Newspaper Page Text
I A. TODAY' NEWS TOIHY Yow get r' ll In Uhj IILUALH. lift, oral m itsKonth or IS crnU a wrk dWlTorod at oar doori ftfijr ttttg bjt mail. Hast Mean Guesj Our Position. rniiuTNB.crnzEX. Vol. fa. No. M. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1914. TEN FAG 3 TODAY TIIK KVr'AINO Ili:it f.l VnU . No. I. IflTF fin THF BRANDEIS MAKES SLACK BUSINESS'CIVIL WAR lUIL Uly MIL nTnnnn ni n in ninpr rnn . . ... ... CM MIA SAYS uiii? win 1 ML WILL TAKE TO BATTLE IN SUBURBS GOES ON TODAY Bandit Chief Gives no Detail of Progress of Bloody Strug gle for Possession of City MERCHANDISE TRAIN TO GOMEZ PALACIO American Negotiates Huge Purchase of Arms and Am uuition for Huerta Govern ment in Europe Juurn. Mix, March (I p. ni I Ileal y fighting continued In Tor reon loility, according to it tele gram Jut received from uiirii Vil lit. Villa added he expect ed to haw the city urfure tonight. Ha ic nu dctaili. THUS LOAIl or MFItCH MIF. HKNT TO (.OMKZ I'U.At IO Illy lrati Wire to Kvcnlua: Herald. J Juarex. Mvx . March !V At noon today rebel (ductal were llent a to the fighting which began ycalerday at Torrron and which wa reported con tlnurd Into thr night. Thry cliillnfd thul (hoi li ul no direct Inlorinulio'i from the front but all cxpreaacd con fidence that General Velaaco, the Ini tial comma ihIit, alii soon hi- cnmpe'l i d lu aurrender. A tratnloud of merch.indiac for Uj l'ii l'ala lo la bring made up todiv. Stock III that rlty are depleted and lientml Villa tnatructcd that dull" on importation hp auipi niluci VII.I.A IlKII X Till; lY ttiM iii; r i i t ntv Jaaiea, March i It a lh cx peiiaiinii that Torieoii would i um hlc unilcr the rehel aitacg luilij ili-t ortuiala liter leaumed Hirir taak thlg morning. The laal reporla ycalrrdaY were thai tleneral Monclovia Her lara had i lit hia way from the ruat ern aide of the tity through the buai niKa MHtloii to the hull ring on the north aide, that lietieral Villa had act uut with mote troopa from iSomcg Ptl a. in to Join him and take aupreme i oinmaii I. and that the federala Werg I oiking final atand In their ilefemet on the we at aide. An uiiionflrmcd rumor at mldiilglit hud It that the reheli hnd taken thv hill kniinn aa Cerro de la Crux, an 1 n unrtant defrnae, but ei ideation wn alii lacking early today. 1-I.AI : III I.K. lint AII.MS Hilt TIIK U Ill- It I H Liverpool. March 2 John Weale I'eUav of New York, formerly preal dent of the Mexican National Mink mg coinpan), aalled for New York t day after negotiating In Europe on behalf of I'rovlainnal Preaident Huerta lor lit) ( reiiaol guna und I1'.- uiHi.liiiii round nf ammunition. "faith iuiii and imwder are to ' diapatched to Mexico within a week Irotn Prance.-" e.ild Mr. LKay. ItKllhlA MK H ll ltl. M iiiHiMiii n ni vrniT Nogalel, Monora, March 2H. The learner Carmen belonging to LaCom Kama Navira del rac:hco. waa cap- lured and tunk hy conat llutl-n.!iwa. acrnrding to a dlapalch aent here to dav hv tleneral liluegon. the rebel commander on the weal coaat of Meg ten. The veaael waa at ultled in Yata na ha and all of the crew were inailn prlaonera tleneral Obregon eaid he hud la aurd an order that all veaael of tha Navira del I'aclrico be captured and deatroved on ncniunt of the com- pany'a alleged aaaiatance to Huerta. AXl'T. comm mi:ii or Mi:.HW I.I I K TI.K.KT Vera f'rug. March Commodore Manuel Alula of the Mexlca-t na waa today appointed commander In chief of tha gulf coaat fleet aa a mark of appreciation for hla loyally lo the Mexican government during the Felix Dial uprlaing. When he hoiated hia Dag on board the gunboat Zaragoxa. aaliiii.a were