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THI EVEKIKQ glBAtP, AtBPQTOiaTC, B. It., FRIDAY, MARCH 20. 1914. MOREYS COFFEE Takes the Short Cut From Roaster to Pantry I he af it l-M jnnf mtfif mint lie Irevh ro.iHetl anJ mi mini. J.ij't lime (turn the piaster In )our table. inr.ini Inst Murcv Sniii.ntp Cotffc it tn,iMe, in mti.iII iiMntitie evcty .Uv. 'I lie ureal iletii.tiiij (or II pn-ventn it (mm I iTiffrmtr H your pus ct'l slu-lvcs ;ilnl n-;iti; its Uif. I he itii-tiuht lin fu;hi-r uii ihIs its ijunlitc-s. "Tlw Hf.ft the GriHcr f.Vii Ihlhnr" fltrt arr tt ft ' nf thr many in. nihfr of the St-ll'i'ttr A'""'v ' 7rt, .Vw.i' ' iff I tlrm l t nf nr Avcnr luntti htilttr. h,ir. .V. il i'i'.i. ti'npt htt r llini'i, II 1 Itil ....i.,.,, ,4f, S)'U'. rli . mil l.7 r.inrfirl luiunif m.U am. H.i7,,f,. 1IIK MOREY MERCANTILE CO Denver r Ftiiy,;.. If iMX vrrr ' 4H Electrical Marvels on Never hi-furi- has clecli icily linen called iiinii 'n il hii itiiii h, Iti audi li ft "ntmly new iiml imv t- way, an lit I'limnn.i. The hv di ii-elcctr.e K' itcr iiti'in nf i ll i l rli nl energy mill IIn 1 1 -In lull mil. I In- hiimlliiiK of IIki ship l-v lti i rli li'i'iiiniit i rli, t In iiuvcl r ii in i.f ii-iiliiillxcd nw id hi. mini fur Ihu Krcul lucks, la bill j. ii. .1 In r trhiinili fur ib-ci rli ll y, a in a i. irt lin. n i rlrl. nl inuliieer Iiik ii ml mi inl iinio in mi i h.iiin n i iiuulli'il niily dy Hit' I'uii.iiii.i ..ui..l il.s. ir Tin- kvmIiiii fur llio uprrn- - ir? J V, fJS5 -WSZtr 7i A This is the last day of the Beech-Nut Products Dem onstration; be sure to attend We are offering ui.usal opportunities in grocery values tomorrow. If you are after the price as well as the quality this is the place to buy your goods Finnen Hadie per lb. 25o Fat Bloaters, each ...10c Good fat Mackerel each .;. 10c 1 qt. Welch or Armour Crape Juice .40c 1 qt. White Grape Juice 35c 3 half pound cans lest Salmon .....-..,... 40c 1 qt. Itipe Olives . .40o I pt. Ripe Olives .,.25c II Rolls 10c Toilet Pa. per . $1.00 6 Cans Com mtm.-50c Armour Star Hains per pound 20c Armour Star Bacon . .27c We are anxious U have you try our system of doing business. Quality Price and Service tell the ttory The Jaffa Grocery Co. Good Things to Eat GROCERS AND BAKERS PHONES 31 AND 32 the Panama Canal linn nf I li li.i-kn. to win if l.ui.nic.l lvi-s. IikIiIh fur tlio lurks uml IhiIIiIiiikh. hi. I inntiirM nut iliri'i lly 1..11111 i .1 ilh llm lui W conlrul, la ii.iiii'im-.1 l : A T.IHI kv-n. 2:0 vnll livilrn cli r irir n.T iiliint m I h- li.ilun A t.MMi kv-ii. 22HO vnlt Tiuum tiirlin. Ki iirriilnr i li'. lrli' r ilnnt nt Ml riillnri n fur piihtxi m y, lulrly um il In nniily pnir fur ri.iiHiruitl.,11 win k. A 4 1. Him vnll trunmiilK-'li.ti IIiik ii.tukh tin- I-iiiiiiih. ri.iuin I Inir 'risii..,i on llir- A t In ti f t- uml Hall....i We have just received a .shipment of the Famous Deoderizer and Clensor, Sani-Flush. You can't afford to do without it. BAKERY DEPT. Whipped Cream Specialties Shiller Locks , Cream Puffs t. Chocolate Eclairs Chocolate Rolls Lincoln Cakes Moca Cakes j Pineapple Cakes Puffer Cakes Chocolate Caramel Sun Shine Nut Loaf 'A Fresh Bread and Hot Rolls every day at eleven i i n tin' I'.iiifio with Ihn Imi iocr l 'iii liMin'd l'..iir 4 I.uihi-22110 lt iiliiMtiuii I' '' nl.' Ilii' I. Hi' ilf:iK- iIiihii lit i t iHi.iiuii it ti . I ii. hi. i. K. iiml up nr iln.'ii nt iiiiiiin uml MiruflurrH. Or . ' iuIiiik mi vhli h i'f Ilii two iilanm i. ".iii i.h Iiik iiirr. 'I'll 1 1 -nix 22110 140 Milt trnmlK n'l'ii ki.iiiuiih for in.wr. triiiltiin Anil I i iii .ii il.'i'uii. I'lili'i M'Kin l uml Ml i ill. .i.ii liuka. Tlm n ? 