i .tttl.txttixaxxj VMMWWWWIS Had Seme Enough to get Off the Ice, Anyway. JUS TOOWH IS'KWH TOHAY Yo gif It In tl'o 1IKKAI.II. Iltly ornla month it 13 mit wia-li iMlvrred I yur tlnnr; lift jr inu ljr. mall. titltXtXt.ltts,ttattta.. TnmrMS-nTi7.ir.Sf, Vi4. I. No. fit. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1914. Tin: v f.nino inmui von i. no. n. V!)ii l ill Ipil ciii niTfl Mr nil c In hp i. !ooi li MOVES .11 I I II I I II It! I II II. I II I I 11 I I II I uiiiiuL i iiiu l.u u u iii i nun ED BT General Obregon with Seven HIT cific Coast Fort with Intention of Immediate Assault While Commander in Chief Drives Federals Out of Rail road Center, thus Clearing CAMPAIGN IF SUCCESSFUL!. OPEN THE 1 lijr li--tl Xtlrv 10 -.i-uiub llrrahl. ; lioiiiil.iH. Aii. .M.i nil I',. - ilenii -ul Alvuio nil i-Ki'ii- ubjertive in .Mil ii I lull, tin- n ii port of Slllolou, lull I'i'iistit u 1 1 1 in u 1 1 l oltiriula huti If In) iriiiit t ion iIihi Hi"' ull. n k on Hi" (-! I Karrlanii hiul t ii hi mm. The lusi hi-ii rtl fiiim ohri-Koii 'h lime ilua HKu, when he mi at Na -iiln ii i ul iiiowiik ruiiillv southward. ifliii'Kun took aeveit ihtitiaaud men with him iroin f.i ii. .r.i with .i luri. (Ui lit H v oi ammunition for runnon nn. I small arm. With the for. " ot ('iiei.il In. 1 1. iv I'uruxio Mini Hui Ina. lieiirrul iii.ri-tiin would haw- more limn I J inn) lio n uiuiluldu tor iln assault 1. 1 M.in.tl lull. The rt I I ilnii 'oiili'itiili'S tin (.ill of .M, in. ill. .ii uii. I Hon ii inarrh iulhv. iinl throiiKh 'l rpu- nml Jalih to to Mriii i. t'lly. hIMU.T WK.M i n K TOICIIION M .TI. .1 iii ri-tc. Mivii-ii. M n h I - Mill-, uli i in n mi.uk on Tiirruon nrul Ma- I.ill.ill .! iH'llli -tell ti'll.l III llilMl'l1 re. .iv .l h. ii'. Ii k.ik m. iI Uiiii while lieliernl IIIm le'.el HI lli mill not ing MHlnt Toir.oii. fori iiniler li.ll.l.l lUin-Ki'ii woulil iihmiiiH Mil aul I. ill. i Ku .-non mi reiioi te.l lo I"' lll.A.lii; I.' " Hi lroo HKnlllBt Ihe lille i-ortBl li.irl Tin a mini lo he mil of n en er.il ilim tor nn liinrernt' no.e. nn III iiKiiilml .ill 1'iI. ihI lon e 111 northern M xt o C. iier.il nlmnon n . oiiiiin.'i.l. r of the norlhwe-tei n milu.iry mine muhl tain h.trne ol ...el.ilioiiK nIollK Ihe i-o.iBt. while i. in-1, 1 1 i!l;i im i imslluitioimUHt ollllllii lnh I' .1) 'hlhllllhnu MOIlM mhiIi Toiiiun. 'Ihe lull ol MiiHiitlnn. w -oll-Hiih-ri'il. viouiii inemi ii-i tin I rontrol of the n-i'ii 1'i.iki il.firl.i. while Tor reon l the miltoi.it renter .t i-eiilinl Mixi'o. Ihe mlitiiie of huh wulil Ihieiiten ih" iiiillul. Alter ihe iv i-tlll't- ol t heen ttt't liointM hi'lh lirmleH Uollhl IIIOM' HWIIIIIr! I illlllilllll l-iril. h.i Ii I tin' utriiti KU ke lo the in terior. A. . ..nliim lo the iil.nix. I iiiiiy inim ill l. Mtloleil ill ihe lio.e thai t If i 'n 1 1 foi ti la .nif i"it ill lull with tin' i-uitiri- of Marat lull. In the i-oJei-tM i i.ni. nun on 'lie Al'nl i-OIIMl the icnlllioat 'r.iiiipn o, re- iiiuU xtii renili-i el lo Ihe ii.i)i m ill, mmlil he i'm.n I'll Iii i ouiiiera. t Ihi' lo fi-di-rnl Killili'MlH relilairillitf oil the I'oaMt, MilBaltan I I tilllih-rell eani r lo lake h reaHoii of it ih u tlon than linaMii.in, wliuh lie laeii uliaikiil ri-i'iiteili without renl. M WIIH Mlalll (hut the HltlllllllllO 'Oil titoietiieiii auaiiiMt Toi reon unit Xla xailart hail rtii-tveil :h .inilioti of Hernial .imimn. mm- lonrihinj iiverlaml lulu hihiin hiiii. n w 0 HUIM Till. I HUM IUAIVINS I IIIM The han on Hewn out of Hie interior helow I In point niitHiii.il III in Hi If moiriiiiM Inilirert Iniormulioti. how ever. Unlit aleit thut the!.- hinl l.i-ell lo. MkIUhiic ol ti'loa-'i'it ni r tl ir.nu the l.lf.1 fert l.l llellelul ilia. In hiil o fit. li.l iiill it-e. d-tl eof iiiake known hi plan nor what wan o'iiiiiiik lo the north of Tol reon. I u lh la I here eeiueil I i he hh lunoiHiit of Ihe n.iirioi- a i lu ll uli lu ll wa l-HI'la lll.-.l I luil Din Hl.Molllte eml.aiKo on mw laii.eil lo Ihe l.i.r ihi iihi hy irain or lel.'ura .h Int. I 1m',-ii iiiih.i.m in i.nl"r lo iii'i veiit the Torrion v.trrinoii la-imi 4111 ..rinrtl of the llihill B. Ill Iroop lln.t 1 lln nla I'V v ol KhkIi I'iiwi or Mnii.i l ily. II Wa lal.l that the ri' i I f lli r.il hail hei n lril.lln noli. "IH III IIhh reci.'.l The 11. Wr Irom ihe lialiolial t.iilliil lh.it offn lain Ih. ie lia.l .1. i.i.-.l w it h It-Kiel ihe n i.orletl .