'lo Hill.' a plains celebrity until tnnr shall be no more." Major Ilurke wiik on the old Paula Fe trill in the il.iv. when Tony Ni Ice was tuar.hal nnd n terror to the la wle... Tli,. mnjor la enthu.ia.ilc over the nninlyiitiialiiin of hells-Kioto and Huf lalo Hill. He says It liieiin. the greatest show that wa. ever seen un der canvas. Irre.pcctive of th.. price o fadmission, which Is n feature in itself, said price being 2!i cents METZ DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST CITY WILL GO TO JURY TODAY Trial of Hie unit of NI. k Mom, of I'lir.-lns. who seeks $.'4 ""'i ilniiiiiKe. fiom the ell.- for alleged ruination ol M. I lie) a 1. 1 by Hi,, closing ol Hie I'xrelna din h. wa. resumed In the d.. tin i court today before Judge Hu). Hold, and a Jury. The last witness for the city whs put on tto stand tin. afternoon, ulul it was expected Ilia I the i use would go inio tile liHIldfl of Ihe Jury before tne close of the da), cvv Hulls l lk d. Mechanic, lien suit wn. in.tltiited to. lay In A. ' llollis. conlr.ii tor. naiiin.t t'arlo. oyer. for nlleg-i-d to lie due and l.iii counsel fee. Thu Hinoiini claimed 1. .aid to lie due on two cement houses I, ut It on lols 12. 13, 1 4 and 15. block ;. Arinljo broth ers' inl.lilli.ll. Jolm '. Lewis Is at torney for the plaintiff. Toiislo liar, la filed suit under a meih. mlc's lien r 1 1 lis; .1 A. Mar tines. Jiinnlta In r i i and Felix llaci tor Sii a II. gcil to le due for Improve ments said to have been made to an ndoiie house in Han Igiincto. John V'-iiable I. attorney for the plalntllf fuse, on appeal from the i'Htli pre- I in t justice iiiurt were tiled a. fol low.: I.iioi. 1 1 ii in liotie Hg-iin.t Joan li.ircla; n.peiil by ilefeiulMiit: llot tingir M.iliiifactuiing t'o, nmilnsi f. F Kelsey: appeHl by plaint IH; V. I.. Trlnilile agiitn.t J. Mahouli, npprnl by ill f. n. I, ml . 4. It M .11 HV II I. liMII W4IIIK TOMOKIIOW The grand Jury continued it. m-s-.lon lodiiv. nnd made hu. h progress that Instnct Attorney Manuel Vigil said this afternoon that the Jury would prnlMhly llnish i's Inliors by tomorrow afternoon. Hecaiise of the slli.rtn.-ss of the list of rases to tie lotisldcied and Ihe certainty that It" labors will be completed n a day or two at the outside, the Jury will innke no return until it has cleaned up all tu,. business before It. MILITARY COMPANIES IN PECOS VALLEY ftpootal liMMti li to laming Herald. Santa Fe. N. M . March I Ad jutant Oenerul Hairy T. Herring to- f l.i y announced the organization of ; nevv compnnic. of the national auard at Hagerman. IM-xler and I .like Ar thur, in ('haves county. , - . jf .- . ...s , 1 I 1 fil IN vi . - tasjaW tf- -fM 'Wf 'mmm 1 The advisability of placing your Jewelry and Important Papers in a safe deposit box in the vaults of this bank is clear ly apparent because you are always conscious that your valuables cannot be lost or stolen. We rent safe deposit boxes .n which may be placed invest ment securities, contracts, in surance policies, heirlooms, etc., for $2.50 per year. FIRST SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. Albuquerque, New Mexico Open Saturday Evenings and Railroad Pay Days Until 8 PM. STATE'S PRICE FOR LAND DOES NOT FIX ITS ASSESSMENT VALUE Country Saved! Oregon Guard Is Ready Governor West, Back fron Personal Inspection on the Border Announces War With Mexico Is Certain, i Mania Fe. N. M. March 1. In re sooiise to an Inquiry from the stnte I land commissioner, Attorney Frank V. Clancy today gave nut nn I opinion to the effect that the price nt which the stnte offers fur sab am! sell stale lands h:i nothing to do with Ihe fixing of Ihe value of jthosi bind for assessment purposes. lull that they nhall lie asseres-d He' same as all other binds nre assessed. Ilarutn I liaml of I nilH ulciiicnl. (Kenwood. Iiiwa, March IX. F.d X. Harlan of Atlanta, former receiver of the Atlantic Northern nnd South ern railroad. was exonerated of charges of cmhcxxh ment In Ihe dis trict court here today. Judue Apl'ligaie sustained Ihe mo tion of the defense for a directed vi r dlct. It required nearly a week for the slate's testimony to be presented nnd Ihe defense immediately n.keil Ihe court to take the case from the Jury.;n may iiwk BoiGirr sii:rha -t. minfj? There Is a rumor In lllllsboro thut the Phelps I lodge company ha bought up more than n hundred claims In the fleorgetown district, and thnt they will soon start work on their usual rnnd .rule I, will not tie long before the properties of j the lllack llange district attract the j attention r people who are doing! mining on a large scale, and It I known that pel lie. who represent i men of large menn sre srndunlte getting a hold on some nf the valu- I sole claims In Ihe niaek Mange district. S'.