Newspaper Page Text
III THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N M., TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1914. REMEDY USED BY THREE GENERATIONS Mother- Midi TiMik 't twit f lilhlri'M N..H Living i llii-lr Mil. In n. Thclc tii'int In- M.-htiiiu- Mi' r t in li i tli. i l.i Mi. ml II, li ! i lu lit In l.i 1 1. .111. i.f ll1 In In Mil- In . i.f iim .r inc In Hi' ban had 0n .t. pit. - ! li'.l lili.i.. Mill Ml"- . eM in it gn ii'i r I t ' , Hen I ir ' ui w II N M I 11 . 'l .Ml. i. In i li In llllS l.i Itig unci l.y thlii' iti-ru-rilt u.lin i.l .(....r. Its in.,, in ftimlicn In cuii .III! In I'lll.IlK li'l HI In I .ll. T'l' . 1 1, ii it Ii m ni i 'i -Hi" 1 1. If ti. l.i'. i ri .i"n. iir.iniii iiv , ll in II . .i. l.ix lilt i I. .1 KKi I Hcd .. tint flMkl It I tliiiin ii. r iim. course Lin net (..rtli it Ilium i medicine, I. hi tm niiM nn. iin ii. In, that I hi.iiMii tuli n! KlliKe I. II IH I V Clip ii ll-ot hen. it l.i nin Infant", Mini vi I, in .1 r.ok'liil Ismci il. , it i iii..: I'di'ilim fi.r cmw h up. II for anv ilimmli r ill the nlumaih, IH'V nr uuwcli, fur ' nimtli'iiilnn no nm 1 1 ir h.w i hr..rih fur i i.cnia tin manor lo.w m i iti'. fur !iUi.i'i-iU'. sour nlom- ilrowi ufii'r fitting nnil fitiiiil ir :i f 1 1-r pii'itii; and niinili.t ilr..wnn."- ..ini'lnliitM liming fl.'lll .1 i li-KKeil Up cutll.llluti .r Hi.. imi'i. ii i .Ipi- lint t.i tin t !'' mi. I (I. .i in. I gripe It i it ti I ip iiMi'ii with safety nna gumi ripiiltK by nt any age or in ii in ...inlii i. .n i.( In. nil Ii. mill tliul .i i i..h'i In a: Hi wi'.l improve. F.vpiy iIiiikkikI nt'lln It mnl the price In i.rlv tlf i v cents hiiiI one rtnlliir 11 bottle. Thousands of fH ml I hi I hrniiKhoiil I hp country are never without Hvrup 1'i'imiii in to hmi', iiiihuiic them Sin. CQUNG1L REFUSES (( intiiiui'il frum rage llw.) nnil llii"l Thirp nu hiiIiiiip na thp npw iimyi.r i-ti I lii! tli rnun"!' to milnr, Hnninitii ihk Hint tho r- Ku'ur oriliT of IniMln' wi would lip ilix.'naail uuh. TIip roll una I'nlli il l.y fl tu lliik'h' a. it Til A lili rtiiiiti Hkmnpr -I'll-m 1 m t ly riotninatpil HIpvp 11 C.ipti to In' ri mili'iit of thr coiini ll. 1h li i t I. hi of Mr. i'opii aiih uimnimoua. M WOH K Ml SS.i: H nr.Ait iiv tut-: n.i.HK Mayor ItoulrlKht Hi on nnnoiinrpil that hi' hail pn pari il a wt.ili inrnt to tin1 rotmrll and the ppople which would lie read hy t'Hy t'lprk Hugh' a. The reading wua frpiipnlly Inter rnpti'd hy epplmiap, and at Ita ron t'liiHlon Hip crowd cuvn Mayor Hunt rifcht a di'inonxtraHon. I'MITIUNS I'ltlM NTI l ON' ciiiK.F ok i-oi.h i: Arroivmi.xT Mayor HontrlKht aiinoiini i d that hp would proceed to rioinlnutn men lor HPpotnHto p. .nil I. .lii, unking the council o. vol on thctr ' contirma tloll hy hillnl. City Clerk MiiKhca primnliil u petition nlgtipil hy a large ninttticr of hiiaitipna men asking for the retention of Thoinaa MrMillln an hief of iiollee. Tim petition act forth Mi.MUIin'a Uallf icatlona, ex lieriein e lill'l aatlnfai ti.ry cr lee. The mayor nuked If there were any further pi lllii, iih. liml Allorney Har old I'leri'e diiinpi'd on the clerk a Oi ok un.) iirinful of them, im liuiing I'll 1 1 1 . li h frmn piii h v-arii, Imni iii'na men nml nhup eitiplnv-ei'-i. I'pon rciupHtH from the liuili' liie the peti tion from the liUKitiei.n men wan read, w ith the natiiea. The iiumea Im lud ed n niiinliir of men In InmltiPHM hut morn who ure nut In I'K'i'ar lines of hunmenH. At the coni lulon of the reading the mayor nominated lieorne II. ThutiiHn. a npia lal uffii i-r of tho Fant.i -u r.illroad, to he chief of po lice. The vote rmnltiil four for cmi finnutli.n mid four utialnat. Th1' in.iior unked the city uitoriiey If In U lie Vote on cotlf.ritintli.tlM. Hie m.ivor had a right to cunt the il' -t'ldtiiif vote. The lily attorii4y read Hie ordinance mid referred to the elate niututp nhii h siati'a appclf icnlly that on appulnttiipnta ronfirtnaHon hall he hy a majority of the mem lura of the eleitiil, thus taking away the dcelding voir frmn the lua .r In ,mf Irniul i,.n niatd rn. At'oriiey John W. Wllm.n wan ankej lor hia opinion t.y the mayor, and Mated that tha matter had never Iwen tinted In court. The mayor (lid not prenn the Uch l."U, hut iontiiiued tu tho Hum ma Ii.iii of C. K. llnuiM to , u,-,n,i.laiit i li ii -f of piiliie. The council nfuued to i out am l.y u vole of I to S. The rna.Mir then tn.iiilii.iii d T. t M'Hiudilen fur ei reel commiKnloiicr, to amend Maitin Ticiiip)'. TIub inn i i i no t inn the council rcfuacii lo until tu hy a vols of to 2. The mayor's nomination of J. Ti. KiniKuns to he hulldlng limpcctor wm withdrawn hy him, afier his a' ti nl mil had been callid to the or d i.uiu p placing the him. Hug limpec lion under tha city ig'nccr. Nil further apiiuiiitiiu nis wera pi.,p..n. d liy tha n,or lust nlglit. al th.iuith it la generally tiiiiiiratood l FLXUNG ISASENSE FEELING PAIN NONSENSE VVl If' I Wkaa we Aasl Kassaia TsUu will asae ear Ptm Dmtkb. "--j 'ii I i 1 lut HavdackM. NeMraisM mm4 the luu l.m IMU tvaw. I 1 1 J jj Aah aVwasart fee A K Tskkrta. lie will tmU ran aae aaaattity. M 1 1 I CI 10 tiai sianfc ae am.. M pi I t k W M. IMM H.I, TU Mlt W. A Tan.r. 717 I. In. In Ave.. He, ik. Hlip ban (Up children and iip Dr. fuldwpH'a Hyrup IvpHn t nil i.r i in in nrpiipil. 1 .11 tli. vviiiuii t um.. tu t ry h.ilf thr night With i tamps mnl pun. Inn mi. i. being K.u n Swim l'cp..ii hi- doc, mi tin lunger. Thp iimi nl ihm ii'ini'iU will tp.i.-h you In avoid i ii I hut t icm. e.iitn, iut Kit 1 i im it tul phyt ic SCIIf-rally HH lhe ill!' entirely tun liarnh. Hirup l'cp"ln cures k rul tifi 1 1 y, hut tin cure In t nmfortaWp, safe and permanent. Families wi-dnng u try a free sam ple hottif i-iitt nliiiiiti It n mi .n lil by uil,lri'i.iii lr W. II. Ciii.lwill. 4IH WuMiiiitftnti St , M..HII. i ll.i, III. A 1'imliil iwl with your imnic u'ul ml ilipsn mi l mil riu that hi' hud Inii'iiili'il tu appoint J.ihn V W ilHi.n an city Hlturni'V, and I ir. M K. Wyldi-r iih cllv phyairlnn. I'i'IiIioiih niKiK'l i-M-ry phyniclnn in Alhiiiii'iiiip Iiiim- liPi n fllid. In j txh.jr of thp rptpiitmn of Thomut Mori in hi. ult h of flier. Tin: coi nciIj oMnrri:r.s iih tmi-: m:t two vk.k Mayor lloatright then handed his list of council committeea to Clark Hughe to he read There waa laiiidiler when It wan diacovered thnt Alderman Kklnmr had drawn the chairmannhlp of the grievance com mit lee, and that the muyor had In ndvertanlly placed hln name on tha (in in it ti-ii twice. Tha committeea are an follows: Finance - Bchcer, Grunsfcld and (Jihium. Hpwer Orunnfeld, Hammond and Coi'n. Ktrot Hunt. I'ollce liilhert. Oilliert. Gibson and Dr. Scheur, Hammond and Fire t'oen, Grunafcld and Hum- lllullil. Water Ir. Jluat, Glbnnn and Skin tu r. Hi ip va m o Hkinuer, Oilliert and Cue li. Hull. ling, Light ami Fuel llam tiii.iuL Hchpi-r anil Tir. Hunt. Knglnncring (iibnon, H heer and lliimmuml. ordinunce Hklnner, Orunnfeld and Oilliert. The city clerk waa ordered to ad vertiae fur Lull fur the UMiial city l unirart work and the new conn II adjourned, nuhject to tha call of the nuior. .Mayor lluatrighl auggert In that the i until il ahould hold fie qui nt meptliiKS for a abort time un til all had bciomo familiar wtinllitir new dutiea. To Finish Citu Hall $20,000 Is Needed Municipality Saves Between $15,000 and $20,000 by Do ing Construction Itself; To tal Cost $50,000. It will reiiiite about IJ'i.H'Mi more to comple(u Hip city hall, on who'll fJH.UUU has ali'p.iily been expended There is Mill left In (he fund t-!,4uij, which will be infill li-nt tu tluluh the exterior of tho building. These fact wera laid befure the rltjr hall conimittpe of the Hellers admin Ihi r it 1 1 1 tt at Its lant scto-ion yuaterday in the ollua of City Fngineer James N. Gladding. They wera jiart tlf tha cnmiecr s report. Where to get the I'd, 000 without the expense and delay of an election la one of the problems fuclng the new Mcl in i rilm ration. Mayor Hellers lint arrangi d to secure loans to the city on "mural aecurlty" from private Suiinen, but It la not known whether thorp sainu sources would be avaUlil to the preaent admlnlatratlon. Cumi'ailaun of a bid received from a com melius firm and the figures nn the cunatruitlon ao far illdlcalea that theciiy will between 1 1 a.Ouo ni l:o.iiMi throimli Hip plun of ,ullinl the strnctur up Itself. News and Gossip of The New Mexico Range I M..i kiln n In Dip Apin hp fiiitlnlisl fniixt. Arui.nii. Ii.ivp iiKlily intnturai uiiili r I'd wilt, cm losing u IuIhI of 'il. Uii il iiiina. Jnlin Kti hi nvrny of Kurt Hiimripr rrinit Hip ritiiKu In nrnu iinilltiun In Hint mill. hi .f I hi- num. II" will Ih Dili I .ill li Hip nlil Kilva im p mi thp I'l'i im rHrr mnl lunkii (or i nu ut cpiiI t ru l. W. II. lluniir hug rrliirnpil to FiM KiiiiiihT frum Hie Kutumla vnlliy whom In' him inirchHWd pvr,il hun ilrpil hpiid of ratlin for ili'llvpry il Y.iimlin iii'i?pn th first anil nth of May. Ir. C U Ilpnny him purrhnnpil flno fPBltprpil I'prrhrrtin alHlllun, frum I'lilormli, lirpniprn, at a mat l I.I.MlO, ahtrh hp nil) nland at il Plui-B iipnr Mmwpll, ('nllan ciiunty. Thp hortp la one rf thp brat eypr hrmiKlit Into Ni w Mn'm. TIip fmlnlno County C'attlr ilrow in' .iinc.latliili liplil a iiipi'titiK r ti ul.iy nt W'Ullania ut w likh thf ,i nci Ihk li'iixi laws Aire tli auhjrrt ot iliNi-iiiiiiiiin, TIip Apache rounty, KtocK (initAi-ra' naaorluiinn al"i nu-t Monday at Fiiriiinprvlllp, fr thp inirpomi ot disiUKKlnn and iiaMHtiK ri'tiolutloii on the lp.i lawa An rxprtillxp and un ii.hiniiv cnmtn IK'p antra tlpotpd. The Union Itpportpr a.iya that 1" (am or lle ntock wore di'livfrid nt Kifti. h, Colfux rounty during the puxi week. Vplnohe ahlpped two ira of fine ntnra from Itaton Wednrad.iy even- In,,, to the Kansas City market. Frank Campbell anil son of Snow rtakp, Will Adams of Khowlow an I Charles I'eetla of Whipriver galher-1 in llolbrook. Arixona lant week and are umlermood tu bu negutiating a lug cuttle deal. The Wllloughbj Grocery company at Venn received two cars of high grade tattle at Yeno last week which they will sell to farmers in lhae see lion. Lnn Arnold who has a ranch near rorlulen. lant week bought fifty heart of high grade Durham cows from O. M. Williamson of the Pnrtalcs Hank and Trust cotnjiany at IHI a head. He will run the cowa on hla feeding farm. Ho also bought one hundred head of yearling stears which ha will put on pantura. Tha hail aiorm of a week ago Thursduy night mulcted uim.-ge to the amount of S 1 ,000 to the Angora goat herd belonging to Charloa Gram, mar of Carlahad. The herd waa near Walnut draw, thirty mllea southwest of Carlsbad. Artcnla News. There waa a heavy full of snow in all the mountains In ihls vicinity Friday night, running from one hu f, Inch to Is inches In depth. This will uiiiloiiblcdly put the range In an ex-! -client condition and will be worn , many dullara to siocanoiuers in una vicinity Carrixoxo News. Local stockmen ,rs doing prelim inary work preparatory to the gen eral round-up which commencea M ty 1. Delivery will ha made May IMh. Thpy are getting 110. S3S and 40. Itillnhoro Advocate, W. If. Iwind has leased tho F.. A. Tweet ranch. near Ulcardo, and will Well Known QTlastaff Mer chant and Grower Tells the Kansas City Stockyards Tale of Prosperity. "The lamb crop this spring waa exceptionally largp. and with fuvur able range conditions, the new-horn animals were saved and are nil doing well," said W. Habblt of FlukMaff, Aroiona, to a Irovers Telegram rep resentative In Kaunas City Monday. Mr. iiabbltt la a member of thr. ranch firm of Habblt Hrus . big operators in both aheep and rattle. Mr Hab it. it then explained that lambing IB ,thiil country occurred earlier than In any other mountain range district in the went Florkmaaters hi 'nsj all ilie.r sheep down In the fall and h ild them In the deserts until aftir lamb- ling "A considerable amount of wool inns been Bold." added Mr. Rnbhltt. I "A nd the range of prices la Just a I little higher than last year, which la appreciated by aheep owncra. who j hud anticipated a lower market. Tha i prospects for good mountain range I feed la favorable, to w hen the flocks In tiai k In the mountains they will ,lip In good condition, and fare well on the government reserveg. "Ho far as cattle are concerned, jthcy are doing well, and we look for a good season. In that country wa ( never sell young cattle, but hold them .until they are at l'"l three years ji.lil. The calf crop waa large, and I branding will lake place next month. There aeems lo be a strong demand for steers this spring Many have gone lo the I'acifw coast, and a large number lo the Imperial valley in Hoot hern California. At the latter pluce they are fattened nn alfalfa for I titcherlng purpose. Many Mexican rattle have been imported, tut an IZCi LIB CROP LARGEST Oil RECORD .itt a k.iihI almli' It. whl. h ho I . hia Tul.iroaa, ran. hull hi n aj h of ratlin un tu bring frum H. A. Komp mnl lfp, of Kinfuirla, Kanmia, Kpro In l-'kin nnil during tn pant pk, Mr Ki nip him purrhnni'rt Hip I). K. Mi'i iiuinKill rami), viaht iniU'a writ of town. The ranrh con amta of 2lt arrm with linprnvpinciun, i'tid Mr. Kinifi will atork II with rat tle. Up liaa rnipluvcd W. K. Mcllon nx i II to run a I n on Hie ramh until fall. U. U. Miil 'ii iaill. hn liven in Uikruood, han nut r fully ilpi'liU'd what he will do, but tho many rrixndn or thp family hope hn will remain lit re. jkp wood I'lcigreaa. Tom Morris, .t well known ahcep- man from tluvtnn. Texas, who recently hrouitht hla stock from that locality ii. Melroae and inm hla lot In New Mexico, In len"ed with th" change made and Is Yen el'tllillntic regarding he future ouilook for the stock buai nexn. Mr. Murri- was at Melrone for feed last week rrom his feeding grounda II mllm south of Veso. Tlirre was a p ullar case before Judgo McGrath lant Saturday. Tha MallNlleld CkHIp coiiipany waa charg ed with shipping cuttle out of the state without being mspeciea. I ne M.malield cattle range alona; the state line, and feed In both states. A bunch waa gathered and shipped from Sun Simon to r.ilituriila. A com plaint was made to the cattle Inspec tor, and he bro-ight the case before Judge Moiiratli. was no deny ing the fact of Hie shlpmi'nt. Hwlng tu the circumstances JudBe Mcilratn Imposed a minimum line, flQU. L-ordniiurg Liberal. The Ft. Humnar llevlew nays: Tues day a Jersey cow belonging to Mr. Kurt was atanditig on the Hunta He truck In front ' the depot, plucldlv chewing a small .ml and perhaon il.o dreaming of green graaa and n wobbly-legged ialf, w hpn a fast frpiiiht came bowling along and .he tin. scene shifted to a depot pluiform littered with dead cow. Hut auch Is cow life here today, tomorrow the section gang eala beef, Kdgsr Love lac la also short a two-year-old heifer and a burro. tloth animals collided with locomotlvea. T. E. rollock purchased the ol I Livcrmora ranch "f Mra. Jesse C.regj this week and will endeavor to mukc an Meal country residence of this place. Aa aoon aa poaible he will have a half mile track laid out for private training purposes for his siring of fast colts, together with a siring of bog alalia for their accommodation. Aside from this Mr. Pollock will have a collection of high bred stock on the place with a view showing wh-it northern Arlwaaa can do In the way ot high clans ranching. Flagstaff Sun. George Morse, the sheepman, ra mmed the Mrnt of the week from th" P.ilt Hlver valley, where he hue heen looking after his flocks, tuning his absence he looked after the shearing and reports good results. His bands sheared an average of ( 1-4 pounds to the fleece and It waa only a t" motiths' gronth at that. The total .lip amounted to a little over 42.HI pounds, und Mr. Morse Is well pleased with the outlook for the llockmaster thin season. He Is now located at Kin ranch ill this section. Hnowllake Her ald Three tar loads of wool shipped by A. Vanderwert from llol brook Wednesday morning lo lloston. The shipment consisted of the Can delarla clip from Concho. Increase of l"i per head on the Mexican aide has on the traffic." In the duty put a chick The TucM.n I'rogress aaya: Tha sale of thp oracle sheep ranch, one of the bent equipped and oldeat ranches In southern Arixona to J. C Jamison of Wlnslow. was announced this week by Charles II Haylese and his brother. 3. 8. Hayless. Mr. Jamison has taken Immediate pos session. The aale Included SOU sheep. The consideration waa not made public but the deal waa cm of the Inrgeat made In recent years in the sheep business In this section of the stole. COLFAX COMITY STOCK IUCH IS Farmers' Development Com pany Making Great Success Wih Cattle and Sheep Near Springer. Hpringer. X. M, April 21. The Farmers' Development company re cently purchased 450 head of fine grade rattle from the Panhandle of Texaa. The cattle were brought to the Ml. !ra range, where the rraaa la reported to be excellent. The new ature building of this large company la rompleted and the merchandise Is lieing moved Into the new quarter This new large building enshler them to carry a larger and choicer stock or merchandise which the trade of the Mt. lora country demanda H. C. Abbott, the manager of the sheep and rattle I n bureaus for the De velopment company, was In Hpringer the other day and reported the lO.nOO head of sheep that the company runs lo be In splendid condition, nolwith nisndlng the hard winter. While the sheep were run on open range they were fed during the cold winter months nn corn, which put them In floe condition and asaarvg a large FL0UI1ISIIIIIG TODAY'S LIVE NEWS OF SUNSHINE STATE SUPREME COURT li is Decides that Uuder Common ' law Woman Is Entitled to Hold a Strictly Ministerial Position. ENDS LONG FIGHT FOR STATE LIBRARY JOB (Special lliiatcli li livening Ilcralil.) Hanlu Fe. N. M , April il I . Tim state supreme court lust nlsht hand ed down a decision n favor of Mr. Armijo, the state librarian. In whin the court finds in favor of .Mis. Ar mijo In the long light to oust her from the otti. e of slate librarian. I Hiring the session of thp last leg islature Hovernor McDonald appoint ed V. T. Thornton, former governor of the stale lo be slate librarian, hu: the confirmation was refused by the senate, leaving Mrs. Armijo in pos sesBlon of the olhce. A nun warranto proceeding waa hrouaht hy Mr. Thornton to oust her from the posi tion, the action being baaed on tile contention that a woman has no right hy law to hold ulll, in this slate ex cept as specified by legislative en actment. This contention the supreme court has overruled, giving an lis opinion thai under the common law a woman may hold a purely ministerial posi tion, of w hich nut tire the court fin I" the state librarian's position to ti The effect of the decision is to lean Mrs. Armijo In undisputed possession of the ofTJce. sYs rw mf.xico rw I I ItMMI TWO MOItK KF.;!MKTS Authorities In the adjutant genernl's office today staled that If an emer gency (hould arlae two additional reg iments of Infantry could be recruited In New Mexico almost Immediately and plated on a war footing. POULTRY RAISERS WILL GATHER AT COMMERCIAL CLUB The AlliiiiUeriiie Poultry associa tion will meet Thursday night at the Commercial club nt o'cu-ck. Th second annual poultry show to be held next winter will bp among the several important matter to come before the meeting. Subjects af general Interest lo all poultry ralspin w ill be din tinned Kverybody Interested in the subject Is urgpil to attend the meeting lamb and wool crop. The company be. lleve In feeding range stuff through the cold season and Ihls year's pros pects both III wool and lambn will bear out their practice of feeding throughout the winter months. mm tells STORY OF CHECK W. B. Slaughter, Pressed for Paper and Anxious to Hake a Deal, Wrote Check on a Shingle. iUlZl (Washington Post ) "In Oklahoma City a few nights ago 1 attended an Interesting ha li nnet," said III. bard Deiiiaftcnrcld of Huchiinan, N. M . at the Willard Mr. Iielilallenreld is a stockman of the southwest country, and one of tho veterans of that section. "This liaii'iuct waa given on the oc casion of the retirement of W. II. Hlaughter, president of the rioiith western Ktiwkinen's association," con tinued Mr. Iieiiraftcnreld. "There were four mem hers of the Hlaughter family present, all of them well known In that country. There are more Hlaughtera there but only four of them were at the dinner. "More than twenty yeara ago Mr. Slaughter said hi brother Tpter waa negotiating the purchase of a laige number of rattle that hud been driven up from Mexico and the southern purl of Texaa. The deal waa made with a Mr. Crowley, now an official of the Knck Island, and who wua present at the dinner. When II came to pay ing for the rattle Hlaughter found that he had not enough money in caah. nor had he a check, ao he pulled a shingle from the roof of a dugout and wrote a check on It for the amount of the purchase. It was duly paid. Now, after many yeara. Mr. Hlaughter declares that he will give any reasonable sum ut money for tha return of th canceled check, hut Mr. Crowley, who received It. could not lel what hud become of It. t. r. T'r. m. Hpeclallst In Fye, Kar, Ninsn ami Throat. Capital City Hank Hulldlng. Phone H-J. Pan la Fe, N. I Ale f-am fto rope. MOTFI. HOMUVF t'NDK;l NKW M ANAOF.MKNT. tenke lo pmlmmen. Im$ Vegtag e a ,Nw Meg, DECIDES 0 T Rights Good in New Mexico State Supreme Court in Dona Ana County Water Case Up holds the Colorado Doctrine of Appropriation. Hy laet Wire F.vcnlng Herald. 1 Hantrt Fe. X. M. Aptil 21. "The Colorado doctrine" of prior water rights obtains In Xew Mexico as a result of cits- 4) torn, accortlii.g to the slate an- 4 supreme coiiil. whlih today sent hack tu Hip district court for I 'una Ana county for rehearing an Important action for adjudl- cation of the water rlKhts of 0 some seven thousand claimants 4 under the Klephutit Huttp pro- Jed in advance of Its comple- Hon. ALAM0G0RD0 MAKES PLANS FOR BIG OTERO COUNTY FAIR Alamug.irdo. X. M . April l! -The matter of a county fair was Inform ally discussed by the members of the Alamogordo Commercial club. tt wa the g. in nil opinion that a fair organisation could be readily effect ed anil with stifl'lcieit funds behind It to make Hip proposition a f". 'n the matter of exhibits II In thought that this section could make a splendid showing In almost every line of resources. The club also dint iinm-iI the hold ing of a Fourth of July relebratlon similar to the one held last year. Them- matters will he taken up at the next meeting of the club and sums. thing definite done tn the way of arrangement. The club extended an invitation to Governor Mclmnald to visit Alamogordo at a tune to suit hia convenience. The governor being now in the southern part of the state It la hoped he will accept the Prior Holds Ill OE MINUTE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN COLDS HUD CATARRH VANISH Mow Nasty IllM-liargc, dears Muffed H'-ad. Il'tils InnaiiMil Air lawal' ami Vuu Hn-atlM- yHy. Tty "Kly'e Cream Halm " a small bottle anyway, liet y H Juat -Apply a little In thp nostrils :wi 1 1 Instantly your clogged nose nil slopped up air passages of thp head will open, inn will breathe fieel ; dullness and headai hes will dia.ipe r. Hy morning' the catarrh, cold-ln-he i I or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. Km! mull mineiy now! Hct th'J small bottle of "Ely Cream Halm ' at any drug store. This sweet, flag V ? ? y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y SERVICE AND SOLIDITY The Banking Requisites T I HE satisfactory can be of real benefit to business pub. lie is that which, while assuring absolute se curity, is prepared to give ezpert and courteous service not only to depositors but to the public generally. The success of the STATE NATIONAL BANS has been' built upon this winning combination of Service and Solidity. Tour account is solicited. State National Bank OF ALBUaTJEHQTTE, N. IL y : i-ee Zi SMOTHERING SPELLS Sour Stomach, Heart Burn In onto bar, 1910, we recelred a letter from Mrs, Hull, from which we make the following ex tracts: "About twelve years ago my health began to fall. I couldn't eat anything without suffering for It. I bad heart bum, , .ur mJ, JAMES A. HALL, TT!1-' J?!il saJN.lsCtt,. laiiwii ...w Huaeav heart, smother ing spells, palna In my aide ana buck. In fact. I Buffered all over, and a cough almost Ilka consump tion. Ductore foiled to rellmre mo; In fact, they didn't seem to know what ailed me. 1 continued to .grow worse until I waa able to alt up mly a rart of the time. I had almost loat all hopea of ever being any better. "Hut one day soma one threw aomn books In at my door. 1 read them and found them to be Pertina books. "They doacrlbod my feeling ao truly I gent at once and got a bottle and began taking; It. You pronounced my ailment eyetemlo catarrh, and gave me some advice. "When I hud taken two and one lialf bottlea I began to eat without un"crlng I continued to Improve. "When I had taken eight 1 was like a new pereon. That waa nine ycaxa ago. "I think Tenina the greatest fam ily remedy there l. for ao many ail ments are due to catarrhal trouble. I would advise any one afflicted with catarrh to ta'te Peruna and 1 am euro It will leave" In the nevlaed "Ilia of Life" w have many almllar testimonials which should Intereit alck people every where. Bent free by the Pe.-una, Co.. folumhug, Ohio. People whe object, e liquid inedl ,inea ean now obtain Peruna Tableta. Invitation before returning o Kant a, Fe The teachers of n'ern county will meet h"re Friday lor a two days' In Mat lite. A splendid program has been arranged, features if which will be addresses by Htate Superintendent Alvim N. While of Hunte Fe; Dr. Frank II II. Huberts, president of the Fast Imk Vegas Normal uiilvei nty; I ir D. It. Hod. president of tho Slate university at Albunucruuo and others. Farmers. mechanics. railroaders,, laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas' FcU"' tlc nil. Fine for cuts, burns, bruises. Should be kept In every home, i'.'.e and inc. rant balm dissolves by the beat of the. not.! riln, penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swollen memlnane which lines the niw. hind and throat; clears the air passant stops nasty dischargpe and a f.pllng of cleatiniiiK, soothing relief comes Immediate!.. Don't lay aw ake to HIMtit r ruguli'i for breath, with head St lifted; nos trils tinned, hawking anil hlowMtg. Catarrh nr a cold, with i rutin. n none, foul minium .Iropptmt Into the throat, and raw dnnenn is dint ressuin but truly npcdles. Hut your faith Just o. ice in F.lC.i Cream Halm'" and your cold or ca tarrh will aurely disappear. A f y y t y y y y V t y y y y y y y t y y y y y y y V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y bank - the only bank 'v'h a. a a a i a "I f ( . . f , I.. 1 I .In . I l ' ' er