rottW-n XfMH TODAY Yo get
Speeches in Twenty
fit In tlm HFIIAUl. lift, c
Houri Ought to Con
gest th Canal.
nnnth or IS mil wrrk Ml raved
your door; fifty cauls ly mall.
ri1! n
I fill
TRinr n E-ormEK.
TIM. It. No. .
Every Report Filtering
Through from Torreon Tells
of Repulse for Troops of the
Atmosphere of Pessimistic
Anxiety Prevails in Juarez
While Mexico City Claims
Federal Victory
Hr Irfunol Wire to Ftcnlng llrralil.l
Juarez. Mix. Manli i'S. At noon
ii li unofficial report nun received
suylng Ihul H n Intcttiiltti lit art lilt ry
iliirl was carried on nt Gomes I'ulii
i in doling the li. glil. Theru were nu
riti: ii.H at ji aki:
Jinn', Mrs. March 2. An at
mosphere of M'iinltic nmMv en
v eloped constitutionalist v tnputhlg
ere here early today over the (natal
I lt (ate of Ueticral Villa and hia I.
Iiuo eoldlcia. who, at luat n-porta.
were engaged in desperate fighting
at Uunii'i Pulaclo. a auburb of Tor
reon. Not for two daye hu any au
Ihnritiitlvc word come from th
limit, anil pre dispatt he, which so
far hne been more reliable than ihe
so called official dispute he, liuv
been a lacking.
Not at an a tuur.pr haa faeiielrateil
the desert lwlwcn Torreon and Chl
liuiihUH. and no communication by
wire, of any nature. ha been r-a-rlvea
for hours.
1(1 HFI.H HUM lr l AT
l:I KV 1IKV Iw III PnltT
F.I 1'aafi. Tex, March Ji. - That
the rebels have been repulsed every
Itnie I lny have taken the offensive
at Uunii't Paluclo. was the awertioti
mull' here -flu y by Miguel lUclbold,
Inspector of Mexican consulates.
(tenor I'P'Ibold exhibited message
fioin Mexico I'Hy aH IPs authority
for the statement cue mesaagc d'
dared that the ruliela have not even
iippiouchoil Torreon proper. Iut
have hml their hands full at Homes
I'iiI. ii !o. three tnlUa distant. He aa
erted that the ledcriil ure uliout lo
lake the olfens.vc. to whlth end a
Hanking movement Ih l.cing started.
in i imti: xkwk or iivrrii:
Mexico I'lly, March 26 -The f-d
el a I ruiitnt una toiluy ailll nllhnut
ili finite latorrtiitlon m lo the fmlit
lnv hetwien th fiilA.ilM mid retela
at Torreon The war off ice aiMeaia
to have reiel'id no direct new and
the iuti!inlied reorta of the miru'M
of the feili-ri.1 trnoi ure Imned on
conmilur diaitche from horder
point a.
A telesram frm a newamier cor
leypoiulenl at tUltillo reiorta aevele
llKhtin at Artenga, eaat of thut cliy.
where X47 relH'la arw euid to have
he-ii killed ly the fedrrala The
aame cm reioinie!il alt reioit
firhtma at I'uatro l'iinK. I of
Mom lota, l.ut ivea no dt-lallH.
The linnka here today curtBlled
their en hanue otiernl imm. owing lo
the uncertainty of the aitualion.
HKIlKI.H Ail ItrlMUni l
Wa.ihiniilon March i' Thia niea
aaice. aenl from Mexico (My lt
nihl. mi received at the emhaaay
hir' toiluy:
"liehela on. e more routed and re-
l.tilwd at 1 1 I'll lai in wllh heavy
liianeM, while trying lo approuch Tor-
leon .'"
