Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING IIERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, IT. IT., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1914. Gel MUSTEROLE Today for Lumbago! II' mi aimixiiiKly tii k relief. Atnl II a no enay to lite. Vmi Jnt I ul MI'HTKH'JI.K I" hriakly. anil prewin, ilie iiiln l Knrtr a ! 1 1 1 1 ii mn it li in r cotulort inni'-' to trtke III. llH r. MIVTKIHiUf In m clean, wliltc nliitmi'tit. in me mill nil of muaturd. I'ne ll ill-tend of ii i iif. I ,i i il pl.iatcr Will mil lill-nr. IliirliirK n n1 nuivra tiae MI'HTKIt QI.H niul riM otiiim n.l H lu Hiclr pu 1 1-li I . They will gladly (ill vmi what li Hi f It give from r-'nre I!mn chllle. Cioiiii, HUIT Ni'i k, Anhnui. N . n r It In . i 'iiiiucvi inn, ririirl-y, ll h- ii tun i r m, I,uiiiImi(!i. I'alna and Allna nf (In- Hark nr Jointa, Hpra'iis, Knre Mu'iea, I'mlf", Chilblain". Krnatrd Keel, did of Ihe Cheat (ll prevrntn rni'iiiiinni.i ). At ymir drugglat Ii I'm and r.Oi Jar, nml xm-i liil III rm- tn.plial lc lor .. Accept no ! i it. If your drn tt I n t cannot n m i I v ymi. wnrt 251- nr .'piii- to tli" MI-TI'.ii"I.K Ci in pan v. i ! i liiiul. ulihi, an. I villi m.ill hi II Jlir, poHllltfO plrpnlll. I ir. J J. fiordoii. ii well know n !' t rhyxiiinn anv. ".M iixii'i'oli. in In-tiiliiiihh- in my r i I i i uii'l my limne." THURSDAY MORNING MUSIC CLUB HEARS PLEASING PROGRAM That Hip Alloiiin-riiii. Thuraduv MorniiiK . M nunc Hub Ih koIiik to do lerlnu ii 'i il inicr.-ii nil wmk la Indi- it 1 more rhaih w;iti each .! i ii'il I on program. Tin morning tin" ( lnh met tin iiaiial In th" Wotnnh'a i lull for n pim-iMiu devoted in Amer i. nil oni-Hipf-m Tlio impel of ili" l.i v vim liy Mr. I'. V. Harden, nnd proved i,np of Ihi' nioHt valuable 1hi' rliili h.iM had Mr. Il:mlin nvi nn.i'iil iili'-nt'oii to tin. mumr iif Mr ImwoU. nml hull. in au.lo. iim tlo' iMont typim-ly Anient an tinna we hull', relet rli'K In Hip ln- llilll ln.lKe Ii 111' K IT' Hi rl Illrtlt'C of ih" i oiiiiiom r' i rlit to rank wit:i thi' ii-imea of imiKir. frln d'a rttaacd dolman'i work- iil.iii, na thnro'ithly tviocitl o( tln In! in Aiin rn mi i.rn ioi :i Ion : nml give annie time tu Hit i-rint lima of Vt.' lor Herbert u rut hl Indian npern. N'otoinji. Til1 d.aruvanin nnn h one im.l waa (luroiiplily cn JnVod. .Mi Hi vl ICdftvortity f .In l J Inutile iininlicr. I ho linliim l.oyr Kunir. I'.v I '.iilmnn. nml . V I-tor lli-r-Iwrt n u ;ii l. r. Mr. J '. Si hn in ki-r hm nit -h;ii nntiylv "An in a Hon.- .Ir" liy i 'ii il i ii n ii iiiol ' Vnl'.i li ili rni hoi,, ' In- llol.Htl. Tin .Mil lovull ii ii ! ) r. ir .1 1 ii I ! niinilii-r. hh I'V Mit M:i rir llirtlim ho il i "-il til" li.'Hiill IiiI I'iinil.i' nml Hii fiiii.illy hi ant llnl .sii,i,,,v I'lin.. ".ill prrini li i hiiliiiii- mil Hi.. In illi.iii' y whii Ii tln.. l.i kl ol Milium II oiiiiiivIi ii.lin rp'tiiii'p. M mi loin Tliorni' wii'K LimiHiik li'uHM lilur," l.y t'lirin-n-In r. nml ' lior.H." l.y Ni'i'n lioiinii- I nil., ii ml Willi a violin oliliu iln l.y II f. ruriiii-i.r Mmn l.niii-i. Nu i i I v :m ii i . n i iii ii I-1 of tin' il..). Stmh'iilV Kitlini iriiuiilu-l. Thi tniiili'iila' iioi'lioii of tin i lnb, liii h, ironi1i i 1" lio mil' of Hi" most ..i-iNiiin, nun oiK'inixi'il laal Siilnrilay. with Mra. Iv I.. Ilrud foid an .r. niii nl ,M fiv lli-li-n lim-n. in iri mili nl ; Miw I 'n nil ii" I I -I'.ilnlli' mi-ri'inrv, nml M!na Mmy Anili-non. triliaurir. Tho awi'tluti will ni"-i In luiiirp in Un- pur lot of Ihi' 1'ir-H I'rnal'Vli rlmi rliur. h u( l.:ii n i link I hi- firat ami llilnl Hal urili.ya in r:nh month. At tin1 im't. title littl Halvi.l.i) Mra I Inline 'on iliiitc.l iim work, ri iu-.rm a iiupt-r on Herman iimaH' mol I'" Inf lui-lim nil t)i niuali- of tin- wuriil. Mm. UniilfoiU will lip In of tho in xt pri i;raiii, mul w ill n iul il iiM-r nil "Tliir Honalu Korm u ml I la Inlluini'P III MnaU'." Head thTlERAID Every Day i (.- 1.7 V t - - Mr. I'.ImhIh Houl ami lier laliili m ImmhI liira, "llatliluiUM- Jolin," wlilili will he. M-rn In I lie evlilbltioii imT I Ik- Isa-llil Into lr n bimI Hilda In Hill tbliiiMll) wlicn ll vlilldla Iwre .'larch SH. "IUiIiIioum- Joliu" U nui ir ihe lriiM- of lliiit-iJ laiiKii lnra-a In I ho llliiMla lloial exhibit. The ilauiing nf Hie uiwatiti, lie' ixNltaiioit wail and Ilia livltiiiturl IH iuilisi Unlr aitnuililiiOiiuritl, . , WHAT HAS BEGOMElPYTHIMIS FURTHER OF I1 Man who Left Ten .Year Old Daughter Stranded in Albu querque Monday Night May be a Suicide. SAID TO HAVE GIVEN EVIDENCE OF TROUBLE Police Tail to Find any Trace of Man who Represmted Himself as in Engineering Service of the Santa Fe AriPr invpMtlntlnl of lh? flri-nm-flmin'a IpiiiI n up In Hie illuiiii'ar moo r Willimn ru-n-p. lm vnn IhIipiI from bin Imiirilln Iiovihp on WpiiI Kilvpr uvriiuo Muniluy nUlit, li-uviiiR ' hia ii'n-ypur-olil ilniiKhH-r, the nilir. tmliiy werr unalilp t" l" i till' whi'thpr thpv pr. ili allng Willi ii almnlp rn at. of i hilil alianiloniiK iil mul liill-lii'iiling nr u tra(i'ly. thniiKh I'li'iip la a'llil l liv A I Irft ' ill lit h amoiiiiiins In ! iii'liiiul hmi. HPVi'rul nf (hnjii whii lipcmiif u 'I'.Mlnii'il with him Uurlim tin- two wi-rka In- wiim III town aiilil tmlay that he hml Rlvon thi'in the imprpi.iiin nf ii urn ii iinili-r atrpan nf ipnt tmuhlp. Mini ibpy lif'lii vpil In- man hml tr.krn Iiih lifp. ricrro innip to IIiIm rlty twi.wofha iiK'i IikI .Mniiilay. Hp nanl hp ramp I rmii Winnlnw. Aril, nml ii'priaint pj liiiimi'lf iim a man "f w ilili. nml i iiin-iiii' iion i iiKinopr ftmniPi'i' In iIip aiilil Kp riinipany'a ai-nlip. Hi'ioril lim tn thr itilorniHlion a thi' nil by Ihi- pollip. Willi linn waa H ti'H-yi-iir-olil Kill, wliom I"' aalil ' hla ilmiulii.-r. Violi't M.iIhI. Tho rhiltl Knya hi wua h'r UiIipt, mul llio' who liiianip iii'iiiiiinti'il wi'h tl' i""n mul thf ihilil aiiy Hip i ai'iiil'liim-"' liiiwnii thrin lfi mi ilnu'.it of llii-ir H lutioiiHlilp. I'll. np Mpokp nfion of l.ia wi-nlth. ami thp nimiinT of hla Invpat menla. Hp in wiiil lo havp hi'iinn n'oiiiitonH i Willi ii i-nlp iirnpripior on mhiiIi .' I nml Htri-i't for tin-' iiim liaic nf tl"' Imiinisa. Tin- nifn owiipi' 18 niu" ' apvi-ral ppnplp who an- suhl tn 1iii' uilvmiipil th" aiHH"iailly wialiliy - ninriT money. I'lcrrp J uhout 4b yi'nra nl wi-ll I (lriHKi d unit nf uniiil prini ni f. II" IwlkPil llkp a limn nf iiluiatioli uinl iiIIuip. but lo ar-VPial l hia ll'W Ul'i il.t InlH in hp iinvr III n liiipliH-loii nf liPing cniiipwhal "imi'r." Hp l iiiil to hnvp hlninl nt inmlly lioii-Pli-a - rnntli fi'iniil'ri i't lni . limn wlin Imtuiii." ai'n iniinnl Willi I .-.- auiil 1..1I.1V Hint Hip lamr on nip oiiiiainii apokp f'looiiiily of l'f''. niul t.iiJ ll wupii't worth lliinu. W in ll I'ipmp f.llli il to r. .iiih in h' honriliiiic Iioiiup Monilny unlit ill" lull" wna niipaliomil. anil li au i.l hrr fill her hail lunl" lit fiirpw i'll 111 foil' IpiIiik thr hollKP 11" l alll" tn In r riy aolimiih, ahr audi, nml kmsi il hrr. mi in : "H a loo lunl w" havp In pari." Thru In- Iif thr hiiiinp nnil van lnhnl. Kroin thr Hum hr aia-inl Hip lit Hp am imoil-iiyp mil a if thr mm n.ia l.iiii fouml. Krnm th" lin't Hint I'Ipiip travrliil with hli tlaushtrr niul Iu -iiip of Ilia K. In ml npirnranrp nnj In iirlnK. lhir who hml to tin with him uip not In rllnril In hrllrvp III, it hr la 111." typr of limn who inaU. j u buaii.raa ot iiin- j IllllR up ili hla anil K K 1 1 (U UK nut. 1 nr niiip airia umi i nr iinii.r aion tluil h wna unrtrr atii .-w nf ainnp tlnlllllr Inula In tho loar I Iip will nwuy In mil his 111". I'liarltiiulP iM-npip ahn havp Inirnril j nf Hip map irp intprpal Iik ihpiiipi Kra In Hip raap nf Ihp lllllp Kill. Tliry ar trying In fiml hump fur hrr. ;i la a !i mill, hrulthy rhllil. nf rhrprful diKiioxlilon. t'hlrf or I'nllia Mi Nlillin la nno nf thoar who hvt liprn ninvpil by uiii)aamii fnr Hi" i hilil'a pliKM to hpln In Hip miinh for a hniiir, nml nnynnp who trrla inovid tn rIvh I hp forlorn III tip Kirl nrnthrrly ruro may cnMimunlititp wHh Ihn rhlpf. Innulripa may alan lie nuulp nf Jnhn Krrr. piinil atrcel ami Kllvrr avrniip. if, ... . 7 V v.. s , HUM PERCE? PLANS FOR UEl'J CASTLE HALL Stock to be Issued in Acquir ing Fund for Providing Or der Here with Imposing Home-Officers of Company; riana for thr rrn linn nT n K. nf I'. hull wrrw fiirtlirrnl yialrrilay at a nirplinK nf (lip ilirtctiira of i In- ryh lan Unildina om'iiiiy. iifll'-rn m t" plritnil. FU" k irriilli alril nrr In li Inaurtl 'il i.iImiiik thr fund Willi w It Ii ll It la rn poanl In prnv nlr a haniiaumr ami nn lioaiiiK I'llliiiili niHlIp In tltla i ll..'. I' ha not hrrn drrlili'il wlirthrr In liui'd or tn buy a biillilina nml rninnh I il. TliP irillirrilirnl nf thr nrrraaliiv funi' I Mild tn hr a-mirrit. Aiiioiiv tho . minim in aubai rlbrra la Fn il I:. Whinloii. auprrnip krrprr of ip'oh! nml anil, wh i h"rp rprrnily mi n fratirnul vialt,. Thrap nltli rr nirr iln li d nt yi irrdiiv'a inrrllna: !'ri'Hlrnl. J. II. Hi union; llrrt Mrp prraldpiil. KipiI i.. Wlipiitnn: arrnml viip prraidin'. """"" Arnnt; wriptury. H. K. M 1 1 !; Irramnrr. Ji irr llairmiril. Tho f nllnwiim nrp Dip illrrilnra nf Ihp oninpany. J. II. Hrrndnn. (lrnrip Ainnl, ii i'lialinmn, Hr. W. il. I!npr, l. II. IK.atriKhl, 1.. W. HiiIIph. J. K. Kldrr, II. '. Mill r. Jrrrr II m a.inl. h'. I.. I Si I mil a. n and Kirtl K. 'Vln aton. Mil4 Hi' Mlliph'. Ill n rrKialratiun Imolli III rraiiilM-ii. ail old m-itrii wi.tnan Jiict iniihhpil ri'Kiaii runt for Hrt i imp. "Ah ymi ahorr " a Iip nukiil Hun had I In: Hi" I r k . "il.H lni doll" all I liua tn il i "' "linlip biiip," ri plird Hi" In'k "Vim wr. It a i V ailllilr " "Id ollKhl tn klnwrd 11 old woman. "If thon" fool lirrn dnliiK it nil dmr mlKhl a kiinwrd l waa ii aimplr prniray."- l.lfr. ' aaid tlip linn Inlkn yrara, 1 pnw rf ill How to Save Your Eyes THV THIS l ltl'.F. I'HKM Itll'TloV. lio your eyea aive ynu trnulile? in you already wear eyrKlnvc or ape" IhcIpb? Tllnllanmla nf penplp weal' thrap "wiiidnwV who nnf.hi iinl)' iliap.'iiae null tin in V"ti nmi br om. of thra". und il l.i your duly In a i' your ry.a In It la ton i ilr. Tim yen lire miiliitrd mure any m her of the niiirr boil". All' r you IiiiikIi your d.iy'a wm a i H down and rrst jour niua b . Inn I"' nl. mil ymir ryr'.' I in ymi r ' t Im-:. '.' Ynu know im d.i H"l. Von r. ml or il i anmi tlliin! i I.p that !(', ynu" r-a liuay; your work ymir i vi a tint II - 1 1 kii lii'il. That U tiv an many have atriiilii'd ryra and Anally nth'i' i).j tmuldra that thrratrn partial or .llnl blimlm xa. Kyeal ihm m nrr mnr ly i rut' lira: thry m ii r riirr. Tti a free prearriptlnn. wbli'h haa In in lie '1 thr ry.. nf an many, may ik npial w onrtria for ynu. I'ae II U allol t I line. Would you like ymir ye trmibtia . iliMipprar a a U by mnaie? Try th' prra l iption. Ho lo ttuppe'a I ir 11 Klore nr tn thr nrarcat nlilrawali" ill UK alore and net n holt In of Optima tnhlela, Mil a tun-oiimp bntllr Willi warm wntrr, dinp In r.t.r ;abrl ami nlb.w It to itioriiunhl..' dlanolw. Wi'li thla Ibtulil hatlie the rvea two to four tlimn dally. Juat nine hoa ituii kly your eyea i lenr up ami how anon the Inflammation will illapprar. he afraid In uae II: It ia iibanlutrly harmleaa. .Many who are now blind 111 I it 111 have aaved llit-lr eyra had tin y tiirtrd to care for ihem In time. Thla la a ftmple irraliiirnt, but marxeloiia ly effrrllve In riiiiltltudr of raara. N". that you have been warned don't delay u day. but ilo wh&t you ran to aava your eyea' and you nrr likely to thank ua ni long: a a you live for ptin- ! liahliiK llita preii rlptlon. "! 1 i . jif. L I V' V' IP VOMEfl WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRED May Find Help in This Letter. Swan Crwk, Mich. - " I rannnt )vk ton highly of your mnlii-inr. Whrn Uimiiph npRlct or ovorworU 1 gvt run down and my appp tito ia HMir and I have that wrak, Ian g" . alwaya tired 9 frrlinfr, I Kpt a bot tip of l.ydia E. Pink hnm'i Vctabl (Vim pound, and it builtla ma up, (rlvra irw atrrnpth, and re atorpi me lo porfeot hralth apain. It la truly a great lilrna irtr; to women, and I rannnt (peak too highly of It. 1 ta': plraaurp in rpoom nirndinic it to oUirra." Mrs. Annib Cami.-rin, R.F.D., No. 1, Swan Crevk, Michigan, Another Sufferer Iteltevcil. Itrhron, Me. "Before taking your remedie I was all run down, diacour aged and had female weakneai. 1 tuok Ly.lla E. I'lnkham'a VeKpUble Com pound and uaod the Sanative Wean, and find tixlay tliat I am an entirely new j woman, and willing to do my V, V, vt i.u.; your medicine twaa a dread. I try U imiireaa upon Jie mind, of all ailing women I meet the benefits they ran drnve from your medlclnee." Mr, CHAKLKft. ROWS, R.F.D., No. 1, llrliron, Maine. ' If ya Want .peelal mdvit 't ... e mij write to Ljrdl E. I Inkham Med- li me lu, (eonlWIrntinl) Lynn, jiiaaa. I our tenor Wll le 0Mnrn. read anil anawerisl by woman and held In strict confidence. BARTH VS. SAIITA FE STILL BEFORE THE COURT 'Suit for $1200 Damages and CrOSS SUlt by ICailrOad iC TYeiw. Txl,aw Uv ing Heard Together by Judge Raynolds - The ronaolldnted enaea rt Bennlor Inane Harth nualnai Ihe A. T. A. H. V. Hallway enmpnny and Hie railway lompany iignlimt Senator llnrth were alill on In Ihe district ci.urt today. The trial alartcd Tueadiiy. rVnntnr Harm ilea for l,:i) dnmnRe nib Ki d to Iiuh been aiiKlaliird thloiiuli lnKa in wiiulii in n alnpinrnt of aheep, mul the railway company aura for r. 7 ' liciKi.l nib KP't to be due on the ablp input. It la likely that the ruKea will no to the Jury thla afternoon. j JiiiIup itaynnbla today gronled jinlKiupnt for $:il to the Flrat Na- , bank, which ain d Krnmiaco Aiiiho'i y llaca on n Hole. The plain-' tiff waa rrpn ariitrd t Attorney A. H. M Millrti. ! Mx of thr aevrn men Indicted by ll.e Kralid Jury are either In the rouu ty .bill or under Imml. Thry arc: Pr. ' I't li'Mimi dlrro, i InirKi d with aaanlilt WHh intent to kill; Mnnurl I'h.iv. ; rliumrd with killln nent rnllle; Manuel n a. charRed with aaajulilng n woi.'iin: fstir liii Mavedra, charurl with burglary and larceny; ('. J. ' I'urna, charaed willi fotgeiy; Kulogn. , I l.i re ia, charged with burglary nnd aim with breaking Into a car, ami larceny. Two Indictments were re turned ngainat 'inn la. i Hr. litem la rhargrd wllh having ataohrd a man from Marlinrntnwn lit i ne rear 01 a .onn r .rat aireri i- loon aeveral month ago. Suhmnrlii). "K" Ijuhh ImhI. Qilinry, Maay . March L'M. rtilhm.i rine "K" wua aucceaafully launche1! inilav. Khe waa i hrlairnrd by Mra. Kthrt Iloberta. wife of I.irutrnant T. n. Itolirrla, a t'liilpd Hlalea Bav-il coiiBiructor. Ccn:!n2 cf TpfJ p"aw I law Waaaaa4ftl Hew to Avoid Thoee Paint and Dbl rMa Waicli M Many Moihare Have Saiieraai. ft 1 lttT w'rw Woyim A-y fnvt tnrm f Vi'llM-r't rrkmit. Ilrr U rttMeailv thai .f. llie iiiii-m ), rnal'lrw lit t-m to aiNibl wMii.ryt ) u atfklA aj-... tlMi livriif ! M,al.u- ""en ti ilir.iiarb tairn i j viiIhmii iwtn, ittiiMii, LtHartiitiic kiM or mit tit th 4r4 ."'Tinit . ia.t.,.,r 1.- ma;ij Bjoiiteri. (Ite-N- m mu l .-l -u dtl baraa. lb Bint. Tt tlKrtttrhla t. ll tlWfll Ht (rtllt Mltl uf. I' ntiK. (ar ali .u.