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THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N M TUESDAY, AFRIL 21, 1914. T1JM. Mayor Boatright Proposes to Stand Squarely on His SELLERS LEAVES III THE m ill 10 Retiring Mayor in Brief Statement, Shows Record of Re markable Success by Last Administration; Best Police Record of Any City in Union in Same Census Class; Few er Fires than Any Other City in Same Clas; Important Improvements Made. FINANCIAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH H f 1 1 I I ft 'l OF ALBUQUERQUE IS FIRST CLASS Mayor l. K li Seller, in muring fmiii i(lli e presented t tho ciiy mum il Ijiri niMln. litiif, busmen niHii'a statement of thu work doiio by Hi vii' city ili ' and (lie council ilurinii hi admin istration, i.i !ie past (wii yenra and making one nf Ihu best mII tnund Bhowiiiga f miiid hil and i rictlnil constructive, a.lmlnlat ration In i he city a mute hustoiy. The ' epnri l lie own best explanation unl IiiII.iv, iii lull: Albuiucrquc New Me . Al'iil ."Mil. IvH. To the Memberg ol the City rounil'; III summing up tlx- wmk of ttn ad minisir.HL.n lor lliv pui two year. 1 lui. I a follow a. 1'ITY TltKASl l!i:U. Win. Kick. I Mill pleasi 'I I" "'at I Hi"' hooka nnmt complete ami cot ret and Ihi' wry intelligent nimincr Hi which I hey mere kept a or I In- greatest value 111 financing our city aftaiia. It limy o rioleil from liia report Ihvi lolHl cash ru etpls lot all purpose for Hie .r ending April, DH amounted to lli.;Ji".J. and f'T ).ar ending April lilh. 11J. 1104. SI 'J.', showing net gain in thia year a revenue of liv'i;. i'f lha loiiil h-i-iil for this year, there revived Hum th ouiil treasurer, lor luc collected, $a, U "', of which only Iii..'i3: IS went into mo lielieriil fund, thin, making It neci aary for tha council to rvalue Iroin license, fee, olc. through tha va loua city department, the large aum of fiJ.VliJ V.1, the iltlillllollal atliolllll inn raanry to pay tha clty'a current t jitm'sc. under an arononile mpndl to i ami hi the ame lime; Iho 10UI111I to rr.luie I he ia ley Iroilt Ik il null", whi h hiol loin the II x - 1 levy f..r the pasl iicn ai. Pot" withstanding constant intwa' ' property value, to mill, whun In dmlai and cents, umler the pie ( til valuation, amount ;o $IJ.7iJ In umnilng up the disbuisi mcnl in In report. I 11111I alter the extra etdliiitt) e.e:iilitunn of tuning a nt v adding m o lime, a lie I'j.'miu ,ui:o ruginc. new pn k-up iuris ami ana lor street clealllim, p.i Itil! avenue iilniltiiiK l:ol'Hioii ram. new lil.ilori . le lor po In e depart, new moi 111 aewera ami nanitmy i'o 1 l iiHU'lia. aiiioiiiilin; to mi r T,"". h ilt i'liane il.nn In the hiK lil.tmlo. an I I a llltf all al.inea. oUIHlailililla I. inln anil 1.1IU of cm 1.. naiiire whit- II. .ever, we rtlll have Uvolaoli laU hiila iio in every f'liol for the neat Hiliiiinintralion. ITV cl.Kllk. II fhurlei lioehl. Thla otl. f han heen inot ahly eil ami Ita affaire mi y .vicinal moil ( he of Ini ali ulahle value to the Im onl ine iiiliiilninlratl'in. an tnal wlih.uit iiiisllon. Mr. Itoehl haa well earned hit reel nt proinotl'ili. ami our iilueim an eat awnircil of uti honeat utio till cunt poal inanlei . lull inn the I.i l vi ar. Hie cliy 1 lei K, alone, ci. lli- leii M 7. Hi i in In enc., win. Il aliowa an lie tenia, of over IIJ dun over (hat ol lat vcar. ami innriv Ilk. mill over thw lunt ear prrefilln tlii-i ailtiiiniHiratlon. rtil.ICK I IKI'A ItTM KNT. Tliotraa Mi'. Millun, Chief. Ily coiii.ariaili. I llii'l the total aim. mil of lliii'i i.illMtnl hy thia tie partnietii lor the cionuiK year l li,.'in. or . . :t 111011 than fur the our prior t" th:a uiliui.iiatr ition. I it. 'Hie iiImo to cull the nl li'lil ".11 ol R mrf turn UHlltllh I VI UiW Stcrk's r.rrivd 1 Amnna; thnaa thlnta hlrh all vmM phould knrvar of. ami many nf thi'm dv. la a aplendld aati-rnal appik-atlnn aol.l In moat dm; aloma under tha nama of "Molher'a Krlnnd." II la a penetrating liyulil and many and many a ninth, r tell how It an wofiiWfully anted them throuah tha period nf expectancy. It a chief pur iom la to render tha tn.tona. hramenta nd muaclea . pliant tht nalure'a ex Vanaion may ba aei-oniplliittiHl taithuut tha tntenae alraln ao often charactartatMS of the period of etpnetanry, "Mnther'a Kn-n.l ' niay thtrefora ha ennelilered a Indirectly havlna a atilendld Inriueiira uikvii the early dupoailloa of the future generation. Whatever Indueea tu the eaaa and eom fnri uf the nt'iitier nh-mlj . Ita luipreae iH4 the UiTtfiiUB avatma nf lite tulliy. At any lata It la rea-vuiaOle tu believe that aln.-a "Mother a Kfiend" haa been a rivmpaiil.ui to neitherhood for mora than haif a cinlu-y H nix 1m a remedy that woinwil have learned Ilia great valua ul. Aak at any dru et.ira for "Muther'a Vlend." a penelratlna. ealnmal liitild of (mat help and valua. And arrlle ta Jo non-id H-ulo.r 1'".. 403 I aaiar Hid. Atlanta, lie., for their lrvu& 4 Uarful Mil UuwiJt UUvllUtHWH. OFFICE E CITY TREASURY the council to l.ic lii' l that thcte waa only one uiurder coiiiinittvd iluriiw tha year, ami that oy a nil 1 no of Old Vcilcu, uutl nine burKlnrie, provui'i t..a exiieme cllkieiity of thia depart' menl. under the very ulilu Uirt-ctuin ol our chief of police. I am nlm pleaae 1 to Male that out of report from thirty-three cltlea of the l ulled Ktatea, In thu mine crliaua claaa 111 AHuiiU. r iUe, that thla city haa the rn.tllcM per. outline ot ael loll rime. KlltK UKI'AltTMb.NT. Jacoh Klein. Thief. Durlnic the two year lut paat, w huva added to thla department and paid for: 1 new I9.UIM) auto engine. 1 chiet'a auto car. I, unit feet of new In .'. Naw fire coatn. heliuela and bouts for all the iiremcn, In u II MmuuntlMj lu 1 7 S" worth of new e.iuipinun:, and now huv ordered, and, have pro vided for our budxet another new .i. noil autu engine for the llishlanl fire elation. bT K I ; KT DKPAI'.TMK.NT. Martin Tlerney, and J. A. Ueiily. I'nalrniali of Committee. ' luring tha two year preceding thu pit lent adimniatrailoii. ihe total coat, of maintenance or Una ill .itnn nt, 111 round tltfurea, amounted to $ 4 J . J 7 ', wlillo for the Inet two vear tho coat . amounted to only i,i. an abeo- I Int.. Havlna of lixnnu 10 the Hy. 1 i:Ntiii:i:u s ii-i'A HTM knt, J. x ' I ilad'lllig. To thla department, perhaps, tno Kic.itot credit ahould he itnin lur- , 11m the 10 yeata J it art pael, 37 city I lilo, k have heen ml. Maul. ally paved.! i 3-4 mile uf alorm nr laid, mi J .;:'. iiiiiiiiiiii feet I'f mdi walit lunll, ; under thu i.iirti ib1"Ii ol Una tlepart-j melit. However, the timet important I mk haa been the huililum of the new it) hall. The udvi-rtiMil old callel for an expeiidliliii ol tH'i.ii'ii'. but un. d, r Mr. Uladdiiia able direi lmii. we have eneloaed ami rooted tha build ing, under the Mint plana, at a coat of only J H . j 7 . 1 .'. and mill have a l-uiaii'c on hand of l:.4l'i for coin plciinn the exterior. AnKiiniing that Mr. lilidding continue with the ama buaiiii-ha pi lic). wu have every reaain to believe he will complete the build ing by July let and avc thu til) from 1 1 .".on to l.'D.lKMi undei the bid pine. Km llierin irc, iiutatde of coal of ma t et nt I. nil of Ihia money haa been Lpetit with honie labor, at living wagea and leaaoiialilu not king hour. IITY l'il Ytflt "I A X ANU SAXITAItV uKKI'l-:K. I'r. 1.. 5. line and Thomiia Mornn. The preaent aanllary condition ot the city apeak well lor their work. The total number of conlagioua dia eaaea during the two yeaia pi lor lu tho preeciit admitiieiralloti tllva month of ihe record being tniMina 1 nuiiioereil 3J tw, while for lh" paat two yeata there were only 7 aecH. lnirlng tin paat year, the liy phyni.-i.ill. aaamled hy Ihe hoard ol health, compiled one of the nmat com plete health oidlnanrrg evei ai-oat" I by any city of Ihia lxe, and whuh a now being geneially oberved. Ilow rver. the weakeat feature of thia de partment la Ihe acaventlcr Rtcm. which In th mind ot your mavur ahould be taken care of by a aniall tax levy. I wlah particularly 10 compliment you gentlemen on the recent atre-.t I.KllliliK totiliacl entered into, wnere. by nur oinanienlal ayalem will be jnatly extended and a the aame lin g a aavlng ol more than j.0 pi-r aii n 11 in made poenble f r the coimum era. 1 aUo wlah to inn.tiuiid tha chairman uf each of the alalidlni commitieca of tha iiincll for the veiy thorough manner In which they hav-s directed tha wmk of Iheir parti. ula' dciutrlmenla and which Ita 11; idd th a epletidid allowing' poaail.le, anil o'eo much pleated to know we have pro vided for and ln reaed the pay o? many of the illy employe, making II poaaible u retain the eervlcea of t'"'l and competent men. In thu bidding official farewell to you gentlemen. I wlah to extend my aincere thanka for the hearty upport you have given me, lor without your coutiael and unanimity of ad loll, which haa an t haiacteriaed till entire adinlnialralion. I pemonally could have accompllahed nothing and T lleve aver uppermoaf In the niiud ol you all waa etliciency among our ap pointee and what waa heal for our city, for li growth and for Ita pros perity. Iteauerlfully submitted, I). K. R. HKI.t.KRK. Mayor. JEW EXECUTIVE HAS DEFINITE IDEAS WW GONDUCT OF CITY Declares in Opening Message to Council and Public that He Will Seek to Redeem Pr Election Pledges to People. AN EARNEST PLEA FOR UNITY OF ACTION Confident of Solid Foundation of Albuquerque, Mayor Be lieves Much Can Be Accom plished by Co-Operation. Muvor I m Mil II. HoutrlKbt. In 4 uaauming chnriic of thu ll gov- 4) eminent mulil. had read to 4 the city council a ataleiuenl t-m- 4) boilvlng bin views a to the duty 4 11 ml line of endeavor of the city 4 4 gov, rmiient during tht next two yeiira. elating that he believed It 4 hie duly to carry out hi pie- 1 lection pledgee to the people In 4 ao far an it may be done; ex- 4 4 preNKiiiK hi confidence In the 4) 4 mil id fiiiind tttoii mill aplemlld re- 4 aoiircee of Al'iimui l'iie. and i Inn- 4 mg with all eaim-at. vlgnroua 4 plea for heatty co-opei'.iiion III all branchee of the Il tuvirn- 4 ment lo Ihe end that all inter- 4 eel of the city may le lit si 4) 4 aerved. I lie luuor'a mceuge follow. To Ihe t'ltv Cumuli nnd I'eople ol Alliiniiieriue: Having been elected mavor of Al lit.iieriie. It mmlit appear to the viiteia unit cillxena of our illy that I waa Inei nll'le to the hWli honor ahown me and lonfideme repoaed. ahould I full on thla oi-caaioti to make any alatement or expreaa my leelmga I waa elected and ol my intention c' the honor conferred upon me and ilia confidence repoaed, unit luriher ua aure you of my conviction of tho aoumlneMa ol the platform upon which I waa elected and o my intention of (arr)lng out the pleilKce mi l proiu-lel-H lllailc therein. I w ihIi lo iiiote from the plat fi. 1 111 am follow: "We pledlte our ' imlllllieee, II elected, lo -.tint e. i. in. my iii the ml -mlnieliutloti Ihe t 1 1 " iniNlnera; to pulilli It) in ill comn II Inei'tlnKh. opt t tally lu Ihe expenditure of the tax paver' moltcv ; the eticoul aKeuielll ol all legitimate bimuieMie 111 the city or that ma imne to the city, and to the i"ii of a better, .mi. iter u.'.d mure proare.sttiv e A lluiiicr'iie. "That We ale une.iliv 01 ally op poaed lo Ihe evlclirion of any iraii chinea now txu-ling In Ihe city, or Ihe grautitiK ol new li::"hieca. or the fuither 1. .111. ling of the iity. wlthoiil Prat mi Inn it 1 1 nrf the pri.ponitlun to the tux pay era. "We me opopaed to the brothel." Heinle election I made the follow ing alatement. "To Ihe people of Allnlnueriue. 1 have been axked to Htalc where I land nil the 'led light' lantle. the maintenance of which evil on North Third afreet Ihe Iciincraiic city can didate appear lo huvv made lluii .emit- In Ihia rumpuiku. "I um oppiiM-d lo the 'red light' llii'l! li t lu AliiU'iuc ruc . and if elect ed mayor will do everything 111 my poarr to fi.i'c iIh imiiiedime ubol lahmeiit. Koine iinltiipoi taut revenue la now received by Ihe city from Hue dlKtlnl 1 bilicve any po of revenue incurred 111 1 Ii.iiik Una dmtricl can be mailo up b) ecoiiollilcal buallieH iiii-thod 1 1 1 1 ily management. IS it in mint, I telieve we would all feel better lo go down III our po. keta Mild dig up the nion,- lather than i:se for miimcipiil puiioKeM money extorted from fallen women. 'The etaleinetit that I 11111 a reform er, a blue law candidate; that I In tend to clime picture ahow and drug alolea and cigar atorea on Xumlay. that I propone to edviH-nie prohibi tion or to chaitKe our preacnl Iniuoi Incline ayatein. or the city In enne : - leni In any way, aeldn liom ihe rev enue Irom fallen wi.miii, ia pot cor rei t, nnd la maile with inleiit lo lie ceive the voter. "1. II lit l.XTKI'i IIT. "Itepublican t'altdldule fur Mavor, Albuiteriue, March 3P. IVU" ttcntleltien of Ihe newly orgaiiueil council. Vol now have knowledge ol the pledgee and promote mude by me and ratified aa lo the il" of Ihe majority of voiera at Ihe poll 011 j tha 7th day of April IiimI part 1 alill feel an abiding coliacleln B Which tell ; me there la only the one honorable ' path for men tu tread and that Ihe .one whuh will equate with thoae pro rlei linn pledge and priilniac Whither or not thoae pledgea and proioiaea aa in tinned by Hi- majority of voleia of Alluniuer.ue ere carried out, much will depend yoi:, the men the prevent city council. I feel that all that can oe don with j dignity hemming Ihe olnVv of mayor , nf AlbuitteriU and al the aame time 1 ahow- due t'ourteay toward the men I who' 1 unipoae Ihia council, la to aak their auppnll gild 1 o-opelallnn In ald I lug the mayor to put Into force and ' practice thoae pledgee and promote ' made before election, and Ihia ap peal I do make lu the honorable city council. To the outgoing mayor and alder men: I wlxh to anil that In review ing the paat adimnietretloii and the work done hy II, I find many Im provgiuaiiu mad whuU add (really Platform lo Ihe bea illy and betterment nf AHui iier.iie. A to thoae Improvemeiita begun and millnleheil l.v the Inat tid mlniNlraiion, we will enilenvnr to comiili te a anon a "inllile and w ill be glad to recngniite mid 11 e the ex perience of the hold-over (ntincilmen in our efforts tn punh in culmination all audi improvement begun. We feel llinl we tire nil lit one mind In our deaire to make Albiipieiiiie a atlll heller, greater and ninte progreaelve eily. We heartily commend Ihe an nual clean-up liy the laat iwl 111 In let ration, but will ii:kci In that we make every day In the year a clean-up ilnv and nlwity preHent n neat ami clean 11 ppciirnnce and thu ohvlnln thn ik i exit of ao much "awnttlnK" nf tin- file It Im pleenea me that nothiu will make better advrrtialng f..r Allnniuernue than to have II go forth that it la lean and (unitary rity It mlnht be In place 11 1 thla time, oiving to the fact lhal money la bring ihIhi-iI to a'l vetilae our climate nliioad lo health eeker, lo be reminded of the repou-aliilliti.-M which moat follow am h an invitation, vis.: To be prepared tn care for Ihe health ac ker ai-eording to hi condition nf health and finan cial mean. We have Ihe eternal un nlilne 11 ml mountain air. which un doubtedly have healing in them for he linfiiltlliiale In health. Why not build a country home Hoinewhere at the fool of Ihe mountain Inr the ac Niiiiiniiilatiiiti and henellt of thoae aeeking health and nt a minimum coat. I want It clearly iitnlcrxtnod that I nm In Mtiiiithy with nil clvp' move ment for tho welfare nnd betterment of Albiiiiieriiie, whether the aame la Inillale .1 by the I'ommerclal flub, Womnn'a club, rarenl -Teacher' us aoeiHtlou, achoola, rhurchea or any other kindred body having n Ita pur poxe eomeihlng helpful for Alnu'iuer- Ue. Having lived In A Ibiniueriue thirty three year, and Intending lo Npetid my remaining year here. I will any that I nm for Albuipierriue firm hint nud nil the lime. I favor and will encoiiiiige any lawful luiillo w or en terprlae IhTt will give etnplnyinent to labor, he It a canning luclmy, cream ery, mill or factory of any kind whereby It u made poaaibk- that more home may be built and give greater comfort and opportunities to our people. I um In favor of patronlx Ing home induatry and home labor at all llinca when poaaible lo do no. I have watched Albuquerque grow from ainall weatern town to the prraent beautiful and active city that It la today. I have full faith In il future. I Mm proud of Ihe high char ter ol the citixenehip of Albuquerque. One need but' go upon our atreet. ( in our Imnk. our wholeanle houaea, 1 other huHlnriw honae. ofllcea nnd ahiip. to be piipremted with the apirit of energy and opiimiMin there found. Albuquerque la fortunate In having the AtibiHnn, Tni'ika & Sanla l railway ayntem running through II and having ita large ehop located here. It la fortunate In that lh"ic HhopK are now being enlurged nnd the working capiu Ity greatly Incren- ed. which will mean much lor Albu querque' future und growth. The re- miurciH arn mid ami about Albuquer que are many 11 ml ubiindiint. Ileing the metropolla 1, ml Lite financial cen ter of New Mexico, it drawa wealth from all n- of the atate, aheep and wool, cattle, lu.lMea and all othir animal Induelrlea. a well n Ita great hebla of coal mini on till eble und nls.i the great mining developmentH being made for gold and ailver nnd other 1111 tain of loa value. AmhIi- from the above rexnurcra it occurn to me Ihe one great, immediate eoiirie of wealth right 11 1 our door, m the viiat ex panne farming land of rich -nil along the Km it,inde river, who h need only the plowing, planting and cultivating ., be made to pimline einp and foodHtuflii aufllclent to eup- ply 11 city of one hundred Ihoiiaand Inhaliit.inlB. ao let na not fnr;ct our beat friend- the land which la at our very threahohl, waiting to he made liitn r 11 rin where Immea Ituiv lie built and faliilltea reured in plenty anil con tentment In outer that the above condition In farming may be hanlcu eil and Albuquerque reap ,1 great ben efit a the home market for produ t" Rub MUSTEROUB on That Sore, Tig tit Chest Try thia clean, white, southing nir. menl. tiee how q in kly It bring r ; Her. MI'HTKMUf.K dca all that the 01 1- l.ishlntied mustard nlaater used 10 'to in the day of our grandmother, '"i It iba-a It wlthoiil 1 be hllntcr: lii.ctnra and iimsi frankly recom mend Mt.'HTKIK'I.K for Bore Throat, l.ti'in bills, t'roTiT" ,-nfT Neck, Asi hm t. Neuralgia. t'nliii. -tlon, I'leiirisV. lilietimut 1111, l.uiii"ago, Tains an I Ai lie nf the Hack "f Joint. Hpr iil ". Knre Muaclea. Ilt'.ilaea, Chilblains. Floated Keet t'oliln of the Cheat til prevent 1'neunuiii .1 1. At your dtuggciH. In ;i. and ."." Jar, and N H1a large lionpllal sle for f J..MI. Accept no aiibsiniiie. If your drug gist cannot u..U vou. eend '.'a. or :.c to tha Ml'STl. Iti H.U Company. Cleveland, tihlo, ami we will mall o i a Jar, peatage prep ild. William Nteui, .-acranient'i. Calll , aay: f lcntltnieii- Km l"nl please find I' 11. Money Order f r It no for wh:cn kindly send by return mall eight Jar of &'c ins Miitet.ile. Thla I mv third order of Mi.. role, which apeaas well of Ha merit Our friend ami nurarkea would not willingly be with out It. aa It ha tived doctor ex pense many lime. (7) lull of Ihe farm. II I rmttal (but good road lead In our illy. I nm In hearty accord with the good eoiida movement I wixh lo aav, however, Hint in Ihe bull. ling of road It ahould always In Inalnted upon Ihut what ever amount of rond l ennnl iiuted ahould be done with the Idea nf per manency nnd economy and thai lor every one dollar apent thi re ahould be one hundred cent' Worth of good road. Di. n't forget that Albuquerque Ihe great educational center of New Mexico. With our film public achool equipment at preaent, anon to be sup plemented w lih a new I inn. mm high at hool building with all modern con venlence for poplin and teiu her and the up-to-date iiiiinngcmcnt nnd mrp of ellb lent lein her will make our achool runk aecond to none of the country. Itealde the public nchool. the I'nlverally of New Mexico localed heie la font taking It pirn e abreast with the higher Inni II iitioua of learn ing throughout the I tilled males, and I lie. liming widely known for It ef ficiency In eilin ati n and character building of It nt J lie Ills. Wu lllxo have the I tilled Mate Indian achool, locuted nt thn city limits, with Its magnificent hot plant, ably super intended, nnd wlicie upward ot four h ii ml nil bright young Indian hnv and girls are being educated up Into rightful iltixcnnhlp by cotisi leiitmuH lem her: we have Ihe Meiiaul school, the Sisters' gchool, llurwood achool and the llio f.rande Industrial achool, all doing noble work for Albuquerque and the elate. We are proud of the 1 bur. lies of our ity and of the lead ership of the aame, whom we know to be honest and fearless for Ihe right and for the fair name of Albuquer que. The achoola nnd 1 hurches where in our youths tire tnuaht and trained are the gnat benefactor of mankind and the champion nnd defender of our flag 11 nil national honor. May I Insist that we do not forget Ihe state fair and nnnociutioii locnted at Albu querque by the atate legislature, und be rver r en ily to aid nnd iis)st the management In every way possible i making It n success and benefit to the whole people of New Mexico. Al buquerque being favorably located and easy of access by railroad, la the one most suitable place of u II frater nal grand bodies, tent her and other iiasociii Hon na well a com cnllons. political nnd otherwise of the atate, mo;it of which re already holding Iheir annual meeting In Albuquer que; so let lis oil all Mich occasions of such meetings extend Ihe glad hand of fellowship and a 10rdl.1l welcome to our city lo all coming within out gates and give the fairest unit best treatment to them possible to the end that they muy be anxious to return again. In conclusion, let me aay to the present council nnd all the people of Albuquerque, come, let 11 join hands together In nil service for our com mon good which means tli.i greateal good for Albuquerque. Aa your mayor, I hnrhor no III feeling or mal ice toward anyone, either in Ihe coun cil or out ol it. In my nominations for appointive offices which will need the confirmation of Ihe council, I will aim to present only names of persons In whom I believe the people have confidence nnd whose honesty and ability, in my opinion, nt them lo till Ihe respective places to which they are appointed und who will act In hiirmoiiy Willi the admlniidruluui. Very truly and sincerely your. I). II. IK lATItlilHT. Mayor. W tiler Question lo Be Volcd on Tonight Audience Will Decide Debate Between the University Stu dents and Politicians; Gen eral Discussion. Whether or n"t the city ahould take over the present water supply avsteitt at once will be decided tonight by 1 vote or Ihe people. It won't be 1111 official vole, but it w ill decide In I ti er university student ran debate more conv imingly I bun two .i.!li, 1.111.' with ulde experience in public afTaii.4. Thai I a sort of a Kin Hubbard ahitt, which, however, doesn't seem so dis connected when It Is explali.ed that thn question will be brought tu a vole by a debate oelween City Altortn v John C. I.ewta and Col. W. I. Melcalf on one shle nnd William J lligglns. H 1'. Mngleli.n. and Joe M'Canna. ol the univesrytl. on Ihe other. The de bate will be held al Masonic Temple, starling al k o'clock. The utilverliy student will atgue that it would be unwise fur Ihe ciiy lo lake over the present watir sup ply system for at least four years. Willie their opiimients nil argue that the cltv Would do Well o get posse-.- all n or the avstent Just as soon as possible. After Ihe debater ttninli Ihe aiiilien''e wilt be Invited to .Iisciih the question, ami a vote will decide which of the debating teams won the forensic battle. V II bvv. nl ker wil preside over the debate. JURY DIRECTED TO FIND FOR MR. STOVER After an nil-day sigiiimlll by rutin Bel. Judge M. " M11 tii'til ill the dia trut court yeatetday directed the July lo return a vvrdn l tor Itudein k 8lovcr 111 the cane brought ag. 11111 htm b Ihe First .National ouiik, un der a note, for K.znu. The motion to inatrui l ho Jury w.t made by counsel for Mr. Mtnver al Ihe clone of the plainlin" cu etuiday afternoon. Mr. Stmer guve the note In question tu W. II. tiillenwater tor atui k In .1 propoaed reorganixed trust company which wa not reorganised, and re ceived no atnrk. and he lonlendad thai the hank wa familiar vvllh thai clrcuinalance. "ilenerally debilitated lor year Had eick headache, lacked altlaillnn waa worn out and all run down I'urdiM k Hl.iiul Unlet mail me a wel woman." Mr, t'haa. Freilo:'. Mousup. Conn, Mixty-two per mil uf all aiilker In Masaai huaetia In 11 S were rinployal in lu, HJlilg trad. lity yean iigo, wi?n (ioti-n H'oiJing ll'h 'nkey U'tis young." AFTKR a days hunt, tramping wfMiil 1 a n (1 , fi cKI a n d bn i sh J u v rt-v i i 11 y mi find a little drink of choice, mellow, old hm'-i-ui This pure, fine, sun-ripened, wood-aed whiskey, distilled according to a special formula under strict government super vision, is more tli.iti ii';f ilcli- ciously appi-tiinir . 1 ' sysrem anu preverves uie neami. Vou don't tire of d'olden Wed ding like you do some whiskies. The soft nth flavor is an excep tion. It is " Mmle REFUSES TO GOHHRM THE George H. Thomas to Succeed Thomas McMillin, McSpad den Street Commissioner and Assisant Chief Refused. CORWD PACKS HALL FOR INAUGURATION MEETING Demonstration Given Mayor Boatright on Taking Charge of City Government; Coen President of Council.. l a ole ranting Irom I In I nil one llpMilnllllclll. lit a hi J in another, IIh new cltv iimiii'il last night iliTlnltcl) ri fuxtl to rolirirm thlce apHiiolmeiitn hy Minor II. II. Honolulu, made Itiiiiiiilliiiily after Ills ItiiiiignruJ Milili'n had Ix-en lend. 1 lu- men n-fii-al were t.eo. II, llnuiian. iiominaKil for rlih-f of isillcc, Iii siiii-eaMl TliolilaH Mi . MIIU11; nfurail hy a vol.- nf In I. C. I'.. Mind-, lit la- aiialllllt chief if silci-. nlicrei'illug fat tl'l.iud); rcfiixd li) a vole of i In II. T. I.. MrSiudilill. In Ih slriM-t iiiiiiiiilnmloiier, niniii'ilinu Martin Tleriir) ; rvfiiMil ly a ot of N lo 3. Tin mayor had rhiwn J. I,. l:ilililon-. lo In- llllllllillg llKMll. 01. but wit lull evv Ihe llollllllalloii IImiii la-tog niIvIm-,1 of Hie pio. Hge of an orttiiiancv hy which I hat itTfa-iul Is alHillrdii-d. ami an Mlnlanl iiigliii'ar ciealiil for Ihe illy iqiglm-iT. In Is' apHiiol rl lit- llio rll) riitlnci-r. 1 1 db iw Ing I !- lelumiU lo iiuifllili hy lit illicit. Ihe 111) a- nunlc no Iiiiiliii iioinlna lions. Kline It. i iM ii. Ilia- ip'iill of llio i-oiiui'll, was l-l,N'K-l II. plcnJ ilelil hi iinaolillous tote. Ilie mavor apHiiiiic.l the roiiiirll 1 iiioiiiH Iii-. for the en aiiitig ' . Hint the isuinrll ad join lied, nliblei I lo Ihe t ail nf Ihe ilia or. Al liK-t llin-e liiioilicd pi.. pie rri'vvilcil Into ihe little mum II I liaiiilar lo wehiiiia Ilie new mayor. tpidaua- was given .Major Krlk'in at the 11 uh I union of Ids reining statement, ami a I,ihiiI alloit was given the new mayor a lie rallod Hm- couiiell lo order, follow Ing Hie ailoilnis lerliig of the oatU t ouuty CITk . i:. Walker to Ihe limy. or, iiiiimIIiiuii ami new elect lie nffiit'i. UK. t IttlWH Ot T TO VMM ms IN tt I.I ltll()V Mayor luv id II. Koatnght und the new of the Allmqllerque city government were formally In din led Into olfn e In the city coun cil chamber lust nlgbl belore a crowd of fully three hundred people who packed the hllle 1 hamber and Ihe ch-rk a nllice until breathing waa a difficult mailer. The rruvvd assem bled early and Boon stall. ting room waa at a premium and the crowd had overllowed I11I0 the hall. II waa an audience mad up largely of aupporleta uf tha new mayor In Ihe rectal fciviliua, iniiti4 iu m mm APPOINTEES VRi it tones the pnrJi .1 1 1.1 'rrv.' ISJAMPJ nv..... hill Diffcrrity." Quart the cltv government, fob hunter and Iheir mends, and while there wu ome little disorder due to the crowd ing of the rooms, the proceeding were watched with ''lose iiitentinn. A number of minister were present and two ladles came early and re mained throughout the proceeding In spile of the tohueco fogged iiinioa phere thut made hardened smoker gag. Mayor fvellers called the council to order ahorlly after H o'clock with all members present, except Mr. lahrr wood, who Is out of Ihe city. Tha minim were read and I'ostiuaster Charles lioehl. rilling Ihe last trick at the cily clerk desk, read first monthly report up In April 20, and then Ihe annual report of Ihe sev eral ill pal title nt heada These weio heard with eloao attention hy tha crowd, but without appUiuae. Mayor Kelbis then read hi filial statement, i-vcwIiik hrlelly the wmk accomplished III each depart ment of the last ndinlnutr.itin'i. Hearty uppbiuse was given th" tu ty r at the conclusion of Ihe reading Alderimin John la e Clarku I hell moved that Ihe council inl oiirne i sine die. This wua seconded by In. I . i il . an. I the old council aril city gov eminent panned out of extaten o. Aldermen t'larke. Ilicdy. Thomas nnd nor n.iil n filing with Mavor Hell ers. iMy t'lerk lioehl and Treusuior William Mike. Mai or elect llnulriglit bar. I.c-u called In the platform by Mayor Sell els c.uly in the meeting, r-irlvliig hearty applaiine us he look his sea. I'lillnu ing ad muniment I'oinily t'lerk Arthur K Walker t aun l'..i ivard ami itdmiiioli red Hie oath of office to Mayor lliiatiigbl t'lerk Tmii Hughes Trcasurir A. W. 1 1 Ir.i r und Al- dermeu Hammond, ilibson. ttilbcrt ( oillllilicil oil I'ugr Sik.) FARMER'S WIFE TOO ILLTO WORK A Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly dia E. Pinkham't Veg etable Compound. Kavnta, Minn "t m Klail in aay thai lylia E. rinkham'i Veuetablrt I. moiitii haa ilon.v more for me than anything' else, ami I ha the best physi cian here. 1 waa a weak anil nervoti that I could not d' my work aixl suf fered with pnin low in my right aide for year or more, I bk l.yilia E. 1'inkhain'a Vege table Compounil, ami now I feel like different pernon. I U-lieve there in nothing Ilk l.yrlig E. Tinkhnm't Vege table Comtaiuini for weak women an I younif irirla, anj I would he glaj if I could influence anyone to try the medi cine, for 1 know it will do all and much more than it it claimed lo do." - Mr. Claka Fran ka, It. P. D. No. 1, Mapln cruat Farm, Kaaota, Minn. Women who aufTer from thaw ilia. treaainK ilia H-culiar to their alnsuM I convince.) of the ability of I.y.lia K. 1'inWham'i Vegetable ComiKMiml to re tore their health by the inuny genuine) and truiful testimonial we are run tantly publiliing In the nuwatatper. If you have) tli allKlitat dotiht that l.ydir 1 I'inUliiiiii'a rr-liv lle ( onipoiitiil Milt lie hi mi, wrl lei tu l.ydiw IM'Inktiitm lrUtiii-('n. (onllileiil ) I .) iiii. M , for -tlttv. our Ir-tlrr will Ine oh-iiI. read ami MitaMrrt4 by wwiiiaii, ml iu lrlwl iUilvlv)Ucc AM I A TV V 1