The Htnte 1-partiiienl hud only th
reimrt from Kl Vm, nayuig that up
to vi.lcnl.lv afternoon reaiillg "wero
atill undetermined "
tilher dlfpatchea repotted Iher"
waa alauilulely no foiiniiution for
ulon.M that ilaliKer threnlened five
Americana in the Tliihunllllo dietricl
of I'oahuila. folieular ripiraenta
tlvea report all for.-lgnera within
territory under cowdllulloiialiat con
trol heliig protected.
t-niiHiil (larrett at Nnevo lairedo.
tuat titer the lilo Uralide, reported
today that an Amerl.an l.i.y In lair
edn. Tcxiia, waa wounded In the
theek hv a ahol fir'd from Ihe Mexl
can aide.
latrrdo. Tex. March 2 A ttuiii
her of ichel and federal Mexican
irinouera who have been confined al
l ori M. liilimli amce the buttle of
Nnevo latredo. Jatiuury I. were t
leafed laat nihl, hv order of Ihe
war department About SOU federal
fugititra from the battle of titier-
II III leailicd Iain tin la.l nikill. Mont
of them announced Ihey would not
TT mHmm aaaasjsjssm
V j, jA ,,s
return to Mwnlt'o.
Mm e. Caillaux
Went Prepared
lo Shoot
Frenchwoman Declares
Went Determined to
Satisfaction from Editor ot
Use Her Revolver.
Illy licaacxt Wire) to rnta Herald.)
I'arla. Murh S. "Why did you
Imy i. reyolver?-' Henri llnurnrd, the
exaniliiinK miiKiatrate today naked
Madame Culll.uix. It w.m her fourth
apnearatK e m for the mulinlrnle who
la Inved limine her uivuiwiniition ol
(liiaton 1'iiliiictte, editor of Flxaro.
"Why did you otiv a retolvcr?"
nuked llouciird, "If your nhject l
culling on Calmettn wan to talk about
lettera which you feared Would he
puhliHhed ?"
"I win ireiared for eventunlitiea,"
waa the reply. "If he did not alve nie
Mtlrfni tion mennt to ahoot him
and create a acandul."
The next ijuetton the iimglHirilc
aaked 't.n:
"Then why did you not m-eak to
Mr. t'alinettv aliout the lettera befole
fh, nit In him?"
"I I okI all Idea of the ohjert of mv
vlnlt when I entered hla olDcu. My
voice aeetned atlfled. A fear took
hold of me which eten today in Inex
plicable. I lout m head nll'l fired,
replied Mine ( nlilaux.
M. Iiouirad reitiln'led Mine, fail-
mux that her atnteinenia lo him were
liiionciteiit with thoee alie mane In
lh pollie cominlMnrjr nn hour af
ter the ithootiiiK iM'currert.
Mine. Citillaux replied: "That may
well he: I had no luncheon or din
ner. Thla fxct and the emotion
which overpowered me made It Im
poaeihle for me to Rive the com m In
nary a coherent explanation. I meant
to ahoot If M. t'nlmetla nave me no
a l Inflict Ion, but I did not mean to
kill him "
Examined aa to why he had pru
tlird plalol ahootlr Mine. Oalilaux
I did not irctlce wHh the oitjet
of learning lo ahoot, but merely to
familinrlxe m.vatelf with (he wnrklnf
of tho autoniaile plalol,"
Hit toward Wre in l Truing nemld.
hlcngo, March i. Jotm XV. Jlar-
tin, an actor, today tentillcd to Ihe
Identity of John II. Koetu ra na I lie
man who registered at u hotel In X"
v rmht'i', 1 I i . w ith Mrfl. Kiiiina Kraft
of I'liniiiiiiitl, who waa found di a.l
Iter being alain with a ha. inner In
room of the hotel later. Koettera.
who la on trial for the nllekid mur
der of Mr. Kraft, waa remenil. -red
ny Martli) hccaune he had rnd'l
ahoved Ihe actor about In the loliiiy
and had refuaed to apologlxe.
lettera from Mri. Kraft to Koe.-
tii, ranging from nrfet'tlon tliroiiiCi
anxiety to uccunatioli, charged tint
he. had varouaeil In letiolt with ti't'J
olitaiticd from her, were read a evi
ffl limml TTlro Ftflin fleuld
Holla. Iliilguria, March yinua
Kleanore of liulgaria today annouin-
d that the would atnrt on her Jour
ney lo the I Illicit HI a ten the third
vtek In May. Her ma.l'iy will pre
Miinahly proceed lo ll.illibuig and
mbark there on May SI.
