Newspaper Page Text
You Know It Always Rains in t-yUsfl4 , t"U (If 114 i; Today ns Market Reports 4 ALL STOCK MARKETS CLOSE TODAY ON ACCOUNT GOOD FRIDAY Xfw Viirk. Aril 10. Tli t.;k 14 ml 'hiiiikmIii y iihiini('K of Una l oiinlry nnil Kuroi iir rlunril ttiilay i:i nlixr'iiii-i ill' tlooil l-'rliluy. Thiv -u Yin k ptiifk cxi huniei', the I 'Mii..h.l.i,i i! Kim k rxi liuniii'. thw iiirti mihI t lto N Viirk iirmliirr t t h.mic'. iho l;iMln Htm-k cxrhiiriif" ii in! the t'hu.iK.i 1. 1. aril i.f trinl will lr-iiuti tiiiiiiirt-i w , lnit (hi Ni'W Yurk - it ( hi cxi tin iiki' w ill not roHiimu I iimiuh until Mimiliiy murnlim. killtiaa I Mjf' l.lvr SliM'k. K.iiiwik t'liy, Airil 10 - ll"K-l!- iii. J.I.ilO. Hln iiK, l.ulk, 1 r. r. vi,:.. In n $ K.'i4i 71, p.ii ki r hii'I Iml. h" rn. ( k . S r 4i H.iill; i ulit. $H 4.',V $1 (ill; nKg). f 7 7o( X 10. Ciitil). l;ii'i.n. fi(: Htroim; iriiiii' Fii'im. XU"S; Ure-- it U-i-r Bii'i iK. I7 54ixf.ii; wi Htvrn nil i tb k.s i n mi; miilirrn dii i-r. In .r,iil H 111, tnu, HIiOlti TTi, h if tm. T imMi Vim; Kim kim ami ffl--r. .Miikl6: l.ulln. ibUi7VU. lulii r, f l.lMi 10.00. Hln Iti eiiii. 2.000; lc hHYv rr. I.iinlik, 1 7..t i 1 fc; yriirlniKH. ! L-iti 7. If.: wHi. r. 1 50 i 6.7i. win. n.jiti 40 K'Ikiki l.lti-M'M'k. ChlruKo. Airil 10 Hhkn - Ito-n-1 lit tiVOti"; niri.HK: bulk. M)i k Illfhl. H7I4M0; lillxxl. X.'i i X !'. himy. II 40 x xr; rouxli. 4"i x fi.'.: HK. i .' K 70. 4'uiilr Ki-ifiiitii. I. Co; firm; Additional Sports (CiiiiUiiuiiI I Yum I'dici MX.) In .in witlfly iliffi-rrfil likhl. Tin I'uolir x.i nl Iiiini-ImiII nd I hi ..iyir m.i ill in ilay uitNcliiill Juki ii m in' il I he I'luli uAiirri wnnt I In-in. "I'lHyrra ilitiulil rfiiH-inlHT h.ii'ix-ni'tl iluruiK I tin binlhvrhiMnl KiriiBxIi'. Thru Ihf iiIhj-i K"l lr" nii'mliiii unliii li n Iml at I lit- end of n iur Use nilurK lu iilmuil iinthiiiC JOHNSON TlkHH VI TMH nti.miii of nMii,nN 'iin iniuill. April 10. rrrnlilrnt II. m Ji.liiiHuit of thr Aiiiprli nu li-nkui- in I nifitilir of lh nuiiiiiiiil ciiminimlnn niol wlih rhulrman AnmiMt lii.rr iminn of Iho hr' lolii unit dlRTiiwwil ho ilrinlion of I'll. In r Karl llumillnn Irum th HI. I.milx Anurlian Imnue rlub the Kunirni I'lly Kdrml Irani trHtn yrlrril:iy After a iKu-huur Hwlun I'rrsuli'itt Jiuiimi.n lift fur l'hlviiu to titk u thj i'hho with Kltortirya fur tlm Annr Iriin Ii hriix. Iln nuld nut iUtc whut m l Inn vrup c onii inilutrl. ( Iiaii mull llt-ri iiiunn h uuI klaliliiillt "Nil acllun In lh llainlltnii ar 'Vint l.ikrn. ulthi'iigli II wua illm UHni ua fully aa j.hhhII.Ib V ibiuuiI l.ikii any arlinn until warr brlirr lnlni Mi ni n nnrillnu h caa." TWO MOHl: MINOIt I i:.t i s HH Willi I i:iu:it MM Kt. l,oui. April 10. "Two mlimr i'iiK' arr ni'KollnliiiH for an n 1 1 mi tit v with I he rYilinil li-aauc." hhIiI turn Klifi'l. Ihr liiMVlidl aliMkllnlili-r lu I lie Hi. I. nun Ki-Ui-rala. IoiIm). " will lytva uur nwn minor li'uiui'ii nxl Hi'Hann. Th Inilu art Unit wr i-nn hav aa ninny ua wa WHiit. Tlii- minor liHma with wliPIt lif urn ili-JilillK him of hlxll ilaanlflia tii.n. The) aia alinoal rvady to Jump now. W iniiat acmiira a minor amie o furin our I'lmfm. Kvry limn who alxiiril our I'onlruit tlila rar, at a 1 1 inn whin w ilnl not hnvw riiurh irof of our ability, will be taken nir of Their miiMry t aanuivd fur lilf. W hiiva their nanina rurolled and will alwa)a look nlur them." p.T. ini MK.itn M4 iti-: IX Kr ltloltt l-ltl HKWIKNT Kt. I.oiila. April lu. Aa a rrauli of Kurl I In nil I ion a dfHertion to Ilia rl rrul leuRiia yeatruluy nml Ilia an liiiiitii I'liii iil of i 'Inn I'leiiiiiion that tin would Ho to Chli'iinu tniliiy preaititi' alily In jniii the new Innur. Die nc jl Aioerli'au league rluli t.til.iv beitiiii a irmiiie to proierl IIMi-lf finm ullmr oiiKliiiiKhla !' the federal leunuv. fhe HiroiiKeal ilefenaa uiu'ov ered tniluy WHathe e II in I iih I ii m of ilia len cluy relenae in. It. from all 114 con trai ta. Th la r lmie hml jUpii the club the riaht lu drop any phiirr on leu ll.iv' linl li e. Aa a precaution afninat further rie aerimn, iUiiiiMff U H key ol the rl THE SrVf.eMJTY, INC fcHirVT. TMtt"S WO OOfcMT To fXft NvONtV M A BrVvlK. eM rvC It. EWjiHfc YbvR wewe krNT Iflooo ) RaMST tvr i I. -.o. -f - ..,liJ.ul,-!--Ji-k -4 beeien. 1 7 . 1 0 4t f.O ; Tex.ia aleera, 17. 101 X a'.: wealern !'' a. 1 7 . 1 0 4a H 110; Hloikera mill fei ili'TH. .'. It I I'll M lo; com and liilf.ra. 3.7ii6i, en Ivea. 7.0O4i 10 2.V Hhup Iteieipla. 12 000; aleiidy; In in I. h. unlive. .'i40 4i 7,00 : wfHtern, l.'i .r,0 4i 7. 10: yciit linn, r,.xo 4i 7l0; luiiilin. unlive, 6.oti K lj: wtiltcrii, o joy Money Market i . New York, April 10. Mercantile paper. 3 ' i 4 per ceiil. Sterliiitf cxchiinife Ii rm : Ha ilu'a, 41, ileinaiii). 4)6.7. I'niiiini-rt lal bill. Mi.. I'.ar ailMT. 5f. I Mexican ili. Par, t.'i'-jc I BRISK DEMAND FOR EARLY TERRITORY WOOLS IN BOSTON I Hi Ia-ael W Ire hi Iterant I llneioii. April in. -The Cum- 4 men ml llulletin toiimriow will niv: " lillBlliCMI In the HoHtilll Wool iiuirkei lltla week lin" been of 4 nmilernte a)i ami rlueflv In f"r- 4 emn Wnnl. for whb h prlia are 4 ateiulily iii.iintiiiiii'il AdMince 4 4 Khnwliiita of eailv nlmrn lerritmy nre In ma inailu nnil Aruntia 4 wooIn are aellina; ua faxi. aa they 4 urrne. Shipmeiila from January 1 urn Xh.Mti.oao pounda, iiK.iinat 4 ., 7 w. i laal tear lii i eipta 4 vs.v'i : mm an in. M 4-' ' ." l ula A mem ana. Inat nlKhl held In I il leu k w kt 11 earll plar n.ilil to hale Mailed rtlovnll. At the clime of the cniifi-i eiicea ICIckev hhhI hi did not believe that iilnitlier tnelnlier of hia ti'aiii would ico to tin Kcilerula. FOR SUB-STELLAR White Hope Named Sullivan Likely to go on Against Agile 395-Pou ider-Oiark3 Trains Briskly A "white hope" mimed Hullluin Will probably lie matched to IlKbt Hob 1,'lahnm In Ihe neav) w elitbt ai lill wlndup to ihe I'lrke-Sm.iuldlnit beid next WninUy main. SulUiun yealerday aent an oner to meet lira ham to IHreiior Murk Levy, and the latter will look the itaptrant over. Levy Ibllika e'ulilvan will