Newspaper Page Text
TODAY'S NKWS TODAY Yo h In ll IIKH.W.H. IMtf Cnita non I h or IS crnta a wvk di4l-etl I your tlor fifty emu hjr mall. 50 Wagonload of Tilth Out of One Alley. Reform Ward too! - - - " - -iri-am rvxruvwnji TIUIH7NJCCITIZRN. Vol. It. Mo. It. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, AFRIL 10, 1914. Tin: ki.m in iiAi.u VOU 4. Ml. -. VILLA AGAIN SAN PEDRO TRENCHES Reports He ii Back at Wok on Federals with Re-El-forcements in Streets of Town HEAVY LOSS IN OIL PLANTS AT TAMPICO Several Big Tanks n vuc and Oil Running into River Sixty Women and Chil dren on Warships. (Hy I-hmmI Wire) t IX'nlnir Herald. Jilalc.. Mi Hi i). A Til la. An oftl oiul rcp.ul trnirt ticn.-rul Villa rc poll I he retiifotccil tebola imam utlui ki ll s.m IViiro tnd.iy and the) win. I ik til i hk n I In- atreet. ltlt. Vw M ItK MM llllll ll. I'Ol.lO Is l-.i I'ua... Tex , April If- tii ni'inl t'arrunxa i i.naidei that hia foreign I'nlii y haa been Juatitled In a chII itiiiilc upon lino by II. (. Mvlo. Uin tah conaul lit l-.l I'uho. to r"iit'il Unit irrtui'i 1 1 r 1 1 ii- H ow mil ininltiK 'iol' u ly ill ri'lii l ti'intoiy tic in otci icil. In thia hi n 1 1 ' ii I'cilro F.iio lu, oiiHilintioiiiiiiHt to i Hint i r of fori Ian affiiiip. toilay inaucil u al-ttcnicnt aa lollow: Tlif llrlttnh cotiaul amku lo nif un oftli inlly nminliiia IiiUiim of liritlnh !ilJi'i t. 'Miin In (he ri-K.ilt of our H'litinlc aaaiimi'il In the lli'iitoti niFe, of not anawcrinK rircM-iitiit lona Inn .It the Ami'iii.m Rot eminent In ram,, of f.ililKlielH who Hie Itol Ainerti-ariH We coiialiler Unit the lira! niaRla trati! rum oliliiineil a ililomntic Mi -t.nv which la jimt and In united on in lcr:ia lonnl law. "The I'.riiirh cunaul wiia Riven rirrv i onunli'iiillon mol toilav I ahull take (ilesouie In aiiprin hia re reaeiitallona in acioriliinic with tho i i.o of the fliKt in.iKlMtriite. Knit- luml K'yea an m.iniile to the rent of j the mil. ohm who have not iithiiiiih'iI i the comniiuiioniiliKta in 1 1 r n ! ii 1 i.,,reH.,iiativ, mii Kd.iiv-a them-1 HflM'ti unoinri .-illy lo i lie htm iiiiiki tiuie in iiiiitii ra tea.irilina Hrlt lnh i It I- I xellt If nil (Hi'iniiiilili. wire to: I'l.Tii'l lii inn maniK-r It would re- ault In i otiiili'ralile iitti'ntloii ti their i la i m a and rei'ri'M iii h I ton" made in j iH'hiilf of llletr i Itletl". llml llllxi would in i.l.l Intertu et.ilioiia iilioiit the. KlHIIll Willi h tile tirl OluaiMl.Ui- I ilk IB , wtin h it Imaed on JiiHtu t' inl riuht "1 i iirruiiM imiiimn. id that' he would nium Inn hcHdiiim n r lo hihiiahuu tomorrow. ... . . Ill l.ltri Jl r l l.ll,l.f MHri Mtll N'oKnleM. fonorn. April l'i - i-uiinl- Iiik hlindtolded on the hnnk of nr.ivea open I., reieivv Iheir l.o.lie.. r ran- i i n o Kimlren Mn-I Joae M litinolm, iiiemlii-rN of u Huertit Junta on the American mile m the line, v.ere i-xe-cllled In the cemetery here at ll.iwtl today li a firltiK I'imiirea wu laplllled M'tenil lln uo while clir- rylnil a tiiinaiine from the Junta lo liiitiolm, who wan then nt Monte. unm. shots srrr niti: to .iii t Wll lilt W Oil. IU.M ItMllltM WuahiliKtoii, Aptil ll I oullnui d flkhtlllll Ml Talllpico. wi.h .treat ll.llll HRe to the uliuilila property thete, waa reported to the alate department and ii.iy department today in dia- p.ili hen from the vurioua wumhlpai on Ihu Mexuan t'oaat. An official aliileiin til al the alate department de i r la d the aituaitoti aa lo thu oil property tn Ihm way : "rvcrul oil la ilka have hern atrui k. one la on lire mid oil la fuiiimiH into the riMi. A numlier of retliReeN Hie till llie Walnhipa." 'I he fik'hlltlK al Tuinpn u waa ile critied a a In-.ivy, wnh the rchola hi ;,..Ki'HMi.n of 1'onu t'ecelia and Ar HilRramle. , l;ear Admiral l-'letcher reported thai Iteur Admiral Mai had deliv ered unoiher leiter to t.t-neral Zar oaa uhoiil the ahota fired into the 1'ier.c oil plant li'iini Ihe lederal ru' i'oala. lireul le.ira are felt here that there may lie whoh aale dealt ui -lion of property. AHaiir.ime ir lei elM d that nl' Aim m an women and ilnldlcn hae In en R.iihend into placca of anfely. Ijilint rtpotta lo the iihnv depart ment were aumlnwri.eil in Una alate llielil : "Al i p. III. Thutadiy Admiral Mayo reported from Tuinplcn In Admiial Kletcher HI Vera Ctui that there had liven deaultory fmiiR aince d.iyl.rcak. Tu women hwv Inen leporteil haniteil for allcmptin. lo releaae priaoneia from the cuar lel. A rehel priaoner ha he. n re ported hanged for liuvlntf bullel III hia poaeaaioil." Al It p. in. Ailin'tal Mayo report ed further that there waa a lull in Ihe fiKliiiuu duriiiR Ihe afternoon. The Vera I'rna lomrd up lo Ihe X I ilnily of Tnl ml road al 3 p. in and did a e I il ma Thele wua alau aliRhl f. killing in tha trruchea near Altainlru. Admiial Mo haa delivered an other letter In (len.riil .araoaa n laiinu In ilaoiiige . Riinlioata In Ihe pierce oil pin m. An oil lank al Ar holaiiinde wua on fir at S. XII. "Hixty women and ehildret have I. cell taken on board Ihe IX Monica aiul ail Amen an w imiar and i lill dren hae lieen l.rouiihl up from poima m the river l.elnw Ihe city, ixcepl at lilUna. Thoae who wete there have Rone a hoard tfie Herman I. ink, HaiK. Admiral Mayo empha- Will Vote Sum on Calling Off the Strike Michigan Copper Miners will have Referendum with View to Ending Lonjr and Costly Struggle (Hy Ii-aaetf Win. to IVrcnliut llcrahl-1 I'aiumet, Muh., Ai'iil l'i. t'np-i county l.i' nf i ho Wcn rn Fed eration if Minim voted today tn lake a referendum vote on the itui-ation ot calling ulT llu- atrike which ha he.ti waged here ime July J3, 11.1. The vole will he taken next Huiiiliiy mid llu r.auli u imiiiii. i'il on the IXIIcim iiik dny. 1 hi' in linn nf III local ,cault.d reports of tin- dialilit ollb i n which were mi limit tori to live meet lima In lil In Mini. iih part of thr nrlke .illntrli t Ii win a i id that Ui' illmtii t uttli i r tnliiritii'il i hi- men IIihI nn mote I'lirii'i'ttNliirm could i peite.i from tin- mining i iiini.Hiii. It wua ii I mi atutcd Unit thr unlnu ami tll' wa tolil that the com panic have a mil. nun elghl-hoitr ilny ami lime im to hour at levamc )nh weckf. Iti-i oRnlt Inn of I hi- union, they Inn been atpniir.intly refused. It wua reported ihm aoine of the iililnn member i ri(irlz'il ilif nlll' ort for not propoaing the referendum nnmth nun when there wa better dinner of their obtaining work. I'iiIitmiIoii Xlii -or (iiroP. iK tner. Aitll 1 "Tlie act Ion ol the Mli hlaiiii I.ii'iiik of the Werlern I'eilcr. itlon of Minim to take a rel erinduin i.te on the iiiii'Ntlnn of end Int. the (.Hike liieeta Allh the elltl.'e .il'l'rowil i.f the federation iitTt'-er. dci lured h.iile II Mn)i t, I'UkkIi iU ol' the oiK'Hiixiillon today. He (ili tin I "Tlii- menthrra of the lu'-al iieriil ml to call the utrit'e hy a referendum iote. The olTinra and (tcneral foil- eration merely went to their aait anre and hutc done the lo-at lh"y (oiild in Ita londiut. If the men w ih to end the utrikr. ai ieit mg the H-hour day and wave Imreiiae. two of their chief demiiiid. and waivinu the iiuenlor of r"' oKnliii.n, their de rlaion mill have the aiiroval of tin llelieral otflier. "If. however. Ciey vole to continue the atrlk. the Rem ral federatimi Mill pctlnue to pupiM.rt them." Mr. Mnyer atatcil that the iitiern tora had advertlaed a minimum wait nf I! a duv. He cmi)i. mixed the fm'l that (he memhera of the loial had railed the atrike and had full iiower to fi.'iaa on tile iiuentlon of whethi-r It ahould he continued or ended. CONFESSES MURDER OF WIFE FOR LOVE OF HIS STEPDAUGHTER til l'aiwil Wtrn lo lTvriln llera: I ;.. nlilllK. III. 1 l -- Coliet I HUKina ideailed kiiiIix in the M.-r'ir oum circuit coin! today In Ihu In- hia w ife. Iliaiiina utkil tor the nu ll 4 I of thi court. Julia Klake. HlKKiim' hl.ida iiKhler. ,,.r .,x, ,,f whom In- w.m annl to have killed hia wile. t arriimucd ( (),.r ,,, ,.v (, A ni,,.!, (,.rniied lo ,),,. ulhi iiln ilv of a coiifewn.n h in,,.,, ,, which nlie an uwd II iKKilm I f L.ii,, her m..i her The vecoiid 1 1. unt in the Inili' tmeiit of Hiiiuina. i iim i'i tiloR tila relattoliK with .Itilia Klake. waa dlmiHaed JudKe niinxtead mid he would pru noiim e aenteiice next Tiiemla). TOLLS HEARING IS POSTPONED TO MONDAY (H trmmt Wire i l-.vrnlnj rlerahl V.ielilnf;tiii, April in. Hchiiiik heforit Ihe achate can committoe ill the repeal of the Panama t'dla ex e.nptlon wete poaiponed today un'll prolinldy Monday. At Unit lime aeiiulora who have t ropoaed auliatiluica for lh I Sima hill will in tie their plana and I.. T. I humhcrlain. commliu'oitier of navliciitioti and Judxe Thomaa llurke a inemlier of the Seattle thiiinlier of commerce, ulao may apfiear. The eommntee a declalon to pot potie hearliiKK aroie from the fa 't ! that reireentatiea of l'a ill. i nuM cimmertlnl hodiea who wih lo 'r- I Kent iimumeiita cannot arrive for aev ci al day a. AMERICAN WOMAN IS HONORED BY BELGIUM lly la-aacd Wire to Fvrnlnir Herald.) Denver. April !. Mra. Ilelle n dorn liarlierl. prcitiileitt of the Inter national t'oiiKieaa of Knr:n Women. haa heen dec. .ruled with the i r ol Ihe inil.r o Agriculture ot llel.iiim Notllnatloii of the award wan re ceived here In. lav from I'. I'cVtiyfct tnlnlater of agriculture. INVESTIGATING DEATH OF CHICAGO PUBLISHER (It taa1 Wlra lo r.wmntnw Ilaralil. Ilea Moltiea. Iowa. April III I'olice are today Inveailaatlng Ihe deiilh HerniHii Zimmerman, aon of William K. y.immeniiaii. oianaaer of a pnaiil nenl I'hlcHMo pllhllKhlPlI holme, w hoee liodv wua found on the llmk lulu nil railroad lrnck here laat inkht. The hod) waa Identified loduy. wwwwvwvAAAWaiPiAiav lae that refugee Ocalre refuge, not removal. " Her el iv lianlela an id thia morn ing that ha hud not been Informed o the inaiiHlice hy Admiral klayu of any iillimiitum lo il;e federal com mander al Tamplco to rruM funis Irnlii the RiinlHiat Into tha ciiv Monterey la raid lo ha quiet. CHICAGO MAYOR DOT HAPPY III ELECTION RESULT Carter Harrin. in Albuquer que this Mornine, Says Women Helped Defeat His' Big Improvement Plan WILL TRY AGAIN FOR I GREAT SUBWAY SCHEME' Chief Executive of Nations Second City to Return Soon for Outing in Santa Fc and Taos "I'l.lilu Ml edliol iala no longer ln- llueiii e the Ameiicun people. I lie public keep llatdf Informed on po-j mil al iiucNilniiH - miKhiy well iii- formed and fonna Ita own oplnlmi. it the new ui ii are powerful In iimulilinK puldic oiiiiion on iuentloli f iniinli ip..l fiiiaiu r. The people haven't either Ihe time or the llu lin- ttliill lo llit"l lll Iheinaeicea on am u luci-llniia. and acept what the ncwa- iaera tell tlielli " Thua Mayor l arter II. Harrison o' 'liicaKo philoi-odiieil ill the rahla Fe Hull. in Ihm moiinnit in reviewing H" Iii II. .11 rtaillla III the ae. olid city of llle I tllteil M.lleh laai liimino. i r huiiKo exeiull.l Wllh hln Boll. I ar- , icr II Hal i mon. jr.. wan on nm in the iliatid i anyoii on Minna I" train No. ;:. wlmh arrived here on i iiiiv al II JO. The mayor and 'ar-i lor. Jr. were looking over rim in ihe llarvev j.toro when it Herald re pot ter dlBcov i red 111- in. At the i leiilon in I'hii ami on Tuea- j lav hood iHxiO'H aKKieKatlllg aolne :hlllg like $'.l.iilol,lini were defeali'd . lid a piopoMiion lo I. mill aiiliwuva wua dlaapprnv ed hy uli avalanche or ole Women a olea ligurea mrgeiy , ill the renult "How did the election atrike you, iniivor'."' wim the iuetlou that Hiiro-j din ed the BUhJei I "I n Id n't enjoy much." aaid Mr. whimaliul -in U iictler next lime." the revull ery HarilBon with a "We ll liy and do Then hia (m urrw grave. "I wanlud to build a olg Buhvvay viein nr t'hicuHo mid I wanted orne money for (iiildlc improv emeiit The people ilidn t eeem to cure lor either proioaiiioii. Well, they won t (i I the KUhwavB and they won't K1 thi ioroveini.niB. "I did my la m to make the tnihUc ice thlllKB In Ihe nalil lluhl. hut it waa no u"e. All I In- paperK 'xcept II i.i lai n were auaiimt lis - the Tri liuiie, the llci old-llciuld mid the rent - any they thing. The men look their opinioua ttom the paper, und ao did lti: ladii-a, uppur- elllly " Then the I'hl. ami executive tlimmllt fully ihlliiani'hied on Ihe telatlnn of new ppapcr eililoiiiilN lo pulilic opin ion Ha ii in i til in the opt lung para graph. "We hud our aim re of ihe prohhin preaenied I'V Ihe uiiempliyed Una winter." aaid the mayor in reiporme (o another lUcHtioh. "tnil not the uilne aort of tlolilde that they M-ellt lo have been experiencing Yolk, line until old atari In New I oiaanmioa IO ItllTl.V IO llllll' 11 iiowo inwo, oi'i l ie I" nee .tn a a.o, to .,. ai B.iri "i i mul ill a nuin .i-w 1 o H iii.iill' lot- illlrl.ike of tioiiiil iiiik Willi Die ilm nrdi rly elenn iiib. We aipii h lied Ihein it Ihe atatt. and nlier thai the pioti letti of caring for Ihe worthy pour ana unt oinplli utt'il by thun der. "We hail plentv of ittiouiplov ed. too. The mtinii tpul bulKitig holme WllN filled to ot i-l I ioW'llis und we had to ime two At one lime we hail 3. Sao hollo li-hti Inen on i.ul' handa t hey alepl under the munii Ipul lietiK .Ih wi'li aa on them und weie glad of the accommutt.ii inn. Wo put plain -lttthea policemen at work and tripped ap llie ho'toca among Ihe upplu aula, to that our getit-iai hiiudltug of Hie .llualii.n waa preity am j t -bIiiI. We en nil for all thnno apituaiitM who llt'eded Mild tlfBi'l'ved aid, pltivbllllg Hiil'l er. hrt nkf ml, work on Ihe alreeta ami raiirouii line, linn ine ollliT nan "i .. .-i'i, m i i.- M-nt t tov llrldewell." The mayor dropped pohtoa and tiiunii I, uil pi'oblciiia to ,mk how' the road were. Will M-ll TaiM loiiuly. "I'm a crank uhoiil Ihm coiiiitrv." he a.iid. He apoke Willi real eniliim ihmii. "Thia la my eighlceulh trli over tha Pallia Fe. and I am Rolnu to keep on coming hack whenever I act the chalice for a holtdu). on thm nip we'll Bpcml a few dava around (he liraiid I'anyon mid tnen awing back to go up to Simla Fe and I he Taoa coiuiliy. We won't do any hunt ing or IIbIiIiir. J'IM like u fen pic ture one ol my reuaona for taking Una trip" the mayor amiled al voung Mr. Ilarrlat.n "la to t-lmw my a..n the Injuua. Ilea paxai-d lliinuull Indian country' on the li.iln. hut Unt la hia firat trip lo the rouda and trail that lead to the reacrv ai loim " A h atopped alioanl the train Mayor Hairiaoti aunl he would make a apei'lul ertort to time hia return irip an that he could apend a d ly or two in thia tity. WILSON SPENDS EASTER AT WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS Hy lanaetl Wire tn i:rnlnu lleriild White Sulidiur spring. April Hi. rrealdent Wllaoil with Mr W liai.ll and member of their f.ini'lv arrived hera ral ly Imlay to kpelld r aaler The preaidrtit plana to icliirn to WaahliiRlon .Monday. Jahre In ApM-aU l imrt. I'arm. April It). - - Victor Fabre. chief public proBci utor, who reBigii d In 1 oneiiien. e of hi eoilliei I mil i .1 1. Ihu iim' -i a iri'iit ir the trial -if II. nil 11. 1 1. 'ii. alleg I in iinllui today waa appointed vlce-praldiit of the court of appeal ut Alxlea Ji.ilii". IS LEFTY I UIS IHU DEFUSES PREPARES TO GET RIGHT WITHGDD Bloodthirsty Gangster Ad- vises Former Pals of th; East Side that There is no Chance to Beat the Game SENDS OUT SERMON FROM DEATH CHAMBER mai jriort to te wads 10 day to Induce Governor Glynn to Delay Execution Until After Becker Trial. lljr laawnl Wlro lo I'vmlnn Herald. New York, April 1j. An affidavit purportiiiK to ealitliliah mi ulild for "liiiao Frank" t'lrolicl; a note from Frank Mosa, foriner duti ii I attorney. Httui km thu crulihilily of two witiicaaca nl the trial or fhallea llecker und the gunmen; and mi al leged dmi repancv 111 Ihe declMon of the court of iippcula a huh rcveimd llei kel 'a coliv Ii tloii. wer" the pollltB ni. out w hich i ouimel for the gunmen, id omeil lo iiie on Mi. ml . lor the mul tier of Mi i inan ceti l.teil the tight today. The ailiduvil, that of "Pit. uc" Hoe, enu.loyi it in a Harlem dame hall, who wwcai that he aaw "lnutii Frank" far from the ai-ene of the muiiler ulmiii the lime it waa coiniiiltti d. waa mailed to Hoy trtior tllv fiii hy apodal no aaeniter. The note w liten hy Frank Moan Li'licct lltltg the two Wini'wi-H, l.ul'ull mid .MaigotlB, waa in the hamU of i'. 11. F. Wuhie, the gun men a chief c-ounai'l today . "Mr Mox. note." aaid Wahle. "ahowa thai he didn't tiel.evc l.ul.iin wan trolhlul. Vet he pb" -. linn on the Mtaml ua a w H neia. We hh:ill gi't Una note before the governor an Boon IIB poNlllhle. If W HKMttl fall to IlluV'e the governor then we will uppeil to gome juaticu of the allpieinc court." ll l.lTY HM IK Tl llVa TO ' 1'IIIVI.II VH iltsi: I FiiciiiIh of the tour iimiiiii.ii. bih lencid to die tn the biirtc chair .it Hitig Sing pi'lKnii .Monday; for the iniiiiler of the ttn in liler. Herman i ItoHt'iithal, toilay baKed their ll"l'n for a reprieve for th iiileiniied men on the allt-K'tl cv lilcii' i- dmi ov i-i i d iiy F. i:. M. Ittowne. a I. trim r ranhl. , w hh ll he way pleplilcd lo prcseiit to 'a Bilpleme Court Jlllee today, to gether with an appliiatinn tor a new trial i I'hm ev iilcncc Mr. liiowne Biibmit ;td lo lioveriior Ulviin in Alouny t i lerday waa u iiiemorainlum. Ita uu lhotihip w aa admiiteil Ic- I rank Monb, 'until reeiiiilv .mHmiiint to Umtrut Al Itorniy Whitman, who j.i osoi ulcd Ihe i gunmen. It read: j "lie t art-ftil ot anvihiiig from I.ti- : bun and Margolia." miii w :ih eetit I' former tioveiiior Sul.i. who at th 'tunc w.m prepariiiK l"i hia tor i impciii'litm-nt w lo ii n wua rt pencil that 1 .11 I'll 11 Hll'l Mala-lm were to he einliloveil to xeek e 1'li-nce III I'. l, . II ... Kniv..r 1, 11 hull kcr un.l ii w aa u w Unci- au llll lie. K ll ll l it 1 1 nlnl ; M:itgollH ugalfmt Itei'k' . !' Wahle. ' ...itiBcl for th . Kiiiiiiien. tt.tlay pre p.u r lit Ml a I'pca I Iii 1 1 ov c I Ii . atay of cxe'-iitinn ut'.lil i.r trial. lie haecit bl the Bignal'irea of ten ! w ho ll led the guhlni 1 for executive cli'lMt'ln the fin I I hat the com t , dmcre.lltt il the It-Btion III the tltulh hii!'i- men receive their u i hold long coiitfit-tit t-t-it na I ail v mere To h if I "W hlley LcvvIn" St-i.1. id. IV reiterated tol i time ttial he w.m niii" d to ton ke III "i iil mi for ..Iter the lleck i iirguiiietita on of the Juror 'i to nil appeal v. It ml mImi "f lippeiils had "iv nl 1.1. n il ilie coiolt-liili iiivea dully and .I h t hen epir-I'lotlu-r Mniro-i-imhner yealir i he hundredth i . nt. dty la. urn Hum nhlirg Belli 11 jWord of , Kfll.gHler the F.iel Wat mug ami advlt-e lo hi and gllllOli-l' UBHt it ' i.i 1 1 h in Bide llllolU'li II.llil.l I... 1. 1 j Pi,.n. hH Hpil'ltllal lit r. He .hi I WHIll vou lo till .11 the Ii llie l.aat aide that llu i uni t beat Ihe game. I lu-v are iohk,m the I in. uli'. I Ih'iliiilit Hi.' I Waa am. nl er than otlnia. Tell ihein that ih avnag'iune la iheir I" M liome mid 10111 IB llli'ir heat llieml. WILL INVETIGATE SUDDEN DEATH OF CHICAGO RICH MAN (llr la-aacd Wire lo l-.tenlng Herald ) 1 no ago, Apiil l'i - v In 11 h 111- iiueat today into Ihe - i.lilcn, . Kelaruey If. Ioildt 1 n.o k, million. 111 niieet railway ami, ...i 1 1 lor and foimer uK.i'm.'le of i h.uli I. 1 1 idea, wa" ii'd until A 1 1 1 17 In give an opportunity lor". or portion of the l. . I . II. ii. W Itciiihart, coioiiei' B phj alt Inn, a pnai ninrlt 11 cxainii... i .oil t.ul.ty am Haled thai there vvtl. niilpal i ina Ihil Mr. laiuderhatk Inial.t have ill Iroiu all pverdoatt ol a (lecpiug p lieu. KING GUSTAV S CONDITION IS SATISFACTORY By fjrauaNl T i I'rralnc Herald. 1 Stockholm. Kwe.lii' Aoill la - IKibg ilimtave'a coiiilii "h Wua "eaila fu. lory" totlav. anni'i ng to the am gi-ooa who o,ei-atfd y.-lc-rdlty lor tin llellef ot ulteri'tloll ' the Blniiiaih their liulliliii ihm h" riling a. ml: "111 paaai I a tUlet night leepiiig three hour- He aiTliii'l aoniv pain, whli ll. Ii. .vever. ilid not mieifeie wnh (he en i litullon uf Hie wound The king wa- al-le in tuk water and ten wnliuui any ill c I feci. TO DIVULGE ITS FINANCIAL SECRETS Counsel for Trouuled Railroad Declares Commission has Exceeded its Powers in In vestigation SAYS CONGRESS HAS NO RIGHT TO INFORMATION Fact that Billard Company May Owe Road Many Mil lions None of Commission's Business He Says flly Win t'iilnti Itct-nltl. WitMiltiKtoti. Apt ll I" Man- iliintUH priM imIiiikh li (nitijM'l lh H t ill ll I Kill i llt HH II III! (M'l'H 9 u iIImi m ih'ii iiiiKH ' twi-4'ii th New Mitt'ii iiik. tin' lliihit'l ritinptiir. YkiM In m ii'lcil iiniiini iat l ! the In- (vrtJi ti i it i (i i iu r v 4-iiiiiMiiHiiiiii. Chief 'i,iniN l Folk inmnin oil ll.itl he uittiltl tiinx lh- irt)i f'iiiitKH. itt) iil at w llu i n. Mi ilci i-lin am ut Ihr frul f a mm-mhuk u( iX- II lr ((UI Ml II1H lntl'lHll (1 Id 111" v'!'.. i vnli'in t n ii ilc.iilMM-i invnhinK Mlllll.-IlM I 1 ..ollliIH. Mi llu- atlv i I f ihfir Mitiiiin-- Iht'y ih tiH it Hi rifcfhl nl ttu-' ri'llllm I' t' rulll- iiii.-mImii iu Iti-iuirt' iniu th ari.iim lii twri'ii tile ("lul'ahy mul III"' rii!fiui1. Ihu Ih1 linMiit ;i i Hi hi i n l IIhti iriluiMi!t that I hf t-Ht iiimiiy t i hiu l' i I . -Sii-lli'ii, iurim t (.UMili-m if I 111' I I.I M l l r Htf in, inutil t- tllaf'l 'ia:t ih nuiiuim.1 u( Iht inamiainUM I 'lint-M, Va-hiiv't''t. April I - Ktitthir in iiiim into tlx hnamial alluiie f tht; i' lfin railiiKi Ih'Kiiii h thf t iHintiirrc mm iii in!"!! iinl.iy niii r HfVfial ui-ckn n( invfHtiuu tinfi ir th IhhiK- ! tint t'MMip.iiky. Phc iii'iuiry. u:nh r i)h ilirf tiuii nf 'Mimiiinfi'tjH-r M 'hoiu, Ih hi'iii-t mad 111 t nitipliah'-f with ii w nu'f rtr-uliuiun lliri th iiiiiiiuhmuii tn U i h.p "II fu trt rtKHnlInR t hi Hjim i s li.tiiKini: i i.ihum tinim, thi pur h.iv- nf ilf iilMi'lnir pmp- Itlt-n, th iiimt.i y p. ml (r Un til Hll'l t hi -tii l u in-nt. nt ri'iiiinlHPt'MtH p. ml tnl- in Mil Mil t h- iriu.iM t l a in-ac t tllflM. Mi Mr hnid itiitiniim i'l that thi In ) I cliMd I I'd "t ii'lritinii id th' I'.il I tn- linn li : i i npfra -h.ivin WaiUiT t. i 1 hi- pi-iit inan (h iiii'iiuu that it prinrtpiil nuhj' t pr !'H W aM t tn d nilnl In tH'IIM if I h .