OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1914-1922, March 27, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070582/1914-03-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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,' I In tin lll.lt M. Iirif onta m
month or IS cent week iMImvt
I your (lMri nrijr tmi t,y mail.
Vol. t. No.
1 1 r- i in i nr ir
lit ii A t ml
Associated Press Correspondent with Rebel Leader Confirms'
Costly Capture of Chief Outpost. Bull Ring Falls Be
fore Assailants Today. Couriers Bring; in Delayed Re'
ports Telling of Terrible Suffering of Wounded on the
MMivui runs xm ikms i in:
i tin in: or i.DMi:, r i.rio
I'.l Tex. March S T . - I I il . D a H. ml A telegram limn the
,... .ate. I I'tt-a .ii rcapomlcin Hi the rclwl fmni n.w bring rr
icled ,j1 .luiuey. cnnlirma I he Inking of Home tJ.'lluiin, and iliitc
iiiui.il Villa in the tr fleet ih.i he will tale Ti.iro.it t . un iri .
t.ixiuvi. iu ri i nis i mi:
KlltlllON Hill. ItlM. TllV
Juuit-x. M. x. ii. Mun h -'7. -If inf. ii mutton kim-ii mil til iiulitiir
hcnthittitrtfi Itcie thin uiternuon i i nniK-l, Mil rebel attack n
't'ni i I'oit in being innilr today Ii wa elated thiii Hctieial Hcrrcru
It ii . I i ;i red the Tmrciin hull ring, whnh In located In I lie north-
lii edge of ihe ill lienerHl AhRclea wa Kind to hp direct nigs a
luncy .. 1 1 1 :.' i file on the leilei.il g.irri.n from the north.
in n or iti nr
or .ti . ii.cio
Illy .eaMst Wire to I tciiuig Herald
i i.imi.l lUonullKt H r a ! i ii alter
u mi e Tnrrenn, Mi.rr.i :.'!. tlielaycd h-.'
i cm t.r .-- Iraeral Villa iiinl hla rebel
hi n after (our dnva of aim..! Incr
i iiu I . hi i nr dating wht.h in in y
mod in Kt with oi.e aide and then
viiih the other. o.iiipicil ilnnnn I'ul
nclo today. l.oniMfs mi lioth Kulea havu
iiei n lni;.
The lehcU ilehvereil Ihreo hunul'.i
ir uri- ieritiatiriit pucceiw uaii ai'hle
i.l llml lit tlmcM tile lutltle I'M piillileil
lino the 'r ei Iraillna into Tot reoii
Vlll.i iieill. in that he h IP have t he
linter city ly Haluiilii or Hiinihiy.
The iiiohI iilliu'iie of nil the heurl
n inli rime eix. I.u U-g of Ihe baiilc i ie
ihe Iin;i l.leil moiiiiiIimI iliii for
viiiiit. The lii i k of lll wii n ilruiil
no hilllel', for many VMililHl' il (lied ol
tliiini The moitKi hokiiiul tori'.
iiii inn of u hull iliixi ii wiiRun ilhl
hi-rolt' worn hut was utinhh to con
Willi I he llimllon. Il im the ntt
lime In re. nit Mexican irtoluiioini
that thv llnK of Ihe Kel I'rona liu
he n rwen in a read army. Many h
i. Im I ..l.liLr. an It wu li .iriieil h. n
the (mhilna movt-d rleher anw the
il. n iliiitpiina In the itmtuncp hut aatr
It Mini calhil to It In u in.
i in i In-. I in a tliikt). lorn mil. a
alum h lint, iinil reil hun.lWer. hiel
llnl ahout hla lipid urn in hi li.ni.lit
ilaa. Ueliiral Villa anion nil Ihe
aHHeil. ihlial). hulf fa.nli ln-J .; J.i r
tlio haie lniiahl tlay unil niKht (or the
cHiure of Torron, h.'ia lit-. n the miiH
coimi lcui.ua figure. The vonveiitloiiul
lioilon of a onimtiiiilliiK general ill
nil a CMinpninn throuuh liehl
KUik ami with a map MUrail hefote
him I mini n llliiuir.iitnn in him In
nieiiil he chmUeil over the rocky hill"
i r cri i t union lha inemiulie biihen
to ti ll lhi nun at hal tioinla to lire.
l:i prim lml actlclllea were ttume of
a a.-uul. iVUt hl 'r'ciicr Meier laiie'i
In siiki'lrr the u!ilier whenever lie
The rein-In fought aniiil weneii of in
Irtiae noli rina; and honor. W'ntcr an
a.arcr ami waa aiipplied only fioiii
tanaa hauled on tmuiit ar at their
rear and rainnia had l.ecoiii" uuavail
alile afti-r the llrfi ila' nahinm. vt
the flithtiim wa loo l oiiuuuoii to per
mit the null leUrlllll for looil. ThllH
with iiolhlni lirlilnd them hut a deii
eit and helore Hani only Hie eiH'tii.
the tilnl fought unatloclcd In Ihe
all. ii. I heapa of dead and wounded.
lieiiiral Villa diirma .uie In Ihe
lirltm talked i.mildcnHv ol Ihe fall ol
Toirei.it. He did not Place hlm-ell.
Iinwrt-r, nniona them, who helieve III"
vaptuie of Toiieon would -pell the
llapar of the Huerta lemtne in M t -i.
o. h.it liium.iied riiih.-r tli.n he ex
pected lliirna In rlvhi nml! p..iiil
Ihe retel fonea ulna 1 1 have to UI -I.
.and Mi Xlco t ily llelf
When we Hike T n. which we
will du." ald ildieiiil ilia, niopplnt!
Ihe duM from Itia I ..
iua hoiae, we will eaiaiili-h our nll
llaiv haae then- far movement!! fiial
u,r.i ...id ..niihwaiil. fhihiiahiia
with tietieral l ariuiiAa lo..re will he-
ciiino lh provlnioiial lapiial. II l'l
he the iinler of our cIMl g.iverninenl.
(Hit the mililaiy inivri:tiieiu will lie
hero and il will he a 111011114 anvern
me 11 1. uie Ion it w ill he nt aoiiih la
attack y.ac,nvaa. and then follow uu
the Vain I railroad lowarda Aua
falletitea. Anolher fun will atari
eal 10 iuru the federal, at Haltllla
and Munutey will lve ua half of 1h
ji iti z iir.ion IN
Juarex. Mex.. Manh t"i Th re
iript of itewnpaper dlafmlihri Irom
Ihe fri.nl oontlrmiln Ihe raptm of
tlomea I'al.iclo inuaed lha araateat
rej.,iiln hrre. A lelraiBm from tieu
riul Mlla In tlonirnl Tatrinxa repuri
ed tin" vli lorv at tlomex I'aliclo and
lha rt-iiulaa of lha Ivdorla attack alt
lardo nlao wna rpd-lvrd. Th m-
ixi', which wax 1 inixratulatory in
In i, Win relayed hy wile to liuxmnn
kj which pnliii I'.iifanxi iirtlwd yci
letday on hiaway to Juarex.
mris i.iti r tim;
to . i:1111. 1 AltltW.
Villa took iMcnxion 10 renxw hla
m k now iedtfement of I'arranxa ax uu
prenie chief of the revoluiiun. The
Diet: ram lidded that the brigade ol
lienirala llenevi.le. Il.rrcrru, intia.
and I'rhina were lielim iiiicenlra.d
for an iiontuilt on Toireon pi 1. per.
lieneial AiiKch'H. xccrclary of war
In the firm nil I'airaiiui cnhlnet anil
In 1 luiine of the artillery at Domex
I'lilacio, iiltin telixniphed o Ihe "Jcle
Kit 1 rttnii" coiiKi'itul'iiina nun on the
imikki xrlon of an t ltlcieut a milllary
coiiiiimnder a Krnnelapw Villa.
The text of Villa a iikbh, ae, wltn
the itiKtilllcaiti adtlrera to I'arriinxa a
"I'hlel of the Itcvollltlon." reada.
Alter tliiec day and mania (
bli nil ttahiini Ihe rnemy haa hien
diilodiied form lit. mex I'alacln anil
l.i liln. We have not heen aide to de
termine our wn loxae in aillcd und
w nuiidi 1. All of our chiefh condui-ted
themaclve well and cn-i.periiteil
Kplendidly. The artillery wa piir
lii tilarh effective and to It I muat -crihe
the panic riealrd III Ihe rnrik
ol (ha rnamy. tlencral Annelea rum
maniied Ihe hla anna w Un hla tiaii.ll
ulillity. The brunt of the lUlillim wa
horiip hy Ihe Villa and Mmeloa hria
111I1 . I In, latter i iini:nandcd hy tlen
rial I'rhPia. All of Ih eneral eom
hine wnh nit In nerwlinfc het w lahen."
i;rni-rul Aniji-hW l-hfirani.