ipialilv, and ItelleVva that the fana will pleneed to aee heavlea In action after a ateady diet of I mbt Weill hi a atnl feotherwelvhla. KmaulilliiK nml 1'larke will weigh in at 185 and Urabuin nnd hia opponent will tip the bum at I US to 200. I'lurke worked briakly ut the Ni Mexico Athlulir club g inliaaliinl la'il night. He took on Jack Toirea, Lef:y Floyd and lirahum for two rounla apiece, (Irahnm ahowed even better than the night befnrn, when he hid the ilovra on f ir the flrat time in weeka. 1'larke la Impreaaed with the clout Jack, Torrea carrtea. He (hlnka the boy la a comer. Young Joe Riven and Young Tatar Kline boxed at the gymnaaium la at night. Tonight Yuung Joe and Young iiilfpullirr will box, 1 1 illial lier la Hauling; r'hlco'a aparring partner and nut weigh Itlvera, MOOSE NINE WANTS GAME WITH HAPPYS: LIKELY TO GET IT The Mooae nine of Pueblo, Colo, trhlch ia nald to hold the liHHehnll eliHinpioiiahip of aotiitier'i Color ulo, watila a game with the HuppTa. They urn to Bi nt a '.our In a abort tlniu. They will probably be given a game. The Mmiae here are energnlir iml i hocful of Mo.ia.. ap'iil. and a claah between Ihe Huppva and a win Oermg herd would probalily atir tbo As Wfli V 1 11 1 I I MATCHING GRAHHiyi BOUT MONDAY EVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N M., FRIDAY, APRTL 10, 1911. April $ Coin WANTED. WANTKK 1 allium lutrneaa Olid aprinic wnnon. II. ('. I'reaton, !-' I .Mountain Itoad. Phono 1231.1. WANTED TO BUY. WAXTKO To buy. aell ur exchPiiRe aerund-hand furniture. 122 Woat Silver Ave. rhone 10(1. HELP WANTED NKW MKMi'u Kniployitient Agency. All klnda of reliable help on ahrt riotli-a. Ill W. Silver ave. l'hoiie 4K. W A N'TK I A iiprent ice fc-lrla Itnaen- h ii lil Itroihera. I u M i:. . Heveu h -i. Itldlilll Motorcycle, 1!H3 inn ib I, apeediiiiii ler; IT atu liKbt. and two- Kmiil una. In firat clara c i . 1 1 1 It 1 1 . . ii ; 17a if taken ut once. NiiKle I In r. me. 401 N Klrat. 1 parliaaii aplrit of Ihe loduenieii. ! W'hli-h. hoW'ever. WNitibln't prevent thu llappia irnm alauuhteiiiu the rain paui'iaia bulla, providina: the aliiuich tenon Innka Ktinil The llappia iiro atiini. ball li-am t hemaclvea, nnd may be atrotmer than ever b l.n linni thu Moohe come thla vtu'. DRUMMERSAKETW0 FROM OIL CO. PINNERS The Iiriimmera won two mil of three the I'onttuenliil I'll bowl era on I 'rummer nlleya In J rity leaxue mali h lam nlubl IIikIi wore waa made liv Kellipellii h, ol the Oil lea In, with l'Jl. The liroceri will roll ihe 1 .anker" tonlxht. FRESHIE NINE LOSES i TO 4TH WARD LEADER? I The 1'iiiirth Ward l.e:nlera won from Die 1 1 1Kb School Kieahmiit: ti I lie yeatenlay iillernoon nl I, una park, K to 7. The line-up l.i a li ra - Km k ett. c. Iirauiile, p.; ItuReia, lb; llar rianii, .'Ii.; i havea. ail . i-iiilliin. a" . Ilollae, If.; Hurl. cT lllilke, if Krealnea lireenleaf. c; Mann, p.: Itraill. y. lb.; llrudley, .Mi.; S, butt. 3b.; I'havea, aa.; Teiitnii, II . Winteia, if.; Koraker, rf. FEDERALS TO PLAY HAPPYS ON SUNDAY I The Happy a and Ihe Kederal will . meet ut Hopewell licit! Sunday art--. - j noon. It will be the tlm claah be. ilweeii Iheiii thia year Tim Federal are the reorganized Four A team. Minlily ompletloii. XN'hcn you tec a woman with n 1 1 ' 1 1 , 1 ' I v or aalloi' complexion and (lull eyra you may kii"'V that her liver s out of order. A few doaea of frtam bei'liln'a Tahleta will correct It Biol make her look Pe"er and feel bctu For aale ny all dtuggiata LEGAL NOTICES. Mint i: v m. it. .V;i. (HI... In the I l -t r I t I'nurt. ( nuiily of Her- llilllllo. t'tale ..f New MeXbu. Homer L. Hiitu r, PlaintilY. va. Kva I. Slil'.i-r, Iiefcndant. To Ian L. rtl.Ui r, thu above mimed (lefiiiila lit: Vnil are hereby nut tiled thai the above named plalntltT hue inatiliited aKalnnt oii in the above named court and for the county of llernalillo ami alaln of New Mexico, an action for divorce. You are hereby further notified to enter or eaiian your appearance to be enlertnl In aald eauan on or befure !the la day of May. 1911. and unleaa you do ao a decree pro confeaao will hn taken ngalnat ou and the relief prayed for In aald complaint In ooi'l raiiae Hied will be grunted. The pluililirC a attorney ia II. M. Cur nell, wboae poal ofllee addrvaa la Al buiUerue, New Mexico. I Sen I) A. K. WALK Kit. I'V Clerk. THOU. K P. MADUIMON, 1 Hi put jr. rr4i x$MtA. m j 1 mi r v mm 1 1 ' a 1 . . i r ' . j 1 1 1 t S IB II 14 . ; f T I T I I t t IB II B 1 III 1 r NtlTIt i: TV CONTHTOItK Notice la here-by given that the board of (llrecli'.ra of hvhiml liatrli' No. . It.iln bna de Atrlaro, IternHllllo county. New Mexico, will receive ecalcil bid for furniahing labor and mulerlal for the ronatructlon of a i hind hoiiae within and for aaid dli irlct, In airict accordance with plana and apeciucatlnna which may be eeen In Ihn office of A. Monloyn, county ai houl auperlnlendent, In the routt bullae In Obi Albiigueniue, N M , un til April So, 1SI4. at .10 o ilii' k a. m The board of direciura reaerveg the right lo rep-ct iiiiv or nil blda JAKE H, A Rail JO. Cletlt. j.... . . .! '- - - ' $ $ 57)e Evening Herald W ant Ad Three Lines : Three BAIUJAIMi. Mil liao an uniAually attractive Hm of Huiom' ami Vacant laita Juat hum', which cull be bought on ray Icrnot, Why pay rent? IN.Nlll.lMK' LOANS ItlNTAIJi JOHN M. MOORE REALTY CO. I'boiie in. m :F. i s The Best Boy Si.out Shoes III Timtt. Mioi; hi i-MisiNt; Wo I m tliei llii Leather on the Mnrk't. PARIS SHOE STORE ltl. X. Ilr-t Si. nlt HI NT. roiiin model n bullae, $20 00. J-room frame, Ih.oo. 4 2 rnomn f u i n i - Ii l . $1". no. t rouiiia fnrnini. il, $12.00. J. II. I'K.AK. $11 Weil Central. 