Newspaper Page Text
'And Jeff Couldn't Even Vait Till Monday for AMVM 1 l"A HAMY in ifAvi TUC HOiVfe IN ( A Dot-l . t Cuess I'm too f t 1 (. !f I B IS Jul IE I i i J n r II Today's Market Reports j; MFMRFUITTHF IIIUIIIUUIIU UUII I Ilk LO'l'l STOCK EXCHANGE One Sensational Rumor hai it that Slack Business Drives Tour to Five Hundred to . Resign. (Ilf lt-MM'iJ W tro lo rMrt-nlnf Ili-ralil.V'ilnn, Man h H. Hl knrm of butii-M la ixpiTU-il in (limm lul ctr i li here to li'ud n nny nifinlx-r u! the I.iiinliin muik cxttiMnKv lu lii lli.'tr uniiiUrrhi Tim n yrr. Ttiuv Kim ri lKtit tuna huve thu fur own liiwifil. The nuinlur la nut x-ctfl tu reurh nn thing like lh -nutl'n-ul tlMUii-it of frmii iud tu ibi r lioiud In one iuru-r. Thu nicmhrra hH until Atirll It 'u durtiln n tix'lr ul' rli'limu d nut lull du until that il iir. L niltr Hi ruh'. nieiiilxT niu) rrtire lur yr anil rrauim- mi-iiiluTuhiii wlthuut (hi j in an rntranc f--. SLOW DOWNWARD MOVE OF STOCKS CONTINUES Nrw York. Marrh ;'. The aluw (low Itwiiril lliovi lllfllt 'f atiM-ka IcHUiiii'il IiiUii)'. WHil una ilon linuuw lit the ilifinltr riirti nf iliTlinlng bunltivaa. Hh rttllionil im HK-iin r-Mfii.-il thH mriui'iiLc f tlu iiulllnic rui nlnga. lhmti Valley Krlruiry net lev vliuea (lei rruK'il l.'.hil.OOU. 1'pi lu tioiia on tti" Khun aiile re Hki, unit ilrellnea very ainall. The inur kel alinwa Inuhlllty In utworti tho kiin ka Mlurb a riae wuulil bring out. luiialilH Inlereal In lh market vlrtunlly ili-Hil. llomla were ateaily. New Vork. March rncertuinly orr the atiwulatlve outlook made tho hat drug. Hallway Mecl Killing Mgged 14 on the announcement that no dividend mould he paid at 111'" time. New York atate and city bonda were firm and mure broadly dealt In. Selling of the International lint continued In a more general faahlon oml KHin aharc fell a point under yeterday'a iluae. Large blocka of Hi eel were aold an dtt fell to 61 . The market cloaed firm. I'rlcea retraced their court alow ly In the final hour, lull rccoveriee occurring In Hlecl. I nlon I'ai If Ic arid Keadldg. lloom ahorta were the chief buy cm. I'loaing .rl. ea on the more Ho nor Unit alucka were aa folluwa'. Amalgamated, iftli fuxar, 1U1N. All hlaoli, '. teaing. 181. Soul rrn I'ai itic, tT. t'nion I'a Iflc, lull Vfc. HI eel. ti. 4teel (.referred, 110. operationsTn live stock markets Kaii"M t'lly Mteklock. Kataa fll Hun-h l. lluga Iteceli.ta r..Uiill; market aieady tu lc lower; bulk. I.4H 5. heavy, l 11(7 4: loo ker and butcher, K 5; Uk lit. $.:. a 65: ilga, IK t.Ml $7 r. .25. faille Itecelpla I.imiO; market steady; prime fed aleeie. H.Bmi ir,; dreaaed beef aleera, 17.40'u M; Wi-Miern aleera, i;.!5li ', ai.ulhern aleera, $..', v ; pa, : he 1 1 em. til illi 71; alockera and fve.ler. Co r a 00. bulla, M.OOti rtiu; calvea. Mit .. Xhecp Iteielpla n.min; market aieady lu luc lower: la mix, 17 Sliti 7 ; yeaillnga. ( weihera.; rwea. I'.. to i ( io. (liicago IJvil.i. rhlcagn, March 2. Huge Ite relpia, 15.000. market weak to T.r under enii day'a average; bulk, t i:, 7; light. I Sr.ti ; mixed. H t.MiiK(l; heavy. It I 'i; roncli. IIS;X4; pica. I .MS 41 "70 Cuitle liccelpt 4,i, inaikcl MAne ip aNI) it HI tXU . J MosT cicy niioiv FDR hi Dou.. r Mi-i-ra, 17. H.3: wrKii-rn. 7.Mt ni(ikir anil f'-I.Ti. 15 .i 10; rnw i-ml hrlfi lK. 3.704i H.iiO; I HlVl , t.lll1l .7 j. .hi-i-i lt-rrlilN 1. 0n; iimrkit Imroly mpnilyi nullvf. It ni !i: wi mIi-mi, ."i.ioi 6 Ml; y.MirliiiKK. $. f 7.10. imllvi- liiinlm. til. SIM S.'ni; i Nl. rn himi.h. l.'