flrad by all the foreign warahlpa In port and viaita wera ex Changed by the commander. Thla la on of aeveral change con templated by Ihe federal government In coiiaeoiienc of Ihe defection of the gunboat TamPK'O, l:lKlt L MII ITAIIY THI HI SHI II HIOM I.AItl IMI Laredo, Meg. March A Mixi- ran federal military train wa hur riedly gent couth from Mugvo Laredo . . mm lodny bearing the Ninth Infantry and Rome other troopa. Their destination n nt announced. Meanwhile un- unfit -tried rrynrta rem tied here that Dunlin waa In progrcaa about CI mllea anuth of Nilnvn l.arcdo. It a Ihiuiiilit that relntnrcemcnta for the Nuevo Iirnln giirrlaon may have met oppnltion and wet. trying tn light their way ihruuKh to lhat cll. The HI hi I w it r III levied on nil Mexican rxporta eight monili ago wim withdrawn i Nuevo aredo today, ll amounted to Ironi three to t n pit rn In uUilltlon to regular dutlc. Yale Students Are Up Against the Real Thing Victory Over Princeton Team Leads Genuine Suffrage Ad vocates to Challenge De baters (fly l.raan Wire to Kvnilng llcraltl.) Xrw York. March The tnplr tin of I hu di'hatina lenina of Yale, HaiMiiil mill Pi Inri'tiiii In their m reiit ililinte on woman auflraHu in which ei.h ami aiiftraji Ic.iin Hon lia conical, atlrred the New York atate aufTrann aadix laiioii to challenge Yale to argue thu iiueatlon with real aul fragiatn. "The ufTragiata of New York (!lty challenge the winning untl auffrMgo Irani of Yale to dehutv In New York I'ity with real aiiffraglHla, the time' ami place to be decplcd later," renu the telegram aetil to Yale hv Mr. Haymond lliowti, preaident of the delation. Meaaagea were alao aent to the cv Jeraey gurTrage uaaoclutiun imkim them tn challenge l'rincctun and Hal ve ril renpeitlvely COMMERCIALISM MUST BE SHI SKY OFFICERS Refuse to Invoke Mann White Slave Act in Case Where Traffic for Revenue is not Intended. Ity la-aiMxl Wlro to livening lleralil.' Chicago, March Indlcalion 't the Hlliltnle of federal HUhloritiea here to vlolaiion of the Mann ai t In whl h the "white alave" niotie doca not ap pear uaa alien today when Jaiuii I.. KrufT. uperlnlelident of Ihe loc il bureau of Investigation of the t'nlted Plate department of Juatiie declined to take action aaamat F. C Maaton of Long Inland I'lty, N. Y. Maaton waa arreated yealerday o:i rnmplalnt of a 2i year old atenog tapher who aald that Maaton took her with him to Kanaa City und kept her there four day. "I have taken no action luaamuch a there I no element of commercial lam evident In the cine." aaid Mr. RrulT today. "MaRton certainly meant n good to Ihe girl but apparently a lie did not object at the time and ahe waa old enough to know what ahe waa do ing Municipal Judge Tiller laaueil a warrant for abduction ugulngat Maa ton. Maaton waa rvleaaed In H..'i"'l boll J furniahed by hia counsel. Lillk "Albert to ihe Insane Asylum Famous Woman Soldier who Served in Some of Bloodiest Battles of Civil War Under General Grant f Ia-aaeil W ire o Kveujug Herald. 1 uuiucy. ill , March r. Lit- f He "Allert" Caahler. Ihe woman auldler. today waa taken to Ihe atate 8Rlum for Ihe I uaa lie Ht Walrrlown. III. She wa horn In Ireland 71 year ago and eame lo America aa a alow- away In boy1 clothing. She en- llRled III company 11, Hilh HI- Inula Infantry, and waa urrIjii- ed to tleneral Uianl'a command participating In mini of the 4 hloodleel battle of the CU ll war. She lulcr came to the aoldiera' home here and her eg wa not diecovercd by n aur- gcou at lhal Inalitulion. al- though a nurae knew her r- crel. TfnMnPFJT FLOODS 00 HEAVY DAMAGE Ifl THE EAST SOUTH Four Hundred Buildings