Newspaper Page Text
HIE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE. N M FRIDAY, APRIL 10. 1314 thris. I You need net learn cooking all over again in order to cook with .IV Cottoleine Uso nny recipes you know and like, merely use one-third lea Coltoleno than you would butter or lara. r. m m JLSr w n in I I i If you. used b much Cottolono as you would of other nhorterinK you'd have TOO MUCH, for Cottolorw rom much FARTHER, though it COST? far let. ; .. .' ,.. ; 1,11 ui '"liiiin"' 5 , el I IS CLEARED OP MURDER OF ii! MERG HANT Order nail of Cottolene today: tint drop ua noetal (or the valuable l-kKK Cook bHOM HtLI-S, wiitt.n by five leading cooking authorities. CHICAGO ""71 x..." ' '::? VI ' I-4 Sir" FINISES COURT LAST OF INGIEUT LlDUDR GASES Prosecutions Urowing ont of Misunderstanding at -Time of Constitutional Conven tion Election Cleaned JiiiIkp liuynohla I.eK-in on the criminal docket In III" district 1011H toil. iy The la at of the I'ouor-ailtiiiK urea RmwitiK 011I ( the conaiitti tlotuil convention election iti J 1 wore iIhiih'iI of when Churlea Im 1 ml nnil Muiliermn i.illuhte, Frd Harvey, Fidel lloniabe. Charlea Ciiandc nnil lleorae I.. Wi'ticl were fined S r mid i-oate. At I hp time of the election 1 lit' luiloon keeper of I In- city. IhlnkniK the Imw npplyinif to n election hh not in form 1 on(riiil thrniwlx ch with i-tomnff Ii. .mi 1 In' time iti' polla opened 11 n 1 1 1 they cloned. Some forty pri'rul toiia tcaiiitpd uniti'r i rourt ruling that (hp ralootm kliniilil havp remained tliiil from miilmaht to midnight. Tlility caaee were aet for trial liy Jury hy Judge Itayuolda ycaterduy Hl ! moon, In rhIhr over thp docket. Flevpn raaea were aei for hi'iiriiin m thp court, thp tmt if which la ai hed uled for Mny IS. I'hi' folluAiiiK l't raap wirp f trii kt-n from Ihp rpt ord. A pron, Pl''. ami Joii'iti I!..rn !; CHv n. I.. 1110I 11. inni'oniplii; Willit m V Juapir; 11 iipraon If. "nil M.m ChHln; -anilllo Io; Kvprplt II. Iinka; J. W. i.miin: l.ollln Tllljlllo: Johp Marin f'tiiiVra; Itafai-I I'lulu il Hi llwii riiaia); A. A. umilpll; Kl ti'Kii lima nnil H Can la: Kiank VpI 'iii nnil ) I i ic 1 Ii 1 0 t'tiavpa; Kiluarilo Chiivpa. Thp follow Inn map wi re ail for trial hy Jury: April l Thurloa (llmnl nn.l Hull-It-rmu (liilluutv; Kril Jlarvpy; Kll"l "toiiaalia; Chnrli-a tlrinilp; O'orp U. W'llapl. April It Anron F. C'rno, rhnrnpil wlih aiiliii'tlon. A pi II 1.1 MIkiii'I (liavp. rhiiruiil with kllliiiK iii-at calllp; City v. A. .'. Ip ttiiia, ihartPil with illaordptly i nn.lil. t, Mlnnio Carroll, (ImrKiil Willi ki'i pIiik li.iwily li.iimi. linn inaoal; t.ponu tlrarp, rhraicpil with krp(lnic n Imwily liouw: l.lnt'ip Miiir.uli, ihar4 t'il ullh ki-ptnu 11 hawilv hoiitap. April II City va. M. lonalp, tip; piaii'il from pollrp potirt: t'lty va. T.iK'ilVrill. nppralpil from pollip onrl; Trrrltor a. Khrrlilan, rharap'l Willi t'.nli''7.z)piiiii! 