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Tire EVENING HEEALB, ALBUQUERQUE. N jM, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1914. IIOHT : (mm .'rtjne- DONT FAIL TO SEE Wright's Trading Post 3id and Gold Ave, One of the show places of the city. Largest Collection of GEN UINE Indian and Mexican Handicraft. NAVAJO RUGS AND CURIOS Crescent Hardware Co. STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL TLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pumpi 318 West Central ?enue PHONE 315 BOOKBINDERS RULINO, SPECIAL FOPJffS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 203 210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 CRYSTAL TODAY I Hp I ii r inn SHiln lllw m j TODAY j rTiii: wiikiv mi, an" I ..... .. I "xxin: nmiw .i ii-:h i I nl mill I itrpli UrnniM. J I I IIION Me-, i I Hon Inr tin- ldlca. IMHVSHU" "TIIK ItooT ol' K.VII." Twi-lteel Ml-iar l.uliln. Two-Hid K. A V I'm l lire i i ' . r:Tm ui.v ,.IH KHVii.i.r. H iim-st" i. . l. a ... 'i ft S a . .1 1 1. -A 1.... 1 IL.Z JllnJiBU E.V1U1V.T U X II I FOR SALE I'lrsl i In llinllng ami lloomliig l.ti-. J I rHnt: HO iHiardai': money ntnkliiir irioililin. Will sa-ll mil innil'le. Inquire on iriii-im-n, fit Wl lirmul a'im. CONKLin IS CAUGHT Hit l l l l IIXHH. rt H TUAXMT.Il IJNK lno Moving and Household Honda given special ttenllnn. Hi-Hi lr is hnuM In city. Oftlcs nil sales stable AND MUST FACE THREE CHARGES I Mrs. Spicer Swears Out Com- plaints or Burglary ana as ault Against Man Who Es caped from Street Gang. Herbert fiinkliii. who recently escaped fnun the street gang, wiih re capturcd last night al It"- XX cat hotel w . . . V1. .T'T'. '. Z This morning Mra. Kvclyn Sulcer, pro , tft r of I he hotel, iiccnmpnnlcd by her husband, appeared before Juatlce I.. II... I'miiia J'fiLw lj. .uit.p mil llirlff Jav . -2--2'--2--4Sv 5 51"" 5 -5 "5u2 2' 2 5 5 5 '2'- X 5 ,1'nmpliilnta na-alnt the prl-nmr. one rUU I Km II I II "llil " rr-t REMEMBER! Lemps Fahtaff and Draught Beers are the choicest products of the brewer's art. A trial will convince yoa. Consolidated SX?Za POLL TAX: ; CATTLE SMUGGLER TO SANTA FE FOR TRIAL Becomes DELINQUENT MAY 1ST. BOARD OF EDUCATION. jFaustin Alguin Taken to Cap ital This Morning on Charge j of Running Mexican Catt:e Over the Border. C. T. FRENCH MM i: XI I HUM Till! I Mil XI Ml It. l-tiity X -I lunl. I Hill mid I i HI l .1 1. I 'I till) iiml MiilM. Mill. r y y y y y y y y y V In looking for the letters which are included in each pack age of Sunshine Butler that the letter is between the out side and the carton, not between the carton and the butter. We have received unmerous complaints from people who have been unable to find the letters in their butter, but if you exercise care in looking for these we are sure you will find them, as we have packed one letter in each package of Sunshine Butter since April 13th. Our shipment cf spoons has now arrived and we suggest that those holding the re quired unmber of letters (five of any kind) and who desire the beautiful spoons, call at our office for them. Albuquerque Creamery Y Y Y y Y Y Y Y y Y Y y y y y f y y Yi y y f Y y 1 Y wnrmnt (hiirpren him with Hh a knife nn Ki-hrunrv -'S. nimiher rin r K.-n him with lireiiklna- aiil t-n-lei'lnii the WrM hotel Murch A with Intent In i'ominlt UKeuiilt, nml the thlril hiu -tea him wllh iituuiult Hli a knife nn t tint wobhIiiii. He will he nmiixni'il licfure Juki n o I'rala fur a hiMinnc thla nfterimnn. Cmiklln wna arrealeil aeverul wreka m for ntlHrkln Mra. Hplrer. lie rimiiieil nt I he hnti'l. At I he lime he wua wilil In huve been Inloxli'uteil Knr that iiaauult he n fined ti' nml aeiilenreil to aerve thirty ilava. The jul ai nli nie wna aUMpenileil in 'n. mill Ion thiit he leave town. Xnt luiia after he wna rearrenteil for ilruiiki'iinena on the atrect u till wna inn III the atleet Kin to work nut the aiiaenileil aenteme. II" rai-niii-il from the atreet Rim next ilny. I.nat nlxht Mra Si.lror nnltflc-il the pollie Hun Conklin hail nmun ,i pi'. i rnl nt th hotel, inrl he wiia tuken lulu niHloilv It iillcKt-il thm he aaiiln ntti'iiipteil to Hirike Mra. Hph it luat tilKhl. DEMONSTRATE - J J J 25, PULMQTER IT T SPRINGER MOVE$ ANYTHING Before Wilson Ordered the Capture of Vera Cruz We Ordered a Complete Line of I'MMIM.. t.HXIMNti rxi t k ii ixi.ixii Sull lui Umi In I m i l:o-H t. .lnllN III lilKUII l li- Si m iitliii- Hi'i urHtiir. 'in I 1 "U v. I'hoiii- I IUTiJ lupuiy I'niliil Sliiii-s Murithiil i!l liiilu IhIlmiIo i-ii-siil innoiitli Alliti I'MM' ihm ill ' r ii iik Iroin I m 1 11 at Ii.iwhk in i UHloily I'.UMIln Alxuiii. ;i r h'Jnl :il ColiiinlUM ilajs uk li.ti'ii''! u iih Hiniik'irllnit 1 I . nrail ol - :mii' lii'loiiyinn to Ho' T rr.i.:ia ..x- to ro.H iln- lionli i. lulu tlie l lilii'il t.iiiH, aIkU'II :i ra hi; lit while ny- il. t In Kit OMT lt!l till- Kill TH 11 1 1 t l lnllllH ll'lllill III J. Ill, Wlll'l (Ill' ttt' lle llili- Ii-Nloreit. .X! ii-ii. ii will In. iirrniEiiiol thiji nf ti iiinoii tn Jul. JinliCi. Tope in li'il i i 1 1 i 'i. h i . ABOUT PEOPLE YOV KNOW Ncv.lan Parcel Delivery phone: 404 Ml I XI XII Af.l Its I t HMslll II I'iim iiui r nml luituiiui' I lan fi in il In Vnv lint nl I In. . II I IIXXI I!. XI. II.. II. II. I ll tlipill llll SMH lllllll. in 11 ill 1 ..1.1 ". ill-'- 1-" ' '"1 1 I ;i ( ' 1 .1 1; I 'II i.lo li '1 .. .1 III! .; - III XIIVS Ml'-s.'-r.l-:itl. I'liiine H.1II MlTU i:. All pirsoiiH tmli'liieil tn tlin Huh f'i.!lnrn I'oiiipuny lire lii'i'i li notitieil ! 1 ill 011 1 hi iimli 1 ivlii'l lit -hi XX'. -iiilrul Ay., illy of AliiU'iuei ine, on 01 in fun- the nri ilny nf Miiy, A. I I, ami af t li- I he 1 r in roiinla w It h nu l' I rniiii',1 ny. K. I'lV'N'KV. Itirilver nf llll Huh flollllliK fiilll- li.iny. DUKE CITY CLEANERS XXe I11111 Inn-, nii'ii nml m 11 loiliiiii;. rnbH. 1 urtiiiiix. ll HH I. . I'll . I'.'il XX i -l I .ol. I. I'tiniii- I Ml. Promptness Our Motto F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND LMBALMES. Ill XlT IJCAO. Wmmm. ay ur mUU. tit. FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE . Willi Pmli. Kolo aut nla lor an I'e-lrn l.tnic ami I liiirrtial- iiiiUof-lowii nrilin, pronipily MUil I urnl-IH'il IliHinii li wea k wr luniiUi un i-ar line. I'ln.iie TOt. SOJ '. HIIOADXX AV. Now is the time to take SPRING MEDICINE All Kinds. Get it at VUIMiS DRUG CO. The Weather Ki illKt'AST TnlilKht anil XX'etl ii.'Ntlt, y (ii in i.ilh Mir i-m epl clomiv in noriliwt'Hi pnriion ami proim'il" 1.1111 111 thiit aet-litin nf Hie nt.ile. 1'lllllKi Unllllt TiHlllllU. Iii'li.ite Iniw.'i'ii rnneiiiy lenm nml liuaineaa nn n nil nuinlripiil n iiimliip of water wnrka. M i hi. in. Ti'inpPe, Seventh ntnet en li. hi e, b o ilork. AlliUiUeriiie y n II n I I KniKhiit nf rolniiiliiiM. S 11 i lorl;, 1 ii. I Ki Mouh' hull. Golf Goods We have Everything, Needed for a Golfer. Come in and Look 'em Over. km H I X 1 A A u. ft. hi 202 W. Central llnnlw. re - J. Koriii line i:nKiiii r Ar llilK- PHOTOGRAPHS ' 11 r Kxi'irim , Kili nint, Mih k nml At'ili'v. i n.ii'lu iim Ktv v ) nil t hf tvv . WALTON TO Hl'HsfRlhKItU If you fall to et I'our evening paper, call l0!TAL TKLEORAPH COM Pi NT, PHONE . ui:t Xi-l t'iilral. riMilit- VI I i Sialic Notice 307 West Thone Central 789 X'on are invilnl n InvialiKile til" in .v "I Ml XI, I'll till I M" liii..letl i.y In s liweniker ill Suit,. A, . T. r- lllljll llllltf. Tln iipparitna tin iMireil Innum- irdiile I linen III III till t HUli lUllg tlla l'lle. It you have lulu ri uloaig or any dia iih. o the air p.itunyt'a, I tl.l. M Sri: MH Vlil'ltsl':!.!''. ! lie illy hui mli Ha anil wolitli 1 1 ul'y 1 Ifei 1 ne. An expert In i'hare. I'leHii. Til fur liifnruialliio. Kee'a I'aliilv H..e. XX" i make K.e. i.ilu i f iiialt.'il milk ilrinka. Mr. nnil Mra liaynolilit of l-.i I'uan ale in lln- illy for a aln.rl via:. Mra Henrne rriitll nf Oranla la in the 1 It y for a aln.rt v inlt J. A liorilmi ol li.illup uriivi'il 111 I he I It ' lll.a IIH'I llll'l! K. liuniljuin nf M. in in I la looking nllir Imaineaa innilira in Al l'iiiiii liiie i.nlii). A. P. XViii. l. fnrmet ly in liua n'Kia hiie. nml now ol Kuloii, m hpiniliiili 1 fi 11 ilnva l.l I he i It ) . Vlti lm v I hnrlia K. I'.aley "f S.nii.i HV la u vii.itor In Alinniu'riue imlav John Iteiili hua In en il."' hnrae.l linm Hie Santa Ke alter a l.l 11 f lllneaa. I XX' Holt. tiiuiiHiier nf ma l.rwnoil hakery. lift yeateiilay tor M ,.!.. .nt I poilila lor a vlait. KraiH la. o l.urern y Mnnioya. th well known AUmeJ.i aheei itmwer, n aeilnualy III 111 SI. Joaeph'a honpllal. Thfle Will he a inei'tliiii nf the V.v tor'a Aid of M. John a pariali. XVili.e. day atUMlimn In the veairy ronin. nl i. i loik. ('iimpniiv I. New MiXltii iialioliiil (U.111I alii lilve u il.inre tu linniln liie meinlnia In the Armory Sulnril iV lilKlil. j Mi. D. J. Joiiia and liltle tl.iinh ler of llluewnter are viaiiura in AluJ- Expert Hair Work. I'oinliiiixa InuJu Inln awlli hei, liaiielnriiialioiia. iiiffa, t'urla, ctt'.. amilihea Jyeil, AMIS. M. I'l ll V Marlielhi Mmi. I' (.XI. Ilii h. 41 h HI. iiuiiue for a few d.iya, in mule li I'.mpoiia, K 'iihii, where Mr. June" will wit her 1 iriiita. John XV. March nf Haiitu Ke. for merly aurvi.ii.r gi-nerul nr :ew Mexn 11. mnl iH.iv 1 ciiiiieeit il with Ihe Ml. ' I. mil 1. 'lee, iiritveil from the 1 InM lOKht. There will I a regular meetina f Hie XXolllnn n l:eii .- i tilpa XX eil neatl.i y I Hlleimioll al . JO o'i'loik. IIUMIleea ul iiiu. h 1 in 1 . t tanee la In lie irninuit l- Ieil mnl Iiiim li will be aervei). XX miUvii J. 1 11 II. M. Manila uf Um Mule pin-.. 11 irlvril Irolll S.11114 r' I. M niKht. I'i I'Kina live piinniiera wliu I i ill lie nihil I in Hie l uiivKi yung (.tu .loeil mi Hie AII'il'iieniue-llU alale toatl. I hpeiiul l.oilK' No. ' ev eliina at i I pie. XV. .Ik di iireen. ty orile e . i 1 ; fv II iiiuiilintion of Temple . F. A. M . Tueailai '." p. m at Muamiii' Tem- III the t. A. and t. X'iiiinn memhera wek iiiiie. nl ilu, XV. M. DILL'S SHOP (U:amxu amp fikki-' Sl. M. Jinl M. I'lMHie IHII Have ynur wlnur tluthei froni mntha by having Iheni 1 liuneil by niir new prmeaa be i.r pull .lid tlieiu aay nur prmeaa killa the in. .Hi eaK. Ihua prolfi Unit Hie i lulliei liiiml romla enlhualaam waa ui a I'W elili In hi miiht and the meelliiK i'l Hie 1 01 ,il In .ailed for Ihe I'liiiiini i iinl ilun wan I'Oalponeil until a luiur 1 oale. .M"i of Ihe riinil enlliualaat were aiii'inliii the Inauaur.itlon mic: ln nf tin 1 it vuuncll. I APlU.Urrille Ciiiini'll No. III. KniMhta nl 1 oluinliua. will hold na leKiil-.r aenil noiiihly meeting at J , 11 ilutk tumwlit al tld Kelluwa' hall. ' After a hrn l iiualneaa meeting the membeia w ill hold a da m e. Tna I'uitaler i.r. hintra haa been engaHvJ hy L'u Murphy In play. I II. II. Join , wua elected principal of the I'eniral at hoot by lh hoard of education J11M nighl. He ta a former i teacher here urin Hie aat year he haa been aiudymg al mtowa um veraity, Ottawa. Kan. Miaa Kmel lluininell waa eiei'lad teacher uf LaHln In the high a haul. Iieputy I'niied Htatea klarahal J. I!, (laluaha will take Traniiuillnai l.u cero, an laleu I'uebla, t Hanla Ke In day lo anawer 10 a, charge uf Intri iluilng lliiinr un an Indian reaerva tlnli. Ha Waa Indicted by the laa fed. eral grand jury, pepuly Ualunha I0.1H New Straws Htrawa nlwn.'.n hnw whnh way the w ind la hlow ing We have ilt-Hivtia them in very eX'-luaive II.IIO til fl.110. XX s. .. a. The lineal line nf Children's .-tr.nv ll.ila ever ahow n In Al'ni- illelille, Mil' III 'J..MI. ITS I'l I- l-! lit: TO MIOXX ltd. I IMA XI I IMH ItXXI'XH XI XII. Olllil.lls l lll I'XIlt TO Vol'. E. L. Washburn Company Public Invited to See Life Re storing Machine Work at Offices of Light Company This Evening. II. II Suniler... n. leiireaeiillnu the lirueger I'ulmotnr company of Her ninny, will give a di'iiiini'ration Ihe 1. pi ration nf the lamnua life re storing mill lime tonight ut Ihe iittl.e nf the Allill.lller.ini' Ilun. IMe'trl I.lnlit nml I'm el toiiipnnv. lit iV lin k. The Ih 1' Ihe benefit nt empliiea nt Ihe I.lKhl lug cnmnuny. hut .Manager X liolnae hua exlemled 11 11 itivilatiun lo pin nli lima ami tn Ihe pulilic who may he llitereated tn W Itlieaa the Working or Ihe machine. The light cumpnns hua hid the pulmotor here fur aev eral immtha and It haa been until by Mr. X'an lielnae on aev eral nci imioiia Mr. Kanderann. hnweier. la an expert In Ha operation aril hla ileimmatia Ilun will he uf exrept Pinal liitereal The piilmolor haa been uaed au -ceaafully tn many nuiii nf UHieliili'l kill ma l Ion. follow lug ilrow mug. eli" -trie ahni k. aaphv xiailoii, eli , ami ia scientific value ua n life suvcr la now' fully ealaliliahed. s A Good Suit for $17 You can buy a suit that wears well ami holds its shape and stylish linos for $17 if you conic here unJ uk fur Syjpplust7 rinthnR 4?l M'.'IM. 1 as nw prara ihe arorM evn." One of the great makers has built up the great orgauiulioa and has worked out the nmniifaituring plan neveaaury to pnajure styliah king wearing rknlirs at tiMtliuin price. Conic in sml slip nn a coat. You will like STYl-KI'Ll'S ( LOTH I S and the methods of Ihe STYLEPLUti .tore. SIMON STERN Incorporated. Tk. aaila tTYLCTLUS FIREMEN CALLED OUT TO DOUSE BLAZING BOX Fire hmke nut In papers In a traah tiox In the alley nlonganle the XV. I llawklna grocery atnre un Hoiith Sec miil atreet thia forenoon, and the box Waa aflame when Ihe l.l.i'.e waa illa- rovi-red. A telephone cull aiimiiiuneit the firemen from the central alatimi unit a lank nf i hemn al exi iiigiiialieil Ihe fire. A eareleaely thrown cigar ette nr flit ir atuli la aiipiiu'eil tn havo nlarleil II 016 EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE Take fcaita al llr Mm f lllaihlt-r Irrltalliaa ar lint kai he. Beware of Ointments that Contain Mercury aa met . ui will surely ileatrny Hie neiiae of meil nlld coniptelely deran'te Ihi whole avatfin when eiilernig it Ihriiiiali Hie mtii-oiia auif.i.'ea. Sueli dltl. t-a ah'illhl never lie Uaed ex.'ept on pr en'"i i pt ion Horn tcpatanli. phyi- lana. na ihe ilainai;e liiev will do la tell fold to the u I ymi ean poaat!n derive from them. Hall a I'.itarrii I'lire. manufacturer hy K. J. I'lii'io')' & I'ii. Toledo, ii., colli. ilna nn mer i it r v , and la taken internally. n ting tlirei tly upun the blood nml iihii una nillt.i'ca ol the avateiu. In loivltiif Hull a I'ntarrh I'li'e he ante yon get the gi iiuine. 1: ia taken Intel nanV and tumle In Toledo, I'llio, liv K .1 flienev I'ii. Ti H 1 1 III. i II 1 11 la flee. Hoi. I I.y ilriiiiKiHa. I'm e i.'.c per Iniltle. 1'ake Hall's Family I'llla for con allpallon. Iiuplelni'liia J. XX'agoiia. li.iaoliiie Kurher engines. t'o Thnna S. tted eiarn for flral-claas hacks W Trlmbla Co. Ill W. e-upper and carriages. The HERALD Want Ads get the best results. him Into cuaioily yealerday. The dep uty inarahal alao arreaied Traiiiinllno litem yealerday al I'eralla. where (m ra niTidui ta a salnmi. lie was In dicleil hy the federal grand Jury In.' selling ll'i'ior In an lndiun. He gave bund fur hia a ppearunce. MORTUARY Henry ampl. Henry rumpl died riuiiduy home In the Highlands. He member nf Ihe Kaglis and union. Theae organise! at hla was J tailms' at In- The American tun and women miiat guard constantly against Kl'lny troulile, hecitiiiMf we eat tun much and nil our food la roll. nur blood la tilled with uric in id whn h the kid neys strive tu filter nut. they weaken fin.n overwnrk. become sluggish. t he eHiinnative tiaailea clog and tie result ia kidney trouble, bladder w ink lien i and a general decline in health. Whin your kidneys feel like lump of lead: ynur bai k buna ol Hie mine In cliiiidy. full uf sediment or yutt tire nhliged to seek relief two or thr times during Ihe night; If you sutler Willi so k lieudai he nr dlr.. m ryoua spells, acid stutnai II, or you liavj rhetimiit lam when the weather la tin t, get from ynur pilar in. o lal ahotii tour iiiiucea nf Jad Salts: lake u luhie spounful in a Itlaaa nf w.iter helora I'leakfaaf for a few days wild your kidiieva will then act tine. Tina la incus sails Is made fm-n the acid nf grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithin. and has ueen uaed f ir general inns lo fluali and at limits' i lotil.'d kldneva; to iieiitrnlixe the in nla In the urine an It nn longer la i auun e nf II rllnlioli, thus eliding blad der illaurders. I Jad Salts Is Inexpensive; rannot In jure, makes a delightful . flervea.'eiil lilhin-water beveruge. and belnnga In every home, heiauac nnbndy can make a miatake hy having a good kid ney Dualling any lime. MALOY'S Straw iKl-rtra, Me, fnr...Je s Karu'y TiajiiatiM-s. lb 200 Name Itliuliarli. t Hm fue...V' Iternititla Onlmia, t llw fiar. .! Aril. Ii.ikea. f fur 2.V Native H-sragiia .V' Ik-lie sprlnga llultee. t for S.V- aiiiiiHlilne Kullee. II letegei l,lmiii' O'l l HXIt HOI'S POI.IHII III XTKIIS XX XI. I. Illtl SIII s ni' 3lc III KTIXK A. J. FilALOY Phone 172. a depeliden.'e, Kan., huve been nulltled by Strung llrolhera. who have charse nf the nody. A brother, who lives in Massachusetts, alao has been notilled C0MMITTEEGET3 $700 FOR PUBLICITY FUND The nimmlllee charged with col lecting Ihe M.nuo fund for advertlsint Alhu(iieriiie resumed Its csrvaaa to day with u ily ll.r.aii in get. The com mittee yealerday added I7HU lo Ih subsi ripilnns already In hand. It Is expected that Ihe canvaaa will e cuiiiplet.d by Hie end uf Ihe week. Montezuma Grocery & Liquor Company General agents for the Celebrated SCHLITZ BOTTLED BEER. Importers of the Pure Lucca Olive Oil and Chi anti Wine, Gradi and Domenici Brand. Phone 1028