2 "ii -2 2rt-1 10 Milt iriiimfnrm "r i.iiiiin fur tlif rniitrnl Imnril nt I In I ii kn. Si .i 1 1. .tin nt t 'ri-ii.lml uml lliitlinn ..r ii. ..I Ii I (til 1 1 tlB ! .1 II ! K. lllllilllll Ii...m uml ilr- llm kn. Sniilii iinr t.i iii-rnli' I liiirlt ll tt nt ini iii Hint Ihi' Hiiriilim wiit-r-r nl iiiiiiin litki will nil miriii'lv fitii- . I In I lu ll i al t tiiTnv fur 111'' !! tit n:i m. in-. IniruiR Ihn lunlil' t'u i.r tlif i it tin I o nifntn pliinl. lui nt I nt M fill li.i'i'n. fiiininlii'il tin1 (lii1- in .il riirn nl iirrtfirv fur the i-nn-'irni't ii.i nt Hip I'nririr ntl Tlil k" tin ilnnl will Iip imilniiilnoil MA ti r..i-rv nt i'iimp if filitiiilnw n. Iuv' w ;tti r. nr il. iiiiiivi' In llt iriinmiilwiiiin liiii- Al ii'ii'til It ni'i-iiifl I'i'riiilii Uml llii-rr will I.r anil:il.p unffli li nt wnii r In Ki ni nilo fiillv II " o ktlii- ttt Imrlnir thr ra nv noimum. hlih irinll In ih tnnili'p. Mitr Mill I..' iiiitlftil ml will In- nlliiviri In rim in wiiil' n.r c ho UIvny nf lin- l in. ftiirinir 1 1 i niv HIM". in tho M'l.r.iKi' wrtior will lip ilniwn ttpnn. Tin max iiiiiiin fti:tiii itv nf wiiler '1' Mill.. I fur hvilni-Picrf r'r ilpyplnp ttu iil l nli. .lit 7 r rPiit of Hip mlti Imiuii w nirr mipply nml l Hip xi pi wliii-li in not ri'utiirpil fur 1m kitirp. r iipiiritilnn uml IpitkititP 'I lip i'Ii-i trli:ltv Kim riilPil nt thw ipiiun puwir htiuxp will In- iliKlrilnit fil fur thn iipprntlnn of ihp Ihrpp Mr In. ki. tu thp p-rtimni'lit marhlnP I'ltupK. tu Hip dry dni-k. to thp rnfil tiiimlliiiK plum ii ml i.tjiir nnxlllnrli'ii It will :iIm.i I hpi (ii H!ht tho lin k uml Hii' vIII.iri'K of thp rnmil mnr, In nil irli titl 11 thp ciirrptit will bIho I.r I'Xti'liHlvely M fi.r PlPllriP funic inir In hiiiiKu n fuel In ciirpp uml piihIIv up. .ti the iHthmtm Thpro In nliui iiiulir cntiHlilPnildn Ihp rlpclrl fi'iiimii nf thp I "nil Mm ii riillrnHiV Ifc-tnlU nf thp Mnicr Piimr SImII'hi. 'I'hi- h ill u-i'l.ii lie htatluti ik '- 'l' 'l ml Jm i lit tu Hip iiiiiCi wii'l ul tiaiiin Hpillway. The liu.liliiiH hit lull mie iiiinii iipciatiiiK tliiiir. with u lutliliip pit ami iwii K i Hi li-1 fur i'Ii-i -It l' nl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -ii t l:.n h iililt uf thp Ini'i hit in. ii I piiiipini'iit riiiiHintx of hii lliilu'lilnal lii-ailxatp, pnuilnrk, Kuv frnur, KPtii i.imr. pxi'Int, nil nwin h nml rnniriil pmiipI. Wtpr Ih liikcn frnin liniiin lakp thrntiKh u 'nrpluiy win. h n i niiHt rm ti ll ii m an IntPKml part nl the rurvpil purl Inn of Hip i. mill Kpiliwuy iipprniKh wall. Frut.i I In- fiiri liiiy Iho wiiti-r l.i inrrlcil t Hi- t iiiiuiiin HiroUKh Kticl platp pL'il ft ( kn a :, it ru t luiitt nml 1 1 fcpt 6 lining In illiiiiiPtor. iilc IiiiiiIkhIi' ure miHiil nml lowered liy !(( trie innturii. The ttiiim ni m riiiin tiniiii ui'ti of iho vertliul lypp. thp r t ti 1 1 n it piirlM of the ftpncmlor und Hi ! tnrliinu liciiiK iimunU'd on the vhuft. SiipprliiipiiHid upon riich tur liliic i'HHltiit Ih u iii nprator rati-d ut t lino kilnwuiiM. which will ikiiv I' Hircp-phaxp 2u-iytiu currt-nt at 22in Vull. TriintiiUoii of rnrri iil. Thp i norirr KcliMiiipd hi Sinn voltf. 2i. (Villi, HlK I'-pllafll', Will III' lllllii'll iiIuiik Hip (mm wIiik or 'i.ilun dam liy In . i ( allien in il.iplii ato under Ktouiiil 1 1 in m, mid t liriiiimi tuniii'lH iirnli-r lurkM, mill a tr.iiiiioiiiicr kuIi Hliilluii, hiii.iK'U mi Hot cant miln nf Hie lui kn At Hip (iiitun ku Imtul Imi. " huh In pi I,,. situuU'U ut tile lint III inl nr Hi,- lull upon whii n the pich i nl A ( l.i nt il- illtimun. nl Hi p luiildiiiK taiulK, ihu ili-iiric iniK will l li'iitiKluriiii'd Iroin 2200 volla lu 4l.0"n Null liy nii'UiiH of Mt'p-up fiii'iiiiiii. Tim traiiHinlHHliin lino will run from t'rti.iutia to Knltina. coinplcli'ly ui rutin thp iHihiiiiM, pel iniuinii illnt ril'iil mil nl ciii ruy l.uili wum from Ciatun. The