yui'cn Kleunore will ba the flral
reigning nnein to tiait Ihe lntcd
htalea. Hhe lineinl to make a windy
of American Inatit utton and pco
pie, In which ahe hua alwaya been
ureatly Intereated. Her mujeaty
vt ua touched during Ihe recent Hal
kali wart by Ihe prnctiial avinpaUiy
displayed for her euffcring aubjei ii
by Americana.
CARRYING JJ43.400.000
(It laar XVlre iili flarahl
XVaHhinglon. March ; AMi
many daya i.r debate tne rivera aim
harbor aiproprl.ttion bill, carrying
in aggregate of t1.4uil,iMiu waa paar
ed by the hoiiHe today without auh
la ll I la I ameiidnieiil. The memoir
now goea ly the aenal.
Ittltl K.N (1IVUIT l.l!lll
llll. I, COl Ji IX hK ATI
XVaKhitiKliiu, March 2. The lull
barring convict made or paupc
niadu gooda from roinpelltlon wl
the product of Aiiierlcaii free labor
went to Ihe aenate today from the
houae where It wai paaaed yeaicrd
following a tigoroua partiaan If on
leHt. In tile aeuate Ihe ineaNiire waa
referred for committee conalderatloii
r It jr l-ard W it in Fv-nlng Herald
O i:i lMo. Tex. March Si
tieneral I. ilia Tetraxa reeet.ed
a lelearam from f'hlhuahim to-
day atatlng that hla aon. I.uia,
Junior. am In no Immediate
danger, ll waa reported that he
waa lo have been executed yea-
t.ril.iv linl.'B h cmitrlbuied
Mill Oil l pewi to the rebel cause.
fiouse Rule Finally Submitted
Carrying Twenty Hours for
Debate for all Sides of
Rivers and Harbors Bill Crops
up with Right of Way and
Actual Debate will not
Start Today.
Ill l4-acd XX Ire to i:vonln3 Herald. 1
aahlliKloti, March .. A V
rule lo limit lie I ale on the I'an-
mil tolla exeuiition repeal bill
to twenty linum waa presented
to the iioukc ul i o'clock thm
allernoon. A tote on Ihe rulo
una expected before udjourn-
XX ll-aoi Suif Of X Ictory. 9
XX'aahmslon. Man h Si. I'rea-
Ident XX'ilai ll ilei lared today that
with the united protem of the
Houth American preaa. the opm-
ion of the entire world wna
uniiiilmoiiHly In favor of the re-
peal of th? I 'una ma toll exemp-
All primped of the tolla de-
liule proper beginning today
went glimmering when Ihe holme
drained .dona on Ihe rlvi i and
harbora hill and the leiulera
an reed thai if the deliuia rule
were brought In and d mooned of
before adjournment today they
would be aatiafied. riuch an ar-
a rangemeiit would leave the open-
ln of the renral dehu'.c for lo-
The hill waa introduced In tho
houae today by a parliamentary
situation, rah in motions, roll tulia,
dcmaii.ln tor a o,uorum und all tho j
npenclea of delay at Ihe command of
It opIinlletitH.
Juet when Ihe rule committee had
greed on an nrrannenieiit to parcel
ul 20 houra for debute between Ihe
doiil. ndnw fa. tlona and the, lira.
ikirinlxh of the fight wax ntioul to
htart. a new (Humbling block a con
ference report on the urgent defic
iency bill w ii innerted. A Ihreul-
ned fillbuHler on that prolonged tnv
nil nation.
The luliiunlMlalion 8Upioriera.
i halting lit Ihe delay. gol tlieir
force III a position to take artvant
cge of every tei huical opportunity.
the opponent drew on Iheir reaour
ree to hamper Ihe liicanrc.
i'lekiili'lit Xfllaoii, confident of th'J
nuccc ol tne IK lit receiveo iv
polls of the Hllual at the XX'hile
IIoum-, leader aiojitrmg him a aufe
majority w otilil .carry the repeal.