-.lei: i. tone. iiin e Torreun ili.i lh . i.H l.t'ln-r la ut h irpi.ri. fi-ili-raU l tutilr I hi-mh r'l I: m. Ten.. Maft h 1 - Tin.'.. .oii.r. l MeMean fi tli-rnl ohln ra .trriaonmu the .M.xlii.n town rt lai in a. ippoii lu te, etat iiaie.l th pl.o-e totlity. Their ii.it ilia I ion an. I i ... p. .11 K (or lonv'iiiB me nol kn.-Mn lure. Hinee Moiul.iv there ha hern re piate.l rep. him that I'on.t II ul ioniil-ht It ere pltilililllll .t altark I.H N'aeil" C' n.-iv.. I of ai llvny helwei'ii f.-il. r il. ami roiifiitutiiiiinlott uloIlK thifl et' lion of the hunter ha heen rt-pi.rle.t liiiiiiim in for pniiif lime. IMPERAT0R IS BADLY DAMAGED IN ROUGHEST PASSAGE IN HER CAREER flW IjumnI Wirm lo FvrMiiC llcrMrt.t N. w York, Man h 19 Tur m- irn lui lini'-iutr Hinud i it. m Hatit Iuik 1nii.iV ui tor lh' itiiiilliiHl imxr i'f lirr iiiicfi. Th port winir f hir KUll fiiKlf fltfUrt-lH-utl im nilf Mini f.MH l.lilMIUlM Vl'lf ll(lfM!IM ll'"U tl' ilHVit. IlltXlMU iMTll IUIIH'i, HVt.iy 4. w it v(. tn I '- lux lii at Alt rrh 1 A IfrUfii hv ii irttir f hut fit nr for f lh mh mi 'ii k lin-ruiir w hn mw Unit ulnmt 4mi iiwIfM frtitii th KiitrhNh ha mi-1 ji ml iu uh i y r t it.t m (- fit flu tur.'i Hwile k. TUv hiHiuani (anted t wt-til Y'fnitr Iifiui. Anioim t Iim (nwfii. IH w'l't Mr Julitl J' tt AkIht. v im i ttiii- I rfituit (nr im wiitlmic tt lh r in Vim fin, nml iwlr. niul Mm. John lt.t IlillllUH'llit. VILLA 01 Thousand Men Moving on Fa Northern Mexico WILL WAY TO NATIONAL CUP IWL TOTAL OFDEAD NOW SEVEN IH SECOND Thomas Burke Rescued Afttr Thirty-seven Hours in Ruins of Fallen Wall Be lieved to Complete List. (It? IhmiI Wire in Kti'iilnil llerahl.l Si. I.oiiIh, Man h 1. --Hi eull tor ii iliink of n ii.t His i...in I'U to Ihe nwue of 1 Iioiitj.im 11'irne Irom the I .Uli ! the fx. I.oiii Keeil .11 1 1 in l tu i I.I ill at thlrt - en hmiiT aliir Ihe Hiin.-tiiie roll.i.iil miili-r I he m-luh: of ii fallen wall. Hurke ilie.l erai houm ii f nr lieuiK taken from thu r 'J t ii". The eeil lomi!lll lilnlillllV Ull l molihhe.l TiieRilay iilieriio-.ii when one of ihe mill of Ihe liw...nrl Aih lelle huililiim fill on H. The Mi Kourl Villi. 'in- i-l.ili hiiihlin wan ile Htroynl iii hie ten ilay uku with M Ion or thirty live. tteriie- who hail iM'i'ii iiiKRin In Ihe runs all niiilit were mukina t ,-xtniul.' hnrtv when they urn liirtle.l .hy lliiike'. tall for hilp. llti-r Ihe for.-e ol eiiht nun lui'l workeil for half an hour the.' foiitnl llnike pinioiieil iimler a erlion ol f loonim Near llutke whh fouml the hotly of nn iinltlent tie. I mini, iirniKiiiK tin total ileitil found to i-mii iuMlM-r h Uni liH'iitllh'il. SI. I.uiii. Man h Iii. The hotlv ol K.iIkhkI J M . Kelt dm, a li.liiii of (he Mi.'j..MIII Allll.ii. I'liih hre. wan itleiul r..l i' ilnv I. ii l.ioih. r II .1 M -Kelillil of Mel l.ilall. t'ollli. Thtel boili. r. niiiln iini.li-r.illli-.l Hoboes Buy Acre on Outskirts of Sacramento Hundred and Seventy-five Men Bask in Sunshine on Their Own Domain. Kelly's Trial Tomorrow illv IwrC Who ii rrrninc llrrll.) Him lanii-fito. ul, March n huiMtrr-.l ami wvi at -in- iiiH'iti)tlyt-t : it ii UHKkcd ttnl.iy in I he fnimthmc on ih-ir utrw of Ki'Miml ti .i ih Si ra litinto. iiti 'lUMftl ) t'Mifi iuy l ritin a rtah iiiuan. A kic ul tinned ill-Mlt a M tt tit I hMl (t'M iJtllM'tlt 'Ihi IiihI nf lh Jui UialH if In Bin laiciN kan Ih'kuii luilav, rl-w.-ml 1'4M'B"lMlt' laMtiit uriM.Kni'it tr K "I 1 a i U llc Will he 1 1 u tl H'Mii'i ma. . DISCUSS" EXEMPTION OF LABOR UNIONS FROM ANTI-TRUST MEASURE (l l-4-rise.l Wire 10 t.eriB Hrral.l W'a'hliiki hi. Mauh I '.' 1 fiop.i.al for i-keiupt ion ol l.thor uiiion fioni l.i .1 allM tl'lIRl leulslKtloll Wi le !H- riWHt-il toda' at t oiitereriri-a heiween I'lealtlillt I it llllnl H and Heerelarv Mi.rii.ini of tin- Ami-ill an Kedt I iilimi ol 1 aiinr. .'ind Speiiker I lark Vo roll 'lllrtlol.a Wl'le aniiotiu. ed Home llieillheii. are ttreparlna In pre., for II i .-. lh.' provision w llell the hill i i.nie ui'. Il-pri iitaUr he.iiiiiK may ak lor a laii.'Ua. petrel. ny I'.rMiu will he imKed to "iipport the pi opoil loll. i oili'oit vrio ii: i. : wu. I. nr: ttNMiti hi i l.liit-oln, ,i-li . M.n-rri In ri n.tior ltolii.oli, who i a meiuiier of Ihe nale tjh eoinmiilt'e on mlertale ii-mnnri.i h.iinn ill iIihiko the piep hi. tin ni of 1 1 .i nl h'kivlalion. aald lit if lodHt that olo.iilt'lal iotl wlil he alien to Hie Hill Is il'llil , ol iio'litililig in the trut hill, plot isl. ni l l.i l m k lo the ixe of Hie .