hup in to paiallii the rlKlil of wu of thu runmiin railroad for Ha t-utln-li-nirth. At t'rlnlol.ul und Kalliou will hp ti-i initial KUliHtulliiim Bimihir to the t'.atun nuliNtutlon. The tii inliial nuh Biiiiii.nn will rci't-lve the or.iiKy ut 4 4 -nini vulin, linn the vollaKo limp In th li in-, mid Kiip-duwn triiimfiir mi rn will i. .mil I Hip prpnuure to 22(iii tnllH. wIih h will hp the illHllibillliiK vuIIhkp l-ir all i iriiiilH At Miradoi'p u nuli m I ii t H .it will hp iiiHii Hid for nopplyliiK Pi my fur Hip und liiiup of I'l-did MiiiUel und .Iii'iiIIii-h Imkn. If i-li'iiriiiiy In ri'iumil ulunx the I I tin Hip trufiMiiiiMiinn lim-a wilt he 1 1 I pi-d liy outdoor typu of iranxfiiriii ir nuiinlatiuii piiiiipiiient. Thin will pl'uliulily Op Unlit' ul I'minito, to ioip iy ilii irltlty to the hinli power wiip lenp ki ut Ion . ut iluiHi- l.iriu, to mipply power to the lift bruhie, iiinl ut un pi rniiini-tit tow n or n ' ru tun which dtiiiainln electiu Pthln utnl pnwi-r. Al Mirafliiren Hip pnninl kIii.iii turlio-KciiPiulnia will In- tied into thu pi-rinmii'iit ileiiriiul nKtPiii thiuuKh 22iU vnlt lip hiiek exieiidiiiK to the Milufloiin kulintiitiuu. 1 hl kleiini btutmn will mr e an a rifi-rip In the mill the hydio-pi'(ii'K- station ut tinliin tihiiuld hp nhiit down. In enier ki'iny, imiyy .Munfloi-i'it will he ttnriMiiiii .l Inn k to tiulun und to the terniirial vulinlationa Ml I'rlninbul nml ll.illin.i, iiiHiilinit u t'otillnuity of on thp Bjnlein ut nil ('.men. Muri-uii ( tinlrol HnarilH. Thp ii-niiulupil I'ontrol attftPin for Hie I'llliallin Imkn llll'lkk U Wolldelflll inlvullif ill 1 lectin ill PIIKllli-il lli Tin ui kn are oi'i'ialed hy electricity uiul Ihp i-niil I tilling kwilchlmtirdn re piinliicp In immature on the hnurd. hy rini hroiiuun ludii alurn, i ery i)p tail of i. per. iimn, no the mull In chiirKP men Hie l'oltipU-t. inovpliiPtil of till Kaien. ulpn, fi-iuler ihaiUM. i-U'.. rp Pi. iiliii eil In furp Ink even, ellimiiul l tm a n.s en i.i winch iiUKht othirwine i.ecur. 'i.nir.. Mppi.i.iliin wan rniulred fur Ihirty-nix tr.inrorinpr i.iiim,, tour kut'iai luna uiul one upik rator vlallon, uiul fur Hie lm In ut Haiuii, Miiurluiet uiul J'eiliu Mik m l. Tho n.nti h il fur i t.i n f-1 in i-r, nhiRti..t, and in.iln ktal iulm piinni'tui lllnliy lluM'l fealilf'S. I. ul thp luck l.u.ililn fur "ceiiiral ii.ll tro " ure of a im.nt li..iip dent in. 1'liey nrp iiilniatnre repipnentMtionn of thp links, i-hainn and giitpk. uml pr.i up u ready nieitiik of i-miirul fur op-i-iuiihif Hie iiiaiiiiiiety of thp main aP par ii tun Itniif. lu-i.dea Indicating piery innvrriietit and u el of nml Inn of rln lot ni-ni valve, leinlet- rlinlna ami miter ntpa. and ihp i.pi-n or iniil poaltiunt o( I in J rlcu vulvra and nillpr fur-In mm hlni-n. And In ad- nvurment uf tho venmd from a low -illllun In Hun Hip rntilril all(hp are In manler. The iimlneeia on I lie ao Interim ki d that an improper ap- J Inciiuit i en w hn h lakp Hip vi nmia Itielii p nf i.perHtlona in linpiiwllile. IhroitKh the lockn. aa well nn the Thla part i.f Iho ..k liin.liril up- ( tow In inaHer, i an pp Ihp ponll Ion of war ili or ti half inllimn dullura tor Hip knlen. I.ul the punllinn of the I' li- hw it. hi.uiril itialprlnl nonr. The llo of water In the euiverla a . i'lit I ! liil hy rlnm nti in .ile. Tlii"p II I c In. ated In Ihp cu'lill" lit point i-l-piinlle eai Ii rnd of ea I. loi k no I .'nil the I Illicit cull he vhlll nil al II ri lle nlled point for HUtii u lm k with iroin a). mi-, or u imi rea in, ui fur emptying it l alloiMng It to llnw nut ami down lu Hip mil luck. Hiticc iheip ure Ui-.tivi-n two forvurd to take It nloiiu tei ineiiiati- miteiln lock K-dca for imp one on phcIi nldp und two othorn un til I... kiim