4 Phone IBI. FOR SALE- .'ifti titate. FOR SALE 150 acre! In tiharpe county. ArkanaAg; eO ai reg In culll vatlon; 20 In clover and alfnlfn. It n ore a young apple orchard: balance In timber. T a land can alt be cul tivated, flood woyn wlro fence; new aiz-room frame dwelling, barn f l other out bulldlngg; live iprlng and good clatern: one mile from church and achool; three mllea from rn'lroud atntlon. Trice $lt,r.O0: amiill pnyinenl nml balance to anil purchnaer. Addrcag F. M. Uroylea. Wllliford. ..k Kill! kai.i; on 8llver land park: -Tw.i very chop e lot" avenue; clone tu llgb i Ihk balgullt. M. P. KTAMM, Am-nt. FOR SALE Houses. Foil SAI.K -My nice home, 4 rooma. large porchca 'argn lot, fruit tree", nnd oiitliuilitliiitx. Alao cow ami heif er en If Cheap f..r caah. 4:1 Moun tain road. Poultry Mill HAI.K - llgara for hatching. Htnck all be.ilMiy and f iral-claa. at reuaoiialile pin ca; lllue Audi )il- aiana. llarri'd Hock, White llrown li nd Huff Leghorii!.. While Urn ka Kl'ick Minor, a Hlack laiimnhnn. While and litf orpingloiia, HiiikIi nnd Hoae-Cninb Ii. . Hedi, White Cochin, Itiintnmx: alao llronxv Tur key nnd Indian Konncr dm k eK' for aale. Ideal poultry Piituh. l,l AlbtliUerolle. Victor nlwaya wel come. Innpecllnn aollilted Phone Foil rlALF.- K!K from ihmce el.u k of lloudana , ud I'.lin. And.ilu- aliina I rl. ea iikht. Mr. I 'ml Wright, 020 Forte. -tee. tiiky i.ii: mil linn its. Oenlry'g 8. c. White leghorn chli ka. lie each: $14 per 100. Safe delivery guai anteed. Fgga, $l.:0 per IS; $ per 100. Incubator Iota fieah and fertile. OLNTHVH Pol tTHY llN II .lliuiiiciUt N. M. FOR SALE -Antomobile7 FOn 8AI.R 40 hnrae power automo bile. Call III N lllh Bt. F1R BALE 4.'. -Iinrae power Ovr land cur. good aa new. Nngla fiar ge. LOST. Lost Round gut net pin. on '.th at "Keepaake." Finder phone I13I-W or return tu I hoi V, (th. Liberal re ward. tints! Wnl. Wedge. M nnr. Ihtntera. lie freahmetit end Hoy Hem Tenia Cowboy Red Khe, ia. Wagon Covera Folding i n in i ! and camping outfiia Tent IT rent Awnings and porch . una i made to older. Anything made of canvua. Chua. L. Keppler A Hon. The HERALD Want Ads get the best results. . $ $ $ v C -I, - I HONEST' ' raw -X I y f J I ill Weal ;ol, Aviv. rX)!t IIKNT. B-rooiu modern brick. $22.,'o. ( room modern, $20 00; water paid. 4-rnoni bri'-k houae, 711 Cast Ccntial, modern, prne, $20011. fi-ruoin brlik. inodein; Hi New York avonuo, $2u.mi. i-riinin brick; modern; f23 N w Y'ork avenue, $22 50 3-ronin iiilnbii houae; Fourth ward, $x.oo. Ktui bau:. Lund in larKe ur.d aln ill trui-tg. ltan lua mar tha city. Home line residence for aale. neur In. " rooln Tinuae, N'orfh KIT Hi Direct; iniidcin, $22a0.oo. S-ruom brick, $2100.00. 4-roi.m adobe, $lii0.uo. Rooming Houae and Hotel, 4 Centrul aveiiuu at a bargain; rent 4 1 i-aRonnble, limine on South P.duh afreet for aale cheap. Ail kin. la of terma. I '1 1 1 INGRAM K MONFV TO la. lltr.NUAII'H It H A j F.STATB OFITtVi 331 liold Ave., Corner TMrd (it. FOR RENT -Houses. FOR lli;NT 3 loom flat. 2IM4 W Silver. For RF..T--N-w 4-r u buriKaloiv, modern convenient e. pln ne 1 . 4 FOR REN1 Rooms. For IIKNT bunny, outanle rooma. Virginia Hotel, 223 H. 2nd Kt. 1N(,LR or unuaekrrfilng room. I.oa Angele Ilutel. SI 2 South Third St. FOR RKNT 3 furiilahtd rooma for bouaekeeping; ateum liented, pii vato l.i. h room, gaa range, amiill aleeplmt porch. 