Newspaper Page Text
TWO ' THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N M TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1914. Aztec Fuel Co.FERGUSSOti IS'! GallUP Sl0Ve Cal Cleaaeit Coal In i the market. mo KB Hl MARCUS P. SAWTELLE General Contractor Office & Carpenter Shop 211 West Gold Nml. Ilrhk for eal ) k niiil u mull ilct nl lu ll) III)' Lud low iiuiiin wllh nu n cntrcm bed In t.t. i ui In the railroad yard.. Lieu tenant LinUei fi ll nil cIitii men wrtr on id Water T.. tik hill hi I bud lea nf airikera were firing fti.m the ' A ev traeke, tin- tulip mi the weal tin' trrruhr. In I tie lulonv. Inch by Huh the airikcia were tliivcn I m k Hint when darkm-pa f II i In- iroopa fin in-ir I tin iuIuiiv, duelling iiuir Mm FIGHT OF LIFE FOR II 4 1 J BILL Proposal to Increase the Home stead Acreage in New Mex I ico Meeting Bitter Opposi I tion from Stockmen. fire toward lit ('. M. pump Iioupc, iiinlli arid went nf the rulony, vihiiu the airikera mado their ihpI deter mineil aluhd. Tim atruttuie wua lit entity riddled wllh hiillt-l before Lome Tik. im nnJ a few follower, re- 1 1 in nil tu the iirntei tmn nf a emu II ! hua null. .ml limine. A llllle later 'I lka )if.. im. I twu cmiipafilniia were phut down . the aoldter ua Hie) were riiniiiiiK from the I. mine tu mi arroyo lit the rear uf the jnluny irikem pay Tlkii fill while trying l lend a imrty nf women and ihlldien to it pluce of Ktfcly iii the Haaling. Mi l Several thouiutnil rounilp nt rifle niinunil ion weie exploded I'tat night In I he lire ilemrnyed the i nte. Tl x- ...lve will Mured in the lent uf John lutweoii. according to the mllll.iry re in, in, When politic!, miller the cover i.f fire of their i-oinnidca filed Ihe tenia, h mrty (if women run ptrcuin Inir tnwnrda the linen "Irvnnmite. ilyniimile'" they ahru-ked. The tmopal weie parity ordered buck iind a little j Inter the pi.ppli.u of the rurirldgea i hi'Knn and lusted for neve nil mln-. IHPM Frnnk Snyder wnp killed In the tenia I. lie y. pt. tiliiv in mi effort tu Hiive hiH baby alaler, Mho hud un liotii'ed m'mtuliled out of Ihe trench In uliuh the fHinily hud taken reluae mid wa todilllnir uli.tiR the line of tire. The hoy hud overtaken the child Mild hi d JiJPt puc ceded In puahing the htl.o girl butk Into the trrnchce when he wtta decapitated hy a rifle hot. The machine irune were uaed yea tenhiy hy the aoldicre. The Hrt: wit pet u i weal of l-uiili.w and two mure tiroiiKht by the Tniildnd lrouip were etui limed ut the Pteel brtdye und vl i limy Ijiler the depot wua utlllxed hp a fort and from thi point the r.i.n! lire cun raked the tenia with a luercllcaa fire. rrorea of lent, were nil tu aim-da, t.y th hull of ateel bullet. 1'rcmo Lliran, the lH-)enr-i.l.l pun i f lam la L ric oi lln ciiy. I eho. ufier 1 o rim k yea. r the tenia In compiiny ...rty of fin lulu Ijiihie left yea iilti rnu.ui to vlpit trit-nda ut could, from actual oliperviitli.n nil erieni e, eive i n. . IHK their alilltt) to m;ik. Ii..i... - rrte needed HPeiplunie islinh ili- r frlupHi ill I. ill wotild lin'e ihi tn. t.ul men of limited memm i ,inti"t , In i-tiuin iniI the iiiinliil und wok ! tui lit., ii.eiuuiri. N'ol pu with tho' I w ho fuM.r leiip. n rnlher Ihun home 'Plendp. Tlie tire men of Ih i Ke IlleliliP. .Hide lo my - fir faren and hotel hill". and fipht fur what Ihev helieve Ip heir inliiepl. 'Ihe luiltle of the huiiiepta.)'r hup repted on the rhoiilderp of Mi h el Riicaon and he Ilea done aliaiit and eftertive wolk.i It haa ieiulid the ultnoat hilmr and t oiilinuity uf i fii.rl to aet hi" I lull rt'iMirted finuraiily tu the huii.. I hut he haa .oven eiiinl to the einer- I ilu. tl eeellip . ..I..I l.ll 11 f.lMi.- ii I I.. rr...rl will p. .ut: l.e niii.l. hut I Wllh pome i huiiKep In Ihe mrnPiire ' thai raitnut tiuw he iivcertniiu'd New M. ip. or phuiild he. in-tuipt')- iiiierBted In Ihip meiipiiie -n-lurainK Ihe rluhlp of Ihe h..iiul.ii.l er. Kvery illixen of the atate. hi eer hip m riiuitlun. hap a diri il n r p. .mil intcrext In the n. Iiml e. 1 1 1 - I in. lit uf the . ill. IK land. In Ihe lunld- FAVORABLE REPORT FROM i -f i..m.p and imm., m iuiiflnlioti. A fnintlna loriimuiilM nlwiiyp uddp wealth to 11 country and aie it iierm.ini nie and ptahlllly. The limner ralMinic ptoi k. or rupa. Ip a .i..ilin t-r HU pioiliK'lp lirlnit in money, and he In turn I eeomea a vatiiahle riiptomi'r lo the merrhu nl. triidepninn nnd hum hiinl.- Mhuuld the vhpI plaina of New M. x irn he ilepofiulated, turned luio har ren wiipte, ot ahull coriKtepp he tn diii'ed to iminm ih h'ei k iiNpuii hill, that ain-ieppf ill aellU'lp iimv f.l i- im- v.i rant plai'ea mid ii op.i-ii.i.4 i h m hut-' n hulld up lht iouiili? It ia t into ih Ni w Mexico people ahoiml hexln I., tnke nn Interest In this iiueptlon. Pe tition Hhuill I he i irrillal. il and pent In urKinu the paaauite nf thla hill. The prea of New Mixuii, willioiii riKiinl tu partv lini'P. phould aive earnept puppurt tn a menaure i. pii. h Mini imporlanie to the ptiite Thai the people in many pnrlp of ..ew Mexl'o hue already taken a deep Interept in thia rneupure ia ea laliliphed hv many lettcrp an. I peti tlona, which have heeti pent to the i milium. e havina ihip meapure iimh r f oHNideriilloii. The follow ihk from Mr. John K. Shmiihlln of Hoy. X. M . addreaaed to Mr. h'e maiao'i, la a fair of many Hint have l.r.ii received. He wtiich in part jip ful-Iuwh. (r COMMITTEE EXPECTED, Passage of Act Will Be Salva tion of Hundreds of Home steaders Now Having Strug gle on Dry Farms. im-lal rarraar la Ike IWaldl WaphlnKt.iii, l. iv. April W. fuit-Hrep-nian i. It. Kemuppon. .ilwava diliaenlly milk fm hi Ne Mex ico uiiMIt ,u nla. f. pnine t Hi n- piiai I. ci II i u.ii . in Ihe I'KllI uf Ilia Kerliuily who knuwa aiiaaon iiIpo hni.iu that liuml tleur to hip lu.irt i ri lalea lo the welf-ie of ll.irvey Fer tile Interewt i thai which Ihe lahoriiiK i; Id H h I. t..i II.ik'iiik. He waa pnapniK In Ihe vl tlniiy of tho pump houpe when he wap killed hy a atray l.ulli I. Fourteen employ ea of the I". A 8., iiif inlierN of train crew which yeatcr day ri'luped to take out the Hani lieitrintf reinfiircemeiiip. were tlia i haiKcd thia in.. mil. k hv Supciin I. ii. lint J. H. Alirama. M.ialer .Mi' i hamc Andrew l;.Mich and l'ipat'her .- K Wilha, who manned the enume, were pliahtly Injured hy u In my holt hurled IhroMKh the rah window hy a alrlpe pyinpalhKer in the tiuln waa liMllllK tht- local arda. Twi'litv ptilkira eailv mdny alula n I i It ii eiiKlnc fruiu the railroad vnrda nt l:i loaded it with men and ammunition nnd ran It lo llitrnea Million, a mile euat of l.udlow, where H wnp unloaded nnd relumed to I I Mum In riialody of two airikera The nikhl wntrhnian ansa he cannot iden tify the men who look the Major llanir.i. k In a Ml i, t in-ri I thip inorriliiK declared the lii-ntui' ycplcrday waa prtM Ipil.ited h a crowd uf lireek allikcrp Mho opened tire in. mi a detii'hineiit ot hip men while Ihcy were dilllina near the military ramp and In amht of the ti nt i ,.l..i.v. Wivcp of airikera. who look refuiie in the l.udlow ptatiun late luhi nialit. the day Mal..l llamroi k hid oi tiered I "' Tikap to releaae a virlker who It rlinrKed wna dt-Pirniia of r lurniiiK I work. Tflepluine limp In Hie yl Hilty men tif hla atale, and eapeclnlly for the ranchman and humt pt. .tiler lull itipT to hiitld up a home tor himnt-ll and family on the peml arid plaiup ol the arent puiilhwrpt, nl whn h N'W Mull-., ia an larae it part. I'erpunally klli.wllia: how diftlcull H la for n hoinepteutler to hiiiipelf on a ipiaiter of land, and for Ihu l.emflt of the huinepeikeip, he intro duced limine hill No. ."iJ, m uul of Hie xettlrrp oil the pllhllc domain Thia hill a orlKiniilly Inlroduied hy Mr. Feitnippoii la a excellent i....i-.ire nnd one which. :r papcd in ii oiiiiinal fui m. woiihl he a ptiliptan tial l.eiiellt. Uul only to Ihe hut to the pi. tin ua well: to the pettier tiei-iiupe it would enalile him to add lo Ifip holiliiiKP, to the at. He hetauae It would encoiir.iKe emtaratioii and populate our vacant lamia, thereby addiiiK laxuhle wealth lo the country The mil aa Introduced provldca till) ncrt-a to the tiiuneateader; nlpo that all who have made filing for lean than one p.-ctli.n ahull have the rlkhl to make ndtlllional flltnaa to brinK III" entire entry up to 4'i ucrea. Thin pei llun of the hill la Jual in Itpelr and a mupt Impu riant rlauat, In aid of the ram hmen or ainnll meana Ihe hill in Ha entirety tinea credit liiith to the head iiml Ihe heart of the New Mexico r una repama n. It la an evidence ol hla deep ayinpnthy, allow n on many oilier orrawlonn, fur the mil itia men and women of the country, who are hattllliK with adelae condl liolip in life. rnforluiiittely there la In Ihe coun try an intt-tfPi, Ihe rflei t of which l adveipe to Hie h. .in. Mender, an In terest whlih wuiild leaae the puldii dolnatll n: il enalile llleii ol Inrat IneHiia to tr'efyout thupe who are aeekniK homep un our pul.lic I.iii.Ih. nnd thip Inieerat hap evidently an taKoiiixetl Mi FeiKUpaiiit'a lull nnd R likely to . nl out pnine uf Hp iin.M VllUllilile 11 1 ep The hill waa referred tn the inln millee on piii. lie o mix and it haa I here met with m..M aerioiia and oh h tlunte up .miIu.i from ihoae h. favor the leaatiiK pyptiin. rather ihun the homealead m-ttlenienl ayptein. It la In coiiiiiillti e that Mr. i-erKuaauii Ip having- lua fift peveit alruaale In hi effort to ulve Ihe homealeiidera a lair deal, Aa a rule the hoinealeadera are (Inn in lit 1 1 iiinil.le to iplt Waphinwlon und make t Iu iiikcIv c heanl hefore the i ummittef. llundritlB of aetilerp of l.udlow rut diinntj ealerday IlKhlHiK are Plill out of aerv u e XMi'dc IHmlly m-, fim. Fvery im mlier uf the I'uata familv met dealh in yeaterdav'a buttle. tiarlea foal a waa ahot while runn'iin after the letup had been llritl and Mra t'l.atil and her two ililldieu are auiil to have been Min.i.-.i'.ed In a i.tve dur Ina the lire. MOPS If you are housecleaning we have the mop that will do the work. The Shino Mop, The L-V Mop and the O-Cedar. ' Also carry a line of dust cloth, floor and furniture polishci carpet sweeps, vacuum cleaners and car pet beaters. 1 r Why not invest and save yourself a lot of drudgery. . Strong Bros. ' 2nd and Copper. TeltvrauiM Kent it) aliliiRltn. llenver. April : 1 Teleaialltp Were lutinv by Kll lioyle. afilclarv- treasurrt . f the l imni Mine Ui.iUi is ! of Am. .. to -iiPident W il-uii. Cul- 'l'.!'! -. f. I..I tul it .uul repl. -i. nt.lllVeii nild llleni'.ilp of h. Ilotlpl' lutlllllitlee which ii.v cm mined he l '..l..r nl.. airiKe aa fidluwa- 'rlklnn nuncip and fnmiliea ahot nnd binned to death .it l.udlnu, Kiiarila with m.K-hHi,. a'iii lid Med tent i.f pinking- niiiiern anil art Hie to tint colony. Four men. three wi.iiuii un.) at ven i Inlilren murdeied Siaie nut ..lily fuiW tu .i,.i. , i but nl h wp uniloiina and aininiiiiition nf Hie i.inliliin w. all h In Ihe Uvea uf Ihe wnrktiN and their fuiniliea. We ahull be cnininllid lo call oil volun- leea lii the nam., of humanity In find IhePe hclplepa peuph- mile.. noiiieihmK la dune. Tent coluny buiii. i itl to Ihe around I A nieapuue nlao waa pent lo Juhn I' VS lute, iiileiiiuiiunal pre.iil- i.i of ihe union BPkiiiH him to urae i'leauleiii W llaon to iiae hia pnwer to prult. I helideaa. nii-u. wuiiit-n und rhiliiii-ii from bell, f al.iiiiihterid In Koiiihcin I'ulurado. MeKti;ea nlso wera aent to ".'HI ed Horn throtu-hout Ihe couniry to local union In Colorado. "I write to urue that the Sln-n re hoiiiepteatl law, which you have under ronaideration by rnlicu v. be innile Ihn ailpreme llleaallle of Ihe New Mexiro deleitatlull 1 fully uppreclate the effort you are makiiiK In hehiilf I of the humt-pteader In New MfXIeo, and na one who haa lived here and endured the hardphipa of n huliu-Heiid.-r. I ran any that am h a meaa- ure an you propoae la neceaaury to Ihe development of thla country ua a home for Ihe people, rather than na n runae for the few who can leuae la i at- trai-ia of land. A half-nc. lien, aa how allowed to a homealeuder, will not, when the land la all nr. u pied, furniah him paplure t lu.UKh for the amount of atock neceaaury to make a decent living for a lamily. With at" tleica at hla rommund 11 mini run keep dally cuwp and horatM to rulae feed Willi, and wllh reaaoti able economy und piudeiice aupport hla family In eomfort. Already tun milrh of thf puldlc domain ia held by aim kineii. mid the cmitliiiuna w hich hindered the tlrv elupmc nt o! Kahaaa. iikluhomu und other plain Matep me here prraent In New Mex ico to retard nelllemenl. The home atender hup cmne to all the plum Matep and broimbt inndein method' uf farmina mid carina fur aim k ami tranpfiirined arid pluiiiN into mi. . cap ful larmliia i ummiililtlep He will tin lite h.i nn f..r New Mexico." Mr. Walter M. Imnhura, of Fuim liiKtuii, N M. wntea aa li.liima; "It ia true the man of larae m.-ana can advance aoiue ft w rr.taoiia why he ahoiild be permitted to leaae und feme the public luitda, but theae reaaona ure not well taken. They do not promote production, neither do they atiinulate nettle men!, mm h le- add taxable property to Ihe lax roll, liive the man of amiill mean, ..u op portunity and we are hound to huve greater piudiutn.n und udded pn.K perity and wealth. We need thia litU a. re Krnxln lull." Here la un cxtruct from a letter from t;. H. liuzton. from the norlh "t coiner of New Mexico: "Thia bill of youra ia exactly what we huve long prayed tor: Jupt what w need and whut the eettleia helore up uuahl to have had, and they had received It In their lime It would have enabled the aettlrra lo atay, maintain their little faliullep and build up hap py und cninfortuble home. The act tlti with hia 611 acrea. toKethvr with what rough liea the rliiiiale will en able linn to laipv, will not only pm dure more atock but belter atiH k, and buy more lux, and ut the name tune make for himneir und fundi- u happy, cninlnrtuhle lilt le home. I know theae Ihinp for 1 um here und .-e them every day " John A. Ilulty, of Currlxoxo, Lin coln couniy, wiitc, in pint ua ltd Iowa ; "I wiah lo rniiiiiiend y(.u In youf elTorta tu aei ure the papai.iic of the aectioii hum-plead meuaui t-. I ,ivc lived In thla alate and county rot limit, than twenty yeara. and while I reeoanlxe Hint Hup coiiniiy ip epaen lially -row rouulry,' vet I feel that it la eyer to be act l led hi, i,y on n ot Wednesday, April 22nd Last "Onyx" Day Hosiery specials, were the last day of this low, Our sales during the first two days of "Onyx' more than pleasing and Wednesday, which is three-day special, will find our "Onyx'' Hosiery stock a little but if you come early, we are sure you can find a special value in the kind of hose you wish. The same values as advertised before will still be the features for the last day. Another Splendid Value for Wednesday Ladies' double tipped silk gloves in black, white and blue, 16 buttons generally sold at $1.25, our regular price $1.00 7 Qhs On sale Wednesday only at jJJL fh iNew Arrivals in I J in the Oliver Twist Styles made up in Ratine cloth, linen or poplin, in blues, cerese, tan, brown or green, washable and guaranteed colors at A new line of plain white wash suits, the very latest styles made up in Galatea cloth, linen, and poplin, also in very fine handkerchief linen, a few styles made with the straight trouser, all sizes. Faces range from $3 to $1.50 to $ S4.50 4.50 mIILS'I KO.SE.NW ALB'S "MB? llcna of the at.ite. approve your oourao in thia mutter.'' Many leltera or a similar t haracter are to he found In the puhliphed heal -li.ira of the committee The work, however, to eecBrc Ihe plippaae of thlP hill haa oiilv Juat i .ininencei antl the I people of N'ew Mexico ahoiild wuke up lo Hp Importance nnd uae every pnppthle effort to encouruae and aa ipt Mr. Kerauaeon in hla effoita to papp thla I. ill. itfi'ASHiXAI.. It ainail iiienna Ihe ayMeiri of laiae lunch men und titnm-iiae heitla miipt alvu Way to pmuller alock men. The re ault of thi, ihanae. In my opinion. Would It tu incrvaav our population, pel iiiiitina more men to own aim k, whuh would iiol liiean leaaeiiina Ihu iiuuiher. hut would he man unit nl.. i lit cieatiiia a Ix-ller i-itiat-iialiip. ua eath holder of laud and alia k would thua huve a crealer Inteieal in ihu welrure of the country. With Ihe right to enter to ucrta. nmditloiia Would i hanae, and many rnlriea ruuld and I helieve would be mad hy per miinent aelllera whn tould afford to re run in In the country ami aaaiat In Ita development. Forty to fifty head of rattle could euaily be taken tare of on a aertion of land, ami If fein-eil and the foiaae given a chance to re cuperate fioin the avalein of over- mm cno oinii;n tty w ah in rouHiviMi rvnver. I'olo., April si. 1 r. K. Voulterer Worrla, dlret'lor of the liocky Mountuin diatrict of Ihe Amer lied Croaa, plated t .!' that he had Informed the anrletv'a r tireaenta- tiva and tit rlvll aulhorilit-a In Trln-1 "' ia obialnrd In the pitat Idatl that medical aervlc and hoa-'ln" number ould l, iinrtuaed I pitul attention would bit furntahad lf.,ri"" J"'u '"! autceaafui in your needed and arrun. mettle would he effoiu In arcurmi Hi juiaaaae of Ihe made to rare for Ihe women and rhtl- ! l-acre liomeateud. ami l.elu ve Hia rt'en driven from th. lent colony hy r'' majority of the ieople of thia tliv lite U vlcli-d, 'ewttlon, and of Ilia eiitua rurul por Two New Supers Ready for the Fray New York and Texas Expected to Be in Southern Waters Soon; Will Sail for Cuban Forts Sunday. Illy Uaaed Ttrw to rcini HrraJd.) New Ynik, April 21. The new uunhta New York and Texan, tin twu lamept hiittlephipa In the wot 1.1. ait) e pec ted to he till duty in aoulheri. watera anon. It waa an nounced in Ihe llrooklyn navy yard today thai the New York, which waa placed in i ..mmiaaloii luat week, would aall for i , .1 1 iitunuiuo, Ciihu, on fun day. 'The New Y'olk haa been und.T tirderp f.. noma lime lo proceed to pen lor he i ahuklha ilown." Sim f the aitilatli.n became acute the woik ..f putting the tlniphinv luuchep on tho veaael hua been rushed. A I..1K.0 nuantlty of aminunl tion waa I.. iriK atoWed away on the New Y. ik ..' .1 Texaa todiiy. "IVnlePH i i.lera to the conirary are received bet le etlinduv." paid an of ficial at in. yard, "the New; Y'ork w ill pi... . . I to lliiaiitaliamo. There ahe will l.e . loae lo the Atlantic fleet, whnh ph. join ut uiiy time." The Ten. ik la ready for aea duly on aholt llo. e t.rla Job. Wuphihti. n, April 21. It. IV Ilal today wap .ippoluted ioplniuPler l I il Ct II V 1 1 le. 'It-nua. ATLANTIC FLEET TO VE1 CRUZ (Cfiiiiliiiied from Iae Oiw.) If one jupiifie.l war, then many more timea w.ll He other Juatify war." l'IUllr T Ottllr IIH 11.1 I If I It 1t KllK Kit V t HI A I .STIIYIS Waahinatoii, April Jl Wlille t nn- Kreaa wu i. I.allli the Mexican allua noli. I'repldeiit Wilaou ordered Itei' Admiral Fletcher tu aelae Ihe Vera I'rua ciialoina houae and prevent! i iroin a ' 1 1 1 ii x aeveral million rountlri ttf aiiiiiiiinition and Jim iiel.i mina on a lirtin.tii pieumer pound for thit poll. The order went out from YYaphlmr Ion eatly today w hei it hecume up parent that the dclHy In coiiareaa waa' ii r il i li K lo Hie udvantaite of lluerlu At noon the tauinet waa In jvppioii ami ' an far na waa known, no wold had I b. en received from Admiral Fletcher uf Ina action. The unlet p. ollli-li ai Paul, left to the admiral s diperctln I when ami how lo .n l. A there la lu blockade the American fort ea i-uul i ' hot lult-rft re With Ihe ticrih iii! Pteainer. The ordt-ra were lo aelae the Kuna and ahclla utter they hud hi ell I lomietj, or to at-iKe i lie ciiimoiiip ntnipe to prevent their l.tmlintf ami (hua keep them from i.ltl lo Mexico I'lly. I ittl. lala declared that I'reaitleiit Wilson hud a in pie authority for hi ;ti Hon without Ihe approval of ci.n-Itlea. pent owl III pmull ho.ln-a If time pel -j few tlaya. If ni-llon rnmrn. rjciirtal iti 1 1 . aa n Weneral emalua II la tvared Uallcv la now atutioned al I ' ll .tnahi precipitate in. utile. Toiion. N Y., in command of t In fix American women lift t.mlKht North Atlantic eouat artillery. i Hlltl K.M Its .) TO ! I II Til IlKK. ll . HIVYMY To UIIIK T TIIK ItOltlH H J Tiki: Mill MIAIl lI SeA YTi: ItM.IVH UOItk l Kl sol.l Tlo F AI'I'KOVM. Meuilwhlle both houae and pennl" renrtft ened and the aetiata began on ihe reaolutliin uf approval of Hie preplilcnt a rourae. The onlera went out to Admiral rietchtr at daybreuk after Preaidcn VYIIaon unit tabltiet ofllcutla hud been in t-onferencH aim e 4 a, m.. mntly over the telephone. The ordera to Ihe admiral. It waa aald, conferred the broudeal authority un nun and direct Ina that If neceaaury he laka the town of Vela, ("run ua well aa Ihe ru.itum houae, to prevent the landing of Ih-! niuiiit iona. illlciala here paid Ih admiral mix hi act In ai-verul w.iya He might wall mull the (it-ninth aleamer hud Ian I ed her rurao iintnolt-aietl and than take the rualonia houae and the mu nlliolia, or when the Herman aleamer i nine. o the port he nnabt aeine Ihe rupioma houae and If Ihe guna wt-r luilded, they would t time illlo poe ion of the American 'nrcea. That Ihe ateuiner might laaa her carati I . atiine other port waa a pnaatuility ot which o Itl. lala were roKliuunt. Some report from the admiral win lieina Hwuiird ninmeniurily. When new. rruchvd the cupltol that thu order hud gone to Admiral Fleli Ii. rr, it aruuaed ronaldcru bit- eiithuaiu.-i amoi.k aenattita and rrpreaentat Ivea. It una ratio aenute leadera oelleved an r to the American commander In begin actual operation, would aervc in hurry action un lha reaolution tu buck up Ihe preaident'a rourae. Uepuhllcun leadera were plannlna to champion the auhaillule aubinllled hy tienalur Lodge, which re f era id the long pel lea of oiilrugea aguiunt Amer ican. In Mexico. Thla wua not accept ed, however, hy Ihe I icmocrutvi. Nei ther will It he accepted hy houae leud era. It waa atalird. ftlKsri, IJTVIIKH OH)i:it AVtr HM'ANH HIT Ol' Mr'.XICII Chihuahua. Mex . April 20. (Via Kl I'aao, Tex.. April III. I'onaul Letcher, on Inatrut lion, from Waahlnglon, t. notifying Americana of thla rlly im.l other towna of tha alate of Chihuahua to leave ihe country. Thejr will be Kl I'aao. Tex, April l Six Ami Icana, flahl liermaiia and nine Frein II men arrived here loilay from Chi huahua, The Americana . ..t.llrme.l the atalemelil that they were iiiptru- t ed to leavti hy Marion l l. In r, tin American runaiil. They aaid thai MeXicuna in Chihuahua held the be lief thai Ihe renelp will he unable I remain out of the Mut-rt a-Waahingto t . i. nU llratii.n, anil ail. led that r.-liel lenders feel colllellei to ucrt-pt Ih. view that the blot kudiliK of Tampi u and Vera Ciua will he n natlona mai ler a fleet i n a Ihe honor of every Mex ican regartlt-aa of potilcnl alllliation. irla here hriu.lde. Koiiiih. Twt ntv - All nr'MCMIM hll.KNT ttS C1IO OF I I.I Tt III.M WiiahlnKlon, April 21 At II. p. ni. navy ollkiaU d:ulallned havIlK a ly Informatlnn of whether AOmlrni Hett her had acted at Vera Crux. There wua a report thnt Fletcher' f on ea would nm he reaiated and that lluerlu force, intended to retire to the railroad Irealle iwetuy mile, weal of Vera Crux, lillli iala rcfiiaed llally to due upp It. Ilalv eaion. April rl Troupp .r the Fifth britlage. I'niled Htatea army ..liiler rommand of Col Iniiuel l'., ru in, ii. w-re ready lotlav to go nn boaril the lour army Iraiiapt ut a momt-m'a notice. The whnh la l olltpoaeil of the Heveiiili. Nlneteenlh and eiahih infaiitry. will be reint..i e.-.l by the Hixth cavalry, one l.alteiv ol Ihe Fourth field nttlllety company C enaineera. rompanv Ii, algnal t.-ipp. and nn ambulanre rorpa. The loll brigade numhera aiproximuti-ly 4 7ml I i. til. -era and men. A wirrleaa ineaaage annoiinretl 1 hat the torpedo lioata Fluaaer, Frepnui ami Held wtnil.l arrive at Oalvcptou Ilotluy. Their coming waa a aurpriMo 'to urmy and navy ttffiriala here, na I hey had been Inat reported at Kl. Joaepli a hay, Florlda. I.AIU.L XI MHKIl OF lHlll ll.M IH I.KAYINti M FX ICO t ITV Vera Crua, April 2 1. A large num ber of Americana and other foreign era are on their way from the caplttl today. The regular train la being run In two aecMona und a apeclnl train alao eti route. F.vciythihg remain. l n i. t In Ihla fit y. The American war veaaeta have not (-hanged their pnaillnll.. WolllMt HFt.lMFNT OF MIU:m OKIH Itl O ItK WlY Wuphlngton. April II. Mujnr tlcii eral Harnelt. comimindlng the ma rine t orpa, today ordered unol h' r regiment nf murine, to lie aapeml.led at I'hiliidt-lphia for Mexican aerv ire. They will he drawn from Atlantic rouat cillea. SOU II lKOT KMTF.HH kN I'll 4'IM'4I TO ( tll. 8an Krain lat a, April U - The i ruiaer Houih liukolu, from the I'unct Sound nnvy yard, entered Sun Frnii ciaco hay al 4 a. tn. today. Hi pro ceeded lo California city to lake on coal pit punitory to departure f i" Mexican wnleia. About fin il marine, from Ihe Mare laland nuvy yard ul.o will he taken aboard Ihe outh liako. wAicn bring. 21 murlnra from the in.rin. KMII I.H TkK llltrUI KY : 4.UIMANH Ol IT 'tt NTIIV Juareg. April II An official report received today alutea that the .inci ter ami Ihe brewery at Monterey huve been occupied hy the rebel., who begun their attat k yeaterday. Juarez, April 21. Max Weber, (leriuiiu conaiil here, wua IiihI rii.-i. .1 I totlay lo ge Herman aubji ct. out of hla dial rlrl In Mexlio. (i,mo kii to in-: OIUI (T OF H.J IF TIH 4 T Laredo, Texaa., April tl. II waa authoritatively repotted here today thul low fedt-rul oinier. from the Nuevo latrttln gurrlaon bearing a Mux of truce went down the rUer yeater day o parley with rebel nltlcera. Coal ition of rebt-la and federala againat Ihe I'mlt-d Htatea wua auld to he their object. i:m:iil iimi.fv to commm HHhT TKOOl'H l. ki:uvici: Wuahington. April 21. ltrigiidler (lenerul Churlea llullcy will loin inand the firat body of troopa. If any ore at lit to Mexico. He will leuve for Texna City In a duy or two tn organ l.e an expedition. Major (lenerul Wood, whn will re llmiuixh hia office aa chief of alaff at 12 o'cIim k toniKhl, w ill lie In au preme command of all Iron pa. and will follow (lenerul llullcy within a km ki:m ami iucwr i mioh of ni'-ty I'ouKla.. Arlx. April 21 . r,;. f. -llaa Ca I lea. i tmatll ut IntiuliPt com ma hder on the border, laau.-d a iroc la lunt Ion luday aapurlng protection In nil Americana In hia territory in Ihn event of hoelliiliea between lh l ulled Htatea and lluerlu. A lurue number of American women and t h t Id ren left t'anunea for Ihe Ameri can horder. AVI TOUK JOIN' initci: tl WAV Tl MFXICO I'rnaai-nlu, Flu.. April 21 The hl lleahip Mipalaalppl wllh lull marlm a iilonird auiled thi. inorniiig for Vei t Crux. The warahlp ulan carried lour nviatora with their hydro-aeroplane. Ihu tender Dixie departed luat liltthl for Ihe Mexican port. I'ltm IIITT WO M ltlFH HAIL lll Tll't ItoV Han Francl.eo, April 21 'omi- untied hy Captain Henry I'm. hell. recently arrived from the Sent tie re- full lug atullon, I HI' marliiea left Mare If land nuvy yard today for Tilmrrn I bourd the collier Jupiter win. n Will like them ua fur aa the advance bate Hun Idego.