Newspaper Page Text
Tins EVEKI17Q HERALD. ALBITQlTEROTrB, N. If., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1914. i! Today's Market Reports L OF Suspension of Colorado and Southern Dividend Causes Hurry to Unload in Wall Street. HAIR RESIGNSAS LEHIGH PRESIDENT tlly tt-aM- Wire, to Evening llrral.1.) New Votk. March I v Although the market a pcatiioti h ppeared to bt. burl strong, no initiative wan dia ilnycd in ilio Ion sldo mul tlio In Hlnlny nf the hull ! attract n r l -lowing remitted in mln,. Killing l room luil' i. Th HiinmilicenH'nl !Im the Col orado hiiiI Homlicm illvltlontla would in' mi finli l ullorUcd a pretext lor general m liing mi the ground thai II r.m another indication of Ihe unfa Yuiuhlc poaltlun of Ihr railroada. 4'ol era. In mul Html hern common loet 1 'i ml the II "I preferred 1 1 nlnta. Copprra benoilted fur u time by higher price (or th,. metal lut r Mirta frniti the tori tradn i-r fwi (uhhv I niul Htutca Meet, ultimate ly weakened niul the whole lint give way with II. The early ailvaniea were cancelled before noon. The announcement of the retire ment of F. liner from the til rci lorule of the l,clilch Valley followed hy a-tlve selling of (he nine which fill frcm I47 to 145V.. Kx haiiatlon of lha general acllinii pres sure led lo a heller lone In he early eftcrnonn. ail. rum. n, hut the bu.ullg waa eg-Itcmel.- mil ill. V7all Street The market cloacd cuay. There wm ii en eimhlo incrcaac in aching prca aure lownrtl Ihe end on riimorM of a ricw government uit itgultial Lehigh Vuliiy itml acute wtakneae of Kock la'aiul hondu. The more Important stock loaed uk followa: Amalgamated. 75V. fi'iKi.r. I'D 4. An IiImhi. 7. Kcailiux. 14 Va. Southern I'.irlllc, MVx. I tin. 11 I'ucHle. 157V Nlcel. 4. Steel (.referred, 110. Trming liiierenl converged on the a-'tite pt eulatlve homla. Kock lalam! Collalor.ila fell to .1" l-H the loweat lluiire yet rencheil. Wtihaah refund ing fiuira gullied nearly aa much. Money Market New .tnlk.Ur B U money all ml'. 1 11 per cenl iio . 1 i 'it ier itiii. Tune loana ate.ulv. tin iI.'ib. I 3 ii. r I'.-oi .Mercantile paper. Illl'i mt cent t 'oinmei cinl In lie, Il.k2. liar Mher. ,'Xc. Milium ilollara. 45'4c. tiovernmeul lionda aleudy. luitroud holida fun) . The Metal Markets. New Yoik. March 1 11 1 'upper firm, atnml.ird apt ami d.iy. :i.:i 14 Tin f 1111. apol. til.i'.tH 4.H ;.'). June, .IK &.'i) IVS'I, iron atcailv. unehauaed. lindon oootutiona: I 'upper mm apol, IS4 aa hil, fu ture.. Li 4 la lid. Tin eaiy; apot, 1 1 74 7 kd, futiirea. Il.'t la liuii. Cleveland war runt a, a (4d. Cotton Market. New York. March IV aleudy; middling. 114. 25 -Cotton. ap"t a-ult. 11150 CIiIcmko irln, Chicago. March IH. lliahcr eahlea than Mn ' led tended today to make ihe wheat market llrm. openltm 1'inea weer a ahade lo l-4" hlaher. l ilt not all of the vraln waa held. Te cloae waa enay. at a ahade off to t-l ( I -4c Up, compared alth laat nluht. Danaer of a wet harveal in Aran tma airenalhened corn. The market upened l-i l-4ol-c up and M'ored maieriul further advance. The rloaa waa rleuilv. 7-tie to I 1 1-Xc hltiher. iiau eltinhed alth corn. 4'nah liouaea were active hliyj-ra. Conalderahle alreiiath developed In provlalona noiw Ithatandlna' lower prlcca at Ihe yarda. The flrnineaa waa larai ly due lo tha decided fallina off In hi, a alauahterlna which rompared Willi laat week and a year ago. Wheat May. Ml-c: July, l -C. Com May, 7 -So; Jul... CI'C. Oala May. 4ac; July. 4. t'l-ra May, Ul.tiiH, July, ltl Ijird May. tlOHSWi July, lit HO. 1W. il.iy, HIS:1,; Jul, 1 1.413. (iitmsii Mvfxtia k. Chlwiao. March IX. Hoa fta celpta M.oiKi; market alow: & under yey.erilnv'a minrr Hulk. Is . X TH; llht. I Sun 75; mixed. ID 45 is heavy. IH 30(1 x.t; ; much. Ii i'"i t 1:, p'mr. 7 on i a !S. Cattle Heceipta 11.000; rnarkrt trad' In alrona. Iervea. 17.001 W r, if ; Texat ateera. 17 151S IS; went em ateera. I II ii M . 1 0 ; alockera antl feeder. It lli X Hi; inat and heifra x 7Li H..MI; elea, 1 00 1 I.Ofl. KhMp lie eipla 2! 000; murket alemly to atrmiH Native. 14.7041 1 f,: a. el. in, 14 S'l Jl 8 3li. yearlinca. 