1'iZI Weal Central. Tom llubbell hull. FOR RKNT Fin nlahed rooma for men only. $il uu a month 310 So. Walter. Apply 115 W. fluid. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR IP I'SKK KKPINU or .ylth board Overland Hotel. 309 Wiat Central. SPl.KN'f'lli board ami modern rooma with vlecping- pun be 1 120 North Kim ond atr. et. I'liomi 4S1. WANTKH Couple for room ami board til private family. No auk Apply 715 Kaat Uold avenue. Jewelry. (Ji'I.I) and fillgre work; old gold bought and aold, repairing. N. Roaa. I2S Boulh Second gtreet. PHOTOGRAPHERS Pi 1ST CARUS $ 00 per doen. Firt claaa work giiiirnnt'ed Kodak nnlabing. Svvehth and Centrul. V WILL develop any K'UAK FILM for 1'ie. 'ot Card Studio, 213 So. Second Millinery. ol. I or new hat trimmed plume cleaned ( all at State Hotel, Rouin J. Phone 12.J W. MONEY TO LOAN. fin improved btiaiiicaa property or 1 unproved fuinia. Will not loan 10 ex 1 11 i'il Go per lent of value. Term of loan iinythltiK from two In tot 1 jeara. Inten-al X ier cent. AiHtraa P. In. box ci.HI, A 1 Ii Hi) il rune. N. M. jMONKY To LOAN on aalarlea. I houaehold good iilnl Uveal. 11 k with out remov al. Nmea bona hi and "old . t'ulon Loan Co., mom II, over Firat National bank, ('bono $ $ By Ak - 1 r , "'JiyisJi Times : Three Dimes . vyvywwvwwvvwW''aawaAwv'iW'iaa NEW MEXICO HOTEL DIRECTORY. SANTA FK The Monteuma Hotel, American plan; nervier flrat elaaa. electric IlKhta, gleam heat, telephone in oveiy room. Special attention to O'JIo partiea. IIOTKI. C' M PS The new cummer "al hotel of A 1 1 1 11 1 uor. ii- K010 peui: plan; flrat claaa cafe nml biilfel. I'nder new management. Ilcml'iuar lera rnean-lo-oiean Highway. Il iTF.L LA PF.NSK N Cniopenn Plan. One block from depot. Center of IniKineaa gone; all modern convenien ce. F.ual lia Yrgaa, N M. ol'TSIPK. rlciiin rale by inontii. Weal hotel. 2lt,i N. heated rooma; F.vilyn Spieer. Set olid St. Masseurs PATIKNTH requiring- miiaanKe treiit meiil, plenae call at 3 1 K Weal Sil ver Phone 1041. Mlaa Annie Huaacll. PERSONAL Foil CARPET Cleaning. furniture and itova repairing; W. A. Ouff phona $11, liRKSSMAKIN't; ny Mra. A A. 2n 7 W. Tijera. M u a. ,ll:H Rt'TIIKRFi Hill ol DI7 South Itroailvvay, doea i clb lit hair work. Shoe Repairing. Slli IK R F.PA I RINi wbll,. y,,ti w all. Iteat eiiilppej nho, in city. 3011 Knai Central. 2 block eul of tiepot Shull A Sever. FXPKRT Sbon Repuiring F. fi iir rule. New uddteaa. 415 W. Cent.-al. ALVARAI10 Hhna Shop Plrt-r!aa I repairing;. laidiea and gi in rub ber heel 40 cettla. genta' half nole" 7.'i cent: lutliea' Ii0 centa. K. YuiUex, 207 Weal Central. Plumbing. I'l.I'M ;U.V(1 and Heating i Ayer. 207 K. Central. I Furniture Rfpainng, KXPICKT furniture repairing and packing. We alao buy and aell ace. ond hand furniture. Crnvvn Furniture Co. 315 S. Second Hi Pbonn III. TAILOR it KPA I RLVi'l, cleaning and tailoring S. I.awren. e. I 15 S. 3id. CLKANINfl. dyeing and repairing Slur cleaner Co.. Ill W. Silver. Phone 4 UN. Blacksmiths. HiitSi:SH')Kltl cheap for rah. Uco. Hutchir.aon 211 Wt