Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENINQ HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N M., TUESDAY. APRIL 21. 1914. THRU. - - PORTS1 ? NATIONAL LEAGUE I'lllnhitrgli. S; liiftiiiinll, t. iti it ir p. Pittsburgh .. o:i in: nun --i ii 1 Cincinnati ... finn 010 nil) J f) 4 latteries M.-(;uilh-n ni l tllbm n: lugling. Douglas unit Clnrke, Con go lea. Ibmtiin. 4; I'hllod.lplila. A. Club - . It. II. R. I'oston 110 100 (MM 4 12 I FhllndclphU . OtO niia (100 H I llnitcrle Deal llger U lid t'rulrlHT Put n. anil Unwdy; Ni-m York. llrMklii. o. 'lu!.- It. II K. New Turk ... 010 002 021 9 1 Hriiiiklyn .... 0110 HOO dOU 0 S 3 lint'i-ric I i nuiri o Mini McLean; ltculba.h. Allen nml Miller. federalleague hhligi. 3; M. la-Mils, f cure: Chung Hill lull 1 mi - St. 1-olitM HHij 11 1 2 110 I - Itattcrun Hrci, 11.111 nnil Wiiiet 11 ml Hartley. I. It II -.1 r. -I 7 ilsi Itnmklvn, 2: lU'OinoTr. S. Iti.i.ikhn ...0iil lialn.'imre . . .old It II lino o;o 11 2 7 11 ml On I J K Itill.Tlih Mllltr anil Jackllkh. 11ml 1 1 a 1 u j ; tjulnn iMllaiinNiln, : K till. a. Jadl.m ii'iiln . ,.M Him Inn 1:1 0 Kunmia flly . .mil n (hi 1 2 4 1 KiittorW-v Nl'imly nml TvXti r: lli li nliiK nml I'row m. ItiifTiilii-IMlliiliiirK ruin. K a id o inhtMini"l : TEU MEN TO THE TRACK MEET Artesia Also Sending Team for Saturday's Interscholas tic Contest; Deming Expec ted to Come. Tun more trark lenina were mlileil In thoMc which will rnmpeii in the mtoiiiI h 11 f nit I intern. hohiNt trrk meet hre Hniuiil.iy, w hi-n (onrh lluti In 11 "I'll today re l Iftterx from ItoHWe!) uml Artenia hmli r. hnola aniioiini'liiK that ei4-h W011I1I Mini a li:im. The ltinll team Hill (oniiiet nf trn men. w hn will he elilereil in the full program of eveii'.n Tin- 11 11 n I M-r of the Arlexiii Ik not known, hut aa aome ttvriily-five men look part In the preliininariea there InM I'rlday. it will proliulily he a co'iiph le team. Coin h Hull hiiinon wna in long ili lam e I' ll phone roinmiitin ation wl'h 1 Mining tml.iy 11 ml the 1'iiiiinit hiKh rrllool prolialily will aenil Ha team, all houu Ii arranitemeiit are not yet . nmplele. The teama flVlih il today mean that every nftttoii of the etuu will he repreaemd. anil that inor" than a nundred will he filtered in thu vurloua events. fian ScluMmer Acmund. New port, lire., April II. The St ton gan homier Mirene ran narounil today at the entrunre to Aim n hv. A life. aavlng crew In a power lioat hurried to the e huone. letter the Mirena wna reported eating eaay on the Imr und In no daiiaer. CATCHES HID i- f in n t c ffnci TnMlff i Vas- r j s a. wiii Cleanses Floors - Brightens Carpets CafytighMd, ll, by D.tlkan Mfg. Co. Ask your grocer for a tin of DUSTBANE on One Week's Free Trial. Packed in Metal Barrels, Half Barrels, and Kegs for Store, Office and School T3 se. Dustbane Chicago, Illinois. , J AMERICAN LEAGUE Ht. I.hU. I Club SI. I.011I .... 010 Chicugi Ml It illcrlcn - Mitt Itl'IIX 11 till Si balk. : (lilt-ago. . It. II (Mill (100 -1 s 010 0006 11 lull and ( ruHH'n; Wanhlngtnn, Si New York. . nut. -Washington 001 nm Xl'M York . . ('" 0011 It II null 0 2 D 1'Oi! 13 1(1 Haiti ehnr. I ICS Hxi IiIiiik nml Henry; Bint fwecney. Phllailildilii ,l: IWMliin. I. I'liiln iiiiinio 1 iiiiiiiiiiou 1 6 2 Huston .. . no 1 110110(11111(1110 1 t 2 ll.ilnrlrn Mlian key nml Hi hung. Leonard mill Thorna. Culled in 13ih hi 11 1 ui 11 1 of darkness. VEGAS EXPECTS TO TAKES FIRST III TRAGKJV1EET Team Works Out Well in Pre liminaries Saturday; Will Be Here Next Friday Night. Kant 1.MH Vegan. N. M.. April 21. The preliminary trnrk imit of the hlith whool, held for the piirpone of aelet tlnlt nindld.itea to repreai-nt the limiitntion at the In 1 11 whol.i-i I' trark meet. In he In Id In Alliiiiier'U 1 m XI Saturday, wiik rnnilui t.'d Snl ir-I ill y llfternnnn. 1'hr lllretllia prn ed I 11 piii-ifHii. and limn the umiIIh tlmee at the lo ad of the hi hnol In lieve that . 1.HH Vi'Kiim will he 11 hi miii ronipetitor ' for firnt pline in A lliuiiieriiie. The li ini that will an In Alliuiiier iiie will leave here Friday afternoon I and will rnmpet). on Hut unlay lifter- j noon. It la not known exnrtly how. many men w ill he taken on the. trip, hut the tin 111 prolinldy will Include even or einht men I'lofeneur. Hyron J. ttiad will Bivnlnp'iny ihe tram a ii'iii'h. Thi meet i to hf pnrtli'liiHtfil In mil) liy a. himla of hlt;h Kliide. hoot Baseball. GAMES TOMORROW .Mi.iti-N i. i: i.i i:. l-OU lit ('llli'Hgii V el. Illd lit 111 Hull. St. t'l WanhiiiKtiui New York. I'luluilelphiu at lVMnn N ATION . l.i: (.t l' HoHtoii ill I'hiliidilplii.i. New York tit Krooklyn. I'lltNbutgh at I'lin innati. Chicago at tit. lunula. - INpTal l'aitiie. 'lil--Bgo at HI. I.num. Indianafiolls at Kunnna City. Hi kln at lialtlmora. HulTaln at I'ittshurih. The Athletica have ftarted to par cel out some of Ihcir surplus mnter ial ! the ml nor II In unotinced that Urn k M IiiiiIh. Inother of Stuffy, hud been released to the Heading Tri-stato hugue team, which la man aged by "licadnhot" ly HofTman. The Poitnmoutli. a , team gets third huNctiian Kuril, whom V'oniue figured was not unite aa valuable In the world's i-hiimplofis aa J. Franklin linker. llnrse Sluicing J. Knrber A Co. lllacksmlthliig (lanolins. F.iiKine. 'Uo)b ! id, I i- J e f , i .' J' II I Mfg. Co. Ipswich. 1 LIIJG 'EM OUT They hrlil h double-header In lln ton cnlcrduy In clcliiute I'iiiiI Itc vere's t !!. Tin- Athletic telclitalcd the iflchrution liy rnUK.hi Idlng over the fox. ! ' wo iiIim ut dim. something In Ilia ...i... .11 m .11101,. 1. '11 hi .in., "r mw l...k. . m . .. - ... wny inner ii iitt1 rimiiit. 1 111 penriams begin In tnkr on the aspect of the (In 11I' A U 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 Cheese nf llir fwlas navy. ftui'lcd oCrnnm nf Federal league I o nurd organln-d hanehall niuy not demand volt- ! emigres. Inn they promise in lull tor .' ur fuml Just the ame. fpeiiklng of a new iiniiiri, enteeincd Courier-Journal .i)r: "He was rlKlit mi top of evciy il.iy." Admit an um pire might he 011 loi nil the timv. but objfit to the word "right.'' f canning 1 lie Phillies' record to dale. Ike Iniiiningcr u he li.m a suspicion (lie Fcda Mole the wrong pluyf-r. llei'iuil Cy .M.iihIiiiII linn iinl"Mi'il to r.iiin Muiii'v of the i'liilliis for buiiKliiK linn on (he lienk, 11 ml will ii ri'iiiliiiltii-ii to lili'inll) lelutioiia willi out lirliiH u milule. It i Mid hell, (ho KnKllxh lima teu heuvywelKht 1 lKilliH"n, r. . 