ItiruiiHli ahoii mu-i'li, when lelll. hup on em h hIiIp, In keep the Ho- imi- of the wholp lm k of I.HUU pnni In the unildlp o Iho writer feet would In- w n le fnl uf Hater, tin- wuy und tu n'up It when II haa reach ing ntelll MilveK ale lilnu In' tiled in Hie nolo wall . lilleltn at pmnln near I in ne mil t mi iluite iialin The rilrn yii-in la.wn any nialnlieil in pnirn. Thin .it i ii n hi tin til l edti'i n Hip iiccpn naiy ntxp of each vulvi- and makea it li. on- iimlly openttPil. nlllmiiiih each miU,. in mill s lei t wid" liy 111 feet tt i K Ii II in ri-anud and iuwen-d hy .. In pnwer motor ii'hiiiiiiik one in i nine lm- complete opium or lion li.K In uildillon t" Ihene p.tirn of iihen in piriillel, eiieh pair ! diipll culed al ill- h ( 'limine of level from mie In. k lu Hie next. The ciiHiil ill thp middle wall muni mne Hie I... kn on 1ml h M.lcn, and to ciiliirul Ihu leatuie c limli n l valxn iUm placed in the lateral ctiKt-iis that lir.unii out on null aide. There alp ten nf thep on euch.aiile of the ul vert ut ea- h lock. The lock kiitea ate np( lied anil cloned hy u ncpnlule motor for each leiH, und the two leawn. when i-loaed ill milered pimitlon, ure locked to gether lit the tup hy the inltcr-fore-In nun hi lie which la nlno t-ontrolleil flulll the lellllal l-olltliil houne. Heavy fender chuln are ntretched uctona the Imkn In fluiit of ull mi lend allien which i-iin he exponed to the upper level und ulno in Iront of the ilu.inl galea ul Hie lower end Thine ni muiiHuliied in u taut pom lion ut all tunea when the galea be- i hind them ure liinnd, und ure lowered when the cute ure opi-m-d for the iiaHHuuc of u nhlp. These chain ure rained und lowered hy hydruullc cylinder, in u melhod nuiiilur to thul follow -1 ill hydruulle ple.utork, with the feuluru thai f a nlnp .ippruai hen the aalea ut u dangeroiia aueed und rami Into the chum, the chain la paid out from each end with u maximum I i-smlunco fur gradually nluppln a nhlp helore It reuchta thu galen. l.nweiii. the ihu.n for thu li'Killmulo puMuige of u veaael Hnd rulking it akiin uftor the veaoel haa punned it i ulao under Iho control uf i the opertor ut the control hntiae. 1-iiti'li inutor lu atoppud uulnmaticully , hy u limit aw itch when II hua per-' funned lla function. Thla ta ulao trim of all iiolora having reunite control, namely, if thu oporulor doe not amp a motor hi-n u muchinp hua reached tho end or Ita travel, II la uutomutlc ully ntopped hy a limit nwld h. Thu Kpiliwuy galea ulno huve re mote l ontrol. hui thenc gate ure en-j liniy acpamie from the links, und. their control la licm n ueparule and linn 11 ninnller control I'u.inl. There ale ulno many liiuturn iliiwnu drain. m pu a. operated hy flout awiuhe a ti. I aturtiug puncla. At Uttluil the lolltl"! liollne I lo cated ut the lowei end ol Hie upper luck. At Miiiifluien the locution I the eumc thul la, ut the lower end of the upper pair of luckn; hut there ure only one pair ol duplu ule lock dnw iinli H um Ihu control hoiine, the Kline ua upatreuiii. At I'ldro Ml Kiel. Hie control huilnc la lit the low er end uf the one pair of lock. I Imli. n..rH ale lined for ull mm h.nen tu hlinw the operaii r In the control limine the point ion nf em h inui -nine at all tillli-n. Ill the c.ip ol leliulll llia chinen. Hip operatn.n uf a motor luoia only u lew m-colldn und the llldlca tlmi of their ponitioim in given iho simple meann nl red und green Unhm. Such machini-a uie the lyhndrual iulm, uuxtliury i-uherl ulvea ii'i'l miter forcin iiuuiiine. Il in never expei ted In imiiiiul nperutlun to amp thi-Ko inaiiiinc. ul un inl-rinedialu point In their travel, und only thu completed operuilon la Indicated by the red ami green light. Kor muchlnra of more extended o- . erution which