-ibm, (ire . March IS "I am cniiililei), that war with Mexico I coming and I inn going lo ad- Vise the national gllald or t.ll. state to be prepned. for I am sure It run count upon being cilied out li, fore long," said 'ioveiiior (iswnld West here to. day. Hovrrnor West returned last night from the Mexican bur- der which he visited after spend- Ing several davs In Washington, l. C. While on the border where hs made a petsonnl In- quiry into c.iiiOillon.. (iovernor West crorsed over Into Junres. Mexico. "The day Is not far distant when the Fniud Wales will be compelled t declare war." he Bald. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF CHILDREN' WEARABLES i - A special display of dainty wear ables for children and luliints Will b u store feature tomorrow ut the pou Plur Newcomer Art Shop on W'e.l Central avenue. Tim showing will comprise everything new und Je.ii t:ble in children's dresses, coat. oinpers. siinbunnets nnd Juvenll tlresH accessories. Home exceptional ly Httrmilve dresses stamped for tuiv brold-rlng will us Included In Ihv ilispluy. A light sprinkling of powdered cinnamon Just before serving Im proves the flavor of a cup of cocou. siiyc the Janesvllle (luxette. Mark the Date on ALBUQUERQUE, Your Calendar Saturday, MARCH 20 Reserved Seats on Sale at Matson's ; 700A BvfST t WUM.h IN IHl M'W ff)PPFIl ITOIPWV IV THE PMOH Vl.l.i:v The Arteala cropper Mining com Ptinv has filed jiu ..r por .t l..n papers with the state corp. .ml Ion com mis sion, It, office Is nt AnrteHia. Kddv county, and its stnttitorv ug.nt Is W. V. Wyman. The company Is Incor porated at irjf.niior. divided Into 250 tioo share, hi i en. h. Ii begin with a capital of $3. null. The Incor porators are J. It N'entherlin. J. P. Neutherlln, P. (. Logan. George Iwlg. W I,. Wynian und II M. Young, nil nf Artesla, und each tak ing film shares. WESTINGH0USE WILL LEAVES FORTUNE OF $35,000,000 TO WIDOW Pittsburg, March It The will of (leurge WcsllnghouMe. who died In New Vork lust week wus filed for probate here todey. No eMImat of the value of Ihe estate Is made, but It is said to lie about I n.'i.uuu 000. The document is brief I'nder l lerms Margaret R. West InKhoiise. the widow. Is given two-third of all the cupllnl slock of the Westing house Airbrake company, mid one third of goes to his eon. 4'ertaln per..iial, i.lti.e and house hold employe, are given a year's Sal ary and u bequest of I.'. 1,0 on I. made to Ah gander Garden I'ple grnff. one of the executors. The residue of th" e.tate Is divid ed 40 per cent to the widow. 40 per cent to the .on and 20 per cent to the brother of Ihe deceased. The will Is tinted January It, tl4. . Add a sliced l.a nana lo the while (.. . ... ...... i ..... - mn - ran,. i..i.i iiiiiii , i ne bnnuns will intiielv dissolve end you will have a d lit-iou. aulwlltule for hipped cream. uiia A 95 Degree Kitchen Robs a home of health, crmfwt and life. It will make the best woman on earth cross and unhappy. With a GAS RANGE you stop tie heat just as quickly as you start it - instantly. You don't have the whole house full of left-over heat to make everyone uncomfort able. COOKING WITH 0A3 IS THE CONVENIENT WAY-THE ECONOMICAL WAY T II E SAFE WAY-AND THE SATISFACTORY WAY. Don't force your wife to go through another hot sum mer with an old coal stove. USE THE MODERN GAS RANGE. Call us up on the 'phone or stop in and see us. IS THE TIME TO DO IT-DON'T DELAY. NOW The Albuquerque Gas Electric Light & Power Co. THE PUBLIC IS ENTITLED TO COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND TO THE BEST POS SIBLE SERVICE. r C0l VV F CODVtBuHAlO Bull SH- I VAPPCAtS IN PAfaAC'f r A WOMAN IN tMl I Sinn pr nrpeMANff At v.' twoeiD . J KZ BUrTALO BILL i i yfv? "5 3 N frf INDIANS. BANCMGiaiS I, A. " ei ihjh.C t k f L.W I - NcowftOrS "r.sssy.; Vft yJJTI i -NJ fr 4 y wr (. , s.t tm, os.. .,. V. APT iJUTCM HYNtT J tiuisj count 2 PfRFORMANCES DAILY - MATINCE 2 -NlCHT 0 OClOCK TREE STREET PARADE -IO-30 IN THE MORNING BUFFALO BILL, hit Indian. R.jncri Otrls Cowbous want fo 4e ell fhe Ovj antj $irl SE.LLS-FL0T0 want ou to see the new. Wild Be a its in open dens Its bplenon) lablauv --600 peoDlof e'l Nations hore--Q bnos- CO ME DOWN TOWN ! --CIRCUS PARAOE-2 MILES LONOl T REGULAR AUTOMOBILE PASSENGER SERVICE I ALBUQUERQUE TO SANTA FE j t i I r y y t I I z t y y y y v i z I Beginning Sunday, March 15th and every day thereafter cars will leave garage at 7 a. m. sharp, arriving at Santa Fe 11 a. m. Leave Santa Fe 3 p. m. arrive Albuquerque 7 p. m. Fare one way $1.00, round trip tickets good tot 10 days $7.50. Hand baggage only carried free. BUTLER AUTO CO. Fifth and Copper Special Auto Livery Service to any Place at any Hour y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Read Herald Want Ad: