Newspaper Page Text
Ill THE EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N H.t WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 19 14. i T J 1 I -v se--J T f -. i uuoy b 4, i PECOS VALLEY WILL E BIG APPLE Roswell Reports th" Outlook to lit the Best in R?ccnt Years With Safety of the Fruit Assured. I! 1-1. it I l,c !'. V M . Apnl I"' In- a liatit.t far r "H t .'II. V . l 1 I IV ..I II'. v.i!l. In rn Lr ti-lil. r , I., f. h.i ii int III I 'i i II, I,,-!,. J'fMHI'f IM I I nil I ll In t i lailtiv t h IM l I .1 T i . T'H' l.iK l'H I" It'- ill ii'il .. i . i- in a I' i III I IIIHllH ii lu-r no il ami I In nil. ; Ic , luatl I ill.'V l!..:Hl! to i Tin Ir.'i n all iiu r i.l' 'I. Ill !y ll" On. till. 'I.' I"'i 'I ' il. Ill If,.li brum I hit I nuini' i.f hi hnr.MfiiM are I k It I. I'll! 1.1 M.'lll.' l'H' til Hut" u niri .f llii' . n.i uli.ikt-n i.fT I., erne I hi- lifiilm This fin t In n .1 inn- tur I'lilv n small antlim i.f lu' valley Inn luldn .ih In ivi-iy 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 . . it it ft til.) li.i' I grown Not uiily In the ii' li. i. It in iiliun.l.ini .. liul ulan thf n in h, tha pear. . lu rry and .!iiin. S..11111 of the I'l'iii hi M In tin. pi.uthi rn part of ihn vnllrt arc killed, Imt there iin. sinl i-ii.nitli r.-tn nnlng tn ii i i l v ii I market. run Tin. ilrni spraying week mill I ntlll ( Ii week. Thi- plan in t 'im tlniiK It -t i .illtllllli'il IhlH ii.r.iy hi li'nnt tunes ninl in hi. tin- instances flvo or wl limes. Wild thin hiIiim i.i pro. Icct lln imp look. Inii mil, fur thins: thai will limki' thr nlil heart tin (J. While I Ii Im Ih tn we hate cur i.ihfr things better In- tin- I.i nl kiinun. us In nil iitnl uri'HtiT rt.ivii yi'.ir iil.itip tlu-ru lire In riniH". Tint ban hi'in planted t u t hiillnllllll lirri! of in.iv un hurt!. Thr IhiuihI t. I In (In. i-nuiily- Hi,. Sin, urn r nr. Imr.1, nf Mill Hi'ri-n h.m Juki lii'i ii i';li-lr I. 1'.i-f..ri' Ihp ihIm nt i.f tin- mi hurt) th-i Mini mum nr hunl. rmiiiirlHln t 41(1 ncri-K. wan I m- lartii-nt anil mml I'lnlllaiili' iiiir In the mull- Imt mn:i thin ntui will In. fnrreil Into nornnif I'lin-p. Willi wh hurt ln-i-n pl niti'tl Huh yiiir lhi nliy li.t- art :i..ri.ic liiiali. a Inial iirri iiur. r.t r, .lino u. rtH. ROY MAN WATERS HIS HORSES WITH POISON; MEANT FOR PRAIRIE DOGS liny. X. M, A (.til :'l.-.l.ii. Alli-n. nf Knliiiiii. nii-i HUh a nrliiui lisB iihk wiik. llf limn' tn l.ii 'inti I'atiyi.ii 111 VIHll ll.lll l .l.l IIII'I, lliiilmg Ihry aa linnm h,- i-l.''i-il fm u I ii in h ami in (.id Ins I, -11111. II,- fnilllll all III, I I lln to fi-i-tl thi' llnl.l.'t In ami l.ll till- May In, III,. Imth IIIIII1111IA lii-iaiiiR ill ami ,,ni. ,, tin. in tin., I. In. hill. will thin 1 hi tun Ii. "I I i i 11 umi',1 tn pri I'i.ih .ii .i.iiiii InKn n ml Hir hniKi-H .-.iii n 111,111.' nf the ,. .Is.. 11. It Ii a hi ri.niH Ini-n f..r Mr. Allen ami a tu rel 1.1 I.I- 1 nli nv Tilt) fall i.r III, ,il utc f lad- has llrixett the w hi m 1 r..i tn the lit 't Hhn IIik ie I111' i e I I HI -en t ll IH i lll' The 11. leave h laruer Until He ll n! if il.. il .mil ih,. iiH.i-tt ..r u ri" III rn.l nf Wlllll Vt. IH lifter l.elltr than rmhi imw. Thn- imiiiiry Iik Inter Initl .1 rial try -1 . 1 1 1 f..r ttlieat Inn II h.lH III lile II K11111I Hln.Wl'IK t'tfll Willi the rmiuli ni" k 1111 Ihi.ils e I1.1 . llllnl'leil lure. Willi the r it I.f kiln I i.f f .1 Mil I ri V thlH i-i.nlitrt tt ill he 1 Wheal '. .11111 ry IIH Hllt 1 ei-Htill ill Kalll.ll nr 1 ik 1. 1I1. .11, u heHKle In iiik aii titi I'lii.tletl ilnny .niintiy. t. r. TWM S. M. It. Kpei-lnllnt In I'tp, Vmt. Nim nml Ttirtiat. Capital Cily Hunk Hull, Unit, rhune li-J. Pnnlii Fe, N. tla f-iHii :urnie. M. inii i i, itoYi ii: I'XDKIl M-:V MANAUKMKXT. "Ttlixi i Salevmi'M. 11 Vina . . , w Mi-i. 1 CROP THIS YEAR Blood Trouble Often 'k A Puzzling Question His SKrcKng Power of a ths Worst Thousand Hut Solved It With . Tl la HHP Irniwii It. si II.- r' rm i f ,itl ctlmril' rn sri- I, aunt In Ihi- uillmt,- ,,N .fl i,f lUe 11-M.tie llln. il..-ir mil be . . n uliil Ihroujiii a i..erf,il uu. r..-ie At,i it u la iii.-im- in. h h. a ..en i., ttih rain, lit iff.. .i-.jr ami wuli uoJ. rf,i,l t.,t I-, r-ii,ls linn inn,",,ti I, I, d .-trln.'r rnniMius nin dli liinl i ..iiiiK.iieuTn vital suit ftMLIinl Im In-H'tii .,i,-J Tli.rr In i-iie In a N g which ftertes Hie milt.. pt,.,.Hi ,.f ntlinulntilig emh i-el;,t!ltr part ,,f ll, l.tnlr tn II; if-aiHiy ami liul-i-tnun ,.f Its owa etitinl uiitrii.i-nl 'l i st I, w l-y It r-gti'rsl-a Hie I... ,,,) t. ; wliv ll l.a e.i.-li a lr.-meei...i, irniu, iu. in v-ri..iiili,g rm. ii.a. tail,. ,!iiil- all Mliin afff il'.lia. liuwutalbat, 11 Uiivat, mtl tjvs, itjea yi Live News TORRANCE CGUNTY flOT GUILTY Three Commissioners Declared Not Subject to Removal from Office After Hearing Before Judge Richardson. ' I toilet llll Ill-lull, ll In 'I'll.. II. fill, I 1 i:.'k. M. N M .i,l I.,. mm ' nil. .1.1. I.ll.l.i'i" ..l I .ttnl Jll.lll J I 'i iirt.' Hi. In-, iiuiitv t'..iiiiiiiSNii.ii rt i.i i i. iiniv tttic uni ii ,i tit- In I ff imt li'iiliv mill, i mi. iin IH.IIX lll'lll III! .".Ill Inn. ....i iii Hu ll I.I I ii : I hi" i it i! ii I i .. 1 1 hi i. lit .iiMitiM llli'lll by Id.. !.,!,. i n inm,. tin ii, fr.illl Ullli l- Till- ,i'il-grd !', I, III .-i ll ll- , .Hi.i iii iiii-i-i i.r 1 1 i 1 1 . jii.iui. ui. init-'t- ..ll W ll.l If! Kill. 'I. Illlt H'.IKllllln , 1 1 - - tli-iiiurii il. ni i' n t'U'llI tn elh, i-ih ll .. n tit I by til.