Newspaper Page Text
FOUR. TTHE EVENING HERALD, AIEUQUESGITg, K. II., THURSDAY, MARCH 28. 1914. The Evening Herald. f'ulin.d hjr Th Fv. Mug H-iaid. Inc. neoraa H, Vulioii.t, M n n.i vT. II II HiIiiIiR. I'.ililnr OM.ial Paper .f lha ( ny of AlhU'l ruMlahait everr afternoon et repl Sundnv, at IM .N'.rlh K olid Kireel, Alhuiiurr-iue, N. M. Kntr4, aa ionl I:im matirr t Hi ponioffl. sl A in'iipriii. N. M . under ihe At of March I, )t;. One month hj mull or rarrlar . '. Ona weak by carrier It (jb jraar by mall or carrier la dva-ea lit) Trlaphonea 1(7 and 111. UK l U.I.. .IJi iiS V.M.I KV hind nern in ilii vuiui'v it IIokwi-11 uri' In in inKin work nil nimna ii,i,n u ill riin.tKe niem uliih , iimpli i-i vv til 1 1 ml ittiif'' (hull a in lllnii ilnll.irn. I''nr Hie i nimi ni' t mil u! tliH nvnteiu ihi' I. in, I i, ni'M will lni ni ili.nli ik'r illn- llleln millet' lln elhltllm Hi Hi' luw. nnd bund llii-ir liindn. The i iwl of the vktom. '.me an II uppeiiiH, will In' n piiihM r onliliTii 1 1 "ii In view "I the ri nullum ;nn, iiw In viilue nf 111'' In ml" ilrulueil ntnl new I;. ml now Iv Inn il lo n, I viliirh Will 'll' hl'illuht lulu Ilii' prixlu, l!v i- ii. i'ii uf Hi'' mi lt y. N XI n thr ' ' Hi nil I ni . ill 111 miiil ern tiimilii nl Hii' iirlKifinn wuter In. in Hip ltln firunde- nu itwnl'ilil" fur Hip Alliimui r i in-'.v, "ur un iil phI nu ll In il..ini.iai . I.lii uilly i ti'in iiiinK nf in r' h mi' Ivim ii"i 1 1 1. lill'' lull r.'pi.llv umiin I own rl utter ntnl irretrleuiMe ruin !' mine nf hi' k ilriiinuMP. imr rent iry ll lrriKuil"ij fVHtl'111 WIIII'I'TH over 111 ill hit a -in I Ui"h 'in. ' lullilni llpe j Ill llll ! I 1,1 till llllll Mil III,. Wilier It piiHUllly I'M II Alkali la being il punned with ii ra pidity I hut m urn wIiihIiIt k ntnl m'titil well lip tpi nlyiim in tin- I nil owner. Thin la iml an Itlli- nt.ui im in. It Iihh been atiilpil over mill ovi- tiKniii hy the heal ml wti'l vvi.ter mii-i ilijin.m1' cxpriln In till i-ouiitry. truuimiiuln nf mrea uf Ihi bent hind iril.iitiny l" Allui(up"iiue arc laflng ruined by hi k nf drainage. What nrp o uiiik in il i aiiuiii It1? HV btp lulil lliiii ur nmlvp 1. 1" will tint Im. id mi"r l.-inilB fur ilrnln nUP. Unit ilipy i.ip iiiiii-iiiKrpMlvi' ii ml .ill thai ai-ti i'f int. l'i I" ill" Ililli- nu mi" hii'' iilin i ll tin- ni.iiii r lipfnrp our nmUe pn'l. No "tip ha 1'iiiinl nut it trn il ilt (!nl iiil wln rc liny flllllll It In Mllfi' In Ml. Il'.il irn,prly ipitii-(I. Ipih I i iph nn-il, IIk. limn,, f :i I'lin-r will Iip .ih ,iri k M ml,, il ii lil i.l u lili li w ill iiiiikr him iiinnpy nu ili iihw ,ruiiii hhi p i.hiii it fnitii thi- i.tMt. TIip Iruulili- wnti iim h-rp In Urn' wp Ii.ivp Inlili l imr iiiiiiiii.iiiity liMinli-, xiuhiil iiiiil m, lil. "W.' in.. iiiiiiiu In iln uli ml tt "' In thp iuiiK run thin ri:v m h'iIhk tn Mtiw uml ir,mi' r jn-i iiiiiii'-nth ui'iin ihp ipvi'iiiip fii in la trllniliiry InriiuliK lamlK. Why ,i -t .i.ii- ihil n rinj uf anllil ir,,n,i riiy I, i,r twi n ly ui f.fty iiiiH.' Why nut iiiiivp ii, v In ihU iltain- ll!P , II, Mi III" Iln Hnlllllnll Will lc:nl ! ninny l.rin In .nl Ih.ii 's. niimiiu tlniii un In ri-.iM in nut i, .nl.i r I . In i i,titi-ht:i till wntpr Kiitlv tin l;in iiraniU- mil Hi ii-tii in I'pilititn limn. IhnjiialliU nf in nf Imu' nllr I. mil I'lnfri'lv aiitn... In..), (.ur l'::ltiil Sluti'H nPtnit',l in, Kht tii'' In ll'. ilili p till- r- lutllllt lull HI'I'V n '' tn lull' nu in nnl iti ; IhiN vital ,ri liU'tn. It la lipinu nulil M,iim tut ,.iir n ii.i. Int'H, KM IPHillt K'-lfil. fnl ill,. Hi. Hi'. h.ixi- lint I n .i 1 1 .i ii li 1 1 -in i i-.- till 'i 111 ', ' ill.! ll.ic In. k., k nil imr Hi-iiiit.'is nu ti uniiln tnrir hiii k tnr IlilH II!