15 70 1 7 00; lamha. II. 70 It 7. JO; weilern, K.704I J 75. Kanaa ltr I Je.txl!. Kxiih.ik city, March I". Hog fie. relpte T..inii: lunrUei aleady to He l-nv. er. HtilV M JiKi HI"; heavy, IIJiS" N : (xirkera and biltrhera, I Id; light. IN 2Ji S.55; plga. t on. Callle necellila 1.500: 14 toff 17.50 tf matkat ti,:iilv in irnnir Prime fed ateera. I 04l t.SJ; dreaaed href ai.-ra. 7 . Ti 0 i Bo: watern l.era. 17 15(1 1. 0; rmiiliern ateera, M.mfjRSA: cowa. 14 4uj7U; hcifera. IX 7 : aloekeix and feeders. M.7X buna. 00 ti 7 no; l alve. Il.;,01f 10 !:.. llHl !!.eclp! f Him; rearkl atroug to luc hlatier I .am ha. 7f0fr 7 ; S ; vearlinga. II :'S 4i JOa; nrlhrra. I'. .. J; ewea. 15 3.'. l 5 0. l ead ami hpi-lHT. New York. Man h II Lead qiil.d. 1 ii I (': London. 1 IT- 14 Kiielter eteady. IS tfS.IJ; London. It la. At. Ijiula, March IS TaJ qnlel. JJ.fd, apvtier lu it 1 11 til, 3.1i. GENERA 5 G SECURI 5 I 4 4)44444 KANSAS CITY CATTLE MARKET INDEPENDENT OF EASTERN CONDITIONS Bve4al roreeeee t Ike rteral) Kunmii I'lty Ktock Yarda. March 14. Cuttle reel 1 it a her laat week were ?nuu lii'ad haa thini the corn's pomling; week laat year. The defi ciency of nliiioal 2 5 ier cent here put thla market In nn Independent cluaa, and lultlt aold without regard to the break of 25 to r.u centa in I hlcuu. That murket depeiida to a lurgt-r ex tent on eiiatern demund for on out let, and i-ondlllona eaii wer uguinsl l ti lrK In the weal, on account of licef Importutlona. a alugglsh href market and llherul marketing of tat tle fattened at poiiita eaat of Chicago, including the liiwantc r aection In I'ennavlvaniii. At k annua City sup plies lira light and the deinnnd from Die elKhl large packing houees lure and the iniull killera. together lih the large percc titni;e taken for Ihe country, almortied Ihe aupply luet week ut iirlrca around la centa a hove 'the cloae of the pr'tloua week, lie celita here toilay are I1.II0U head. and 11a ninil.iiK for 'liiiio waa dia fceurnKed laat week on iic-olint of the break In ptit lher that market haa a moderate aupply. Hence theie ,1a an effort to make aomt- re-iul.iuat' , nienl of prkea today, and aulea here are atendy lo 1U centa lower. The rtoae of the market toilay waa firm er, and the liniah aleudy with Iho rloae or laat week. Near prime ateera Id here recently at U 21). hut there la nothing f Unit eluaa lure today. Oklahoma corn and meal-fed ateera aold today ut V3T to IH 70. midille elaaa nutivea. $7 T.l to IK.60: hay and pulp fed I'l.ih and Id;. ho ateera aold a 17.80 to S 00, Northern Colorado ateera, 17 AO lo $g.4f. iUiirnntine ateera $7.00 to IH 3f. native and went ern rowa d 0 to $7.75. helfera 17 00 lo mi, atia kera and feedera $7 HO to K 2,1. veal calve lip to 10 0(1. lloKa deeloped roiiHlderuhle atreiiKth aft er W'eillieatlay laat wci'k. and topa aold up lo IK 00 fat or dav. the hlxh eat price alnee laat 8 plemher. Hnp- 'ply la 7.H00 toi'.iiy. market lower, top $K 7 T. . paid fur two loaila; hulk of aalca In 40 to Inn.'. Ilecelpta arc leaa than renilr menta of pni liTu pnrlleu'arly 11a order Imvera take IS 10 20 per cent of the h"r. and Ar mour paid In 7 5 for a loud of Nic hraaka hoaa thitt arrived lnle todny. I oca I prlcca hnve la'en runnina t SO eenia nhove other Mmouri river ntarketa for ten ilaya. Pheep and 'luniha cloaed laat week alronaT at the 'week'a heat tluurea, and aalea today Win- aiettdy to 10 eenta hinder than on Krlday. Itceeliiia todav are H.J000 Cm. il Inmha 17 7 lo 17 kii. middle claaa In 111 1. nround 17 .SO. prime ewea IT. . welhera worth IH.25 yenrllnaa 7 oo. Home Tcvaa lamha aold here Tho'aday at 7.Ri and aouia around 11 :v ' .1. A. ItlfKAltT EfiGiriEER FRENCH MID TAKE LOOK UT THE Chief of State Highway Com mission With Mayor and Road Boosters Go to Alame da. CONSTRUCTION WILL START IMMEDIATELY dtite Knxlneer Jumea A. French, accompanied by 1). J. Uankln and a party ut Al juii'jeniue men wlin huvc been actively partli iputina In th ak latum tor Ihe hutluuia. of the road lio.ii Altiuitieriua tu kernel (tprluita, left eurly tlna alieinoun in uutomo buea tor Alameda where the engineer will pl"k I lie camp file for a convp.t gi.nn In preparation fur t.ia beginning el actual coiiatructlon next week. Mr. French returned tu Albuiueriue laat n in lit 'iK urro county w here he haa bet n limpet ting work on lha ne budge u er the Kit- llraude at Hucor 11.. and which he rx.ta to open tor I rattle wiihin ten claya. Mr. Kieuiil iUd lit In morning (flat he would put on a large gang Hint hi man leaina aa ho could apare ' wcra the worat aand airctchra: ao thai the mad may he aa good hi poaaijU lor the aprlug travel now Boon tu lia xin. Wuu a lair ruad opn, hu will keep lua men at w ot a etradlly until a p-rinar.nil li;g.iBy haa been con all ucted. Agltaiion lur Ilia Jemex load hu been under a ay liiterin.Uentiy fur Hv( or kix Jiaia 11 ml It was with con alderabltt .tlllat Hull that the Aluti tuerue men aaw It actual beglulilna thla afternoon. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Try lhll .Makeai Hair Hilck. t.l"-). I 'lofl.v. w aolllul u .Ma-o Iu4iiih rwali. tYlihln ten miniitea after an appll ra lmi of I lamlerine you iHiinot timl a Ingle irace of dandruff or falling hair and your gcalp a III not lull, but what will pleaae you-nioet will be after a fca weeka' uae, whin you ace nw hair, fine and downy at firm yea but really ne hair grow'ng all ever th.- ialp. A liu It) Paiiderlne linmedintely dotililea the beamy of vonr hair. No dirTeience no d.iil, failed, brittle and 'r.lHiy, juat luolaten It cloth wlin I otiiilei Ine and caicfully draw one mi, ill at land at n lime. The effect l niiiiiaing our hair will ee In lit. fl'ilty mul wavy, and have an Hptienr au. e or iiliuiiil iiii ; an ln ompalable luaire, aoftnera and Iiixiii Imn-e. Oct a 21 cent buttle of Knowlton'a I i miei iitr from any drug autre or Unlet M.unler, uri'l that join hair la aa prelly and ',ll aa ant lha II haa bieii tieuleiiej or Injured by eareleaa treat mriii ilial t all you auiily I'Hlt ha healililtll hair add Una of I; If y.iu will jual try a Itltla liiinilvrliie. mm LEGAL NOTICES. Mtnle of New Mexico. CmiriiBIO Ol 4 llllMliMHI. Culled htaiea of Amercii, HMIe of New MrXlco aa. II la hereoy certified Ihnt Ihe an nexed la a full, irtie and complete trauecrlpt of the Certificate of Incor poration of Pythian Company, Incur pmnled (No. iNORI, Willi the eti ilui h ineiiia thereon, na an me appear a on ll'e and of record In the clili,. of the Htate Coriiorallon Commlaaion. III leatlinoiiy whereof, ihe chair man 11 ml clerk nf auld Commlaaion have hereuulo act llo'tr lunula and aflixcd Ihi atMil of aaid Commlaaion, ut the ell) of HanlH l-'e, oil thla elev enth day of March, A. I'. In 1 4 t."eili M. . llltuVKrt, AtteMl: t'hairman. r nWIN F. ciiAUli. Clerk. Artlilca of liM'oriairalion of The I'Mlilan 4 oiiipnuv. lie'. We, the umleiai-mied. In order to form n corporation for the purpoaea hereinafter alateil. under and purau ant lo ihe provaltaita of an Art of the I'gialatlve Aaaenibly of the territory of New Mexico, entitled "An act to rcKiilate the formation and govern ment of corporiitlona for mining, manufacturing, litduatrlnl and oilier pur nulla," approved March 1,'ith, IH".',. do herePv certify 11a followa: Meet Ion 1. The name of the corporation la I'M lila 11 Company. Incorporated. Hcction 2. The reilalered office of Ihe cor pornllon la located at No. 20)1 Weal liold avenue in the city of Alliihiuer ipie, llernalillo county. New Mexico, and J. K. Klder la ileaianuled na I hi alaiutory iiKenl therein, ill 1 harse Iheteof, mid upon whom prot'eaa aiciliiHt the corporiillon may be served. heel Ion 3. The principal oh)ccta for which the ciirporntion la formeil ahull he to hc iiulre by purchaae, leaae, donulioii. Kill, oi' olherwiae. real and peraouiil tiropety of whataoever kind or character; to build, erect or con el met and maintain a biiihlliig or buililinga; to leaae. aell. rent, hire or olherwiae rilepiata of the landa, huild Inaa or tit lur pioperly of the curpo rullon, or liny part thcrt-f. Sit litin 4. The cor purai Inn la Huthurlxed to laaue eapllul alock to the extent of Kilty Thoiiwind Ilollara I l.'iO.niill 1. (i vlded Into 5,000 aharrir of the par value of Ten tllooo) Ilollara em h. Hection 5. The 11 it iiich ami poalofflce addreaaea of the iiicorpomlora. and the 11 11 mini of eharca of cailal aua'k auliacritied for by each, the nKurcmite of whit h ahull lie the amouiii with u hch Ihc corporalon will comiiience hualiiiaa. are ua rollowa: tliMirge Ariiol, AlbtupieriUi, NeW1 Mexico. 511 ehurea. I.Mhi tin. I). 11. Iti.ul rlaht. A ll'ii'ueriile, New Mexico. 50 ahnrea. I.iiiii tin J. K. Kltlcr, Albiiiiieriiie, New Mexico. 