- ll fi lial. In l,. , -, . ting tin' - iiIi iii ,. Mini iiiHiith. warrant tin- removal t.f ilm Thi- . i.nrt ban nut cl .:tnMi i M'.iit si i.f tin il.lniiil.nitH i Ll I l l I1HI 11 I I'll I'll III V ll.illllll i. Hire. IMstrnl At Will It-.t 1 the caso hi' ll l Mill'. itaa In Ml K It t IllTe liy illative lif DRILLING FOR WATER ON BIG SCALE STARTS AT ALAM0G0RDO Alaiiinmir.ln, X. M . April 21.- llilll lleiiil ami K. W. Knell enin 11, 1 1:1 eil uiiliuiiiliiK M.'ii.lay ninrnlim u iuer ttt.'ll 1I111I111K ilunl, will. 11 (hey will nt nm e pin into nervier- in lh itrraiiiiiit.i alley. Thn plain will rii t the larni nf AiiimihI K It t Im-r, nliniil 1. tie mll 11111th nf the i lly. Th" men will In Kin wm k elu k 1 11 k a welt fur Ih,. liiHlal ill,, n uf a luuil kailuli puiiiii. run plant. .MenrlH. llellil unit Knell hllVI I'o.t irai iH Inr neu ral more welln uml will Hi lik llii iii iih fadt an i.iihhIIiIo. Krnlll Pn-Hint nl.HerttttiiinH, they think tint they ran hring In a well ,.iu Ii week .'ir HI .lit it. Tiny have been npeiHiin? fur Ihn pHHt eur or two In t'lnhuiiliuH, Mi xii 11. uml -rt that eouniry 011 no i niiiil nf I ho exiitlng t rntinl. it, l.lllMMJI l IiiiHhI I 'III III. f'nl. W. It. Knlsnn, manaKir nf lh Alaimitinrilu 1 111 rnt etui 111 r.iiii,an", will In Kill I he liiHlalallnn 1 1) Ih next Week nf it piniipiiiK plant in Hie well ilrillttl rett-nily near the lniii;ite lor the hlimt. TlilH plant will I r aln mt inn Kail. nut . I 1 . 1 1 uml will he lIM'tt Inr ilet eh. pine 11 irint nf the rum pa 11 y 11 I it ml . Thn 1 nmpatiy will nmne lllll.- Himn have nlllet illn .llnllj mill platllH I iiki n 1 : COMMENCEMENT AT TULAROSA SCHOOL TuIiH.m. X. ,M., April The .minii in i im-nt exert 1h.-h nf tu- Tul i r, ptilill h- In, nls will In- li.-l l Sin, lay. April i'liih. The exerelHen will ti. . ii py fniir davn, eiiiii'liiilitiK Thuia ilay tt lif ii t r. Frank II II H..lierlH, pii in nf 'he jt Veil in N' hi Iii n , will ililutr the i .iiiiiih-in e- M.flll a.lilri HH. !al. y i tittinK him .il-i-ll In priikrein In aiin-e Mmnlav. April 13. I an .,u that Hruthrr I'uliliHhi-r, w 1 1 hi u I i-atrliHj-ly liiaitdiiiK the Iruih.' The Haul harley iiu-.iniri il 33 im lie, n it im I ii.l i rm Urn he ir.l. QUAY COUNTY TOWNS GET PHONE LINE ,iii"f. Qiinv A kin. ml I 'ninny, X. lllfrtlhK 'f M . Apr-I l-lli.flH 14 ttl lliHI IIHH :i.- Iii n, the w n Ii l,u II The with ie held here Saturday iu Hon i-f iteitinK ennnetl inn the teleplimii line nuw heiitt; In many purlH nf (iiiMy rminty, ilium prnpte In eunnei-t the rural lute now Inllik limit fit. in t Quay. tit ry In Jnr'l.tii, KiiKlainl and llni-ae Kin n i mf--J. Kurher A Co. Hlut kHiiiithiiiH liuiu.line Kniiiiicx. Great Remedy l "ft"re Ridd'a. w.-lirtif. tliln pale berks, and Ihst rl- a. i.f iiin. I- ami n.-rv. la generHliy ilrl,-ui.d ly all stiB.-rers wub p,.iaied bl'-.l l.ii s bnllle nf H K a. si sny drug,-. