Newspaper Page Text
THE EVOINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N M.. WEDNESDAY, AMIL 22, 13 14, TEBIX. 1SPOR1 Today's Baseball Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE t iiu-iiinaii. 4; H.-ore: Clliiiiiuutl ....DUO t'hltuKo "tin Itiillt-llca; llcnloll. Puree. Koeatcr anil tilling", R. It. II. K. .100 1(104 2 2 1 1)0 01 1 1 4 I Amea a ml I'lmk. Archer. Ni f.auic; Wot (.round... Ilrooklyn, April 2 2 . l'.rooklvn-New York kii" poatponed; wet grounds. pliilmlHHiln. n: IMhKmi. I. liunlnn mi dim mm 1 & I Philadelphia, HI.' IMi H 1 Haiti run. Itudolph u ml dowdy; Alexander uml Killifer. fedlraiTleague 4 lili-ag", 4; SI Hi ore: lamia, ft. IE. 11. i: Chii ai Hi l.illllH . . . Hill li t ii': Cauda II ii I'll on: uui out 4 loo 0.10 i x r 1 M. I 111 IK' 1 1 urt l-y. ii n J Wllmiri. llllliaiMHIH, H.orc: I nillaiin poli , .tinaaa I'Hy . . ; Hanaaa 4'lly. 4 It II HU (I'M) 101 1 II dill Odd (Hit 4 Id lailtiric Muilrii li 1.1 ami Kuatcrly. a id Tester; llnHiklyil, Hcure: t llronklyn Kali imore . . . Iiuttcru : Hinlth. Huxg. lit m il. t: lln'ilm'Tf. . It. II. K .l.i oio I'm h s .null 040 32x It a Hiutoii uml imrin. Wilhelm and J.i'K- Iliiffalu, H'-nrc liufTul.i I 1 1 ( -Imi r u l . . I: piiiMutrgh. li .023 1 12 000 noil J ( 2 "10 S II. K to I 1 1 r. liluir; Kattcrica: Muriin. Kurd and Cntiniu. Walker and lurry. Tin" mime iviun'a liimdria ciniM (letiri IhuiM'a Kldiny IMIU for kld nry I1W I loan a ninuinnl (ir akin HrhliiK. Ii.i.-ili'a tU-K'il'ln fur n mild Ib iiIv. Hold nt all dni tur Deal ara4 im lsba nd ttmm- iftf eailMM an4 taaa Our trif kaiora el imnniM inak n r ta I postal aua gat li aama at,. KIM. I l( ( Ki lt CO. 107 N. 4lll hL Th. i. and a to l- uluioat every aiory the riwltt and thu wronK but ht rc'a on with the riant aitlr only C I o t h r r aft lllue Herae Hpe U No. J I. 10 it nevfr mi wrong. CI Al.l-..i,i J M. MMIDELL The live Clothier AintaonicpAnsiwi 5 AMERICAN LEAGUE th-trull, Hcnrc; lb-troll HI I.ouia I: st. N.iil-, a. It. oo.i utu immi 4 2(10 (IliO 000 2 II K H 10 . H.iOl Hi It eric: I imi ! uml rtanugc; iltoti and Croaeon ('llllWRII. Moore: ChiruKu I -l-Vclullll . . . 7; Cleveland, a. It. .110 2 l'd.1 2011 7 OIH) Odd 0000 II. K ltiittorice: Kimoi'll. Mi oil and Hi hulk; PIoihIIiik nml Collundie uml Hillings urid Cuiiat-h. Washington, Hoore : Xvm York. I. II II. K 010 (100 2 S 1 Win-lnimlon Xr York Hulli-I lea: ry. Warhop (HO ((HI roa. oni) tun 1 hnxle iiiul N . Hell uml w eency. Plillndelphhi. t: Hcnre: Philadelphia ...I'm I lout on 001 llostim, I It. (140 40 II 400 04 H. 1 1 ! 10 (a I led to iillnw teams train, i-ml of rlKlitli. ti cutch Ilutt.rl.a Him. k. and SiIihiii; Ht tllelit tcr. Kelly uml Cudy. Wyi off. flank ( 'niimhcre, Baseball. Standing of the Clubs (Thn Hvi-niKca du nut include to- day a rt-nulta ) National l-amio. Won. S Lent. 1 1 1 4 3 3 3 4 p.-t I'ltmliurxh I'llllildflldil.t I 1 ex. k I St. I.imla . . I 'llO'HKo N. Vnrk KiiMtun . . . I'lM'Inn.iii . .T-.O .TTiO .42 .4" .2 id .2. "i" 1 .200 Amitiran l'asui. Witii. I.uat. Chunito 1 Ni'W Vurk 3 I l-trnlt 4 2 WiiHhiiiKliiii I 2 HI. I.oiii 3 3 I'tlllndt-lldllit 3 3 Itualon 2 4 CU'Mdjnd 0 7 I- .It i .7 Ml .' .60(1 .a tin .40.1 .SJ.I ,oa nileral lati. Won. Ht. I.ouia S J'.urfalu 2 Drookiyn 2 llaltluiore 2 Indluuapolia 3 k annua City 2 chnnttii 2 I'lttrliurgh U I .oat. I I 1 3 4 4 P-l. .3S .; .iou .3.IJ .231 .OU'I Wratwn lfwaiif. Won. 3 l.oat. 1 I unifr I v i. hit, i 3 I 'loux t'tty 3 i I iea Moinca 2 I I Miiuhu 3 ! St. Joacph 2 Topeku 1 I lal.coin I .i.'.'J .da ..',00 .ion ,40.) .J.,'i 2i'l GAMES TOMORROW National l-aaiie. Itiiioklyii at lioaton. Philadelphia at New York. Cm' inn.ili at 'hlcaao. Ht. IiUib at Pntahumh. Aiiicrhaii M-uku'. rhlcaao at Cleveland. Petrol! at Ht. Louia. New York ut I'hlludf Iphiu. lioaton at WuahliiKt(it4 -iH-pl la-arur. Kunana city at ChlcaRo. Ht. I .o ilia at Indlunapolla. KulTalo al llaltluiore Urooklyn at Plttahuich. Prepare to Take Over Land for Clubhouse Directors of Country Club Will Meet Tomorrow to Finish Preliminary Steps of Incor poration. There will he a meellnR of the board of director, uf the Alhinihtr one roiiniry club Imimiruw evening at which aev-ernl niatlera of Import a nee will lie diapnaed of. Artlt lea uf Incorporation have been prepared, and Ihcae will lie Bigned at the mee'.lim. The aiRiicd papera wl'l I he filed with the aecrelary of atate. anil liner a crruuriiia ui iiu-im infl ation haa been granted Ihe club will he empowered In take till to the land on w hirh tha club houae Is to be built. Plana for tha ronat ruction of the huuee are profreaalnR favorably. 1 la in Ha of tha dralvn are being worked out by tha building committee, and Indications ara that tha actual con struction work will begin shortly. Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, laborers, rely on Dr. Thoinus' Kcls Co till. Tins fur rula. burns, nrulsea. Hhiuild ba kept In every home, tio and 6VG, Lirnri6 'EM OUT .lake liHiiliflt. nliu d.ln't Jump t'i Frda and i-cniMiit.iit tutililn't Jump liuck, who hnn t Im cii lircukliiK any (illiali- hen I In or ri-fililnK to an lute the tlaK. gi'la linked into ruurt Juki Uui an inn. Jurnli la port owner uf n nnuiiliO. mt li k lit ) ai'int-iriifeaalonul cluU that played liall on Hundiiy In llroikln. and mitraited liruukl) nltea r Irylim to dei Ide whether lu hhoot him at lunilav or Ixnl him In oil. New Yotk Ciiinla ate plnylnK in mid- ai'aauii luiin. liny Mi'it out Uruok- lyn. CliriKl MullieHmiii In a ceienl urin-le did u Utile IlKurinn in hia ihiimea uf eiiiallinu the lux leiiguu raioid of (' Y'uiiik. mid Kut aurt ut dlrn'oiiraaed over lln proaperi. Mutt) la ataitiiil hia fuuiteeiitli nearuu III the Iiik ahnw. fax, Matty "My tutilt lilillilier ol lrtirii'n in (lie ma leimtie at t hia) writlUK la J12, while 't ' w:ia i rediled Midi .iUh when he retired. Ilu re a lined hia atnluli'Ui. Mhlrh a to iTokh the mark of .'lin li toi leu. u (eat never la fine ultmiied liy u pilrlier ill (he Oik leuauea To le.ull the Mia mark, if I ahoiild he I ky etuuikli to Mill twenty Ka'ilea a aeuioii ua an uv- eraka. it would take me nearly iiine ear and I hi In it long time, when a man haa Pet n in the kuiiii for tin period I have I iuiw 1'y'a ri id 1h ante ua far ua I am cont ented " I'roapui In me llial Vu lluella will llkewlne drop out