-ol p. i .tl loll. Mini alo for Ihe renulallou ot lllell rapllHllxalinll hill It 1 hi no me. ma reitatn II. Hi IhiKe l-l't two hilt will he 111. iiltli .1. Will. I' III. II HI trlTON f.ll HUM. Illl I. Washllivloll. Mali ll l. M l Kl.'l r. 1 1 1 It or Hoiilh I'ar.il.n.i ered iit.tl.'e lotl. iv Hint he would as tonioirow for Ihe paNseKe ot Iii roltoll lllitiliii- h!ii Hi in Hon followeil a prolet lo Sen. aim SmimIi of lieoiaia and liiriiuali of Xorih I'aridiua aa.ilriMt Hie pre llllllll method of lolioll uailiuii. DISASTER VOTE OF CENSURE BRITISH Opposition Leader Bases Mo tion on Fremier't Refusal to Give Details of Ulster Fro gram .SKS REFERENDUM OF THE UNITED KINGDOM London Globe Reports Arrest of Great Anti-Home Rule Leader. Reports Draws Of ficial Denial lly I in ill Wire o lAi-iiinu Herald. I.oniloli. Mareh V. A ote of rin mir,. on ihe llrilith Km et iiment wu mt.wil toil. iv In I lie howe ol Mi llion I.) Antlrew llonar Law, leader ot Hie i i :-. I ion It wan lnie.l on rn-lliler A.iiltli refllK.il 111 Monthly to kivc lletllll of the . Iil'liii- ol lot III oiilioli hy whit h the nine roiiiilli ol I li-K r would he pel llilttetl to vote k pnlHlely on Ihe 1 1 u -et I 11 of thu new Irish itolertnoerii. I he leader of the opioiort ofleretl lo Kit- a K'i.iraiii. thai if the anv il itio.-Mt would take n referendum ' he I lllli tl K inn. I' 'III oil Ihe hiuiii.- rule lull nml l.o.i I option 'l "i.-s 1 1 the I nii.iiisi in hoih Ihe lioiiBe of lords ami III Ihe hoiiHe ol '.MitiioiiH would pl.tte in iini't'thiiii'iii in ihe wn ol .IIINUIK mil Ihe will ol the people, hil ll.lwald I'lllsoll. Ihe I isler I'll- ioiiisi leader, ha. ked up Mr. Law n ott. r ty enyiDK that II the premier w .ih pri-piued lo nap him a tl.-finile oil. r i'f a refer. -iitlum he would uu .ept that liet IMoii. MT-lloMi: Kill: II M'lll , ll HI Hi: I Mil U Allltl'.sT I... I. .Inn. Mauh - The r.lohe to dnv nay that ninraiit hne heen HiKiied for the uriewt of Hir Kdwiird l arsoii mitl ol hi'r leader of the I'tnter I liloll fl. It I oflltlnlly ilt tlnlfd that there I iiholiilely mi truth Hi the mal. iiii nt ni. ulc today hy the i lol.e thai warrani have heen MKiieil lor the nrret of fir k.lw.nd lumuii mid other CnloniHt leader. Mr K.lwunl t a reon, ho w n for merly t oneerv al H e anlleitur Keiiernl. hua ulwuy heen onu of tl'.e moat liery iippoiieiii I'f home rule lor Ireland i m e rHl ormxn.iiR hu ha Nlal. ilth.ll the people of I Isler would r fane lo reroani.e a parliament In l'ui'Illl. In Siplellll.tr Iii llm (otiiite of a pee-h lo the ilter "vol unteer.," he raid. "N e rune the pli du. . of somei of the mentiHt aemnilH in I he Jlritixh arm that Ihey will ronn- over and h.-lp ii keep the old II. ih .'l iiik w hen I he tune an iv e." Ill Se pie inner. I 1 hi Waa Ihe lirl to put hi iaitaliiie tti the -uveuutit entered into hy tin- I 'Ul el men, whith hind iht-m "to iin till the mean that may he found iieeeHarv to defend thu present roiiRpuat y to t up hun:v rule in llel.tlltl." Kir Ktlward ha heen the t tin nil rure In Ihe hi.iiM- of t .In ti 1 1 in and in the n.umry in the .aiiipamn ;i k:i I nisi home rule. It.. ! larvd III lifi-i'iiilii i la.tt ji-iir at .oiiiuahmii lhat the liKier "xolnnteei ' hum bered IHI.lMHI men ami hit. well I trained uiul al nit-.l. I. It l'ai-d mi I'liair. When hir 1.. I w.i nl i',iron nod Jo .ph Hcilin. .uiioii.illi lurmi'i-r tof iiellilKl. IIHtled tlm house the at- in. is. here herame healed. The 1'lnter leuuer tailed Mr. Iieihn a liar whan the .Satliilliillt III. Miller lie. 1 11. d that fir l.tlwaid l al. m al oue lime hud he. 'li M home luU-i- "lt f mi iiilamoii I.e.'" loured Viir I'.tiwar.l. and when Ihe rpe.iker UH Keeled a llinilininlli.n of hi Inlmuagu .-ir r.uwaitl euiiMtiiuled loi li "Ihe iati-mem i a wilful lulu- llOlMl. ShoulH of pli.l. sl and rheera ill up poll ol both mi'iuiiei lill.-il Ho.- a 1 1 ii ii t iM-r ami d wa aome iniiititi- i.ora Ihe aprllkel W.I utile to lliuki li. lo se 1 1 h.ald in an uppial for mtnd- allve ot peraoualll iert. iiilli Itrjiila lniHsal. Mr Ijiw pi t.posii ion tn.li a li ter rnduni of ine r.Mintl) ehould he taken mi tin- home ruie oil!. ami ihe m.ul ol I'.i.n inopoH.ti tor I'later wa r I.