may he atopped ut in-1 lernn-diale point of travel, aynehto- , noun Indlcatura are lined which khow ul ull limea the piiiilni of the ma chine, whether in the extreme of travel or at un intirtniuliuie point. A complete nchrunoua indlcutor cunsihi of u trunnmlller geared tu the machine In the lock wall und a receiver, or model ut the aw ilchboard in the (ontrol limine. I Sym lironotia Indnutora ure provin- ed for inller gute movlim inachlitea, rlniiig atem valve, guurd valve, f'-nder chain and fot water level indt rutton. Tim rontrol boards uro of a flat top bench bourd type. Kuch hoard in 32 inchea limit by St inches wide. The Ipngiha fur the three different boiirda uie a follow: t'.atun rt I'edro Miguel s Mnuiluiea 62 feel f Hie ufiou joiitrol The hulidle awiuhe are ubove the aurlaee i cm h hoard. In u almllnr inunii' T lin- iiidttatora ure niuiinted wilh the greater part of their rnpfhunlnm le nculh Hip buuid. but with the acalo und po-inlprn nbuve the bourd. The vlnilile puitluiin of thpe Inditaiora an of different fnrma In order to ht-ht Indii ale their renpectlve tna chine. The m.ter gate Indiinlor la tieurly fliieh with the board and ron niKi of a pointer kvviniti In a hoil mnlal pluno und reneiiihllin the plan view of a miter gate loaf. All thPne nwltclien and Indlcutor ura located u( nearly an ponaibio in tho ami rel ative poaltiintin occupied hy the tun ihlnea to which they apply. Wlillo the hoard 1 ennenllally a rontrol hnurd with indicator. It I made l' resemble In a measure a plain view of the luck. Tho apace Immediately below the rial top of the hoard la oc cupied by I he awlti'h conlai-ui. Indl cutor motor, wiring connection, mo. .tinmen I Interlock Hp. I Taking a Ship Through tin" Canal. The cn nn I nml lock will arcommo dnte tho lnr-cnt venw-ln. Tho fuel that Iho rontrol beard I" a working miniature of tho lock which It oper ates shown tho operators 111' urinal Ci'liibilnn of gut en. height of water. etc. and. i-nnw oiii-ntly, having- the. whole condition In tnlnlnlure under hi eve ho knowa what t" An next and when to do l; the operator re. reiving hJi InrnrmMt Imri to the aptim- It ua lakp it vennrl through a ' I of lui kn. Il proei-i-dn Into the link fnrphHV fit her under ta own power or Hint of h In, und ciiilien to h full nlnp. It will Hipii prni-i-Pil under tho puwer und ml of four elpi-lrii' loromo- eil the prupi r puint nml to prevent It frnin iim In fui ward too rapidly. After Hip venue I eutiiPn to u 'nil nlnp In the lori-lniy in puniiii.n In an en Itv the low in mnntrr to the nw Hi liliiuiril iitlenilatil. who. hy mo -In ii fonlrnl awilch lover, i-tiunen the low prlii of Ihp fpndpr ihuln, which In liidi( iili'd hy thp inlnliitiiio f'-nder chain on Iho culilrnl honrd. afli-r Hip luck Kn t o in In tho pmpcr pontllon. Thp fender chain l atrplchpd ucrona Hip ennui to provi-ni the venncl from nirik'n tho aiea If for nnme reunon It nhoiild Ret licynnd eonlrot. In nnch an event Ihp fender chain hiingn tho VPnnil lo n full nlnp Now the M-Kp nitvnnepn (ntn tho lock hy tiiPiinn in the oloetrlP locomo tives Thp fender i hu In In rnlacl la-hind It find then the mnnnlo jttitea nrp nluil hehlnd. tho minlnturo ron tml Iniiird Rate In the meant lino In dlcntln thin mnvemont When tho water In thp luck hna hopn ruined or lowered, an the runo mny hp, an nhown on thp water IpvpI Indii-atora on the rnnlrnl hoard, thpno Bnten lire fipenrtl nml the limit In pulled Into tho next ,c-oiiipnrtmPnt and to nn. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE IN FINE CONDITION ' Maeelal Dlaaatea) KTeata flerale I Simla Ko. N. M . Man h 20. riov- I,,..,.,. .Mrliotmld tndar received the report of special Auditor liuliroll un Hip eonilltlon of the Mute I'olleMc ut Agrleiiltiire und Mechanic Art at .Meniilii Turk. Thu report almw Hie colli-KP to bp in aplemlld cotidilioii with 2."H K'uiletitn. i omiti from near ly I'liiv atatp in the unnn mid I rum u number of run-tun countrlu. WARREN McCARRICK SEEN IN ELM IRA (lljr I .rami I irx j Fvenlug Ileralil. Klmlra. N. V.. Munh 2 AVnr len .Mefurrick. the riilludelphlu boy who ilifappiareil from l-litl.uli Iphia. wan without doubt in thla city We.l- lii-ndny in the com puny if a man and wuinan. The child u barlicr ahop und h id was lukeii l his hair cut. LEGAL NOTICES. OltlMN N4 11 t. .-V-iH. He It ordalni'd hy thp mayor and city council of .lbuiMoriile: S clliiii I. That II'1' aalary of the city clerk of tho city of AlhmiticPiiie shall be fixed ut llaO per month, pay able monthly. Section 2. TliHt Iho oflleo hour of the city clerk ahull he from a. m. toj 12 mum. and from 2 p. ni. to 3t) p. in I'irlv miMinenn day nml ilutinlt' Hump hour lie shall bo In hii uuVc. unless Hbaent fur Kund and siif'u n ut reanun. Si-ctlun S That ull fee received by the clerk ho paid Into the ncm-nf fund. S Minn t. Tliut all ord-n:in( i s and part of ordinance In cnrilllii here with are hereby repealed. Hix-tinn That thin ordinance shall take pffect fmrn und after tfe InsluMutinn Into the olllce of the city clerk elected at the elec tion to be held In the clly of Albu iiier.iip on the "Ih day of April, A. H. 1.H4. Approved: n. K. II. HKM.KUR. Attest: Mayor. II fllAS nOKIH-, I Clerk. 1 nitHIVWf K 4. R'JT. ' He It ordained by the mayor und city council of AlilliilePiie: Sc. tiun 1. That tho city council men of the city of Alhiniuer'iue. re ceive the anm of 15.00 fur each reg ular or apodal mci-tln "f the city Council at which they ure actually In attendance; Provided, that no coun cilman ahull reecKe cotipptisutlon it than three for attendance at mure meetln within any one calendar month. Bectliin J. That thia ordinance hall take effect from and after the installation Into offices of the council men elected t the municipal election to he held In A ihiiiic Pine In the month of April. A. I). lfH ! Panned and approved thla 16ih da of Map-h, A. I", 1914. . Approved: 1 n lv. It. SKLI.KIIB. 'Attest: Mayor. II. CHAX. ItOKIIU Clerk. HHHIV WVF. N. ft'ifl. Section 1. Ho It ordained bv tho mayor and city council of the clly of All'iniier.ue: Thai tho muyor of Iho clly of Ainu. iuer.ii.-, Xew Mexico, shall reeiive a aulnrv of 1100.00 per month, payable tnonihly. Hcctlon t. That thla ordinance ahull take effect from and after the lallon Into office of Iho mayor elected at the municipal election to he hold In Albuquerque In April, A. fl. 1(14. Passed and approved Ihi 16lh da)' of March. A. D, 114. Approved: D. K. H. HKU.KIIP. Attest: Mayor. II. C!IA!. TtOEHU Clerk. tlltll WCK . S3 1. Ito It ordained hy tho muvor and city council of Iho city of Albuquer que. Xew Mexi n: Section I. Tlt'i the property own er hereln.ifle.' ri.mod In Section I of this ortllnanc i he and Hie hereby are, notified tu lay sidewalks In front of the properly designated In Section v,f thi ordinance; sidewalk to he of mm n lr and six feet In width, in emifiirnili j with the nlibwalk In front of adjacent pioperty Bection i. The fulluwlng property iler chaliin urn liulUaleil hy phurp iirma on Ihp lot k wulla owrnra me herehy lluiinleil In the pruMniniin of Hun notice nriliiianee: Una 11-12; lilnck j; II. II addi tion : t npr Aritu; tola Jtl-ll; Muck S; I., und ft. nddillon; nl.uitiict K. Med ler, owner. A I tin atreet ; lot M. iiililiilnn: Mario At mi nit eel: lot .. uildillon: W. II Arno at reel; lot uildltlon: J. A. Arno nlreef, lot f. iiddlllon; U l. 12. lilnck I. und J. Hayren, owner. 8; block : K a nit lpcy. owner. 