1 four riicl ; Juan lip IMoa Cliavf. harpl with ilraw Iiir linn; il. Toll, rharupi! Willi allium liquor iihn-p rami; t'ny va Jop Tru Jill", i harKi-il wllli dlaonlprlv rnlulip t: t'ily va. II, Toti. 1 ha mod with apllitiK H'lUor I two ciiKPal; HlatP va. AiiKialm l.oniorrl. liarai d with vlolallon of thp Sunday In; Stale va. H. Moll, rhare- pd wlih xlolalion of thp Sunday law; Olpaiino i'iitii. 1 h.irni'd with prnc IK In niPdh lliP without a llcanap; Clly va. A. '. dp Una, Jr., ihargid Willi rtlord-r!y rololiu t (two rnmi). Criminal nra In which trial by Jury wna walvpd, follow: May 13 Franilaio A. tlnri'ln. ih.irk-.'d wlih ipavInK horap unhluh fd; W. W. Hhoat. nppphIpiI from Jua tirp court (two raaoni; 1 .011 S im hi'l, 1 harai'd with llinc liiior to In dian; 11 iipraon rto. nnd f'paiirln (Ion Knica, charKrd with ailllnn Ihiuor ' a minor: livpr K. Acord; Ira Itltlpr, apppulpil from JukiIpp rourt: A. I'a rpntl. charnpd with kppplnn a din ordptlv houap; WHIInni p'hoat, hart!Pd with iliaordprly romlurt; Mra. Carnul ilarcla. ih.iriil wlih larcpny: Itodri-Kui-a Cano, chargpil with diaordprlr londurt. OLD ALBUQUERQUE Ik Jury Brings in Verdict of not Guilty After Being Out Five Hours. Evideaca an Circumstantial applal niaaatrh fa rrpalaa tUrnUI .Siicorro, X. M., April l - Jimt l forp inldniKht, nftpr biliiK out flv houta. thi Jury lirnuchl In o vprdh-t of not Kiilliy In Hip map uKiilnat Al- frpdo J. CIiiivpx. who had I n on trial biip p Tui'xilay nioniiiiu. harKcd Wlih ImvlliK nuirdPI'Pil CaHiinito lima, an old mipii I11111I at J'uiito lin o. na trlit Attoini'y Tltinianii mid JuiIko .Mann rpprpai ntpd Hip alui" and An tonlo . Hidillo thp drlPiiai'. It took n whole liny In pi I 11 Jury and n appi nil panel hud t. pp auin inoni'd w lipti thp irlKii'il venire ! cutiip xha'iatpd. TIipi p wi rp aoina Intpn atinir lnrl dPtit to thp trial. Onp of th-Ko waa thp cxanilnatlon of a, HuIp Indian Kiel ahoiit Hip naturp o 1111 onili. to Mi'P If hip w.ih nunllllPd 11a n wmipaa Thp child hud iiPVpr hoard of Hod. did hot know what nratame ol ppopic who did not If II til truth, but aald nhp would till thp truth. JuiIkp Alpchpin nakod hi-r If ahp knew what would befoinp of Iwr Hflpr Mh dii'd. to which ah Iriilhrully ah awpri'd that ahp could not toll. Hit pxaininat Ion w-aa loiidip'tPil hy nipiiua of two Intprpriipi. She could only appnk Navato and hur urn nn Aput'hft Im'l n. roiihl not appak rinullHh, ao lipr ti'iliiiiony waa llit ttiinnlaipd Into SpaiiiHh liv the Apm lip and then Interpreted anln hy i;. H. Sin pi. .lull. Ijiio. NaaJo In dian, aal aloiiKHlde thi Apio he on hp half of thp alati) lo chei k up Ilia 1 11 -ti rprcta 1 ionH. Ml AD ROBBED SAGE TEA PUTS LIFE Thugs Attack Vicente Flores as He is Walking Home on West Central Avenue. Cus pect Arrested Cnder u wurrdtit (.worn nil ly VI letup Florea of mil A llii.U-i hup. iIpoikp Martini'X waa arti'aled on the Hlrepi today by lcpiii Sin riff Churlea Arimto. lie la an lined of bplinc one of I. 1 men who tiai'tolcd and rohhed r'loica III ttoiit of the I'orto Iti.o hotel on upper Went avenue IhhI iiltihl. Klorea wua 011 hia way home ahort y lot, tp in lit 11 1 k I it when two men 1 leaped upon him from (hp ahadowa llon'l Slay .rn! It Darken So n(. urully Thai Nidxxly 1 1111 Ti'll. You can turn uray, f.okd