-w It m-. i mm "i I ( .'iVl'ltlfllt, KiHl Jll W(IH till' M.. i-i' i h.tii man Kllimt t '' Willi tin- rlliliilrMnn Mild i in nt-h nil iit wmut ton. Many hip"h'. pifidift f th- Mi M liiintH atiiiiinl Im iik i,( New Mavi'ii, i'inn. t h tn mi 1 1 n. h., r f Hni d to t"M if V .1- tn his 'mi-i.m -t n Liiiliik w it Ii th Millard riillip)ili 11 xatd tit- Y,nt nut lu'W a n(im khidih r tn that i nin p. I In httt hild hi I 11 up to I. Of titll. J ud-f SI Hilda i d. i i 'litis 1 l r t he .. Ma i ll, i X pla iin-d M r W hlpph- f ip-rlinilUna to aH.sHi-r It .1 1 ll ijlicl' IIhiih. " VV rhalh iik. Mm ihtH nf t h inrn-dn lion ol th- i iiinuiixMnfi " k I hi-, "to iii'it'iin iiiti jtiiv iii-t of ihi- Mdl.ud on i pa ii v . miii- .-it. iiM'n I" that iui h an i r . i u 1 1 viniil.t h. hi ymid thi- h up of Mi- i ' ii i in im 1 1 1 n author tlv. A iitK on i-Hin limtun m h.if (lii lili d to di-i hit to anriVKHl I 'if hum relating lo .-nn h inattrn " ' SlippOfl'.'' MIMlil Hti'd ' 'tlll'l IMlll- Hd 1-idK of tin "Mint ll tan tn- hIiuw n th it Ihi Milt. ml ihi panv iwtn thi Ni 1 1 it ti lailM'ad muii in i M lour ol dollai tin o ii think lh;tl il H hi id hi I .1 !! to fin lliiv I i' t Pi U l Ih' ili Mlie ot thi si'inip I rtr t h- int-ii in.itimi ."' "I i hm K.' 1 1 1 1 i i ti ; 1 1 I Jn.lui- J-i"d daid. "thiil Mil' ni'tnlr l.liiii"Ti hii" P-iif fill la.. -lid Mil poiAi'iH illur d thU 1 I Ml III lf III II III' 111 l llllfil l'r Ntilli.i ihi- , HltiliiiavMnn 1 1 t rniiavf lf Mr lim any p..wit tn it. iai- Mh I - ;.iii'nH, if ,i. of (in- inn. mi " .illtj I h- "i A li:ivt Ii A M't'M'H i i I'.l i-M li'lIM UdN put I" Will pi It llllt'tidi d tn iliAilfl t iii'l) T nf lu.ltMl.ll I l. t iHltpl tM-ttMtl I'll' Mil I i ! d nlli pa li a tnl thi' -Ni . ll.i fll nr Mu- Mill. nd i i.tiipiiity und Mn .Nim Kiiutiind .N ,i i i i 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . Hi d 1 ttiird In iiir-l..ii. in hiimu'I I 'willi!-! f a tl i.lllllllf-Hinll Ml(l M I' hippl I it-1 ti .lit t-i -ifi t..-, atllllpOI'lijl 1.1 11 n...k. do utm-nlrv iinl lonuaitH nf I lit- Millaid rmnpan. "Ai v 1 1 ptpiircd. ' pi- lii'iHiit d ' In piHitii' i Ihu' hin.kfi .Mid do li lt. fnl- '" ' I nm mil," hii'i l ii- pHiidi d and il t tun 'I t. i-tiv wlirihi t hi ! ini-ai u.i-i r Mm nut h.M.kM vnli' I"" hulkv To ii tun id Mi ini'ii a Mil- .-Vrinid N ili- l. il hit M.i rii .i i-i 1 1 ) I.i i Ptu ill tin preaiili't't of .UK 1. 1 Nil 'I'leat lotia wa In .inatvi'i- put. II- nl-rt d. l ii.d A H .XI a i lr....iii.T lliiwii. tpfMtit'd that th I'f Ihe eV load did not hnid f.u '.v ti;at en Hit Mni k. no a nl llie New l.iiv.,iil ciilui'.tliy' In. I nut "W ii all " ll ,1 i I.II...I i. .lis ol ,l.,lin I.. lard, or of the llili .i.l nim h. I.I l.y th" , a H im Ii in the -;ilW I.i till NaVlMatliill I ..111 m 11 1 " ' "i inly ail' h " replied Mi Mav we.e nei V In 111.- cninluil ti llii well New . "a a f the , in i ll a i l t In' i vv 1 I.i v I n 'In. I Ml. I lit I.. .1 till' ha ll'.tf t II"' New iMIltl.iliil .IV loll t olll- P. i ny i..r .'a. ; t : r.iui I lliink a..." n.i.liiihC be Uiiiiiut 111 1 1 .1 ll.n I mil W-i III t I in Ii. i I i ll will llie a. laiBlti.iii nf the lloaioii a. M nm Bin. K. Ml M.iv aald be km w notliluii .ll.nlll a llillllnll linllala aii.d In tiave h. . II !'.!. I over by Ihe . w I lim N.iv iaali. li i un.l v lo l'ill ir.1 I anion i ire I h . ul. New v.. .ll. April In Alra T. A Tannehill. I.nowu on the bi.ih.' for three Kent loua ua ".Nellie' Taiinc li ill. ul lor home t.erd..f of . nalya a. Flic waa I I viurri old. One on World Says Man on Scaffold Jeremiah Allen Hangs Today at San Quentin for Murder of Erring Wife ou Christ mas Eve. III? Iriii Wlro io r.tMUiM. nr!ii. .ni (jiii-niiti. ( al . April lo -hn I h da w Im Ii I hi If-t ml nn hat t i pa r ( ii i i inii ii-n ih i at t hi' i i ur i tlx i"ii id Ji'Miw I'hrli-l. ,'ii iiuuli Alh-n Mi ndi- up lh HiiIIhwm Hii-pM and pud with hm M ! f .i Mm iiiuidtr if ti Aif- nti 'hriHinnifi , MM. win Hth-nl fll lhi n aftnld. hut in htmi iailn-i, whilr "aililiK tn ht ailMl I ii i hiH i-ll he . "I in tf"iPat o MWitm tndu. und t think I luif Ihi' A"ild i h'-nUd t Mid " At Inn n ti r'iiit'Ht A'h n ni p-r-tnitid tn wviir tht- widdiirf rum with w hi. h In- h id hiiini d hm v il liniti i hi- nf fh.itiii and uluh Im had ftiund mi ht-r hand whi n, tralnu d a pat anion i ho hiid tn ki-ti her hu k t th- n. III, lit hnnt.d hf-r out .mil kilh'd In I . hi- Mnml oil the Mt alfidd Mn if Hhovvfd on i Ih mi alp a M'-ar piadf h Mif hiiHct Mh win h ht had Mud tn i-iid Iuh uaii lilf Pn niPitiMtfly iifii r i hi- murd-r n ht pm kl't. f M (if Hilltii il FMlllili-cly lo Inn H.'iiih, w hi a IK i h' hid will i fii to hi- p:ii ttnr, Jo4 fdi Unpp, iJim JaiiiiK Iiik foi'Kt i'imw nt thi riMuthfH who anh-d In Iun ruin l t mn and Ium -pint I will tn Nnrlftv. rmla I th" day fixfd hy thi 'ali form,, t-niirt-i for f-xfcnt iiiiih and whi-n Alh n vmn Hi'iit'-iii c.I Mi Ihi t that thin pai ti-uIni v ' Mlondy Kruhi " nun hHo tjoud Friday hud o ii hniki-d. COLD WAVE DOES HEAVY DAMAGE TO FRUIT IN FLORIDA Itjr lap.l Win I.. Kv.