-. I.'tl I., i reiiiii-r A.u.ih. w lio aaltl that he hflleveil the (nl I I lilli.nl plt.poii otiered I liv tinl iiopu ot lu-itili t Hie mom. ' .Ml laiw in h. kprerli ru .ileloletl lhal Hie Kov el iiliielit t.nila ut.ul llai-ll nl a rvfei eiidiim without .ni a.iriuiti1 of li pi iiiiipl. or inmnij. liu aaid he ilnl not Hi-mil- It. .Uihnle oil lei ll uit'iililie. II. dei lured that if I'm llllel As.tillha ploposui lhal I liu rolllll a- ol I Ut.- hollld Vote on Hie llthM. i nl im Iiimi.ii in Hit liieh g.n- erumeiii meant that I Inter aa not lo lie ui.tin irom the I .ilie.l Km a titiin iii;.iiiii.i her will, it wtoiiil h ur lepletl a a. oaiti of dlai usait.it. If. ho ev el. I lile.ilil thai at Ihe end ol a lelluiii line the peopl..- ! lisle were lo i.e inuuuhl ittftomutK ally un lit l ihe power tl the 1ml. on pallia nielli aaamal lio n will liu- I moiiial altsoluli-l- rejet ted II. ' Ihe l.piollioli leader then made In t.llrl ol a Bituralilee that Hi l lilollial Would poire no illipeuinielit III Ihe way ol mil)!!! onl Ihe will ol Hi,, people if the government would lae n referendum ol Hit. I'lllied Kinttiloin on Hie home nile toll' and Ihe Ineut opiton propoul lor i'later. He .'ooil.-d,ll H l ihe l. s jlt of the I efi-i t'liiluill wa III Uiiii .i the hill ua umended h I'leiun-r Ati.h' lia-.tl option pii.pi. al. iioihniii wouh be iloni h Ine I uiotilMt. uaailitfl I lie pulllliM Into opeiulioii of Ihe pro p.. an I romplelely mid without delay ir air. A'iniili l iixe.l ihe t our iifit d. aald Mr. Law, It lould only he ' lie. .now the Koernmeiii thoiiahi 111 tile wortla oj Wlll.loii Spell. el I hurt lull, that Ihe tiielioli aholll I.e anileil hy hi. Met tallpr than hy V idea. "vAtnil mIioui ihe army If It 1 l I a iiueatioii or diaoidei the army will and on. In to ola-t, hoi If it la a pieatnm ot ilv II war thu aold't-r OH T ,.f Mii pen In hied hikI i nlm h we Ui-i't-nl for our iiiiUoumI aulely I'lnnler An'iiillh. however, looked fiddly iii Ihe propoail li'ii t.r a refer endum I ! km lil he wiili) mil ku further Hi ii ii in any lh.- kov eminent look n. .Ir ,if i, The premier, who spoke only fur h fiw minute, raid. "The Rnwrnment do not re-eie from it proposal, under whnh there Would III tin (iiiti lull ul t'lslrr. 'the i" hem(. Klin ii Mx Jean irlnl of home f ull' Indole there Would lit lllljf iilii'iuiM l.i lirliiK I later under il pro- latona. Ii ih my belli t Hi, it In Ih vuMTtiiiirnt r iiihhI ii.'k til., only hope of u lasting i-uloini'iit " LANE NAMES LAKE FOR MRS. WILSON ( i-n wire t vmnir fi-rm j J imii-iiiiiiiiiiii, Aim. n i i - laike l-.i- I Ion iIhoii i now- ihe mime of it I heiilltifill hotly of Water in (lla. I. r I national park. He. rein ry I. ..lie ll.m .. iiaiiie.l it in honor of lh.. .ri-ri tl lit h wile. Hern iary bun. fouml ' Hie l;ili.', paiil to he the ino.t laauli Inl of the tone In the wist on hlN ' trip lai .iiiiiiin r. Ii I 11 mile .nK ' ami half a mile Lie. State Convention Adopts Ring ing Platform Endorsing Administration and Approv ing Direct Primary SHIVELY UNANIMOUSLY NOMINATED FOR SENATE Governor Declares that all Christian People Regardless of Party are with President in Mexican Policy Itjr 4mI Wire In Kveninit llrruld. Imllaliapod, M.irth 1). f t ik Ii tubule waa paid to the nil- ti.iiinl iiilmiiilNlrailoii, lreitleii( W'llaon, Vim J'r.-sident Marhall and .-serielary Itian in Ihe platloim of the l mn ran- part.,' adopted at Hlr atati' ion- . nlliili hi l i' today. Kuril a I Ml- 111 I lllt-li t of parly pledMr In Ihe hri j.'.ir ha heen without a parallel in the lustor of the loiinlry. nie iloiu iient aa. The lil. il for ins roulaiiia platiUa piittinii the party on reronl a lal'oiinii a ntale wide priliiaty law, an it rim i.t I ion art Bimll.tr to Ihe Kitiin.in Imi and a dr- mall. I for a rluid t ill orremeiit of llle iiilior law. Th.' piesriii Iniiin. I.tl einH.tr- lansiii. nl of the late la rhalK. tl to the previoua "ext. Iidrtl rule ot liepulduaii extravaaait.'i' ami maiailmimsiriiilou." IMKl.tT l'IIIMlt IMoil-i:ii: Mll H. 111 -MiMlN I I l linliaiiap.il.. ml, .Mart h in Indi an, i lielllorrala ill Male l .invention h.'ie i.nlay, h.-eilitia the w ish. s of I'lealdelit Wllsoll and Serretary llryan deilmetl In favor of a Male- with- dirrt'l primary law when they adopted uitaiilmoiialy Ihe plullorm l-fesenied hy the ominlilee on r. o lutioiia t olil.iinilw a pi. ink Indorsing ihe plan. Die primary ket linn wa wrllH ll In to the platform afi. r an all ' I mill ilurina whnii .