hair ln'iiutlfiilly diri nnd luatro'.ia nlmoat over nlulu If you'll u. t a .' cent bot tle of "Wyplha Sagn mid Kulphur Hair Ilrmc'ly" nt any druu aiore. Mil Hon of In. 1 Ilia of thla old, famotia Kiikp Tea fiei ipe ure aold anniiull. raa a well-known drUKUin here, he caiiae it darkena the hair mi natur'Hly nnd rvenly that no one mn tell It haa hppn applied. Thoap whoae huir la turnlns rray, ri'lmnjtt Treoty llntllli'ntlona. W.iHiilrmion, April 11. Kpcretnry Itrvan nnd Sir Cecil HprlnK-lllcc. the Ktitlah nmbnaaador, today Hi htl"il ratlrleatlona d the treaty which will continue for another five yrara. KnniU ami (011I1I I'lay Toniorrnw Npw York. April 10 Charlea F. Sanda, of the New York ltnciiict AV Ten til club, tomorrow will iiitempt to recover the r.athinal amateur court tennla chnmplonHlii title he loot to Jay (loiild elKht year a mm. TiJty yrart r.p, ivhen Golden Wedding II 'b'ukt y was young. ' ' wrM III QUALITY that speaks for itself! A pure, mellow, sun-ripcncd whiskey that's distinctly out of the ordinary. You learn to like some whiskies, but fine, old, is akin to love at sight you become fond of it with the first taste. Distilled in accordance with a wejl guarded special formula, and aged in wood under government regulations in a way that preserves perfectly its matchless flavor and purity. Think I Since the 'fifties Golden Wed ding has been the great " home whis key. It satisfies, because it'i f ' "Made Dijermfly.'l VwJi' VfA? KM l ull , Quart cnat by tin hotel. line of them he recoitniaed u Maitinen, lie hIIcrp. W IiiIp the other man choked him wuh the handkerchief he wole about hi" liecw. M.irllii'n went Ihleuh h.a pot keta, iicciiidinii to Flori-a. hli'lca (oilKlll ll' two 11 nn.l II II Ilia 1 heal he could. Hud filially miiu.iKed to wrench lb" eitaiiuliiiK handkerchief looae. 'l'he two foolpildii look to thi'lr bee In. Morea auid they Kot only iiiarter In amna throuaii lua clothea. He reprteu the lohiicry tn I nder- In I iff l l. k I.cwih today. He hu r.coKiiiad th' aet-ond man. ii well ua Murtlnei, hut ilolll t know hia nume. Hp it.ivp l.i'W'la n ileacriiton of the man und the aherift a olllce la i nn I1111K for Inm. t.piitral! imrointiiit laded, dry. acraaalv and thin have u lurprlao nwiiitltiR Ihem hpcauap after one or two appllealiona the itray hulr vanlfhea nnd your lot ka heroine luxuriantly dark nnd beautiful all dandruff Roca, aill' 11 1 h 111 k nnd falllnii h.ur alopa. 'i'hia la (ha ne of youtli. flrav haired, unauractti e folki aren't walit Md around, an net Infav with Wyeth'J Sukp and Sulidiur I. might and you'll be itellnhtpd wlih your dark, hnnd ouip hair and yuiii yoiithlul appenr mc within a few ilaya. TODAY IN CONGRESS. Suits Men Will Wear This Spring Trim, antic vtltli otift "ft roll lapeia, pal Il po. k. '". hiHh-cut ahoiildei -fr.e vcjte. ahlny buitona eieiy Hire id amui ka of London. lever Imlr-llno ami pein II ai ripen better than c. i r. TIm'm' Idea a art' In (lie new Ctein-Bloch -fmart Clothes Men who want ilila rluhi-lo- tlip-mlnuip atyle, eoinbliipd with liner fnliriia and the rc ault of a lire-limp