.t(Mi 1 0. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET Chli uuii. Muri h 2l liiiiilulnt that Kunaaa t. .ul ri reived only a feu IlKht rhuwrra anil that the rt crn third of the mute wae In diild- t it need of lliolBlure. gave the nhent market lod.iy an upturn. The market iiiened lit l-Kc down lo a llkv amount u, anil then gradually ndvanecil. Till" i lone na ateadv nt the name aa limt night tu 'c hivher. Many denlera In eurn leuneil tu the belief that the edge waa off the ilemiind fur the ienent, at IoiihI. rriii'i alurled uni liauueil In lower, nailed a little and then tag ged all around. The lion waa weak ul U ( a tu Kv net decline. i lata wenied dipoiw d tu hulJ aliiiut gteady. The IuiIIn nuitended Unit the cereal wan relatively cheap er than other grain. Ftrft aalea of pmvialon ranged from & centa o(f to an advance of 2tsc. but later there aa a general de. line. Cloaing pili i'a Wheat May. Mlf. July. dH1!'. forn May. Ir; July. ki (ui May. SH,c; July, S ''. I'ork Ma. '.'t.l."i; Jul. SJI.W-t.ard-Muy. $in'i; Jul. IHi.ii. ltll.a-M.iy, 111.22; July. 1 .;.". Lead and Spelter New Vork, March 2 I.euil euay, U i;,ti i t:,; tendon, id r.n. Him tier euay, ITi.:') t Unidoii tit 7a d At eU. I.oil.a: Lead nul-t. $3 S7': upclt.r doll. Vi:w.lJ. Money Market . New York. March fall money ateaily, I per cent. Time loana weaker; daya. 2 'a S iter tent: u daya, 3 per cent; ex munlha. ItjJ1 percent. .Mercantile paiw-r, H4 per cent. liar allver. Sue. Mexican doliura, ti'ic. The Metal Markets. New York. March :'. foppei ateaily: irtandard a.o and May, $13 7041 14 17l. Tin Irregular; apot, 3R.imS 60. Iron aieady: No. 1 northern, IIS 21 tt K.ou: No. t northern. llo.t0M!. 7. London nuotntluna: Copper iUlet; apot, fS; futurea. (6 7a d. Tin ; apnl. tl't" !'; fuluw-a I17 ISa. Iron, Cleveland warrant. DOa 7Vd. Cotton Market New York. March 2. Cotton apot, (ulet. middling, 111 ill; gulf, 13 75. TEN THOUSAND SKINS SOLD IN LONDON London. Mnr.-h !. There were Vim balea f ahreprklna aold at auc tion here today. The a'teudanie wa ond and an at live demand devel oped. I'rlcea were firm and from U W" deurer. Might Have 1Ic!hiI. Hpeaktng In a Washington club Ihe other night of overcoming difllcul tlen. rongreaomnn John M. Xelaun of Wlaconein told of Ihe happy thought of little (lludya. Roma time n. according to the rongreaaman. little tlladya aat watch Ing her mother Ironing aoine white fro. k. The day wua very warm aim mother waa raiher wei.ry. "Mamma." finally aaked Ihe young Bier, "lan'l It awfully hard lu Iron?' "Yea, ilenr." anawered the tired parent, wuh a gentle atgh, "aouii tlmea it la very hard." For a moment the little girl ' very thoughtful, Hint then tame n rav of punahlne that rippled over her THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. II., THURSDAY, M Ktep R6 CHNg,TAfcJ6 MlS UTYl pretty feat urea. "ih, mamma," ahe enlhuHlax! liully exclaimed, "wouldn't It have leen fine If you had married n Chinese?" i'hltadelphla Kvenlng Telegram. Tlio MiMliee'a I'avorltf. A rough medieine ahould Im harm lea It ahould be plcnxant to take. It ahnuld he effectual, f hamhcrlaln'a Couith llemedy la nil of lliln and la Ihe mother.' favorite everywhere, fur aale oy all drugglata. LEGAL NOTICES. XI ITU 'K or In Ihe DlHtrl. t fourl. Ceimty of Iter- nallllu, State of New Mexl.'O: Thu Meyera Company, Inc., riatntllT, va. Holumon Ha. a, 1) fend ml. Notice la hereby given that under and by virtue