- I,' I III llliv.llt llki"l Hipiii tn iju -in Mr: tnr in We llle f...v Hie tt 11 .le t i -In 11 1 1 1 1 ee hli llnli.i-. ,1 111 III. lui V ta -I ill the illllllilll 111 .nil I. Ill l.mi we hope lilt H i.iiii' an a whole w l! line tn a wmt-r I'-Vel nl III..' Kill ami I'ollc v. The te-t in utinniill'l in (d'l 1-piM-d hy UIIW ttliv motivpn Ii In in 1 i oliicice ti. t,t 1 l.e 1 1' le uml ,n and uii-Amt-ri f i ir ,r hi a vp I . i r tl - li ol del in WlU thin iJtn.i up. .11 if It la put tip In h We believe. Willi ll PP llllll I'Hllllol - the p. Nidenl I m he will met t in i unl '.nini y i .. Huh .more Sun. DHIIT TO SI till I KI.H. IX P. I'A ' ENT x arn ihe;. heavy lu.ymi inn li "in Stiitt-a to I'liii.ida h whn h uppeiir in the it p han heeli thp I'lllleil me fluuri n .rt t.f Hie coiiiminnloner itiTieial for 11 indicate that haa heeii fhei'ketl ami imminr.ii Ion Ihc IlltiVt llielit I lint the drill now In 'lulil annili In t hin cniilit I . . From July I. in:, m J ly I, li'U thi-rp i'Miiip flout I . iiu.lii in Hip t'liin-d Slnltn MIC1I pentiiia i nmpi Ulna M.OI Culled r-Uil' n illu. nn. II Till t'anadiun cltUtna, and 41.413 iiher alien: uml there went from Hie I ndi. 1 SIl- lo Caiiuda u Inlal of 13U.CII riilin, ioili,l iitna K 7. I'lilttd 8lnt" I'illana, l.2T Cuiutd -an (lliiM-lin, find :l,TJi other ulii-nn. Thla ahowa a diailncl udvuiitup l"r the Culled M.itPa in Ihe aluftliig of l.op'il.itinn T ha adv'iiilHXP la hiipii luaivd ly '..nprjiiiii ul ihp foivgoinii Ilium wun Uiomi from July 1. IVIl, I. 101. lull UK H llti li . i I,,- t .11,1 I llll V hoin I 1 1 nr. . i i.iiii.I.i I I ni-rnnl W'.P I lllll il i .,,i, ii i ii . ii . I In I i lii-n III I he n.H "Pi I ) I ii ti . I " I . I'llll.'.! .l.ile I I lull I In i c Men! i : ni. .,,1 III I .PP -llll. f l illH. ..'II :i s ii i; .i nu 1 in n . ,i i 'i ,t i it i ii ti - Iti I ' I J i Iip mini In ,l.l I I "111 t I 'I. llll iiuiin.i i i Hilling 1 1 nu I i ,1 i'i M.m . I. .,', .iiii; in nl. i i. nl.i I A ll'l (' l.i lilt- III! III! I Ml III! llUllll. I I I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 U Li Hi'' I 'tilt ll SI, ill H 'f.111 l lili.lln l , I ,, , Iln IHIIIlliil (I, ll III, III tin- I line, Mulct, In llllllll. I 1. 1 ll'.lli; Till. Weill, Wi lli '.lie thill "(in. I, In ll.m M'-'-'l Ml'- fin nil lid,. ,. the nu, m iin iii un,: th.ii iniii ultif ilii' I nil.-, I stiitia Mill iiiiivp Hi. in l. l.i i ,i ln Mi-Ill ffl : ml i i A mr r nWII. Thic III f lie I I li' I III' I Ii llllnmll , II II till flll'lM III Hill in ruMt i Iv ill III thi- i lit. ami i'Iik.ii.'' iii I Iip ii l ill I li liiiil l.i ll hi lulu 'I In Ti- tic. ( r w.ii imnil ii'.imi.ii hv :itn A ini'i i. n ii Ijirnipr h limi Id innvp In I'lili.lllil 'Ihilr. it, no 'iiil'iltv nl ill'Hi l.lllll 'll the l'liltl-,1 Stlll'-M Till I'l- Ktlll II IIiiiiii mill ,, m nf lliTPF nf iinv I nun nl Inml which mm hp ii, iinr,il miih i liniiit kip. n i ntiy ThlTP IH In, I 1 llllll ll Knlill Inml In hp liinl ill I Ii in ii ft vviim rnrmi'ily tlp l.ltp. hilt In, l lll' 1 1 imiiu l inn, r in tin iiiitiiiiv i il lui k i,r i it ii , I i'ii ti- iiiIii linn In-pri hi i 1 1 i"i'il na a tmrl nf II 11 1 li llillllnl CI I i,. In, ,,. hut ,1 ,p-Hi-inn im hi n i ir iiin. iiiiii iiih th m ,irp In hi- hnil mi thin Hiilc i, the hnr ih r ii ml it Iuih immv illiinlv hiii.ikc" whl( h iln inn linvi' tn hp i in nunicrcil hy tin- iiv pi'atfp A iin-rii'ii'i Im mt-r. Tin n Ik snnil Inml In i'.iiiii.I,, uml ''iininhi it. n Mug men in cult iv nlc it. hut Hip rumr thlitK can hi- nf llllll, . HI .,nv HI. lip III till A llll'l I' llll I'tlliill. Th iih uf Ihc v iri'li-iB kIii- linn m i',in! i., .Vi-w HrnriKW Ink, Hum mnnth. will hp the hint link III Hip "All p." in'iiiil-llip-w'iiilil .ii 1,1c ittHtpin. TIip innialiiiimii nt .Vt-wiiiMtlp IM I nllihlt-ri-il line nf I hp llllllll mini- prn uml j i, i -a i f 1 1 ; n Aim rnn. .iml riiimiHtH nf nix w nmlpn tnvv i r n'l fpt hiKh uml i, lie nl hi. cl HUH feet. I'hp Piii ri-nl tn In- inn i w ill In- Hnil kiln wnttH. Kmlv .flvp iiiicrulni-rt ami p!im-. trii'iiina will le iinihiypcl I in: Mo'ioit i iiviii: i:ii usiox. T MKHK Ih further ev l,l, m , ,, an awak'liinit in ui .'in- hIpi ..v neluh'mr, ihp atnta t uillal, in Umn nl it m liiiwiiiet.1, nu ii in run ' the mnlilhlv a in nimi'iilc li.nle exi '.il'iiutm iiiio Hip f'W'nn and rural ili"triitn llll'lll. HV t,. Snlll: Ke The Idea l n.. " ni nimple nnil nu certain nf it-Mill prmliii iiiiii that ll is ii wididi-r 1.. .. -...I ,. l...r II .