Newspaper Page Text
THE HERALD, ALBTrQTJERQTrE, If. H., THURSDAY, MARCH 20.1914. muzz.' r TODAY'S NEWS COfllSSlDS DOWn IMPOHTAHT FINDINGS Wide Difference Between Sale of ft Flayer and Release of Player by Draft. Gilmore Qett $15,000. (Itf Lraard Wlra to Ryvntiig Herald! rinrlnnatl, O., Murrh 2.The N llonnl llnschall roniinimioit lias pro mulgated two finding and u not', o to all national agreement rliilw. The claim of the Unmiiiin. Ky . Hull of the Ohio male league for the service of Player Killnian wo refused, the commission upholding n ruling of the national bond that the player wu the property of the Turin club of the Ti-xua-t kliihnin league. ! The conimlaaion also upheld the national boa id In the luMer's ruling that ileorge It. tirt. manager of the Ml. Thoniua club of the Cunudlun league, wi not entitled to 15 per cent uf the money obtained through the drafting of playera. on had contract calling for 15 per rent of all money real lied by the Ut. Thomaa rluh through the sale of player, but both the national hoard and t ie ha-i tlonul commission held there waa j wide difference between the sale of it player and the releasing of the player by (Iran. Th-? not Ire follnwa: "Section 1 of the agreement with the busi-hull ptuyera' fraternity reads as follnwa: Jletore a major league placer ahull le rcleuscd outright ol under an optional eire ni. ni to clues A or a lower classification hla serv ice ahall flrat be tendered to all dus AA c I ii tin at a price not to exceed tt.noq and then to all i Im A t'ltiba at a price not to exceed jO. It ha c a ri.'&.ied plater the cluh from which he la drafted ahan have prior claim to all other clubs In It cluoal flrmion. There sccmB to be a mis.indc rstand Ing ' the exact meaning of thin particular clause. "When a major club inakea appll rallon (or Inter-league, wulvera II Khoiibl at the same time notify the lireaidelil of the league of which It IB a. member whether the player will be released unconditionally outright, or under an optional agreement If wulv ei ar obtained. An nntriKht releuae is construed to mean I bo player trunaler from one club M another, either with or without a enneidcra tion, and without hte retention f the r la lit to recall him. In such case th player must flrl lie tendered to cluns AA and A clubs at a price not to ex ceed those stipulated In notion IS. "If It la the intention of the major league club to release the player un der an optional ugrcemciit then the amount of the option prn ahull not he leva than !3mi. an atlpulated in rule 13 of tho commission, and not more lhan the renpectlve amounts prescribed In aeclioii IX ol the fra ternity utireement. If the major league rlub and the claiming minor league club cannot mice on the optional price, the presi dents of the league. ,,f the respective cluli ahnll detertnine the rnnaldcra tion, provided, however. It ahull not exceed the nmiiutili fixed In aectioti IX, itloted above. "Section Is due not change the system of returning drufted player aa preacrlbed In aection 11, article VI., of the national agreement, und rrgu luted by rule 32 of the commission. In any reaped. "A drafted player who haa not been claimed before February I, following hla aelecllon, become entiled to aec tion 1, When re leaned by a major league to a minor league club. (Signed I A f I T MT II Kit li M ANN, l. 11. JtUIVHON, 'JiiIlN K. TKNKIt. "National Commission." Vmplrra lut Ik' I'lrm. New York. March l. Preident nilmore of the Federal league, in li ciiHaing the diiH'Ipline Willi b will be enforced on Federal league dlumonda, auld the leugue'a umpire ha been inatructed to rule firmly. i "We will gu even further than the National and American league In plceerving dmcipllnc," he ald. "Any plaer ho la ordered out of a game automatically fine hlinxeif t-it- H Ihe player fail to pay In line within iH hour, the player club will auto matically be fined IIU0." (aimore'a halnry tIS.OOtl. liallimore. Md., March ? That the yearly aulary of Premdent Jnme A. tlilmure of Ihe Federal li.nM-balt lehijuo la Ili.UIIO waa aulhorltutively at u ted here. Isaimy Matter Quits Track. London, March tt. "nanny" Mu tter, Ihe American jockey, who has Just recovered from a long Illness, has decided to retire from the turf. The Kvenlng News says that hla phyal cluns asserted It would be duligerou (or him to train again. To Force Productbia of (Vmracla. Hot springs. Ark.. March 2. At torney reprenttng H. It. Camnlts. tho Federal leu g tie agent, enjoined temporarily from Interfering with incmlier of the Pittsburgh National league team under Ihe slats labor coin rari law, hua filed a motion In t-hancery t'outt unking that President lreyfus of the l'ittbury.h i-lub be required lo produce In couit all his players' rontrud. The Federal leigu represt-htatlve Ponlelid that the complaint filed by the Pittsburgh management Is Indef inite, tleoige P. Whlttlnglon of coun sel for Cuiunit tonight suld thut the kudu? of tMwball coiitra't rontuln- Jccted to a rigid legol lest If th mo tion filed toil ii y la granted. (irt frith It. leases Allen. WmihlnKtiin, Murch II. Mnnncr Orlffiih of the American baseball team, hua released William Allen, outfielder, hii played with Montreal In mt year, to Indianapolis of Ihe Amor-li-Mii association with an option on him at the end of the canon. JOE CHOTNSKI FAILS HEIR TO A FORTUNE It lapsed Wlre l rennB Herald ) Chicago, March 2. Joe Chopti ski, former prise fighter, ami now director of a Pittsburgh sporting sporting club, haa l.en left a leg acy or IIO.imio In the will of J iin Pun. n Chinese whom the boxer be friended year ego. .turn I 'on died n lew day ago and hla eons, N d Vlng und tier Ytngl unable to open tho safe In their fathcre Twi-iuy-Ai-cond atrect realnurnnl. The Oar ilen of the Heven lJHIea. wired to their old friend, f'hoynakl. The boxer reached t'hlcaito today and nlth him brought u aafa expert. In a fen- minute the lug Htrel doora ling open and nn top of n pile of pupcr waa found Pon a will It n. i nied t'lioynxki aa executor and tuardian of Jim Pon'a aona and awarded him a aubetantial part of u food Bized forluti. t'hoxtiKkl'a flnt art of klmlnc toward Pon wa arndlnc hla hoy to m hool. loiter w hen Jun Pon be came wealthy, he aent Ned Vlng to China, where the boy married. When Ned Vin returned lo Ameri ca, leaving- hla wife and Ihelr llttla rhild in t'lilna. he waa hailed by the Immigration official at Feitttle, but t'honkl again en ma to hla aid. lie explained by letter Ned YIiik' American birth and hnd hun re-admitted. Choynakl haa arranged In have Jim Pon''. little grandaon Join hla lather h.'re. and nlno arranged. In with Jim Pon'a will, to have both Ned Ving'a wife and mother taken care of, In China. roio capinis BACK FROM ENGLAND (ny lyaard Wire to Kwnlng IIerUI.1.1 New York. March 2 J. M. Wnterbury. captain of the American team which will defend the Interna tional polo run thla year, returned yeHterday from F.nglnnd. lie aaid that at preaent he had no Idea ol the make-up or the American team. Only practice, he anld, would de tertnine ta com poult Ion. Mr. W'ater-b-'-y thought Iiula R. Btoddurd Would not appear on the polo field thl aeiiHon, but that Malcolm fwev enaon, Foxhall Kcune and Itene Ijil.ontague probably would be In the tentative line-up. Hurry Payne Whitney, captain of the team which eucceww ully defend ed the polo cup lunt year, returned with Mr. Wnterbury. Mr. Whitney wild that dixloeutlon of hla rletit nhoulder from a hunting full prob ably would keep him out of the gume thla year, although he might lake part In the pructlce for the Inter national malchea. JIMMY CLABBY MUST NOT GO OUT AT NIGHT Ity I-cl Wire, to Kventng Herald. lxi Angele. March 2 For hav ing beaten Charles 1-aurcnce, a po liceman, in a atreet fight. January :. luat. Jimmy Clubby, prlie fighter. and Arthur Mcgueen, a trainer. were aenlenced to three yeara In (nil and to a fine of $100 each by Judge While In police court. Hentcniea were auapended on ronalderutlon of the fart that Clah hy agreed lo pay Ijiurelice 11.000 damugea, but Ihe fighter and Me-ivue.-ii mit placed on probation for three year. Piirlng thla time nei ther man ahall drink, engage In con troversy or vllt any pluce where hu may bo expowd to temptation. An other condition la that neither ahall slay out all night during the proba tionary period. MILWAUKEE MAN IS ROLLER SKATE CHAMP. Illy la-awd Wire l tll"f UonM . Introll. March Koiund Cionl of Milwaukee. Wis., became profes sional roller kutmg rhumplon u' the world lut night, when he won an eusy victory over four ronteet unla In the grand final heat .f the meet which began lure a week ago Clonl previously held the title of champion of Italy, Allie Moore of Chnrlevol, Mich., who held Ihe championship during the last year, Jumped in!" Ihe lead at the beginning and stayed In front lor eleven tups, when he weakened and dropped buck to last place. The lime of the heut was 1:0. The five coiileiitants finished as follows: Clonl, llollle Hurkhelmer, Columbus. Ohio; Itodney Peters, bi. Uiuls; Jack Woodworth, Washing ton and Moore. HORSE RACIN0 WILL CONTINUE IN MARYLAND By Iieasrd Wire) to K.vein Herald. 1 Aiinunoli. Md.. Murch I Plans for uuttmsv, an end to betting on horse races In Maryland probably received a death blow In the house uf delegutes tonight, when the bill offend Borne week ago, and over khiih a hurd fight waa waged, was r omitted to the Judiciary eouv inlliee. Th committee can holfl th measure for fifteen day before leDurting It back If It so desires. Th. lesinluture will adjourn two days before this limit expiree. The vote bv which the bill ua recommitted was to to t. fiixHt KdMtn. Ha What do you gay to an elope nient ao me day next weekT tine dooJy! Wlu.l dayT I want "EM OUT Don In any the Philliea huve had the ivur.l t lnng trip alnce ho be came manager. The weal In r hug held their condition back o that Ihey ore In little belter hnpe then they were when they went lo Wil mington. "It will (like the nprlng ar1ewith the Athletic lo put trie phillie In rhape." cay lied. Watching Iho Ait hp I ii ought to h'li uli team play bull. liianla plaed the Ath letlca one fall, ami rext year Ihey olmoHt won from the l:e( H,,g. Jui k Miller I being conKldcred for the ahoriatop Job by Miller Hug gin. Ilelore M.ll.-r went t,i tho CariliiiHl he wn never mentioned u a ponnlble nbortHtop. lie played nil the mine team with Han Wagner. i irgHlilied bum I. all lenders lire aid to be trying to Induce Mike iKdan lo leave the H.iliimore Fed and return lo the fold. Spectacle of the organisation catching 'cm on the rebound promiaes to displace exhi bition of outlaws grabbing em off Frank Natn, onhir of the le troll Tiger figures thut Covelenkl. the one-lime tliuut -killer, who has Juki been added to the Tiger pitch ing slulf, haa eoat latroll . '11.000 aside from hi purr banc price and a lu ry. This Is tho way Navln flsureg: "Not many years ago Coveleekie beat New York out of a pennant, didn't he He whipped the (Hants three game in a deciding series when they seemed lo have the pen nant clinched. Hventually. tho 'ul. Instead of the Glunts. won the National league championship. We had played the Cubs before. Kvery lody wanted to aee New York and (Detroit hook up. Jennings and Mc Jruw were former teammate, and both teams hud ubout the same style if play. It would not ulone have, been good match, but abaolutel (he beat drawing curd that could huve been gotten up for a world ae iea conflict. "If Detroit and New York had Idaycd, Inateud of Iietroit und Chi cago, our ahare of the receipts would have been at least IMi.ouO iiore than It was, und the only rea son we missed that tfiO.OtiO wus be cause our young friend Covelenkle heat the Oian's out of the pennant " llig league recipe for preparing u ew glove for a life of toil: (Jet lit tents Worth of vuaclllio, unlace glove or mill, lake out "slutting." rub vas eline on Inside und outside of rover, hen rub it thoroughly Into (he "stuffing." Itcpluce the "atulflng." luce up the glove, and you are r-'udy fr liuslnesa. After that all tli it s n Kxurv lo nuke Ihe giove fit the play 1 to grab a bull player and stuff hi iMiid In it. Home of the big leaguers 'me brand new gloves In a game, pro. riding Ihey have hud a vaseline. ouae. Putting the ax-hue on th Inside of the glove serves to pre rve the Softness of the leather. Polo Association Is muklng nn 'ort to popularise polo. Nlilller ck on orgutiixed baseball. ef-at- Keporta from the (Hunt Indicate thai "Hooka" Hue hero of the last lorld aeries, when he subbed al first, la being turned Into a apit ball pitcher. He hus tried the moist ball In practice, and It works well. Ull- fcauded spit bull pitchers ure rare. Lave Cross, old-time star short- (top of PMIadelphla Amerlvuns. In ut of a job. Home niyntery here. Why didn't Ihe Feds sign 'Im'.' I.ave s almost aa old am some of the oth er pstriurihs signed up by (Jil- aioro. After working his lumps on vari ous camps, Fullerton pl k the St. I.ouls Feds, under MoiUecu.liiow n to grub ibj outlaw pennant. , A Vernal lie I leiinll. 'Ho my former h "in hmati rcftise to obey me!" exclaimed tho boss llring me my trimly whilewanli brush'" "Hurely you are m.t going lo give him Ihe benefit of It!" 'No. I'll let the whitewash spluBh my way while 1 use thu reverse rnu as a club." "TIT FOR TIRED SORE, ACHING FEET Ah I what relief. No more tired feet; no snore burning feet, swollen, bad smell ing, sweaty feet. No ntor pals in corn callouea or bunion. No ButlUer wbs4 ail your ( or what under tli sun you'v tried withouk getting relief. jut ue -T1Z "T1Z" draws out all the poi sonous eiuda tis which puff up the Iwt) "TIZ- is nia leal i "TIZ" is prsndl 'TIZ" will rur your (sit trouble so you'll never limp or draw np your fees In pain. Your shoos won't aeeut tight and your feet will nerer, Beyer hurt or I'et sore, swollen or tired. f i'ii a i eent lx at any drug .le; rUui. BUiie, suj get reluf. LI1G ft p --" OF SPORT riOPHErJOLIS RISING Ofl HOniZOfl OF ATHLETICS None of the Youngster Show Startling Promise, but Mack Isn't in a Hurry to Develop Talent. Connie Murk will not come out ol the south this spring with a ' You in Kddln" t'olllns, u "Kid" Plank, or u "llabu'' Puker. Thele are apparently no phenoms In Maes s lull crop of VaiilKan. Thai In, none of the youngsters who are gelling their Hint trial with Hie team will prove to wonders this year. They may be In other seasons, but they are not yet ripe for fast coin puny, and there Is n leuson why Con nie will not hasten their development. This reason la that there In no in". enslty to hurry the .voungsters. With a iiiiittet of intlelders who arc till young In year mid a trio of play ers in the outllel'1 wl" should be good m several more season, Connie Is not in any Immediate need of playi-rn ' lake the places of any of hi regular fielders and he hue two good substi tutes from last years team lo (HI in with. These are Inllel.leis Hilly (irr, who have shown a lot of Improvement over 1913. and Pete Daley, the out llelder. ItoTtilln Are Voting. The men who sr being given trials this spring are nil under the voting age. They are the kind of ma terial Unit can be coached slowly and carefully. It la probably better for their future that they should not, lie hurried. Home of them, like Mclnnls and Hrlckley have never played even In a minor league. Their experience has been confined to their school teams and to plaving In the morning ut Shlbe park last summer. They are good natural players who should hp all the better for the careful coaching which they have been gett'ng, but Ihey are not likely to be sensations during 1914. In other seasons It should be (lifer ent with them and with some of the other youngsters like Kopf, Cruthers and Karst. ovd ;sxl Itai'lu4t. If there Is going to be any disap pointment from Muri.iger M.i'k when he figures trp wiaft has secured from this year's crop of Yanlgiins t will he In Ihe pitchers und the catch ers. The team needs one more goon backstop. Seining nnd Lapp, ol nurse, are figured on lo do nearly all if the catching, with lri Thomas on deck In ruse of emergency. Hut 'n inn,, of accident it would be udvln ahle to have another catcher handy. Kltber Sturgla or Mi'Avnry may be the man who will laud tho berth. There la tin telling what Connie In going to get from the yoti ig plicheta l!e ha n big bunch from which to ic ier! Itrown, Hush, Hi. in k. petinock and Hbawkey should do oetter work than they did lan season. They have had the nerennarv experience and thin is th,. season when they should ebow their true clans. It was necesnary for Manager Mu"H to work his t wirier careruuy nisi year and on numerous occasions there on four of them had to be us d In the same game with Hender doing pinch pitching duty many times. It the ou n g pltcheiN who were with the team last yeur develop as they should the necessity for so many twirlers be ing used In games u was thu case In I v 1 3 should not be so great. Hut eVi n grantl ig that Itrown. Ilouck. Khawkey. Hush und Peiinoi k come along In g 1 style, there Is im doubt but tl'.ut ol'nnle would like to llud a twirling gem In his 114 ctop u young pitcher. A "soutlipu" in especially desired. Aa Hurry liavis Is not on Ihe li.i of playera this year there I room left lor Connie to curry a few extra twirl eta. The limit Is J5 plaers. This would permit him to carry lour catcn ers, six Inn'-lder. live outfielder and ten pitchers. He has -! in twirlers left from the past season. These are llender. Plank. f'hawkey, llou' k. Ilunh, Itrown, IVnnock and Coombs This will permit of two pitchers being selected from the youngsters or three more In ens.. It in del ided Hot lo nr:y more than three catchers. Hu the great problem of Manager M ick and hi assistant. Inn Is and Thomas, Is to find some young pitch era who look promising enough lo be kept for development. Who these men are no one can tell ut this time. The competition I going to very close and the selections may not he made until the Yaniaii get buck to Phil udelphlu on April 12. Ttl 7.UF1KM lllMFF.F.KF.IM A puny comprising several Albu luerijue 'people will leave nn or about April 1 to Inspect alfalfa hinds in (he Sun Joaquin valley, 70 mile aoiilh of Stockton We deaire three or four more prospective purchavere to make thla trip. All expense of trip free if bind I purchased. Inexhaustible water, best f transportation, and a market of Miou.oou people, full at office and see soil samplea. Ileal of alfalfa lund from ITS per acre up to t:vo. r, n. wiivix. Albuquerque itrpresentutlvc. lot Sooth Third Hi. llud IIh liitldu Track. "I send you as many flower as Algernon." "Very likely." "And take you to as many places." "You needn't remind me of It.' tnlffed the girl. "I know; but 1 am desperate. Why do you prefer him?" "Well, he lets my dog bite him It is uo much pleusiire to Fula, MOLLWITZ MUS 1ST GET MITE RAISED OR GO TO FEDS Promising Young First Base man of the Cubs Uses Out laws' Offer as a Nice Little Club. fc ,t i l Ity Is-ased Vl? lo F.vcrdng llnld.l Chicago. March . I led .M.ill wltc, the promising yoinii: fir! hii candidiiii' with the Chicago Nation als, has ri-ieisi.,1 nn offer from ihe l'rooktyn Federals which he mid lie would iicccpt unhnn Ihe I'lio .mn e lull Hu reanen his Thin nevxn leiii hi'd Chicnuo today from l.oum v I ll-. w here the Cubs play this after no,,n. Mollwlix's offer wus made by Mike .M.illoy. the 1' league mmil, who hs ii Cub scout lunt year, recom mended the young player, then In the - Illinois league, lo I'realdent Miirph.t. The HrookHtt clt'b promised to pay him I.I.HiiO a !icnr with a I Ii r year colilrucl, while his prenent coi.tract. In i-om-pliauce with the regulations of or ganised baseball, provide lor sal ary of only $1.2011 until he Is ac cepted us a remilur. Hlioit.nlop Weaver und Pitcher hcoll of Ihe Chicago Amei liiinn. who aid they had received Federal league offers, have been ordered to loin the second aectom of the team, traveling under the direct supervis ion of Manager Callahan. CALLAHAN GALLS HERS THE Trio of Chicago American Team Caught Flirting with Federals will be Asked to Tell About it. Ity IshkiI Wire to I'vi'iilnif Herald. Oakland. Oil.. Man h Follow ing new. that two of hla stars were In communication with the Federals' mnnuKer, James Callahan of Ihe Chi cago Americans ordered fitcner James Scott. ShortHlop Weaver und Ciitcher laby to report lo him. and the three players left here lasf night foi l.os Anneles. In their places Pitchers Fiiber und l.alhrop nr.d Sec. ond Itanemun H.-rucr c.imc to Oak land. Ted (ileitnon tiNo at rived from Ihe south to uHrfunic lomm.iiid of the ni'i-cnd s)uad preparatory to the trip home, which starts m-xt Sunday. HEW ORLEANS MEN ASK AID AGAINST SUGAR TRUST Declared Great Organization has Monopolized Market in Louisiana City for Quarter Century. Ity Icancd Wire to Fvcnlng Herald. 1 Washington, March i charge" that the Atnerl im Suuar Itetinln coin p. my has for I'l e:nn monopoii.: ed the New Orleans nimu market l',v a "rutliicnn extermination of comi.' Iltion" and has ilcprccd the pii'e of raw tig!ir there fully tMMMi.iiuu t. Ihe dmlrew. of Ihe planter, weie pic milled lo I'M r.i. h 111 Wilson today o' llollelsolt C.llTeiy of New Orle.lin Who was preneuted t (lie While House by Senator Thornton. OfTcy urged thut no judgment asuinat the company under the aiitl-irimt sin' now pending should be i nteied ii- r should any n- uh iiu lit be periiilil'd which would the coiiiimuy in control of tl(. New i u leans niaiket. Ho declared Ihe attention of con gress should be directed to "Th' most obstinate, Itagrsnt and cruel of all xh trade cotn.piri.iles In the Fulled States." and urged provision In the administration trust bill, par ticularly the I rule comrninsion loll, to meet such conditions u he de scribed. Try HERALD Want Ads, they bring results. Thu U Ind!-Ceylonta mora refreshing; than grn tea nd goes further. r A?idazcavs lea CARPET I L:i t c REHEARSALS START TODAY Ifl THE TENTED CITY Circus Performers Freshening up Their Acts for Opening Performance in Albuquer que Saturday. DRESS REHERSAL TO TAKE PLACE TOMORROW NIGHT Marvellous Things to be Seen by the Lucky Guest of the Sells-Flotn Managment at Hopewell Field. one of the r.uest of Interesting mitlils to be seen In all the I'. S. A only they won't let the puoiic see it -is on at Hopewell held. In (he mam moth tent of the Sells-Floto-llurialo Hill tlllmseH) show, which came bete from winter quarters Tuesday to prepare lor the opening of the neanoii Sadjril.iy afternoon, the clr run performers aie It braining their acts. llcheursals were on In full swing lod.iy when a timid reporter, convoyed to the "lot" by Plena Agent F.d J.ick noti, found himself In Ihe big tetil and un unfainlllur world. He was and an unfamiliar World. He wan that reporter, but he had never seen one with Its spangle off. It was du ridedly more tnten sting, although a trifle bewildering, iiecuimc there were queationa to ask as well as things to see. and It wus hurd to follow the answers and Ihe sights at Ihe same tune. Not h minute was wasted at that reheat sal. There wu something lin ing all over the pluce. off In one spot Spinier Johnson, the hiahest salaried clown in the win Id, chief of all (he Joeys thiit'a what they cull clowns lu the cirrus urgot w is putting earnest funmaker through new stunts. There are forty clown In th. Sell-Floto show, and not a 1 1 of (hem were at Ihe drill under Johnson. Frank Stout, for instance, wu busy putting a bathtub and a pair uf feet together. lluthiub and leet form part of u new act Stout Is getting Into sluipe. line hud no means of telling offhund what Stout and (he biKhtub and the feet were to resolve them selves into when Stout got through his preparations, but tho develop- indite promised to be striking. Stout, by the way, la aald to be the only college-bred clown In captivity. He has a line of merry Jests which he Carefully reserves for high-brows In university towns. This Is a univer sity town. lirliirlanlly tearing one's eye away from (he bathtub and the feet, one beholds the Smith family, nerlul artlHls, with Ihelr attention chiefly centered In the erection of the mum- moth Ferris v heel on whUh they do sen re y stunts. Another shift of " nl l"to E 0 MINUTE! CLOGGED OPEN COLDS CATARRH VANISH Mok iity III liurgi", l lear Muffed ll'-uil. Heal .nllaincil Mr Pushiu'- ami Vou P.i-cwIIm- Frccl). Try "Fl'a Cream ll.ilm," i lit a small bottle an) way. junt h try It Apply a little In the nostrils md Instantly your i'IokhciI nose and stoppi d-up air passages of the be,"! will open, you will breathe free:v; lulliicKM and hcadaehc disappear Ity morning' tlie catarrh, cold-iu-hcid or latarrlial sore throat will be gone Kiut such ruineiy now I Jet the kiiiii II botile of "Klii's Cream Halm'' al uny illm store. Tills sweet, fi.ig l.uil halm dissolves by the heat of Hot Biscuits 1 MM They require a "quick heat." You get that on a OAS RANGE. A day's baking comes out best when you COOK WITH GAS, Because a GAS RANGE bakes evenly. You regulate the heat by a twist cf the valve. We install a GAS RANGE for a little down and a little a month. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Have that Gas Range installed NOW! "AT YOUR SERVICE" The Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light and Power Company 'The Public is Entitled to Courteous Treatment and to the best Possible Service." m ranee rome nhndn Hoval's school nf dam Ing hoi ing the tan ), of course keeping lime lo the music of the band on the hippodrome track. Then down the truck come tear ing. flKhting, savagely protesting, the wl' Ked outlaw of llurfalo Hill's show. PP face, the wickedest hr"" on the continent and the star outlaw of HutTiilo Hill'a old string, was among them: and so was Jlgeers Hlue I log und Fog, malevolent bit of horseflesh famous for their devil try wherever bron ho hunters are (o be mi l It wu the flint time In their lives (hat 1hey Ivid ever bee) under n tent, und (hev .In. wed It. Will the llurfalo lull show of other yearn they were exhibited In Ihe open. It was great riding the visitor saw, but he didn't envy the cowboy on the outlaw their .lobs. Iiown at Ihe end of the hippo drome truck, wait ng for their cue, were the heyniy. the pride of Cy Shnrpe, who trained them. The hey pev Is a glottfied burro or a ilduted xebru, as you prefer. The I'nited Mute etperiioental sio-k farm pro diirnd him by ('running (he rehru with ihe burro. on if ntnue not fur from the liev neys were the I, mums A I p In,, family taniiolnu -of course every kind of a dance has to he a tango nowadays on wire. It alidn I look any more per ilous Mian the rdinary tango, but II probably Is. over there one can't help getting the impression of sights being here, there und everywhere Znra, the only woman who ever trained elephant. Is rehearsing five of her i harges. The elephants are suld to be a bit un settled j net al piesent, because they are on (he ipil vlve for new of Alice, (he belle of Ihe herd, who waa left behind in winter quarters at Ienver. awaiting an liter rmilng event. There were a (hoiimmd and one other things for Ihe vini'ir to note, but it wan a hopelesa lunk to get them all Into focus and scpurnte them for distinct Impressions on Ihe same d.y. He tried to do It, bit only auc- rrded in setting his head awhirl, and In self defense he gave It up, leaving it for another day to llnlsli "doing" Ihe cirrus rehearsal. True lUniv He was In New York on a visit, coming from u smull town In Con necticut which stilt retains her tradi tion of the Hlue Ijiws. lie was In vited lo spend a whole day at our minister's, who had a little boy about hla own age. We asked him when he got buck If he had hud a good time, and he replied with Brent en thusiasm. "Ves." Then he begun to look pusxled as If trying to account for the fart lhat he really did have a good time In minister's family, and auld, apparently talking to him self: "They are the best people for Christians that I ever knew." New York Kvening Post. liamtwrlalii'a Tablets For Omsllpa. lion. For constipation. Chamberlain's Tablets are excellent. Kuy to take, mild and gentle In effect, (live them a trial. For sale by all druggist. J. D. EMM New "nd Km-oiid Hand Furni ture. kllclM'ii Cabinet Bll Mid up. Iiniwni, $H and up. 115 W. Gold. Phone II IM. the nostrils; penetrates nnd heals the intlained. swollen nieinliraiie which lines the nose, head und throat ; clears the ulr pannages; slops nasty dU- lint Hi s and u feeling of cleansing, southing relief conies Immediately. Don't lay awake totnghi struggling lor breath, with head stuffed; nos ttils cloned, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with it running Hose, foul mi ns dropping Into tnj , ihrout. and raw dryness is distressing but truly needles. Put your faith Jual once In "Kly's Cream Halm'" und your cold or cs larrh will surely disappear. rz3 J NOSTRILS