ol the lull allow IoIih lufoie lie uttalna In i""lh irtory Aa to la 1 1 im . Ilu teal imony of ono llonua nain r not without value lloiiua h.ia one Niinple uoldeli rule lor keeping in the aiime "Any plivtl can laxl ua Ioiik ua I have," aai ikiier. "All you not to do la never allow youiaelf to Ret out of (ondition. I mo never out ol ioii dition. Tluae Iruiinna Iripa never liothi'r me uu. I never Ki t vote inuu llalliilia Thit. in In a u He I um ulvvuva in condition. "That la i MUM. ike luoal pluvera make - they pel mil IheniHelv ea to net I out of i nmliti.'u ilui ma the inter. I do not think a player ahould ploy liMaehall all nitti. tint h nhotild lake plenty of m-h te aut m the freKh air out in the open. When 1 liniali pluylna lucial m the rail I eo out huntiiiK When the Iriiitimi KI.'IIHOII 1 1 tliimti t do a lot of walkmic. Then I iueata for mora than 150 of thu play liuKkethall. I ptiiclited u Intie paidc laiaida. mi null' alioil 'if tho hiiakethiill ulmoat every day down ki-en Intt leat In the card. Tin- ul hoiiie Inat A inter tendance la expc ii d to ho notahly "They auy it ia htrenuoua aport. nnd heavy when tho v"Hh i lanks tomt'r ou are liable to tet injured. liuriuK row niuht. the yrura I have been plavinii hufket- The itiilain rai-er will be fouxht ball 1 never waa injured. I never between Young P.ilv Kline an. I Kd heard of a player beiiiH aerloualy In-jdu. Koudea. V"Un lorn and Jill etl playltiK liaketl'iill. Il In one j Ynunn Sullivan, Inm-hcaricd rlUMv-era. of the heat i-xen laea I know for tie-i who level in Mil ix lianxo of ama-dica vthipiiiR your wind. In the lace, will w.uie in for a thrill- "After ull. Kill iiik your wind la-ma aeml-w Indup. Aitoiteiher it proni what counta moat in ull foi ma of uth-jlKea to be thi mill Alhiiiiieriue letlia you have your windjfuna will have an opportunity to ace. you can do ulmoat anyihuiK I niu'f-tr many H day. never bothered al'iuil my wind - ... whenever you have our wind u ' SPECI rL MATCH TO BE air in koo.1 i oniiiiioii. i on ni ai a. lot about pitchcra weukeiiiiitf. They loal their Wind that ull " J Wagner nave that talk to an imiuir- r.ooiliiB recruit the other day. "Don't you ever Kit rore don't your miiat lea net aoie in the aprnm '" naked the youngster. "Hurt they Ret ame the tlrat few ilu a. ' auid llonua the (ileal uml IVt.lWiae. - hut becuuM- tniir mum lea act i0 aore doea not mean lb it vou are out of condition." Waancr It plied. "When 'you play baaketliull . u u.e different iiiuai lea of your butiy than you do 1 when you are play Iiir baaebuil. uf jt oulne, when you hi. nt play iur ball in the aprihK uruiii Ihcae imum le xcl u mi aore. nut thai wears on alter the lira! few duya practice "I know u lot of il.ieia who da not take any exeiclae iluuiii; the winter time. They make a hiK inihtake in doltiR thia. Traimna in the apriuij provea hard on th. in. "Manuaar lioblm will curry twenty men Headline. That h the wuy a lot of ItianuRera feel aliout it and I till loud acelna Woeluliy heuvy. In N'ew Yoik. If it hailn t been for the National league Ihe me tropolit Would never have hail u pennant The American leuRiiera haven l done anything to add to the glory of Goth am. In Philadelphia. If It hadn't been for the Anient nil league the Hnooxu ville faiia would atlll he panting for u flag with ull unaatiafied louaitiit The Nat lunula huve never vanktd the hunting lu the Jlcv olutionury capi tal. The National leugue la atiirtiinc ila (hilly -nlnlli year. The AiueiKun leuiiue Ua fifteenth. In the American leanue Philadel phin hua won the flag five timea. i hl- lam five Ilinea, lioaton three Itmea and lH'troit three tlmca. Cleveland. WaahliiKton, Ht. I.ouia and New York have yet to put a winner over. In the Nntlonul leaitue Chliaui, haa woo tep .lemmata, lioaton t-ikltt. New York seven. Pltiahtimh four, Urook lyn three, llaltlniore three. Provi dence two nnd lieirolt .me. Cincin nati. Philadelphia and Hi. I.cuta have Ht to win a National lianue fluu Waller PlpP. a recruit ftrat haae- mun uf the I igera, haa been rclcaaetl to the Ida heater c lub of the Interna llonul league. under Ihe optiunul agreement cluuae Are) f'olila 4'aUlilng? It Is (lulilied that nioat (olila s ditching aa nieaales and that on ahuuld avuitl the aaaoi-iallon of any one who haa a fold. Never pi nu t anyone who haa a fold to klaa your child. Avoid crowded curs and poorly ventilated aleeping rnoma Then when you take a cold, get rid of It as iiulckly aa poaaihie Cham herlaln'a Cough Itemedy uaed aa di rected will enable you to throw II oft 'iiiilrkly anil permanently. That preparation alwaya curia and it pleaaant and safe to lake. For sale ly sll drugglats. TORRES BOUT HAS FANS UT FEVER HEAT Delegation Clamors for Albu buquerque Referee; Many Ladies Expected at the Bat tle; Odds on Torres. Tori-fa nml H li,.i f. r will to.lnv , iltiiah trainlliK fm I lo ir ten-round I hunt at the Klk"' tlnairr tomorrow) niKht. Ilolh me m perfei I ahoi rlahi now for n oai iini;, uml wlo li they iuil ronilltiiiiinu Ihey will lie 1 on ede for the , 1 ol lea will clone hia li illiiui! IIiik ufteruoon at the New Mexico i'. RvmniiMum with Hob I'.rnhaio Youhk Hulll vaii. Hi hurfer will vviml up hia work tonlaht nl the itv u i, ii-iinu. Illterext lillloliR tin- tana in the limit in lm reualiii: in lurilditv. A lot of tieta have been made, and mora money will la up hi l.,re toifiorrnvv niylit. Torrea la a i-mi; lit (uvorite In the hetllliX. I Alter IMieclor Jink Levy thouxht he had I ili ml u m itli nu ut to thu li feiiT lineal ion " t 1 . i ulteinoon, ' the choir,, of Ihinl in in in the rim; went Kiralaht up in Hie air. A dele-aatu-n of faua n 1 1-. I on the implea- 'aarlo and limed I in to i k an Al- li'iiiuei'iiiie man. .) , k ii'l.eary, i im iiK'i of .lefT ('laii. . an Xn rlciiii d and iiiitalily fulr n t n c. had ulteady laureed, with the ai'iuovul of ln.t h liKhlei-i and their in mat-era. to ref eree the limit The kn k of the I. ma nerved to -1 1 n l i li . , i ii'lauiy. wh'i waan't Jinxiotia to i.t'tu late, and nlao aerved to fllmlnni,- Joe Knorr. "he lattir haa flally il,- lined to Pave finthitiic to du Willi the referee Joh. Inieviur l-vy la in li"pc of indui iiiit a prominent .Mliuu m r im an to ilu into the arena with the liov a. Home i nte aideration ia heln-' xixeii to the poal liility of hiivliiK (In- omit governed and di t illed by thin judge--. IjiiIuh are Invited to iittend tin- fiahl Nuinliera : iii'iuiilea ua to x, vv ould he lol id (hat it Ko,,ti, ihe feminine f.inj whether tin- fair mitted haa indii reprehentiit loll of will he on hand. Tickeia to the livh: wt-ra pl.o t-d ale today. liefor,- a ticket Witfr on of- d I'litrli.r lA-y lad received ROLLED THIS EVENING A apeflal acri.a will he lolled t.