Newspaper Page Text
FOUR. THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N M., TUESDAY, ArRIL 21. 1914. The Evening Herald. puMlahed by Tha Kvining Herald, lno. (iron H. Vullhint, Mnnnger. II K. liming. Kditor. Official rnrr of tha City of Altuiqui'rque. Publlnhed every afternoon ex cept fumlMV. t 1?4 North (irotil Buret, Alluiurrti. N. M Kntered aa aernnd cluaa mmtT at tha pontoffh hi AH.'iiiirriue, N M , under the Ai t ft March 1, II7. nim month by mad or turner . M.i One week by carrier He On year by mull or carrlar la gdian U 00 Telephone 17 amt 1(1. Mil I I t l.H I lt Ml I A I. n r w r l-.ityrr. s mum. p .i Km i mini nt riiaiii'. il hnmln InM tilntii Mnv i Si llin I, ml H.iHii Hi.. ri iiiK i.f k,.i tin mi'iii mill M.iiur ll.mli ii. hi look Ihcin iii ( an fully . ii. mi l, Ik i.i In. Hi the iitirlnit anil tin m- miiiuii imiinin were ri'inl tu thi. iilv ',,nn II ami I r III. .r. Hi.ih an- nihinhcil In full In t Ii in nf lh.. II. ml, I ami I . . t Ii eliotihl In nii.l iiinliiliy iy every illltin. anil rape. I.i llj .y ivory t ix p.'i)cr: mil with a view in . mpn r moll, or fault ftndln in either aid". I.ut with a view t,i cHliiu nt In. In mid londitmnn wk they U' In. illi ovint in our rily. r..r both atittomcntr arc gtatrmcittn i.f fin t. Thn lillff review nf the city g,.v -rl nun lit ilinluK the pant ln ni-ihh l,y Mayor Hellcta If ii allowing which munt be fn'inil highly nut mini tory by rvrry rttircn. It in a nf tletttiilo hi complinhmnnt Ii v the couh ill. the hi'iiiln nf llii" vurhuin di part menln anil hi n mayor who ban h-i'l thi- heal iiiHicntn of thi- i-ity at heart uml who Iihk worked li.inl ami ..rf.-'l-yly lit li hull of Hi,. el- Inn r.-hiH. 1 In. llli.Bt i,fl ri-.i-,,ti-(l rlniixi. iiuiiiiihI Mr. Hflli-iH an ni.i)nr li.m In in that hi- win a "hut air" iiinyor. Wi I. i I n.ii atralni'il In nay thai If "Ii.-- air" will h('i'oiiiiIInIi .imtli:il ifNiilla of llio klml rutniiiril Ui In thi m."l f.ilr wrll Miiliiii.-iii. tin. ii) iim miinil ii lirrut ileal of It In I lie . I,y K,,nrii ininl The H.iiliMient ulumn thai the r.-tirinv: nUiiiiniHtraiioii fi.iiiul mi niIiiiiI chhIi I, iilnme nf u,,r,,nimalrly I3.0IMI in the lly tri-iiHiirv uml I" It the lreaur with an nrlu.'l null miii'H ol more Dm n 1 1 1 mm, utter i-.i-in fur II" ihii) wiih nt i.iiii'im-iii In Ihn flrr rter tment. nin,li-llna Hie main work on the m w rity hull. Im I lili nit IT.""" with of Mnrin uml nanltury nfWirn, ami mnkiiiK other l.-iw lniinrlH lit liiiiri.veiiieiitK. all properly to In I l.seil lir exllanrili limy fXH-ii(1i(ureH; ami ai (he ji.itm- tlme innltlnx a ileliiille taxulmn, oi r amt almii iihiii'kim-.I aluiitii.n i'l tin U'.'.IIIIJ. Ii 1 1 .'.iimii. The lepntt fhnwH I. i iiiiiiii iK'in w nil . ihei reilm In, Il nf the Illi lellM il pat iul. n! Ill w III. Il I'l it! lea of I he rillleil Stat.-n i.f til Ha. in- i elib'l pel i of I'.UIl lltllllt.el ,iWti. net !lli U 1,1, Il III lh 1'Ihhh. liHn tile, lowi-nt a. . (nun i rune, ami I hi nt flren. an well Im I III1 Inm.. Il nil ,11 h u ,ll hillili' ,'i'liML, i In rs.n rullipa "in.iu nil nthetn in luiienl pel '.-lilam- nf i nntiiK 1'iii.n lit.s.'ane. atiit hli:her- per lit ..f health II e. llulii all nhlen. mul tilth, ll ih a nii.r.l upmi Hiinh the letitlm; ailiiiimtiatinti ami the 4 il y ate In lie i iiIik I a l n lateil M.iiur lluatitithi h . I.i ken ii Man, I In whuh he w ill ftnil llm wlmle . om iiitimiy Willi hiln In ni-kinu for lu aili i ., ..peiHtt'.n It.. in nil l.r. in In... 1. 1 i he ill) K"i iTiiim m Hul Hum all , I.kc' I. I penple f,.f I lie nui'i l-M. .if hin ll'l' i , t ii i hi i a 1 1 1 ii 'I he new inalur i-lmul'l hut' I ll IH ll-npr Hi. ui ul.'l we hul" II. l ll.Hll.l lllil lie Will lull' It V lliujntit-. n p. , li'ai.lien- i.f ictti-- villi u.plue In." frank Mat im-i.l tit it he pti.p.ine'. In i ft I I V nut hln i.i.illulin pie, In' n In th' penple In n., fai a.- he i.ili. Mr. Ilnat ri'hl Wiln i ie t. ,1 nil III..-..' pl 'Iii' In a niaj'.ilt. nf the pi -nple si.MI um l lai'iie tu hh'.w that lltete ii. a ilet -lmle il. mail. I f.ii the nt a.littin ttiuti'.ii whuh that I'l. ill, ,lm Pi" I nneil In Hue. It nhmilil he mien, if the new iit.i.r tun tin it If it ilnvB mt work out to tho lent i.i i.'i.m of the ill), the p.-. .pi.- will he ipu.k I" nev It. In umli-rtakuiM I. lutty out Inn pi. ill. 'rm pleilaet., Imveiel. the new mayur llun nr.i-l..t miin pri.lf lemn on hln li.imln. It" In I'll4 une ul llnnlt'l. ol e ,"I law f I.I. -r. emeu! r.lul one wf what In truly !n the moral health uml wi Unit of the t'ti. Mi an hut mint the new a.lininlii- trulniTi will ftn, I it way to ii.ilve thine pruhleuiH naiikfiti (only uml tnr Ihe tient llilllentn o A I huipiei pi. . 1 1 im rf'lllent lor I ii-operillluti uml llill'' In Ihe illy cuetiiit.ent in Ir.uik ami manly, and fhoulij l.e, hii I iimlnuht rdly will l met inme ih.iu half hy the inumll. hy the :.rt..a ili pitllienl u li'l l.y Ilia penple. We are all lor Ihr wellaii ami Kiuw'h prunpi nl) ol Ali-i'uet.U.'. uml in wikliiim tint imw mu) or mul ln wl ni mini la I mil ill, 1 1 . w- i.ili wirh ttiMn ni lUr au raa Ihan In brhlml tham IW'o year a .mm I tin lima a rtn'onl of aihletfiiient anl f'HiA goi ernnieiit ua U nn ami a i oin-pK-banaiva lhl left h lh rrtir mi adinini'iiaiton. 1 1 HI in I I o-l". l i lll oitllM w II I. I mc .1 t cni..h-r I ihcl plllllutllv fill .i ml I w i if in. u i . .m I ul f r il . llt.'.l l. I III. nl. I l-t"ll. U lib. ion ilu im-t i' :in It.ivc iinl lln pi., I, -Jit white I'll I . .' I I '... Ill.ll I lie a i , n , i I in I. Ml .1 dc.iih .11 In tin. in- -I .ti -. I I..II .- il I ,.p ,l.,ti. I...HK i'l II ll lo.' .il' I! I't.ll Hill III- II,.,- II it) f . t . i mill) .f t hn ii "' 11,1 in Illl' i I Kilt ID t Hi. I .i.i i Ml" -I . I 1 . 1 1" J. .11 ., ll.l III. w I i..!. I., 1.1,1' l.f l II..I i," In i II Ii I I hit in ill 1 tiii i.l Kit l, i.ii I ii in t'l , li.i 1 1- I, ecu 1. , iiii"I I ' Ii 1 1 . 1. 1. 1 ii. i. In. li.i ami "ii cm. nt ik i. ii i. nit I'.r III, I 'I M III 1,1 I'l I lilH 'III- III .l.l'. ill. III. iill.ili.i A ,1 li.i 1 1. Ml. 1 1 l K.I II w.l I Inn III .i li'llnln-r of i It ii-h 1 i i . n ki 1 1 li-il W line tm III I ' . Ill I- I 1 II ll.lllll . t l..H hitin uml k .,1 k h;iH il . i nr. ile Im win. :m- In ..iHiti'.n t,i limiw ilium 1 I.H-.I1IIIII. I, ,,ii li.Ui-- . i mi, n. Hi fin in ;. i 1 1 . i . n 1 1 (.. I .linn. i In.- In i hin. i .il.. i.e. In In. li.i tin- ili-iili i.ile in mill .in lim-h. ami nil in r .i lil i.f . ,iMe ilixlim f mil mi, I nil 1 1 s t iui-i Ihi .-nlli'tii ol i n i tin. .li ihi. I 1 1 en I on in In u . uli. illy ilifln i:lt 'III.- .I.i p.i in ne ., i-Mililelil Ii ii m taken a li.ill.l nllli ml I.i In Ih ni ml nf nilii ri ul, mm. ami i .I,l i iillnu with ln well III U.I llUl'l I'll.ali' iihrne l.ittnllii. 'I'he itl.ilh I. lie While ei li'uh. I l.iwir than in liiiia ami In. II. i 1'ml. r lit. ihr... ti,,i nf Ih" I nil. .1 mhIi-h , ul. In- heallh w ri i,-e a innvetiieiit (-r the ieven II f lul. i l ul., fin In the l'hllli- I'Iiii-.h hlin a Inn In-i-ll nl Uiilll.i il. HO IS II .Y A KTKII iliiiiilierlnii p. aii-fully im.iahn. the Thaw i.ij,' inure Jiiinpi inin the the Kinnlini: nf a li.r.e'i" lor uiir hllieliKhl l.y i in pin. w h I i-i i nl ii.illy I'cf W ill Bet lllil i line li' the I'ir'iiJ t-talen supreme e.,ui'l. nf imi ipnnrf I a i niiMil.-i ,i Me e.lli will lie u Thaw In ihun uhKini-il .ii it to New York f.,r pel loil. an it uml, ml, I u year or two I ..-r . i . a i .ili he reiK hell In hln In a piiwilnlit;' that New llliul ili-i int.. l.lne. Then Yolk that ' while w ill . Mill It illllli nil t,i I'haw In ll Illi IHI' e In the illhli lit I. Hie. The w Imle illentlull an In Inn niinitv I'enin llkeli to he uireil lnf"e the hiuhent iniiit ami in a h.iltle of Ih.n klml Ihi Th iw- rii hen will play mi Important pail. While 'I'h ill in I. Kail) insane ill New York, thin cuiinui In, hi uooil m oilier nluten. The only ponMhle inniiiiil mi whuh he ean he returned In New Yolk m- Uml lit- la a fwailit'e tiiini j.intn e. hut in Hik In the xerdlct at Inn til il Ihele .fay he KKal .lit 11 . ulty In prm it, i; thin Thaw may he Innini noii, hut oyer tnnee hin em ape he hiia nhnttll he In eiipiihle of tlitlDK lairlti rational. Indeed I hone V lio have l.een niakltli; ill nn late i ff. .It" In K. I hlin I a. k In New Vi'lk have at inn. i in i"il nun h 1 1. i. i. r Ihun i heir v ii t mi Willi the pl.'M.e. I ill liell.-late I iilu-l.tlttll i lie to wn f.i a vear t there i. a fail . h.nn i m. era) I'aviui; Ihe hi if..e nn in r o to i nine, till' We'll all AN EXPERIMENT I I WITH IUBERCULOSIS J The pluhli inn plt nt lll' ll h) the W hlenitead ixihteme ft t il hel'i ulnnpt III dally (utile ale m.i nil uhl The) near uti hulliilll l'.erielti'e in i i.lim-i'-tl.,11 With Hie IllKI.'IK' nt the InlU upil), W lllili In annurrlllv H llinttel nf Ilu Hlllall I. .11,1111 tn Illl i-lun.'M nl mxieti Till- ipiinliori of lulu I , u InM1 III e.itlle Iniuil.'n Hi. i-i . .11" Oil l" n ot IIKII. lllture I. il I. ll Rlf.iler Ip-Klee III. ill the lili, mil. itiil inn n pit i-' i. lie. ln- the lllneane llan lll-itl'li'Mc'l no w nil I) thai Ihe h"l'- of I ,,l,,. t" . noiii-ittniii mnnl lie delerreil I'.r .1 I. .Hi; time. In n.l) III" le.l-t Klllthi I lliul'. Illl- out. ollie ui Hie mullaHf llietlt i.f tuh. . iiluiih Innin mu) I", ml th wav In) Hil .tntiiKiulln iippiti at lulli. in tin tieiil i.f iiiiiiiiin tieutnittit i.i ,ie- V 11 1 loll 111 view f Ihe t nut iiii. un pru.tra! il.ftli llllie.n III Ihe VI.. 1 nf 111 - iiilliph l.' i I a .1 1, ill loll of 1 11 net in lonin in r.itlh- I.i the wlt'.l.-Hle hlaiirfhii-r ol .nl am- ttiaU kn.ivin to lie iiilt-i le.l vi i Hi (U l I, uli'MM. n- llelnrn tut utll.ll,u tht latler have been llevmeil. The llmnt pi i ii i lit' li I nf Ihene in Ih.. n)..l.m wht'lehy 111111.111110111. i-own ale', and lined fur hlerdinu pill lumen, the . alien I.elliK lemoved lliiin the ninth tin al the latlient 111 llif Ii I mill tiintiulit up Willi. n.l further t-xpimtur to the (line. me. Tilln llun ht i n ei tiered pnnniiile hy the fllnlltlu that Hill 1 1 It 14 air I fjgu la I ii Imrn 111 ,if' Inallh .uul Hie (mill In herent, i"ln. 'i'he all ii lid In. ediiiK iit tir in thin w ay do not he. nine an eii tll" ei ..null., I, inn A lell-vear invea tiu.itmii. inn fully verified and nuper v mod hy kv I'tnmeiil olii, i.iln. buM Junt I. et ii U l'., i n il I ) llr.eika in i on-rie.-Hull with what la pluhuhly niie of thr in.. il .i,.lal.le her, la ol li..lnleltl I' I n i-l..n i.itlle in Ihe wol Id. The nl.jei I w..a to rndii'e a held of li,, Int. in tut lie llee from luheriu hmia taint uml vet endowed with all thr iiioal taluuiile ntlnin-, liala, teiin In pi nwnne I 1,1 llun lured Animals wt'tr Hrltr'-led betn.iat ul tllrtl' Utnll iihiliti. ehliirlv inih i.eiiili-tit nf the prt-nenir or ahaell. e u( tuurri ulonin. Thr I ii hrr. uloiin atninala uri ull) .ml tm in l. r Hie iii.ii-iuIhk iil.iun. Three hulidreil tuiifit uluua umtuuia wi.rr ludied. The xinlell.r o! luhilill lonla waa lletelllitned l) III"' tlntlnll of tlfhlu the uftti ml Hon- of lllh. ri ullll. ,1 ill no-real I IM utllttiHl. Hirer ttiiira t Intel a In of iluinlha All animala IrtotlliK lo elthrr teal urn lemoird al on" t" th ulnun 1 1 rm o lhal thrrr waa no pon-llullly i.f tha Irunnininnton COLOC l.r Hit- IkJ ImtoiiiI I I ill Ile. ' 1 1 1 K M Wins I" ami the X I null, II - .1 1. .i im - o - IK Vli III DltTA li alli lull, heen MikinK I" f"l,i- ml i 1 1 Ilil hi . Ii' in. I'll' II I'llllll'l Ml' i i nr.1 ill J'.ll i.f II M l:li 'i i I'l'I'V a.i, ..M,. iii-li.', I al llii. iii-wii. 1 1 lit tin i'il h.m a l"l i,K t" II .l In the ii.i) i f Kin- I l ,ni- O - IT fil' HI, I) Atyl IKK a hm k ul" ll In T. o I IKTV MII.I.IMNK i.liuht In .uile nuile 4 .hunk ill ii. ill., n. il ill li nn.-, -O- MIM'ltlTV I.KM'KIt Minn imw klinWH ni'im tltiiiH ii , n tu Ihi- iin rut imi nf die i.ii ,ni mill r (h it he m .ci knew w In li I uiiiimik II. O ANY MA.N.V i. in U.irn thini;a .ilmtit u in. i' liine by Ki-ltuiK umlei il. O - IN NAM IN, I llii III. Ihele wan Im limn I it tune hy M,i.,r limit rmlil . Il ni iii t he (.lain to iitiy Imn Tim (ulilril ih'ln I vole HKht O ITS A KAII1I.Y -. .I.i.l I" tell til" ni her li'llii lmi he miKlit Imve mu (tailed aflur lie l.llll-il o - M''HT MI:n ini'i.t In il,. all the kiiiiiiiih' !nr III. ir eiilite l.iuilllen O S' iM KTI M lis a l"U(. r ik hvein lln: K'.oilii. TtH;iti: s the m i i inn In n O TIIK KIM! nK ITALY ha it . I I I'.il IH Kii' In In meitiil to hln i u lie i, III. 11. HI ai TIIKV IIAV I-: lialteil he". I allium nun ai .'"m i P'l, mil Hul ...i 'nil ml l' Illi II on III' a. l-i. ii. TIIK OMAHA Ihele w III he 11, hrnrku thin year l!KK II 11 tl i .11 II en . Il'lll"! il-KIIC III What will the Ih N I' ll!' t ilu tu keep himy" - O- XV IT. TIIK rilK.X.Xt nf nittllit. I miKhiy hard o hip. -O- f.KNKISAl. Cii.NKY In Junt another one who eiin'l i ome bulk. - O- i:X'K TIIK Coney mule liiMi'l a kn k In hlin. IT If a. lid Cul lien Wanhlnut n Ward mitkia a fairly I llilnu an ihiK' iit. her.'n iiiuke the colonel olllilal cat ciiti her. at, I himnl him lu lu the alii, '111, 'I, ll,- liana - V - M'lNKV o) ah) ether name ia Junt ua hard to set - O KXCKPT WHKN aomi? fool (alia 't lime. 1.1 1ST. I NK CALAMITY I ielirr"'l i ti ward will be paid lor uifni m.iimii it itiirdiiiK lununter lo the wool in dimtiy. nnd In he due lo arrive milt K. Turin Si heilule. Si lrt ilule in her all ll l Pill ile 1 t r In mrntlli: - O - HAVi; Y 1 1 " iiulued that Albtnpier une nearly ha, a ll".lnni hiKh a ho"'.? - O In if XVII. KY'S Latin talklnn liar "Id In imw dt-t meed. The m w ent XVtb y bah) underatuniln itsn lat -UUiikiv o- XViiMi: uli- einpluwil in Siiik.i".i tor mud l.iit.lini; What n rooiI hi l'i" i uhinien uiitiht In wik line in inil. laiil l.,.i"l"li. A LA XX' tu enable iimm-u tn pmi m ill laii" in hi i li u iilK' ,1 in Swi .b n The poor Swede never known whin hen will off. XVh'il we need on thi" Mile ta a law tu prevent ' - O TI M V. MAY route when limtoti tituli a will l urry emhluitiinrd on thru l uiiiieln "loi.a for Wonirii." S'lMHTIMi:- wutiliful waitum nn i e.tla .1 w l- ki d wallop. - uNK Xll'CPIIY who wun down iin'i out neeiiin to he toiniiiR In and u'i throiiKh thr cellar entiainf. rv pi;ni;hsk am iii:.xkst ina p. Hied fniien in .ipponilo.n lo Ihe tn m i .inal tolls ntmi'l. o ONLY cominetit on Ihe uiinve. in ' I lulil i,'U ao. ' -o- l.ii It. Homey! i...y XX'enler hua the t.iia weik lit hud thr inumpn lant men - Cuffi ) v ilh . Ivan, Journal. - o Niiriitan It Sit Kind. Mr. Not man J unen In ntill weutiii.! Inn i. d lenRcim. ,i) in n. Ille. N. C , Lillet pi me. o - leave It o Pupa. ' Papa, what Ina iiaiinfot iner ' " ,"Ank your mother. She linn a illume it' ' "lint Willi one." - O- "Illl. I. V Slllld.iv Shu klim He. ni hil!'. So a'e all live wilts. AH A Ilu I.J I.A.-T n nott Hurrtu ill p.ipui atapell. in kh f Inle.'tluii from tha luheri ulou beullhv one. At birth Krolip to Hie the 1 alien ure liiiioedi.ilely taken from j the innt her t' eeil 1 nun arr on punteui u. d 11,11k 1 nil", ted luilin rimiiiiitely limn an unit mid tuiiel.'iiloiin aiiimula 4 if mole Ihun two roundel lalvr hoi n of Hie tiiher. uloua hritl. md one hua become tuherculoua, ultbouuh all li.ue heen tented Hirer lioien hy niua nivr ilnaea of lllheli iihlt 1 hear anl tnaln are i..Htei murr renlntnnt to tu lu'ri'Uluntn th in uuimaln hot u ol noii tuher.'ulotia puretitM. No fulllnu off in type, in milk prodm Hon or fetiilHi in preaeiil ti Hiene iiiivea, 110 increiinr in ili'Hih rule emnia anintia them na cunipHrrd with tha nnprin nf lieulthy call1.. 110 fiiillliK ult III value takra plat e, ami aevnal of the mne( valuable enwa and bulla III tha world nre of thla an. entry. 1 hear facia, aa)a The JiiiiiiiuI of Ihe Aineii ntl nlednnl 1 " . iv" i - . ureat 1 nais or nistory Timii or asnasmx ok .xovah Till! MI'l'.liKIt "f Si nor Ciitiovua del Canlillu, th" Kpamnh prime lll'IDMer. on H ind IV. AllKllnt X, lli 'i 7, hruiiKht on one of the nmnt iritlial perioda In tin' hinlory of .'i.utilty iliirlnx tin liiiii ti'i'lilh n li tuiv fpain hail In en In ninh nn nil Milled ntate fur a l"iiK tune that Ih'i laklim nff .if hi r riKtii nun. for awh wan I'linovaa i miMilereil Hlnmnt meiint the illnnulul imi of Ihe exIntmH K"irlt,uii III. I'he ileed h uh eun i tu ti ' eil hy n Neu . politun anari hlal at Hantit Aini d.i. Mm name waa Ml h1 le AnKHia tiolli The prune miiilnlt'r had roup In Hun ta A Klie, I.l with Ion wife fur the hatha. The mtird. rer fired three i'h. .In. one of whuh ntrmk I'nnovna in Ihe f..n head and anmher In the hint. Ile lell at the feel of bin w,fe, ami IIiiki red in aiiuny lor two hour.-t la f,,ie he i:m d nway, (lulli nan Iniim ihali li urrenled lie lie, hit ,', t Illl he hild l -III 111 It It'll the ill i ,1 "in u.'t'oinplinhment of a jjuM i eiMi aner.'' At Ihr in,, mi nt of 1 1 he an.Miniitlon the milliliter w .in iiaHiiiK In Ihe nail, ry of the Imthtim nlahlinhinenl for Inn wife. The an nainin narrowlv rmaped Ivmhlnir ul the ham Is of the vvaitera and attelul niiin lieteiilvra nnd eivll Kinirdn lln mi ilialelv arrented him. ., day tnlluvv init the murder (lul li. the annannln. iiiiule u i-onfenaion in ivhieh he Muted Ih" deed waa .in l.i't of reveiiKe for Ihr ixfi'utloii of im a ri hmtn at llarerlun'n. An the premier lay ilylnw on the Kruiind, hin wlfr reproucheil (iolll for ih'' ernne. rryitm. "murderer." In reply to the imoniauiK worila of the liiKlarl.'.l wife, lie iilinivered eooll) : 'I renpe.'l you lifcaiiap you are an lady, Imt I have ilont my iluty. uml ain now tany In mlml fur I have in ( tilled my friend ami hioth era of Mont juU h " Mnntjuu h la the turtrenn of llareeluiilu, oiilnlile ol iv h ell the unarchinln who hud heen m ill. ti. ml p. death fur outran' they had innimlttel were exrcutrtl hy be lli; nhut In the hark Ma hole tiolli. or Anslollno, wan 3 J vi arn of hiii'. Mo um Ihe meinher ot an hunent Imnlly, hln father lie I Hi it tailor 1 1 tw military rrcold wna had and he vi un rluaneil aa a illnohedlt'til and tri.iihlennmp nu Idler. I'nni.iiin waa hurled In Madrid on AtiKtmt 1" At the fiinerul Ihe uul- ow of I he dead premier aald: "I de- AaaociHtlnn. remain conntnnt even wliere nt leant three Renrrationn of known tuhrrruloua ,arentiiRe txlnl. O0040000404 p Things to Worry About 000040 40K04K Pit'h pine ft'iin Mobile In heliK Hani III ihe terminal of the lludnnn hay railway al port Nclnm. Allegheny i niinly. Peiinn) Iv ami, employ n ould" nf itn citietf .n'oi pit illi ' hnnl teachera. The Mini itm picture crane h I npreatt alm,.i.t over ttir entire world Tin- ChlneM uiu cK r f..r Um pi ' ttirra. Un thitil ..f Hie World ntipply .. platinum in le piTrd in il"liti-lr an I unother third for rlf' trl' il purpone: . ! At Quito, tli,. only cttv in the woihlj on the li-il of tut. equator, thr nun i M-tn alid rmen at o ilui k all the c ir roiinl The vvhalitu -i aaon of piLl i lipm d all rci'ordn tin yield ol ml t tin i"oi Id I'l itii! i itiinuli ,1 at k'ui.i. ii. i ankn. 1'r Charli" X Morse, nf N'.ivmir kit. X. II.. i" it one a ml the name time punt in, ml. r. JtidRr of the dinttl't couit, moileiut, ir of town mcctinicK. moderator of m Itool iiteetiii;n. chat"' m.tlt of the h.Vtid of health, lorctu. ii of ilie h11'! niupany. water iomm. aioiier. peiiMuu examiner nnd repi'' nimaliir in ilu lealnlnt ore Maud. ''Ih" worn! mule u nhoe in Mnldlenex t,iy, X. J ," wan lint al lowed to i nt. r Ihr blai knmilh nh"p where it h- iimiully been nhn.l, and Ami) Kronvniir umlerlouk the Jo'i. tininu a ne .i method. A ehloroforiu oiklail wan adininlaterrd nnd Ihe mule wan nh ,1 while under Ha In Mm nee. Vnor Unit" found thr knnwlclje of foteiail lanutluRia H llalll!! roll l'onn nnloti Im an author. "I hav. hum nlnir nci'tied my f'dly In leurn i li K Shani-h ha confeaaed to Henri It", hef'.rt "If tnu want lo retain t perfect niunt.'iv of yiiur naff e inin'i, muni uiiy in i, i.itntanie wUh fnii iiii lalixiinuen." 00C44Ot00404 5 a Tried Kecipes. P.a iprll a 1 an ho'lla befule i , (' 1 .. 111 III a "i 1 i old W'.lll T Illllli Paiwakea. f (rreii pt ua aeicr't! 11 wlah to J'c 1 Hi in. ndrr. and cover with vim Rre rrady to k Hi. Ill . la'ted. illnili I hrutiKti a 1 "A'ork 111 teu pepper nnd . p.inute, un I I mler In water ailKhtlv , nd, while hot, 1 nl inlar r vrBelaiile prt av. C.HIIlfUl of butter, W.i'l ll to laatr. Stir for a .1 tha paalr k. enbl. IU a( ti Id two 1'i.fcn liaht. and add paste, uhcrnatfly. wnh lo Ihe a t-up n.' milk Hi f 1 half a leaapnunful nf h,. kin a powder 1 a ice with four ubie k .r ih.ur, and al Ir Into Ihe in'Xtnre. I'i..p upon a griddle, and frv ua ; 11U W'.uld griddle cuken. Kat etille hot, an 11 vrnetahltt. I'eua left ".r Irniii yert.'iday arc nice made up tl-la way. J.ttienv ill tiaiette Prtinii IKtairrt. line of the moa palatable of drii aertn ia mad" hy taking a pound ot I-rtinea and hm'ina them down with a iiuurt of wut.-r nnd a cup and a hai! of atmur. Thin mixture ia Ihan reiiiov - ed from Ihe 111114 and atralnrd. 1 here huwuld be utioiip-a -ftldt of tha Iniuid lilaaolva half a hm of gelatilla In mi balf ilnt of hoillni water, add t" Juice of one I. uxin, nnd pour II over r iia alre that all nhinild know thai I for Klve Ihe annannin. It ia the grpaleal mu rllli e I run iiiuke, hut I make it fur Ihe aakr of what 1 know of my lilinhund'a ureal heart ' lln the inninliiK of Ihr funrrHl Hirer nlmrihinln were arrrnleil In Milan. I in tin ir pi rnnttn were a niiiii nf In. runlniit inn dot utnenta nhnw Inn thai there had exintml an Intel natiiiiial iinali tilstn plul The iloi ll mi nta i iiplureil im luded lettela Hum Cuneriii Cinlii. the imnuanln of rren Ideiit Cm im I. uml rietr.i Ai t iiirilo. wlm ii 1 1 1-in , tfl to unnanalnatr Kiliit llunihiri ..ii the irr loiia April. The trial of tiolli waa hegiin at eruern, Fpatn It waa u l oiirtmar irml. pienuli'il over hy li lieuten ant eiiluiiel mul iiiplaum of ariillerv. All thr alateinenta of the irmniier wire niihtnitiiil In writinK When he waa l.roiiaht In for rxamlnatiun lie refimeil to i hoonr I'oiinM'l and Ihe lii.lHe iippolnteil l.leiilemint t'nrria of Ihe at l Til. n to tli fi ud him. lie lie- i'i.'il ihe duly mid lliude Ihe ile- letme innatlity. An interview waa Kivrn In Ihe .ii'ivnpiipem by the prinmier. in wlilih he iinneiti-,1 that the iinnanninat Ion of rrenldent I'aure of Kniiire had imt heell HllKKented. hut the llllll pernunn vv hone death liad l.een ih' i reed wrie Premier t'linovaa, for Inr liirinic the Hilar, hint n. anil lleiu lul Pulavu lii, fur ordering the exetution of ir. Ulxal. the leader or the Infur I'cnla in Ihr Philippine Inlandn Almut 20H pernonnn were prenenl it the trial, whlih only lanted two hoiiia. The priaunrr heaiilv iiuitui I'led, art between I wo Kendariuea and imiiieillalely in Ironl of him were the jiu lit, n 1 1 li Ihr table lu arhv lay Ina revolver uml other nnterlal evl ilem r of Ihr rrlmr. IP. Ill wan put to death by the Karrute at II oelm k on Auaunt 'i0 lie heard thr newn iiilmly that he wan to br rxreiiteil on that dny -Xn rxei nt inner I rum Itnt aea p. rfnt tin ,1 the Kurri.tma Junt prior to Ihe ex eeiition ii pl teat ordered the unari'h- im In repint. to whuh he responded: "8ime you tunnul net me out of prlnnn, leave me III peio r I invm If will nettlr with Hod." tuno van re(Uented Ihe prnnt who nave extreme uni'tion In her hunbard nn hr waa dyiiiK from thr unaaaain a bul let, in the bath at Katit.l Alurda. lo v mil (lolli nnd nnnurr him of her for- Rivriirnn thr dinn. rt. put il Into the refriRera. tor to Jell). Servi' in nlterliet Rlunn n ami heap whipped ireaiti our III" top. Mohtera MuKiutne. LEGAL NOTICES. 1-IIOPOn.XI S roll MTV Ti:.Xls. Healed btdn will be rei rived for the furniahinx lo the city for one year ' three two-hnlne teuma, Iaii waK"tl, ! rie dump wuK"n. hariienn and driveta (thereof, with the nrivlieae iif ten ad ditional teumn. dtMnp wuiinn mid driw ra thereof, to he furnlnhed w Io n iii tn. i mi", I. Coin r.nt lo run for one year from May lath, 1911. Said teama tn he lined for tlty put poncn under the diiei tn.n of I he al 1 1 1 mi. miller nix ilujn In the week, uml ten houra per day, with the pi n lit ,' nf nlio or tivo llulim btllia talhil 'o work on Sulid.iin wlon denned, nail S iinlav work. Iiuwever. In lie a.ldni. h al w,,rk and I" be p. ml fur pm rata In .n't ordatu e with oul i:.ti It and evtii out. of aald hutnia tn weinh at b--tnt I I. 'imi twelve hiiiiilrcd p., um In. and the dtlvera thereof to he able hodl 'd men lapuhle of pel fi'l tninij the iu l K ic'iuired. Said hl'ln will he opened hy thr city ( "Uli, ll at apeclnl nr l. Kulat int . 1 1 n tu he h, Id on or after .May 41 h. I II. and lontra.'l to he let to the niv u. and beat biddur. i:.n h bidder la re-1 ill re! o ni mnlt ii cerlttled check for t iwen'y- tlve dollura o litaure the k',,,,1 fai'li of Hie bid. na id check lo lie ti linn "! when cntitr-ii I in entered ml i. The party whuae bid in inieptcn will be reiuired to ulva bond in ti. um of five hundred dullara condition eil fur Ihr failhtul niilrm.iii'e of ...4 contiMcl. All hlda lo be dire led to the clly cbrk and marked "Hid for fiiriimhint teuma and driven." and muni he 111 the handa of aald lerk not later th in 1.' o i Im k noon. Monday. May 4. I'il4. The ill) ordinamra air 10 he con nplered a purl of thin advertlneinrnl and alt tnda ahhll he 111 acorilanc I herewith. All hula nut'leit to reje. Ihoi by tha ell.. TIIUMAS lU'CHKS, City ("l' i k. PIHUHIS Mm IlllllirV I'HIMTNfa Sealed blda will he rereivrd from newapapi ra piihll.ihed In thr i Ity i t AlhuiiUc ritic, New Memo., for cliv prlutinii from May li. 1914 to M ly 10, I nl.'i, aald hlda lo br i,m ncd hy Ihe t lty mum !! at ape. lal or rrau'ir me. una tn b held on or after M iy 4th, 1114. Kadi bidder w ill be miiltred pi en cloae wnh hia hid a certified check for ten dollara 4 f I u nn 1. imyabla I - Ihe t lty In Inaure loud faith of Id I. hrcka in he returned 10 bnldern when contract la enterad into. Tha pern nn or corporiilion In whom contrail la lei will be required u furninh bond In Ihe aum of two hun dred ilolUra 1 1 .I'm li'l 1. lo he approved by the riiuvur and eondiilorted for tho faithful performance of the cuiitrn 't. Healed blda are to ba dliected In Ihr cliy clerk and marked "llltla for City Printing." and muat be In Ihe handa of the cletk not later Ihan 12 o'clock noon; Monday, May 4, 114 All hlda muat kpeclfy the amount lo be charged per brevier Inch for Hie tt 1 ait Inaerliini and ao much illumed for nubee.iient Inaerllona, and lo he baaed on tha printing, of nrdiraipen, prni'lumutlona. not n en. rninuiea. rt". Job work lo he on Con or mora let ter heada, r.o or mora envelnpea, one-half ahert blnlikn, one-third aheel blank, and ona-quartrr ahert hl.tnka, for tha flrat ont hundred and for en'-n auhaequenl una hundred and all other Decennary Job work., llltla lo ba baaed 00 Oral cUf lin k . fur ( ciiiiiien IhI prltiium. City rcneriea nxlit tu I ( J i t any and nil hlda. TII'iMA liriillK.i. Clly flerk. iiiiomi.m mu Pl ltlXI oi- PXI PI ll HKXIi. troionaU fur btnlal of papm r itrinl in in i onium .. Willi the i.tillnan e ul the rlly of A I liU'i ii l . i n n. New Mexhu. will he rei eived li) the i II of n il, I i lly ami opened at u npn iul or rntu lar llieelilm Iii be held on nr after Muv 4. IHII All hlda liiil-t he in hamla of the city elrrk mil later (lutn Vonday. May 4. Pill, al o'i Ini'k noon, fen iihd rhr. k in Ihe num ol 110. puvuhli. to Ihr eitv to Inniire Rood fit li rt of bid, inimt ii'i-umpniiv bid. I'herk tu br returned In I, li'll'i when enntra. I ia etueio.l Hit,,. Hi, ml in Ihe Mini of f'.'ini will ( leillli i frnlli lh . nil, i ennful miitioneii for ina inthim p rf. r in - iiti'c of the ioiilr.i''l In u. .-oribtiier tilth i Ity urdiiiumi. ad v it t mitix lor l id ami cniil no I i nt. red Into, ('un true! lo run one year fr, u .Mn II. HI 4. prnponubi nrr i, Inn In lie Itnle pin- l.ul, une fur nervier f"r Hie illv fur Mii'h ranrn an may Or ile' lded hv Hie m.ivnr. or i Hi phyh i.ili In h dent il iite i airs. Pluiiunaln alnn In ill hide udi, plate linihllllill' e nel lh e In ami fliuil the iiitentiun hnnpttul nli.-iit.-r loiutiii within or nil limit the ity llmiin r..r ml. It runen an muv he dei-tiled by tha muynr. i lli . i I. in n m- niuih.i! I i h ilrMltiitr ranca. I'lly renerven the riKhi tu ij,it any ami all I. hln. Tll'iMAS 1 1 ( i 1 1 Krt. Clly Ch I k. nimiiMis um i i i him; mtv I'ltlMlM lts. ITt '. Sealed hlda fur the f urtiinhlnu of llli aln tu i ny piinunern. lakilm i are of and ileallllm eltv nttiien and keen t ii it wiitih ul the pi .1 lit- Muth'ti ilnntirf thr iimhi. In or neur by to nwir (alia will br received, lo he npemd ni it ape, iul or nnul-ir ineetiiiK of ihr If 1.:. -r-, r Let This Dank Scree You Tin l'lrl Nm lioiiil Ituiik In In a miIiIoii i.i rt'iidor atftbe) of value In ever) on.. In (bin clly nnd i-oiiimiiiiil). 4 hir iilHia-rn Uml dlnMofn rt'nlint' llmt n lank. In la of ri-al Mivbi-. iiiiml ln limn- ihan n iihtp niuiiry ihi li hisio and l ll'N i'il tlicy have alwayn M riven to 111 mi Ih' IiiiIIv hliiiil iM i'iln of l-ai li M-r-ami In ni'H4 MilNraitory ami i-llu lciii iiiuuiii r. Xtt cordially Invite ou In laiimult ua rti;iirilliig any lumk Inc. Ilnan la I or bimlin-tn muilei-a. V'ti It44ttirs Figure with us Mouldings and MILL I Superior Lumber a ' 1 ' W. II. HAIII1 GO, l iV ! IU-t In rn ol All Hlndn. PHONE 11. Baldridge Lumber Company Evreything in builders' mpplies. PAMOD roofing with a 15-year guarantee. Sherwin-Williams Faint. 4it Miimi murt. riNB 4Ma, OUR TEMPORARY SALESROOM Is Now at 325 S. First St. Owing to our present limited quarters wc were compelled to warehouse the balk of our fur niture and in order to reduce onr stock, Heir.'.r.l Sale Trices Still Prevail. ALBERT FABER f Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves. t lty eiiiim il, on or ufter M.iy 4th, 11 1. Kaeh bidder w ill br required o ! pi nll ii . . rtidi d i hei lt of II). 0" t"i" aide In the illy of Alhti.iicriiie, to Illume hr R I fallh of Ihe hid, I he K I.i br returned to Ihr bidder w h-n tt ni r.n t in I-ii ( f t ill inlo. Ha hi con tliirt I o he b-l p. ihe luwrnt nnd brnt ti npi.nnihlr blddei Hi an mm ll per mi ni and no mm h for aulury. All hid aiihjet t tu rejei tlun by tho ( hy euun il. Ciinitiii't to run from May la. IHI4 lo May I'.. I n I "i. nr iinHI a nrw iniitrnit In entered Inln betwren thn tlty nnd aume other prr'on tu tin aril perform nut h nerv li'ea. Thi eity iiidlnanrea re m br nm. kIiIi-i oil u part ol tiun mlv rl lineinelit and nil I, I, In nil, ill In- in a. i'ur'l.iii, Iherrwlih, ami all il tit lea re.pilrel In i"iiii'h r n 1 1 ii II he in in iordan' r i"l nnd nnli)e,'t lo the nrilern of Ihe polli .. I'olltmlllve of Hie ell) ('lilllli'll. ."rub, I bhln i-h.ill he illtuiti',1 In thn illy bra and inaiked "Hlda for l iiriiinhina Mealn pi Clly Prlnoitei n," i, ml muni he in Ihe hall, In of the eltv rlerk not later than 1 o'i'loi k noon, Mumlay. Mav 4. I'M 4. THi'MAt IIPC.HKM. Clly CbTk. t skw or bmiiit is jtiT mm.1 Dr.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAOTIFIER ill. RtmovrTiin Mm t'lr. trek Moth Ihth hf Wnh n hkin I H nl rrrr hi' muh mi brum v. nt d l- rtf-trt-ttfrtt l itMHl Ihr IrM '.f rA Trnn. tHid l -9 hmiiilri wf ittr II In hr irr M t ifilrilr ntmtr Ar-C-l M'l ftMinlrrfril rf timUr n m tt. L. A fUyrt mM In ft ..I ihr hHittft tlntMlirnlt ' An mi I tir t 'I ir I Urtn I ri c uiirml tmrmrt I Cr4Mi'n the harmful ff i'l IHr iii it prriirtntkMB ' Al dfUKtflU ntttl Ih )4rinunt Murr A I 1 1 Ntpki A Uk Pnpt, 1 IrM) Jmm Xt.l.T.C. - a. Iint.nntitinn.t.''-. tinn--taan-n--tla6t-.-.'.-.iv-w I on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company ' ni Ml MP (1 ALLlir LUMP GALLUP K1 A NTH IHflTK, ALL PI7.B4 KINIH.IN'l A N It M ILL WOOD VRICK AMI Pl.ASTKItlNI LIMB A" A. NT A KB BltlCK "f44ii4'4