Lind. III.ACKSMITIMS'fS and Hm a. ahoi ing Roy and aell aecund band w.igooH F. Chavea, Sei ond and Santa Fe Vulcanizing Vub iinlainc and Tar Itcpaii nig. AI! Work guaiaiiti ed Albuiiieriun Rub ber Company, 5! Weal Central. TYPEWRITERS. ALL KINDS, both new and aecond hind, bought, aold. rented and re paired. Alba pjerqu. Typewriter Eg Change. I'hone 14 4. $21 W. Oold. FOR BA LK Oliver typewritnr, good r.4., $25 0(1. $21 Writ fluid Thona 144. INSURANCE Tol' don't have to pay an annual premium In advance to eet-ure pro lection for your family. Invealignle our monthly premium plan. Fipilt nble Llf... atrongeai In the world. W. H, Patteraon. manager; T. A. Chria linn, apeclal atfent; li Iirnelt !Ud I'bunt IIS. I li'f-m 1 n olllie 511. UVEA. "Bud" Fisher Cw PROFESSIONAL CARDS e eaanVaNaeVe,SV Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, II. D. Tract p"e Limited to GIJ.N 1 1' )- III N All Y Hls-VilOS And HIsKAM.h OF TIIR SKIN. The Wajneernian and Nogmlil leatA Salvaraan ')" Admnlafered. Citixeua' Hank ltuilding Albugunrque - - .'lew MviH.i A. .. SHOHTJ I, M. It. Trail hv I hulled l Tuoecf ukajk. iiiBua lloura,. 10 tu 11 a, 111. Plionc 1121. 124 V Went Central. Albuiueriiie Sanilurlum Chun ll. DRS. TULL & BAKES SMclollNta Kye. l-jir, Kow I hroaA Male National Hank HlilaT. TlKMie . SOLOMON H. IllHTON. M. I). I1i)ali'laii ami Kurioii. Renlilence, 110 South Wallvr HlrvaA, Phone 1210-W. Offlca. I Harnett 1'ldg., Thona (IT. Dentists lilt. Jl. KHAIT. iH'iual snrgi-ry. Room 2 and 3. Ilnrnett HldK. Over 1 1 liiclly a I irug Store. ( Appointment made by mall.) TIll.lK' 1 I 1. Attorneys JOHN' W. W II SON Room If.-17-It Cromwell Illdf. Ilea. Phono 1522 W: ofllee Phone I ITS TAI L II. MOOHK 4 4 Colixolllog Mining FiiKlilfirT. 4) 4 Fxainliialloiia anil Ili'iKirta, 4 4 lltxinia 11-11, i'mrowWI llbah. 4 I I. SON II. NORRIS4 An-liltet. Traiiirnl anil l'p Hi lal) Work. Itooim 21 and 2.1, Whiting; ltuUdliic. lep'pliono 100.1, AI 'I II' IKS' IlianilBi 1 'cVlaed and typewrit len. 1 'oinineii-ial and le gal win k i lei i 1 11. ,,liM. cj Har nett 1:1, U MTF.NodRAPIIIC WORK. Offlca hour 9 a. m. tu 5 p in., or by up pointinetii. Angela Ijil'r'crn. to Par II. tt Midi.' Hi aiil. tn e, 13 J I J. Music Teacher. Mniiuolln, t;u:tar Vl-dm and Piano, IHM11NII Ml SIC SCIHMIl, 51 X. Ken. ml Phone 17IS. Try HERALD Want Ads, they (ring results. SANTA FE TIME TABLE mi I I KrTei tlve December T. I $11. Mct hound Xo. Claaa. Arrive. Depart I lal Limited ....1120 Ik boa 1 Cal. Kxpree .... 1 OOp 1 pip 7 Cal. Kxpreaa 10 top II 05p Cal. Faat Malt . . . . II :50p I' ISe (Thurnday only: 1$ ID Luge 7:50a I 00, Fal ImiiiiiiI II Overland Expreaa 1 III f.OSa t Kaatern Kxpreaa.. t I5p I 40p 4 Chicago Limited . I 40p T.Oup I K C. A Chi. Fx . 7 :5p $:45p (Wednesday only; 10 (De Luxe I Pp OOp KaiUtlllMHIIllI $0t Fl Paa.i Meg Rg It 10a $1$ Kt Paao Tnaaenger I 0 III Preo Valley Kx . l.lOp NortlilMiuiue 111 From Mex A El P 7 00a 11$ From Kl Paao I. tip $11 From PtM-oa Val ley and Cut -off. :4p 7. J. JOHSSON, Asnt, 1