-i.ln ll-ral.l l i'' ..L H I... A 1 1 . 1 1 1'. - Hall and w itul ainiii".. ae oiupiinied to' n abaro all in Iclnpilature laal I ,hl. (ltd llllliv Uioua.llld llollal'B tlllllllKcN to uetahb-a and t (trua Ir.llt rnl I III . .il u lion t it'liiral Klorid l. MialiKc Xrol ea und loeliill and tomato IteldH aufft reil aev.-relv . -ioiilhi.-u Klor.da. however, while Ihe hulk of the pell Inaila iiirua IruiiH arc pi "ilin cil. ex perienced only a i I rain. KroBt III the atate waa confined tn the in.rih W'eaterti Neitloli. while rtopa were not tail f tit-It-ii 1 1 v mntiired to Buffer ma terially. The beavi.'Bt loaa waa In thia tloii, vv hit h waa awept by a .-dorm of in Ionic proportion. Houaea were iinl.inlt il. wiiiii.itva tilolkeu and Bev era biri;i' orange urnvea .lesiroved The melon crop in Una and u.Holtiimi tun, I li-a t he I i fit i' I nf t he III. loll lu ll 1 of l-'litfiibi. ih tielli-ved lo lie iilmtiat 11 loial I. t.corulu Macon. Ua. I'cai h , April l'r..i Sh f. l'i. I lulling!! t' flint in Sforgiu'B peach h niKht low nm i'. r. it nr". ll after lull v.iib rtmall aciordinv; to advnea re'eived tmliv Near-frec-flnn weather waa recorded In in:. ii v I'lii'-ea but a ollak wind .n tii toil fruit Ire.a on hmli around and Iroat tvan experletteed only in the low land-.. NEW JERSEY PROTESTS AGAINST RESERVE BANK LOCATION III. l... n t r-,,tn. I.aa.1,11 . i -1 1 1 1 1 k ! i . i . April in I'r sta u-.nh-t iii. hi linn Hiiilaon roiiniy. . I ill Die I'llllad. Iphlll leginll.ll H" B-rve dl-Mlli l ltl-t.-.l.l nl Ihe .-.ew V"lk diatrut m.ik ui.ide (o .Sr. letnry M - .ibio loilily by Cepleai lit illti'a ll.llll lltnli a-nl Mr. Mi'Aib.o told the coiigt ca-.iii.'n tb. i! the lelaiioti of Nc.v .leraey ha nka wllh Now York would nut be dlatiirh- d by the f.n t Ihi V b ad In ell pill III tin- I'lnln. If Iphiti iti-irl. t im .i tb. ii tin ir imni' will he kepi .it I'h l aiiciphlu nf at N't W' Vol k. lie ma.le Ii plain thf orgi'il .it nil iii iii it 1 1 haa nn i it -ii 1 1. .ft .,i lev i-'. ; the Hat nf twelve illalri'l . und .Hies ii'cnilv aim. nun id. I'lnl. fl-i mav be heart! by that i nn,. ii il it e .in t he only h a-lied . h. un;. a U in a. rv e ho,i rd V i t o I'lialdilit W'laofl. to t hnae w h i " federal re. ul ii", nli d by tin' in. xk WllBll'llgloll. Hit. In i k tin! i re. .Ill' mn i alb. ' niiiiiiti ti ".-r I H.'-.dulloii. AIUII H Sep, . i , Ii l it . .1 i.ia--.ig. 1. 1 h a ig on tin. org. i n i.. 1 1 mn .11 U e iial.i m; w in h it n led til I think in. i kilu' the hel i i..n ll. I IW aa vinllttt'd .n hHlllt III Cltlea i.-v -r and net er :l Mi llii.ti- inakllii; with w h Ml d.i "in nm n it i. i It 1 1 1 1 hit. In I in k Mn ll ilia lea' nf Wv.,1 h.iha.ia I'ltt Si :i ii . r l: ' b-' . i.iinn.: ; U in .,1 v in e.l i ho oiin,' in Iiciiti: a'ta'-l prn d tn inie i.i ,,f i hn aipi. i i d of MIaolll l defi il a. I i ill. SEAL PELTS THOUGHT TO BE FROM LOST SOUTHERN CROSS (lly liraartl Wire to TTvetilnf llerald.l SI J. hn- N I- . Apr I in pells Hiouiiiil in linn' toon: finin Ih-lllla-il'g ae. .III. u aleuioer Soil I ll .-I'll t IntB Wile lhlcd today M' I'lH) 'Ilea Bn'llll i at i .i u.ei' h V If lint the III -I ill I I I . t t ae. I In, Ii Btnll bet II i o i f .-I. M.irv'a Ii ,v Ii. Ibti w he Ii fi.ia net ii a. .i r li - NT .1 Week TIlIB la Ulf l w tnl in- r .1 e -t I lie w .la I in r. i m l. il oH I be I on M.i h :; I. I Id fu"'. llig Job. I'm, r. N II April I a ;. S .' trainer .l toe I'h IH atb m track team f.. the thlllei li veala. ha. itei I o i! ,111 nt a mtiillur . . -1 1 nm with the Velalti il I'.'l.llnl'.iliiii lo am :i in. i .-i fit i i ni . e.'ll Ihe lle V, ke Murphv The an llniilii . no nt Hiat hi had Blgiii .l ttl. v.-ar I mil la. I vtiln the but. actnleniv waa made today l Iuh. The Judge denied the appll OF POSTAL SAVINGS Denver Conference Hears P.ecommendation for In vestment of Funds in Bonds of Irrigation Districts RECLAMATION SERVICE UNDERWRITE THE BONDS Practical Irrigationists Pre sent Practical Plan? for Use of Federal Credit in Financing Projects Hr l-'d Wire in rrenlnf nerald. Henver. April 10. lyTKlalntlon for the Im ealinent nf poatul aavlntt bunk fiimla In the bond of lrrl. Hon tliairu ia. and for the underwrit iiik of Irrigation dial i h i lionda by Ihe I nited stale reclamation ervtia. hub tei ninint mled in a report pre- ........I t. k... .hi. l..lllAn a l. rl . 