1 1 1 y to Ix' knorkei nut h' (.eorvea ( 'iiijifii tler. He horn nil iipnon If that were the pin e of u kiioi koiit on tln mile of the w liter ull the white hon wouiu lie buliilUK "I'll xrinlB. l-iint mil mm Walter Johnmni had u lung run nf inr -leea Iniiiima. Ha lijnka right for another atrmtt tin year. lieorge Imiih. of I tlnlt, pitrhed unl tHu-tluidM of an inning the other day, Inn gota r red it for 11 vP lory Junt the ume. In the thirteenth frame of the opener with the lirona. lu- hue retired on miuutil of puin In hia diimagi'd ki , and Mine the arore Haa n-0 when he left the I lay Iiuukh gi In I'ledit for the g.iine wiih haiiimiied to a vlrtnnniis fmiHh liy hia imitea. From (iallup i oliien the following aiiaritnti'ed hpuit new. "1 Iregore We ieendanger. Illlllilp'a eelelnated Koiithpaw and protege of the world fumed Ituhe M.iriiiard. ha" aereptcd a poHltioii on the rip trai k." j Wealeynn ulinl'lils linial attain a j 1 el tain degree ot prnfieteni y in Imne jliall. ten inn or iithletlca, the I name aa in ltin or t.reek, affording ! to a ruling of the faculty announred I yi nterdny All freahmen lira to tie j required to take reguiar work in organizing- thene lira m Ilea of alhli-tii . I Wealeyan unlveraU" la on tlio right j trm k. Time la i-nming when degree ' In bnaehall will win curnent young 'ernduiitv a fuller Job In ahorler time than seven other ansnrted kind of rit. x. v. z. v. And tennis deglee will be In meeting foreign ompctitlmi marriage matt. iiHcfu! in the I The veteran Hubby Wallace Is still jln netlun Tor the lliowns. The Krowna IW'ilhnul Uallaie immiIiI look as uni.f iMcial as the Dralea without Wagner. j Nick Young, fur eiglileen years j prerldent of Ihe V.itlolial league, says he thinks the Federal league has a j fine chancs tu succeed. Nick has no grouch against his obi organised soeiuti. He is slinplv giving utter ance to a frank opinion. A hd of 'other folks are beginning to have the lame notion. Iks Ismalnger ss the worst slam at Ihe Fed league on record was fur- tiiHhed by K.arl Hamilton. He Jumped bai k In the ft. I.ouis Hrowna. Connie Mack says of Hobby livrne: ! "The I'hilhea will have no hole at second base. They have one of the I best In Hie country in llytne, nml he'll be a sensation ever) w here th-y i visit." 1 Abe Attell is still lug lifter a match Kilbmie, w ho look from turn. talking about go wllh Champion the title awuy rromuter Phk Hurge of Fnglantl offers a 123,000 pulse for (lunboat Smith and Carpentier to box the lul ter part of July. I'romoter roffrnth of s'nn Francisco la tiylng to arrange a hout between Ham Uingford and iiunbout ftiilth for next month. Joe Jcanetie and Hombiirdler W a IT. Mill purse have been offered box In lyondon. Al McCoy hll, decided tu get aome glory and money out of his unexpect ed victory over Chip and hits barked away from another match with the hitter If Hank O'Hay la to he taken serl ounly the Cubs will have a great pltt hlng corps this Veur ('lay de clares that In Cheney. Yuughu. Humphries. I'lercs, Charley smith and lavender (he Cubs will be le markahly well fortified In the box (i lbiy Is enthusiastic over the appar ent rejuvenation of Lavender, who waa a tdg winner hi IVU. Hank aa that Vaughn, the lug left-hander who waa a seiinntmn alter he Joined the Cubs last summer, will repeat, and that Pierce, a auuthpnw. will be a consistent winner. Clint the aciiuiHi tmn of fecund Haseman Mill fweeney. ( Hay firmly helievia that the Cubs will be up with the leadem of Hie National league rave all the way. I Joe Wood, w hen he I spot ted In Manager Carrixan the lied fox. de clared that the loss of Ins appendix ' had not affected hia smoke, bull a hit. Wood raid he would lie read) to pitch by May I al the latest. The nam Poan'a Inspires conti- dence Doan'a Kidney Fills lor kb: ney Ilia. Donn a ointment for akin Itching. Iinan a Fleguleta for a mild laxative. Hold at all drug stores. Try HERALD Want Ads, they bring result. Tcsreau Served With Paper on Field New York Pitcher Handed a Nice Little Breach of Prom ise Suit While Sarting in to Fool the Batsman. flljr fM-d Wire In I'.vi'nlnft lletal.l. Itrookbn. N. V. AiMl 21 TeHp'Hii, the New Voik 1 id her, .i nerved on the ImiII ficl.l in- duy with impel 111 11 I.hhi'Ii ot pr.iiiili-e unit. M'COLLOUGH IS LET OUT TO THE Topeka Western League Pitch er Released Today to Keo kuk Club of Central Associa tion. (Iljr l-a-il W ire. t I 'veiling llernlil. Topeka, Wan., April 21 -F.nrl Mi eollngh. pitcher for the Im ul W'eatern league team, wuh rt leaned today to the Keokuk luli of ihe Cintral na Hoi'latmn, iirrordng to Manager Gear who nlno announred the nmonilitlon nl releaac of Hull tirlgga, outfielder, and the punhlire of 1 lutf Iehli-r Wnkefield of the Iienlaon. Texaa icluli. 01EARY THIRD THE WILL BE . . , Jeff Clarke s Manager, -Noted for Fairness and Good Judg ment, to Referee Torres Schaeffer Bout. Cine of the Important detail, of llio , Torren-Si baefer but lie. which will be stHgid at the Klkn" theater next I Tliuisduy night, waa settled today af ter a two-hour uigumelit between the managers of the two hoys, said det ill In lug the miming of (lie referee. Jin k 0'l.eary, manager of JefT Clarke, the I Fighting (ilioni. will be the third man in the ring. ' j O'l.caiy wun 1 reaned Into anrvi .i after the mutiagiia had wrangled for u brace of Imum over the Jurint to preside at tlie trial of br.iwn and brain Tbuind.iv nmhi. and ouih the mim.i.i-il.,1 ..irpers were tickled when he consented to represent tip M ,riiil of tjuccimbury on the win.: n'li'non. I i'U;iri la tin old inner P. thu fistic wor'd. and kiio.m ever slant and ni.kie of the game. He in i- tin 'fo iiottd not only for hl. iIk. i fairness, bu' I . r Ills knowl.dge i u rm:nd Judgmcn- With (Vl,e,.rv in (ha ting. In fins run rent a-s.iiei thin the referee mutter has been at tended lo in un i uilnently s.iuyf u torv manner. o lnrj'i sell-lion was a ten-ntriku move in view of the tact thai a lot of momy his lien put up on ! tight, aside from the aide bets of the bi.ya the itmelv . Xo belter referee I'ould hav In i n pit ked. rirevl-r Mark Levy heivcd a aigh of urutiiun s.n lion win n Jat k tun his w ri to shoulder the J--h. Schaefer in.. I Tnrrei ure, away at their n lining This after noon S'h.irfei :ll Work out nt tl -New Mexico Ali lcllc club and Toire lil WOg tiitllgllt Young l'.itney Kline nml l-Mdic Itoailes will go oi. In the ctm.ilii i. Thuisday nlglu Thev are l.oih will ing acrappetn, .,.ul will lend in tm -:-:lit Hpirit to Hie slUKging innitli be teeeti Young puiutt and Yt-ung van, ho will m itle the iililo,l of U.rematy left open at their bin! K .iieeling In Ho -i inl-wimlup r CONGREGATIONAL VOTE TONIGHT ON ! WILLIAMS PASTORATE! There will be a congregational I meeting toniuht lit the liold mill r.roitdwav chni' !i to coiimdcr thu question of ankmg the punt or. ltev. Hernion I. W ill. .una, lo it sign. 'I he iitentlon arose t r the title of the i hur h. The p mtnr mils it The Church of Chrlni. while certain mem- tiers of the governing board Insist that it Is properly the Chrmtian church,. There is no other ground for a different-.- ( opinion. It la said hy church ini-miieta. Hint Mr W il llatna' urtivity In city politna has had nothing whatever to do with Ihe movement lo leuuest his resignation. , Are ( olds Cat. hlng? It Is claimed that most colds are call hlng as m'.i-lce and that on" nhould avoid I he association of liny one who has a cold Never permit an) one who bnn a rold to klaa you:' child. Avoid .row tied t.trs and poorly ventil.ii'd sleeping rooinn Then when ou take a cold, get ml ol It a Ulikli aa possible Cham berlain's Cough Itemedy used as di rected will enable you to throw ii olt i, uickly and iermanently. That pre pi at Ion alwaya cures and is pleasant and sale to take. For Sale by all druggtaia IICMtrS mXEXGKH8. Pb'n St. in FOR SMOOTH, VELVET LAWNS m PHONE NO. 74, STATE GANG KEPT AT French Allows His Force to Help Chairman Beaven Re pair Damage; Will Inspect Corrales Route. Wnrk on the hridve, whli h w load went of Han laa aa almoM r'Aipt uwny river Sundiiy. will he John lEeaven, couiity exiiei in. The county I i... i ne I linn nij liniNhed today, roud t'hiilriiian. gang were iinainted thrmiKh I he crit- leal Hinge of the work Sunday und i ctcrday by the Male mid Kiing i t rk mi the Alluiiiiieriiue-Ihlet.i rimd. and thia mnrning I'h.nrnian Heaven called flute Kn-iiieer J. A French. , of Santa. Ke. on the Mmne and UHkert j If Ihe cniintv miKht have the line of the men until Ihe work who rfinlnhed. ;Mr. French proinptly niuhnrlzcd hli .aHniKtant In charge nf the work, 'Charlea Morrill, to continue hia gnni; I, lithe county road. Mr. French told Mr Heaven that he would ut here satuniny night m ne on nanil for a trip mih .Mr. Heav en and olhera Interested over the pro poned route, of the Ala nieda-Cort, ilen roml. The road hulldera want Mr French's expert opinion on the rniita and the difficulties that the hul!d.ara may expect to encounter. y FOR DIVORCE He Is Alleged to Have Skipped in Apvil 1913 and Was Last Heard of in Springfield Missouri. Mrs. Leona Conway filed suit fit divorce in the di-nci ...uii tod agauint tieorge Conway, The tniipP Wen. married in KaiiH.m City Septem ber 17, l!'i7. In April of last jnn Conway abandoned In-!, tin- pi. i, null allegcH, II,. lant heald : ,11 c alleged, in SpruiKlii'ltl pie ll.l ii,, . Illlill en. I'ndcr all annmued Mi The . 1 1 1 1ll . William It. A Vnlci i be itllf on i Wilcox has sued IV lor 1 I -I). ulleged t biil of gooil.- I'rolMitf I'ourt. JuiUe John II. iron llaig in tlie pl bnlHcnurt today appMocd the hai leal eat. lit- id i;.ili T II. l.aBM.s el .ill.. Illinois, and tin- n poi I nf I lu. guard lau of Clarence 1 1. Pepper, ft al. ' 11. II. Ward n mi F. J. Wiln .u wen 'appointed of Hie Alloii-ii I L. Mi Ken l-nliite. Healing on t'i,.. Mini report of t lo e-tate of It. W. I) ;taiit u:m Kt-t May ;. lo, 'SAN DIEGO FAIR PRESIDENT CALLS ON MR. SCIIWEIZER I. C Collier Hit-go expoMitlo It) fol I w lllli to ban Diego. , prenidi-nt of the f m ll. stopped over in til ' last lilkl, t. on Ins w He culled on llci ni. in Scheuer. malinger of the lluviy curio tiusmeKn, to dis.-ui.s bumin. matters and some of the, features t-t the Harvey exhibit to ne made at the exposition. Mr. Collier is reluming to f m Diego from a tour of at. i foinli Aiuerltaii countries In the in terest of the big fair. He mid tb il Iher,. wann t ally doubt of Urn expi SHIolis auccena K t ly impoii.uit n -Hon on the globe would be irpienu,'. ed at it. Mr. Collier went on tu lb. toast on train No. 9. TODAY IN CONGRESS. e Ht noon to continue eon soler.illon of the Mexican situa tion. licprenentatlvea of New Or leans chamber of commerce ap peared ht liire the nitidis commit tee to oppose the repeal of the Panama tolls exemption. HOI hK. Mat at 10 o'clock to awatt the action of the senate on the Mex ican situation, and resumed de hate ou tbe naval i:il. I'll; WASHED ROAD MRS. CONWAY SUES M SS NG Use "W, & B." LAWN MOWER The ball bearings make them easy running. A boy can op erate a "W. & B." with ease. "GOODYEAR" RUBBER GARDEN HOSE The best money can buy. You can buy any quantity you may need. "BOSTON WOVEN HOSE" Prices and Quality the Best INCREASED CAPITAL FOR BANK BOUGHT BY LOCAL MEN J. B. Herndon and His Assoc iates Will Enlarge Santa Fe Institution; Take Possession Next Monday. Lcport nT the purchase of Ihe Cap ital City bank of Santa Fe was run-lirmt-d today by J II. llcrndnti. prcniiicnt of the flute National hank. Asnot tilted In i be purcliane with Mr. Ilerndon are ftate Treasurer N. Matron, Jacob Korber. vice-president of tin- State National; Hoy Mi-. Donald, c, mlilcr of the ftate Nat on il nml C. (I. Mardorf. cashier and treasurer of the American Trust ami Savings bank. The cut -c stucK of tbe Santa Fe ban' waa bought Mr. Hi-rndon said today that the new- management hud no definite plann an )l-t, beyond u declnlon to In i lease tbe in il 1 1. 1 stock In n short time. The Caplti.l city bank has u paid tii capital of :i0,00tl. und a sur plus of fx. noil. Next Saturday Mr. Herndon. Mr. Korber. Mr. Marron and Mr. Mc Donald will go to Santa Fe to check over the nt count.-;. The new owner will take ponm-nnlon next Monday. The Capital City bunk will have no formal connection with the Htnte National, the pun-hane being u per il nn I Investment, Mr. Ilerndon sold toda v Th- .uettidenl of the Capital City bank ih A. II ltcnehan. J. 11 Yuughn is v U e-pi t udeiit nml manager, uml i ; P I in! Ion, cashier. FOR SERVICE Ofi SHORT 1TCIE Capt. Ilines" Command Has Been Quietly Preparing for Call to the South for Some Time. ENTHUSIASM IS HIGH: ENLISTMENTS EXPECTED If lb. . Fill nllo old lotto ot x. u fol M il l'-e s i o-s, , In e. l lllll. Ull lol i 'nmpunv M . of thin The I'Olll d by Cap Pent h.i.,. I e: r.-ol--. In. b P Hit I'll n '. In in VV iml ill nlo IV to till' udi i It to lice. nnme the men h I i e tieen ri. in i t-, r 1 11 . 114 luu-k io.a- Vpl'i'tllig t i be calb d for rei I They Into- heen pi tin ki.ntb. g ituielly IS 1,1 l . oceno i-i I lb. iml" all. .,1.1 r. - to itn-lire the I milt of nio lion Fillip. nl.-iHii r iii. in tbe mpuiii. and toiuulii nch i; the r n u r dill1 nii'ltl ll will ilollbtlenH go on i.iiil ;,n the night of the greatest ii 1 1 1 1 1 : i i-r nf appln atinnn for enlistment earn New Mexico will be one he firm ntiten In semi troop ninth, am! it Is believed on ac- iiit of that there will In- an ovir- llow of men at the armory tonight. vdjulant liiiiel il Harry T. Herftiig i's i '.nit New Mexico run put two f-giments In the Held. Aibuum ripit would tie reprenenteH ny two roinpun- en of infill try nml a dt t.u binetit of tlie Imspltil corps Captain V. P Union of Company CI, sold In a a In tel lew t liin iiinrnlnz : ' I'p In the present lime wo have not reieived ativ ortlers frmii Sinti 1'e for . v -. t u imtvt-niciit nf tioniis. but wc llo-m it ii v hour. Cntiip.ifiv (1 was rn-x-i-r In better shape In It hin .. to annvter a m'l to arm than It is i.t pit, cut. und upon receiving- or .liin the ciitiipany would It, on the mole ill hit letlildy short time." PERSONALS K. Z. Vog.i left today for a trip through the east and to hit old horn In Duyton. Ohio. Mrs. J. A Hohrer of Palifs. la re s'ered al Ihe Comba. Hlllnus? Feel heavy after dinner? Hitler taste Complexion sallow? er pi Imp needs W aking no Dunn's Heguleti for bilious attack. 2i.- at all store. COMPANY READY ImvIiihiI With llmnkH. ( oMiilheii it --I've got . u d -iifi f .r n i i.npli- of thki-'n, hi- rr giir'itg nil ,1 r iiiie for a 1 r m m nf oui in mil- hot hood J.iiiklet- Ncine for me, th.uik nu I H'lilldnt know toil to do Hllll I I r iiinn if 1 won Ii tin. (tin. 1 111 I leralii Tin- lllll I nter. M.irv -Th" i,,M,,r ,i th.H illm . of mine in nnhnl ov a ihtiii Avtn - In, I 1 he rail )l Mni) I ip.n l n men, l,i r I iniilif Mte nineane, I. lit not llo 11. Hue .1 udac. ASEBALL M t)lil N Imt iifT the wire. Mi l I till I I Mill HI lilt A, HARLEY DAVIDSON J Twin Tiv-KMfil i In Ihe bolder ot no Worlds 7-hour Speed ami Kmliiratice Iteiord t tu. I son a i:t:ii I i'H S. Stnioil SI. i tf4(ttt 1 LUMBER & BUILDERS' Bi'i'i-Li i : . J W liolcsnle nml lletull Albuquerque Lumber Co. ..nun i imx i LOUDON'S PURE ICE CREAM t 511 E. Central Phone 507 AX l-ACItAM TH !' 1I.KS-(K always greets the sight of one of out loaves of llread. hut this is as noth ing to the exclamations of delight that follow the llret tunic of It. YnU will niipreelnte ihe first lute, and want nllce nflcr slice of it. Yet It l( as nailnfy itij.- and tilling its II lit pure and wholesome. After the llrst loaf you will iiways order It if you are a lover of good bread. PIONEER BAKERY SOT gnuU. final St. Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 : : ! ! i ELECTRICAL COMPANY I I.FCTItH l, t'OXTH UTOHS CM.IM I lls l't7 l.u-t I coiral vo. IM'aU'rni III Everything Electrical Motor Hi-pair anil 1 h-ctrli al Wiring holnllctl. t il our tout mi Wealing lioonf Miiiila lumps. t For the best t GALLUP COAL MOUNTAIN WOOD and KINDLING Phone 912 HUGH TROTTER We have a complete hue of Wall l'npcr atol paint. Cm do your worn on a minute's notice. C. Ii Ql'IKIt. SJ1 8. 2ml si. I'lnmo TIT. J. D. Efi'LIONS N'e-Mr ami FMNimtl Hand Furni ture, hitclxii I alunctn tit -uil tip. liecsM-rs, .l and up. lie W. tZulil. Hhouo 1UI. KODAKERS UI Uotelop any Kodak tlllgt for iuu. mt citi Trnio IIS MoulU twxvnd ft. I '(BSsWHSSBMsHWHaasOTB 'Mil.i-A.'..,.)...-.,, J I tMKMAUK I 1 READ L -'.it