- lialm Slilvely ami Ki ni iiia.d Hie u.riiiiiera of thu intuitu to in. Hi. Ir approval of the pilniary viem in Hie ilot umeiii. rre Iiiiiin In the adopt. "I. of 111.- plalfollll S.-llalol h.rn Wu lie. tea pel Ilia llelll Im irma n. The rollilllllli e "ll rule I u- memletl that a Senator It K- Hhiv. lv waa unopiii.siil lor ri'iioiiiimition hu hi. iiottle itie J'iiiiv nominee uiiani ntouslv . M.a. lt..l.airj ..f l.oaanaporl w.i iioiniiialetl ni a ran. I Male lor JiitUa of the ii i -me .o ut. H.iiu .x. I'.iW.'l ol Alilila w..- IHUIIIII tied lor Jllduo of Hie a pp. date roilrl. and Homer I., rmm of I ndlnnapoli. ki" le. l.il to IllUke the I a u for seiretnry of Male. t.l I IIMIIt I. IX i iii:iitv ri'ito u m mi n i-oi.irv lii.llaiini.idia. Iinl. Jl.tri h IS Alier an all mailt aw ol Hie ..solution roiltnilttee plitlloiin tor the rolii'd el.illoll of Hie I H I at U- Male mill millet, whhh met heir today wa atlopietl and Im P.. I. s a plank, pro posed hy l ulled 1-1, u s Senator I r sluv . Iv. ph.r.iii: 1 1 a lnVertUM a atali e pal t y t.n ret oi d w i.l.- priinurv law', ian'v V-aa aeveii la Che into on the p MIX. Afler Ihe plnll. ph-led. Iliemhela ol hail l.i-in i-opi-e i-uiiiiiiii'ii-f -ur the ni funs mi Kern und hIiu uppt-ar-'l and in xed Hi" ry plunk. II ( Imlljiiup rommlllee, le lh pleased r eat-lit ll n lit o nl Selilllol. Sll.v.l'. ii IIO'lli l.t-r I'f loiW's hi-l'ole Ihe oii.ioit Ha nd. iptloll of Ihe pi in... Mav or Joseph I . II oils, i hiiirniiiu tit I lie t lured that o ulv o teen iiiemh-r. la f. u t ii if unil thai ii only uTier the ' M oUI of llle Hill olid ihe prin-ury had heell adopted 'oi and foiiarr- men had made u pi plunk were mil :n 1 a lelletilotl till I't poll. lea. a thai if ut ll ix i.led ll would '.- Sldellt Wilson a., - ilovtrnor S. M Oil's In lite rolit. t-mphalie Miippoti Malslnll ill 1.. nr eltlxeri like ihe tv B The hi in v will In thai fore." In lifatrnM'd i DEMOCRATS OF! I n n I A r I A DAV i I Itf U I It Its f I I 111 TniniiTr To IHIKIIIr III iiiiuuil u PRESIDEMT lilloll dei In .'ed hlaa of I Irani, ul W,l moii n Mexlt all poll' v . "I'reMilenl V lis. ul ha lllllldlrd with Kreul w iHihim mid ijiknit the rrilual Mexhan wiiiiam-n." he aaid. "He lov ee pea. e ami lit he humanity, only aa a lai und inoal ileaperuie r aoil would lie fi'iistui lo the dualling r PMI I MIV'O ilL UHILLHUA 1 nnimir nminr nr unihiL uhujl ur Ernest Morris, Minister of Ma rine' Resigns Because of Charges Made in Chamber of Deputies v MURDRESS STILL OBJECT OF POPULAR SYMPATHY Crowds Gather Around Gates of Saint Lazare to Watch Callers on Imprisoned Min ister's Wife (lly l.eiihoil Wire o lArnlnif Herald. 1 . rai l!-.. Mar. h l .i. M...I iiiir l ail- 1 hlllX'N aSM. LSI lilt I loll I'f iotton I'.l!- ' meile, I'ditor of the KiKitro, liioiislit aiioiit another i hariae in lh. Kri-ti- h ahlnel today when Km. t MoiilK, ininiHier it niai'ine. andetl hi reaiKii.i- I lion to thai of Jos. pli I'nill.iiix. n. ill icit r of flnanca. A me. 'Una of Ihe t nlilni i roiuit ll ai r. pled the r.-aiKii'itloti- Km' Hit; present. Alhei't K. I-hrun. inin'de-r ol oh nie. iiill m l iiNo a mmiMer ol mm ine. .l.nt ne r..lllui I t ll I ihe ol.hu t of deep popular . uipai hy. I i ow ili look .iili.inl.it;.' lod iv ol tile mid It men holiday lo n uli.-r-nl Ihe unlet id' Sainl liar prison, the women pelii .nl iar .-, tih.-le ahe Is in rllalodv Th. i-erple m.tiiitt-aieil areiit ruriosli.i III Ihe islior to Hi. I, ill the lawsrr eliaa lene. Ill tile telltral distil nl, w ho im-liid- i d tor h r de- . 1 oT I'ai I, nr well ua in ihe mole t tirhiih lit .mai lers on the Mouth aide of Ihe S.ine. the p. dire had taken i-vi-n pi nlloii ot pin em p.. lit Iral demonstration. The nsl.lenie of M. '.i 1 1 1 ,i ij x was slronuly aiiaitletl, a w el e also the of flre of the KtKur.t. ihi en.He nml Hi' I'hiim.ier of ilrpuii.'H. Tile r'laiiniioli of M- Mouia tun eauaed hy Ht.tlemei'ia made In the rhaml'er of il.'piitie that while ). w.i premier lie hall .'Xt'rll'll powerful ititlil. il. e iill Vtetor Ka'ire the pill. lie pr.'i-i'Uot to pi.slpolle till trih! of llelirl Co. hiivp rw-inilt.' -lUKreUillllia llleril liirk disa pp.-a red hette who waa utleKeil to tl ii- pulillr out ot sums Si'.ia.iliHi.iinil hy fiaitd l'nti!uiit ion. Itochrttc while on hail. M. Muni appear In have with drawn Irom ihe . ahitiet roltit'tunt Iv nml only alter several of hi rol- leis'liei huti I li 1 1 .'Ua I '-il that he lllilKl do so or that Ihey would r.