I he aenale began II own delmt ;
with a speech by senator owen
S.-uulor la w la Introiliiced a reaolu
lion for enual loll for all. Ileprc-
m Illative Klndcl of Colorado, apoke
on hi coin roveray with the oat of
fice department, over the flanking
priv ilege.
The ptexldenl told callers that tne
ho ii i h American presa hud joined tnu
oppot.il.ou ot European coiintrie and
regaided the 1'ananiM. canal act as u
violation of a treaty. Mr. XVlUoii
pointed out that pcrhapa there wa u
in it a ken Impression 1" congress a
to hi reaoii for deairing the repeal.
lie emphasised that il wa not in
hia opinion alone that a iiilxlakeii
economic policy and a breach of
treaty was Involve. I, but it waa a
universal opinion thut an interna
tional sttunlioti needed correction
Mr. Wilion told hia callers that hu
wa unking nu man to reverse hi
opinion, but merely lo correct a
It mil ion. He fuel that those who
I wise Iheir opposition on the quest . oil
whether there wn a breach of
treaty do not realixe that their own
opinions are not the main point In
volved. Their chief Issue, he point
ed out. waa the attitude taken by the
foreign governments and Just
lung aa they considered that the
t'ntted Htalea was violating a prom
ise, II would be difficult lo make any
mole new treaties with lliinl. Mr.
Wilson aatd lhat congressmen were
not being called on to complomlsu
Iheir attitude, because the ltecussil
for a repeal was based on a consider
ation which was not in their minds
when the original uction wna taken.
The president denied Ibal he had
ever seen any document alleging that
Ihe Hrltlhh government would Uot
oppose a tolls exemption, if confined
"exclusively" to ruaatwlae shipping
F. IH'MUtl l tsPFI t Hi:i
XX'ashlnglon. March I. Demo
cratic house leaders abandoned Ilia
idea of oulv li hours' debate on lh
Panama tolls exemption repeal today
and sgieed to twenty. This would
bring a vote probably Saturday.
buib. a provision In special rule,
fKaeelal .aeh rvealaat Herat!
Tallin Ke, N. M.. March t. 4
4 f'haa. A. Hplea, ltpubliian ha-
llnnul committeeman for New
Mexico today wua named aa atiil-
uiory agent In New Mexico for
the Aero Hnerper company,
with a capital atock of :v.n inni.
lucurporntlon pnpera for which
were tiled with the el He cotpor-
allon rnmroiaaion. The purpoan
of the new corporation la to
manufacture a new vacuum
cleaning device, Mmi of the In-
rornorutora are Trinidad, Colo.,
William M. Williams, Aged
Pioneer Merchant Expected'
. ..w . ..-.t.
10 ui e as Jicsuii ox asshuiii
Last Night.
My l-ascd NX Ire to Ktcnlng Ilernhl.!
Trinidad. Colo., March 20. XV11
lium M. XX'llliams. .'., pioneer lumber
dealer und a former director of the
Trinidad chamber of commerce, was
found In hla office early tndsv un
ions. Ions from an assault supposed
to have been committed lust even
ing. He wn luken to a hospital,
w here he was reported to be III a
critical condition. His skull wa
tract u red and he aunlaintd other In
juries. Williams waa found by hla part
ner. A. K. Menser, when the latter
opened the office, at ? o'clock. The
room was spattered r lth blood and
there was evidence of a struggle.
The uuthoriitea said today they
were investigating the raae on in '
theory the assault wa the deed of
parties In aome way connected with
the coat miner strike. William
last FYlriuy algned a statement. With
other business -men. indorsing Ihe
policy of Uovernor Ammons in send
ing slain troops Into the rtrike xonc.
and urging him to keep the
militia I s
on duly.
That Ihe assault may have been
ommittid for the purpose of rob
bery la suggested by A. K. Messer.
business partner of the Injured man.
who siyii thut he found lhat io ill
lull, which were In Ihe cash drawer
ln-t night, was taken, and that a
nlckie waa found on the floor, up- i
p.'irentlv dropped by the iimuiilanls
of XX'illlam. The pockela of the in
jured man are declared by Messer to j
have been turned inside out and j
what money he had at the time i
uiketi. The investigation hu ao
1 it r
led lo no arrest.
XXrc-ck of Monroe Mown I p.
Norfolk. Xa., March :6. The
wreck of Ihe old Dominion Inn r
Monroe, sunk In January uy the Mer-
i hauls and Miners' packet Nantucket,
with a loss of more than forty lives.
ha been blown up by the revenue
cutter I'lioinlana, which lelunied to
ort here today.
brought aa soon as the house as-
i nibled, nt II a. m.. today divided
the tlmo so as to give ten hour for
those supporting the repeal, lo be
controlled by Chatiiuun Adamson of
Ihe commerce commission. five
hour for the liemocrata opposed, to
be controlled by Hepresenluiive lor-
emus of Michigan, four hours for Ihe
llepubli.aus, to be controlled by
Kcptesciitallve Kiiowlund of Cali
lornla. and one hour for Ihe Pro-
Kres.lv, to hi ntrolled by liep-
le.i l.l.illl e laiflcr!y of iregon
There was a tai it undersiundmg
lhat the debate on adopting tho
special rulo will be more lim'led
than wa at first proposed and prob
ably would be held lo two hours or
Th-se arrangement cleared the
way for Ihe taonchiiiK of the actual
fight in today s session. Nearly 10')
specehe have been prepare. I .in
I old sides ol ibe question und the
light promise to be the most spci
lucul.tr lnci the I'emoerallc udiuiti
isiratmn came lino power
XX'hile Ihe open inn aktrmish w.i'.
on in Ihe house, the first guns were
being heard III Hie senate, lier,
Henutor I'vvcn delivered a epcci ll
supporting the piei-lilent's contention
for a reM-ii.
Then, just us boih slih s were pre
pared for the hcifiiimng of Ihe slllii
gle. and house galleries were pack
ed with an rxpeiiant crowd, aiioiher
delay cropped up Although lha
river and harber blfl wn In direct
line to h. apei'd,ly fuilidied to make
a place for the lolls repeal bill. Ilep
risentutlve I'iixK-ruld. I ieuioir.il,
fighting tho eeul, brought up the
conference report on the tigeut de-
ft-lency bill. X tonferenee r lort
alwuya la in older under the house
rub-, so that displuied Ihe river and
harbor bill, which still has the right
of way over ihe Panama bill.
To add to the delay, the confer
ence report i ,o i a I a provision for
paying for ihe care of the Mexican
refugees from i ijlnaga at Fort p.ils.
That question, much disputed, pre
cipitated a near-f ilibusler and long
debate. The pal Haoienlary situation
waa audi thai Ihs actual debate on
Ihe Panama bill la several hours olf.
Central School Auditorium
Considered too Small and
ani . a 'li w M
ineaire win De usea ioi
City Convention.
and Fourth Wards
Stand Solidly by Mayor
Givinjr Majority of Five.
Others Said Wavering
The lieiiiocrutin cty noun-
js nnting convention will be held
, louluht l.l Klks' I healer, instead
of III the fen I la I school UUllitnl-
iuiii. as uniioiiliied In the call.
! Chairman IxiUls A. Mcltae, of
Ihe city committee, told the
Herald this liftellloon Hint In -
cause of the Interest In the con-
vein ion it was livin.1 the ahool
room would not hold the crowd
und therefore with the consent
tif u majority of the committee
Ihe meetlnK wus transferred to
Klks' theater.
The meeting will be called to
I order by Mr. M Kau ut
! o'clock sharp.
! Immediately lifter calling Ihe
convention lo order Mr. Mcltae,
aa a iiuestion of privilege, will
! ask for a silver col led loll to
defray expence of Ihe theater.
Any amount over und above this
expense which mu) bo contrlU-
uted Will he given to the Noll- 4
sectarian lunevnlent association.
All I lemocruta, good, bad and
Indifferent, are asked to bring 4
some i limine wllh lliin.
Visiting liepuiilicnna u'i epe- 4
dally Invited to contribute.
1 VOTK. hTMlti FAT
I All rumor lo the contriiry, I). K
II. Seller bus twenty
votes fot
his nomination as liemoi ralle cimili-
date for mayor of Albuquerque.
whuh will l ast for him on the
llrst ballot in Klks' theater tonlwhl
nnd which will give him the nomina
tion m the Hi si ballnt. Pining tlx1
idav rumor of defections from tne
I minor s force, have been ill drculu-
i . . ...
tion. These have been run a own o
the Herald iii u number of instances
and have been found to be without
ant basis. 1'p In late this iifternoon
the delegation from the Third and
fourth wards Ktuiul solidly for the
muvor. alvlng him a majority of live.
It is said with some show of author
Ity thut the bitterness of the tight
on the mayor hit served lo lose two
or more tote to the opposition from
th.. Second ware! deirgal.oii. Also. II
Is said, there are u number of mem
bers of the l-'irst ward delegation who
will refuse to obey Ins' ructions
leav e Hie collV elll loll following the
Ilia vol's tlclliniilllon.
Thoina J. Pussitiore w.ll be notnl
naled rmill the Second ward delegll
inni for mavor. but It Is expected hi
name will later be offered for Hi
council from that ward, should h
not head Ihe ticket, whbh under the
circumstances seenia probable.
The war on Mayor Sdiers has
served In add liniitn.it Interest tit the
convention tonight nnd early in th
day the cliy lomniuiee ilei ermitied
to hold il in Klks' theater in order
to accommodate the crowd Vv Im h Is
Hot Fight lor I 'If rk.
The clerkship tioiulnatii u w II
bring on a conlest on the floor of the
contention. Peri H.iker. T. J. Nay -Ion.
C. K. Hinds unit lleriurt Xsselm
aro candidates lor Ihe position ami
all have it following, Haki r and Nay
loo hoim. ibe leadeis. Tim lb: lit will
settle down to these two utter Hie
Hist ballot. It IS said
Ity latisa-d XV Ire lo F.venlnz Herald. 1
Honolulu. March t. tne unci
island sleiiiusliip .M.i in reported t
have gone down l.ixl night with ull
hands, alter an explosion, reported
toiluy from Kauai by wireless lhat
she had urrlied Ihcro safely after all
lillev 111 I III tovilge.
Neterthelesa the report of ao ex
plosion vf some sort olT Pi all liar
bur are so iirciliiislanli.il and come
from so many Independeni sourcea.
Ibat It la still believed that some te
sel must hat been blown up
The navy tug Navajo slid Ibe I'll
vsldy owned lug Intrepid, together
with IH..HV hi me lies re still cruising
for wreckage or bodies.
Maiiv person Itiliik ll probable
thai a large gasoline hulling snopali
Iroin Japan blew up and was mis
taken in the dusk for the M ml by
waKftvr on shore.
Letters from Son
in Frozen
Boston Man has Word from
the Polar Bear Reporting
that no News of Lost Kar
luk has been Heard.
Hjr I ,ecd Wire lo Fvnln( Herald.
Iloslon, March I.- T.vo letters
wete received today by 1 ir. famuel
J. MUler from his son. Saiiiuel Mlx-
ler, who Is with the members of the
I'olar Hear part) lhat remained with
the power schooner i hu r ii'Tcil by the
Harvard expedition when sho wus
fronen In the Arctic he
title letter Was dated I ecc lllhrr 9
on boaiu the HeUe.li re at Colluison
Point, where the writer wa the
guest of I r. Anderson of the south
el n division of Mefnnsson's party
Mini the other was written on liecem-
ler i' .1 on l.oiitil ihe Polar Hear. The
mail wus taken on foot und sledge
much of Ihe way to Fairbanks.