- II M llllll. w hn ll I "lllll . I 1 1 . 1 fliolil.l lip ci, pit d hv' the hilhlllenn Hlt.lCHln nl A .hu.ll'l ,Ue W. till-111 llctny. Very en in 1 1 we will ha' p a llrni- ilam hiKhw.iy In Isl la. l.i.n l.uiiaii t Jalnl l.elell .lllll Hie llll el V e'll IIK Ht'lt It-- ) 'Ih'- in a. I I li ri i i ii li T ! run j llieut". liynii will hp pul In Hhnpp mi we may iti-l itiln Hie Kntu n,'iu valle.. vviili.iut trnu!.... The J.'imi mini la lllliler l-iitlHl I II I loll. lilt- lluill In Hit I iialiiln iilre.iilv m Kimd. p have im loilhl tin - nullity 1. 1. ul hniird Will heed Hip MIUKpnI loll llnlll I he ih l. ln 1 Ii ,l nl C''H I. llllllll. llllll hill'. I Hie llllle .ilul all eiKhih i, I iiniii whl, h will , l i mit tllul d iiHf.eri.iih cidllllillllltv In iln iln hllnpplim ill AIImi lucr.plc llintt ti'l .'I 1 . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . Wllt'll I ll'- I'.rciiH npells Iln iliiid'H here sill III iln ' Vnu Will lllll' a n'' " JlU hi f r til .1 Mi, I. ; . i fl.e iI'-iiioIini I'.. Hun t, the way Ille.V ptniile i. iill th.-ne eei ll. m lnwlinl F TW O ' ' FJ T nu. I vllau.n V'.ll i tn Mi'U'l'lel- ' I7fjt I f Ma .juc when we linn, ii i. v I Inn.-, I I helll il lllll n nt. tier Tile trade em ill ni l.y in. I. .in... .lie l il Il k. i he:, p a llil Kt lenultn tor the W.IV nl leal lUfll. vv hul W i Hi t d. i i iileiit. It A lhiltler.lle in w liii Ii in iiiuinly llll: I lio i.ll l-itiM l:M.. w A Ui; im-iI l.v ii fY.lrriil iin.e uaitl. ii lli'il th i lit fut I h- ririitii'fi nf ii lui I i'Hii I tva un ( I i c r in tin IV' if rial ). kill liMt-M, Villi. I) lias t.i-fi 1 1 1 t'liH i jla1fi M il. itt. in in ifiu hi'tii i.p in Ihe hmiM' III ll'l-. of w III. il I boll t.f th.n city nlutf lilt-lit llnl.ll' I llllllllllt'T ,f pll Uli'' 'ini;reM.mi'n Keindf If a iiipiiiIipI'. Th" I ev ent l.v In Im p a mel ting in Hip i 'uminen ial Hnil Hie hill w im Uina In rluh wan Id up at ihp leiiuenl ,.: ceriain pel iioiicrn in Ihp vl.ilillv nf III' I'pi on l. dent, who pi. dented duuiimt the renervo tieintint II will iiileileip w.lh araitii'K nil Hull I'd PHI. New Mem. "i in Ihp only i.tnle in Hip t'nii.ll witlmnl a aalne pi' . He, nlule ur ion. il. Iln in.. I u In e, ia too oli viniin in Heel i-iiiiiini nl or araumenl. ll in dlilirult lo ate why the pen.., mil Interenta of a few nheep or entile ar.twi in ehould lip piTiniite.l to hlmk a at'it 1'iop-it which will work fur the anej. th.' ndv iiiiceiiieiit, the de velopment of Hie whole nt.ile mid the pleanure of Ii iei.ple. Saalav Bli-r. Utile dropa of water, ('urhonated fixx. Hell Ilia thrilly ilrw.-glnl Ihi a lt of hi. s OLO hy Iln Kn oinl I lilillp. i K IN Tin: ii. i. nl Mill , I In I, w , . IKS 1,1 i, mil tlvy lim it im, ,lllc A i ( I llll m ,i I , v , I I I It" I iml IV PI l ltil'.ll .1 v lili t In i'i t mi mill I IiiiH I. ii a 'v o- ITli hip TM.KS Wl win in il n hniii il.i .IliM.'llt, ll t mi .tii r.i: lutuip ni hii-ci.iml r IT' Itlill III. -o - Till.: l;i'-Tn'.i: knew ,i Iniiuci iicinl it the n -nit uf .i Lin. i .. o - IT l.i 'I iK im ll l In- Iii l iv: .t t it .ii Uniilm S',!, m Ihi' 'V.llliH Htvti Villi llll Villi ' I I 1 1, imu l .i t ir , i'llll' h. I'AIITS nf W.-l i i nil il .i Wnllhl lli.ik. tin. i. nlliU ,, llll i ti I ll. .' h la f. im. - o - M:Ki:H l l. l h.-: TIip My i I ,h Kli -O I'.II.I.V SI ' M i Y f.iVH the iliAil ll. llll'l N llll' I , IIK, i. Wl- III I; III lllll. i lllllNlii, Wilt III illH, 1111111111. Ihi' miU- l.uily nf ihc ill II. - O - IH H Si:iH HINT: Whin yum hllxlmllll ll I 'If tn K' t H ih Hi" iiinininK. ni l III.' tn Ih.