-xian lie Iiii Iii en iimmoii. tl to appear hefiiri- im . oiiir.iiUi e ot 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 r v ni pollllt il i Hie rll.imher of loplllieo lor ea iii mat ton lomorr d....- Jo.'ph I'aillaiix Ma r pi oe lltnr. Hint M I.' Issic. pn aid. -nt of 1 he peala will also no In for I.e. Mniiilie llarre. the iw. i in that i.r'. Pie puh ilnlauil tit i eourl of ap- the rommit' aratlemlria ll K'lldfil ll one and HoVellM Who is of I Ilia leader I'f Ih Kr.inre. I amoiiix Ho. new uplrlt ' .1.1. le. I lo I old parliamt'lit.tly ro.iiluili-- appoint ed iii 1 ! 1 I to lliv es! ik.i it- the I'orhetti affair. The eoiniiiittee will meet I wire daily. The revelation, aui.l In patini m.'iit ar- i-irrle, ti.eplv afti'lt Illv ehrlloll v h i to he held April .". il III iii ii y ll an of arm ln-twien Hi rountiy and Mixlr... He in anii'itioiiH tor the r Ion. tl. HI ol riltler iv lill. nil the aarrlfire of lite of a ailiklr Aloetlrall hoy hriHtiiin people without i.-u.ird to parly eii.liiiH,. hi ro.iiHi' and prn thai il iiuiv tesuli m a vi' pn f,,r law mid JiiHiiti-." H' liaior Shivel.'y alter heina nomi nated thanked the ! I yale lor th. honor and III It diarllaeed llle Wolk of Ihe nat.onal ll tl III l ll i Nl ro l it-ll. pal mil his'h irihuir ii. rn-snle'ii Wi son 'I'll.- at pator tl .1.1I..1 lhal I, drill, .rrat ii- rule had hroiiLihl uhout a revision of Hu- latlif dovvtivvid hail llivol'-td the l onrlli's rli.lt l..i svsti'iii ami p-t uiaiois and had olv ed Hu- trust i ui-si inn. ami tlia I'ri'Midellt WlUoll hail lIPl pelp'ev Inir iiiti-rnaiiomil prolih-nia wuh liiiiiioss ami Lot lhat ha not hern ext filed in Ihe htatory of the rouii irv. HANOI I T IN MM Ol.N ON lllt N'h Hill I III! V l.lllrolll lei-, of lh. tiolial and it-Pi ., Man h l'J - M.-m 1 1. mo. rat ir pn 1 1 of h.i stai proiniiiiiir.- ure It III. el liele t h r ol Hu S.fl et.ll'V of I 1 1 el tine III lary w HI ii"t Ul'saaU' of Iroin him lo toiuaht nis'ht m a iM.iit'ti.-l it 1 1 1 1 v f ni rt h hllthdav Siai- I'.iv.in lor the l.evei.l! V'-.lls Ihe sen I.- ill llttt ltd. lilt e. hill Kleetllilt vv it ret eiv lav. vvlll.h will he read TOUR LIVES LOST IN DETROIT FIRE I n-lroii M i' h . M 'l. I i - Kit whi'li l.ioke out I ti it. i. 'trill. ."ii in the live atorv InilldillK t" t li .,, . I.. tile HoUklltoli I ll I I "11 fil.-valor ioiiiPhPV in nie ilowr lo.tll illslrirl Is hellevld In he e r. stilled In ihe death of Hint men who wie workina on the unit i,',.i' Kotir up n vv. .,. i .u ploy. .1 on lhal lle.r line - .aped lllfolisll ' skvllKhl He waa I'.iilll l.ni tie .1 and - ul and ronld aiva hn infol mall.. ll .-on-. . I I. mil the late ol hia . ollll'an iol, Tile elevator t Olllpa II ' I. II. 1. 1.1, w..a ileal I I'V id and III" II. , in. a sple.ol In iill ail a 'Ilnl. si ru. Illlf. ': New Itelu l I l rultni- III lluili. W io lili atoii Mai. Ii lit - New it i.t l opri .lllrll In Haiti wile reported I" taV OV lh' K'llliioUl NashVilie u Set -telar.' lialliel Theod'U f, who la IrMliK lo aeue Ihe prealdi nrv ol llle Uitilul ft'pulilir la al I'lande Ihilllu. mi U'il ANOTHER HOLE in CINE, iminiiimnTnii 10 ALU H.U.III.U I Ull Impending Engagement at FTV ...... yx,-. TI,A.inl.l 4 A 1.. Tl.. ' ami i cvii Aiiuuni m uc de cisive Event in Constitu tionalist Cause RESULT MAY CHANGE ENTIRE SITUATION Defeat of Villa Might Open! Way to Entirely New Plan of Compromise in the Re public Hy laniM'd W ir ti Kvi'iiIhk Herald.) WnshiiiKtoii, Mart il l.i While no liu nil win. I 1. 1. no to ihe While House today of the tepolted purpose of Urn- till lluelta In re-opi-tl purlt-va With Ihe 1 ' ii ii t-it Slates, ay ai mini, hi minisier of foreitfii uflalr. Jnar lor '.ill., v Uol. i. lo Vera I'llln. lo "onler 'Villi .loliii l.illd, .idilllllist I nt loll t. Ill- rial llltlli atetl a w tUlliatles In listen anv' Hew plol.tiK.ll lor a peat-el ill aettlfiuont. Tli.-y .-em-tl to aitii'-h mosl liiiportaip e at Inia lime to the iilllrollle of lile Ull pelltlllia iiattle ll 101 reon, whith i i-xperietl to mark a trititiii I it I' ir In the Mreiiatu ami pira-i like of the tint eli.lllIU la. Holla. I When Ihe i-xt'h.iiiae til noit-a h- Iweeii S. nor ilanthuii ami I'liarae MlallLllliessv ami John l.ltitl te eon-'ltole.J iaat aiitiimu. Hie uttltlltli' ot ihe Washiliati.n aov La iiuient wa tiriu- ly ' laidished a t'l'i'imt'il not only to lite reroanition of lluerta, hut lo lhat of any aiirreasor ot Ilia rlioosinn, The N aailillUioll kov 'riillo lit liu heell mimlliil that a peio t-f.il .