Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N M.. MONDAY. APRIL 20. 1914. ISPORTS! Today's Baseball Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE tlili-ngu, ; M. 1OiiK 3. K.urc: II. II. K. Chl-iiK" 1,110 0(10 0 S b M. I .mi ii nmi d 1 1 uux 3 7 1 Hatn-rica: Humphreys ami llrcsn.i hull, Im.ik uhd Snyder. All cither National tcudle gumc post puiird mm' rain and cold. I'o-tlHtlHMl Italii. I'lillmlclphla. April 2U. Huston 1'hil.iilili'liiii kd'iio inKliini'(l, mill. I 'list IMIIM'll I to III. York. April I'll Hrnnklyn ilk iimne postpone.!; ruin. New V lIHlMIWll l"l Cim iniiatl, April 2'i - rittshomh- ' 1 1 1 1 1 ii 11 .1 1 1 name puatpnnel, roll. 111 II Scrappers Who Milled Feroc iously at Clarke-Smaulding Fight to Furnish the Semi Windup Thursday Night. Jai k Tniri ami llarry eVhaefcr in plugging away nt then training In preparation fur their meeting at Ihe Klka' theater next Thursday ntht This afti-i n.M.ii Torre, will Irani with Young Sullivan and .l,i. Stewart, and tonight S. hade, will niltiKlo with Y'.imik I'liran and lfty Klnyd Sullivan Oman have heen swined l.i fiirnlMh the scml-wlndup 'I hum. lay mailt. They appeared nt the i 'lui k SmauldinK soiree, and lh.-v relent ihe style nf pel fnrnmnoe put up then the) will shitre tin' fane' liHiusmsiii lth lis mam eventcre They nulled ternelniialy nil thai oe mm. .li. spilling hlnnd with (he a I. an il.. n i.f gladiators in a Kiiiiikii arena. Two ae. onda the end of the If lit Sullivan went down, but Hi' ki.iik mi i'il him fr uit h kiu. ki. ill i mi ti t . I u ran will alum li,l.. Hi.- foe l.i heat the gong und Sullivan will wade In t.i h.-ut the tn rnn lu the km.cknut. Young Joe liivcre yesterday (upcil liu-it"r Levy In make u t hitnge In the preliminary drill for Thura il.iv nialit. Young J'e L..xcil with tin Instinct.. Kill at th.- New Mexico A ', n;i. i. tie ..f hia unpen uta caught tli- mi null. ma Kid with hi tongue h.'lw.'.'ii Ins l....lh Thi- hluw almost rut tin- Kul a luiimir In twn Th' Ki.l kii.t mi HxhtiiiK a.uiK'ly. and It w until tin- i-nil nf th' hiiut I, in inliiiv .i mail.' Iniiwn I"' A Frank itaimiii'd Ihf IiiiiHUc and a il, I it would Ii'' iidv ihiiIiIc fur the Kid t.i ma nut uf fiuhta fur a k lilmti.r Ia will nrrunae aimlhiT pr. Thf Kid Waa lu havr finikin Yuiiiirf ' iilfiathi-r. Try HERALD Want Ads, they bring results. Thi rr a rv lw i kld.a t" ll alnuat rvrry at"ry t tr rlahl and the wr.iia hut hi r.' i n 0 with the 1 1. (H aldt nnly -C I u I h r att llhi,. Hre Spnlul Nu. & 1 30 u n-vr aoca w nihil. M.Mandell Tlx live ( ImliPT. lIJAFT lotnrft THE aoniCPAH STORE Ay vIOKtft YOUNG Dili NO YOUNG SULL ARE MATCHED t4Xi AMERICAN LEAGUE I ""Hi I mtui 14 'ultl . I f April SMI. Cleveland trnlt Kume postponed; told. INM ikiihmI 4 xilil. HI Louis. April 20. Chlcago-St Lou In game postponed; cold. INiei imiii'il II tin. New York. April JO Now Yolk- WushlnKton game postponed; ruin. llilliidclplila. I Second name: Philadelphia ..1140 Huston OHO i; IIimIoii, 0. II. II. (ll)ll 101 H (inn inn) o 4 Ihittrrtcs: i'cnnutk und lupp ti l. Johnson and Thomas. Koa- I'lilladi Iplila. H; Immii. SI liirmnc kiiiik' rhiliidclphia Lliiatun It . a . 2 Ten InnltiKa. lluttiTli-a: IP. in k, Wyrkiiff, I'lHiik Kt-lly and f i liana; t'ullina. Ili du-nt and t'aUy, . FEDERAL LEAGUE lllillnnaxdla, 7; Kannaa City. t. It. II. K liidliiniipulla ..tiKO IKiO Km ; 10 I Kiinann t'lty . (Mil Inn nod 2 7 ItatterioH Kalarrlinn and Teatrr lAiman. 8ton nd Kaati-rly. UnMiklyii-lialtinuirr. nllir; rain. Nu HlllTitl.i-IMllHlHlrKh. Nu Rami'; wet KDiiinda. 11 al KHHll lUtlll. Italilinuro, April SO. Hrmiklyn llaltitnoiv kixic pi.Htpuni'i'. , rain. lilK. I; KI, I ami-. S. Srori: It II K Chlnn "0 llllll 1H0 1 5 1 HI l.nula Odd (i.'d Olx J i Itallirlf-a: Mvlidrn and Wilaun: ilriuui and Hartley. WESTERN LEAGUE INa .ulin-. 7; Omaha. I. It. II. I'lllli una ha Ilia Muniea Hall, rli a lloiiae ('lurk and Hhaw. and I'roahy; iH-nter, 7; IJim-oIii, rini. 1 1. in i t Lincoln 3. it. it. ir 4 7 3 I and Bpahr; Meyer. Ihitterl.-a Kiti HcruKKHia, Hniiih nd OMll I III 1" I HOI M- I IIOM AMKIII('S I'hh aao. April The Omaha i Wcatcrn leaRiie cluti haa purchaaed i I'ltcher llnvnid Hniiae fro.i, Ihe Chi-i riitu Americana, it waa announced today Baseball. Standing of the Clubs (The avrraRvB da 'a rcaulla do not rncludu to- National Uan nr. Won Luat I'ct I'hllad. I I'll ui I 0 I. mill Uroiikly ii J 0 l.iuiii ' I'nialiuruli t, I a.tJ ( ho ado 2 i .1"" Ml. l.u ma 2 4 .333 ' Clli. ililintl 1 3 ,i .11 I lloatntl 0 3 ."'Ml L New York u 3 .uuu ' Anicrlcaii Iaku'. I Won I.'ial I'd I'hicauo & 1 .MJ WaahiiiKlon 3 t New Yutk t 1 .( I HI. I.ouia 3 2 .ui) ' lu troll 3 2 ." lloaton 2 2 .&'( Philadelphia 0 3 .000 CluM'.al.d 0 . Vl--Bl jetnii'. , Wmi Iviat Vt. Hrookln 2 0 l.oii" iturr..i. 2 i .mi i St l.nula J 1 ,7iiii chli'Hm 3 i .&(') Kanaas C.ty I 3 .d'PI Haltiniure I 2 .33.1 liiiilannpnlla 1 3 rillahurih V 2 .oou WtitU-ni ' Won Luat I'd. Hlntig City ( iinaha . . . Ilea Molnea Tnpek . . env er Wichita . Lincoln St. Joaeph GAMES TOMORROW AM Kit U'.W' I.KAiit'K. ft. luis at Chicago. Cleveland at lietrolt. Waahlnglon New York. I'hlladclphia al lloaton. NATION' Al I.FAfll'E. Koston at Philadelphia. New York at llrooklyn. flttahurgh at Cincinnati. Chicago at ft. Louis. IVtleral I'm gun, Chicago at HI. Ioila. Indlatiapolla al Kansas City, llrooklyn at Haltiniure. JJuUalo al IMlshumli, 2 1 .; 1 I .500 I 1 .too 1 i .&uu , l 1 .sou 1 I .Soil 1 .Sou 1 2 .333 LIL1G 'EM OUT The aeaaun Imaii't upeni'il fur tin- Ulanta yt-t. The Athlcllia have ulau had llmir atari piiMpunrd The chi.l III. I'liilliea are (luinK .'air ly Well. Knr an uulfil i.lliKi.l In have been w rerkeil. In the Ke l. tala and unuhle t.i nil an.' kind uf llailiiliK. they ere kIIhk the heat liuitnliun uf a M atari tinn ed n( ihia ratine. Fddie I'laiik'a hi i iel l almt i liter. Ira, I emit la ( uni hihM (') Marshall, (.r Ihe Chlllli a. w lm trimmed 1'iisii.n ."iitniilav. mnde nn ImpreaalNo ahuwHiK naiiliial the Ath- letlra In the aptinu aeilia In the (Wuaker l'll ( le-i haer, an I lie held the liiKKiuM ni mI ihinnpa id four hlta ..lie mime If he hnlila hi Rail he may make Tiun Healun furKullen. 1'iH'hera Wuleh niul liuea. II uf the I'liliiiRu Ameriiiina plawil l.i Ihe nut Held runaiili't n lily Ihln apt iiik. II. .ill are hard lull.'ia and will prutialily let li' mitlliiil puaitliilia when they act thr hikIi iih pltrheta. New Ymk nu n way aa Ihe IWu fiiliiu r I will nut have It nil her tfKHtil haae ft.-aliliK In l.aUlli lllla . IMillU'r. a ilnnta are niarhinK Hu n playera In Hup art. I'll lleru uf I 'Ini inanl I ttnhlnaun uf Kiuukln. a re inn I Manniier MiltlUKer The New Yufk (ilanla were only me uf thi majur leatile i piha that fuiiml It eaav winnimc al'liuu K'mea. j at. i. raw ai-i lin-il lu nave nix leani I'hamplunahip ful m A i hill appeura to have Hciitcd them nn the north. There are three former St. I.ouia Xalli'liala on the u k In ml train of the Pacific I Vital leuuue thia year Tin y are igululand and her. nut tleldera, and Alexander, catcher. "Tnpay", fniinerly mitlleld er nf the I 'Ii i lu d i 1 1 . 1, in Alhlctua. haa aiKned to manaae the Toledo team of the Hotiih MlihiKiin leimue thia year. Outfield l.ewia of the lloaton A liter li ana haa lieen plavlna amne r inark-j aide hiiaeliall thia aprina He mipeata. to he fuater than he waa III 1 !'!:!. Man..ger l;ohlna.iTi of the lir.mklvii ' Natiunala la Irvliix mil a voiinii a'i h er named Wheal lie ia u hrother uf the outfielder hy that name . . .," " r. ...... .h ' . ",t uf the hiK leaguea ua hula and ha Ha. ' It la iilwava with them. I I J.. Iiulae a I.uiia lain ml Cilv huv. whn haa played aenii-pi ol.aaional uan around Ni-w York l.u .nmo time, haa ahowii an well in hia workouta with the Knaton lied Sox that he ataiula a Rood chance of hei otnina the rcKti lar fnt tiaa.-liiali He haa aulpriaed all of the old plnxera wiih thr way he haa taken hold He la very faat. n Bnud natural Inner and only lack i experience If he ia tint kept nn he Mm alir.. fff' a uooil i ltd a 1111- ( laaa minor lea kmc team Implementa - .1. Koiiier & WaKiina. tiaanliiie enainc I'n VICTORIOUS SLUGGING 4 VARSITY NINE HOME Th,. I'nlveraitv i f New Mex. team ate hack wiUi two acnlli". Tlu-y lammed the Klka in Saiilu Ke Satur day afternoon, II I.' 7. ami II mnm'-l HI. Michael a coll. Ke in Hie Am K M I'ity Hie dav her..!. A in the I'n duy Kiltie. Ihe ,iain playera hit tip' hail aavanely. iilthuiiRh the tuaillid" laated nnly one inr.ini; They e.l nut three home i una in Ihe opeti liiK atanxa. lailvina runa. I.a I'l.i.-l and i'alkin were the 'varaity Imtterv. Kr and llerardinclli were the hai tery fur the Klka. DUFFY WINS MARATHON IN BOSTON MEETING (, lraacrt Wtrr t. lnr lli! ' ' lioatoii. April 10. Jamea liuffy of Hamilton, out., wf.n Ihe marathon lac" here today. florae HhoeitiK illni kaiimhiiiK. H J Kor aanline :ier . I'o. KiiKlliea. SIX AMATEUR NINES IN ACTION YESTERDAY Pnaehall hruke cut here In aeverul direction, yealerday The All-Htara were defeated hy the t'. oiioiulat lenm at Hlxth atreel and Central avenue. 7 to 14. The While KaKlea won frnm HI. Mary a Junmra 1 : m r. the leama .III meet ainln next Sunday at Klrat .i,.,i n,l r.hiril mo Tho Martinez SluaRera won from the I loir Tow n nine nn Ihe fnrmer'a Krntinda K In 3. The hiittctlra S!uB li era K. lia.-a and I'. Suanea; Kog Town--!'. Maripie and M. laivato. t'ureil of Chronic Cniikllvlnii. "Knr twenty yeara I aullered with ihrotiii' rnnaHpatlon." aaya I'. W. Ilohertaoti, of Cordova, H C. "Ii. May, ItoH. It had aaaumed a inure e rlotiB form, resulting In Indigeatmn. plica and neurasthenia. Life seemeil a l urilen to me. two ramous imyai- i clans and one speclallat with nil their drsalle rtriiRa failed lo help me. A friend advlaed me lo give Cham h. rlaln's Tahli ta a w hh h I did. and am pleased In uy two hut ties of Ihem cured me." Kor sale hy all dm Kg isla. T GOES TO CONGRESS (Continued from I'age One) 4 liamherlaln InlCMlucrw III 1 1 AprorlRibig i.Mi.OiuliMKI Washington. April 20. l lliilletln). The house, on aaa.'ini ling Immedl Alcl)' utianiuioualy pssjieiS concur- RESIDEN WILSON SEVENTY FIVE WILL ENTER SCHOOL TRACK MEET SATURDAY Success of Second Annual New Mexico Inter-Scholastic Ath letic Event Now Fully As sured. COACH HUTCHINSON PLEASED WITH OUTLOOK High Schools from All Sections of the State Sending Teams and Permanent Establish ment of Meet Is Sure. The hu iiik New Mexico Int. ik' hul aatir ttui k iih i'Iihk la nu l-.i.i(. r an i'Xn l inn-lit lla am reaa anil it m p. r maiienl eatn 'iliahuii'til In AltiU'iut'i'iun under the nuapicra uf the flute uiii veraily ule aaeiiiiu hy the in, lie" alleail mail" ..r tin- M"uli'l annual mei'tliiK next .Satimlay. "We will lime mure Ahan aei.nn live eutiiia ill Hie miiiuum eM hi."," an I.I t'u.u h Hut' hmaun of tin- univei- itv thia muimmi. w liu la in a. tive i lla I Hi- uf the iiii-eliiiii. "and I urn mure than pleaied with Ilia t epunae. It luaui.a nut uii! Ihe auirceae uf III la vi ar a n.eutiiiK. hul that Ihe HieelinK I will he a pel uiiuieiit event. eiiiiilu. Ke, l.a X'ckhB Tin iniv a 1 1. lArtealu and Helen entiled their Illicit at huul te.tniH and theae a i. lu lu il h the AlliUilletiUL' IlIKh Mi huul team will lift the lutul nutliher of leiitnea uver aevent y-livc. 'I'hele la i lirutuihilllv that ll. lllInK Will aelld It" Iteam. iillhuimh 1 have tint heard fl i nail.v from . may come thai a huul. Several uthera In l.ef ue the entnea i luae i Friday I "We miHit. have nut ileteriiiim d yet win re we will hulil the meet llupe well field Ilia la-en fluuded u uftell Una aprinK that II la In had i undiimi and may nut h ilry etiuiiKli fur th nu I'tlim. In that event we will huld lit in Trai liiiii park The ' upa ami 'iiuiihiea liuvr arrived and we an reudv fur the event, which will l' .it Ihe mu.t ,,iler.'at.l. in a. huul 'athletic III Ihe hiatury of the atate rent reauliitlun lur the Jullit aeaalun wtlll the aclinic ut 3 p til. The aeiiate. without rlehate. adopt id Ihe hnuae reaulutlon fur a 3 n'cliM'k Joint aeaalnn. A hill In iiiprnpriate 1 50 .ooo 000 I. he expended hy Ihe pri'aldenl. waa In troduced hy fenatnr i.'huniherlain i halrman nf the imlitiiry afl.ula cnmiiiitiee, lu w h i h tho hill waa re l. rf d It waa a ai.h'mn und mil"! hnuae that Mined a audhtied liui delcrmltied 1'ii'c" in reply to the nn.iker'a ii ii. .n on the resolution for a Joint ae i., ..ti Oraie of face, Ihe meiuhera atnod .while Clin plain " mil. hi i.roiiiiht In. ma ;ilii- in hia piawr. when h mi id : "(ill liod a iiieatinii if Krove eon H'.iieiue i-oi.frolita ua hen- today. A 'iliaia whuh elficla t'u iinitiili of penple niual he met. "Iliipal t In the pri aii!' lit und h iiiIvim'Ih ami liu ineiiil'ta of thia i oiiitrca w and fut-11 tinlc Dial the) in.i a in acenrd- ume with the h.Kh.'-t i.ineptiuna of truth, and Juatlic, ami i -lit. au that c. villi... it ...ii may he and thiiiKa winch make f'.r peiicu an I iKhieoiiancaa ma.v pronri-aa." ! The I'hiimherlaln hill ptovldva: "That the preaident ! (he I'nited SI. it' a lav und he ia In r. auth'U ued to expend In hia liim n lion for thr national tlcfenae and lm each and every purpoec onni li d therewith Hie atim of fifty million ilollura nut of liny moucva from ihe ueaaury not clhervvlae npproprinti-il which euin i hull remain availahlc i.niil expi nd- i d " Thia I identical with Die hill pan- nl hefore the war with Spain. The eeiiute paaaed the volunteer nhii) hill lor tukintc in'" (he rcmilur aerv Ice Hnl tut M-Kltiielita ,n time nf war. The lull hna alreailv puaavd tho Inuae I II PIT Will. "I.AMH t . v I tlUl. o aaniiialoii, A.ta .1' YHIIIVAI Bocri'tary .lmnu.da aaul late today Hut Admiral i'dnni fh-t-l aould lie divided when it reached It riiiik lo era ( rill. Mexican wmcra, part Tamplco and th rest to IOItl'1 IX) MOAT l'I.OTII.L. oitni ki i ox m tv I'enaacola. Kla.. April JO. Old , were received early tmi.iy directing , the riotlllu of twenty torpedo hoat , ileatnivera here to put t. stva this HiiiTtiHiif), nieeiing i.eur Aumirsi n,t-,.r-B fleet In Ihe gulf and accnm panylng It to Taniplcn. ' the destroyers, with two i rudy to depart. 'fflcera sahl nders were Ill4i TltlO TO KAIL rimY riioM nomtiv WaahiiiKton. April 2" The tattls hlps Virginia, Nohraak.i and Oeor gia. of Ihe Third division of the Al lanllc fleet today wen- ordered to sail Kr'duy from Hosier fur Tain plio. YKI WILL ((HIM M Till. I.M ItlltCI Waahlngton, April ' Secrelnl Harrison nnnounced toil i that In Ihe event uf hostilities Willi Mexicu MaJ tleneral l-onard Mi atafT of Ihs army. ihe American forces. chief ild tumiiiuiid Cltl Z II AHIMill l4 oitOK.iii it t i.i: iii i AT ON4 1: Vera 'rus. April 2u t'omniunder JCharlat K. Hughes, ylncf of glaft uf We may fight M exico Our men's suits are selling just the same troubles never trouble our business Stein-Bloch or Kuppen heimer fine suit: in all the latest cuts $15.00 to $30.00. Palm 'Beach suits $8.50 to $10.00. Straw Hots 50c to $4.00. Panama Hats $4.00 to $8.00. Mail orders delivered free E. L. Washburn Company he l inteil Slalea Atlantic fleet, today ailed on lii' c.natavo M ana. nmmamli'i' nf the tederal trinipa at Vela Cruz ami on the commander f ihe port und instructed them to order all merchant veaacla nut nf the harbor. oinmander Hughea then went nlmiird the Sparilah ami lirltiali war- ahips uni hnred off this port and In fill med their commanders of hia in'- in. William W. Camilla, the A merlin n Haul here, la makilia arrannemuiiti have Hie foreiKiiera In the i (ly taken on hoard the meri hnnt vessel -ho'.ilil the iieceaaily iiriae. WuahinK'on. April 2" ( riull' t In I The navy department Rave out thia t.itcmetit. "American liter, hunt vessels have 'ecu urdetc.l mit of 'era Crug har 101. in iiccnrdatice Willi the pi'cai enl's Inat ruct luna tn cnnaular offl era to warn Americana tn leave Mixicn fur Hi. ir nw n suf.-tv " Vera I nn Itcmaliia linlit. Veni Till. Api il in This ..til inn. a very uni.l in spite of it llutlnll. cit v the I '"Uimiiuii ai i n l.v launch off the today with port Auieriean n-n.i'1 Iv I Ilk! iffll'lllt i'il- ri mlercd . eff norther. I rance laaiks 4 In 4 nlmly. na. Apr! 211. The ultiuide (,f I ' e Krcn. Ii government in connec .11 wllh I'leaidi'iit Wilaoua policy vvar.l Mi xini la one uf calm nhaer iii.'ii. In the view expteraed ut tin.' I.'IKII of'Ke lieru tnila.v. A diapusl .11 cxials here lo remain det.iclu d in events In Mexico unleaa lm I- lenta should uiiae directly loiuurn- iik Krutice. HIIMIA OIIIH III II lOTVKi: III. I I 4.i: ON Mill's Vera I'l l'. April Ju All Vineii. .111 uni 1 -I In - r toiiiun women haf heeti isked hv C.u.Mil I ',,11.1, In to take e- iiiKe on v,'Sf.-is now 111 the hai-lior. pl-eferahlv on hoerd Ihe Mexico of Hie Ward line and the l.spc raiixn. which have Lien chart. -led hy the I'nil-d States nav v .Ii UN T Ht NI N Y HOVItll t.i Is W. Apill 211 - The joint 1 tin ami navy hoard, headed Ly A l um. il liew.-y. toilav hi Ul .'.a first ses sion in many niintha It discussed plans for co-nperalion of tin aiinv and navy In case it hccoirca ne'ea- sarv tn adopt mrnaiirea in Mexico. Major Wood, thief of at-if. ml Major H111ei.1l ot herspooii. aiatant chief, atteiided thu meeting. VVAfllt MM II 411 liTKHKIt roit 1 m: ok hi 1 1 1.1 i Wahiiis-toti. Apiil ill. The navy depar men' today r hnrteied the Ward liner il.-vlcn now In Mexican null waters, fur a refugee ship at Tainpno The war department took option on several ships to he uacd ua Irauapnria. in I ii.s oi I'Ikm.hwi m: i'iti:i'iti.H wiih ui: Washington. April 2o. The Mexi can cnaia toilay awaited I'reanletit S ilami a prea. nlallon of the aitualiou to coligless. Nu futt her wold had tome from llmila iiinl ulllciala said imlhing I n' a iiiliiplele lomplialue with rill thu Vnii-ri ail demunda i mi III prevent I'lesldeiil Wilson fiiim appealing he fore a joint session id Hie hnuae alull aenate. priihahly uhniit 2 ! ni., ami ; inking fur ainhurilv to use the uimyi and iiuvv In iiphnl. I Ihe honor und i dignity ul tin nation The president returned to Washing ton from While Sulphur epruigs al ; 4:. o'clock und went al inns lu the White House lur a conference wllh Secretary llryan This preceded a special euhlnet meeting i ailed for lu 30 o'clock J'tfsidciit Wilson outlined hi IncpHjie InM inuht vhilc Ii iv.'linir. and after koIhk over .1 fir-t ill ift with the aei retnry ul atnte aiil.iniiteil it lo the i ni. nu t. Houae and a.-nite lemlera were early ut the White llmno l,, Irani the detnlla nf Ihe l - ni. il a plana so that they mUhl prepare the in 'eaaary resolution pultiiiK i iiiKti'K, a-piinlv hehuid the i --.t..-tit and mvlnic him full utithoiuv to act. While the prcaidciu a plana were ii.. nifh hilly dlecloaed, it was i om eih-.l In ulllrlnl ( Ireha that he .... 1 1 1 nk i ..uKieaa to siithorla.e w hat are know n in Intel law a ' nn a-ullca almtt i t war." while not hemi a ilcclarat i.-n of Wat on the art nl the I'luted S'.'ltea miirht ao 1 natiniil l.v llinri i Ac onlin to hot Informed uf thin Is tlu ae Would i ntirl'-l nf I Seiiin nf the pi. iin i.f Tampl o and Vera Criu Seirme of the M1X1 an giinhoata III (hope Mlltera I!' of llm rallrourl from Vera Crux in I In- Mexican capital, to a point lu. I . i 1 1 iiu a In -He twenty null', wet nf Vim Cvux, to prevent the route tn the Mexican capital he Inn hloiked. 4 I' a icipieat f..r a ape cial fl ppropl nit ion tn iiirrv out these measure". Thia latter point. In definite early toilav. i iim a ii li . ii ii 1 1 that Leonard Wood. cMef wever. waa not Seintary Hal Ma.ior c.em ral nf ataff of ihe iirmv-, wniild I'liiniiinnil the Am.-iienn fones. ahoiild it finally hoi nine iu-ri -Sary to use I hem. In the naval ("-lahllahinent every. tllllm Waa ill pl-i pnleilneaa for n- lion Kl'W olilela relll.lllle.l to lie Klvcll Peir.-taiy li.niicla was eailv at hi" (leak, acatinluir over nkuht leporia of the movem.'tita oi the hir fleets alenlnltlK to lioth n .inU I.f Mexico. Hear Ailmir.'il HiiiIkci-'m ahlpa will he ut Tampl'-n early Wednead.iy, ne cnrdinir tn luteal calculnlloua While I'reaidenl Wllami a iilliiiiatuin to the .11. till.. r expired i l n'clia W last niKht. there waa no douht here that should lluefla recede cmnpletely h..fore i-onur. as a ut horl?.ea I'reaidenl Wllaon lo ni t hlaai uuleai a'i e would j he nccepted. Thia in effect extends, the tiltimaliim until 3 .relink thia afternoon Nn further nenotlatloiia. parleys and counter propoalt Ions will he cntiaiilered. however. The Wuah Inulon Koverniiient reenrda the illplo tniitli' altiiatioti aa closed Secretin-) llryan left hia early con ference with tha president savlna the sltiintion waa iiuchanKed: that tin new llHImtihea had heen received and that nolhinu hut il cnmplete Inn k down hy Huertii couhl atop the Wash ington iiov ernmeiit'a plan of action. The nttitiide nf Carranan and Vllln. I ailern nf the i nntltiiil..nnlit, tho aecretat)- said he considered very favoraliW. and dol mil expect liny coinpllcnlliiK ih'v elopinenta from th phase of the sltiintion. Hei relarv liarrlson said no nrder had he.-n Waned for any movement nf troops. Ct.-iieral ood'a four-year detail aa chief i.r ataff nf the nrmv will expire next Wedmailav. He will leave Imme.lintelv for Texas (My. where the s.'cnml iirmv (llvialon haa I., en mohillieil l "t th" last fourteen months A -cording t" nflh -In I advli-ea Amei leans In Mexico already are lieKlntiltiK to leave. ( )f llciala llllderstnnd that hunilreils of A met i, nun left M. xli i city eater(lny for Vera Cruz. The state department, throimh Mr o'ShiiiiRhness) ami I direct mes-niui-a rioiii .Mr. Ilrvan tn American coiisiiN Hiro-iLihoiit .Mexico, haa warn ed all AmericaiiM to eav,-. S'ich protection ua the I'lillcd Stalea li.ks iimli rlaki n In exiemi t" forelStiera will llol he u fl . I il. ,1 nc cnrillnu to the present plllpoac. Tile diploinutic I.imU in Waslnlu'toii hn" learned thai the t'nited Stalin will coiitinue i.i look after fort K uers in floltlll'lll Mix !l the I 'nlialltlltloll- nlista' rone where f..i.i.:n ki.v.iii menla Iiiiv in. oiiaular i.preseiita tivea: in the federal territory those K'.v el'liinellls w ill continue to look lifter their own t.n i'.h I s. Chainnaii l-'looil of the In. lis. f..r- t-IKx affaiis cm ti. .-. and l; pre- sinitalive Cooper, tin- rankina I : i i' ' -II. an. with Acting i hail in in Shively of the senate (niriuii relntiona ni'-l Senator l.oilin. Hi. ranking l; pu ill can, with the preaident nulll nll.-r J n'cloi k nn the icsolll tioli coliuresa will he asked to pass M lllMi UM niibiiix m:nv nut iusimss Ti x . April 211 -The H. c .11 of the 1'nileil States II ntnl erui lav IISl Oil ill! IS . .. lu r. hewn ti on a piactiie march, to- a hul l led lln.v . 111. tit I'll. S itv ami Oalveslon on nr- lo T xaa iters I 01 lol The 11 i cil Ii ..111 .I' lniiKioti at 3 th s hi. . n 1 11K Cilth In ik. iih- of the il. vision e us Hir i hn In r. iiilIi rushed iiln..ird troop trains I. it reiiiiunder of the aiinv unit, h LrnuKht ncurlv tooiiu nn it vvna ordered lo milk" tin alxtv - I..n k to the conai on loot Clans we to Ki. ill vi .is aa il 1 . civ eil. I fl h 1.1 f" T 11. -.-.ila v 1. la 1 f..r tin- l-'ifth hiiKiide transporta. altlioiiuh i llo snilillR Tin- ' ' .1 orders had heen vv as to ha vi. t In ., rlv ', '" no 'i Vera Crun Iv 1111I.1 I .iik: I.. a.i'luiK I" inollnllK HI 1 use a 1 ri .1 -p movement should he ordered The S ml division, which has lei 11 Kt iiuiu 111 Texaa City and tialveston for a )car, had mar. In d to lloiialoii tn remain until th I'l'iLI.e I I the Week The Soldiers V I I e t-i have paraded in the local relet. ration April 21. "I the hnttlc of Sun Jacinto. hi 11 Texas won Independence from Mexico Their march here from the I I . SI -. k Indicated Hie me 1 are hardv, no case of aetioiia tllneaa uppcariiiK In Ihe Lig command , The ruth hr a nlc hi. u retiMi- il to tinlv. stoti tic It iln unite;' tl,. pens iilreuily vvoiked out for troop no 1. un lit Ly sea, would he ill. l ot 10 m, ul.... ml ir.111", .ris unleaa th" 1 i, f..r m Li 1 k at ion should l" ' ilv soiiu- change in the pro-ram lie I'.ivl.khl ihe I'lflh was hoard IW ' it. mis T.i -iik ninv nn :u ih- I up. d the fact that 1 11c trams in t in 'up iVupi f"i the honking nn the en- aavai snaaaiaiiiii t m T full valof f.'f " L Ini ruM valof I L ina in aa aiav nt. al -o.a ur, r-ftutXTf) fltld a(fl i f. fim f tt ilytkt ul tVtafniuitti 9 Vpfvttfct Wt.t(U 11 lawn-. sinc.kii cir;it 1x1. I0T U. 4iU hU a, m a. It. ill I.e. n In M tn ri idiiic-.'t for Just an. Ii i.r, I' ra The I ifth hr-g-ide rmn,rli llm Tourih Seveinh. Vn'h ntnl Twnety. U'hth iiifanir. ind la in oiinni idi ,.f ('o!o ml liiiin.l I'i'intiian. let station Ir at I'ott t'roik'H (i. wh.Li the ! 111. till. h i i.r the r.ccoti.1 d v au.ii ia ' ii i at Ti xaa 1 M y. General l'redi'riik ri.nstnn com tiiamlill.' the ilix is.on ri ( llln.-.l to hia tn-ailouarti ra 111 Tex is City In adv . tn e ni the army. II I N II VM MIt:Ni.l lis. I'lnme ;i. ASEBALL Mtilll v Iml off liu" wire, IK( HI I I I lfli lltl (HI HARLEY DAVIDSON I'm III I tii-Sa-ci Is the li.'l.l r of il,.. vvorliVt 7-hoi.t Spec. I and Kll.liil iiin-e lit rd O M s o N .1 I. X T i: It 2tH at. vMin, si. ! t I LUMBER & BUILDERS' X t M l' I' I. I I K I I M lii. h-snle unit Itclail 4 Albuquerque Lumber Co. iT.l North I'lrat Sirvx-t t W 1 i LOUDON'S ! PURE ICE CREAM 511 E. Central Phone 507 t i:4-l, M TION 411' I'l.KAM in: K4IMK. MAIIK aiwuva Kit'ttn the sinlit of liui of out loavea of llreiid, hut this Is a a noth ing to the exclamations of dellgat that follow the Mist taste or It. You will nppi. late the Ills' bite, and want, slice after slice of It. Yei It la aa satisfying and tilling ns It ia pure and wholesome. After the loaf you will a ways oiiler It if )oii uic u lovor of good lll'cll.i. PIONEER BAKERY 4IT Hunt!. lra M. Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 4 i THE E0M0N0S0N ! ! ELECTRICAL COMPANY I :i.s-:c Title i. covin Toits A N II IM.IM IIIS 2o- I ul I Vliiral Avcv, Ix alcrs In Everything Electrical .Mm or Itcpnira and l.k'ctrlcul Wiring Koliclittl. t.t't our pnta-n nu Wt'tHni;- liollat' lltatlll lllllis. Tor the best GALLUP COAL MOUNTAIN WOOD and 1 t KINDLING $ t Phone 912 ! HUGH TROTTER t We have a compieta l., e of Wall I'.iper ..lid r.unn. Can do uur work on a nunutos tiotUe. c. r. gcn.11. .12. S. 2nd SI. riinlle T17. J. D, EMMONS New ami Sc. -nod lliltlil I'linil lure. KIK lM'ii I aLiimi ll sii'l up. liniwM-r. an biiiI up. IIS W. liold. rtnmo IIHl. KODAKERS We wtil tie vc tup any taialak Uliu ftr Ilk'. 1-os.t fitu uriuio 213 mmiiIi sound SI, fl l if It