-tt ar avultil Ttt.aii4 t Miwft no tii wt-r rviau t ta ) iM i b 1 1-( IjI that ( kiitwva 1titfMa are. tMlural. Ttirt krif tn-i-r fur lu Moihrr'a Vrlnut ti-f haw Iumii.I a 'aj.iVrrrnl Mi,rli al Irat lntawJ U Itantktt ail Ib-e-w tlrt-ahNl rv ) r kamr4 It lc a Hi.M-t r wnHim aaWuM ha tmmU Kar will., vtewi llKxiatto mi fwa nut ivnuim '" a r.-tbl v, J. w tl tiU a!l ii-n im-h a it i.r.,.t, t,v. l wli..ea a wrl la I !' aUmt ki .itM-r l- wtti .-enM a a wotf b- rftil ...Ma,l(.if TttU 1-t-tur.lf ka m 4t ly aU (! tfg-f. ! la Miir 1 1 a Uf !. II U fer rairtiial ! itui. aMt U ivally .rl lia ri,1) ii, g.M. Wtitc frfUr ! Il.e- Mi.. fi!iU(.r ) lul fiuai aUU-( aUaUU i srel lARBOR DAY WILL BE " ELL OBSERVED Ili E Children of Public Schooh will have Special Programs and will Vote on State Flower. ' WOMAN'S CLUB READY TO DISTRIBUTE TREES University will Observe an all day Holiday and City En gineer Gladding will go Right on Working. I The fmimli r nf Arbor day nusht I" liink mi with high iiplinixal nt Hip nli aervnllnn nf the day whirh la In lake place In Albuiiieriiie lomnrmw. The public ik him la, the "iilvrrally, the """ ,nP " 11 r,, "ln " ,,,"'rv' n' d,,y- ""' h orkinit, other, l.y pim. wim i'" nainper 'i,.dd,a it .. ..1! w..,k ha hern rvina- Arbnr day fnr ntehnnd , whlrh to plnBt lhp i lhr,. hitn,xrr' tr,...n RVrn to the city I ,,y Jllhn wnndwnrd nml the twrnly-l nvo trepa cnntrli.uled by J. I.. Tun-1 ham. The city englnrer experta to bp al.l" t. iiuulify for a Jnl In the ."vleulture , department nf 'h' r"r"' ' wrvlt-H hy the Hmo he la through w ith I , , J(i, also ,., VHmhl . ' xppr,11(. , ,hp uno n, dynnmite a nrat aid to Hie farmer. The public arhonla liimurr'v mnrn Ing will In ln nliarrvlim the day by vol Ing (in Ihe atate flower. Thia vo'e ana ordered by the alnte educational naanrtiitlnn nl ,.n mrelinR In Albii'pier qiie laat full. Km ll rlHa Mm. will cnal ila vntp which Will he tabulntrd by Ihe tencher nnd triinamittrd to City Huperlntrtidetit Milne who will turn It In to the department of edu cation ut Santa Fe. There will he aprcUl Arhnr day e erclaea In In oat of the clnaa rnotna nml Ihe achonla will clnae nl 1 o'clock 'n permit any one who wnnta to an home nnd plant a tree In do no. The woman'a cluh will iihaerve H nnnunl cuttiim nf dlatrihiitlnc tree .1 ah ... I.a r. !... Khn fli..lm III plant them. Thin work la In charge n .L. 1 . . 1 A ..m A m. ak. fill ll on1 h11 thoitc hMvitu trpn or rhrut" Ciiiitrlbuie are riHkfd to Uhvh thrm n( t)u, club by , 1,.l.,(ltk ,;ir(iw ! niomm. I A. Ih. tin VA.allu Arhop diitt will hp " . j f ..... a ldav day. Thro. 8. Woolary. Jr.. of the ! ureal aervlep will deliver an Ar hnr day uddreaa at 11 o'clock In II" dry hull, and In the iifternnon the I rofeKora will play tmae hull with Hie team 'mm the Junior nnd aeni'ir claaaea. At night the atudrnta will have nn open nlr bonfire bannurt In the nmplthentre. ALSO IS HAVING A LITTLE County Engineer Pitt Ross Sets a Tree Planting Record with Ten Thousand Osage Orange Trees on Dykes. When It