7; lilnck t; I., und Mntitoya, owner, x. iilin k ; I., and l.eeper. hwiht. Arno airei-l: lot t; lilnck ft. uildillon; No. 2a feet; I. (; I., uml J. II. icon. iitmr. Arno alrepl; So. 2.'. fci-t: W. J. helu h)ip, ow npr. Arno ft reel; l..t lli; liln. k K; I., ami H. addilion; II. W. II. Ilrvaii, owner. At tin aireel; ..t . lilnck C; N. T ArmUii iiddillun: II. W. I. Hryan. ow iier. Kdllh nltcel; 3-1. I.lnck 3: V. Lew In addilion John rowein, tinner. Kdlt 11 Lew in ii I'iih ei n. Kdllh atreet: lot :.: .'luck 3: f. W. Idltiotl. owner, nt reel ; No. 2". feel; John lot :. ; I.I... :i feel k a: A IV W. I. Hud 1'W In :i ltd II ion; iluih, owner Kdllh ntript. South ail.lin.'ii Kdllh atreet; lot XV m .. I; (dock 1 1 11 lirypp. owner 2; hlock Ii; II llolurt Mi(nr, 3: 1.1. uk l. II Mallei, owner. 4; Idoi k Ii: II Hniith udilition: .1. owner. Kdith nlie.l; hit f-'miih iiddillun. J. A. Kdllh aireel ; hit P.. nth addition; Wm. llryce. owner Kdith slr.-et: lot 3. hlock 3; I.. A H. nduttlon; I). A. Mine, owner. Kdith street: lot . block 3: I. K. ml -t 1 1 Imi : T p. Inherwnud. owner. Wnlli r atreet; nt ; lilnck HO. II. H. nddillon: No. 2.'i feet; W II Kuruate, euner. and So. 23 feet, fl. A. Knaler. ow ner. Walter nlreet; lot 10; blmk 30: II II adilltmn: Xo. 2-. feet; H. A. Fox ier, owner; und Ho. 2T. feet. f. A. Pahr, owner. Waller lfcet: lot II; block 30; ti ll addition; lln.-rv I'. ttwen. owner. Iiwluuil". Santa Ko avenue; . i .", : block fi : Pncn addition; I.Ihip nulbr, owner. Hanta Ko avenue: bit t; nluck &; Itiieu addition: l.ixxi. Iinller. owner Third at reel; bit 24: block 2; llaca addition. James KhrIi liart. owner. Third atreet; lot 19; Iduck 2: lined nddillon: Tony Tronelln, owner. Atlantic avenue; Iota l.i. 1. 17; blmk II: A. and P. addilion; Frank Miller, owner. Atlantic avenue; lot l. f. 20; block II; A. uml P uililnmti, Frank Miller, owner. Atlantic avenue; lot 1; block 2; I'.niH Hil'llllnn, J. I). T'irliim, owner. Atlantic avenue; Intn IB, 17. x; block 2; line nddillon; M. F. Mever. ow-m-r I-...I l..t t -1 a -.. l.l.wU I . , ,. ' , ... " '. .,' .. n; n . inui 1 niiuiiiun: jniin jioihuh. owner. Coal avenue; lots 9. 10: blmk S; A. and P. uddition: K. H. (inrcia. owner. foal uvenup; luta 1. 2: blm-k X: A. and I. addition: AiikuM Kr.icmer, owner. Silver avenue; lota ir,. l. 17; block in; (I. T. H Hiblltlun Mm. M. It fllero. owner. Silver iivenue: lota 7. ; block 3S; O. T. S. addition; A. U Mugley. ow ner. Oulil avenue: lot I. 2. 3; blm k 27; O. T. owner. Hold l. T. addition; John liurrudnlle avenue, lots S. uddlllnll. 4, f.; blmk 27: Josef. t Arinijn. owner. Hold avenue: lot : blmk u T 8. uil'lilluii; Julia I'helpn. owner Unld avenue; lu 7; idotk 27; T- P. Hililitlmi; A. I. Jnhunun. owner. Hold uvenue: bits U. II. 12; blm k 27; i. T S. uddlllnll; John K. ly.irce. owner. Hold avenue; lota 4. r; blmk 2$: . T. S. addition.- F. II. eiil. owner. Hold avenue; lota . 7; block 2: O. T. H addition; T. V. Maynurd, ow ner. Hold avenue: lot 9. 10. II. 12; block 21: tl. T. S addition; A. Porradailr, owner. Hold avenue; lot 13, 45; l. T. S. addition; ll, l'i; block Chailothe 8. Clancy, owner. Hold avenue lot 14, 1 . T. 8. addition; Mre A ow ner Hold avenue; Iota IS. . blmk 4:.; II. Sloefi-I. lit. . C. 20. 21: A Iiml- 1 block 4:.: i. T. H. addition on. owner. i Second atreet; Iota 1. 2: blmk ; ' P A V II u.l.llll..n- VI. .ei,. .-..I U.. fi r " doval. owner t V y v y y y y y y y y REGULAR AUTOMOBILE PASSENGER SERVICE ALBUQUERQUE TO SANTA FE Beginning Sunday, March 15th and every day thereafter can will ltave garage at 7 a. m.. tharp, arriving at Santa Fe lla. m. Leave Santa Fe 3 p. m. arrive Albuquerque 7 p. m. Fare one way $4. 00, round trip tickets good for 10 days $7.50. Hand baggage only carried free. BUTLER AUTO CO. Fifth and Copper Special Anto Livery Service to any Place at any Hour t y y y y y y y y oje J w J i 5 C J I .. .... ... - . 