511 ah urea. I.'itio 00. I.. W. tin Ilea. AlblilleriUe, New Mexico, fill ahnrea. I'.iiu 1111 c. ii. Cunhman. Albmiueriiue, New Mexico, Ml all area. Mill. ml. Total. ahnrea. I.'IOU.UII. rVction ; The time for which thla corporation ahull exiat ahall be llfly )eura. Section 7. In furtherance and not In llmlta ton of the pii era conferred by eliil ute, ihe board of drectora me ex prcatly iiuthorixetl. To hold their meelliiKa, to have one or more ofllcea, ami to keep the hooka or the company within or with out the mute of New Mexico, ut am h plat ca 11 a may be from time 10 time dt-Mlmiaied by them; but Ihe company 1-hull alwava keep at la rcklatered olllce in New Mexico u tratiafcr book III whit h the tranafera of atta k tun lie Miotic, euli-reil 11 ml reif lalered. ami alao a alock book containing Hu li.tniea and iiililrcaaea of the eliak hohlera. and til., number of attarea held by them reapccl ivel , which ahall be ut all limea during buaineaa houl. open to the iiiapectiou of the regie lered aloekhoblera in pelaoll. To ileiermliie from time to time whether, and. If allowed, under what contlltloiia mid reuulat loiia the uc tiiuniH and hooka of the company, or any of them, ehall be open to the in apecllon of Ihe aUH'khoidei a, anil Ihe alia kholdera' righla in thia n-apet I are and ahall be rcxlrlcted and lim ited .ti t iiriliius ly. To make, alter, amend mid remind the PI v-lawa of Ihe company, to tlx ihe by-lawa of the company, to fix iiiK cupilal. to hx Ihe tlmea for the det larnllini and payment of dlvidenda. to nut home and c.iuae lo be executed mortgaxea and liena upon Ihe real and pcraonal properly of the com pany, provided alwava n miijority of the whole board concur therein. Hy a reaoliilion aiaaed by a niujt, I' lty of the a hole board, under ault ahle proMaiona of the by-luwa to deaignate two or more ol their nuni hi r to i'ouatilute :in executive com mittee, which rommitice ahall. for the lime being, aa provided In auld resolution or in Ihe bylawa. have and rxenlae any or ail Ihe power of Ihe board of direciora which may be lawfully delegated u Ihe manage ment of the buaineaa and nffulra of the company, end ahall hiif power to mil Inn l the aeal of the company to be ufllxed tu all paper w'llih may require It. Subject to the foregoing provlalona the hy-lnwa 111.1 preacrlbe Ihe num ber of directum, the number of euch body to conatiitile a ouoriim al their meitliixa, hlh muy be leaa lhali a nuiji tliy Iherri.f Knllm: K. The toiiipmiy reaervee the liuht lu alter, iiineiid, chituge or repeal unV provlalon in III certlllcat In the milliner mm 1 r lienader pie etrllied by aiai.ile for the amend ment of the lertllicate of Incorpora tion. Ill wllneaa wheteof. we have luie 11 11 1 0 ael our haiela uud aeala on 111," 25rd day of Kibruiny. 1S14. tii;i. A II 1 IT (Seull l. II. HiiATItinilT (Scull J. V. r I. in: It (Heal) I.. V. (j.M.I.Kft (Seall C. i t'l ullMAN (Keal I Slate of N w Mexico, County of llernultllo. nil thla SUil day of February. A. I. 114. before me pcraonalty ai peared tlenrge Arnot, l. II. llnat right. J, K. Klder. 1.. W. (lallea and C. i. CiiahmHii, to ma known In be Ihe peraiuia riemrlbed in ami who ex ecuted the foregoing certificate ot Incorporation, and ecknnwledaed that they executed Ihe ua their fiee act and deed. In wllneaa whereof, 1 have here unto eel my hand and affixed my of ficial aeul the day antl venr flrat above written. (Notarial Heall II. C. MILL Kit, Notary I'tibpc. My cuiiimiaalon expiree Krb. Slid. Illi. Kndoraed: No. 70I. Cor. Ilec'd. Vol. . I'age I'erllfbale of In- roi palatum of I'yihiun 'oiupany. In 1 1. lint aleil. Kiletl n office of Htaie (orpornlinn Cmiolaabiii of New Mexico, March II. 114. 4 I"' p m KHVVIV F. COAflO. C'.erlc. Slate of New Mevleo, I tunny of llernalillo aa. Tin liiatruimiit ua II led for rec ord on Ihe l.'ih day of Miiih. II4. at u 45 01 h k a. m Itetonled in Vol. "C ' Miae. of heenrd of an til county. Folio 111 (Seall A. K. WVI.KKH. Clerk ami Itecorder. Coiiipured O. W. tu M. W. Uye Eveimiimg' Herald W sumt Ads ee4SNSa'atSNgtaei Three Lines : Three Suite of New Mexico. Cerlilk-ale tit t'omiaiHMai. ('lilted state of Amen ,t. Stale of New Altllcii aa. ll la hereby certified that the (in dexed la a full, true and compleiu tranacrlpt of the Certlfl, a'.e of Stta k holder' Non-lliibilkly ot riiuaii Cumpnny, Incorporated (No. 7o. with the endoraeinenla thereon, 11 aame 11 p, ear a on tile and ol iteoid in the ufllce of Ihe State Corporation Commlaaion. In teatimony whereof. Ihe chair man and clerk of enltl omnilaaltin hnve hereunto ae' their hamla and alllxed the aeul ol mul Commiaaioii. at the city of Simla Ke. 011 till elev enth day ol March, A. 1 1014. (Seal) M. V '.I lit 1 V I'.H, Alleat: t 'hall mall KIWIN F. CtiAltll. Clerk. (Tllficale of S4a kindlier' Non-lla-blllly of I lie I'Mhluii 4 iitiuii. Inc. Thle la to certify Unit the under algned, lielng all the original lii"or poralora who have flletl the certifi cate of Incorporation of the ulnar named corporation, thetcbv uaaoilal Inn themaelvea together under Ihe pro vlalona ol Section 211, C hapter . ell acted by the JXth legialaiive Awt ni lily of New Mexico, uppl ited March I5lh. 1311.',, for and on bcli.ilf of them aelvea, nil other alia klmlilera who may become uaaoclaleil with them and auld corporation, do hereby de clare Unit there ahall be 110 alt" k holdera' liability on U'cotiiil of any alock laaucd by a.ud col piTatltih. and that nil atot kholdi ra of eiud corpora tion ahull be exempt from all llub l Itie on account nf any .Muck leaned or held by them, except aiu-h liability for Ihe amount of the cupilal alock certified to have been paid. In prop erty or ciieh, lit the time of the com Inencemelit of buaineaa. The principal ami rcKlatered uflhc of the company la Iik'uIi-iI in the city of A lmiieriUe. New .Mexico, ut 20V Weal (iobl avenue, 11 nd J K. Klder le the ntutulory agent therein, in charge thereof, upon whom aervice of pro ven muy be made. 4SKO. AflN"T. 1. H. IPiATKlCIIT, J. i: L. W. (iALI.Kjt. C. U. CISI1MAN. Stale of New Mexico, County of llernalillo. n thla the i!3rd day of February. 1914, before me peraonally appeared leurge Arnot, ll. II. Uoairiglit, J. K Klder, 1 V. liullea and '. 1 '. Cuah mun, to me peraoiiall) knnnii to be the persona deacrilied in mid who exiHiiled the forcxolng leriifliale of aloe kholdera' non-llahility and they at knowledged to me thai they exe cuted the aame ua their free on and deed. In wllneaa whereof! have hereunto act my haml wild aliel my olilctitl aeul on the day untl I e n laat ubove written. (Notarial Seall II, C. Mil. I. Kit. Notary I'uldle. My commlaaion expire Felt. 2nd. ISIS. Knd'' ed: No. 7 Mm, Cor. Itec'tl. Vol. (. I'uge Cetlificute of Slock- holtlera' Non-llabil ly of I'jtlilnn ( 'tun pit 11 . 1 111. ill porn t ed . Filed In of lice id Slate Corporation Comtnlaalon of New Mexico. March II, 1914: 4 .in p. m KIWIS' F. C'l.Mil). Clerk. Slate of New Mexico. County of llernalillo - aa. Thla Inatriiment waa filed for rec ord on the l.'ili day of March, lull, lit 10:45 o'clot k n III. Ket i.lil, d in Vol "C" Miae. of lieturda of anal county, Folio ;l 7 . (Seal) A K WAI.KKIt. Clerk ami Itecorder. Colli- d II. W. o M. W. ('Al l Milt It! Irs. Notice 1 hereliy given that aealed propoeal will he received fur Ihe purchaae of line Thoiiaand 1 1 1. 000 no 1 lollara of ihe bond of M hoot n trlcl Nu. in, in the county of nu ll II. . New Mexico, u be laaued upon the authority of an election duly culled and held In arid aclmol dialei.i on the 7th day or March, A. 1). 114; auid election having been tailed and held fur the purpose ol voting upon Ihe nutation of the laaiie of anid bond In puraunnie of und In lonfurmlty with Section 1542 of the Compiled Lawa of New Moxito of ls7, und Section II. Article IX, of the t'onatl tution of New Mexico, and at which elect inn It wag decided that Ihu laeue of the bond oforcuul be made. Said bond a are t he duu-d April lat, 114, tu bu of the Ion of l.'.OO.OO each, to bear Inurcat a, the rate of Ix per cent per annum, pa table aeml iiiiiiually, ruiiislng lor a period of twenty yearn, and redeemuble attar ten year. I loth principal and In tcreat pnyablo ut the outer of tho county freaaun-r in old Albuqucrqua, New Mexico. The achool board re aerve the right tu reject any and all bid. The pnipiMuita ahould he addreaeed to M. Mttnilell. County Treuaurcr, Old Albuquerque, New Mexico. I'lupu ala will he publicly opened April 1 Sill, 1K14. at t o'clock p. 111. M. MANUKLU Cmuily Tri-uxurer. KotkH. To tha Heekhider of th North wealern Colunlnation in Improve ment Company of Chiliimhua: Nolle la hereby given that a spe cial meeting of the stockholder of Th Kurthweiiern Colonltatlnn and Improvement ('cm puny of Chihuahua will be held at the offlr of th com pany, No. II ptern tullding. In lha rlly of Albuquerque. Rial of New Mex'ro. on th llt day of March. Ill I, at ten (10) n'clork In the fore noon, for th purpoae of eonelderlng and acting upon a prepoaltlon fnr ra tifying and approving the following art of the atockholdera and direc tor of thla company In reaped In th furecloaiire, appointment of Timm Mui-mumi end other attornrya to repregt-nt thla rnmpany. and other acta In relation lo all proceeding In enurt In Ihe Itepubllp of Mexico or elaewhere to which thla company wa. or ha been a party, and Willi reference to the etile of the Innd of ihi cf iupiny, end wltb rrferenr to It A 1(41 MS S. We liavn an nnnaually aliractlto INt of lliuica ami Vacanl IHa Juat now, whh li ri n Ian iMtnglil mi ea.y icrtna. Why a y m-iiI .' istitMi; i,4in4 m:TlJt JOHN M. lOORE REALTY CO. Itinne in. !'. I ft tfl "t fiohl Ua. it 11)11 HIST. X g-room modern houae, $ 2 1) 00. 3 mom frame, l ou. 4 s run ma luriiiahcd. 115.00. 3 ruoma ftirnlahed, 112.00. 4 4 J. II. f'KAK, 4 111 Weal Central. 4 Phona III. the appointment of Manuel V. Vlvll na realdent agent In New Mexico of thia company, and the removal of the office nf thla cumpnny from Iteming to Albuquerque and In approve the action In quo warranto heretofore ntithorlxcd to be taken agalnat con apirntora acting or attempting to net In the name nf thia company, and fur the Iranauctlnn of any and all buaineaa In connection therewith which may properly come tiefore aald meet lug. By order of the prealdent. D. J. CABLE. Becrrlery. Forest Service Men built Structure for Fire Guards iu SitgTave Forest Almost Without Tools. How Iieputy Htipcrviaor C. 11. Kls aiini, of the forent Nervlce. who waa In tiiia city yesterday, unlit a watch tower In the 111 art of a primeval f ur eal la Icld In on article in Knglneer tng Neaa. Tne lookout was construct, eil for uae In guarding uxainat lire. In tlm Siurcuve natioiial furcHt. Arl ituia, '.vhlt h la on the route la ken by tourlMa over the ticeun-to-Ocean highway, on uccounl of the dillb'ul tlea encounlered Ihe erection of the tower waa 11 notable fent, The urtlclo In Knuinctilng News followa: TU sltgruvca nationiil fur tut. Arl xi ma, sloping gently lowurd the nor'h and covered with tall limber, on the Meat end, ufforda 110 good natural lookout point. In the alu-cnce of uch puinta. it lM-comc linperuitve tu Diiiltl lowera whli h riae libove the tree topa and allow the lookout man to look over the forest in nil dim tlium. so that Ihe lltat curl of amok from a force fire may be delected ulid lo luted, and lire tighter sent at once tu extinguish It. A triHiigul.ttion station wna also neetletl on the Chevalon dlalib t. und having in mind re vera I point upon which the limber only 35 to 40 feet in height, l waa planned to build Where a 40 to ,',u-foot tower would be authVlclit. Accordingly, auctl tool nd rigging 11 were ut bund were thought to be adequate, uud they would hae been for the construc tion of a tower of the ante we ex pected to built!. It was found, however, that (here wu on!) one point from which a ant lafaelnry view over the forest In Mil direct lone could be obtained. I'nfur tiiiiutely, ihe timber waa so lull there that It was evident that a tower must be over loo feet in height to he of any uae. The dungerous fir season was near it hutid and we were 75 mile from any baa of supplies, so It was decided to build the tower with what tools and rigging we had. We hud only Sou feet of 1-1 inch rope In four plecea. th longest being 10 n feet In length: two double blocks Inches long und one lng!e-sheav block ol the same glxe. I ur tool consisted of axes, two. man ua, hatchet, crow bare, two pull of litiemrn's climber and l.ep, and a biuce and bit. Telephone wire wa used for gu. The crew aaa marie up of H.c.por ry employe and two rangers, under the direction uf one of ihe foreat rang er. At the start tliero were eight linn, Including one cook, one team ster, snd ihe man In charge. Ily the lime the nt r waa half built llie crew was cut down to four men. The flrat tuak whs to cut ami peel the timbers anil skid them to the spot where the lower was tu be erected. Much care waa net eaaary In eelectlug the main polea. some of which were akldded out of drtiae thlt kvta. Alto gether 3,600 lineal feet of polea was used. Th dlme-auina of ihe lower arn aa follow., base lo feet square, platform tup, feet square: height. 