- "i.iitriHi. - o Till-: l!lltl.' art' Kiilllll ll 1 il t If tun I. r with 1 1 1 1 h 1 1. 1,. n il wik l.iiKim ix .luitt y NiIp tiffin mi Vmlpl. o- A i 'nl. ll I' ACT Ki'ln tally i at ill- .imi'i .ll.ll' i'H ll I..I.I .n.lUi. , H, Ii AT Till': I'lltiT IIIITIIIIlK WP WITc llllll, lllll l (I III til' he i, I cli.wn. i vvim nullum Hern. ml Sh.i vv . 0 Till': AllMV nf Iii. Ilium. nn Weary Wllliin leiiilU the familiar furl an army I i n vein mi IIh Hlmn ii ll ami i'iin'1 iiiil.ttrii thp iimiiii;i rv -O THK KH'K w hn m nuts ivi r ll"w -rfi ran i niileiil hiniMcIf uml huvp w i-ti-r hiha hv uiIiiiii him W illi 's ii'l inL' hat. HAM.MIN'iI Hip Hraml I'unyiin Ih i feat ill all inn ..i l nl til I'll' fill Iniirlut linen In it nalkini: HI' I ll lu III A ii K 1 trail. . i . WKI.I. KM WW I.I I.. . l ill. I in a fill Htr. nu fi r .mi, 1 iiIwuvn wan. Hy ipp! Vi.ii le Hip ,al I mem mneil Dim j x "" "'" , ,.. v, ,.x ilt ,,,, ,,,.., llu. ,,,, ,,. per In Turn mi h- mum he khihu lairly liiinnry. -. ft I'ltKTTV Si ii IN A. hp afraid In he ruuulu Cnrmwi" will npellkillK the 1 : n k 1 it-Ii l.i iKiiiiiie . o -old Klnv c.,1 In a merry nl,! m,nl And why shmilil he Vol he? Tile a.'iellliNt Snyn hp will lunl Twelve humirid vearn Y"ll nee. -- AMI at $7 .".'i ii Inn I .'im yp-ir "' "hinleri up led intiHumpiinn Ntriken n an preu , ii.m, M M I'. C.MI.I.AIW luia ilm.e poiiip Knnd ni.yw iy. !-:llc K"t ll I a I til fur I Hp mln-r inurdrpsaea. .I1 wi: Hlmn A It R AIHM'T In rp-ilinnnlve III i num. O Till". IIOVKICNMKNT perhapn t-x pci la those I m kevv nod f. nun in li cruw nl unaen WITH Mil !..ami:ht we after tomorrow ll licmnipn , nf vote llkllt. pre nllme i mutter A 4) 0 A 4fr Bit ITI 1 1... i .1: IT IS II n..v 'TfiKll'V lipped -R limit her puae of the loiitf fun an and like mm. i.r it tn turn Hie hiatnrv nf u'rnl nl In Ininl. t'le other linK. H. I ll. I el in millll' prnn vi it h .iit Hint it may hp Ft ii i noil II I The Itliitl vv i. ml. i lui 1 1 1 1 ll K nf .nl vv ;th I' to il llllll llll'l lire Mill nl nil Hie iu.ii: , - Ilinh pt'i.plt- tn I tie inn nl ehperlul tiller ceiiliiripn nf l.v Tl'ul elate i.l -u.i.lelllllK lunl llllllll primi i hat Hip rue, riumpr- lui'lv Mtmll uml wen), an it appear-i. 1 1 line. .iiyiii r. .hie it in not m-ci'M- n.,tl' In ft!n I' I.l rl III r lllllil the lllllf' I Id nry VIII .i let a K'"'d lilt a nf tne lii.riini iiu-n tlnit havp hei'i, t'liim milted ,n Ireland, uml in. met un'n at Un- I, i, n.t h of men wlinne iiiimi-n sli I ri .11 lllntnly I IllH' VIII made full i. ei. inrl of Tvne. and Ihe lit;.. van miiile ntil.jert to Ihe EiiKliah law nl nut tt I'm, died leuvinj a I'uiiiero'in proaitn. Inn ihp Tyrone I.. n Iom .1 Shiuie. a mm nf I'mi h..rn nut of wedlock. They net him up aa thp purl. Khunp wun hop 'I tic "hnine rule" prnmnt -pin "f In land In npllt- of Hip fuel that Iip wun nu Clnier mini. Shan" wun ihori.oahly Irlnh Inr hia limn wna Inn l.cli. ip the enlniiiaaliiin ni heme of Jalin-n I Slum o Neil vvan an a.lvoeate of Irinh Ilium- and Iml' peiuli ih p. 1 1 paid no iili'nlinn lo EiikIiiii.I uml uiht-rn fnl Invv pd Inn i-xumple. an (juei-n Klixahet pi lit ovpr an nrmy of ociipalinn w hieli huIihihI-i-ll Itnelf In lawlena f. mill. ,11 ,y plun 'I' r I IIK Hie inulllrv The leu, lui r Irinh familiea reneiiled th i qimiltr I11K of Ironpn. ami Inniirreetinna ot -ciiileil. Sir Krantii l',y. one of Hip iiieei'n rt preu, titul iv pn. run i t ivt'd a hrilliunt m hemp of rentorniK IMuie uml order which iiiIkIU appeal n' of Ihe Jlna'd'a who are urg ing ilein-up with Mexico . Sir riuin'la luviied all the tituiiiin..e s Great Trials of History THIM, nl' WrNTWoilTII. t-:. It I. Ol KTH IMMII. a- O' V Till", munv ilitiiiniili.hpil ner- i,iii vvim hnil iliiitn a mink'il I iem. nun nini' imu nl Inr I ho i,nr..iiiin.:ii. churl.., I. an. I hail nmm lull hfiill.v uml tlev nteilly i-erv.