Denelal Anaele" teh-arain read:
"Today we routed the rnemy from
liiim. l I'alacio nftv-r Hire day of mn
milltaly ronlllct. 1 am very tiiucit
lileaaed will) ihe coin) act of the
lioopM and ihe manner in which their
i 111 nil led them, lull ahovr all I nm
pieced with lli lietal Ilia W llu Ma
piovid hntiKi lf a malt of airona heart
mi. I hia't pi iiu iplcn."
o i.niiMi rvai K
Juiitex. Mix. March ST.-The fed
rral oldicia ul Turret, 11 laat nlahl
filled In a ten hour tuhl in retake
la-rdo, ucctiiiliiiR pi a li'leKram te
l ilted here thla 1,1 m 11 111 aiaui d ilin
n.il Villa. The Hleaiam w.ia dated
litll.e I'ala-.'io. I.etdu I II inn till 1 111
ttnnm Ion 11 III the auliurh of Tor
roii VenuMliann r.trranxa. Brrt chief of
the ret oliillnii la expected here tomoi.
row Hi era I triumphal an hea have
en i reded here and alnre and rea
iileiuea aeiierally ale ilecoriiied with
II una and htintiiiK
ri:ii:it l M XTII I. I I. IM
WaliiiiKtoii. March 17 The Mex
h an rut mwy today received ihe fol
h wiiii dii.at,li from Ihe Mix null
lotiHiil, Seiuir hirlinld. at K' I'aao:
Itehi l have heen aevercly deleated
al Torreoti A column "f five thou
and foop under Heioual Moure lia t e
lelt Millilln III llaiikintf movement t"
reiufoi'-e the R.irriaon. Tne rebel .4
weea ttU.i ull li d a aevere rt pulac at
Mnncltiva, liaina over l luin men. u
will a at Arl.Ra. where Ihe loaaea
ware over i."
kiii i ioM i. i mr
l.H.WM lll llUN Tl MKXICO
la. ml. .n. Man h Si. Hlr Lionel Car
deli. Ilritlall ininlMrr in Mexico. Inilar
t am i lied hla Inn, king on board
M.iiiirliiina. nn which he wna In
fimii l.lverpiail tuinorrow for Xcw
Vol n hi return tu Mexico City.
Il I iinderNlood there ia a pnaaihll
lly of Hlr Lionel R-ilna direct to Klo
tin Janeiro In take up hi pod a inin
iaicr lo KrHXll Inatead of reluming !
Mexico. Tin. liowe-r. haa not been
(rwuilnurd ua I'M Two.)
tJjT mt ) JIM
nEPUBUCMis will
Prospect for Contest Over Sev
eral Nominations Indicates
Need for Plenty of Hall
Thomas Hughes Looks Like
the Candidate for Clerk!
with Lively Scrap on 4th j
Ward Alderman.
Th- u. puiill an city unveitt ion f'.i
the no 11111. Hi. n ol candidate l'-r Ihe
I in elerllnll. Mill lie held t.'.liullt nl
k o i In. k 111 Klka' ihemei Trie olllclal
ci.tllllilttce i.l.l M't Ihe nicctllll! plme
at i? Wli-t Hold avenue, lull .
1 Mime ol in. reiiamit Hilcfet In Ine
l ouvitiUon and Hie i.tci. ;.c. t ol a
coiileal over aevei.il of Ihe nomina
tion II wii deiidid hy lac comnnl
tee till miir iina lh.11 a l.uaer hull
wa lleceHiir. . t halrinan Mickey
rtaled tit the Herald Una mornlna
Unit the K'aii' theater had heen ae
tuieil and that he would call llu con
vention to older tllctf piomplly al
k o'clock.
There ure 15 deliunie from each
wind, all of whom are undernod to
he In fitvor 01 l. II. Ili.atriuht aa lite
landiiltiu- for niavor, altlni.iKli atreet
iiiinor yeaterday anil today had intnh
In II com et ill 11 K a ntystel mil alranaer
i vilm inuhl hull up "I any minule io
Idixliirh Ihe alaie. Mr. Itoairiahl I
a 1.1 roll iimti, an nld-timei in Alhu
iticriiie, an nclive ineiniiir o the
t'Hixina leug'je and It In hilleved
would make a nod race. The iden
tity of ihe tniHierioija unknown. If
there la any audi perm. 11. Is heinn
Kiialded Willi an ability
make Mil 11 II a, Il I out of the
that would
"Man in thu
I iron M.iak."
' IM llaine I .ml to have wiih
driiwn a u caiululate for city clerk,
leaving Ihe Held to Tom HukIip and
I.. V. tin lies. Whichever way tho
Hill lie vole 110 will determine Hie
choice. II null look Hhn it two tu
' one favorlle tin uiieinoon The Ke-
liiililn an waul v ole aelteta and
lliiKhi la rei oanixed na Ihe man vim
inn net them. He will Hive Tom
Nay Ion a run lor Ihe office.
A I Hood 1 11 h I aaid tu he alated
for the tr.iiHiiresh p. iilthoiiKh A
Mn I xi 1 11 MII Lcum iiieiiuoned.
Ther,. ta a lively Mailt on for the
council tinminatli.il In the Fourth
ward, wnh Kd. U (iroae. Ir f. A.
Kller ami A. I. uale na the randl
diilea. Hroxe I xaitl to have a (cud.
inn till I denied hy I lie oppoaltioli.
Thiii l.awler nnd Tom li1uiHt.11 In the
Third ward lire the favorite, while
the Klral ward la aald to have deter
mined on 11. I Hammond it Ua can
didate al a laucua laal limit! The
pUmiiihI ward candidate leitiain to
H l)M'd Wire to I'.vxtiing Herald.
fimciiid N. 11 . March 27. - The
final luief on hehall of llarrv K
Thaw, on Iua pet 11 ion for a writ ot
hahea corpua aial tor udtniHMion tti
hall. tendiiiK a decision on Ihe iUe
tion of xli.id.tii.il. naa filed in the
lulled Ktait-n diairicl court hy hi
tounael loilay.
The document f..v
claim Hull Hi.' alalue
Thaw Wua oriK'ltall.v
the lllaatie an'lllln al
V , I 11l111tiKMtull.ll.il
it w a nut a 1 t ime It
i.iri-1-a on the
under which
committed. in
Mai U-a w an. .
and I lit u l, .le
r him to e-
ape from lUMlody, Hull
a it InMi ua
clime and
perAnn ctiniitit commit
uceordlliKlV ii tint, I be extradiled on
a clinliic of ci.lniiilltiiia ii cnnie; Hial
'I'haw anility or iiiMiiuily inuai In
decided bell. re II cuii be determined
that theio ia jiirinliclion to extra
Ilia liliu. and that It. , not a liiKt
live Ircm luaiice witbitt Hie uteai.inl
I Hie federal tonal il utmn.
A to ball, coiiiih I loainlalli Ihut
a deli iidant ia cut tiled to it In a mia
iieiii'B'ior nar. The brief on-
"The purioe of the atale of New
York lainii In return Thaw in Mat
te. twiiu. ii ia makina a niiuav of
the e-xt radii l"li law to aicompliah
ila I'litl. Thaw ahoiild lie dla-
1r la-aai-d Vlm o Kflinr Herald. 1
lieiiier. March ST. Tlie total lax-
I a bin luulion of property in 1'olorado
! In I w 1 3 wa 1 1 .auH . 5a 4 T. nccordinl
! to the annual report of the elnle lax
rnniniluiliili. aootl to he made pxihil
The valuation III 1 It I S W a H.' .'.J:!!.-
lltli. The Hew law reiUliin all prop
erty lo he aiweaaed nt II full value
went Ililn erT. i t I i 111.
Af .ordllia In Hie report Ine muni
araeaaor turned In a VHluatli.n
Ih.',w.741,'i3 Thia wa Im reaae.l
the elate lag rommiaaloti to II. -
..1 aa? I'I.m ...ii in. rill loll Vulllaliollt
amounted tu ISea.llij.ilU.
uivnn xn
Ul 11 I U II I u
Unanimous Choice of Demo
cratic Convention After
First and Second Ward Del
egation Walked Out.
Alternates Take j
Rev. H. P.
Williams Leads
Fight Against Administra
tion in Sensational Half
Hour Spech. j
Disgruntled Anti-Sellen Dele
gates from Two Wards Said
to be Ready to Join Repub
licans. For mayor Mayor
U. k. u.
For i ll) clerk a
Nay Ion.
For treasurer Wllllum
For louricllnuin, Kirat ward
J W. MilVuaile
For coiincilmaii. fi-eond ward
hut lea Ki .pi liT
For councilman, Thli-1 ward
S. S nilben.
For n.iini linian. Fourth ward
Dr. It. I- Hum. 1
Thia l ihe In nuiclallc ticket for
the city election of April Tlh, placed
la-lore Hie volet hy Hie I iciiiucral in
cit yconventloii In F.Ik' theater luat
'ihe ticket wna nominati-tl hy unan
Inioua vole of the convent Ion nficr
Ihe ntili-Sellera ileleit.ile from the
Firat ward had walked 0111 of the
convention, followlnii a hliler hut In
eneiiiuil HKht for conirol, and after
the luill-Hellcr deleaaiea fiom lh
K11 nml vvurd had apinniiu'ed their
inteiiili.il not to a:t in the conven
II... The plana of the two boltiiiK
deli'Hatii.na linmedl.iiely wero taken
hy Ihe alternate from Ihe two wind
and t he convention pruc- dud w ith ila
huhinoa hy iii'cli.inaiK.u.
Il la wild today Hint Ihe lender
of the two holtliiK tit leK.nu.iiH are
aeekniR to Jmn the Itt-piiuhcun party
and aiv uakittK for re okuiiioii on tho
Itepuiillcnii ticket which la 10 he
nominated tnmitht. I'p 10 a late hour
thia ilteruouii liepu II. an leader
al. iled thai 11 wna Die t Intenlioti tu
atitk to heir uriaiiial puipuHe of nam
1 ig a Kiiaikht parly tuket, allhuUKU
it wa admilled that eiTort were
heitiK made hy the Indium Demo
crat to Ret place on (he ticket.
The I ik in made h Hie arill-.-cller
di'leRiitioii fniiii Ho- 1-iiMl ward waa
led l.y K11. II. I' Willi. una in a xen
K it lutiii I iiulf-hiiiir H.v. t h in which
he 1 tun eutiateil hla 01 aim ii ul ithilny
ill a hicicr al1 ufli nit tne ntayni.
v huae iiiluiiniMtraiit'ii he d't lari'd hail
made hilll how hlr head ill allium
at In llu H I ii'iiio, 1 111.
l lf.llh HF.siiM lli ri i.im.im;
III l.r.l.A 1 1 s III l,t VI I V
The K. i. Mr ilnain made iua
a I h In itipowitnn t. 11 ettlui inn
i. tiered Until the I , 'III ill Ward dele
kllllt.ll pletiKlllK Ho ,1. legale 'n Ihe
lonviniutii lo loyulti to the cantll
datea w ho the i mi i enl n n luiuhl
tiiniiln.ile The intention of the Fual
wald ileleilalloll lo t . .It in the tvclll
of Miivol Hellcra' liolliinal ion waa
well known and II waa ilcaired by the
auppoticia ol the H'''ur to force Hie
li.Mie at once to a 'tear ahowinu l.e
lore any llotlun.lt lUllt. It. tit been nuiile.
The reholllttiin w.t .ta ftiilow.
"W herfti. the tut iiicunuiK of Hie
wold dclliiK rut v la lli.tt the matutltv
of ihe . ni in ii tilt Huill uovi-iu; iiinl
"Wlll'lrua, it la a precept ol III''
(('iHillniKII on I'aitr six )
Thn rt klairai icn hooka for the
romtliR ctly i-le, ti.in clone toiilkltl
at HI o'clock It you are not
n Rikte.-rd y ,,u t uiiit'l vote at H'l
i lly elet'Holl. Ill a city election
the vole cannot la- gworii In. V ia
must be regiMlercd.
Me that your mime la on Ihe
retiiliaiion hook In your Ward
bet. ire you ro to hid loiiiRht. If
you fall to d.t tli, a and ar tint
permitted to vote, you have only
y .nil a. If to hlutiie.
Hire are Hie reglairul Ion
Ful wurd N. w Mexico
gar at nr..
Heeond ward Alvar.ido Phur-
,. i maiy.
hy( Third wurii druu alore.
rourtn warn nun a urn
at ore.
c I : I
Owens Opens Fighl
for Repeal in
ihe Senate
Bas" .Argumcnt Ln Favo1'
Administration Program
on Violation of Hay-Paun-cefote
lllj la-MMil Wire 10 Prvciilng Iieruld.l
Wuahiiii'.lon. March 27. While
ihe oipin.iiiK fatiiona in the htuiMC
were litiiiiK up luiluv f.ir the olielilui;
ol Ihe llitlit oxer the adtliiilti-1 l.it ion
hill tu repeal Ihe loll ixemptioii
ilatiae of the I'anama net, Helialor
1 1 we n itdilrcaHid the Hemic', aiippnrt
llU i't'e.tldeul WllHotl'H allllllde 111
tllKillK Hie repeal. He took H'C pn
anion thai Hie xcmpi loll ?h 10
latiiiit the ll.iv-i'aunt i l'.li' treaiv.
When ihe f.rt dr.ill of the lluy-I'aiitici-loM'
iri'aty waa auhmitted to
the aemtte. Mr. Hard of I'alM. .111111.
1 lei eiul.er 1:1, IIMIII. 11111 ed to auhHII
lute thu follow mi! uriit le. ' aulil the
Mdiutor :
" 'The I'nited Stale army reaervea
ihe tin Id in Hie nnul.il "ii and man
aRciuetit ol the canal to diHcriminaie
lit renpe. t In the charge of llulfic III
la. or of the i-aela of Ila own rltt
xeita eim.iKcd In Ihe rtiaafivlac trade.'
"And the arn ate not only did not
ilve a two-thinla Vote III favor ol
auch diHci'llniniii 1011, Imt itave ul
moHt n two-third aaainat ''
H11 the vvhol.' world kn'w that Ihe
ai-nate had related to amend Hie
i.in-aiy l.v lectiKiiir.itiii ih- tlaht to
1 ijim'i iml-iale 111 liimr of veni-el or
in own citi.iliH eliKiX'ii in conatwlac
1 It ade.
"With auch a record before ti we
rmild n. 1. late the world and Ittter
ir -t tho ll.iy-raunt efole treaty a
petinliiltiK diacrlminiition."
Hy Ix-ax-d WIp lo rxnlnf II raid.
New V..I a. March i:-. lit pi. aeiila
tlvea ol the Kaatmati Kodak compMuy
, ii tnl Ihe Anaco compuny coiillrmed un
I day that a money ..tt lenient, the
amount nf whi.-h wa not kivc:i. had
he n readied oil Ihe illeall.in of He
'i;ootllll patent, over whl.ll Ihe inli
' cent loualil Inr ..ml The leiler.il
I C.UIII or appl'in lecelllly decided In
! l.iicr of Hie Anact. company.
II had iee i aaid linn 'he K.iatiniin
lion em would tall, the ellae tu the
aiil.lcme tolilt bill Ihe aetllelnenl Will
end Ihe lltiaalioll.il. "life ol which, II
W.ia aald. would I"' hied today In-fore
Juilae ilix.l III Hie le.l.ral dialrict
euiirl al llulT.ilo b, v. hum Hie orianial
1.1111 mi a bioiikht.
It wua aaid rcprcaeiitailvp lndh
cull, t l l.t had a a reed t" a, e the
nil Ill of the aell lenient a aeeret 'Ihe
Hint IIIVnlM.I Ho- II.' of the li Iwlll
putenl claimed b the Alia, o coll; p-lli V
I-.I1C.. 1H!IN nlltl I..MIK all cilltlnUe
lilma, HI. ii pack and i in. iiii.i..i.i"1
lilmi. made by the K.ialhian o llipany.
The iw.hiw ol the lie. Il.ilinli.il
l '.i.tiilH'in a ho uiveu'ed Ihe I'l
Will ntelii- a auhat.ilitial Hum. n wa
announced. Mia H Inii ij Ml j.iin
old and hie a in N'rw-irk. V .1
Tli,. ciib incut will do aaav wit a
an a iiitiitlnu bv He F.i-nn.iii com-
pall Hitch lllllihl line I'l 1 foiled
to pay a It. tit' on cleiv llllll ll old
III Ihe laat i:. veala lv I he teritia
of II... aclllctnelll It ia tttlll. llo.ul Hie
K.l-llll .11 clllpalil in SUl'll liclllliitaiun
in in. Hindu lute Iiinl" tintiir paieiu.
I liitn.itea ..f tin- ;tin il paid in I-
llemem lllli into tne lllim.'nn.
s iilmii'M Itciiiiilii rrlniie.
llullall.. N V . Minh ST -The
term l i lleineni of ihe caae
bi .tuiihl agaiiiHi Hie Fa i man Uuiiak
it inpaitv i.v llu- iood a in Film and
I ia' company lor ml l lluscllo'iit ..f
pall nl i turn W' le not al.llcd in the
...... ..r.l.r i.f aelll. Ilielll. wlH' ll waa
ho, ...I be Jiltlue J.illll II 1 1 ' a 1
the I tilled St. ilea i Irclllt
' We h ive not ma le I It.
in " mm. I .1. J Kennedy.
loiiri li.-i
tirtn i.itb
ci.tlliacl li.r
in., del. nil. ml
a. M It'iiifin l a
private otl
Tlie document 111
here to'lav I
that InuHinu n
brief and aimply tl.n
lo Ihe action had eel i led
ua llie parlle
nil mallet
f controvemy betwee.i
. i,...t,i.lli,if itaiiiagea. Iirolll
loalo.' the onl.r of Heptelllber . I I
iliiectiiig an aicounting and RianlliiR
un injunction be withdraw n.
According to Mr. Kennedy the pat
cut i xi ircd In 1 month.
Marliul Arr.s,t Own Itrnllier.
Waicilv. la. Marih S7 -Maii-ll
lie. be la In Jail here today, having
been .irrealed laal nighl by hi own
I, n. I her. Marahal tieorge lleeb i a
. hurae or hurgliu. The inarahal.
iiieatiR.iiina Hie burglary ol the
home ,.r Mr. John Iv.ver. during
Ih" laller'a lilnallae III 11 hoapi'al livo
week aim. upe. ti d hia l.rmtr
awote out rf wallalil aHallial II, III.
a inn p m p at rmm
mmw opw PillPin
Decisive Victory for the President Over Combination of Re
publicans and Leaders ot Hit Own Party in the House
Including Speaker Clark and Underwood. Debate on
the Repeal Measure Begins this Afternoon.
Waahlualoii. Mulch ST. 1'iealdenl W'llanli won the flrt bailie
of hi llRhl to repeal the Punaiim loll exemption toduy when lha
hnuae hy a nl.. of 7.' lo ITU I ef uaed to continue iliacuaaion on tho
rule to limit to twenty houra dlacuaalon debate on the repeul hill.
The Mpctinl rule then wa n ilt.pletl. Sun to ITS. That put the
Hlnw bill to repeal Ihe exempt ton atiiarely before tlie hnuae for
ti. .in In. iik' ilebaie und protected aaaniat inlet rnlng motion and
I'niiy line were eliminated r the vote, which waa a round vic
tory for the iiil.iiiniHtrnlit.il lender. The balloliiiR waa preceded hy
an hour of iuipnvHioncd teechimiktiiii Speaker i'lnrk, lieiriaenla
tive l iulerwood, K.-pieaenluti ,, Fttxitcrald and cither Ketni.. rntic
leader voted axalml the molioii to cut off debate. Wltn the ailnp
1 1on ol the reaolui nm to alup debate on the rule, the next ittieation
uaa on the ailuptiun of the rule ilaelf, and iidminlairnilnii upporl
I'la wile aure of ila paasitue.
i iiosi: no in ri
i.isr 'i in-: un i:
Ihe llHI of llellloer.il Who Mite, I
agatnat "the fri'ilttlla iiieatiou" and
thu ngiiinal the a, liiilliiali.il, on, fol
low. Aiken, I'.rt., kai.n. Kioiiaaunl. linn k
lier. raruway, I'.ucw, I'onri, Hale,
I ' 1 1 1 1, k . I llctelulet fer. Kitllohi.e. I.-
liug. liot eiiiiia. liriNct.ll. i iii pre, Kn-
g.in. iridcr. Fiitley. FnxKeriiltl. Hor
iM.in, i i.nilileii, llrabain of 1 1 1 m. iim.
lilllllu. Hill I .Hi ill . Helm. Ilnf, Jullea.
Ivillilel, Kilkpall'Pk. I ol IVllll-.
allium, I. I.Tuiale. I oalie. M , . ltd i w a.
Mi liernioti. .Mali. .ii. Malice. .Mil. hell. 1
.Muitiuti "f l.ttulatana, Murray ol Mu
a.u hUHclta. Mtiiru id i ik lalioina.
i Lear i . 1 1 hauabneaay . I'atten ol t
New Yolk. III. -Ian I la gad., le, linker,!
HIll'llV I. SI, .lie.
ana. Ta lor oi i '"In
dciwouil. Willi, i ii if
it I'l.nk. 'I' I.
lleplllillciills w llu
Vli.lla .luc'tlmll
I'll. lie of :ai
Maaaat IlllaeltH, M
Tin I
t A Ik ii u-
'1 h'.mu. I li
ng and ,-ieaH
Voted f..l Hie pre
W. II Ma I lll.iltll.
iltain,' lialtllier ul
leli.le, Ala, lib II.
Hi eetlel utl.
lilllelte ot
Steven of
M .IMH.lt llllMct I
M llilleaol.i. I
Tola I
t i. o i n in i Tin:
Wash. net. .n. March 27.--Flualie.l
with i.ti.'i. adituriiHl t at en auppoll
Ma pi ctl a t -tl pa-x.iae ot Ihe I. peal
bill In .1 lie.. I y in, jt.l II The tic
i In I'.'t I until .it Itu.ae win. liatl inletl
ltgt.lti-.t the ,'H'l I'lillt 'UleHl .till VI. mill
lip Hilling in inle ..r Hie lull ll'.ell
la of I tie vole ti.la bultietl 1. 1
tile While H'lllHi Wltelc '!t . Icl'l
A ilaun It iriit 'l of it I im b. Inn- leav-
liig in iiiicud ad a-ti t rt 1 1 n iii.-ii t al
.11 Mici llli III. I a hi nlial.K lea
it ul the w .1 . . the btuiae Heltlt'd dnivit
, cutis, del ,t I inn i, I the i'l iiii I. ' II.
I .eliio, r a I a in -Ih fa... I W.'le all'iled
hours; I 'elm., lata ugauiat It live,
pulibi.iua lutll nr.tl I'loRleaalv ea
liepr.-a. iua 1 II e Siuia, ali'.lur of the
bill, led olf Hie iii ate
Mr sinta couple. I In luv.umeni
for .
the lepeal wnh a denii m l.i i tun ol
Ileum, rata who hail aligned them
cic w 111 111., l.pptiall loll, and Ite-
larctl thai il he lielieied. aa II ha
been ihnlucd. thai Hie pleatilenl had
Itcepted an elroneoil t. t.ltHl in t lull
nf Ihe I Ul i'a inn etole tn-aty he
Would fe. 1 aa a mol.il Invnail If lie
did lint llnuieillalel u.li for Ihe clitet
cxe.utl.e a ttnia-acliiuelil by the htnlae
ol rcpifMchtuiiie-
"la It le.iaollulile In vtippoae." h
aaked. "Hint the gieai maaae of the
peopl.. are gi.itig to li..leve thai Hie
preaulclit ol Hie ttuled Hlalia who
ha duett .liatge id tlie entor. emeiil
of ' I our inrtiipa with (oicicn coon
trie la ituiti,' to aiiin-uder the light
of tlie Ainei lean peode w hoar trual
ed repn-actilal i e he la. ! tu-eept tug
un eimmoua coiihii iictn.ti of u treaty
on the un a rr.inleil demand ol any
uiie or all of tlie foreign null. .a ol
Ihe w ot bl ' '
- When
hit mi.h nr Tonwns
in it 1 1: in
WushHiKti'h. March ST -I
In- I'nllalim I. .11 I gilt ua
'Tonight !i
Your Last
tiif. EtFvixa itmM.n
vol . NO. IT.
in the hnuae today Ihe hattla llnra
were drawn in thia manner:
Fifty-flv. minute remained for
debate on the apeeial rule to limit
diMcuaaion to twenty hnur on tha
Him lull lo repeal the exemption far
cnaalw lc rail 1 1 ia.
t'haii'uian Henry nl the rule com
mittee, leading ihut fihaae ot Ihe -I
mill lur the adminlatriition fnrce.
reutly at the eoiiclualon ol Ihe
liity-live minute to move the pra
viou iu.'iioii, u piirllamelltary ma
neuver. In ahut olf ilelnile on lha
Inle. and fori e a vote, the firat real
ti at ol altellglll.
ippuiieiii of Hie ailininlatrniinn
pt'uttram aln nullieiu il l.y Hpeaker
Clark yigiuoti'i den uncliit ion of th
ni tempi ul clmi un- and renew ed hy
In d-c larulmn thai he would vol
ignited limiting dt bate, were prepar
nl to bring ei.-rv leai.urce into plal
ileal "the pievloii iuettion and
it ua thriii (t..n the bar for nn-
I. mited ilelnile. inn only mi lha rule,
but on Ihe re pi nl lull Itaelf.
in Hi. a ruai leal vole buna lint
ttiil the tUeatli.l of pr.'aalnn the nd-
II. inialtiit a ni nifaaure Hiroligh bill
.oi... the gle.tler one of np'll.llg It tl
un. lulmeiii. for Hie rule propoaed
that mil one amendment may he
I p. t in II led Iii inter ! tie.
j Tiie him-.! diHptiaetl of rniillna
M iiHilU'-a Iii b aa lb. ill ten llllnillea and
'tpe rule to limit iIih f'anaina lull
npeal del. ale Iii twenty houra waa
' la k.-tt Ul
I Speak' r Clark warned th" floor
, Hi, I gallerlea llllll "all Hclllllollil.ua
i. ml exciting debate like Hue" abt.'lltl
't,.ll f.r pet feel older lie liad oin"
I i it cnli in tiileiiruf the hnuae.
liepreaeiilalue Sherwood. lemo
er.it. of duo. via the firi peukcr.
He nraetl an jiiiiandment lo diman
tie the i. .rtniciiiioiia or the cunal and
itl.aclillcly neulralme ft.
I lie ii.lniiniHirain.il rorcea opened
p ilu ir I ght in a Iwelie-m nule
peei b le lii ireaentH a Adauiat.il.
in., ri'ieried lo the aiaumenia In la-
""'Kor ol th loll exemption aa "clap-
1 trai.
J I lemo
lioppyi o. k nua delualon. The,
iiiihi r.illc platform plant lavoring
xempiioii. llepi "aenuill c Adatneoii
and. waa written Into lha plairorni
by "one of the leading fru'iid of ex
. mpiu.ii '
The chairman ol th reoltilln
i i.iumiliee, he aald "wa Imar w atch
ing Taiiiniuii Hall and Wall Hirer!
It.r th probnctioii of Ihe people, but
it a.-ma Ilk he waUhed tt wrong!
in. in "
A lo the preaent lorelgn ailuatlon
and H rein! loll lo Ih delllOlld tor
Ihe r p.tal. he aai.r
Who know what lha alluatlou
muy l.y at thia tune ranter than lha
president, wltn i peculiarly charged
unil r Ihe i-oiiMtllulton with reapnn
ail.iiiiy for Ionian affair? Whoever
fighl thl reivul tin hot cnV
fiuht ihe houeat niiialit ami do-
Imeata' pconniiiy of bia jieople, hut
'he fight ihe admiiiieirat ion of tha
toreign poln-v of the ovrriiment.
and if tliuier leautl h muat taao
In place and thai the odium ant

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