experience In careful tailoring, will want to aep out Milt-t!lM'h KhoW illM". Toilav'a (lip day. ( oiiip! - J1 y' "' I Y . I! 1 W (J Tr MTH All lomoiia Indel.ted lo the 1li Clollunu iiitiipanv lire hereby iiotified to .all on the iindi ralmii-d at -91 NY. CpiiIi.iI Ave, city of A ;bii'i neriiip. on or the fltai day of May. A. Ii lilt, and aitilo their n ill ai'h aald company. F,. I'lSNrTY. Hpcelvrr of the II .h I'lothliiR t'oiu pii ny. IIF.MIY'H Mtssr:t.l.ltS. I'hone vvw M4a e 4 ?G. Hlanljlutnt (En. IKH.I I'IKHiF IHlsll llY IOII MIA', HOMI V AMI ( llll IHII V. rrtiuni nf-lti1ti Aottim f ajrikclv tt mm, emm and thlUlrvn. CvM iu mu4 Ihtut. Llt tnvH'L MN'faKIl (1(1 Mi CO. 10J S. 4Ui SU 44 LECTURE rnnnrtiurnri' r lh nnval ?rail Mt-nn-iuU. which hail l.n-ri llt..l !..r N t-in -cr lit, hiiH ln'i'n iinht iMiiiftl until I'.Mii, owinK I" Hir h nf t ht- in ti k r i'inikHH. Thn iriifun for tin ii-- tnhio'il th'hiy f Km t-iirititattttfi Im that 1 h nvvti uf lh' 1 K'i iiMi-d In the ;ti r;l -vri'iiiuiiy iiniFt not It- iipmi-I ilniliiK ih ritU nt iiatinnal iunitn)tiK. TWO PROMINENT MEN SUICIDES TODAY Hiileltle today by rhootlnff Hy tiraatsl Wire o lltrnliiB Herald New York. April ! lidwanl J K nailer, a irominent utioriies', once asaot luted In pia.'lli p wUh l'ieilenl 'heater A. Arthur, i nmiiuited auldde today nt hia olllce in l.on lai.ind 'uy hy ahoolinu. A loiter addii-npcd to hia wile Haul tic 1 Ii 1111 n. nil trouble mil failiim health hid mule hia life no louder worth Ininn. He waa ) Bul old. Collfill' rnifcnj-or Suliiile. New poll New a, a. April ID, I'rof. Henry H. Siiviikc, foimerly of 1,11c eltv, Mo., head o the II. imp ton Wom uu'a coIIpkp near tlna city, committed i do Sen,. in 0M'iih, New York, April lu The flrat prni-lh'i' linniP of the ecuMoti yealet- iiiv ut lai kew nod. N. J., for ciindi diiipH for the American ten in that " ill ib (nil the polo .up iikiiiiixi I he I'.HKll.'-ll chnlletikeia dioucd both phiira and pouiPH in Xi'i llellt collilltloll Hurry rne Whitney, r:i(iialn of the f.iinoiiM ' lliu I'.iflt" Icmii that broiiKht the cup I unit l.i.clund lo Alio ru n In I 'Jim nn.l aiicceaet iillv de fended n in I I'll mid l'.U:i. waa on the field to coach find referee. J. .M. WlllelblllV. Hie aeleeted lllpllllll for the American team thla enr. and lu'H ii iiui .l illuii ti, played In the, Ii. AiHitlier I'm In OH. Ilea. Hie, i ikla., April HI. An tioiincc me ni waa mude here today that the nine lino companies In tha I ik la ho ma K a ii an a llelda hud reduend the prl.e of crude oil from It to 95 cciiIh a barrel. Thla reduction ia the aecond th week mid Ita la due, it la a.nd, to over production. MEXICO CONDITIONS, CAUSES, REMEDIES by W. II. SEAMON at the Masonic Temple, 7th St. entrance, Tuesday, April 14th at 8 p. m. ADMISSION 50o PURE ICE CREAM 511 E. Central Phone 507 Tlli:V TKMIT Yor T K AT. EXPECT REVIEW OF SKATI Met lit noon. i u iiii I i ointiiiilcp ioationed until Monday further h.-utmn, on the I'uiiaiuu. cutiala ex, loplloi) re peal. rienator fhaiiilierlnln rwelved n letter from I'leMident Wilaon eiidorainif the piopoaul to aend un Amerlian urmy iinlnecr to mil In reclamation und flood work In China. I'ctmit waa hcttuii mi the ud miiiiat rat ion bill to cotiaervp ra dium Imida. IIOISK. Met ut noon. Iichutn waa licit nn on the otn penaloli bill I'oatofllce coiiimlttee conaid ere.l pinna for pul.tic heiirliiKK on pro,oaalK lor K..criimcnt owner eltip of teU-phone iinea. Judiclurv ciiiinnlttcp dpllher ntpd on the 1 'a i k reaolution for the iuipPH hmciii of Juali.a 1 1. '1. WiUht or the DlMint cf Colum bia aupi cmc com t. In-li.ilp wua tcioime.l ott the Ii-k-lalntivp a (.propria! mn bill. 1'aik r.'M.liition for linpench meui of Jio.ii. c i. T. WriKlK of the dielrici piiptciue i-.itnt wua favomiil) rcpoKial b the Ju ib ial commitli p. Army prntlueeia reported rtKainat u pro,oa,il to deepen the rotoiiinc lor nuv iKat e n from WuahiiiKton to Cumberland. Aid. Secret. ii lea I ll it ii und McA.loo uracil u I-'iI.ihiu appi opt uit ion to arnil dull k hi a lo the iiiiernii lioiial aumtui l onf.-rt n.) ui Montevideo in I c t cnilo i . BISRTO Bl THE MAYOR Slit I TiMHUttiO Shown lci r a-. New Yulk, -,ptll I n. Tlu- uiiillb-J totinugo of the lilted Slal.a Sic. I cor poration April 1 totaia 4, :,.!,. ..'." tout, a decrcane of 372,611 tuna from th' prcccciliiig month. S ritnt Mill si-rliumly III, Ia Ana. lea. April IU. N thaniip waa reported today In the condition or V. A. Kcrippa, the uacd mlliioii Mire, 111 of pneumonia ut Ali.idetiu He la alill crltlially ill. JUMPS FROM WAGON GETS BROKEN LEU Florence Hlffln, five yeara old. ! 40J South Second alreet. Jumped llom a waiton of the Spl UiIcr Tranali r company ul the coiner of Set olid met and Iron nveuue Veaierday hI-li-rtiiiuti and received a broken lea The child with a number of other children waa etmaned in "ateulinif ride" on one of (he tranefer coin pany'i low wukoiis which waa dtlviiia paat. ' Ho many of (he children limbed on the wi..n that the driver atopped hta team lo make thi-m Ret off. Florence Jumped and received (he I rm 'ure. The child waa carried expected. Col. Sellers' Call for Depart ment Reports in Advance of Meeting Hints at a Fare well Message. When Mayor Selli ra called on the heada of the vurloux ilepartmciila for annual reporta ut the council meeiimi laat nlKht, he laid cmphaaia on the fuel thut he wiahed to have the re porta In hand I, Sninrday, April 11 IniiHinifch ua the . . uncll doea not ineel in the tlnul aennnm of the llac year until April L'n. the Inipieaan haa Bone out thai I If mayor Inteti-ia lo piepure aoriie a. t' of il farewell .ncHK.ttic in wbicii bin udmi'iintrati'in will be reviewed. At Hip end of the flacal year 'n 1913 the mayor re :.ed the city', iifYalra for the ft ' ceding twe" inoiitha. Now h,. l i xpeeted to fol lew the preiedetit Ito hinmi if cie led, piirtlctll.ii Iy bullae of PX.'cutlM i. the cloaitiK of th iai ration. Naturally there Ii luicieat amoni ih..n .I'liynr to prepare a review aa it la be' .in the comma' lenda emphiai" - preaetil udinln a Rood deal of who expect the nnaauae. Such u . i' id Mr. Sellcra haa in mind will aeivc to gr. c a il . lit Idea of the" of the clly und ll h Hi, lira ui the moment when the Ueptiiilliiiiia take l..irve. aa well aa nitie to contrail tb Albti.tueriiu,. ol iwo yeara aao wlih i he Albu.uinu of today. 4'iiiivb'ilon Ibirn ol Kh'Ii'iii''. The man who h.m uaed Chamber laiii'a Cough liemcdy mid winched .md lilt uml reallrcd lis rpinai kubl' urutlve propcrtlca will tell you (hat It haa no aup.uior t. r concha und olda. Tha remarkniila aurreea of i hia preparation, anted by the per nopal rpcomini nd.ii . na of people who have been cured hy It haa mude ia one of the inu'l popular Im-dl clnee In uae. Try It when you have .i touRh or cold -iiid realize for ouraelf what firn tluaa cough medli lne will do. I or Rule by all druRKleta. AiumImt CaiuliilHte foe I'r.-niler. T'.klo, April In.- ount shiaeiiobu Okuma, former foreotn liiinlnti.r. waa recommended to the emperor today by the elder ataleainen for the nl'ice of premier In place of Count llooibel Yaiuuniuiu, whue tubinvt raliued la You only need to mate piece of our Cuke in order lo be templed to buy a whole one, nnd, moreover, y.m will he n aieudy ruatomer alwiiya uf terwarda. The variety of cakei w make tire an pure, freah. nholeaoma and KallHfyiiiK that who once trlea them nlwaya pral.nce litem. Here la the place to hp aitre of Rettlnc aatlafiictory confectionery nil tha year round. And our prices are ant- lafactory, too. PIONEER BAKERY SOT Routt. Flral M. Chicago Mill & lumber Co. General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 The type of man who knows when to drink and how much -that's the type i nrcmc trot hi n ess Whisky. The that tippreciiitcs t)f lames . man who ilrink the su Peppcr . to vet i i i i i t i . (irutiRt as a ruie, uoesn t eare ior smugnt goods. He wants pure liquor irjvcs. r ,rt.i more oi a kick man ames E. Pepper 77ie National Whisky Born with the Republic isusfd in practice by 4(,0(i() plivMi wlm have fuMiely eiulorsfil its purity ami im-tlical worth, l'he original letters proving these endorseiueiits are on tile in the ot.u rs.of the tlistillcrv. If ymi want to know tlie unquestioned merit of this celebrated old liquor, buy a bottle on niuraiitee tf e'juif'l te sat- tsfaetion or muiey t,iek. Ketailers are hereby authorized to relund money, and we, in turn, will refund them for any return due to dissatisfaction. Sold by good dealers every u here. If ours docs not handle it, write us direct. Albuqutrque, N. AT. Exclutivt Dlttributor i 1 . u m I .-. ia ft,- I ElECrfilCAL COMPANY ri.i: Title i, tiivm tohs AMI KVt.lM t ltM 2U7 l.a-r. Central Ae Hlilcra In Everything Electrical Motor H.'iwilr nnd I h'lirical i Irion SollilUnl. T t.mi ,ur prunn on Meeting. limine MlMllll llllllM. I For the best t GALLUP COAL MOUNTAIN WOOD and KINDLING Phone 912 We have h ci.nilel r.i:e of Wall Taper und I'ainU. Can do your work nil a iiiinutea Iiulna. t'. K. M S. 2nd SI. gt H U. I'lione HI. J, D. Ef.lLlOIIS New and Hcimd Hand I'unib Hire. KIU'Im'ii ublmnia til .nil up. I irewnrra, and up, M W. Oold. 1'liona 11 . eexeeeenewwMn. KODAKERS We will develop any KiaUfc 111m fr Ilk. ItiST t Alll STI IHO U haiuUi Scnnjii.l bi.