of dlreitloua In the llnal decree entered In the above en titled cnuae the underalgued, appoint ed apeclul mauler to make the aale. hereby gives notice thai on Monday the 27th day or April, lit 1 4. nt thu tore room of The Meyera Company, No. lid Weal Silver Ave. In Ihe CHy uf Albuitieriiie, at the hour ul eleven o'clock In the forenoon of aald day, I will offer for aale and aell the hlgheat bidder for canh Ihe fol lowing deacrlbcd chaltcla mentioned and dewcilbed In the decree In aald cause, to-wit. "one electric piano; one chow rune and water cooler: all Ihe glaKaw ar-.-. furniture nnd fixtures of every name and description now being In what !s known aa the Hadaraccu Summer Harden on Mountain Itoad In the County of llernallllo. and almi the stock of wlnea, liijuora and cigara now being In said premises." Notice Is further given that the amount of the Judgment In said cause up lo the date uf sale is the sun. Four Hundred and Twelve and 3.1 ion Dollars ( 1 4 1 2.3H . and all rout ol aula. 8. K RtiKIIL. l'roHNUiU fuc t oiuT'le t'lirblng. Scaled biiN will be received lit I2:ii0 o'clock m, of April fi. lull, ul Ihe oflbc of the undei sianed CHy Clerk of Aluiiiertle, New Mexico. In Ihe Korlur lluil.lmg. for building concrete curbing. Im liolinu excavat ing, us nmy be necessary, on West Copper avenue, between Fifth street and Centrul avenue. All work shall conform with pinna and specifications now on file in the office of the city Knglneer. All Id. I must be sealed and direct ed In the City Clerk and each must be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of i per cent of the bid. payable to Ihe City of AlbuiiieriUo. tu Insure good faith of the bid; aald check to be returned when the con tract la entered Into by Ihe successful bidder: and which check shall he- come ihe properly of the City In tho event that the bidder. If successful, dors nut, wlth n ten days ufter the acceptance of tl.i bid, enter Into a contract ICi the City of Albuiiieriue lu complete Hai.l curb'ng In accord ance with aald specifications within thlity daya from thu time of alKiiIng the contract. Hlils received will be opined at a meeting of the City l'ouio.1 tu be held in the Coumll Chumler In Ihe Korber flitllding nl p. in., April 6, lull, or at such tune uid place us then and there us reed upon, and the contract will be awarded lu the low est and beat bidder. The bidder w hose bid ii accepted will be requited lu give a lend In the mi in fixed by. I he City Council, con ditioned fur thu faithful pcrfnrmunce of the coiitruct. The t'lty reserves the right tu re ject any and all bids. Kaled March 34, IV14. 11. CHAItl.KS ItHKHI.. City Clerk. In the Itlstrlct Court of the Second Judicial I MSI r let of the Stale of New Mexico within and for the County of Hernuhllo. The American Trust Savings Hank, riaintirr, va. Ijinra A. Preston and Hubert Preston, ttefendants. Tu Uiuru A. Preston and Hubert Preston: You and (ach of you are hereby notified thai an in Hon In una. hmenl lias been commenced iiga'nsl you In the iMslrict court of the Second Ju da ial ilislrlct of Ihe stale of New Mexico within and for ili loitnly of lierni.lillo; that the names of the pull lea to the cause are The American Trust Savin Hank. pliitiitlT. Ijiura A. Preston and Itobert Pieston, de findiints: the court In Ihe tuuse la pending Is Ihe Io miI. t cioii t of Ihe Second Judicial iLir. t of the slate of New Mexico within and for the county of llernallllo; a statement of the general o' of I lie action ,ia that Ibis is an action coinmiu.e.l 1 I M ''''' 1 1 Wash Day. ' . ' Obe Evening' Herald W ant Ads sseeeeeg4lagagaa Three Lines : Three nAitiiH. We have an uiiiiniinlly attractive1 Hm of Houses and Vacant tol Just now. which can lie bought on pass term. Why ay rent? hMIIIXK l.tlAXH ItlC.NTAIJs JOHN M. ttOORE REALTY CO. I'hone In. nm i:r.T. t X-rooin modern house, 120 00. 4 3-ruotn frame. M.oo. 3 rooms furnished, ll.VOO. 3 rooms furnished, $12.00. J. H. PKAK. 111 West Central. Phone m. 4 HELP WANTKD aje4)ag1sataagtt pAta- ANY" HOY iinxloiis to earn money can accure a posi tion with me. (Mod pay. easy hours. Also prlxea every thing from tops lu Shetland pony nutllts. The work la easy and need not Interfere with other duties. Apply lu K. II. Inivis, Matson'a Pouk Sturc, N. M. WAXTKD :cpreaentallve fur our firm, one that la lnteres:ed In fruit growing preferred, Tor our high grade Colorado grown nursery stuck. Iwn- ver Nuraerjr Company, 4100 W. 46th Ave., lenver, Colo. NltW MKXlfo MmplnymeMt Agency. All kinds nf reliable help on short notice. Ill W. Silver ave. Phutie 4V. $2.60 I'KIt PAY paid one woman or man In each town to drill iliutu free circulars and take otdets for ron cenlralrd ll.ivoiing In tubea. Perma nent position. J S. Zieglcr 1'n., Chi cago. SITUATION WANTED. svywiAvwveeseAs WANTED Work o; un kind. Ad dreaa Joe llomer. Hog i, Kvenlng Herald. WANTED TO BUY. WANTF.IJ To buy. sell ur exchange aerond-hand furniture. 13 West Silver Ave. Phone 10$. WILL, PAY f'ASIl lor a good second hand bicycle I too in II, over First National bank Hldg. Phuue mi. FOUND Kol'ND Silver vanity case; Initial "8" on outside, owner may re cover same by coming to this office and paying for ad. Kol'ND I.aity a bluck purse. Owner Inuy recover same by Identifying and paying for this ad. Mandell Myeia Co. Music Teacher. Mandolin, Violin and l iuno. lIMOM MI'KIC SCHOOL III N. Second. Phono 1711. against you upon a proni'iuoiy note and an uccouiit due and owing from ou and each of you to the said plaintiff The American Trust A Sav ings Hank, amounling lu Three Hun dred Dollars 1 1300. HOI. You are 'nnher notified thai your property has been attached and thai unless you enter your appearance In said en use on or bef-rr Monday. Ihe i.'ilh day of May. lull. Jud-tuient will be rendered T)i said cause i galnel you by default and your priperiv sold lo pay the umiiunl of Ihe aald Judg ment. Namea of Ihe attorneys for l iln- . tiff and pustofilce address. Mnrron A I Wood. Itooms I lu 4, Slate National Hank Hldg. Albuiiicriiie, New Meg- A. K. WALK Fit. Clerk of Ihe I ilfl l let Court Aforesaid MARCH 20. 1914. wMAT'k th6 ce or ALL Tmsj tC6H.(St(lr, Homy R-COiA ; tr,,'' W-i i vsv. , r..5-'Mv,v I III West liolil Ate. (XIII IthNT. 6-room brick; modern; cor- her New York avenue and Sixth at reel, $20.00 month. No. (It New York avenue; t- 4) room brick; modern, 122.(0. 4 -room brick house, 716 Knst Central, modern, price, $ja iia, 4 f.-r.otn brlrk: modem; ul9 New York uvenu ", f ju.uu. 4 -room brick; modern; 623 New York avenue. $22., Ml. adobe house; Fourth 4 ward, $s.iiu. 4 11)11 HAl.K. 4 Ituuinlug llotiae and Hotel. 4 Central nvcnuu at a burguln; rent reasonable. Huiiimi on South Kdllh street for sale cheap. 4 All kinds of terms. I'lHK INM It K. 4 MOM V Ttl l.tlW. 4 LAN iX LA It lK AM SMALL Tit At" TX. 4 niMl.Ml'H ItF. 'i KST.ITK omre 4 331 Gold Ave., Corner Third M. 4 4 FOR RENT Ranch. Full LKASF, 10 acres of good land within one mile uf Wlllard. N. M , GO acres now level and under Irri gation from pumping plant, (loud lanch houses Parly with sufficient funds lo operate pump and put In crop can find bargain by or railing on J. B. llerndun a! Ft ale Na tional bank. FOR RENT Houses. Poll HKNT All or part of nicely furnished house at Slo M Wulter. Apply 116 W. (lo d. Foil HUNT 1 room flat. !l'i W. Silver. Foil HKNT -Furnished 3-4-6 nice rooms, with gas range. W. II. Mc Million. 21 1 W. liuld. Foil UKXT Modern 6 r n cottage, close in. Highlunds. $.'.'..,u other 4 or 5 rooms, anv part of city. Mod ern. W. II Mi .Million. 211 W. lioui FOR RENl-Rooms. FOR UKXT Oulslle. steam heated rooms, special rales by month. West hotel, 214 Vn North Second street. Foil HKNT All or pun ol an eUht rooni house. Permanent to light par I us. 424 S. Kdith sireet. Foil HKNT Bunny, outside rooms Virginia Hotel. 1H 8. 2nd Ml PtiJl HKNT 4 modern, nicely fur nished rooms, (iuMiiiown Inquire flruy Studio. 8INULK or iiiiusekeeping rooms. Lus Angeles Hotel, Hi South Third St. Folt HKNT Front room with or without sleeping porch, leoaonubln. Men only, gt'j .v. 3rd. HooMH fur houaekeeplng and sleep ing rooms; cheap. Apply Mrs. Rutherford's l17 8. llroudwuy. FHt HKNT Two story store room. !'!!!, coiner; good locution. Ap ply 601 South Arno. FOR RENT Storeroom. Ft I R HKNT one-half of store room 'at 21 South Second St Tu desir able tenant, $:i.'i If taken at once. rmsTnroard FOR llofSKKKKPlMl or .villi board Overland Hotel, 30'.) Wist Central, SPl..Ni Ii hoard and modern rooiim Willi sleeping por, Ilea. II2U Not til Se.onil alre.t. Phone 411 V.'AXTKD Young niuneui board sleeping' porcll. Miss P.uyer al Kc l.uly wlnlies ,er uiid room wiin Not sick. Ph. ue iiomlsl. 1 if Mil By OH THoStJ eILs WV tLL CLflTNEi hia,(, up to WW, t M WAkHINfe rviili J I.I, III eSS- 7"" me J Times : Three Dimes PERSONAL COR CARPET cleaning, furniture and sinve repairing W. A. Ooff phone III. TIIK OLD and reliable firm la still doing hair work at Mrs. Uuther fords, 617 M Hroadivii). Shoe Repairing. SlioK It Kl'A 1 1; I Nt I while ynu wait. Hest eiUlpped shop In city. 304 Fast Central, 3 blocks east of Depot. Shilll A Keer. KXPFIIT Shoe Repairing. P. Uur rule. New address, 416 W. Central. ALVAKAlu) Shoe Shop First -class repairing Ladles unil genls rub ber heela 40 rents; half soles 1h ci-iiIb. Vuuiieg. 207 '4 West Cen tral. Furniture Repairing:, KXPIHT furniture repairing and packing. We also buy and sell second-hand furniture, crown Furniture Co. 31b 8. Second 8L Phone 124. TAILOR HKPAIIIINil. cleaning and tailoring H. l.uwren.H. 116 s. 3rd. CLKANINU. dyeing and repairing. Star Cleaners Co.. Ill W. Silver Phone inn. Jewelry. WANTKl) We buy old gold and sli ver Jewelry. llenriett'S 116 8. ind. (i'il.1) nnd silver fillgre work; old goid bought and sold: repairing. N Ross. 323 South Second street. HORSESHOEING llop.sKSHt.EINO cheap for rash Uco. Hutchinson 211 West Lead. FOR SALE Real .state. ImiR SAI.K -1 i'.ii acrea In sharps county. Arkansas; 60 acres In culti vation. 20 In clover and alfalfa. It tt'-res young apple orchard: balance In timber. T g land can all be cul tivated tlood woven wire fences; new alx-room frame dwelling, barn and other out buildings; live spring and good claiern: one mile from church and school, three miles from rn'lroad elation. Price $3,600; small c--v payment and balance to suit purchaser. Address F. M. Droylea, Willlford, Ark. Foil SA LK Hnraaliis. 4 loom cot tage, f I Mia. tm. J looms. 1 1 Una. in 7 rooms. $.4"ii i W II. M, Million. 211 W. Hold FOR SALE -Automobiles. FOR SALK 40 h.nse power automo bile. Call 311 N. 12lh St. FOR SAIK 4.. Iiome power Over land car, good as in w N iKle Car- age. Foi S;.le Miscellaneous Full SALK - Two k loins uf fine mulea. wasona and hatucHS Call on or write lo J II. lii-iti. Ion, ul Statu Na tional bank. Poll SALK -A No. i Hlcycle. Hi Ulrn 7 1 m Marble Avu. INSURANCE sv. Ytil' don't have to pay an anuual premium In advance to aecure pro tection for your family. Investigat our monthly premium plan. Kpiii able LU. . strongest In the world. W S. Patterson, manager; T. A. Chris Hi. n. special agent; 10 La null Hldg Phone 282. TYPEWRITERS. ALL KINDS, both new and aerond hand, bought, aold, rented and re paired. Altu, Typewriter F.I whangs. Phone 144. ttl W. Oold. Foil 8AI.K Oliver typewriter, good as n V, $1 i tin. 121 Wst Ould. Plioti 144. Mii.NF.Y To KUAN Money advanced In railway and char employes oa salaries or houtehold goods, without removsl. I'lilun l.onn Co., over Flrgt Nallunal Us tu. mix. ' "Bad" Fisher PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. . Practice Limited to l.LMTO-1 lll AHY 1HSKASIC3 And Dl.m:SFH OF TIIK KM. TIh WasM-rtiian ami Xoguclil Tealat Salvsrssn '" Admiulslered Clt liens' Hank Uuilding. Albuquurquu - - flew Megloe) A. Ii. fellOU I LIC, M. IK 1'rai'tlit). I.lmiiea to Tuorniiloela. Ulllue Hours, 10 to 13 a. tu. I'liuiif iit;. 324 V West Central. Albuiuer.iie Sanitarium Phone I4(. DRS. TULL & BAKES 8Mrlallsts Kjrt. Imt, Nos", ItirucA. blaue National Hank Hldg. PhiMie SOU. feOI.OMOX 8. lUltTO.N, l. IX Pliysb bin and surinou. Realdence. b I u South Walter Btra4V Phone 1240-W. Office, t Iturnett Hldg., Phone IIT. Dentists int. a. ;iliAI F. IK nlal Surgery. Rooms t nnd 3, Harnett Hldg. Over o Itl. lly s Drug Store. (Appointments made by mall.) Phone 711. Attorneys. aaiaa)sja1asjgsairVew' ear sat 'k"t eBxeBWsxl JOIIX W. WII.SOX Atlorncy-al-Mw. Rooms lH-17-m. Ciomwell Hldg. Res. Phone 1622 W; office- Phone UTS Messeurs PATIKNTS re(uirlng inassaKe treat mint. pl.-aHc cull ut 111 West Sil ver. Phone Ititl Annie Itussell. 4 4 PAIL It. ftlOOKK 4 4 Consulting Mining KnginrT. 4 4 Kxamlnatloiis and IterKietn. 4 4 Itooms 12-11, t'mmnvll HIim Ii. 4 M.SOX . XOHRIH Ar('hltct, lraitlcal ami I to Dale Work. Riaims SI and 21. Whiting Itulldin(. Tclcphuno 10B3. Public Stenoprapher. MANVHv'lOVlS ftl.A'l.KD ready for Kr.-a Cleot-i. t( lloloieH. g FtMrnett Hldg Ofllee phone lis. 1610 J. STKNOOHAPIIIC WORK. Offlca hours V a. in. tu 6 p. in., or by ap point mint Ancila latliriere. 20 Har nett Hldg. Phone, 661. Leaidcnce, I6l J. Pl'HLIC WollK, Notary. Julia Wil cox, 16 Harnett Illdg. Phone 51. SANTA FE TIME TABLE FIT err m ? -m J i I i r hL L If J -vTr ilw. Ji.m r-i , i 1 KfTncflve December T, Itlt. Wrstbuuuj No. Ciaas. Arrivea. Departs. I Cal. Limited ....11:14 II 68 I Cal. Fxpresa .... 7 OOp l:3l)p T Cal. Kxpresa ....l:10p ll tip t C al. Fast Mali. .. ,ll:0p 1 :& (Thursday only: It (De Luxe T:IOa 1:01 F-MttHlUlll It Overland Ki press. 7:Sa f it I Fastern Fxpreaa.. 1 15p t tllp 4 Chi. ago Limited . I.40p I ep I K. C. Chi. Kx.. 7:'.lp flip (Wednesday only: tt (De Luxe I 50p t SalUllllHUIIIll tot FI Pasu Meg Kg lt t tit KI Paso Paasenger !:$ Ill Pscos Vslley Fx.. T itle Northbound III From Xfea F.I P 7:00 111 From KI Paso I top 111 From Perns Val ley sad Cut-off. I:4p ' P. J. JOHNSON, Afeat. J