cornea to obaervlnu Ar bor Hay, County Knglm'er I'itt Itom la doing a liille plnniitiif hlmaelf The county engineer hiia a force nf nn nl Ifc-nrlc ellllnr not eaacllv tell ,huu,un, (lo oilfl) tre. a. Thry ur oange orugne Ireea. Imported from Kanana. und ure being plmili'd ulong the dyke on Hip IMo Urnnde. The iKiigr n range prod urea not only a mind growih. but a thickly mailed root, and lha coiulilaalion ia almoat an Ideal one for Imlil'ng the dykea ugalnal the waah of the river. The trecn coat the county I thoiiaand. laid dowp here, and cnal of planting and on the way to 'aiowlh from 17 to t thnuannd. SHERIFF'S OFFICE LAUDS TEXAS COW THIEF Willie Watts with Many Aliases Run Down Here To day and Held for Officials from San Angelo. Clever delpctlve work on the part of Ihe BherifT'a uf1lc led to th.. cap ture here today of Willie W.iiaon, alias Willie Walla, allaa Will Mack, colored, who la "wanted" ai An gelo, Trxaa, for aliened cattle theft. Several daya ago Hheiiff 11 t". Al len leU-grnphed lo fheriff llninrio rm iuealin Hip nrreat nf W'ataoti. II auid Walaon waa auppnacd lo he In Hi la lily. tiidpraherirf Pick l.ewla and other aldea nf the aherUT went lo worn nn the raae, and with u clue that developed lot on the trail of their ouurry. Thia mornlni Deputy Hhrrlit HreKorlii llomero arrealed Walaon mi the aireel. liidn.lierill Laiwu let- ALQllQUERQu T RO DAY MEN Look Out for You must not be caught this year in the embar assing predicament of appearing in public on April 12th wearing an old suit. April 12th you know is Easter Sunday, and neg lect of the long standing custom of wearing a new suit on that day is inexcusable among well dressed men. We have a complete line of Woolens to sehct your suit from, all of the latest pattern, and weaves in the most beautiful and artistic shades ever shown in Albuquerque, including the popular shades in the TWO TONE GRAYS. All Wool Suits Made To Measure for r 1 National VooIen Mills Makers of the Clothes We Sell. 120 West Central Ave. T. G. Winfrey, Mgr. K raphed nw nf the nrreat to fan Ann i in. and Ihe prWnhrr will iip h'-M prniliiiK iidvbeM Imiu Sheriff Allen. SITUATION TENSE IN THE WEST VIRGINIA COAL STRIKE ZONE (py Leaaeit Wire. In r.ienlnir Herald. 1 Htrtibenvill", tl.. March i. Hulk ing minora from Colllera. W. Vj., who were l.ial night driven from their camp on the properly of the Weal Viralniu. nml I'itlnlnil ull I'oal com-' I puny ucrnaa the river, returned today I to their camu. I'ellllnna wrre prc I pnrrd for preapnlatlon lo I'lcaldent I W'llaon ami ilovernor llullleld aaklu'f the rrderal and alate a in hoiiliea lo 'allow thrtn to occupy a camp III Weal j Virginia, i Mtlclala of thr L'nited Mine Wmkrra nf America came here to day to advlKp the I'ollirra' airlxer. The aliuution wua deacribed thla nrtrrnoon a a tenae. May Win Willi Arbitration. Ilrpew, X. Y.. March 2. The male board nf mediution waa cniill Uelit today of HrraOKlhg n haaia for aeitlemeiit of the alrlku in the Hoiild Coupler work. OKUMA URGED TO HEAD NEW