-il him, ti., mini .i innrp emiMili limn tlniii Went wnith. Hip Fail nf SI l. iff. .nl Amiiiii him. Iherefi ie. innivr all the fprvaniH nf Hip kin. Ihi. viiikiiihip nl In i n, nil. aim illteitpii. An iiiiii linverniir ..f Ireluml, struf Imil mIiiiwi iI ii ami pin-ray which hail lllll, h nntrlhllteil . Ihp il .l9 i,r Hut i unity; tint in hia iletprtnl mitlnn in it h' lil the law, uml In he. k Hip violence which I'm nfmn Idevalleil in Hnl iniinlrv. it eiinmit he i. nn il Hull hp hn.l nci nun. nully iiilniieil i ..un-elx i ; mi ni Iniiai v uml hari Iv h ifn i hnracier. nf I he ihiLtI ety i.f vv im h ihe ri. in i(. wir nut bIi.iv in l.ikmu iiflviiiitHK. Il. lnrp 'iiiin liijf the kiiv ernmi nt of I -In .id. f. - hut mi. , ch in which Ihu klnn eiPiiteil Mm an pari, Si.-uf. fnul h ii iiiNtriii'tlmin inr i-iiIhIiik and i ii 1 1 . 1 . i ii it an army .,f s. imu men lu iihkihI I'liurli-a In ii Irenh alleuiit tu .-.III, III., M, t.. H...U ..I . . - - ' ' " " ' "I .nteillPIIV P. I Itllt IllH t.lttl'a u..;.l... I t'l....l..u' j ... . .( l IV liilialf iii. .if ami mmi. ai'mmpil thp li'iiilera nf 'hp ui,nlir party, ntnl when thai l.i.ily in,, earlv in Ni.vem her. Hil'i. in urruniii' HiPir HnnM nnil uripl' a il.hii.p Willi eliirtp,! iliiniH, Hie inujiirHv m Hip i irni ppiIpi) , ... ..... .mr iii mr miiiNp t.f ii.riln, whero Mi I'yin. their uiki..nmn. imiieni heil enl wnrt h, Kurl of Siruf fnnl. nf hlch trpufcim. Tin- inrl wan In mnferpnip with Hip king whpti he wan .n.'.irmpil nf whnl h.ul h.i u llcil. Hp luiHtelleil tn Hip himvp. ami an he enten il Iip wun met with the rpiiiit-m rrnin (he ,ecr nf the iiiinla ulile t,i 'vic.lravv. The keiier a I Hip name limr ileBireil ... .irn in ihp imr, ami infiiriiip.l linn Hun hp w in tn ciiiiMhl.-r hlinnelf ll idiHiim-r in ihp nf :m k I!. nl nil h.. nliniilil clear himself ol the imiieii, hmpiit whiih lunl hepn new inilcrieil amilnm hi m hy the iimnimin. An ati, ni,l which Iip made in ml ht na the Ikiui-p trum Hip har wun Inm.inily nipnvi, mid he wun nrdeieil tu dppmi in ( hump of the UmIut. ll Wan nut March. 111, thai I Iip iiriunnciiii ma w.rp llnlnhcd ami Hip i hiirm-n pieputi'.l iiKnltint Slrnf fnr.l, wlnmi nliil wun, unn,,!, t lakp iilin-,' in Wrntiliinmer hall hpfmp Hie pepin. I 'In p. v.rp p apart fur Hip imniuvi n mi the I'art nf ihp hnuw nl cmillllnnn. Inr Ihp .1... ! hud en me ft-,, i, Ireluml with the m'- ctiHiiiuitiK iiKi.itiKt htm of Uliiial acta to a ar. ai l,.i millet in lull:ihimint Inrt, when the Kiu'Hin were in i mmiili.n ilate an a. rertiilt of ihe a, mil i , h. r. Inn aimed men fell on i t.,.m with line Piitliimiiinin. i if n tutul of 4mi Kiienm, hut mi), m ii ii e,iine,l. u ! hurd-ln nih il : nu 1. 1 I I. a I l"aT-llm littl parly I 1 at. Miivvcvir. instead of iiinkli)i Ihe 1 1 i-ll e lllllil with their lot. Hindi! tin-in w ilder thu ii pvi'r. They car- ra il inniii i. .1 ion inm .Munnier. hut ; l-:iinnlit t li niu in,, re atdiliern. Stiiii'' i Mm all'ii of the Irinh limiiruenia '-'r I rmn Hmln uml Italy uml j eMu I.l Hhed lie niielven In Smcrw I, k ninth. . .ord ilr.y'a army In which ISir Waller ll.lleiKll llllll lui III II 11 .1 .Spencer mil hor nf the l-'aerie gu,.. u, held niiiiiii.iiiilt, laid nl' Ke to Ihe jc.mile iiii'l th.- Karriami nurrpudered (.u iIIni teiinii. Theipupmi Hie enlno .null,! vvan nlaiiKhtered 111 void hlnod. I I'l'llnvv .im Him lent i,( urniB ihe di-Mistuteil the i-oiintry until, jiii'to iilin K I.. Kmuile, "Hip lowiiiK or a i n v. or n plow I,., v 'n w hint Ip could j tint hp heard ,n all Hie country be tween Valentin and Ihe Hock of j f.ifhcl." Il.illmdied auya that In jen.Hslna I Iip enuniry one w ould noi j nee, vm. iniin or child or heimt, j excepi in ihe inwna. Hpeni-ir wna ,.Uite nnl.einil with the dev unliit mil. ! KMiiIih nl thp relic IlimiH ihiffa .were . niilin. i. led and dmtriliuteil I niiinnif Kniflinh nohlen uml aeiul. inan 1 ailv I'lll lill-l n u liii lri.rn nledrf...! It. I" " enloliixp Ihe I, Hi. In Willi iru.lenlnen mid lalcltrn In. in Knahinil. Iml only tew i nine. an. I nmnl or tlica.' wera driven away hv thp Irinh. And alill Ireluml did not hind Hip knee tn the lli' inl rn nn il wun decided to plum Hume Itritiah people In Hip coiiiiiiv. in rimer ilierv wt-rn nini' line nrii nil urn I l.n.itn favora- .e III eillnllir.ulioll, Lilt tley WltM Iteeupleil l.y p. iipln w ho were Imlll In Ihe nnil. 