The first letter savs'
"Still no word of the Karluk. This
bunch, however, is till rUhl nnd will
continue Ihe three years' trip, any
how. Tomorrow we still tor the
'olar Hear, some sixty miles, with
I'r. Anderson and u cotiolo of oth-
The si ml message a.iva:
"Slcfanssoii, on hi way out, ha-
Just arrived: thinks the Karluk Is
still in the Ice. The same blow bf
September that lei u Into shore
look the Karluk o the westward-
how far. goodness knows. The Tran
sit, a big freight si honer, piled up
on an Ice cn'tc and had to le beuehi'd
Just west of Harrow. The Polar Hear
la aa safe as a church. XX'e have Just
had four days of a fii'ly-m le north
easter and the Ire has not craekuu
lor ten miles off shore."
Itr I -a sill Wire lo Fvenlng Herald. 1
fioux city, Iowa, March J. Two
firemen were killed and three injured
and between l.lui'.liiio nnd lluo.aoQ
damage done In a lire which swept
the quarter block at the aouthwest
ornor of Fourth und Nebraasa
sireet. the heart of the business dis
trict, cur'y ;hla morning.
The dead are:
FIIANK FI'I.TO.V. plpeman, com
pany o. l.
MKKI.KY I.AXVTON, driver for Firs
Chiif Kellogg.
NcluhWiilg Town lire; HweH,
Sioux I'lly. Iowa. March J. Ks-
Ihervllte, Iowa, wus swept by u dl
asl runs fire ut .' Hit a. til . due to ll
lantern explosion. l-is Is HlS.UUl).
The fire Is reported under control.
I.iioicrit 4 a ii -co the I'lrr.
Kstherville. la., March I'll. -- The
xplosion of a lantern In a livery
barn ill the heart of the down-town
section ol Kstherville today caused a
tire which wiped out nearly an en
lire block of business houses and
entailed a lors of I IT. on till about
hall covered by Insurance. The fire
I ii rt i ll ut 4 ii. m., und il burned so
apidlv lhat a thrve-stoiy brbk
building and several smaller struc
tures were completely desiroy"d, and
the f lam. s wi re not controlled on
III nu hour imjl a half later.
The newspaper plant I'! the Ks-
iherv ille Knieprise was complctel
destroyed, the loss being estimated
at I 111 (Mil)
The dry goods Stock of I,,
liilstalnsoii. valued nt ta.ouu,
total los.
Illy I -a mm I XX ire to Ftonlug Herald.
New Yolk. Man h .li- Iwo sous
.4UKrcxatlllg Ploi i'll were libit III tne
federal court lo re against the J s
Johnson coiniuiriv, dealer In pine-1
apple Jul. e. ill lilllalt ol I tie govern
ment. The actions wete instituted
muter the ri venue laws and allege
iiiisi lasMficat Ion and under-v a 1 nut Ion
r jt.ice Imporicii from Hi" IhIiiuh m i
Nnesaii. where Ibe company bn it'
pl.ititalii'ii and . inning plant. It 1
alleged that aitne H.'H the, collipalij
has lion Importing p'ncapple June
which is Unliable al " cents a gal
lon, a pineapple pn-serted in lis us ii
Juice, vi huh is di. liable al the lowel
late of Jii pel cent ad v ilorein.
(It lraaed Vre to FxenlnsT Herald. J
Hicigliliin. Mu ll . .Mariii :n -r.atni
shot ks Were fell throughout the
Mn bUati "oi'in-r coiiiiiry about A
link tod. iv No damage was done.
The disi ur tin in e Is aupposcd to have
been caused by an air blast In one
.f ihe mines. i'a sin b explosions are
common in. Ibis tisirict
Ity I .c xil XX Ire to l.tenlng Herald
I. una, Pel ll. Ma nh Ills nsig-
nation was u iiiioiiuceii iiMtay ir tto-
beito K. la aula, who as Ills! t be
president loos over Ihu diillea of
president of Pel 0 alter President
lldlinghiirst hud been sent Into exile.
A iii-w government council I being
formed lo aliange for Ihe April election..
