Newspaper Page Text
irt TIIE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N M.. MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1914. Today's Live News of the Sunshine State P finm f t44444444ji iiihfii in i iiir wall III blllb r. sf Albuquerque Man Fired the First Shot at New York Herald Special Writer Tells Interesting Story of How Colonel Henry Saxon Years a Miner in Golden Sht'J in the Civil War. 1 lust arc war dti itiul warrior I'M iitmI in vv mi- tr .et ;., Interest li Mill In' Ii'iiimimi with intcicst ii ml nurpii-e thai 1 ! mini tli'i tiled I Ik Hint Mi.. I in tin' gnat Civil win. and who opt-ncd I hi lustoiu liiiiniiiti'ij luei.l of I" it Sumter, ha lii'in ii I ('wnlfiit for Iwcnti llc vcur of thin rtly ami the iiiiiijiik oump nf Hidden. Tlim ik ''nl'.iiil t 1 1 1 Saxon Farley, iiillii.n v Inuring mill flowing white lut ir iiml 1'i'iiril make him 11 future on thi- strectn during his frequent v leitn in Albuquerque. Lieutenant .lame, W. Inxim, Fourth 1 'illicit SI ii I I'M artillery, retired. In mi article In the New York lli-nilil of Sunday, Airl 12th, I. I Ik art Inter! Itiir atorv of Colonel Farb v mill Ihe tlrxt shot In the great conflict The nrll- If I illustrated with ii n exccl- lent mill photouraph of Colonel Farley, in In ii rt n fnllowii: II) JMS W. Ill SON. Late I lrl Lli-otcnaiil I'ouiili lulled Males ArllaVry. Conflicting atulcmcnta have lion ii i. lc r-uardlng tin- firt shot fired In till' Civil v ii r. ii Mi"! Unit echoed Imind the world, mnl wan the bcgln iiinit of a war Hint hinted four yran costing the live of hundred nf thiiun.'indn of nifn. north unit Mouth, mnl billion of dollar In iimpcy mnl property The nhot wus firiil nl hii'f-pnat four ii'i lm k In Ihr morning nf April 12, I Mil. from 1.1 inch moriar on Jainc InIuiiiI, near I h nit of ni I'ort Johnnnn. In Hnu'h Carolina, by lli'iiry R Farley. Colonel Ceorge H. Jumi-a. Ili'n n i'ilnin. being In rum. iinitiil of ihi' Inland. The nmrlur hat lerlf were located on thin Inland, one commanded by Captain James, thi- nlher by I .i lit in i ri I Wade Iliimp toli (lihb. a West tint graduate. Ili'i-niiw. nf the dlncijnnlnn Ihnt hn nriHn from time to time uliont thi Idi'iitlty of I lie man responsible fur the firnt nil cit. thla enrrenpondence h interesting; Columbia, 8. C My lcar Farley: Won't you please give Ibr fad n van know them of 1 1 1 liuiuliurilini'iit if Fort Sumter, or lather, nf th IM'iiliiK of tin- bombardment? What bainry find the kIkiiiiI anil tint ni-xt hill? Whether your or mini'. etc. .A point Iuih been mailt-, nnd I want It mt II I'd. I hop thi- world la treat I ii K you will. Yuura with bent wish 's. W. II (51 11HS. Which lltilti-ry Kln-d MrM? (jiiatHiillne l iff nr. Charleston Harbor, Fort Johlinoti. IS. C Colonnt II H I'utliy. Mount I'lianmit Milllary Ai'aib'inv. ln-ur Hir: I hnpi. that you will 'Xi'unn my triniuisHlnK on your tiino for aome Infoi unit i.-u hu h w ill I" u matti'r of hlKiory, roinii-iti'il with llm firm f.rmtt on I'ort Humtir If 1 am not nnM.ik' n. ymi v-iro al Kurt Johiii-on on tin- pwritful morning of tb I .'Hi of April. Int.1. tin a p.iriirl pHiit in one of the baiiirua If you will rerolli-it, there -m-rr two mor tar .ituri.N loruK'd at the nbove I'oint one on the In'u.h. d rirtly went of Huniti r nnd Ihe other on the bill, due northnen: of the hem h but-ti-r, uiuPt t'ouiiiiand of i.'aiitain (li'i. K JaiMi M. v ho iiImii -omtnnndrd tha mnl The baltery on the heath nan tinder tin- immediate lotumand nT Jamen. niiil oii Mi-ret )f 1 reeollect nriahl. In Hu bamry on the beinh, wtth t'up'aiii J.unr-H. Thi- buiti-ry nn Ihn bill Man under the linmidiiit-! eomtiiand of .n U'l'iiunl Hamp ton )'I,N. an villi recolltrt who pulli tl the billiard el the firnt mortar fired? 1 lime uivaya been Ulid-r Ihe llnl'tei- u ri that Hie lux ehot f.ri-d dime from ihe hem h l ailt iv and that eith er i iipiiiiii Jamil or nolf )iullel I hi- lani ard I n ai I" rt .lohnnon lit Ibe time, an a wiiimrcr t-urx.-on for tin- oera-i-n n and i-.ii! a re.i:dnt of Jumea la land llop;iig that yuu may r-enl)e. t thi t i mo-inneea aa t.-.i-y trai,xlr-rt at tin- I. n data frmn ihelr wl urreme. 1 la K to remain, Vmra r'i-eeif uily. 11 I.KIlliV. M V. To tbeie lettrra Colonel Farley r ti .!. ntatmit that, under the mm ii... ii. I of Cai'iam Jamoa, ha hlmaclf piil'id the lanvard of the flrat (run lii' d bt Sim.i. r, ihua ahowlnf that cl.nriin made In h frlenda cf l-M-Mm. Iniffm. I.I-nit nant liiblia and flhera from different pnlnta In lha Imrii ir in it without fountlation In fail obuiey Farley who waa, I think, a no n In r of Ihe t Una i f 1 1 . Wml . I'oinl. had left ibe military atademi' tiltd had joiiiril I'aplutn Jamrn' bat tery u a In iili nanl llt i-aune he wan .1 1 1 e f troiu "the I'oinl" well up In military tuc-tua ami a fine in.iih- (natulan. Captain Jamea. Iii-'na s c eetlmifli' unioiia that the firnt ahot ahoiil-l be ai-t'iiraiely ordered f arlet l.i file ihe mortar To(i-ther with mnny of bin t-lana- i inalea and brother cadetn from the 4-ther t binaen. he entered the Cnnfed- T. r. TM H. M. II. ! Hperiallat In Kya. Fr, Kiwa ami Tlirnai, Capital 1'ily Hank Huil.lin i Prion r-J. Kantn F. V. W.j Historic Fort Sumter Farley, for Twenty-Five District Touched Off the First ernle iirmi II. in nlill liiina. and m hale and hearty at the aae ol i-iM iiiy lour yarn i if rlornl i om plikiim. will- white miinini he and lima i m ti.-r In I. he rent'ml.len nome w bat Hu- lute ,ln or I Icm rn I W'lifield Hi oil Hani ark. lie in one nf three .m of Vi illiaiti I;, raiii-.i. a l.ivijer who went from Chailoile roiiiity. 'a . to South Carolina when a nun men. About Ihe ytiir l:in he mairied I'hoebe M Ihiuiih. of luirenn inun ly. a KraiiddauKlitt r of Major Jona than Iiomiih and of'-r Ixiu'a 8ax i n. bolh of liei olul iiuiary fame I'nrlty-. Iloin Filthier. Colont-i I l.nt Saxon I'arliv waa bom in CharliKion H. C, February II IK In. He and Inn three brol her ari ally thnl uij(iiinhei themneli en ill ihe Coiil.'iti-rate Hrmy ilurlnx the Civil war i hip nf them. Ileneral Illicit I.. I ii r . . who lUiil 1. IH!I7, while nerilMK an aillutalil itin pral nf Huiith CaroHmi, wan prnmin- nt throiiKhout the war. and the oth er. Cui'lain William i. Farliy. of 'eiieral J. I-' II. Htliart'a ataff wan llm hero .if two book by (I' m nil Knlen Cooke "Hurrey nf Ihe F.nule a Nent," and "Wearinic nf the dray." Jn M book denrriblnir the mili tary ei. ration of (i-ntrnl Heaure Bard. Cob. in Alfred Iloman any, i Kurt HumliTi "ThniiKh the openlnir of himtllltiea had. for the nl iwu ) iurn been al moM hourly exiei'teil by cifflt-era und men nf ihe varloua command, nnt! by the whole ) iptilation tif the city of Chnrb'nion, ail 1 1 1 an kooiI waa the tmiti nf the troop, an lonfident of tha renulla were tho nnn-roinbntantii that when tho laat mi-aaaae of the toiiiinandinic Reneral had been de livered, notifying Colenal Anderatm thnl fire would open on him In an houra' time, unlet, order ml dlnt-l-pllnp reiKiicd throiiKhout thu city anil I arbor. "The peaceful atlllneaa of the nlht waa autblenly broken )unt beforn dawn. From Fnrt Johnaon'a mortar batti ry lit hair pant four a. m , April I'i. lM. Innued the firal all. I, an many thoiiulit. the too long difeiri-tl aiKlial ahell nf the war. it wai fired, tint by F.dward liuffin. of Vlr ainla. an him been errmicounly be lieved, but by Captain (leornu P. Jamin of Houth Carolina." (Thia was the officer w im, Colonel Farley alatea i rdt-red him to pull Ihe lanyard for Ihe fateful ahot. "It nped aloft." continued Colonel Human, "deacrlb HiK II pecliur arc of file. und. ImiihUii er Fort Kuinter. fell with (Tanning noine, In the xery center of the parade. Miraii-Kli- ImptriiaiH-e if Kumit-r. "Tlnin waa 'reieille' .1 In Charli-ntoii and itn harbor 'Mi thin eienlful nitiining. In mi innlant nil waa bustle mid nr-tlllly. Not an ab nei e Kan reporit-tl lit roll call. The cllixiiin (inured down to the battery ami tin- wharvin, und women and children crowded each window' of the houmn overlookiiik" the a rapt npettatorn ut the acene. At ten min ute to fno o'clot k ull the hattcrten and mortora which encircled Ihe grim fuitrena were in full play JKnlnat If . The I'liK.iKt iiii tit therenfler lanted throiiKhout the day with alumni un- ii ukiiik igor. but the Confc derate Hag wan not run up to lake the place f the atara and ati-pen until two day later. "litlro.pttilly.' any Colonel Fa i by, who bore an roimpicuoua a part in the mailer of which tie peak. "It may be aaid that tho or dinance of net ennlon w aa panned In n. cr.'t aennion a little after midday nn I'ctembcr i'O. jmo. Iii Soulh Caro lina. To gain ponnennion cf her fort m iill-imporiat nnd n--ceury to Ibe control r.f the only aeaport of importance on her count. The rity of ('harlenton lie on a tongue of land at the ronlliienee cf Iho Aahley and Cooper river, the brnt!on being not unlike thai of New York, which lie at ihe junction of th Laal and Hud aon river. "Tho bay extend four mile faat wurd Thi-ne fori defended the har bor; Cantlo 1'iokney. a brick eme tine, lying one mile from the city mot commanding t. rapnble nf hold ing a garmon ol 1"0 men und twen ty t,in gun; Fort Moultrie, of great el nil.' Hint "mpori.llire, four . mile fiom the rlty, on Hulltvan Inland It had been rebuilt on ncientific ,rn.-i-pba und ninunied fifiy-five gum. with a Karrmoii of Sun nun. Then chine Fort Slimier, an imM.nHig rl in lure In nine, nitiiati d about the nibblle of the harbor entrance and only half a mile butk from H ipouth imd eret led on an urnfit iul inland. The wall were eight feel Ihiik and forty feet high, eiicbmlng an area ot 300 by S.M) feel and denigued for HO gun Cu'le I'ickey wa ocru pied by .hi in 1)1 name aargmnl and Inn fiiinih. Fort Xumler by two' en gineer officer and 110 workmen I'ort Moultrie had fifty Workmen mil u gnrrinon of nlxtv nlne aobller and nine officer The walla of Fort Moulin were no low that HUJ.r Aiiileron aald a aiorming party could run like rata over the rampart ' (leneral Hcoll deared thai rein forcement be enl Inntnntly to Fort Hiimier when war niemeil Imminent. J unt her, Major Anderaon, acting In uicoriihtf with Ihe Napoleonic max. nn iliui "the error of ib-cinlon may "iiii'i'Miri be rorreiied. tbone of n dirlnion never." mined bin entire force to Fori Htimter Advance m mm Ha at once nent to llm pienideiit nnd Ihe i nmminnioiii rn and the hit ler immi'iliiitely eominlinicalt d witn Ihe prenldent. He wit preally em biirranned. The accretiiry of war de. t 'luted that the movement ti uffititini ordera and they were din-po-eil t order Alidernon back, but he lr 1 1 . i . ti 1 1 y wailed until the major 'mild be heard Trom. Afn-r Alidernon move to Fumier. I'ort Moullne, ( untie I'ickney, the nrneiial, riintom honn and pont office were acixed by ti.e court-derate gov ernment. Then began the lung, eienlful aiege of Fort Humter. Colonel Farley organim-d and com manded the il.nmiiunied cavalry corpn of'a urmv from the 'mttle r.f the iltb rtien to Ibe fall cf Felernblirg CHAVES COUNTY HAS THIRTY-FIVE TRUE District Court Opens Today in Roswcll With Heavy Grind of Business Ahead for the Court. Ilonwell, N. M. April 19. The din Ini l conn grand Jury for the npriiM li nn of Chuvea count) returned their II n a I report yenieribiy afternoon, re turning live moru true und two tin inlln. making tola returned 3J tru", and eiiiht iio-btlin. The inventlKHtora reported that they hail examined the county 1 ''a and found Ihinun ii. K. That lull lew i ni hil loim of l lie coiupulnory Inu-I I iw are ftmntl. In refiortlug their Invt nlik'ation or the Jail they nlaled that they found everything In excellent nhape, pria unera well cared for, and welt treat ed, but recommended that Hie iron work lunula the Jail tie realnte-l where needed und that the kitchen J ciilclniinetl. They aludled the report of the truv- ollng auditor and remarked that aome minor changes were at-cgented and il l. vlaed that they be followed. The graml Jury recommended that the opinion of the dim Net attorney regarding tho elite law agalnat car rying d.-mlly weapon be printed on (loth and ponied In vartoua public plmen over the country. The gland Jury was In aennion JiKt a week. The petit Jury panel I ri'lurniiMfl tomorrow morning ut U a. m , and court will begin in full force. In m; it y of the true Inlln returned the nlu-rirT force hu not aa yet maC any arrentn. Tin- canea and the jiiry canen w ill In- tried before Judge Kb h ardnoii. .Indue Mi'Clure I to hold n it-rm of court ut Katun shortly. NEW BANK BUILDING AT BELEN OPENED eelal rerraawa the HeralaJ Helen, N M, 2 The new building of the Firnt National bank at the corner of Decker and Dalicn avenue wan opened today. It in one of the finent bank building in New Mexico and cunt with Its fixture II.'. '100. The equipment Include not only very ntmng modern vaults but u nale ty deponll di-IHiltment. The Ilxulren are of African ma hogany and Currnra marlile. put in Iii the A n it-1 1 1 ii ii Fixture ('iimpany of Kannan 1'ily. Mo. It haa ita own lighting plant, Her ayatem for fire l-roii'iiioii and alnu la provided with nteuru heut. NEW POSTMASTERS FOR NEW MEXICO APPOINTED Wanhlngton. Annl 20 The follow ing pontmantera have been appointed in New Mexico: Mm. limy lliitiioiil, Tin n ii-. Lin coln county. Wallace K. 11. mi. II. Cuervo. ('. Iciin c Morgan. Lake Arthur. Juan Valencia, ( idon. Ilelh M. iSrovcr. San Il ifael. Joae H. I'nl 1 1 la, Steeplerock. .()! ItAC KN FOIl HAI. Alhiiqui-rqiMi Itcalili-nlH Am larnlnf How In i:xcliaoge i ho (Hit lack for a Mronger fine. Iioea your buck ache, feel weak sod painful? Im you Buffer tieaduchoa, languor and depreanlon? la the urine dla.olored, punages Ir- regulur? The kidneys may be calling for help. Weak kidneys ran not do their w in k. (live them th help they need. To cure a kidney backache you m unt cure the kidneys. I'ne a tested and proven kidney remedy. 1 loan a Kidney Fills have stood the teat. C- nviiiclng proof of merit In Albu querque rndoraement : Mr. I a. u Inn Hornet!, 60 W. Sil ver street. Albiiiieriu. N. M . y: "una nf mv family had a bud back. Hlie hud known of 1 man' Kidney 1'illa for a long time, and ahe began using them. They quickly cured her and nhe haa had no trouble alnce." For sale by all dealer. I'rice 60 rents. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Huffulo. New Turk, sol agent for the I'nlted Hmte. Hemrmber Ihe nam Onan'g and lake no other. BILLS FROM JURY T YEAR III ACREAGE 1 More Attention by runners to General Farming than Ever Before with Number of New Crops. (Ravelal I rramgar ta lfc Herald) Hunwell. N. M , April - Ther I going In be more land In i ultlvatlon in the Itnnwell UiHtrlci Dim vciir, than ever before. Ileitiile the twelve huiolnil acres of new ut ' hurtle w hich liave been planted to. my more lliun a lh-iunan-1 acten of good virgin ami is tu be plantt-d in nmuller crop There will be the four or five hu.i dred u ren of iiutaloupen ,aitd sever-tl bundled of alii tni'lon A low crop will be stoik beet. That i. there will be latf i m reagei. K. K Thompson Is planting ten ir-res noiith of tin city. Then will be a hundred a- re planted throughout the Itnnwell section. The Mock bp-t I i.mIii en abundantly hi re, ten to thirty tun per acre, which bring t'i to ti per The coming of Ihe cow nnd the hog la creatitm u demun l lor Mock iieetn. The new crop for the ear. and which will he iUtte generally planted In nil. all tra-'t artichoke. H. W. Joyce made tich great niicpe ot Iht-m bint year that several small tr.ictn will be planted. Among tne many farmers who will plant thi crop are Motility on the Mike Burn land, nouth of town, nnd C. M. Kaugheriy This will he the second year for much feterltn the dry-land crop. And many farmer; especially those up l.i he dry land section will put out acreage. The recent ratna and snows have pin toi of moisiiire In the around and hundreds 't acre of thin forage crop in being planted now. While gmi.e can ha always been grown In Ihe mountain a much larger acreage to be planted till year. Indian corn is to be generally planted thla year. tr. II It. Keltn la to plant fnrly acrea Hen A me who had the banner production in 151 J Is trying to far siirpnnn that it hint year. W. (i Hamilton In plant ing corn and n.iyn hp will produce li bu.-heln to the acre. SANITARIUM TO BE Eastern Manufacturer Said to Be Behind Project for One of Largest Institutions in Southwest. Deming, N. M., Apm 19. on.- ot Ihe largest sanilut luin In tho wra,i i noon to be cMal.lintn u in Myndun in ibe eastern part of Him count) acco.-tt-Ing to I. W. Turtiei on the occusloii of hi recent vlnli to iH-m'ng Mr. Turner Is the in iMii.iciurcr of tne "Turm-i ised'' rootltm and Is In every way nnanclully sble to maxe good his plana for making .Mvndua a town ' considerable Importance. Thu pro poned sanitarium in to coal about I .'tin. 0U0. and will lie located aoout a half mile north of ihe preaent town alte. Wuler is now being developed there and the fiyniond agency has re ceived order for the installation of u pumping plant. The 7 -room hotel has Jut lieell completed and is now in service. The Hymond agency has Just completed; the installation of a city water plant for the use of the h .u I and the town.) A 1 1'.oO'i-gnllon alt-el nlorago tank la' part of the equipment I Ten bungalows hun- been complet ed and as soon an these are lean--! ten more will be bum. The found i- , lions for a Nuninrn. block will be lull Ibis week by the Thomas J. I'rlch.ird Construction compani, th contracting Arm which has conwdete chargo of all the Turner devi l, otnent. In this hunlnens block will I- stores, otflces. garage, pool room, i c I Mr. Turner left Vdnrday for ew Turk ( Hy, nut expected bac her within the next few weeks. The South enterr Alfalfa rnrma company opened itn m lllng campaign this week with an In tial aale of la:, ono worth of la, id n the I - tract rant of ihe city The purchasers were: II If. llegbtol, of th Metro politan Htret Itallnay company ol Kansas City, Mo . Hmnuel Kllnn. of th Connumern' Ice company of Kan i City. Mo.; Chnrlen Jones, aaneaanr of Jackson county Mo, of lndeirnd nce. and W. L. Wacgnner. a con tractor of Uvlngntnr.. 111. The eig.dh grade ' lass roll of Luna .,,) ... i )mi snow an in creased population of agriculturists and land holders, In this pari of the atal. Two year ana ther were six gradual, and lust v ear's clsss num bered seven. Thi vsr ther sr thirty-Hire nppllcinta for examina tion, completing all ,,r part of the re quirements necestary to obtain a car lifltal. Teniy-iw.i pupils of thin class have met all lb requirements IIOTFL HOMtlXF NFW M tN'AHKMKN'T. MTV Uf in sulmji. 1-a I eag . S?w Ms. BIG INCREASE NEAR ROSNEl BUILT AT IHYHDOS COD Of! HIDING GOOD ROADS Plans now Complete for Con struction Which Will Give Splendid Pike All way to Gallup and Albuquerque. MEAN3 CONNECTION WITH REST OF NEW MEXICO County Government and Var ious Towns and Villages Join in Movement Which Means Much for Develop ment. (Ily Orvall Klckilt-i.) Farnnngton. Apr!' IV. The entnli liKhment of u good road from the Col orado Mate line to the Hogback on the reservation in San Juan county I now practically unntiretl. When thin tretch of loud I put in lirnt-clann condition It mean that It will be used aa a unit In the lutner l.o Augelen auto road. There ha been nome talk ; of bringing the road around through Colorado an lo enwa the Sun Juan ut Shlprtii k. but aa this route I noiup Pftccn mile longer nnd cannot be Uned in the winter month, it han been decided to make use of the San Juan mute, us there In not a day In the year thut the road latinot be traveled The ean Juan valley road will pun through every town In San Juan county, New Mexico, Ibiin keeping In touch with telephone service, .water and farm inline and town hoatelrie all the way, benide furnishing ttiur Int pleiiNlng n' ent ry and other i-om-fortn not to be had In making the trip over a barren wuate. l.ant week 111 lee auto loadn of Farminirton good matin enthunianli tlrove up to Axtec tn hobl a Join con ference with Ibe Aztec auto club. At the meeting there were two members of the county mad hoard, two mem ber of the board of county commis sioners, several of the county hankers, .three newspaper men, half a doxen 'auln liccrv iti.-ii unit u hiMl ttt uulo ow ner, ben den a bunch of business men and ran. hers It was brought out nt the meet ing that th Colorado commissioners will be willing to make a good road from Innango to the atate line, as In deed they arc already working on it in places. It la Irom the stale line to the llogoack that Sun Juan county j people are asked lo put their ener gies, r rom tne itogtincK to snip rock, which Is on the Indian reserva tion, Superintendent shcltnii hu una of the best roada in th county. In fact, the bent, and only a year ngo ripcndcd la.iiOU in Masting a loud out of the side of a solid rm-k wall that the atccp anil tTangt-roun raile up over the Hoginnk might be elim inated. He han Ine n at wotk for over seven years putting the twelve miles from the Hogback tn the agency in condition Hut he haa many times expressed hi entile wtlliiignenn In put the road from the agency ut Shlprin k to the line of hin Jiirsdu Hon nn the reservation in JUst aa good shape if the people of the San Juan would only get busy and make a pike ol their mud Thus a mad from lm rangn to UhIIup in assured, the (ial lup people having agreed to build a road twelve in. ten thla way to the reservation; with only a little over !" mile to take care of. At the meeting two Committees were appointed, one to represent Axtec and one Fnrmliiglon. These committees ure to luke churge of the at III e work und will cunvann the county In the Interest of the rund. The tlrnt direct lesull of the meet ing In Axlet la the offer made by the commissioner of Ibe road hoard In put up half the amount towards securing a grader for District No fi, the Fa rm In t on dintilct. Thla offer was promptly uken up, and a com mittee Is ut work investigating the matter and will soon lepori on the style of grader that they want, one J costing about fj"1' being suggcitcd aa Ihe most practical. 'jn-t night ut the call of the Joint commit lees a meeting wa held in Flnra Vinta. Km husiast from Aitc and Fiirmington were present. Insulin a big local crowd, there being fifty present al thin gathering, showing thut the interest la Increasing. The 'meeting was organised and commit tees were appointed to lake care of th work In Flora Vlnta. I Tonight a meeting la lo be held al the Hood at hool hoiia. and then meeting are tn be held in rapid suc cession all over the county, In every precinct, hamlet, village and town. and it la hoped that within the next jWeek or so lo have th work properly In line to commence the throwing of dirt. The county surveyor has of fered hla services In plaiting out the . propoaed work on Ihe ror. I. w hich will be of Invaluabl assistance I The new bridge ut Cedar Hill la now completed. Illda ure being called for In bridge the I .a Plata, and the bridge scrims Ihe San Juan ut Ship rock I In course of construction, which are the three places that have hindered this road action being taken before thi llm. Th outlook la morr than hopeful tl Jllnn rmlnly ,,,.,,, m,y w,ij rejoice at Ihe prospects of being con nected by a good road both with Colorado and with Ih rent of the glorious Sunshine slste. of which they ar In fact an Integral part, but which for .veils, on account of th lack of anv giuid mad. hive hn denied th close communication thai they are en titled to enjoy. After Ihe plan have bn com pleted It I proposed lo ask th slat of New Mexico for fund, a San Juan ha bet n paving one mill mad 11 for Ih pnnt seven yenrn and Ih atate haa nnl spent on cent In Ihi of the (tale tor good loads. He pays for his vanity. The man who buys a heavy car sacrifices good dollars to misplaced pride. The prudent buyer invests in the dependable Ford. He knows it will serve him best -and at lowest cost. Five hundred right) -five dollars Is the pile of the CO Ull runabout; lb touring car ia six, thirty-live: tho town cur I eight thirty-live f o. b. Ahio,iicritlP, complete equipment. Hit catalog and particular:! from Jl l Krt. Alio Ml I 'FLY til., Albuquerque, N. M. l'hoiie "'0 J HOLD INSTITUTE IN SANTA FE Ariangements for Gathering of Teachers from All Parts of the Southwest During Summer School. TRUJILL0 FOLLOWS HIS HORSE INTO CAPTIVITY Jemez Man Arrested by United States Marhal for Selling Liquor to Indians; News of State Capitol. (SN1nl HKpatcli lit TIm llceald). Santa Fe. N. M , April HO. Supcr iiiti'tidcni I'eura of the government Indian aervice ia In Santa Fr toduy holding a conference with Assistant SuH-rintendent H F. Asplund of Iho state department of education, wl'ii reference to the holding of a confer ence of Indian school leat hers of the southwest, which will tie held in thi oily during the summer. probably diinnr the summer school for which arrangements have been made. More than lull tea. hers are expected tu at tend. n r.w t itv .ovi:iimi:t TAKI S (HIIK.I. TOMI.HT Mayor Sargent and the new city M'V eminent Will tuk charge lonighl. There Is little of special inert nt in the chunge of the government out side of Suiitu Fc. , IHlMdXIII hi It IMF. IA ArrtlllllTF.Il TO I I I. IIFI.TIt The suicide of K I'. Ilnleoinli in Washingion laat week, which has aroused Interest In Nt-w Mexico be cause of llolcomb'a activity In his Mate as a special agent nf the In terior department, is attributed by Washington letters and newspaper received hern today to des pondent y superinduced by ill health. aiimv kti hvimj Tilt: I 'LOW OF ItlO I.KAMit'. N. T. Ulatkliurn, a Lulled Stale briny engineer I In Santa Fe today in iiinniillatlon with Slato Khgineer French and In ruiira of a trip along tie lllo Urundti, In which he is studying the stream for a report to ihe army board, which Is now Inves tigatlng ali at ream a In Ihe Tinted Statea, under ihe provisions of the river ami harbor act. Mr. Iilaek bin n heudquariers ate at Ualve. ton. AIIAV Till JII.I.O Ilil.HiWH lloltsr. IMO t'AITIITV Iepity lulled Stale Marr.iu.1 Carlos Creamer returned today with Alum Trujlllo of Jemeg, who he ar rested In Ihe Jeinca mountain la' week Ulltler a I'mttd Slate war-ant nnd Indictment charging Alum with selling liquor lo Indian. It waa Abun'a horse, which was raptured several Week ago with a varied assortment of plains and fancy boose attached to th saddle, and which has been under the lender rare meantpg Ihe horse of lieputy I'nlletl Slates Marshal Hose, since its capture. STAMUMi A II MY IM hf.ahv ttm Tin-: ntAY It Is announced at- the adjutant general's office today that th New Mexico national guard a already on a war footing, and Is roady al any lime in respond lo the call ot duty. Oovernor Mclmnald said he had no intimation that Ihe national guard might lie called on. hut It has been Ihe general blpf that In Ih event or a cull for Ih national guard, th imopa along th border would be the first to be called out. I'olbiw h fcam) Hubs. "Congressman Wellnby looks wor ried miice women got lb ballot " "Ye; he sues he's all at sea. Il'a nn expert in kissing babies, but he doesn't know Just how to cumpiilgn among grown girls." Kansas i'uy Jourual. D SCHOOLS TO fl SUMMER PIPE ARRIVES FOR NEW WATER WORKS BUILDING AT RATON Itaton, N. M , April 19. Two ear loads of pipe are now unloaded and lbre more cure are en route from t'..n I'Ueldo foiimlrl.n lor Ihe new mans lor tin- ci y wuler plant. The Hist lay Ina of new pipe will be ntirtfii w until a few days in southeast Union the lowest purl of the svst.ui. Con tractor tiurdon Is having ull pipo given a maximum list before ship ping, thus insuring lite new system from any defect mot connciiuent delay when Installed for service. Mr. inr don was expected to arrive from I'ueblo tmlay to lake up active work on Ihe no. ntnl unit of the municipal nyniem, which im dude a network of main reaching every block In the city. Meanwhile ihe excavating roc work for the emergen. rencrvmr ill Ibe south slope of ilout lull is stead ily pronrenning under Ihi- superin tendence of Subcontractor M Kenxio. In-lcgute to )ignv t'lmgreaw. Mrs. il. M Howe left bsst inniinr for Washington. I. C, where she will attend Ihe third International M till ers' congress of child anil welfure. is one of New Mexlco'a delegates. Mrs. Howe will be aonent for four weens, during which time she will make a Visit Willi friend and relatives living In Chattanooga, Tenn, APPOINTMENTS TO AID WORK OF THE NATIONAL CIVIC FEDERATION 4rlal rasateh la r.renlaa MrraMt Siinlu Fe, N. M . April i'i Acting In ni-cttl d with u requent from August lleliiioiil. chairman ol Ihe National Civic Federiiiiiii. (lovernor Mclion ii Id ha appointed II. L. Ilickley of I. atoii and II H. Heniiig of Allnniuer tiie for speciut committee work in New Mexico in connection with the federation depuilment on enmpen aution for Indunlrlal accidenta und llicir preieiition. Mr. rilckley to si-r- i on the committee for uniform stiitn leglnliitlon and Mr. Heniiig on lint committee on ntatistlc PROHIBITION RALLY TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY NIGHT IN SANTA FE Special Dlspatrk la r.vealag Ilrral4 Santa Fe. N M , April Ju 'I'lio cnmmiltio of the local prohibition agitator are busily hi work today and hope to have a aultlcleiil numlier of algnature tu the pel II Ion for u Pn-il option election by Wednesday iilaiil when a prohnittlon rally In to be hell In Fireman' hall to open the cam paign to make Santa Fe a "dry" town. It ia announced ul..o that Sam Small, the revivalist, is to In- brought her next month fur a series of meetings In the prohibit Ion cause. Quick Relief When Utterly Vcrn Oat Getting the Clood in Order Is Require ! T, r.ople. It yon think ynq hies gnns tn sntaah aad Al imlf for Ihe dlstartl, try M M. M. ur Hut 1110. sl It win surprise ynu lo know what ra t,s dons for h.-altb onrs the tilmsl I released t.f tti excess i.f body waste that -i Ii from rxerilauig lis full measure ut tnsliljr repair. If ymi fit-l played nut, go to any drug Hon- ud sk for a U.ntle uf . H. H. Hern is a reiunlr Unt gets at wurk la a lariuk lln; It lust naiurally rushes risiit liu-i four lilis.d. s.ii lets wrmt rlglit aud left, up sud dovra and ltl- ways. Vim ft-' l la-tier st once, nut from a llm. ulant, not from tn actloa of drugs, bat fr..m Ike ratluaal rVert vf a Balurai atsdt rias The Inrrertisnis la H. a. a. srrre lbs rilve piirpiNie of si. stimulating tke rellnlar Us- u-s uf iii Ualr liiai iln-r plik out fn.ui the blond their ua-a esseatlsl biilrlmeut sad I inn repair work begins at coos, lbs rsllff Is gn-ral all nv-sr the si-alsm. Ini not tu (si s titxll of H. n n. tislst i win uttkr iiui feel better la Just t tear mlnuua It s prepared only la the Isls.raliirr ut T1i ksrirt Siclitp Co.. fiMH Hs-ifi Milg. Atlanta, lit. Mead f.-r tbn-ir frs liis.t lelltng of tU(. gisay string n.s. 111 1. sis thai sltllet ths bum an fniullf ur Irani a uf loipovrrlatlrd blwvd.