in Jackson, Mississippi, Flood ed by the Overflow of Town Creek TWO MEN DROWN IN THE MOHAWK RIVER Ohio Alarmed as Rivers .Rise Lest There be Repetition of Disastrous Floods of Yea;- Ago. Illy lral Wire to I'trxiiil rtnrald. Jurkm.n. Mir.. Mar. h it. Four hundred building, including the lead- ina hotel and two department alorea, were flooded aa a reaull of Town creek overflowing it bank here to (lav. It la cRtimutcd tnal inn uam m. will amount tn I2UQ.IHMI. The i reek became an awolleti after i houra of ateudy rainfall and the flood i-aiiin ail null aiv inill dieicilMiiip him nut have time to move theler gtovka. Two I'niwn In New York. Schenectady. N. Y.. March Two unidentified men were drowned todav when Freeman' bridge over the Mohawk river, two mtlea weat of here waa awept away. The damage rfono her by the high water thu fit raniniinla to IJUO.itua. The rivn waa fulling thiM ullernoon. Ni'W York alley IIimmIiiI. New York. March -jh.--spring llooda have ait In through the vallea of the Rtale and already much plop ertv damiiae la reported. The warm weather of the IhhI few daya milled much of the heavy auow which fell earlier In the month. At Troy the Hiidaon river h.ia aa aiimed flood propoi tiona und nirr i hanta along Ihe river are removing good AiiiRtenlam repoita part of tho bridge w Hi. h epaiia the Mohaw k river there curried away by high wa ter and Ice. Olitii ItlvcTa laaiutrrtiUM. CoIuiiiIiur. i, March SH. With the (licit Miami und Whitewater riv er raging, thu Si ii.lo climbing u foo an hour and the Muak.ngum und Licking river out ol their bunka along the IowIuikIn, unxiety wan felt during laat night of a recurrence Ihe diaaatroua flooda of Inat March Uamaae ao fur reported ha been confined to the eouthweatern aectlon of the atate. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION TO MEE lily la-UM'd Wire) lu I'.vciiliij Herald Waihlngiun. Man h i "i.'ollerin baigainliia. i on. and urlutra lion,'' will be the aubject of publi hearing here Iroin April to y in ctuaiie ti the federal i-onimiaRion Induetrlal relationa at wnuh proim Hem HidURtrial and labor Icadila i voice their aciiumcnia. The coinmtaion today announce Die nauica of thoae who expected ieatlf, among them being Sumuc (lumper of the American Federatio of labor; John I'. White of Indian a poll, i.rcRiilciit of the I lined Mine Worker of America, John Milclul New York. Helh l-ow, preiilent of tlie National l'l If Federation; C '. Neill of N'gw York, former federal commuj loner of laooi", Judge W. C. Cham bcr of the federal board of concilia lion and arbitration: L. 1. Ilrundlea of Hoalon; Iianiel Wlllard, 'preldciil the tlaltiiiiore and Ohio; i:iiha l-ee third vice pieaulcnt of the l'.iiin)l vanla railroad, und J. A. Kiucry, cuun el for the National Aao Manufacturer. UNITED STATES FILES PROTEST AGAINST THE GERMAN OIL MONOPOLY Illy Leaard Wire In livening Herald. iierun, ftiarcn -. rormai aciiuo Waa begun today t the t inted State government agalnal the petroleum nniiiiiiiuly bill reienlly inlroduceil in the Oerinun Imperial parliament The fir at atep taken wa a written memorandum nreaeiiied h Jaiuca Uerard, L'mted SUlea miiiwa.iil.r, I Llottlieri von Jagow. the (lerman for elgn miinater. 1 lie iiiemorMiidum ex preaae the confluent expmlallon of the I'nlted Slute government that ci-ruWi inluhUcea toward AmerlcMii Imeator cuntHlned In Ih monoimlv bill In it preaenl form will dlaappear bvfore cnacimriil, blllL I Ml REPEAL BY Administration Leaders in Both Houses Confident President's Wishes will be Met KNOWLAND LEADS OPPOSITION IN HOUSE ! i Declares President Mistaken and Nation Yieldine to ana MHllUU ilciUJiig w England for First Time Un-!to der PreSSUrS (fly Iraard Wire to F.yentng Herald.) WiiRhlngton. March it. liebate on Ihe r-penl of the ranaiiiM toll ex emption continued In the hounu a id aenute today. The houae waa proceeding on the Ima bill under " hour tlebata aa provided in tile hard fought buttle or yeRterday. The wua te wug debuting the nuh- ..... 