1M Read Herald Want Ads all eel; lm k. H. addition; M . hloik ; II. Ariiulu, ownor. Sixth atreet; lot ' nilju 1 1 inn. uildillon; Iduck K. A. IS; Ar Man a. ow nor. Muniiictlo avenue; lot 12; bbn k F. A. V. . addition; entitle of I. C. M it it la. owner. Kiev cut h street; bit 10; block 4; I 'e I en addition; AlbuiUeniiie Uind Co., owner. Kh'Venth atreet; lota 7, ; olock 7: l'i re addition; II. M. DmiKhei ly. ow nor. Klevenlh atreet; Iota , lit; block 7: Peres, addition. Fourteenth aireel: lot 17; blmk 1; I'el'ca addilion; Mrs. L. Vewel Went, ow tier. Kleventh at reel: lot II: block 4; Perea addition; A. Chaiuberlln, owner. Kiiiltieclilll atreet; lui 2, 2!l; blmk 1 ft ; Pitch addition; T It. I'U, owner. I-ulirleetllll Kil l i t; lol I; block 17; I'eii.i aildilton: l.i-upoldo M-ixuii, nw ner. Fourteenth aireel: lot 111 to IH; block 17; Hone L. Hunt, owner. Koiirleenth nlreet; hit IS. 20, blink IT: Perea, uddition: Hurry F., ow nor. Fourteenth aireel lot II: block 17; Huthvrford. blmk 2; S. strliklei. l'i lea uddillon; J. owner. Sixth street: lot i. T. S. addition; ow ner. Fourteenth atreet; J. 24 W. loll IX. It). 20. 1. 2 1. 22; block 16; I'ereu addition Pi hwentker. owner. Fourteenth stree.; lot 44: blmk Hi; I'crca addition; Filomeno fhuvci, ow nor. lininii avenue; lota IK, 20; block ; I'ereli addltluii: Knte M. Chavex, .'.; lions V.-rrltt. iMi, owner. Went Tijeraa avenue, between nli-eet and Keleher avenue; K 7!h A. llmliln, owner. West Iron avenu. block A: A. and P. May. owner. Went Iron av-pnup; ". Iota !, addition; C 20; haa. lot 21: block I; A. nd P. uddition J. 11. Kelnhcurt, uw ner. West Iron avcnii'i. lota 22. 23. 2 J blmk I: A. und V. uddition; Ami-liii Vrlnarrl. ownor. Wont Iron avenu.-; lot 7, ; bluclc J; A. and P. addlimn; J. II. Ileitili.irt. ow npr. Went A. und Iron avenue; lot 13; hlip-k N; P. iiddilion; J. II. Iti'inhart. ow ner. Went Iron avenue; Iota 14 IT.; Win. blmk N; A. and P. addilion; Kleke, owner. Wi'St Iron HV.'ime; lm l; block N; A. and P. addition; Nick MpIx. ownpr. West Iron avenue; lot 23. 21; block : A. and P. iiddillun. Mr. Lmma llaxeldine. owner. Foiirih aireel: lut 13; blm k X: A. and P. uddllinn; J. II. Itelnhart, owner. Fourth atre.-t; lot 2t; blmk I; A. and P. addition; Amelia Yrlmirrl. owner. foal avenue; lot 17; block 3; T. P. addition: K. K. Hreenh-af. owner. Hold uvenue; lota S, , 7; block O. T. 8 addition; F.lka (II. P. t) I'M, ow ner. Hold avenue; lot X: block 2; " T S. addition: F. M. McCbmkey .owner. Hold avenue; lot : block 2; ". T. H. addition; J. M. Moore Ilea II y '.. nw ni ri. (iold tionue; lota 10. II. 12: bliu-lc 2: t. T s. addition; Tillte C, Thi-mai. ow ner. Huma avenue; lot 12: block 4: F. A. Y. ti. addltlnii; t yuickle. owner. Homa avenue; lot 21; block 4: F. A. Y. . addition: Mr. Mu.a Wcitke, ow ner. Section 3. That an Id above named properly owner shall lay nnlew.ilka ilesiaiiuted In Seiimii 2 uf this ordi nandi ami complete the laying of siiiie on or helore the lirst d.i of June, A. I., IKI4 Section 4. Thai upon failure of liny said property owners to lay said sidewalks, a dcHianatcd in Section 2 of thi ordinance on or before the flt'Kt day ol June. A. I. C'14. then and In that event the illy of Albu (Uer ile will pimped lo lay said aide walk and cm nf same will lie. utile a lien on abutting property, a provided by Kei'tlon I, 4'hnpter 1.4 of the lt' of New Mexico fur 1X. Thi ordinance lo take effect from and after lla pannage, approval and publication. Paaaed and approved Ihi lSlh day of March. A. P., I14. Approved P. K. II. fKUIiKll., Attest: Mayor. II. CIIA8. ItiiKHU City Clerk. y y y y v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y w Hmonil F. A. Y.