1 .,,. 1(f ,m. rnKtion confri t lice. The report, drawn up after ati.riliy Heaalnua Iiimuiik aeverul hour-. wiir to be preae-iled to the Knerul i nntt-reuce d lilllif the day. It waa expected that thia report would Itihk to a focua the dlacuaalon of fi nancial aid. for Irrigation projei t. Thia aiihjei I la a nd hy many offi cii! la to be the moat weighty before the conference. , I.uiik alter the hour aet for open Iiik today' Btaalon many delegate anil were engincd In commiltej meelingB, where, for the moat part the need und complaint of private ii riK.itloii project were presented. The fomiiiiitee on irrigation had prepared a aet of reaolullon. which wan to be Introduced Inter tn thu The retoliilion follnwt Text of Hh- lt.-iairt. 'Vtiur commiKee on irrigation dia trictB reapecli ully report and pre at tit jt to Una lilt-el I ng the following nan 'nil. urn for tlntcuaali'iir "He it resolved. That Ilia I'nile.l jHtat.-B reclamiittoii aervlce. by prnner leaiai. ition. be ompowcrcd and ' i thnriised to take a eompennutlon for the conairiiciion or flnuiulal Blt auce of irrtgallon illatrl'l. hnnda il I hereby, am h bond to run for ii period of J.'. or more" year ami iliavv a low rale of lnieret. That Imth Hie 1 Hlatea uov eriiintnl anil Blalea cti-operalt til the end that Iho purpoaea of thi rrolulioli hit tarried out III a practical manner, u ml. "He it further r.Bnlveil, That Ihu ktiVetiiurB nf the alate r.-preaeiited lat Una c.illlerellce In- urged to u- 1 ' comm.. tan nera io prepurti irrigaiion itiatrlct law or ameinliiieiita to the prtatnt law for I HiihinluBiiin to the reaped Ire leuialu jturea ut then comtiiK aeaalon o a a i to prov ide lor tiu.formlty of Irnga- 1 1 i ii .ball a I lavta pi the aeverul Ir rigation atute. "Iteaolvi'd, That we favor auch leg lelatinn aa ahill provide for the in veatmeiii of the fund of poatul any ingn in nka In bond for Irnnailon dial rii ta. "lai it further. fteauiYvA that Kialil on linn-mineral land Im iii.nlo by thu govt rnini nt to thoao eiuti'-H wherein there yet remain larx tra.t.-. .r land ot the public domain, the puipoBo of treating truat inu la lo In- .ontrolled hy auch atatt a . nd iia.d aolely In ful'iiiahina tinaii . ...I ml to Irrigation il 'irpl ami other Irrigation project." When the c.' flnaly ot uiitler wav Jiiil-.- John I'. Hell of Ho. i i.h. i .i.l.i i t. ui t of appeal". I'lau Itngi ia and It M. Work of the i'n:- ti. nl. i ti leg, itlon iliacuaaed irrlgalloli proi.eia in the Male. Aiiiiiiiey H. M. Kelly of V.. ni. in-1 aaid he thought hia alula l,. nl been purtl. ularlv ft.rtunuli- in la .'.m y laud proie. ta He outlined v,.-n.iia chaiigeB which he Ihnugln m.iiiil improve the iidmlmatration of i he t 'ar. y act fti'ii'h liak'tia wa reprexented bv A I. i 'ut well ami Judge W, It. lib e i loyt I imr aptv ai.i l.ti. it t ne ayaieni i-y nliiib be a.i I.I I'tiifl had provided home tr man) of il cau-:i. Ho ft 111 llltled ' II .a liael.-aM to tliagllB tho flic' d.ii tiieie h.ia been much friction lietweiii the BflHer and the ricla in. tie m a. rvi. . . Ii i not my purpoa 10 ii iiii ire Una at rv Ice, but to be ah a.'lnit ly riiink, I believe there have I.e. -n Italia on t.oth aide." Tin- apeaker .Icilnr.'d that hia ba.l la-' n al.le to . iiliplrui't ll rii'.tiiiui p.nie. ia iimre t h.-aply than th. .,l.til government He -tigg. i --it a plan l..r atatis and feder- 11 . .. ..p. i. .ti.. n vvhlih he aalr would If. aim ..nil ael He thy Idlfl lull da III i he t. eatel u atatt a. Why ahoiild not Ihi conferrn. l.-k llie gov l Ulll.'llt lo give the pilh lie land atuiea anpplcmeniiiry Kfani and I lien .t the at. ilea irngite thi I., i.. I wiiti Hie iiiiirtu which they ad mittedly c.inliol'" he aaketl. "Thj Ii. ii . I I In. a ungated i oiild ae o1d to a.-iilei'. anil the money thu rained itmiil be applii.t to paving the rx pt n.-t of the ret l.iiiiHlion wot " Ml-Ml HN UIVI ilMtll Wil l. mii r m r i m:iti.i-: ll-liv.l. prll I 'I "Ihe wealern irnvi-t iinia' i iiif.'l-n e tod iy e let led iovernor William -ry of 1 tuh pr hlelll .tint I lot el nor Krtleat 1. later of 'aahii.ioii iat r.-tary. and aeleeted Seattle na ihe meeting place for next year. A reaoluli.iu wua adopted ad iiiiiiiiig former Rovernora ol aeatern kl. He In lot miii lalup, ra h alula.