1 1 v In Ihe houae Henre.entallve Know- land, controlling the time for Ihe He- .ubllcana. aaaalled the repeal III un- ,.,,.u.rua . ... r.M mm mi r r..... I..r I . it til ureal iriiuiii wiiiiuoi a .iiuhiiii'. t I the Panama canal now the price of thv elimination of IluertuT he demanded. In the acnule reRolutloii by Sen ator Iewla and Senator tlulllnger were laid aaide until Monday. Mr. Lt-wla' reaolutlon wua aupple- menlary lu one now pending, declar ing for equa Itoll. and would em-i power Ihe preatdunt to miapend toll i In hla iIiri reimn .Vilinlmatrittioii aupporterH ure con- j tldenl the repeal hill will piiia tho I Iioiiro b Tueaduy night or curly W ediieaday. i YcRterduy'a victory for the admin-, iNtration in the limine arouaed cx- peitatioiia of thamplona of repeal In the Renaie that a fa-orntile report will j lietorthcoming from the cunala com mittee, m.lw llhHtanding Ihe iutluence f II chairman. Senator ti'liormari. "llaguiae the aituutloii or iH-cloud the iRHiie a you ma, there ia no cucaping Ironi the naked truth lhati for Ihe firal time the people of till great nation are urged t i aurrender under foreign pleasure," declared Mr. Kiiowlaml In the houae. "1 entertain high regard for Ihe preauleiit of Ihe tilted Slate. Ill piitrioliam anil In. Mini y ot purpoRe I would not al- leinpl to iiucRtion. However llke till III..IH li..rM .if 1 hit Iniiiimi f.imllv. lia la apt lo err. In tin Inatum e un hi - parent error in Judgment ,r. hnndling the Mexican altimtmn ha neccRatlut - ed the latent nine, ul Inat ao hla h...iw Mb.. . hi.iiii.hlH thing lo Ray I that he lui been Im- poai-d on. Mr. Know In n. 1 urged the houae. If It repeal the cm Ion, to declare that ll had pot Rurrendereil ihe con- leution Hint ii.c i iiiiii r-ii..c. ..i.iv.ii make one. Ilepreaenlat li e Madden, Kepulill ill. of lllinolM. spoke for the repeal. He aaid ho raw no people of the central leaaon lor the weal contribut- i ii k to a ahip uiRid. K e P r e e Mauve t vsIi.iukIiiicrnv, I'emoi rut, ol' lihode . I h I.. ml. apoke for the exemption, ilei l.uina Ihe plat lot in pledge of the Hallimore coiiven lion lor flee paage abould be up- ported. Id prcaciitutn e (iiirdncr. Uepubll can, of .M.iaR.i hiiRetta, m a brief Rpcech aiippoitnig the lull iUoled the debutea en Hie Hay-Tumice tote treaty In the rciuUu lo kIiow that thu Hp.iri or that in;ici inrni waa uppoaco. to eveiinpi mn ol American ahipa. i e liray,, "t 111. liana aupported the bill. ItepluactitatiM' lemplu. I'rogicaa i e, of I'eniiRi li uula. opponed I ho i r pea on tlui kioiind that il waa aui render of aim i.-igul) over the lauul gone. Itcprraeiit il e Stephen of Cahfor nia, lrogreRii e. oppoaed the repeal mi the ground that It Would bcnvllt none but llriii."ti Rhipa and lulereata. "Why ah.. u.. I thla adininiRlrutioii ail. I another to Ihe many LngliRh Ihuiga It li.i done In the olio long year ll haa been In power'.'" he de manded. "When the houae uiwciii bled for Ihe Inat lime under Ihia a.l nnnlalratiou hemhea were prmlded like thoae in the llritiHh parliament. Next day the preaident In peraon de- liieteil an uddreiu Jual a King tieorga doca Several time alnce thei thief magiRiruto ha vlkited till"' building, ali i al Inch timea It haa I Ih'cii aaid