'I help wua no I' unl way III which ilni could he diaponnenaeil nn nniiit- I 1 1 1 nl uiipiiIh nf K'ltnr Ijuin. n Inrxi d a letter nhowinit a dan- jliimn roli-piraey and llli.pp.-d ,1 tear I iiii, iiii eiih'. The I'lter wim, i I court.,, foiinil hy oihrr iiuvprn mi nt i.llli lain, and oa it contained the li.ilm n nt m.iiiy lunduw mra of Cluler llni"' peiiplti were prnncrlhed .in traiiiiin uml nulla and their I.iihIm. in the uiimunt of inorp limn .Muni liltll ui im, were rulif m ated. Kix entiie i niititii-a In l'ln wera i oiiiinciiied In ihe crown and i Iz.uioii wan I,, Kim hy linpi rtiliK nel tiera from Scilund , uml weaieru I : ii K lu n.l The larKP enlunn werp kiviii in Knuliitii courllera whom lha JkUix lliuuuhl it wua wma In iluculp. ami in Sroi. li p.irliaana w Ih.iii he dared not in C.nxl.i'ul. Tlit n.ilivp pe.inaiiiry w era illiviu from Hit r miei-nt i ul homen and comppllnd In lake I' Iukp in buriowa nnd raxi in ihe hllln uml K.ciin. They werti delllpd llll pi nte, 'lion Of ( IVllHf I ' Tlntt wun Hip beiiinninc of the cniul. lieliii, iiii ni (n fumoiia "pliin tuiiun of Coder " . i til ui i' n lui .it panned alnce that lime, l,i;( ihc unelPiit feud in eiln hul liitle i.iiinina tu roune It Into Hume iikuIii In Hill thr Irinh ovi-rthrpw lllene nelll.-ineiitn and mullitaiiicl a c. Hilil inml Un. hefore I hey were completely irin-llr.1. Kor general IntH dea endiinta of IhP I'rolentanl eel tlcln and Ihe I'ulholie natlvea fouuhl fur Ihe aiipreinuey. Thouaamln of hoih purllen huve left lha country to ilud ppin p and Letter opportunity in Ihe I'nlliil Si a Inn. Clnirr In Itilvl had at. nut I lliil.UDS population. To il a.' hn a l.tMl liiKl. tit Iheno !. t'Utt are I'ulholun. 16t,tiutf are -:pi-eopuliuna. tiil.UU are I'renl.ylei Inlin and 47.IVU mi Mothuil.aia. Tha nn, I IhP Hi nli wlm churned him nf l!'unH.,.ri in hla Haiid fur 'la auhjpv Irlnh army to Si '.inn iiiiii iilumler. Anlil.. frnm Hip i liarae hy Ihp Irinh and Scotch witnennp, n rumlier of minor ai tn wpip held aauinm hi in. nf which no one of Itnelf cnlihl hp culled trpunoii. One iloi'iimelil wiia produced piirimrt ina lo hp n not Ilveipd hy the cnuiu ll hotiid In tlio pffprl thiit. no Ihe king had puluiunl pd nil ordinary niPimn of ln'liiHina hi aiihjpcia In their ohpilii'iicp. Ina maj pty wun tint Jiinilflcd In pmplnv ln hin Irlnh Inn en fur rpdm in 8. utliitid In nhedipnce. An Ihe trial prnippiled Hip weuk nenn mid Viihup nature of I lie i hit mm heciinie daily nppurenl, while the iliKn ty, inmlerat Ion ami alnllty . with which Strnflnrd rondiii tpil hin' dplenae wan evhlpntly prmliii ina n nt limn influence In hin fnvnr iinmnK the ma Jul It y of thp ppi-rn. Whim the i intiiiiiKern of Dip iiiiiitiionn noticpdi 11,1. ll...., I... .U t. """ '"- " '"I........ Idea mid renolved In T.n eeil uiiamnt SirarTnrd hy a hll of ana niler ThotiKh Hip kllm n rru-n.l, did their hent to ntptn ihe torrent of puhlic reeling. It prnVPil loo ntrnna for Ihflr pffortn, and within a fnrnluht thp h'll of ntluindpr wa ininnpd hy the roin inoiia. Mpunwhlle Hie Inrdn eiinlin iipiI their Irlnl. ti ml riimffonl eon rludpil inn ilelenne liy n jiathptle and nnhlp uppphI In thp aenne of Jimilcc of hla Jllilxen. t'hurlen Infnrmeit the Iwo llminen of parliament thai had they poiideinnpil on tfilr proof, he would have a I low fit Hip law In take Hn ouirne, hut nn ho. hmmelf knew Hie falnehood of IhP Pl'ldelH'P he Pollld not glv,. Ihe nival annent In thp nt t.'iinder. The hill wun panned hy the Inrdn hy a majority of 22 to Id. With Ipara and I imenliith.nn I Chin hn nmniil Hie warrant: uml. If proof werp wnnlina of Hip ilintrm t on of hin mind hy the Inlerinr conflict h(. had endured, he now took Ihe truly hopplpna ntep of nelulinn Ihe yminl I'rltK-e of Hnln to the hoiinp of Inrdn with a teller entreating that h.uh hounen Would i-onni'tit o Ihr aeiileiice of death nuninM Sirufford lielntt t haniiPd to one of life hupi inonim nl. Thla petition wun treated with nrorn. and hvpii a rpprlev fur n few iluyn rpfuned. The ni-xt .iiorninii Ihe Karl of Strafford wan enndueted lo Hie wiiffnld on Tower Hill. He made a hrler npepi'h In which Iv wild thai 11 wiia in. me nni ixfuct ..i .i him In know- thai thp kinx did tint think h" lli-nerveil l.i dip. province of rimer In ahout thp nuine una nn thp alate of Maawiehiinetlii 'ml much of it la very riiKKed. M.AITS sikn a hi: IMII Now t hill iiPi'orillmi pluiiiiiK Itan relumed In nlvle, il m ll'iennary In klnivv jurt hi.vv maleruil niiould hp pieiui.d lo Mild In the npeeiall.' ahop. where niieh plaitliiK In dmie hy machine. I imp nkirtn. pt llic. inatn and dlenm-n now have nu n. -ci. i ilmn 'l;i il t tt il,. nu. , . uitoui Hie holloiil of the nkirt, hu,-, the lunver Tlinea. Tu make aui h ii flnunip ahout three hreailihn of 40-imh In are aewn Inaelher. Thin in ennuifh when plalled, to make Junt the riKhl nixe flounce ahout the hot loin of the aklll. A lit t Ui lean, any 2 1-4 yanln. w ill m ike crioiiR-h plaituiK lor a petiicual. All nil'-n of plalln are lin'il, riiic, me. Hum un, larae. The hp v. ,ni a ihe very fine kind, which hnnan tnaeth' r in n novel and attractive lunhlon and looks l.kf lluiina pluiiiiiK la wound In aprpentinp lnhlnn frnm Hip waiat to the hem of PVPhlnii aklna. or dropa frnm hp low wldc-awuHicd Htiahea In tunie-like fanhlon I v 1 j 5 Broiled Oranges On Toast :.oNS nnd oranges, nlthnunh nmoiiK the inont enally ohtailied trul'n are not often enoiiah uned aa loi.d or drink, av Ka time Merrllt r ai nier, who ivea the Inlluw ina re- I lien in Ilia Wouiun'a Home fum pMliuin: Itrolliil (irniiui'H on Tol. I 'eel iiianaea, rut in one half Inch ilicen and lemovu aeeda. Ilruvh ovar with mellid liulter. place n a hult.r ed hroihr and broil over a clear lira live mlnulcn, turntnc f reiiiein ly. lie. move lha circular piecea of aauted hrpiid or aiuinae cake uml aprlnklc with K'uted eet rhocilata, Hilii with whipped cream. Holland HoUM Sauna Kee. fut apart a atilntf of atnull aauif axea and pierce auch una aevpral tlinea with a fork. Cut In an Iron frying pan, cover Willi boiling water and cook fifteen mlnuiea. Iiruln re turn In frying pun and rook until well browned. An anna on hot iht ler and garnlnh with nant nngera (mi which maitre d'hoicl butter la forced through pantry bug anil Hiht ), tnant polnin, lemon cut In fancy aimin g and Par ley. Mulire il'lloli'l llulirr. Tut one-fourth cupful of butter In to a ntiiall bowl and work urn II creamy. Add one-half tcaannonful of aalt. one-eigluh ul of pepper and one-half talilcapoonfiil of finely rhopppit paralpy; then Add very nlow ly. while atlrrlng rmniantly, thr fuuriha Inlilenlniolifill of lemon Juica. t'rrwut I V-iM -li lyrfHMliiic. Mix one-half leaapoonful of anil, one-fourlh leuapoonrul of pepixT, with lil lalilenpoonaful of lemon Juice, four lahlenpoonnfiil of olivu oil and Ihrea lulileapooimful of heniy whllp a'lvprnnr, i-iiiiiinlKnloiipin, with intentli.nn (ream, Hi ir until will hleml, ( oliinihlii ri-iu ll lHitt.iiK. I"nr ilienn'd leiHi'P. .Mix III a aimtli Rlann Jar 'die leuKpuunllil of nill. nllP leinpi. .ml ul of ini"i.ii.l. mie-hilf Ipii. 