-nlxl-t by I'all.i'l no a Colli and Weid- I inuer a Hpeci'ilfl at the luumnier al leys. The lluti In i won three sumoa in Ihe city Icaau" laat nlKht (mm Hi" haiikera. Hi' int. of liio Hut' hell, waa hull man with 243. There Ik ki t n Interest amonx the bovvlera l.f the t II y ill Ihe filial! be tween the Coll- and We id.itae r' i.m ber auiaaliei I. Weldiuucr ! the in- liividtlal leat I e I of the I'ltv le.itfllu ! and the Ct.llt- ire ie.i.l.nt; team I. a . Boys Clothing We have a complete line of all wool Boys Knicker bocker suits, some with two pairs of trousers, age 5 to 17 years. $5.00 to $10.00 the Suit. BOYS' WASH SUITS AT A SAVING TO YOU OF 20 PER CENT. Mail Orders Promptly Filled E. L. Washburn Company 14 . Another Good One Best of Them All ELKS' THEATER APR?LayN-i8.ht23rd EI01IT-TH1RTY O'CLOCK lO - Round Bout -lO Harry OF CHEYENNE, WYOMING. VERSUS. OF ALBUQUERQUE PRELIMINARIEvS YOUNG SULLIVAN OF DENVER VS. YOUNG DURAN OF OLD ALBUQUERQUE SIX ROUNDS CURTAIN RAISER: iSDDIE ROADES VS. PATSY CLINE, 6 ROUNDS PRICES: Lower Fbor $1.00 and 75c Balcony, first three rows $1; back of third row 75c RINGSIDE $1.50 TICKETS seats on sale at cigar stands and leading cafes. Exchange tickets at Matron's. Ihe ladies are especially invited and assured of the most courteous treatment. WeidliiKer hua bi-eii rolhnR with tlie i-flts, but he la Olltaltle Ihe Colt told now. mid i keen oil amearinir defeat ull over Nuk l'alladinoa coiiibin.i tioii. Thla la Weidiiiaei a team V. Wll ami. J. Wilaon. I. ml. a. euliiiRep and t.ih. They ale all huaky woml- i ihoppeia. and then lire thoae who wonhln t be u mile aurprlaed If the baxue leatli r were roiu-tl by t lie i halleimera. 'Ihe tcuma have h una up a Mibalaiilial purse to Ic'.nl atieiiMlh to their amiiMlii H uml kit tmoa to then cv i n. NO TEAM IN TENNIS TOURNEY FROM HERE Time ,h Pith- likelihood that I he Uini'.a club will he represented at ih" tournament al I'lioenix thia year Set letliry lialohl It .fainlmni .:ul lo ,l.t y that tin- toko il i .tndlilaica f"r m, Albii.ju i,iic tt'itm net mi d to he l., i. .iih with v. iti. nix other all hi-' to hold out much hope that they muht be libit- to itpri-Mtil i he city ai ilu tourney. MORIUARY I'lllicral of li. u-. The funeral ol Mn, Meli..i Y.tlea. whose tleath ottutletl l'.tlh th I li-ti 1 1 1 it will lake (lite I . i i l row uf lerniiou at .' ii rltt' k al the .-troln! chapel. lid 1' I .. . n ii t e 1 1 . i 'V of fe InliliR I lit t rn ..II Kill be in Kall V lew ccmetel-'. Ml. Viilot anil h'-l t.iinilv wile leHitOiii- , At'iauut r i ' for many civ 'i'bc h-ni.tlii. 1,10 lo -I thia citv l)ii in t i ri 1 1 1 a: . act omimiie i bv I he lr . ml A "h a lol : "U ' tit o k 1 1 le l e nl.