VOU 4. M), lt.
English Premier Face to Face
with Blunt Resignation of
Virtual Head of British
Ministry, Parliament and
Public Anxiously Awaiting
Result of Meeting of Army
Chiefs this Afternoon.
Ity I rased Wlr to frnlf RrTald.J
lamdoii. March 2t. Premier As-
qutltt was brought face to face today
with a new crisis by the teslgnatlon
of Field Marshal fir John French.
chief of the Imperial si a IT. and vir
tual head of the Pritlsh army. Other
leailitig ofUcers of the army were.
also expected to hand In their papers
a direct outcome oi ins repuaut-
tlon of Ihe guarantees given to army
officers In Ireland. The premier yes-
n-nlay declared that these guaran
ees were nut sanctioned by the, l-b-Inet.
Colonel heely. secretary for
war. subsequently resigned from the
cabinet hut the premier refused to
accept his resignation.
The result of a meeting at the war
orflce of the prlncliaal commanding
genera la of the I'.rttish army was
awaited with anxiety by the general
public and In political circle today,
aa It whs thought Ihey might take,
some step which would virtually dis
rupt the army administration.
In the north of Ireland, where the
eonlroversy between the Nationalists
nnd Cnlonlsts ha been the cause ot
so much difficulty to the Rrltlsh gov
enrment. there wss no disturbance,
today. The two parties were seem
ingly content to await event In Lou
don. Ul l.ll MXHMIXl. FIIKNCII
kii;nh hih t oxixiissiov
I.oinlon. March I. Field Mar
shal Sir John French, chief of Ihe
Imperial general staff of Ihe British
army, resigned hla commission to
day. The field marshal, who was one of
Ihe signutorle of Ihe memorandum1
to P.rigudlcr Oetieral Hubert tiougli.
giving guarantees to the army otfl-
ceis thai they would not he ordered
10 fight the I'lsler unionist, regard
ed the repudiation of the document
by the government aa a slight on
himself. For thla reason be resign
ed. Premier Asquiih. according to
statement by Imvld l.loyd George,
i hancellor of the exchequer. will
make un announcement tonight on
the resignation ol Field Marahal
r rem h und Ihe reported relgnatlott
of Uetieral Kwart.
A question wa asked at the open
ing of the house of commons regard
11 g Ihe resignations. Mr. I.loyd
(leoige replied in the absense of th
premier, who had gone to Kucklng
ham palace lo see Kins; fieorge.
The reply of Mr. l.loyd lieorge was
taken generally by members at a
iiiifirtu.it ion of the report that botl)
general had uinierea tneir rssigna
Hons. line evening newspaper aayg
deliKitely that Kwart alau has re
signed t.oXIKVXUVT h II l.l. FAK
l.oii,lon. Manh t Although I
was generally conceded today fhst
Premier Asqutth hsd regained the
upper hand In parliament, the. gov -
ruoieiii i by no means altogether
out ol I limbic. It has still lo deal
uh the army officers in Ireland
under the pew londlt.ons establish
ed by the premiers speech In Ihs
hotiee of uiinimna esterday.
Hrigadlcr General dough deeljre
that Hi's will mean wholesale lesig
iiiiiions sud the disruption of
at mv .
The premier s speech . wen bade
Ihe sl,iolt not only of the liberals
l.ut of Ihu Irish and labor members
of parliament l.t- th- aland il took
ii repudiating th guarantee given
to Ihe mutinous army officer in
Ireland thai Ihey might dtu Ids
whether Ihey would serve against
ihe I'liicr iinlonisi
It is now asserted thai as soon as
the goteriimeiil formally withdraws
the guarantee given by Colonel
Seelt. se. rets rv for war. and Fiell
Marshal Sir John French. Hi offl
ier will again resign their commie
sn.ii. and u one of Ihem said:
"This l ine In earnest."
A news agemy issued n announce
ineiit that both Field Marshal French
and Ailjulanl i.eu. isl Sir John ripen,
ier Kwart bad tendered Iheir realg
iiaiion auJ added that ihs govern-