iM'iiioiiallc aeualoia and repreaeniMtii a weie commanded to; uppear ueloi" him for Inat ruction Jut ; a ahuppeua in dear old lauidoti. Now i tome the pri-Rldenl aeek ng the re-1 peal of the toll exemption clutiae, apparently to pleuae Ureal Urilaln. Are we beliu UniuliiHed "' lieproaeiilatlve Fltxgerald, one of the 1iiiim lane leadeia wllgned with anil-repeal Ion ea. declare he had no (Continued on 1'agu Two.) WEDNESDAY FOR INCREASE ol Counsel for Interstate Com merce Commission Declares Free Service Rendered by Roads is Costly ABSORBS SOME FIFTY PERCENT OF REVENUE Free Storage, Warehousing Loading and Unloading of Cars Among Items Included in the Showing ' a . . . .. .... 1.. I I '"ZsZr?"' .."', V ' l,ral,,lt''H' ,"""M r,,r ""riie enmmerce commiRNioii In oppoRiilon ne propi.ed rue pi n cm increaai In rnllroinl freight raieR. today auli- Imlt'.Ml a miiM mrni hIhwihk that free I aervlce rendered ahlppem by rail romla In i lnaalfli allon territory, re- ault In aerloua depletion euuea of the roiiiln. The of Ihe rev- trrc Rcrvicca under conHlderation commiHRiim vi ere free atn.-igr by -ihe ware- hoURiiig. loading und tinloiiding of inn, lighleniKe. eleatioli ot gram und villoma oilier free acrv Icea. Mr. Itrniideia iiRwrled that Ihe coat lo Ihe railroada of Iheae free aer Icea wua Ro great aa In ubaor'i "' - " r " 'reigm to Ml i'i cci...m ......r '" rec.'pia were oeioa Moeoiiicii, ri'niilllllK III B all onitm 1 1... ' cuah loRa to the roada. Causes lo Be Marquis Thrown Street Into , Louis Girl Wedded to Motheaten French Noble man Resorts to Violent Methods of Self Protection' fllr la-aacd W ire lo I vonlog Herald. I Pari, Much Jv Mariina d , Amodlo waa t. day ejected from hi Mipartmenra hy the court. The im I -hiiIh' wife waa Mia I ephlne W.iiu wright. a ri'latiie ol I'.llia WulnwrlKbt 'of St. Loui. He waa ulao ordered to ' give the three i lulilren of the mar riugn into the cuntody of thv miirchi oneaa. There have been dnllieRTff lllfllcn:- ' i.unny oi me iiiaiiina nun ' marcmoiii aa mr Home tune puai. lie. I"""' " 1 " , m"r,iu ! l" "", couria i..r a ji un e,miai.o.. ironi ma Ainei icaii w lie mi ncr re- turn to her apartment on the Avenue the Henri Martin Ihe man hloneaa louud that her huaband bad inxt.illcil him elf there. Shu Immediately limugn; proci-edlnga to obtain poHacRRion of her homo and charge of her ihrcu children. Till waa toilay ordered ..y the Jii'la The title of ihe mill' in." IR .i papal . one. The mam.ige took pin e eara ugi SCHOOL TEACHER IS MURDERED LITTLE FALLS i i Evidence fidence that Lydia Beecher was Assaulted then Slaught ered with a Knife. Man Un der Arrest. (Ily I eaard Wire to Fvenlrui Herald.) l.lltle Fill. N. 1 , n 111 boil.- of Mla l.liii.l Hi'.', her. a llU'l a. hool l. a. li. i of I. mil. N. Y . toiiinl amo ig Rome IiiihIii on the o i'. aim-la of l.iwu todav. Sin- li id been murdered with u knife. aM.u t'lnlv after h.iung been atlai ked. The young woman lelt her boardiiij hmiMi l.i "I lilgUl to mall a letter ai III'' village poRinlhce. When ahe did tou return aearch for hci waa braun. bui It waa not until today that tlic aod.. Waa found. Miaa Iteei her waa :' 1 cata old Th" authorltlr look a 111..11 into . i.i...l today Ha a auapeci. Hi name ia liaim, and he la aald lu hate been rr nlty exiu lled ll un a. 1 1 l Mir liee. Iici Tho aiithnritiea any lhal he na aeen talking with the young woman lat night. He could not be found at In home but waa traced lo Newport. M il mllea fiom the ie of the Hugely The eountiyanln haa mil hi en tlrred by anv ether crime am e toe murder uf i.iaie Hi own by l"nrier filllrtte In thia anotlon eight year ug i. EIIORMOUS New York Central Head Ex plains Cause Behind Din charging of Twenty-Five Thousand Employes. SEES NO PROSPECT FOR EARLY IMPROVEMENT Ceclares His Road has Suffer ed Gross Business Reduction of Ten to Eighteen Percent Over 1913. fly la-a-usl Wire, In I'.venlns Herald. 1 New Yoik, March : iiRmiii of ;r.,niin men Hie New York I'en Ir ' railroad ;me liecember I." aaid A. T. Hardin, vice prealdenl nf thai road today. "Ih only a barometer of tho company' hoalne. The reduc tion of force waa not arbitrary. It ciinie about gradually aa tralllc, main ly freight, declined, and I cunnol ae uric immediate pt oRpect that liualnc will pick up und Ihcae men com back to w ol k ." Mr. Hardin aald thla condition af fected moat of the c.ihlcrn railroad. I if Ihe i! ft, aa 'I men iliamlaaed aho'it l.".,iia men were laid off eat of lluf- falo and Hi, Him weat of Ruff nn. The rtilui'lion iifTe.'ted all hranche of th' erv l'-e. "Compared with 1H1.1." aald Mr ll.irrlln. "Ihe buKinen of Hi la year ol thu New York Central auffered u re din lion of from X lu In per cent. Th reduction of the vorking force haa been on the aanie ratio. DEPUTIES FIGHT E. CAIL jjdahaye Leaves Room During Rochette Scandal Hearing, Indignantly Slamming the Door. (Ily la-anil Wire. In Fvoolnf Herald.) I'aria. March 'is A alormy aeaalon f the lomuiittce of the chuiuhcr ot leputle mi oat ignliilK the alleged illin- ii.ii coniic Imn wlih the poHtpone- mi'iit or the trial of Henri Itochetl", the Frcu.'hm.iii ch.iigeil wilh derrail l Ing the public of million of dollar, ended todav In Deputy JuIch IX'l.i- haye. u member, b-miug the room a ml aliimmlng Hie dour Indignantly. The committeemen were aharply II v ided in Ihelr view aa to whether KrfifBt Moiua. former premier, and JuRcpli I'.iiII.iiix. f .rinir minlRter "I lliiiiiice, Rhoiiiil bf. leiiRiiicd It ia lull.. ml lhal Inl.ill.iji- will re. p!kii iom the cotiimlttcc. A i.iliitii't cotnicll w.ia held loilav to iIim iir Ihe ilill. lie polllual Rilllalion broiiglit ahoiii oy the Henri Koi heite Hi'undal anil the Rhooiing of ilaaton Calnicllc. edllof of Hie Figaro. Mlllallle C.llll.tllX, tile UR.lRlil of M Cnlni'1 If. epilit Ihe day leadiliX novel in SI. 1 jinn re prioii. I iiiiiIn king Improicl. I.or Anael . i 'al . March crick W W ci el ha.Mlm-r. tin iii 1 1 1 lotia ire who n mil a R. l cl 1-1 ul Iii la k lioinc, raR.oti'Ua. wa rt'. iroCll l.lll.ll. He WilR clll1g I. bui hiw ili v. an i a'lvanitMl Hae iii.i.l'. h ..utv ,i I'loi . ,.- Fred .icl it. ill Knoll I tin com -.1 lux bl'.w Escapes 115 Year Sentence to Be Eccltrocuted Arkansas Negro Pardoned by Governor from Record Pris on Term to Give Way to Ex ecutioner IHy l4-asl Wire, u Periling Herald.) LlUle I.'., h. Al k . .March A lew miuuli a alter reciv - lug a pHiil'Ui from lioicrnor llavcM. w tilt h releaaed Illlll flolll a llj-iear miiIcii.c rie.l I'd- f Ion. fiegro. na eli-cll ocutcil lo- ilu, it the alale pctniciil l.irv h.-ic for killing Mm m.i I'alloil. luKicaa. whom he iiiiinlereii to a obtain IHiy cent. There wua a iiucaiioii a to the legality of ihe i Ii . t lot ill ...ii if 1'clion un- f ul ult.r he hail Relied hia 111- Reniciiit, and li.r Una leu- Min the pardon waa granted. MM li READS NOVELS cTmVr Strikers Open Fire on State Troops Stationed Near Ce dar Hill and Camp Mar shall is Wounded NEGRO STRIKER IS KILLED BY S0LDIER3 Quiet of Past Few Days Brok en by Bloody Outbreak in Ill-Fated Colorado Coal Re gion Hy l.cac Wire, to Krcnlnj Herald. Trinidad, t olo., March St. Jame Johnaon. a negro, la reported In have been killed abort ly before noon today by a detail or mllilluinen engaged In aeurch for tho uaaallanta of Clinloil Itoblnaon, mar alia I at lliiatiiiga, who Wua ahot and aerloiily wounded eaily today while attempting to que 1 1 a dla turbuiice at the camp. Johnaon la Fa nl lu have been with a party of alx men nnd report are conflicting na to whether they were alrikera or niln- era. The- military aulhorlliea firat. re ported that Itoblnaon w.ia ahot by atrlkera w ho were picketing the enmp. At union heudiiuarter no report hita been received. Johnaon I aald lo have len work ing recently at Dclugun and came to Haatliiga late laal night. Following the ahooting of ltohln o nhe eacaprd Into the hilla and a detail of atute troop In command of Lieutenant Laurence aturtcd a aearch for the fugitlie. The negro I aald to Have opened fire on tho aoldiera und wua killed hy the return fire. The nillitlaiiicn then puraued and captured ix other who are tuw being held newr Tn ' siiaco. The troop are patrolling the hilla in the vicinity of Cedar 11. ! ml Tuiiuuco. fAIIJ' .M.VIIaHAL SKKIOI H ONMTIOX Trinidad, Colo., March 2H. Culled to a houae occupied hy r.rgro coal minera ul llaalinaa. a Vlcior-American coul camp, abort ty after midnight laat night. Lump Mitrhal Clinloil Itoblnaon wn ahot through Ihu atomuch und probably fatully wound ed in a piNtol duel with J.imea John Bon. whom he aoiighl to place under urreat Tor diaturbunce. u la ulleged that JohiiRon opened fire upon Hub liiRon the (OKI. int he entered Iho houae. Several ahota were llred, olio bullet Inflicting Hie aerloua wound. The inaiHlial fired aeveral Hhola iri return. Johnaon made hla cacapa from Ihe houae after the ahooting and la atill at large. A herlff a pnaae and a detail ot iinlillu have been Rcnuiing Ihe aurrouudlng country Rime an early hour The wounded olllcer waa removed In the Sail Itufu.'l hoRpltnl here Una m lining and iiiiderweul un operation for the removal if the but let. Hir cuiiditlun I aerloua. mi Kits ori x rrK ON TIIIMIM AT KIVH HILL Trinidad, Colo., March ;"i Strik ing minera attacked the detull of alale troopa lulled ul Cedar Hill near l.u.llow ahortly after 11 o'clock toduv, according lo a report received at local military headquarter Tha aoldiera. In ' harge or Iieutenant Luureme, returned tho fire and one atriker ia aaid to have been kUle.. ;nd wo wouudi'd. Major I. J. Hamroi k and a pari of oiticer left here ul once in auto mobile for tin. rich. f the reported trouble. Militiamen hive gone into the hill in un effort to effect the cap tore or the atiai king party. Troopa aer being coin eutntied at lhal p.iinl. ARMY APPROPRIATION BILL CARRIES BIG INCREASE THIS YEAR (Ily l.-aaed Wire In F.colng llnral-!.? W ii mIi i iia,-i n. March 'I lia rctutic p.iRRi'd the annual army ap piopnution lull today earning 1MI. 7. .I). oini an. .ul 1 7. bun 'Hoi than ihe houae bill and about the R.l Ml" amount mrr th- laat urmy appio 11 l it ..'ll bill I would not )iej to i n w bta; nu ri'HiK'i.,' announced Senator Thorn a, thuiociat. of Colorado, "were It not fur ihe disturbed condition on the outln i n I'l'tiler." German police Officer suspended from duty on blackmail charge l lvaxd Wlro lu Fveaitng Herald.) Fr.i - oil -i he- Main, tiei maiiv , March . Commlaaioner r hmldt, head of Ihe police department for 111 aupprcBRion uf V li . wua aURpended tud.iy on chalge of blui klllall. The Inwa'.iaallon of ihirgea Hut the "morula police ' had been aecret li' lec.'iv inx money for the pioiection nl diaorderly reaort. ha been la progn-Ra tor munth. S hundl wua implicated In the aiandal b the t ca tion. nv of a woman who reiealcd an extenaiv ayateui of blai kiltai! tilt police.