-.. yiirvi.e 1'uiiornl of ll.-urv ampl. Tile (lineliil ot Ihe I. lie Itclllv I'alii- pi. vv Iiom it. ittli oreiiricd S'liuta.i will lake pl.i' c I. until I ow nil. 111. ."ii at I i.i lock Iroiii the Htroiig ill up. I. l;n lalwanl I' liui'b r of ihe I. in In I a u i httrch ufti latma The i erv i.e will lie under direction of the i ir.ler of UikIi ii. tin- Itnlue at I ml. pi iiilem e. Kan. Iiuviiik uiraiiut'l !" Ihe funeral In re, ilei ea-o d h iv in been a member of the Indepcndcuti: i huplc r of that in tier. The HERALD Want Ads get the best results. GOVERNMENT WAITS (Colitiiluctl from pane Two ) nt.iletl that lelearal'h wirea fin in Mn tco City to Vera Cms were cut ea terduv, would proiiaolv ucioum for Ihe lai k of mloi m.itioti Hcrcturv- lran. woitig to tn While lloiixe nl 1 la. aabl he had if lelvetl mi Word from i'Ii'Hi i iMlaualliiew-v Mi.ce M"ililic. Tin laat iiii-aeaue from Mem, o t'tty t utu from the American roin-ul I. itv Tuca day forenoon. AIIMV IIOMIII III 1 (lMIIMix UIT(lt IK Ol' KMIII!( WaahliiRtoii. April 22 It waa re ported here late today that the army and navy hoard hud rc.-omme ndad the restoration of the embargo on B I Shaffer iiiiih ut the Mi vu an border ami that the imititr h.ul been taken up with H, tttaiv I' Alio now haa II un der i-"l1ttit'l u t iou. 4'ITII Ns MlMi HOI'.IH I! XMt III I P l ll'IM (.MtltlMIN Wahml'Ui, April ' i.i 1 1 isnit bit received a number of n I pin at from citizen of border town. api'i aPni; for prolei tmii atlii!lt't piif-:ie .ittarkH from till MeXl'illl HI'le. 'file hetlelnrv hua le-f'-rtt-il all of Ihe.-te I'ltMlllluniealliillH t' IMi-w. im I'tilntnali'l of t he bnliit r pull !. le.uiny tu bis tltaere tlt'ti the tli.,,-itt"ii of tlie forme phi .iiiia r ki-.iii.i:ti.m ii itv m:s - iu.111 ii ).it i ii W.i-h.iinl"!!. Apiif "I m Mint-. I lllhly snirv.' Wele I'leaidcllt il- M'tl K li( vvorda when lit " is of b'SN : ; !tfi in taking era I'liiin ln-i leic httl him. Tod. tv Ihe pi cxaifit v.i i-.'1 ami di.-lie.irtencil An he WUlKt.l :."Wlv I'l tlK l.fli thltiUKtl lh. 'A hi'e H iilfe biM head vvai. Imwed .tl 'I hit lace ,i ttlitl in tieep fcclintf .tli'l .1,1' Hi. iii i it r lkt I I II llt l. (IP (l . l I.IIMs "li A I'l il 2 2 1 1 in I la It. in In I im, tl M il. to w il'i 'li I I Sua 'li lint ' - , lot I i- j ielik-,,.,1 tvv eb II I h.ll K tl; i I'f ult t'K at .' ' M- o I :l v tl In le eai b l".l.i "ii 'I his ia U I. ii. i Ii 1 1 1 I ill' all' I, i, l .-tl. ha 1., 1 I" Il .'I- Muaru ( iillcd Home. ,, -h mr i ..ii. Apiil b . I c tl A fl a . I I n A ia.l 1 .1 . I e .. I Ii I' .I St. i lt. haa been ,i t 11 1. I t i it. I c.U -t h:a p Jin., al. ililt. I I" .-tn.. I .1 , ,p,'il- ' I "in let f . n l'.. w i ir 1 1 1 itipni niiii i ii i k.i i mi l- or xt xre V .i-bi'..-l"ll. Apto J.'. - .M .J.f Ce il il Wli.ialll Wt'l lleli' t". I iv .a- - nit i ha duiiea ai t Ii iff (,f etaT ol th.