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IIX THE EVENINO HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N M., FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1914 il COME OUR PRICES AND QUALITY YOU WILL NOTE A DIFFERENCE S Armour and Swift's Hams, pound 22c Welsh or Amour's Grape Juice, qt. . .40c Lenox Soap 7 bars . . ,25c i Large package Gold Dust 20c 3 packages any 10c Crackers 25c 1 gal. Ripe Olives best quality 90c 1 jar, 1 lb Delmonte Preserves 23c 3 jars, 1 lb. Delmonte Preserves $1.35 212 lb Hawaiian Pineapple highest quality ....25c 12, 2 1-8 lb Hants As sorted Fruits ...$2.75 12 cans Corn, good grade $1.10 1 qt. can Franco American Souv' ...35c 1 lb can flat red Sal mon 25c 1 qt can Muxine ,...65c G packages 5c Flower Seeds 25c BAKERY DEPT. Anjrel Food Moca Cake Puffer Cake -a Sunshine Cake Nut Loaf Layer Cake French Tastry Whipped Cream Puffs Patty Shells Macaroons Macaioni Cubes Vanilla Wafers Kisses Saturday will be your last chance to get Jiot Ci iss Buns. , Fresh Bread aud Hot Rolls every Jay at 11 o'clock. Agents for Chase & Sanborn Teas and Coffees Second to None Flour. Floy & Ferndell can goods. Jaffa Grocery Co. Grocers and Rakers SPORTS COURT DENIES nullum Oil IH CASE IF KILLIFEH Next Sunday is Decision Holds that Federnl1 League dees not Com? into Court with Clean Hands ' Both Contracts Valid I RESERVE CLAUSE IN CONTRACT HELD INVALID Killifer Described by Court as1 Man Expert in His Profes-j sion but Whose Word is no Good Illy Ix'awil Ulrv ui Evening llornlil Uriinil llapldn Mich. April 10. .TiiilK' I'larenco v. ricHMtotiH l'i Iho ' domed the n..ll. all. .11 or lh' Oil- 1 cairn rVdcriil liuKin' lull f..r an in junction ciijotiiuw I'atohor Willi:, m J Killlfor, Jr. f r. . in pluilng with Ihi' l'hclnlalplil.i .Null. null IciKll Mnl. Thu Judye di nil d Ihc nppll- ration (in Hi.' nr. .uml Uiul til" Chi-' inK'i li'iliTiil Iiiik'iii club did tint i-iiiimi Inii court with "clean hniidH.'' i Tho (l.TiHinn iiIhu hniilM the reHorvr ; i 1. 1 nun In lint valid. Tho lfliii hold Ihnl th ron- 1 tract nf January k. DH. I.y w in h K'HiHr iiirrocd In 1 1 1 y with lhi t'M cnun I'cih ral haKUc i lull iwhI tli contract of January jf, which ho i made on lumi'iNK buck tn tho I'hi lu- i id iphui Nattutiiil Jihkiio club ure "In I limn, mi i lit uiul binding m I ho I panic ihiT'io.' ; Awful ll Mini for Kill I for. Klllilir ih roiiBiiil fur makim? the' CnnllHilK. Ill" del ihIoii rcudlliic j "Tina r'Tinil Khnw that the d'"- ; fon.l.i nl. Klllilor, lH a himi'luill play er nf iinl'iu'', cxcoptioiiul uiul extra- i' hkill find rxpiTtncra. Uti- Inrt iinitli'ly, lh rorord iiImo ahnwa ! that he l (t portion on w hncv plcdgi 1 word lltllo or no reliance can Ih' placed, uml who, for fcii n lo hlinnclf. neither ruplcH nor Itciltatc lo rlia tcirird mnl violate Iiin ex proHNVil n k ivi tiii ntH unit aarifniwiiH." A'l'r inncedinir the lability of Iho l'.i H colli no In tho U(( IMun naH. I Tim iiii'hiniii herd proHoiitcil ami j rriiuinnu eoiiMdeiatioti ar iIicnc: ( l".iNt. me iho provbiotiH ol iho ltti:i! coiitiai t I" i wi i n iho (I-fi D'I.iiiIh rol- ativo to the rcfu-rvation of Iho ilnor ' fur the Hiii-i'codiiitf hcumiii iiliil anil i ntiiti'.itilo unit, Siio ml. mo the i.lniniifN y Iholr At n (i.n. lin t. I. ' rroni HcckiiiK fe int In a court or oiiiity .' 'Tim leadline aiitlii'lMieS. with mn K 1 1 1 1 i. no (Xiiitloll are iiKI'ieil that . v '' it Ii . ii a ry cotiiractM of Uiih niitiiri call in II her In) ( lilorcoil in illity l...r ti.rm the Iiai-IM or all tU'llnii at l.i w to ri'inl'T ilamal:i'H fur 1 feacli. The i.ihi.iih for tile ll.ilHl.'ll nro Unit sin h i i.iiraciH mu lackiiiK In iho liei i HK'ir; jilulltii-M of (le;'nilelloi, certainly and mutuality. 'Iho I ! 1 .1 (oiittact l.clwoon llieHo di feiidaiitii n liiiUo lo iho ii Hi riation of iho do lenilant, Killifer, lor Iho n("im.n of I 'M I. in l.i. km in all tin i( km. li tial cli'ini iiIb. It In wholly uncertain and in. ! mile with rei iei I to nilaiy and uIm in refiicct in teriiid und I nlldlt ioIIH of llle irul osled l lllil'.y- no ill. Il Ih iioiIiiiik mo re hull a imtr.nt to enter inin u conl rail In t.e Inline, und If Win luirlicM ran then iik ' lo contract. Altl.ouiili II Easter comes a little late this year riefht at the time when most men buy their Spring clothes anyway. It will seem as if every man you meet Easter Sunday is wearing a new suit. Why not have yours? If you are willing to pay a medium price, vc suggest HHMMI9MH.H3BKBUSH39HflBSililBHflHI Sf yleplus t 7 TM MAM flCtftt "1 he same price the world over. There is a creat conception behind them. One of the oldest and largest makers saw the possibilities of great savings by turning the chief aim of his organization upon a suit of one sustained quality at one known price. Carefully selected all-wool fabrics for $17 Style imparted by a great designer for $17 Workmanship including hand tailoring for $17 Guaranteed wear and satisfaction for $17 Once you see our great variety of new styles and fabrics you will feel that we have done your thinking for you. You can't go wrong wc have a mirror. So what's the use of waiting till after Easter? Come in now. Special styles for young men. Less lively styles if you refuse to admit yourself young. SIMON STERN ' (Incorporated) if 5 lite m W lilt- w jmrntm m : mm Goid Tbiiigi to Eat l I'.llli Ii d oil Klltlli a nt collHldel ill o I II I.n kh iiiuiiii.ilily hecaiiHu Iho 1'hila ilel.hl.l club ma) l.-liii unite II at any I . ii i- on tin ilayn not u e. while Iho other I'.riv Iiiih no nuch iplnii ami ID la. und diirinic tho (little conirnct io r.nd A c. mil. i. I ex mm, luit if t . I K - II I.y o liter iiniy tin- other Ik reine. d.lin. I.eiiiiMe tiie courln nro heli . h i.i i lit. iei I..I m. in. o or lu iiiaid da inaKo ..r l.iH.oh. "The i rim ii'lo cnil.odicd In thn in:.- mi, 'In' tin ei'inon Into In ciiinv iniii-l nn with clean huniln,' ih a olio lajinif U' thr loun il.ii..ti of -! ii 1 1 y Jul wlirinloiicc." I I The ilei imiiii . 1'iitiiiin h: ' I ' ( aii il bo dmibtrd Hint If the plaln I ir f m hail nol iiiiorfem il, Mr. KilH f r would liuvo iiiiiicd out lim ucrco luenta wnli thu riiiia.l. U'lna tlub in lioneKty uml Hood lalihT Kiinfor cxio(tid lo dcrlx a hrn- (fit llolll then lolllruct, UJid l.oih hiiew tli Mil h coiilrnct, If iorform , . d. would work a uTiiitu Injuiy in llni I'liili ilali'hia club. Tho inidui'l ol both i not only nioii to critu iMii iiti'l iiiimiio, l.ul im talnxd with nn I.iIiiiikm and Inimtlce, it not with u. t n. liable triiiid." The i oiiri ( iincliidoi: . I The iiioi:"n for an Injunction Il 1 1 lit ho ililiud tint lacailM' Hie I Ml Utli mil I'irt of Iho Coll' Hai l la lui en tlm tli lenda nl .i if Minii'.r or any Imnl lore and llfict. but lillilUM' Hie Colilracl la- t .vi ''ii I'll iiil it I ii und ibfi iidaiit Klll ilir in not in ItHi lt in h a hub an t lie Clil In 1H fllfotlo, linl I.e. lllle ill. re ..ic any 'iiiitn in Kill. lor' i i.t-i uln. h i xriiw or cx inpl him (i"i,i tin performance "f hn Itau. iin nl and not hecauw . , . . i ii- ,. the cunt r.ik omy mo the I -Il I l.lil. Il'lll.l (lllb. bill BolelV the ioli"i. and ci.ndinl of the pluintilli In ,i". uiiim Hi" ii.nli.ict. on wbu h tlieil liKhl to ri lief a and lllllnt be t. mil. led. do nol iiuir. wlih oho of tho vital and I und. i menial .lni. lile of eiiiii which loin Inn lo tho iiiiofc. iliKiuiy of a court ol ciHimiiiuo and coiiiioln it" dei :moii r of a I i.i iir ion.. Atlollicy haiuilt K Kllapl i. uhm I for tin' ha iih I. in I.e. alter tecellK till' J initio S' l o 111.. HMIll tllUl l id. nil loimuo find i.i ..ii.ii.: v biinic nail i K.iiIikI Kill'ler. I mil not Valid al I ir. nol liapldn. n ml alter reailniir thu Uocibuhi of Jinlc KensloliM, na id: "It will take tunc tn an I honumhly 'Into tin. doclHlnii uiul 1 may have a Ulan nn nt. At prom lit 1 inn only !uin inn the ilifiireiHo bctnciii '.lio old reorv .'Una' and tlio now. The old i titupii n.iy: "'In ootiHidorailnn of thu roinpon nation paid to tint party of tho mokhi i I part (Ihu Im lip layer! by Iho party ol ; tho Hint part (tho rrilb OWIieri an re '(Hoil in i lailM' olio, tho party of Ih" K'i .iii'l part ais'recu urn) ooliuai. h him- fi'.f to conlrai t with anil cniiiitino In Iho Hen li e of mo. I party of iho find part for the Hll.ei limit noil noli ut ii milary In he detei milled by the to HU.'h conn a. t.' "Tho now i r.niM rfuil: 'Th" plnjoi', will at tho opto. ii of Iho (lull enter Int. i a contract r.T tho nuecoeil.iu oaKotia on all tli. lorim and oniil tl. .iih ot thin i.'iirait wivo iih lo i laiiBO. I mid iv ami Ih milary tu l' pm.l tho player in tho cm lit of mi. h n hall ho ti n mimo iih Iho i. tal prnvldeil for 111" player In claim,. I thereof, iiiili-an it hi In. roaHi d or del ream d by mutual IlKrooniellt.' "iTiiuiio I rolaloH to Haliiry, w.iih clilllioi 19, the rcwrvo i'Iiiuw," i.II.moki: sivs ii; isii i uti: miic i i in ni s I'huak''.', April . Tho r-cdcrai loa'iuo ii k ikIh Iho Killlfor dei Ihi iii an a virlory donplto tho fact that Its plea for an Injunction rentrainiiiK the caK lior from pluyinx with any t il tho I'hK'iiKii Koilornn wbh flonlod. In the i. pinion given on tho reorvo iIuiiho, riinktelil Ollinuro ilrclar.'d Iho "ouiliiw" circuit wan it wlnnor rmt only In that It iiIIowh the now lono to keep ho major loairinm It h m rlKned. but that it will (lio In i.rniil Irallon an oponine for a hixK'-r ra .1 noxt yoar. IteKi.rdiriK K llllir. 1'ren Idont lillmoro n.ild tho lint no would mrry tho cao In the hmltoM lotiit. town: M K mv ii: isiuv is vimmv rhllad. Iplua. April 1". The I'hil ndolphln National Io ikho club remir H thu Killlfor dmlHioll im a coMiplo'e victory nocauHB every ciiiteiitioti it niii.lo in coticoded by tho court. mi imiieyH for tho itun Maud that thu iliioHilon of thu validity of the ronori - iI.iuho had not been raiMii hy th I 1'llml. plila i tub In the null. A tlateilii lit will la InMicd hy tho l liiu later in tho day. t'onnlo Mi'"k had thin In nay about tlie (le. lHluli; "I ciiinoi no., that It will niii Wo any particular (littei ciii o In biiKoiiall, for I hut la only tho opinion of olio Juil and oiinlher Judtio may view tho eai (INintlmiiNl on Piii' Wveii.) A Larger Bar and Better Soap 6 Bars - 25c 13 Bars - 50c r i jsv r POUNDS SUGARll The 100 per cent pure Leaf Lard Just a Utile higher-' Worth it o li the with n. haul I'eiloral ricciMon .f tl.o ( hu ano would now if dalliaKC. U. S. Flour I'lii lb. I'. H. Flour :.'i ii.h. r. Kb. or SfU f5 -' ' s r-'"''r fcJ Potatoes ;n i ii.. ( oiorail.. Pot ,t. .en SI '(f .'.a ii.h. ( '..i.'i' 1'i.iaii.i . jsr 2 1 1 ih. Ci loiailo I'l.tatnoH lli Dusthane The Hwropmii fiunpiiiiml that conn your rioorH, carpcla and rju. lattiicHi iikh can i Soap V Will and il. Tho Whilu Naphtha mil injure your bunds nor your liiicii I re lo-u In-, in. ho It n (n iter, h'.ina tiiin, cloi bin and money. t P. and ii. N.iphth.i hall l'i ill W'llltu ."olip '' l'..ri Kl Make M illie Moan blil'H j lo iX Ko.ip Phones 31 and 32 III HUM i:im.ih wiwr ItlM.IUi: II.IIM: Ml. I'liiiilinall, .. April in. 'h.iilina'i Aatiu.l liei rinaiiii of the National ... ut... I.' We give you the best for less With each order of $10.00 or over Friday and Saturday we will give 25 pounds of Oraulated Sugar for $1.00 Star II iiih, lb i!rir h'.Vifl. I'lelllllliu II.UIIH, lb IfltC Star I ion, h It'.iC Hwlfi'- Premium lliicon. lb ll'.lf f. .- iianin, ib ;;:; Morn A Co. Ihiion, Ib. iki? f Lard Sn ft ftllvir l-uf Lard, 1-lh bin K'l, S .50 A lb. : uckota J hO la-lb i'U.ket 1 IIj Cottolene Me. in. in ino ' ; lairK.Ht alio 9$1 41) Crisco Hnmll Mite Cri'o . . 1 10 Canned Goods I? latin TolnutiHH, Rood ripe fruit, full park 1.' (aim Hwcoi I'nrn caliH "Hunt" Hlloert I'eachoH . , . . IS ".Hi' (am I'oik and Meaim cana "Kmpai.n'a ' l'i a II can Cut oiling Ileum 1 (Ml (M M (H (Hi Fresh rltraw berrlcH, Kplmn h, llhiibar'n. Till nips, AnparaVUH. Iltui c, liuiliMirH, (luUilin anil CiihbnKo. Today iO Ihf. Granulated uar Sfl I dinen bono klali hra S I pa.'kaaoH any I'mn Klukei... J 1 boxoa linpoiloil rlurdlnca Jit I arn (liiu can Herring .yl I larilo Halt Mackerel t I in. ('Hllfiirnlii Pried I'oachoa. t Ilia. ArkuiiKiiH Kvaporalod Ap- :r Ma '-.- Cox-Miles Grocery Co. 116 WEST GOLD PHONES 235-236 Coffee 1 IX' r; It I ii . U Villi Hhoiild try our freh i (lu.ile ;n 1' 1 ' i- or 1 (client an 11 u. lb liikeH Icm to liiako a im pound fn. und any way d.' A p loaning blend of Rmtol and Hlo poii lid .1 pound Hi. Hand 1 I. nd. hIoi I cut. pound. Hid Wolf flul "ul t'otfeo, pound. llai pv llomo, 11 fri'Mh roimted rteol ut 1 ..if.e, worth I.'iC, uncial tin work, pound Y 11 In ii liiniiiid t'oileu pound .... 2 poiitiili Wliitu HoUo ('of loo, pound I'lral-All, nil M. J. II, lilelul, KallKflliliiill pi'illl l . , . hlRh uriiili-guaralitoiid. x -at 'JO 30 S -40 Tea carry Iho Maiidar.l hr.iioU in boln tho pai knKo and bulk, ami at pik e that nil' ou I1..111 10 lu 3i per lent. Trade vohere your dollar is ivorlh 100 cents ll.lMcoail iiiiiiiiiiwii. ' - i -mmmtmrnmr lh.ll lb rccr i1juu bail boon K- """"1nl'l'B