Newspaper Page Text
IIVE5. "But" Fisier us uie uniy .Lire, dojs; rie umy me: M.. too 41' f Tn0(,M vpT TMVT, I CA-UV. 5 IN 6 Tnt tna TIIE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. W M.. TUESDAY, APRIL 21. 1914. . ftvr TMr 1-? T V.I?HT rftLVl To j I'l1'-4- ,BT ( I '" I THnnlf III I J n iYjzm Fn -Pom ( L UfE" V f f & C-"-aVLtX yw- v- TU. Today's Market Reports j 4 WALL STREET WAITS ON NEWS FROM MEXICO Wlr o l:vrnliig llprlil.1 Ni'W York, Ari 21 Th t'ti Imk IiiiIkp liroiiRht nut an lnrra! -ilv 4if kim k whlrh trmirrilv . In rkfil Ihc uUvant'K unil hrl wll Iiik u DuuriiFil. Th rly ilvin- hi Hticril. ,1, bill lh JfprrwiKin wiih ( xlH.rl iliirmlnn. miiJ In Ihp Inli f..niMH.ti the iiiiurn n r-uninl. l:uiim. 1.4'hinh itml Mill ami Karri inn ii nliurM uml vnrioun ollu-r Iwuci imiiiIc vaiim of hIhiui h pnlnt- Trailins Oinilninhril on lh nw mul Ihc inurktt brininv ilnll, whilr (hi HiK'i'i uHmivd iit'Via from Mmim V I,l.k u( Oftli Hollthf-ril I'm if If' t'a waa niarki-cU al Inn' ami New York City 4 1-4 a f-!l In 111. II. hi. la ir Irregular. A r.ilil on UhlKli furring II down tii-urly 1 lunula hnil lllllp eftwt uh. rf. Kori-lgn hoiiara -ri lltn-r.i wllota. puilliiK out auul 1'i.imu MtNrra. Tho miirkH loiril alrone ovraolJ raiMirMia 4 a. itaiintlii adt vnn.'i. In I'riipa tlvapll Ihr Mrtiri.! . rli lluviiK of atix ka wnt on ii'ii.lilv. although huainpH r. nirarim In tlio lalf tli-aliniia. C'lotliiK prirra on thi niori Import ant m.M'ka mrt a follnwa: AioHlKuniiilril. 71 ;-. Suaiir. ion t-4. Atrhlm.n. . Xorthrrn I'ai-lfli', 11 Kiiiilinir. 1614- Soullu-rii I'a. Iflf. 0 J-. t i.ii.n Ph. hi.'. :... hii. r, in. HL.'I. prrfi rrril. Ifl S-4 Chicago Grain eiilrnxii. April II. Whinl lrvl oirl alrriiKlh to.liiy, hptprl liy a bit rw In F.urowun vlaill aupplv i. ml hy liifk nf rvn In th wat anl aoulhwrnt purl of th lom'tlr in lir !mH l'nra. which at the opening- varlfil from !- off to 1-4 tn up. mail a BiilMiirnt mimrlal ii. lv Mini' all nr.iun.l. Tl.a wa firm. 1-4 OS-He not liltthr. An improved demand from fi-d-rn kmv rora an upward turn Tha i p.iium p-ri. worn 1-1 to l-4o hlnh fr, ii ml iIiitp waa no auliartiurnl ad ditional Rain. Th.. t'loa waa firm at 1-tu to 7-14 lr n-t udvanrr. outa hardvnvd with nthr rarrala ih.i.inh aH'Mltrd. and rrarhad a fair Vol lima. I iml aalra ot provlalona varied from 7 l-p drollnp In 10c advance, I. nt after ward prlrta auffrnd Ki mriil full Whfat May. II '4r; July. Sfl f'orn May, Sr; July, 11 1-K itala May, J 7-Hr; Jul,, 3"c. I'ork May, llv, July, ll)n. Idird May, liouo; July, 110 in. Kit. May. 110 75; July, S ! :.. OPERATIONSIN LIVE STOCK MARKETS rhl.atin. April II. lloa T. rvlpia. Il.auu; market, alow, raky at jculrrdav'a avpra(; bulk H COO II 70: llaht. f 4At 7&: iiiiird. f 45 ii;i; liravy. ltSTI7; much. M2r.rt4ii; pir. 7:6t4. Cat I In Itoroipta 4.000: inurkrl wriik. flreva. 17.06 8 40; Ti atpera. 7 1t.0; wealrrn, 17 004 I 10; atoi-krra and fi-edora. 18 104 16; i-owa and hplfvra, JSj0: ralwa. I 00l 7. Hhipp llvcvipia, J. 100; market .a(ady to a ahada lower; native, IVSH t0; wealrrn, f S . 4 )f . &; year llnna. I 7547R0; lam ha. native. i5 tllli; wealern. T.IIIS0. Kanaa I lly I.lvetttiH'k. Kanaaa City, April II. Hoga Fte relpla. II. 000; market ateady; bulk. IK 40 U 00; hea. v, I(S V t it; parkera and buU'hvra, l 4l4iiii, llxht. H 64j (.,; plga, t7ttfl la. Cuttle ftei'clpta, 7,600; market ateuily; prime fed ateera, 14 0f 9 10, dreaaed beef ateera, (T.I04I60; weeU-rn ateera, 17 0041 IS: aoiilhern atfi-ra, Hindi 16: row a, 7 464776 hi' if era. 764) tOO; atorkera and feedera. bulla, 160f 7 00: calvea. (vu 10.00. rllK'eu Itnrlpta, 1 1,000; marki-l UK .M, ll(OI)l ( i: MI(KIT. HutK'r I at. (HuiiHhine Cr' niniry Quolulloiia). ik In h. .urn I Hi" New Mi'Xli'o alnilona ion Alhuiiii'ro,u 2r.i- lliiller. It'-Ht rreiimery 2o rroii'Ha 2Ur ' I'an. y riim h 15.711 Hay. Alfalfa hay $17 00 rplan.l liny 10 00 Hanii 'my H 00 4iihki"ii. Helm IJi' aieaily: liimha, M.tii i N 20, yearlinua $.00 4i 7.60. i t Inm. I'. 7.'.i 7 1; ewea, 1 4 76 41 4 St. Cotton Market. New York. April J fotton al.l iiilct; iniddl.i.K. in 10; mi If. Ill J. No a-ilea. Money Market . New t Vi.rkAj.rl,! Jl''- money Mlendy. I 1-4 41 2 per rent. Time loan eaeler. o, I i 1 per lent: nix month. 3i S V per i-en' Meri-nntlle imper. s S 4r 4 n r n ut ("omnier.'iHl hill, t M liar ailver, r.H 'r Mi ll, an dolliira, 46'jr The Metal Markets. New York, April 21. Copper nom inal; apot and June, f 1 .1 40 n 1 4 no. Tin weak: apot. Ii". 4T.4I 3.'. .".: Ju'ie, sr. 04i Ii mi. Iron quiet, uni-hanaeil. t.mlon prirea . -1 -. an f..l..w Copper firm, apot. It K 3.1 ; futiiri. 4 Sa H.l. Tin firm; apot. Ifil IT.a; futures 1KI l.'a f Iron Cleveland warrantB. 6o 7'''- Lead and Spelter St. Iiula, April' 21 l.ead I I -, 13.70; apelter dull. .', 0.'. 4l d." 7 . New York, April 21. Lead iiilel( 1.175 413.116; London, IK L'h Cd Hpelter (Ulet. 15,1041 5 20. l.;id.u 21 15a. LEGAL NOTICES, oitmwvti: no. lie It nrdmned by the Mayor and City Cotini II or the City of Altiu iiuerqua: Thai the City Clerk xhall Rive a Koa.1 and aufflrient lioml, the tura ot Ten Thuuaand liollura, miiiI bond to lie approved by the Citv founril, aald Ixmd to be conditioned upon the faithful dot. h.irae of hi diillea and that ho ahall duly ueeoiinl for all uina of money received by him on behalf of the City of Thla ordinance to take effect ironi aril after the iiuillf icHltoii of the City Clerk elected at the municipal election held on the 7th d.iy of April, A. I. 1014. All ordlnnnrea or par tn of ordln nncea In conflict herewith ure here by repealed. I'aKacd und approved thla Mill iluy of April. 1)114 l. K. H. HKI.I.KKH, Mayor. II. CI I Art. HnKIII.. Clerk. oiimvwri: ). b;n. Her. . He II ordained by th Mayor and City Council of the Citv of Albuquerque that the Mayor and City Clerk be, and they hereby are. authofiacd to enter - Into a contract lor I'urblns on Copper avenue, aald contrail iH'ln; In word and fiRurea KB follow b: KCUtitl rail. Ikt Kmh-uh-U in Trldlcal". rHi. I. Thla conirait made the 14th day of April. In the year me Thouaand Nine Hundred and Four teen, by and between lh City nf Albuquerque. New MeBico. a munici pal corporation, created and organ iaed under the law a ol the Territory of New Merico, now State of New Mexico, party or the flrat part (here inafter deaiR-iiKlad aa the Cliy), and liufucl (larelu. puny of the second part, (hereinafter deaticnaled aa the .Contractor) WITNKSriKTH: That I the. Contractor d.rth hereby covenant j a ml aare with the City, llirt he will .we and luilhfully tonal rucl the L. r Fenton J. Spaulding Aaellt New York Life. Himiiii 17. N. T. A mil Jo llldu. AI.IU Filial r The Best Boy Scout Shoes In Tinvii. Midi; in intli; We I w the lt"st Liailicr on Murkt. PARIS SHOE STORE 105 N. Ilrl SI. I In FOR RENT - Storeroom. Knit ItKNT -After May 1. the rooin turner 2nd and Central live., occupied by the Huh CI'.tlnnR Co. Apply to (leo. K. All. right, phone 440. LOST. l,i 1ST Number pb.le for unto; No. 44. iji... klc Auto Supply Co I' ndir pleue rdum to Herald of fice. CurbuiR and appurtenancea and Ufh other work ua may be iicccmtr to complete aaine. and In iiccordanee ith each and everyone of the condi tions, covenants, atipulotlotiK. terms and provisions contained In proposal made to the City Council und mad" u part Hereof, und the specifications on Hie n the orf:ce of the City Kn KUieer und in the office of the Ciiv c. rk and a part hereof ul and for a cum equal to tin- uKKtegaV cot of the work. 111. or. material and iippli s. don or turiiiphcd at the prices or rales named therefor In ibe hi. i.l proposal, and "ill well and lii,,hfiilly comply with and perform each and every oldiRut loll imposed upon bun by said specif iml ions or by the terms of sold award Sec 1. The City atirees to Issue certificates of indebtedness aualust "uneis of the propertv al.iittuiK the Mild curl. nm and lo pass all neces Miry ordinances to facilitate Ihp col lection of the siimn. IN WITNKSS WIIKIlK.i i th" parti" s to these presents have here unto set their bunds and seals, the day mid year first above written. I. K H SKI.I.KIIS Mayor It A I'A KI. (1AKCIA. tSeiill Contractor. Atlist. l ('HAS IMiKIII.. City Clerk. This ordinance to take elf'ct from and after lis p.tHsaKe. approval and publication Tassel and approved this 14th day r April. Hill 1 1. K II. SKI.I.KIIS, M uyor. Attest. II CM S ItuKHU City Clerk. l.i:CI ItHfK MITK F. I'lihlle notice is hereby Riven that the undersigned was on the I Till day or March, lull, duly uppolnted ex tent,, r of the est. lie of Alfonso I.. Mr kef. deceased, Ly the probate court of II. ini. hllu county. New Mexico, and that all pcihoiis tuiv mit aaainst the said estate of Alfoinoi 1. Mi Kef, deceased, are requirt-tl by law to pie sent the same for upproval nntl ul lowanee within onu year from tlio said 17th day of March. I 14. or they will be forever burred. April 13th. 1114. liKuKHK I.. lllliioKS. Kxerutor if the Kalule of Alfonso I.. MiKee, lieieaaed. I'layliiR Ills l.imll. How many have I taken? 1 dunlin. You call yourself a cuddle und don't know huw many atrovea I've bad? la'ck 'ere Ruv'tmr. what you Wkiit la u clerk, not a caddie I tun only count up to ten. The Tallhr. KM'lul St-r ticca Nrstleil. "f tinderstund yiu Rot Ittto Jail,'1 aald the wurden. "on account of a glowing mining prospectus ' "I was quite optimistic." admitted the ami It-manly prisoner. ."Well, the governor wants a report on conditions In my Jail. I want you to write It " Wushmaton lb raid Try HERALD Want Ads, they bring results. Albuquerque Poundary and Machine Works. tiurtsw-rra lasarMlvr Maculni tu (aatioia la Iron. Hraaa. Brtnaa, Aluminum, atrwctural Ntaal Coir Bridge and Hulldlnga Worka ajaaf Officii Alaaartfgae, H. af f - - .. MS. &e Evemimg Herald Want Ads Three Lines : Three IIAIK.MNK. We liato an uniiKinilly attrnitlto llt tt llouc ami Vacant lita juM now, Mlib'li tail Im- liouulit on cuy lei-inn. Why pay rent INMIIAMi; l.NS Itl.NTAIJi JOHN M. liOORE REALTY CO. Iiiiim" in. 4 Hill l I . 4 6-room model n boiite close a 4 In. on cur line, on'y l.'.'ni'i m easy tei tns. 4 J. II. Il k 4 111 Waal Central. 4 Phona 3'JS. 4 4 lllN(iAMW 5 rooms, sleeping porch; hard- 4 wood Moor. lu'i i". first pay- mem, bill. nice no .in hly. IIUMI-: ltl:I.TY 4 (1. 4 4H'J West (intra I. HELP WANTED NkVV MKXH'ii Kmploymeiit Agency. All klnda of relisbln help on short notice. Ill W. Silver ave. I'hoiit! 4H. WANTKn Solicitor 1-1. tin !ranun 1 1 4 'j W. for orders for und cnlurKiiiK. FURNISHED COTTAGES. l-'iil: ItKNT -- I'urnlshed r-.ui room hulls"; sleeping porch; two blocks In. in car I. in- J I 5 oil per month rhoiic KISS J. FOR RENT Office Rooms. iil'KH l.S f.. tent Studio biilldini; the W.i lion Vulcanizing I Vulranixlnn and llep i IrliiK AH work Kiiai., Me-.1 Albuquerque Itub ber Cotnpiiny. ."..'I West Central. Furniture Repairing, j KXI'KItT furtiiiiira repairing and f.arKing vv e ui-.ii nuy ami sen aec. nnrt-hand furniture Crown Furniture Co. 316 S. Second St. I'hona S14. Masseura 1' AT 1 K.Vi'S r. i,u t 1.4 massage treat ment, pb use call at 11 West Sil ver, rhone HMI. Miss Annie Itussell. Shoe. Repairing. KXI'KItT Shoe M' pairing 1'. Our rule. New s. 416 W. (Ynt.-al. AI.VAMAIiO Shoe repairing-. 1jhI'. her beelB 40 celii 76 cents: ladles' Shop First -r'B s and Roma rui aenta' half soles cents. K. Vu'iuez, 20' S West Cent l 1 1. BUSINESS CnANCES t'oli MAI.K New- and cigar stand; (heap. (lood cation; crv small capital required ' all at 215 South Second St. Poultry. 'nit MAI.K -- l i iri for hut' hint Stock all'liv and fitst-claaM. tt ress.. liable .i..; Klue Alel'lu siuna. Karreil !: K. White. Itrown and Huff Leghcins. White Itocka. Illack Minor., is llluck Ijingsliitn. White and IMiir rpingtons, Siugl' and Itose-C.imli It I. lli'Ji, Whit Cochin, Hunt. nm. ilso ltromte Tur key and Indian dinner duck eggs for aalc. Ideal I' -ultry Itunch, old Albuquerque. V.s 'ora wel come. Inspect loll solicited. I'll. .lie 1161. TIIKY 1 .1 I ' l Olt IrlilMIS. (Ienlr' M. c White leghorn rhb ks. I(e euch: IH per 100. Safe delivery gu I'anteed. Krkb. tl 60 per 16; 14 per ion. Incubator lots h and fertile, l.r NTIlYX llil lTIIY ltV4 ll AllHiqiierqnct, X. M. Plumbing. I'l.I'MIHNil und lleullm H.-nnm ft A)r, 707 k. Ctiitral. I'oiiue 511 I 1 - -" y H s - III ttn.1 ;ibl ve. nilt ItKNT. 5-roi.m in. "let ti brick, 12 2 r.n. .'.-loom modern, l.'O oo; water paid. 4 room bii' k house, 7ir, K.isl 4 Ci moil, in, price, l.'O On. ii-rootn Link, modern: ul9 New York avenue, ."i-rootn brick; modern; 523 New Yolk avenue, tJJ.,,0. 3- ailolio house; 1'i.uilh until, Is I'll. i tin sai.i:. I .ui.ils in In rue und sm ill iructB. II. in. Ins near the city. Koine fine tcudriiics for Bale, neur in. house. North Fifth street; moiiern, I32uii 00. 5-iuum bil' k, 12400 no. 4- ruom nib. lie. Ilioo ou. Kojiuliig House and Hotel. Central av nue at a burgaln; rent reiiNi-ll.lhlc. Houvt a on Koinh i;dllli atreet fur sale cheap All kinds of terma i uti: im itANf i: mii:y ii i.(n. 1)1 NHAIt S ItKAIt KSTATU IIHltK iit (.old Ave.. 4'tiriKT Third St. i 4 4 MONEY TO LOAN. M'iNKY T LOAN in;.i.-s, household floods and livestock vvlih out removal. Notes bought and sold. il'nlon Loan Co.. room It. over Fnsi National bank. I h.nio I2S4 I'llll SAI.I. - lull ol Cleat I CI II,' ,S tl we.'ks old. III. el tnarki d. out ol 11 I III I I."j It 111'll. I'll, i- 12.'. IIM ll j taken ul once. Address I'r Ciantoti llwellh, l. '. S, Tilt lltll. .1 1 1, N. M INI'IAN siiiiig frame Aloi,,r.cle is the Lest on the market C. It. ,.p puig. ..f ill, 321 S. Second St. Knit S.W.K Call mom - Two Kooil ilaii y N, Savo' hotel. l-'oit SAI.K My siiiall. Kenlle dny. lug horse and pony . buggy and har ness. Miitnlde tor uniiii-n or ihil.licn a neat outfit. rawinnni At Son, 411 S. Second SI. I nit MAI.K - I ' h p. Cms.. line Kn Kine. 415 Ml Itoad. Fill! St.K-Twi 2 h p tieiierul !;lectli,' C. llldlictloll lo.'lols l-.d-III. Olds. n lo, 2'l. K. Cell tlal ave. JS? SALE - An tomobiles FOR SAI.K 40 horsp power automo bile. Call 31a N 12th St Foil SAI.K-4 5-.iors power Ovor land car, eood aa new. N.igle iar BgB. Fou MAI.K 7 h p motort-)c In good i him IH I. hi. Will sell at u sue rlfne. Cash or tune. Cun be seen at McCloskey Autoinobilii Co. WANTED- TO BxTY. tssssssssssswwwvwvwww lVANTKD To buy, aoll or exchange aecund-hunil furniture. 122 Weat Silver Ave. rhone lo. W A XTKI - A gentle satlille and hal -liess pony end Rood .'. mul hii ml saddle. Must be iheap. 1"7 South Walter. PERSONAL Ktilt CAHI'KT ataanlnR. furnltura and attiva rapalrlnr W. A. 'luff phone lit I.UKKSMAKIX.l by Mrs. A A. Mica. 2; W. Carpenters Jolt W'oltK Call J II Till, I'boii 4S. " I . - J i .... - I f . k . - I i Times : Three Dimes NEW MEXICO HOTEL DIRECTORY. SANTA KI'. - The Mohtcxumit Hotel. American pi. in, serv 1. first class. electric lights, steam heat, telephone In every room. Special attention lo unto parties. HiiTKI. ciiMIIM The new rummer cial hotel of A i I, in ii ri u . Kuro ficaii plan; first class cafe and bullet. I'ndel In-. v iiian.iKemi nt. il' .ii.ii, li ters Oci an-to-i it e i n Higlivuy. IImTKI. l.A l'i:;MoX lOiirop.-H ii I 'tun. (Hie blork from depot. Center l business gone; all convenien ces. Kust Iih YeRiis, N. M. FOR REN1 Rooms. HINHI.K or o oiihi keeping rooms, t.os Angeles Hotel, 312 South Third St Full ItKNT- 3 fuinlshed rooms for lion.-..-keeping ; stt urn heateil, pri- I vine bath room, gas rniK"', small ' sleeplim poll ll. ll.;l West Celllr il I Tom Huh). I'll llollM. l-'iilt ItKNT--liooma f.-r housekeep ing. Apply Mr- ltuihertord's. 517 S I '.r,.ad I-III! ItKNT I lolisekeeplllR rooms and lurnc-hcd cottages, sleeping: porches. h I li West Coal. Fi i I! ItKNT- "I moms and hath fur nished f'.r hoiiti ki i I'liii:. II . in. null BUI S Amu, I'll. .lo- I.IUJ. . ROOMS ANDJJOARD. SI'l.KNIilli board and iiioib in rooms with cl..-1'iii poi. Ins I I. 'I North Second stle. t. I'tlolle 4.11. BUSINESS CHANCES r'i lt SAI.K J'.iinu l.uNii.ess. H.ivlng ;.IT except I, II., I ol fi r Mill cll oiuil.l). Address I-:. 'A, ll.i.l.l Blacksmiths. j lit iltSKSIIi iKIMl cheap f..r c.ish. ' Ceo. Hutchinson 211 Wi n Lend. Itl.ACKSMITIII Vi .tint llolscslioi lllg I ii y and sell second build waitoiia F. Cbavi'., Second and Santa re TYPEWRITERS. A I.I. KINDS, both new and second hand, bought, sold, rented and re paired. Albuquerque Tewrlier Ks I change. I'hona 114. 321 W. Cold. FOR MAI.K Oliver typewriter, ood aa nav. 125-00. 121 Weat tiold. I'hun 144. Tublic Stenographer. A I'l'ltl i IIS' III, 111111 I IptS 'ev.-ied and t pew l it ten. Ci.toiii. I c .a 1 and le gal w.rk. Cleora II. Holmes, ll.n II. 'tt lildg. j n i r. i i a I 1 1 1 1 Wi.;K. oifice 6 p m , or by up-lul'rii-ie, 20 Hur- hours, s 't. m to poliitiiic in. Angela in tt IHdir Itcsldell l '.'M .1 TAILOR IKI'AllilNti. M. Law reme. b-un.itit i. n.l 115 S. ;ir.l. ci.KANIXil. ilyeiim and .pairing Slur Clt-uiiera Co.. Ill W. Silver. I'hotie I "iST t'A It MM l HO .er doen. First c In sg W"ik Kuarunt.-ed. Kodak fliiishu.g Sen in Ii and Central. WK WILL .In FILM for 10c. 213 So. Second. Ion uny K iMA K l'i'Mt Card Studio, FOR SALE- -sViai Estate. ,N,ase NaaaaaSaaea'aa,a' aea"WWB Foil MAI.K HO ucrea In rharpa c.rui.ty Arkansua; 5u ai tss In rulil vatlon; 20 In clover and alfalfa. II B"rea young apple iirct.urd, balance In timber. Ti a land run all be cul tivated. (Iimd woven wire fences; new all room frame dwelling, bar.i and oilier out buildings; iive spring and (food ciatern; one mile from church and a- h.nd; three mileg from rti'lruad elation. I'm e. 13.500; mall i--s laymrnt and balslou to aull purchaser. Addreag K. M. Uroylet, VYtlUloid. A.k lie. . V 1 I 1 ' PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, JL D. 1'rui'tlie Limited o UKMTIl-l III N Alt Y IMSKAbtOi And ihsi:asi.m ok tiik skii. The W M-rma n and Nogucltl tcata. Salvarsuti "4Hi" Adnilnlatered. CillciiB' Hank llulldlim. Albuquerque . .'lew Uealoa A. c. siioi'.n.ic, m. t. Irac4lcr l.lnuieii to TuiM-rcutuatBa. oittce lli.uis, 10 to II a, m. I'lioiie 1171. I2 4W West Central. Albuquerque Sanitarium I'boD l4t. DRS. TULL & BAKES Hpctiallsia l-.yc. I'jtr, Nnm. Tbruatt. hlale NailtHjial liank Ull. IMhmm) St. MH.11M11N h. iu;itnx. m. u. rhs4t1nn aad Mwrawi, lleeldence, fio South Walter HtraeaV Kb, .lie I240-W. Office. Harnett Hldf., Phone Itf. i i:ts. W11I. Wedge. Miner, lliinlera. Ita fresliui' lit and Hoy Scout Tenia. Cowboy lied Stn-els. Wagon CTovera. Folding; t-it in st.'V'S and cuinpllla null Its Tt nis for rent. Aw nings and porch curiains made to order. AnvihiiiK mad- of canvas. Chaa. 1 Keppb-r a Son. Millinery. ol. 1 1 or low- bats tt -limned. I'lumea llealiid Call at Stale Hotel, Itoulll 2 I'bone I2i3 W. Dentists lilt. J. kit V IT. Ih'iiihI "Mimcry. It. ...ins 2 mo I ;i. I!.. in. 11 Itlda-. Over o'ltielly s Mrug Mi.ire. ( Appointments inade l.y mull.) I'lionc 711. ( . i:. II i I. NII. II. . M. lit. lilt Ullil.lllllt A ' 1 . 11 . 1 11 . 1 . , ti - - New Moxlcn ' Mi. . I., in k- H I.. 1 2 and 2 to b. t'llolle ti7. Attorneys JOHN W. WILSON Altorney-at-Mw. Ilooms 16-17-IB. Cromwell Hid. Ilea. I'hone 1522 W; Ofllce I'lionc I17S 4 I'A I I. It. MOOIIK 4 4 C'oiisiiltliia; Mlnlutf IOiik Inner. 4) 4 Kvaniliialliina and ltcMU(a. 4 Itisiiiu li-ll, ( roiiiwcll lUtM'k. I 11. sottitis rchllcc4. Pracdcal ami I to Hate Work. IttMiiiM 11 ami '.'n. Wbiotf liiilldlnc. Tcclioii0 lta. SANTA FE TIME TABLE EITe' live December T. lull. W estlmun.1 No. Claas. Arrlvea. Departa t Cal. Limited ....11 In ll koa 1 Cal. Kress .... 7 00p 7 Slip 7 Cal. Ktpreaa ....10 lop 11 06i I Cal. Fast Mull .... 1 1 : 60p 1 46a (Thurstlay only; 1 (He Luxe 1:10a 1:00a IlsMMlMHIIItl 10 Ovrrlund Kxpreaa 1 Hi I 06a I Kastern K.XPIeaa.. I:lbp I (Bp 4 Chicago Limited . (up 7 OVp I K. C. Chi. Kx.. 7:!6p I 46p (Wednesday only: 19 (He Luxe l.iOp Httullilatuiitl 101 KI I'hbo A Max Kx 11 I0a lit KI l'ai I'usaenger 1.10 11 I' Valley Kx.. I ltp NlH-llllM.UIld 11 From Mex KI P 7 0 Da lit From KI I'ssu l.lOp lit From I'ecoa Val ley aad Cut-off. I;40p P. . JOHNSON, Ajtal . B