'I Iful nf Juice, one luhle- ..lnliflll of Wnneitelrlllp nnlUP, tWn In ,, a I'ttttii v r ut of lei.uin Julep and nil ' l,,, ,,., II,., ; ,, onve nil. Mel llK,,w,. .,. Allnlell, a roiiiilry .ur t old plni'p until wrvlnii time. He nut e ; , duimlnpr. m no pit lured. Thn lo nhaki. Unmiimy l.pfnrc n-uu on h. rultien ..f Ihp llrnnt,. and Ihe Mill- link nuveln wide ci.hweh h.ine ntnl KnlckerlMH ker Salilil. jrllpppin In weiithern wet and dry, even Wipe uml i.e. I ci. mm. and rem nve " ,h,V l"l ""I l "I' mlotiR lull... Ait.iiiiip lein up I. ...... .... i. .nl. 1. 1 i.l I.. P.ll h .l.lcp ,i nil. e f ratim-d plnenpi.le. lt Mined thiirmiKhlv on pineipnle arranup ..n,. mw . i r, i,.u..,i ... ...... ii.. ntn.n, ni.inv piniacnin i IMitn hilwern Ihr aee lonn. In i'ii). I T lilacc hall f c r pa 111 clli-Pne, aur ninhiiia Hip n.p with a iliamniid flliipp.l pie.'e of lid pi 'ijier it lulllltd I liiipiitu. Serve nnh a French ilrenn. Inc. Our Diaphanous Clothes IK.ile fpnon f'lnrk. In l.pnlle'n I PTIII.- l.'t. ..'!.! l. .. ...... I I ' I'" I - ... ...ll . . , in il.noiiniiim the n. ur. llv of Hie preneni lemliiltie uppan I. A itiMlmi nry, whn in. whl hp ixpciied to lie lined to much v nre thinan, evt ii lliitec Hint illilp l.Tle. Ilyl Hie dole ful prophet Jeremiah nn Ihe aiihjeel. ii . - -i- . u . r THE SERVICE WE RENDER This bank renders service of value to every one in Albuquerque and vicinity in its Foreign Exchange Tepartment. Drafts. Letters of Credit and Travelers Checks furnished by this bank are available anywhere in the world and afford a most convenient and safe means of transmitting or carrying money abroad. Everything possible is done to assare your satisfaction and we will be pleased to explain the advantages of our foreign Exchange Department. We want to scrVe you to YOUR advantage. New Mexico-Colorado Lumber Co, Wholesale Lumber. Mixed Cars a Specialty Native Pine and Coast Products. A. H. HEYN. Manas-cr. 4404-44-4 Figure with us Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber 17, II, m GO. Cor th I lent In Fuel of All KUtdn. PHONE 91. 4-4 4'4-4-0-44'4-4'44444 444-44444'44444.44.4.444V4- L i Jiiua Baldridge Lumber Company j Evreything in builders' supplies. PAItlOD roofing with t a 15-year guarantee. Sherwin-Williams Paint. f ta boctit riiun. OUR TEMPORARY SALESF.00L1 Is Now at 325 S. First St. Owing to our present limited quarters we were compelled to warehouse the bulk of our fur niture and in order to reduce our stock, Eemoval Bale Prices Still Prevail. ALBERT FABER Furniture, Carpets, Draperies x and Stoves. 4444 44444 4 44444 44 4444 4 4 Ir.iyniK "Knr Ihe unntnonn of Ihino lni.iiliii are thy nkliia dineliiapd and t liy heeiM imiilp harp.' Hut are wa mi nidi h wnrnp Hniii our gianiltiulh I pin .' Hiirrly In the rnrlv and middle I linn In nth 1 1 nini y all of the i liildrpn , nnil ninitt nl the ymina women worn ' nhi'il nleevi n uml thin InW-riPi kpil I" the "i l.lnnen. An for the, ipy ii nd ti'ihln. ilalni-h.iriiiiiih. I..innev j '"" ' 1 1 i -en of hlllh di-nrep. In rii-i'ii'l hi'p wp wnine than thiy, 1 " ' "ur hiim.1 ' nm or ituiT n a jut rosryfn Cr.'T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM CR MAGICAL BtACTIFIEH - f . Remove Tnn rim pie. I i ir li I r litnlli I nli he ', ml hktn lltat-nr. nd rv. i i' I.l. iiiifh ftn tit-nut' . mi.t fir fit-n drift It.! 11 lut n.t Itil ..I A anil in no in lea ur intie ll to lie nuip II in rmiilv nititr A cri'l li" t otniirrleil ol t.inul.11 nam. rr 1. A. favre aald to a lulv i.l inr homum la ' a t,, ri,ir will utr lliriti. I n--.iiiint-,.il Xt m4 I ttttmm' it the It ,it bl til die k n iirtnitloa.'' AI diuaaitlt ami tii n.inmt-nt hturr-t. a ll'l T nOIMKI A SN, ha, il tntt Jaatt tt.I T C. if I aP a aXM on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company rERRlU.On MtMP UALItUP I.L' MP OALLUP KflO ANTHRACITI4. ALU PIZES KINHI.INU ANtl MILL. W()i D nitlCK AMI I'ljk.-TKKINil LIMB HANTA rs BHICK peoxk Z 44. 444 44444 4 4 44 4 4 444 44-4 4