JAPANESE CABINET (Br Iaee4 Wire lo Keening Herald. I TokIii, Maiih 2 ;, Mrong effmia are bcins made tn Induce the em peror in drkiKiiaie I'oiinl ShiKenobii I'kuin.i ua head of the new Japuuea. cabinet. It haa beea utgrd on hla majiatv Unit Coiiiil iikum.i. who waa loruierly fonian miiiiaier. ia a power fill uml popular alnleatiinn. Alihniiii he la a leader of Ihe l'i oitreaiiv e (i.titv it ia poinied out tbut he ia callable nf forming il airnlig couliilon cabinet cub ulaled to plenae the Japane-e Public ami to ere ii le good leelimt Ibintiuhout the empire at lb" prriod of ihe Hpproni hing rorniiatlon. The rniiarrv allv i a hav p glv rn liidl lutlon that thry w'll oppoae the i hop c nf I'mint iikunia and the e 1 .1 . r atateameii tmlay held a long innler rn'p nil the ailbjei't The niembeia of the houae of rep reaentallv ra w hoae aiHInxa were rim. I'lnleil n few daya ugn, n inai lill'li I Inilav and immediately p.ieil u rea olulioli to iiiljnurn Ulilll pei-embrr. Thcro la Only Ona That la Laizativa Bromo QzilnlD VUO IHt 4eHD OVt TO OOHC BOLD IM OKC OAT. Alwuyt rcmi'.iilicr Ibn full naino. I. hl Una aiualuru u ever but. April 12th COMB SACE TEA Hi It a t;rnililinolicl'H li.i Ipc n Keep f It r I.m k Hulk, Llnaot, Tblch. Tlip old-time mixture of Sm!" To I and Kuli'bur for dm kenli.g i', Mrrnked and faded hair la grand molher'a ti-rnirnelit. nml lolka utim iigaln using ll to keru ihelr hail good, even color, which la illlte aen athle. ua e ihp livtnu in un nge wln u u youthful Hppprrtonee la nf tne gr-ai-eat ul v n n t ii K" Nowadaya, though, we don't Live the Irnulili a"lne tank nl tiill.i riin Ihe km-kc mid the m.ia. mixing nl Inmn'. All drug alona mil the ready-to-iiao product callid "Wyeth'a Kng" nnd Sul phur Hair Itemed?" lor about all tenia a hot tie. It la very popular lm cuiiae nobody can discover ll ha been applied. Simply muiatrn your mm" or a aoft bruah with It nnd draw Una through your hair, taking one amnll aliand nt a time; by moiniug iie giav hair dia.ipppara. but Whut iliilKbta i n ludlrn Willi Wyeth'a Sage olid Sulphur la Hint. Iielil' lieautlfiillv darkeiiliiK the hair after n few appllcalioiia. II alao produiea that Mil lualir mid up prarume of iibund nu c which ia o altracllve; 'jesiilea. prevents datnti alt. Itching amlp und falling hair. REPORT WILL CLEAR SANTA FE INDIAN SCHOOL OFFICIAL faaeelaj IMapatrh IS-walaa llrraldl H.inla Ke. X. M, M ir, h Jii A. II K ne. il". a apei ial guv c i nmi M ageiii, who ha heen here for amue lime ln vrHiK.itin ih. nm of miMii.imufp inenl ng iliit Siitw rinleud. nt 'ni!? n Hi. 1 1 of the K.intn I'e Indian ai honl, left t or Waabinirton today. Wit. la nothing waa aiven out by Mr Ktn .:. II call bp an id Hint hla Icpori ploh aldy will Kl'e ii complete i f ut it ni;i .n thp ciittrgp liiuile ng.ilnal t'ogt.' ahall. Hun t Hear nr Her Oilier-. Pick--Say, old man. I run fet I row n a tar. hat do oit auy lo it Joy rid"? Tom N'n. tbaiik you. About all Hip Joy r.dea I ve In nil of liuve l.erll followed by a lutieriil. HAIR TO DARKEN IT