- aim., auc. ectliiiR .Majot liemi.t I ' 1.1 U I t Il -Mil I bail I'. .i s, te.l I-, be comma tub r '.' i. i'f of Ihe aiiny in the event i! - it it. Mclll Into Mexi o. lie had be. h'V- isaianetl to ciuiim ind of Mi' VilHiic iinlKjou with'iii'ti I -IV at Cm n hot a laluml. N Y, bltl the ,,1'lei. i., lhat effect were i ml -, pt .1 . Hie lenilt of tlev e li.pmenta In Mn ..iloral Wood relinqillalltl hix dulut ,s t ho f t'f al Iff Ut mi.ltllUhl last iimIi I1. Il.i4 utl.inscil to leave for TcX.i i ilv if uetetraly to lake " lotoiniii'l of ihe liiiitar opi'iu!;..n4 111 trial lll. trier. l.euelil) Hush I. H ott, uiil:l recently in ton. muni ot ..lean at Cott lili-a. Tt x i. I", I. it b. riit- itKi.ihl.llit tlilel of I't i.i Ihe .il ill X all'-' II illti,! Cel. .-Ill Wot herapuon. ICItll. Vltill.s I I ll I'Olt l MI S IV 1 in: IMP. HI l. V I 1-1 Y I'ul.x.o, CI April 22 - -Willi a tr,..,p ef Aincrii an cavaliymeti on tin- alert wtth'n a abort diamine of Ihe harri.cka of I lie Men. all lluerta v.i of liiKi men. people along 'he liilci mil ioiia 1. 1. liter were ialm- I ti ilav. Hut lai w here In Ihe Im perial valley, ranchers whose nil da pi mla on the mfelv of the Irrigation iniukea on (he Mexican slda ot tha I 'U Itmu.ncd apl'Ktional-'a. peaplte iH 1 1 r:i it- ft ft- ttl I'm ii, i trn m;.n1n.r Ihr Vex nn ff ii rt-nn 'if Vvii 1. 1 Hint ho woi:ld pi ( I tha ii 'n- .t inn ayatrm. they nu t tu,l t d 11 V'dlllileir f,,l,e tn n . I w th ihe I'niie.; H'.iit-a itt iiliy h c.'-i of an f met neeicy. l'oone cantii, tha Met'i an m.tnih-r hel'l oa men lotl.iv withi'i their for'lfl.itiona. which mnun' tvio maili'iu- liiiua. If he doea not pt'ot' i t t lit irrigation ayMtem it lie m ta.ilV fur the- I ultt'il H'.alca ItTcea to patrol fifleen III l U-t ot BASEBALL M'liltl.S hot off I lie wire-. Mi l lilt I I Mill I'Mtl ott a- i HARLEY DAVIDSON 'I win T-SMf(l J f Ik the holder of tha vvnrld'a 4 1? 7-iiniir Hpecd ami lanluluine I liecorl i III. KHUN l:TKII J 2IH K. Sl-llil M. i . It LUMBER & BUILDERS' MP PI. IKK I iM.I.Mknlai ..! ll..tNll 4 t Albuquerque Lumber Co. 42:1 orili 11h Strut - 5 I AT TrMiMJO I PURE ICE CREAM 511 E. Central Phone 507 t 4.4.444.44.4.4. i:( l,M TI(I Ol' Pl.yM ltK IIOMt- MADK BREAD aiwava greeta the aliiht of one of out loaves uf llrend. but thla is as noth ing to the et tarnations of deliRht that follow Ihe tlrat tunic of it. Ynit will appreciate thn ".rat hltn, and want alien after slice of It. Yet It Is as natlafvimt .iiul tilling aa It la pure and win en. una. Alter thn fire louf jrou will avvnya order It If you are a lovor of good bread. PIONEER BAKERY SOT Moult, lint 84. Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. General Planing Mill 3rd and Marquette Phone 8 THE E0M0NDS0N ELECTRICAL COMPANY i i.i;t-rui i, M it (Toiia AMI I.M.IM I Iin JUT I. at! ( cmrtl Ave. iM aler In Everything Electrical Motor Ucpali-, nml l.r'clrh ul Wiling s..t. -tied, (.el our uiii- on Wittli.g house Mada liiniia. r4444444444-4-444-. 9 For the best GALLUP COAL MOUNTAIN WOOD and KINDLING Phone 912 HUGH TROTTER We have a compute Hue of VM Paper and Puint Can du your work on nilnuias notice. c. r.. qtikr. 325 S. 2ml HI. I -h. mo TIT. (. D, EfllhlOllS New and Ststunl ll.iti.l urtil lint. Itlli I ir ii Cal'lm-la ill wiiil il 1 1. In- it-x, anil up. Hi W. tiohl. Phono g4. KODAKERS We will devel.. any Kiatuk ttlui .r HM-. IHiT t illli STI'IHO IIS UVoulli beavnd M. 7 JJ t : t