-l 1 1, im-nt In Mexl.'o tli pell'l' il not alone on the rh'.i.islrii: of a man to whom diplo math' n . ..kiiiiloli miKfil lie exlt lided out lhat it wa e.plallv th peii.lt ni on the iltlll Ide ol tile t . HIM It lit lona list s alio have itiinoiim ed Inelr unwMliiiK-lo-ss lo I'omni oiiiiae wllh tne Hut i la aroiip. Shoiiitl th oiislliulionalisi he ite lialed at Tori nn. it Is w'tliin the raiiKi or poseihihiii a that the whole rituaiioii mil-. In- rham.'rd anil a roni- protlllSe r.lliilld lie IlKlt'l d nil. Spet'll- iili.on iii oitl. rtl ni. li s w.i not lias- d on any ikliiiite iiilorm.ilioii mid r. wa ol Hie visil of K'.jas lo Mr. I.lntl W a t-.isH'i ly a w a tt-tl. ri NNsI V NI M N I N 1 1 111 I .Ni ION Ml s'V HOli: WaMhiiiKioii, Mai-rli IS - "War with M.-xiro iiieaii a w ar ol .-xiiausl ion. til' moment ollr Hoop pas the Hom ier llle M'-XP all will drop their iiuar Itia ul'd tn-ise t omilioll enlist- ..aaillat the It ' 1 1 I "l.riliaoek," d.'i Ini'.ll Hep-le-t'llttllV Hu;IIIK of I't 1IIISV IV illllil, rinllli - -ill', tod. IV ill the house. lie ilttlainl It was Hie tlillv of eonureaa men to aiaml shoiilth r to iniuitl.-r in ihe I-m- .n sit im I inn anil lhal he In1- lie! til order w ollltl never tie featured ill Mi kit o save I'j a stlolik! Illllil alip portt .l hy a turn' superior to ihe l.u -i , t lis now haii.vuiK the roiititr. ami thai their waa im mull Im e iii M.x- p.. I h. lleve I'le lime 111111 .nine, if ll has IH 1 all.udv . r t v -!.' h- .1.1. h d. w lo ii ii will i- kin- imp. lain e dui ot Uli KoV el llllielll I't alllioUlli'e to Ihe wolld thu pt'tsi III i on. Ill I. ma ill ,li o III. 11 .ea-e nml lhal Ulil. s hy a alien tlllo l.le .MiXi'.lli I hi'toaelv hall have math- parllie iulalltll HI ill. I . a as.- h'isl llil Its, llle I nil. .1 Mate in Hie ililelesl ot In. uiiii. IV will un .1. It. ike ul ilel . I. If " iriil K I JOHNSON ill T SHOW Mol.r. Nl.l.ll Mil! Iltoor-. San I'laln Im ti, .il. Ii l lo t-l li'-l .loll lis.'ii i an I i llliess -W llle a ps oil till ill is Ho a . .o.l:t l.-l r i ii. i ii J till ill" nioi e pi i-e in: n L' VV el t tltfot III- uppal'-lit. I alt Hole t I 1 1 It ll. I " Ariluir M uii.iv, p.ti i ru-ii t oi i In ed (oi tl" I.olil'l th ll eo 1 1 ' ' s ml M i li . out ma in! 1 1 I'.O Hie I." 'l Johns' W llell I inv e I .l'. l'l. .idem W ii-oi. I ,.ii.iit , I sou t M. I II ask. 'I I I ot. 'al.ll. I at III' W tl I X. II. J In Jnllll..t--ll a 1 lie I I .mutter .1 I' t at. I.. li.nihts. il Un. an. n in il l Mali. 'ol.lllt l.ll rial I ll. v --.tti. si w as r ti dep. ii inn-id I -It I I 'll I I 1 1 11 l, Hie I ...III. I , V 'll 1". I. llle li'tl' pi O IP' .'I lor III.' last ni'i. h a ihey hav. I tv n eal - In 1:1. .Ill 1 1 on ale W ll ,1 Hi. l.oliler i'-W Us I I. t ll. . ask ttie I ill. ploterl them ' dial K'H I 1 li- III. Ill t' Milt MI N IS or TKOOI'S uitm iii i n no i.oiiiii ii Lit I.- K". a t k , M .it h I '' I' t.ar . ..in I-., lilt s ..: tin- .Mlltll I II. I" d Sl.lt itili, inrv si.iip'ii'd ai I nn Loyuu H Ho Ms. lefi here (otlay for Laredo. 'I't X.t. Whele Ho V Will lepoll tol Hol der duly Th" th I i.'lioo ids l.u ii-la i 3ii'i piivaie ai.. I oilii . r- und i i 'mi ni unit. I l,t I 'a I j :i .1 V II nil I in Inn. ,11, lain. I, s ol Ihi I s A . I'oi rotu pi isii k li III rivr Fi I I , Mil ,1, I I - Two hat - S ii i Iv ml. .i.i i 1 1 mill, iii ro'l I'lallr f ' III . ItU II ll I II U . 'a m.-ri and ;'.i olti-i'i Thtiin is. T.-x.i-. hi . la Ii ii (i ll t nl .1 1 M, . "l al.i.-.l" XI. an I'ol'lel All .nt rllteelit h ,. ild. M.tl I'lliTed St i h 1 Tile s. l llll.tliliv lelt l-'i.ll M I'herai'll i.tl ir.i.u Im I ,,lll the I'ollll lotl.iv in llilee aprr tltiii l'a. T.-x.i. to pi.it. ii. I i a ti t linn- ill 'd mt ii wrer In the t oiiiuiatid WAITS WITH 1PHTIEIE 01 BATTLE nn r ninniT UUL U Ml L III I NLUIULI. I REQUIRES JONES TO Executive Tongued Informs Senator Loose fro iu Washington that He Skating on Thin Ice." PROMFTLY RETRACTS STATEMENTS IN SENATE Seeks to Lay Blame for Grave Mistake on Newspapers Which He Says Gave False Information lly letl Wlr o Kyi'iilng llerahl.l Wushltinton. Marrli l'J. I'realdent Wilson told .