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It. . OF COURSE )ini C wail mill rrml nIhmii Hie V lt In a liHrr. lint Wlijr ilo II '. f;p in. ilay'a fva'iiU I'Mlai In Tli Herald. nunujjiwTnzEJC, Vol. it. No. . WHOLE A TLANTIC FLEET ORDERED TO CONCENTRATE AT VERA CRUZ i nJJ'IvMiiM'ilLj 11 LaiLs 11 viMiLliv MB vera amz 'WMIP iff! A FIRM KM F FID 11 vUliJJfi 1 VlLrAllMIM iLsij IiMILjILJjIU' NO TIME TO WAIT FOR SENATE Admiral Mayo's Ships Instructed to Speed Under Full Steam Join Small Force Now in Vera Cruz Harbor; Reported at Washington tlat City Already Is in Hands of Ma rines; Twenty-One Americans Wounded. MEANTIME HiSTORYMAXlNG DEBATE ON SCOPE OF THE WAR RESOLUTION RAGES ALL DAY IN THE SENATE Senator Lodge Contends for Broad Changes in Original which Will Change It Inta Flat Declaration of War Against Mexico, Declaring All Murderers Looked Alike to Him; Majority Leaders Contend for the Original Resolution. Washington, April 21-Secretary Daniels Hurried to the White House just Before six o'clock for a conference with the president. An unconfirmed report was in circulation that Ad miral Fletcher had reported the sierure of Vera Cruz with a loss of four marines killed and twen-ty-fcur wounded. The house has recessed until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning so there can be no final action by con-"" gress tonight. l hkmhinm-: to ji i:sti nv m:tui wti ks on tiii: I 1,4 Milt or Tllr'. H:VfK SIX T I Ml KlHV fcll: "l no or . vr to M'i:tk with i,osinrrs or jivr wiit hh tut i idti it vr i n t in.. iti: i si: i Mit.iiT m: MITkl:N: HI T MX IMI'HI.sMoX Is Til T 1M: CITY or V i:it lit . IIH 111 I V Thl ; IIIVI' IT II III t V 1 KI N WII'IIOIT Tin: riniM; or 1.1 n. amitiixt it is in ioski.siox or 01 it I (HH IX" W S;T0. AI'IIIL 11 si: HI TMtY TI MI I.TV Sll AT :.. I'. M. THAT TIIK Wlllir llol si: w s Wlillol T ANV III: I'OIIT Ol1 TIIK l.N'iNi or MMIIM K I H I III W ASHN.TN'. AI'IHI. 31. T ft:.V I'. M. Till-'. KlA TK IIK I s. sill I NTH. II 1I1I.IH K. WHIN SI'N ATOII ICOOT Wll.l, Sfl'AH. IIIII.ITIN: W IslllNl.TON. AI'IHI. 21 Willi K TDK sKNM K UAH STII.I. H M'lmr. AIT'INI. I'll 1 1 ( M N SHIVMY or TIIK IIMt IU.S IIKI.ATIONS (OMMiriti: Mlr. A SH.NII1I ANT ST TI MKNT TO AN INQ'HU:it. -I ST'KONt.l.V MsVT I I! lit I. II s III IA TIKI'N W ITII OI T I IIIINIl A SHOT.- K Mil IIK. UK HIU I.INKII TO MI'I.II'Y HIM IlKMAItK. W slllN(.(iTl4. AI'IHI. J I. T t:JW ll'I'MMK Sl4'tlTltV l. II.I.S HAIII III'. HAII "NO UOHIl" or KI VI I.OI-MI NTs IN VHI 1 III 7,. Oil HI VI. ll!l II. s WITIUHT MIUMKVT IIKAHH A HKItlllT TIIT MIIUNKs ll l.NHl:ii ANIl TAkKN' ItlssKssloN or I'll K I I STOM IUUKH. IT W'.iH KXIII TIIT AHMIII l. I I I TI II I II W AS TO I.ANII NO MKN I N III, 1 III: SlllfMIAI-S OK Ml Nil IONS llll HI KN I.ANIIKIK IW III;T0N. ritll 111. SliTtiri AIIY lMHM ANNOI Nt l ll I.ATK TOHY Til T HV. Ml AHMHI Al, M WO WITH Ills II.K.sHII' IIINNMTHTT AMI MOST OK TIIK OTIIKJI YKssKlJ I'NHKH HIS (OMMVNII AT TIMTH-O II H STKVMI M n(t 1 11 ITII .. Al.l, thk vrsKr:ij or iikaii aumhiaii'm ri.rirr inn hkkn; OltlM.'ltl II TO iiO HlltUTT.Y Til ltlX. WASHINGTON, AI'IIIL l. sKfKKT 111 V IHMIlJ-i I.ATK TOIIAV .,c-- ii im iti:i tiii i ii it Mniuto TIIXWoltT TO I V I C 1 1 -V III Ml l MM(ii:s itii:i:i:i hi:miii.i.ii lll.ANVIIT SWs AM. MIXHO Wll.l. in iii: Mexico 1 1 ill :i -. "ity. April .l 1 .in h. icnoral Aureli aim 1 1 la mi net . tli Imliiy whether Hie rem r von w .ul.l hi- "In due tun. If H abould l.eiuin,. an will every citilcn In MeXI. o." osii I ;iini:ssv oiiiir.ns i I. l oltl (.M Its III t.t-T OCT WuxhiiiKloii. April 1M. I'hnrge 'l-haiiithiii nl I hi' iliroitn.ii of I hi' Mule department, linn nlvinci the foreign diplomatic Imily In Mexico 'ity ti have their niitlnnulu leave Mexli ii. MxmrrwiY imviv cali M I N IsTKIt.s INTO COM':HKNT. Wnahlnglnii. April 21. Secretary llryan naked th rir-lKn nmliuiuiiiliir lit iniilrr with In in ut 2.311 p. in. It wax Kriicrally Hrcrpti'd thut In- khiiM ihIvIhx thrm on tlir Rlliii.ltnii In id" I. ill I'nunt Vin l'. riiunr I f, ili lii iiiinii UlllllHHMailur. HUH tile lllHt In llllltl'l with hirril..r Hr):in. Ho lfl III- I ii i r r rn hf niul.l nut ui uhh ti ik Ixit mill I hut hi Aiin wlthiiiit tiny itifninii Hun of til (li'tnian rililp i n rr inic tnu n 1 1 1. of w ir to Ilui-rtii at Vii.i tn. A iiibiipjiilur JuiisiTiinil, AinliaKiia lur hprlntt- Itli ami .Mnlia.iHailur Itlano wvro Mr. Hriin lull inllif. Kai Ii t'in r k 'I ri'tunliix to auxi-r any 'iU'lioriB. . Si rn tary iliw ushi cI with tin aiiiliiiHHiiliii4 the ittatiiM nf anv lliii-tl.i uar nuitirla Ih n!zil at 't-i.i I'rnx ami he nllutlon an It alfic Ih I In i iihiuiti Mi liiun Mini In- li.ul no i.i ws from Vi'u i run. SKN TK TKi:s I I" THK DM l,ltTloN Ol' W l( uuhiiiKUin. 1 1. I".. Apill " I Tlit hoiiMf rt-cUitliiii .ih am lutnl li' iIim iurrixn ri'l.iiH.riH ininiiiiii'i ' laiilv liilur,. I lio vinilo Kuuii ui'it it nu t Ht liuuli. A new rrt'ilut inn In urn pi (In- ani' 'Si alruily oflVieil l IIiihij . "auinrlvtit rrpuratiu-i-' l"r tin- T.itn Pirn lm lilflit wan inl i iiilii' i il l Si ii ntnr Wi.rks, Iti-pnlihr.iri. Soi trtaiy lmnn l Ii !t tlip (ilntifl n.i i'ilnil at K l'i 'i-lm k. Ilo .' nnki.l aiioiit the ni'lora tn Ailnuiai Hololur. ' It whim I'o vi iy uiimIhm fur mo 'o .IV HIi.thlUK at lh. llllio. ' m.ih Ins reply. .-'inatnr LihIiio oprlii'l tho iloliuto. 'Ill H HU.ltllili of litKll M'l'liilKIIOH-l (mi Ii a mm on! runtx i niiKroi' It i" will lo roliifllilur t'.o Ii 'upoiiailnlily ot the si :::t'f." h" iiohmii. Tin puH r to id rial war ri st. undor the oimtltu tlon. with roliK ro. "W'lion tho pr -xitlt nt lax an Inn r l..llliill ,l cunt mi e ay bif. lo nilMli'it he token t tie I.imI atop Hint pri't eiloi. war," rontinmil Mr. I. "Hue. "Tin prialdent Iniiilit haw taken fuittiel Htopa luit lit haa com tn thp tn a lit. tt hIiiiiv liaa tho pnmir I" ilo'l ne war. I Hunk h- hna iluiie ell." Hen. ator Wllliuma aki'il hnw lunit it tk eoiiKreaa tn paH the Hpaliiah tAar ii-a-oiutlon. Ui FilleUf rephpil thai iiinarra took from April I! to ,pin IW tu puaa tli' roaolutloii In ISHK. Meiiil'era of tho limine llled nun tho ai llalfi l llumtiel' H ml eimMleil the ll n ol the hull. "Thla rroolution u the wur.l 'Jna llfv," Inatoail of 'aulhorue.' "'l l.oilito. "The reault will uf the winio Thla rraolutioii itoea not i oiilemplaio tho dedal utli.n of war. The piemil' tii In lila niriuwRo Uia Uliiieil any hovttllty toHnnl the Mexican people, lint thia rraolutUm carriea with It armed In tervention. Tunxtnueneea of firmed Inler venllon are In many reati.-eta prn iaoll the aanie an war. Hut ih, y prearnt j talk lea caiuioln of, apoejy i iiiii lrlloti, leaa tortile In apeeily ulnry "I Meiorlpa won and may hriiii a lout per luil of h exeri Ine of whu( woul l b Ih (iuIIi i power in u foieiiiil country lurulvlim vital rKu-ntltlurra, rat ioaa of life perllalw. unit inoniha J aaltafai't Ion of frflliiK that w llai iiuaiariiuii ui leeiini mui ii,. nan, brounlit back ieaca and oriler and AtBUaUEUQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1914. it wn i: t ni:w yoiik a V TI Us TIIK HLl.lMI.Vr Of at I'iiii.ii:iiii a. TO IK.IIT IMTI.II HTVri. Ml. I Tin- loili.nil rupltal la unlet tiiinintrr of war nf Mexico, naked i alio, I tu t hu cnlora. replied: ne.cnnaiv, Ihey will be till lulled, lilterty to a detracted country." I'MtTY I.INI S ItltKAK IMVN h S HK.NAlOlt M)Mii: l:eiewliiK tlu Tiimplco in, , Ion', Senium I.oiIkc cunllntiail : '1 li re la no ilouiit In my mind thai that lln iiloni at T.illlpi n cunHlltilleil ar ilouiit to the American liait u ml the Aniellian uniform, .No nation can allow such an Inuult to pa unnotlcr.l It lit Ita duty to avrk proper atuni inent and reparation Tn form ol ain h alnnumvut la unlVttaatly rrcon inreil. It la a auluto to the ling ol th, ortoiiileil nation. Hut Unit aaliite Ih a .ii tn, n. All parly line diauppenr in i he il, inanil lur amriulH fur aiu h an i fix 1 1 1 ami we u II hi, mil lie In ml the pr-Mih nt'a ilemand I ,r ntoneiiieiit." The caliitii-t ni'etn k hruke up hi; the n. ii a to ihliatc wan on and Se, re iar Tumulty anil of the cahi-lu-t niemhera hiirrieil to the aena'e chamlii-r lo hour he siM-echea. "VuihiiiK lien In the ailiiuttnii," w ia the way I'lihlinahli-r lioiii ral lliirlesuii put It. Hvnntor I.oiIko rem i I any linpii- taliuliM that tin- ItepulilicaiiH wore 'Ink i n if tn proper ii-Mard lur Un hniuir of the Hun.' No ( Holer, whim; mi hhi HI its UK! l,Kls THK HI A Tiilt "lltlt we muni al-" think i t In" which the It.i k coer--tho citii-its ut the I nlleil Stater, ' h aalil. "I'm Allieriian i il!i 118 h.i,- pel IhIio.I nil Mexican aoil. I cannui. in demaiiitiiiK ituiu un lit of the insult at Tainpl' u. overlook I heae oiitiaea. I riiiin il I'iihi thi-HH tnunli rn nv alletitly Ha unt any In k Ihut th. r.' la a itreat'-r wioiik to lie alunoil. and a wrnnx which miiNt not Ik- ami ahall imt in repeated. "I cannot he put in poltnn w lu r. I appear to pick ami . hooan between ia. lui'.m that tuil. iv nar Mexli o u-umli-r. cannot Ju.n In any rejoin tmn whlili putH Hi,- I nlleil Slate m (he puMlinu of t . I - i i liar one niiit- Oeroil and cut-thr above anutiu i inoiileier ami l ulihr t. I have tin llealte ' crltii l.e I'le-,- uleiii Wilmi i lur hi 4 i .ilure lo r i nv; ll... Ill-Ill'. i ! Ilui'li I ii. ei iled nil Kl inm n milt, lent frtl'utlUl;, ari 1 (.111 li.u.Miiy mui I'liu 1 1 in rt i rem In il Iiik Itilt lln fa. t Hi 'I I ' q ill H line nut ll .III II. a lo.elt lull vv tin ll t. Ho no ilniHit appeal iim I ' I coiiileinti a me methmla nt in d b w Ii" Ii ; leaent luiHllmli i lemn Inn met !. hi put lliyoll in iiatortlon of il" . . here or i'ic I. ti Ih v tin h we I .i '' w ul il we III ti r I'll' bt'liinil Villa Villa. Ii lllll'll inaKii! ' haa In en marki'il lapltie, pliiinli r mi I i i line, which al e i vuiihiry in which vvi It la for thai i imrity of th count leialioiia haa pn i " lur I he r ream hie ..; Not on acnlcni e cat. aould pin no 'in began llle aa nhoat- pathwa:- llll llloinl-ln l. ojr nulla in ''' 'liatd'!' to I I" IV. il Hint the mi le on loreiK-i I Iho auhatitu'i Ih remiltitiuli. o dciiieii. i: K h i a liiclan. Ilnly trnili." Th aenalor ad ieil "nil the lliat l Under Hi reaolut u n Would he I In' taking; of Vru t'ru "W ar eii aaiied at thla nionu M," h d. "laro,l, toweriiiK hia voice motlonully. "tint only In ileulinii with a iiallon lnvolv . In a; the iravent n n ..iiaibiliilea iha: Van confront the i-.nn ra, but ua no' otieii happeiia. we partlcipati'it III ii mo, it hlatni i action. The Krounda of our a. -Inn- hra today will ki l.efur Iho world and will coin In th tribunal of luaiuiv. If We ale o Iniirven In Mi'slm ny pnliii. I Want to lift It up !i"in Ih level ul lelaonal li.wtlllli.n i.nd plan It on th broad (round r a treat n.iiiuiial ui llun tiikitu In the iniereaia and for Ih prolectlnn nf Arm rlcim Uvea In a lorvlgn country and lor th purpun. iiIimi of reeturliig " ' and order if w rim." Henator Hhlvelev. a 'ling challloall of the i ..nuiiill. u ih 'l.i ro.l the peml- llllt I 111 .,, W.IH of ') t It III 11 II I llll- . lilt. illi e.'" "The alti inpieil parallel between III I'M noru pi in eeiliiiKa ami tin- pruceeil- iKKH loailllitf up In the nl liar lii Spam ia tiilile." In- aaul, "It hi never Inn late tu ili-i I i re war. H may eiiHily he, urn,, tun late to t"-puro .face, J lint notion wan a ilocl.i l a 1 1 in Tin l .i.. I "i in a kuiiiI Inilh .llu. In prexeive pea. e. He aiid Iho pic I'letit hail nut ankeil cniiKiei.M lut au thority he. mi" he il'il nut wi-h t (iiiihii ii war Mr Shiveley i ual.-inli il .the l.oilkte preiiuil.le would hav tin remilt but war. ' lixpeilltliiit hole la Mtal." aa;. Henator Hhlvelev em phut Itall.v , "oe iiiiine Una la an i ft,.tl in . revel v. Iiriice." "Would the aeixiire of Vern t'rtix by fori e he mi a. of pom ,, or an a.-t of war?" naked Hi liatnr lllamlaKee. "It would tint he an a. t nf war," aald Son. Hi, r Hhlveloy. It would to' an act of reprisal i'in inaiiv occa aiuna haa the I nit.-il Stat," lamle'l furiea at.. aoizod pnipettv and no War haa t'tlmleil. Henator Hhiwley Inaiated th Irii oiimplallit waa of acta, tint iiMaaiilla on private pel i. tin or rniierty. hut m'la that had all the vhlence of beln't meant aa iiiHiilta to the I'uiti-il Htnt"-i Kover iment meant to linpeiu h the lower mid aovereignty. "It wua a plain, ileliherate aaniiiilt on our uniform, on nil our navy Niamls lur." Kind Sentilor Hhlvelev, reterrma to the Tampion incident. STIHVK Mill iv: K OH Hl t l.XIti: K. HYS SIHVKI.Y "Thi aiiuatlun in Meixm ia had enniiKh. .No one will diNpiile that, llut her w at eiiKHKed In un rffort lo avoid going- further than la ncce aary mid at the autne lime u Impreaa on thou in iiuthurity that the ilmnity of Hi lulled Htulea muai be ri- ll'Cted." Senator Shlvi ly aald Ihoa who had been "claniorlnK fur inlervenlion" had not thuiiKht of ill danger lo the thouaanda of Amerlrnn cltlxena In Mexico. "I a.iy It la ii marvel In view of the character of I, .at nd with till. Hull of our cltirena thri. ihat we lav eacaped wit hunt n groat iiiiitihci nf caiua li lea.' he dci luted. Mr. Hhnely r-fetrod in tin- l."dso preamhli': "Tina preamble would tratiaforni Una roK.iliitinii into a ileilaratlnn i '. War," he aanl. "I," We ale tn Illlike a ileclat at Inn of war then let ua make It. Let un tint . ii u. i no in the anlvelliiig phiirlaeeiKin nf tiling l.icta whl' h Jn tifv ami inm un war and then adopt tln no I.-.. I iln. lit Ale w in Die s.i l.i .tli . ileilai, h ilf a turn rea-"itw why ahuiild e do- Ian it un Mexn .. ami in ru n lu.lintf Hi,, t . v . . I 1 1 1 . . ii di l l. ire ,,iir purpun mil In ,l.i hu ' There ,-flll hi' tin illo.iliun a to whit (In natural effiet of Ihit I . r . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 nuiild lie if art. In -noil Mini' power of the World All I he r. Hat iona of ronnlven wniil.l ln Idle it.. r Shlvehy aald that who wet anxioiiK fur war may will wait until hia "resi.liitlwi In trud an a luoaiiM for peii.-r," WII I.I WIS WAN Is it M HMi.HT W II ON Ml II I i: It T A Son. iluf Jnhn Shari Wllliuma, liemu, rat. then l .... k the lluur in ii I'url of the eummittoe ronnlulmn. "Tin lime may ounie," hi aaul, "nil. u a ln. ro iun, tillio will not be h.iMln Inl war. I V 1 1 tnil.iv. II' the prenliletit hud ovorlunkod thia IiikiiU In the flint, he vvuuld havi- been con ileinned fioiu pvi-rv- hill ami vnlb y hi the I'liUcI Hlalon Therofure, with the world neiui-liarhario, aemi-elviU'-d. I m u-4l nuppuit tip' priai .1' nt I ibm l nam l.i ill tiny .M-x-. aim. I iluii't want any Moxi ana kilhiiK me ' The l.mlge ail but It ut I'. Sch.ltnl W'l'l! illln aai.l. waa a iloil.irat inn ul var agaiiint Mexico arid the Mexican I Id--. ' I want,' aad Henutur Williaiiin. "ibis ie.-4iilutiuii to bo au wunled that the vvurld hhail know it ahall be war "it Mil. I l.i unit iilher llu. Ita aa lui. n that flag ,.r uiiiil llucrta I" -cnuioH atl Allli't Ii all pi innlier or litl-,-tta well to Utu.' A wave nt npplauav ancpl the gal- I' ll, -a 'The Kiitgeani al uttna w ill i lour h g.illei ii-H." declared Hie Ice piem.l.nt. About lull men wor re muv ,-d "llurta haa atudiourily trndeaiurad tu i ri ii it the pi. mil, nt u ml the gov mm. til ut the I'mloil St a lea It i imt a matter ot injuri tn property, or liie, it ia u mailer of inault to the hullur ol the Hag 1 he nt n.und.-d th right k'-yimle lluerta. The houae of repreai'tilat tv ea atruck lb kevnole Vu luiiann lluerta And when I Villi) Inr thine reaolutlotia, 1 ilii II Willi the hupe thai I tic houae lo i-utifeii-nco will malat on nanniig lluerta lb innulting pui'v. "It war t-hniild fullnvv lln-ae ren,,lu tiutia, Ilo' clvllixed world abould kimw that il waa Lined by lluerta. And if war uhi.ul.l cuiiu it almuld Im war agaiiint imt the .Moxi, an pou pie, but again.! Hilettu" H.n.ilui Wllliuma added that hu waa willing to rnlun renin-, l lor Hi Hag. bill when thia waa duim h bu lieved Hi lulled HI alia abould 11 out of Mexico, "If )"il one gel Into Mexico, 11 would be Iho hmdent IIiihk III Hie Wolld lo get out nf thole UK. till ' lie LIE IS PASSED THE HOUSE OF nmiinup UU I'.'i 111 TODAY Andrew Bonar Law Declares Statements of Minister As quith on Ulster Situation to Be Untrue. WILD SCENE FOLLOWS AS LEADERS CLASH Charged Openly that Army Crisis Was Deliberate Plot to Force Uprising in Ulster. Ily la-am-d Wire In I'vcnliig Herald. London. April A atormy ace tie waa created I.: I he holm nf com -ino'ia today when Andrew Hrniar lain, lender ot the opponitlon, de manded a judicial inquiry Into the naval nnd military movemetita re oentiy conleiupliiteil by th Kovfrn-nu-iit al riater. The unloniala hnrge thai then nmv einclila coiiMlltilted a plot to prnvuke an uprlamg In Da te r. I'reinier Amiullh refuaed a Judicial imiiory. aa he aald the chargea had been proved fa Inc. but h chullenired Mr. Law tu make any Hocuuatlona he vv mhoo) to make In the houae llaelf n In n ho would In- given the ftlllent oppurt unity fur diHcuaalon. AiiiiiI the i hoi rn ami angry ahoiita nf their xnppuri'-ra. Ihi two leadera their pi. men alternately at th table chaMcm-inK each other. rprunr fullnvv oil Mr. laivv'a declara tioti thai the atutemeula iiiade by I'i'iTiior AiUiih and hia cullongiief had been jiroven untrue. The nci-ne emled, w in ii, ninld mln i tin ,.f "take your day for ilin'-iif-nii.n.'' Mr. Ijiw nunl that nfter he h.ul noon what the protnlaeil "white papir" cuntaiued he would , uiisiib r what nicpa it la really .vuilli while to Ink. a. ml, "I am ,.r Iho ,uuiiiitle reao Itiiiun, lio.-.iiin. if thia unaanaiii, thia trait. .r. thin In ute, who a now in titi Ibul ll . in M. Mm nhnuld aaiute III" till before we go llll" I Mexico; W" would llut have to go I luli-r the l.oilge rex. llll Ion we would have In gu. Tho n, tut, ,r trnili Maanacliio.4-tla vviinla Ih" I on. ilut inn on nil. h bioad gruliluls thai it will be Ft it f f li lent to make ii a May in Mexico when we go' th'io. I want H on auct narrow grniiniln that il llu.rt.i ,ln-n. it lluer ta la anaanniiiatod. or If llilelta a lulia the (lag. we i an cnine on home " S, naini v. Ueiubllcall, of Kolilinks. ipiliiiod hia wlllingm-an to nupiiuir the pn-nidi-nt "I am nut niilv in Incur nf acnditni the flag tu ilmn. in. I riparatlun fur In ault." In- Mini, "but I am in favor of ... li.l i.K tin- f l i k Mi'Xieii to protect Ainer.can itiii-na from rapine and plumlor ami iniinlei. 1 ngroe with the nenaini fiuiu M an.o-h uael ta that the pr, neht t n,.i ut inn ia not H'nud ellutiyh " Atloi H' tiu'ur lltadley i ,,m huled. Heiiimr Wntkn uffoied bin icauluiiuii to a, . epl llui'Ma'a x pti-anioti i.f Tv glet an lull Ka I ml . I Ion. S' llatoT WurkH pleaded Inr peace. "Hun mui Ii In ttel il would have been " ho a nd. "it tin- pr nnlenl hlm aelt had d,c!, nod that the apology ami Iho dlm lial lie lit ntir nailota floln atlent wan Million nl. I tour we luck lite moial i-ouiago to aay to thia ku ntiiikeii nut mil that Hpolugy already made in enough.1 Seii.iiur Wnrka mini that h had nut ottered Ina renulutlmi tu crill clxe the l-o.irne of Hi prealili lit. lie did not i-xp'.-t hia reaolutioii tu ba piiMaed he aid. iiMHerfinif further ihu. "wo ale going headlong Into the ter rible condiliona of war.' "No matter what may be Ih llm Ua in Hi" mind of the pronnlont In the matter." aanl Henator MH'umt'cr, KopUtilican. "Iho renllll ot Iho reao I ii 1 1 1 .ii . in, in, liter hnw vvr. led. would be war Ii will be all Ih war Ihut n pnoi. internally turn, pleading and ixhaunted i-nuntry can tnaintaln .iuuiiif.1 the mnat powerful of all ua tluiia on earth " ' I .. Heiialnr Mii'uinbcr regard an Inault t th Anierii in tlag mi un boat, repreaetillg Ameri ca sovereignty, at a trivial olfeiiae, ' demanded H.niitnr Wllliuma. "II ia Hot trivial." aald Henulor Mel 'Ulllber, "bill I ilo lint pi ll the uniform ulnar a live American mi I (t onllnuotl uii I'agi- Two. una have a pretty Talr war horror right north of us. I TIIK KVKMVO VDI. . Ml. WEMTY EADIN Ten Women and Children Ar Burned to Death in Flames Which Swept Ludlow Tent Colony Last Night. SIX IDENTIFIED DEAD FOUND ON BATTLEFIELD Ammunition Being Eushed to 6cene from Trinidad in Ex pectation of Immediate Be sumption of Hostilities. tly la-awd Wire tn CvCnlnf Herald. Triiiiilait. rdu.. Airtl II. Tlinw wonn-n ami a nuoils-r f liilblnii. iMMKlhly VU-n. were) minillinntl In tleath In Uie flrr that awi-it tin I.iullow tent iil oiijr lamt night, rdlowlng an all day Imt tie. tMiwifit the militia anil alrlkera, aimnllna; In a atatcmetit irlven out at union licawhiuartera al immiii. TImv iwrty had lakra refiiKn In a rave) Ikh iIm' militia men II ret I the tcnta, TIm ataa ini'iil In ciHilinniil at Hie anIUuxry ramp at l.udlow but the buttles have not bt-rn eentivere!. The diwuvery of Iho bod lea wilt rulaa the number of victima to twenty or more, a majority of whom wera women and children. Karly thia afternoon the alte of the burned colnny had not been gone over and It la ImpoMutble tu form un accural eatl mat of the exatt number of tatha. Htrlkera who eacuped Iroin the tenia laat night reported to union head uuariera today that Mra. It. II. Jolly, Hie leader of the women alrlkera at Ludlow, la among thoae killed. Her three tnonlha old baby Wua With her yealerday. Mra. Koater and two chil dren and Mra. Frank I'edro nml two cli I I.I roil are alao aald lo have been killed. No confirmation of the iden tity of the women and children can ba given by the ntate troopa. A large MUantlty of ammunition waa nonl lo the troopa from Trinidad oil Hie attorn. .mi train. There hua been tin nhn. .ling al Ludlow today but all outbreak la expected at any Hint) by the militia ottlcera. John livvnoii iH aald by th militia ulln oin to be ill i barge of Ih Hlrlk-,-in at Li illnn. They di lur he ha been noon aeverul Imiea dining I ha du in flout of th alrlkera' treiichea. M I HI ATI I ILII lir.AI) ITIMS M' THK HATTI.H llundreda of utnied alrlkera who yentetdav buttled f. nil teen huura with ntale Iroopa In Hi Ludlow dlalilct hud diauppe.ited thia looming and 1 1 1 1 1.-1 pi. -v ailo. I in and iibniu tn atnk ela tent colnny. Tli one hundred militiamen w hu oppojed the Htrlkera thia morning were In piiaaeaaion of the Colorado & Southern trucks Imn the atei I bridge to a point north und went of the burned t'olony. Itein fnr. emontn from laiinar and Wulaen biitg early Him inornliig awelled the iiuiiilieru of anldiera on the ground ! I6U. The liat of Identified deud waa awelled to aix Hna morning and It aoema certain that ut leuat aa many mure foil in venterday'a fighting. The dead : A. MAItTIN', private, Company A, Kirat regiment, Henver. l.i 'I IS TI K AS. leader of tha Greek attikern, Luilluw obuiy. KHWAUIi KYLKlt, aetretary nf tha Ludlow looal union. i'HAULKH 1'iiSTA. Aguilur unl'HI leader. UtANK H.WHKR, aged II. I'llKMn LAUHIi:. An un. until in,-. I rumor ia that imi mall i' li 1 1 il re h were ainothered I'' death in the hlajc thut raxed Hie col uhy at o clock luat night and tha liodien of other atrlkera me aald l be mill lying mi yealerduy'a field of battle. I'av light revealed n acena of deao latlon in and about laidluw. Only one tent un. .una atunding out of two hundred or mure which for ate in. in ha have been the homea of arv' eial hundred atrikera and their f. nu ll n a. Iluabunda were aeparated front Wiv-a Hlld tm.tllela l-at laieir children I ant night tu the mad ruah for aafuty that followed th firing of the tenta. Krlthtrned women and children thia un. ruing were manned about the Lud low nation, while militiamen pa trolled the railroad trurka and tha vi. limy uboiit the town und colony. Sewri hiug purnea lire going over the groilnd of yeatei dny'a butile luoklnc fof the bodiea of vtcttme. Xu traci of large bu.lira ot armed atrikera who laat night wre r-.uitd to be manliia to the ild of the Ludlow alrlkera were seen thia morning. They are believed lo be In ih hilia weal aad north of Ludlow, but the groupa are bellvven to lie .i broken that no concentrated nllai k will be inuile In yealerday'a battle, Major Ham T ZONE