115 feel. Th main corner pole averaged 11 In' he In diameter at the buns and 4 Inches at Ihe top. They are spliced at heights of 45 feet and 100 feet Kach splice la bolted snd then bound with band of telephone wire. The timber are fastened together with H-lneh Ingai rews. The floor I con eiriuifd of ;xC-lnch lumber snd Ihe rail la of fit Inch and lx4-lnch lum ber. With thene exccpiione. no aawed lumber waa uej In the toner. In rinsing ihe polea a tree nearly I fiv (! in It lu lit wss need im a der rick mint; hut since the top of thla tree wu not atout enough above a height of 75 feet to il ft-rt to curry ninth weight, some difficulty was ex perienced In placing th &-fol, poles upon Ihe tops of Ihe 45-foot ones he low, Willi an aliiiii'ltitK'e of rigging, n deititk boom coulJ have been r I ged, EiJGIflEEfllllG HEWS DESGRiBES BIG LODKUOTTOl'ER Times : Three Dimes WANTED-TO BUY. 11 it.t 1 r-i I o . aeil ur exchange' eeeond-hiind furniture. Ill Weat ; Silver Ave. 1 hone lORx. MONEY TO LOAN. MtiNKr TO 1 AN .Money advanced, to railway and other employee 00 aalarle or household gonna, without ! removal. I'liluo Loan CoM var Firai ' National Bank. 1 FOR RENT Houses. Ft)lt ItKNT-AII nr furnlahed houae at Apply 115 V. (iold. part of nicely 110 H Walter. 14 Ut UKNT Furnlahed 3 4. b room cultiigea antl lipartlllellla; gua range. W. II. McMlllon, 11 Weal (li.Itl. Foil KKNT 4. K house. W. II. g. 7 -room modern McMIIUm. Ill W Gold. FU HKNT-I Silver. room flat. HIV W. FOR SALE Real Estate. HH SAl.K ltiu ut re in sliarpe county. Arkanaas; (0 acre In culti vation; 10 In clover and alfalfa. It 're young apple orchard: balance , In timber. Thla land can all be cul-1 ttvated. Oood woven wire fences; new six-room frame dwelling, barn and other out hulldings; live spring and good cistern: one mil from church and achool; three miles from ro'lroad station. Price 11.500; small e-.t. payment and balance to suit purchnser. Address F. M. Uroyle. Winiford. Ark. FOR RENT Rooms. aaaaaaaiaaaaaaearfwwwi rux FOIl RK:."T Outside, atenm heated rooms: special rafe by month. Weat hotel, IllVi North Second streut. Foil HUNT Sunny, ocitalde rooma. Virginia Hotel. 22tlb S. 2nd HI. 8INU1.K or housekeeping rooms. I.os Anxclcs lloltl, 312 South Third St. Full It KN'T Front room with or without alceping porch; lenaonuble. Men only. in N. 3rd. F(l! ItP'.NT Two utory alorc room. 2"xl42. corner; good location. Ap ply 51 South Atno. HELPWANTgD WAXTKI) representative for our llrm, one thut la Intereaiod In fruit growing preferred, for our high grade Colorado grown nuraery atock. Den ver Nursery Compuny, 4100 W..461U Ai'e., In-nvcr, Colo. NKW MKXICO Kmpliiymelit Agency. All kinds of reliable help en short notice. Ill W. Kilter nve. Phone 401. WAS'TKD Coiiipc for peimiinent P. O. llox 5T5. WANTKD-llrl 1 with houaework Street. tut BtciiiiKniphcr poailloti. Adtlreaa or 15 to Apply Vl N. help 2nd Furniture Repainngr, KXI'KUT furniture repairing and parking. We alao buy and aell aeu. ond-hand furniture, crown Furnitur Co. 215 8. Second St. Phone (24. 4 4 IXH KI'.ST. t-room brick; mtx'ern! cor 4 ner New York avenue and Sixth street, 120.00 month. No. II New York avenue; $- room brick; modern, 121.60. FOIl HSW. Booming House and Hotel, 4 Central avonuo at bargain; rent reasonable. House on Central gvenn with 1 gcie land (1,500. Kane 1 on Mountain Bond for sale or rent. Houses on 8uuth Edith street for sale cheap. All kind of terms. nui: ixm iiAxi 1: MOXFY TO MIAN. Ttanchas and lunds; houses and 4 lots; buaineaa property. IX'.MI Vlt'w HF.A'j ESTATH orntK. 111 Gold Ave, Corner Third St. HORSESHOEING IHUISKSIHiKIMj cheap for raall. (ten ll VV'. t A ' ' which would have almnliiled in to a great extent; but It in nit be re membeied that we hud only three pulley block, and they hud to be used ill holatln each pole or brace. We were ao sliort of rope trtut when we raised the second length of the main poles. 'I was neceaaury to holal until th IiIim ka Cume together, laah Ihe pole so that It could 11 ol fall, and then stretch th tackle for anotter pull. The men nf th crew had no pre vious experience In building towers and were by nn means expert climbers St flrat. but thry Improved rni idlv. so that before Ihe tower vim completed, several of them were eX'-ellent men for high work. The first pob-a were rut on May 11. ai d Ihe lower was ini leled antl In ue on June ro. The time bit tit In culling and peeling lux and con structing the tower amounted to le. than !4 Woiklng days f I hours each, for a crew wbith averaged five In number. In addition a two.iote team wa uaed tin. Four gahanlxed cable t Inch In diameter will be added a guys. A copper cable reaching up und over the renter of the tower will follow one leg to the ground und u at. light ning arrester. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, M D. 1 I'M' t ice Limited to 4.KNITO-I ltlAIIV Ms! A-Kg And j IlsrsFa (F TIIF SHIS. 1 The HaaM-rmnn anil No(.-utlil l ca Snlvarean "" Admimatered. CilUen' Hank llulldmg Alhunuernue . tiff Mrtlea A. 41. MtOltTLK, M. l. Irailltti l.lnilieit to Tunrm.Vuyla. Olllr Hour I to 4 p. m. Plume 1177. Ill Writ Central. Albuquerque Sanitarium Phone IIV. DRS. TULL & BAKES RM-rlAllata Fye, l-jir, Sf. thmnl. Klaus Naibmal llank HlilC Phone Hat. H4)l.4MOV H. ISIUT4IN. M. I. Itiyalclan and Surgeon. , llealdanc. I0 South Walter Hire. ' Phon II40-W. lofflc, Barnett Uldg.. Phon Sit. Dentists IHI. J. KKV11, Room I and . P-srnelt Bid. Jv' (J Kie'.iy urug Biorei. (Appointment mad by mall.) Pliono 144. Attorneys. JOHN W. XVIIJiOS Atlorncy-at-law. Boom 14-17-IX, Cromwell Uldg. Be. Phon 1522 W; office Phone I17S 4 PA 11 II. MOOHF. Conaiililng alining Kn.T4neT. 4 4 Fx ml nation anil ltci,-or4. 4 ll'Kitui 11-14, Cromwell Jtha k. riJ) II. NOIlltM Ar1ilt1. Practli-al anil I p to Halo Work. ItiMima 31 and 3. Wliltln. Building. Tcp iluno in.1. Fublio LJ'Ogll16,,, MANl'Ht:itll'T8 UKVISKI) ready for prcaa. eleora II. Ilolmea. J turret I Bidg. Office phone 15; If. 1(10 J. PCItLIC WOKK; Notary. Julln Wil cox, 14 Harnett Kldg. Phon TYPEWRITERS. ALU KINOS. both new and second hand, bought, aold. rented and re paired. Albuquerque Typewriter El change. Phon 14 4. Ill W. Gold. FOll 8A I. F Oliver typewriter, good as new. 125.00. 121 West Gold. Phon 144. Music Teacher. Mandolin. Oultar, Violin and Piano. DIMOMt Ml MC SCHOOL Sit N. Hecond. Phon 1715. Shoe Repai ring. 8!liK KKI'Alltl.NU while you wait. I'et equipped shop In city. 100 1'iiBt Central, I block east of lepot. fthull 41 Hever. K.XPKKT Hhoe Kepalrlng F. Our rule. New udtlreaa. 415 W. Cenl.-al. AI.VAIIAliO Hhoe Klmp Flrat-clns repairing. Ijullea and gents rub Iter heel 40 centa; half aolca. 6 centa, R. Vuqticx, I07'4 Weat Central. Jewelry. 1ANTK1 W buy old gold and li ver jewelry. Dennett's. Ill 8. Ind. O'll.I) and silver filigr work; old gold bought and sold; repairing. N. Rosa, 11 Bouth Hecond atreet. PERS0UAL Fort CAUPKT cleaning, furnitur nd stov rapalrlng. W. A. Ooff. phon 114. Yo'J don't have to pay an annual premium in advance to secure pro tection for your family. lnvrallgut our monthly premium plan. Kqult aide Life, etronircat lt the world. W. (4. Patteraon. munuger; T. A. Chris tian, special agent; 10 Harnett Kldg. Phon lit. WANTED. P 11 HI T I Ci N WANTKD-Kncrgellc young triii ii, Sjuini..h American Hum ouiaiile Uiwii, 1 pci leiii'iul general nicrchuiullae, deairea dav eic-ploy-llielil Willie utlemling lilgllt at houl. AlliutUerque Husineaa College, I'liuiie 427. R0K?ANDAR" Foil IIOl'.tFKKKPIN'O or with board. Overland Hotel, ii Weat Central. Fot Sale Miscellaneous It A 1. 1 .Circular, liunrtwl eil-oitl dining table with buffet and chair to mutch: one quariered-oak la dies' writing desk und cbalr; on b chest. Cheap tu quick buyer. In quire at Uunbar'a. 224 Wot Hold. Flt 8 W.K - llorxe, bugy. Iihiihm niul sudille. Cull at 117 North Kix hi h. - J0R SALE Au toraoTjilea. Ft IVa I . K 4 tT bore" power' ul.Hiiiei bile. Call 111 N. 12th m. FOR RENT -Ranch Ft Ut I.KAHK 140 acres of good la 11 J wilhui one tulle nf Wlllard, N. 51 , 40 acrca now level and under Irri gation from pumping plant. Oood lanch houaea. Party wuh sufficient funds to operate pump and put In crop ran find bargain by writing or calling nn J, 11. Ilerndoa Ktat Na Hvnal bank.