-'enator Jour. Itrpulill ran. of Washington, today that waa "sklitlnK on thin li" In hla apeerh yeaterilay whnli hroadly Inti mated lhat Hie president hud mil de rided to read a niesarf to i-mnre-wl on Ihe l'a nn tun. toll tiirtlon until ufier Sir Lionel t'urilen. Hilnah min ister t. Mikl.-o, vlHlt.-d Ihe. W lulu I louse. Tin eniitr rninc t tthrua w ith Ihe president t-i rtuln refciilntiona nf h pendniir llsh.-eiea hill uiYeetina; I ho si. iiiioii mdiiairy I ir the llorlhweM. hut Mr. Wilson luriieii lh ronverauHoll to Ihe senator a Hpee. h of yraterdny. The pr. si.h nt told fuller afterwnril that ho ronld lint ael u KUKRe'lion nn Hie .Mi ni, nn 111111011 out of Sir Lio nel "wllh u run kt rew," iind tha' Iih rollfneni'e waa purely for informa tion mi ihe Kenerul auuntton In ll'i iro. The piesldeni hud written hla loll itieaaaxe It ml derided to deliver It hefore he aaw Sir Lionel. Ofticlnl aald neither Ihe tolla iiueation nor any aiiKae.ilon for futurn polity in th Mexhan Mitiiuliun cum up in the Iwlk with Sir Lionel. Hetialor Jonea returned to tha cl Itol n ml nam thn irnnte today th pn aid. nl nniiuiilifled denial. "The president naaurra mr." aald Mr Jonea. "thai there waa no hoala ol fart m Im mtlrlea I referred lo to warrant Ihe roni ItiKion with regard to i In oi eminent and lla reiailuna wllh l lit at liiitain lit Hit) mailer. t think I w.i mlunrirduod In that t did nol draw- Ihe roneliiainna Inyaelf. Inn took them from tiewapapet re port. I Hunk it only Just to th pn-siden" thut I make thia aimrinent i.e. i. use I don ot want to mlarepra Mfiil uiihody." Senator .lone tie. hired the inrldent I served lo illustrate the neeeaalty for .more Information on the tolla rxitnip I ' tt'ti mid ua nn urned hla resolution fit 1 1 in ir on the preaideitt for iur'trirlH itlon a lo what Kovernmenta hud rn- llraled .'kalllSl I'M'llll'tlon ll.f An.,,1 1 t ;i rshlpa. Ailioii waa iiKiuu deferred nhrin 'Senator I'lisiow ri"iies!ed lhal It mi lover litilll he rouhi ronlei wufi mein I hera ot the t it ll it 1 romniltlee. ( i III aVKAl mi i. wii i. rs hi i. ih.k .n Joiti rv W imhini;toii. Mar. li I . Kepreaen . lalnea Slurlev and t'ollliKton, who with ilepreaaiit.H iv ra Adamaon and I'almer will lead the administration flahl In the hoi.ae lo repeal the l'a ti ll in i lolla 'Xeiiiplion. told 1'ieanlent Wilson lhal Hi,, r.epal lull would ha taken up pioliahly Monday or Tuea- la With u Hperlul Mile Jlfltit 1 n af lie hale. Tlii'l lie. land lhat a IttlKu lliu. joiiiv would vole fi,r it. The iiiti Kitssmen ronfi-rretl wllh the ureal- lh III on rellalll liliaaes of Ills 111. i. I 1 'nil lire loir Mealy ulld Irlleruli-al that Anient an halih-ahip would h. ex- tempi irom lolls and lhat Ihe I nit.-d .-tale ha. I tomphie r Ik Ilia lo forlHy I he ru ua I. HOItl: III W Mills lint 111 II HI It Ol' I N L ashlllaloli, Man ii 1 1 - lie w a I da I olom I I'oethul and other olll- I. l.er who woike.i ,, ,,. ! iiama ,.. '"" Will Or oillilll.'d I'V I'lianlellt ' W deli ami a house i iiiitililllsv. Ililla i ' l m l iloeih.tia u major . aeiier.il and lor oilier lewarda ure l pemlniK. ' h .. 1 1 ii ot ii Hay of im. mil itary .nlllll, I'trr ,,,,, Kipri.st.nlullVe il'llil Ulld Killltl Ul'ln I ai.-.l lit- 111.. In I't ee Hie prealdni. KENAN REFUSES TO PAY FOR HORSES Illy IhmiI Win. in rvonliin Herald. I li nier. M if, I, l l In n l ater tu ilovt nier Ainiiion. in. ote p.iiili,- tu oa state Amiiiu' i:,,adv Kenehati It fused la Issue i el un, air. f md. h . ii.n.s Iol Jl...a.,, Ihe amount t tanned h tit an is who .,, .' , I horai a it. th slate or lh use of Hut militia Kenehti ii. who letentty iail " I Triuitl.nl ai d tonferrrd with mili larv am u.ti Itn-a kiiii teleleti'e lo thn hois., lulls, dei l.uea thai in nmd In -tiii, i. tin. ,,-i i.tiula railed for twii pa im nt for a nile hor.e. MITCHELL TO TESTIFY ON MICHIGAN STRIKE Vf I eaaeil Wire tu reain( lliwal.l. W asniliKloll, .via rrh l'J -- ,. n M.li hell will lealltv hrfore Ihe hoil.tl v oinillltter lineal uatlli, llle Muhlklll iiitiiu-r slriki-, eal,,' next w r k The t oililliltl.'t-a whli ll in i eal iaate.1 liutli the Me In. in ami t'nhiridn sink . i . ,u i.i will in. el l"iii"i row and Ihe . llliiilli.li of ill i el . a I m the t. unlet . lion of John i. lio. kei.-ll.-r with Hi . "I'Hii.i.i r'uel nml Iron toiiipwnt plana lur hit eatualiua the hook t( thai roiopanv ami ol the t aluiiiel and He. la t'oppfr oinpanv will he t ons a.iit-i 'd. BAG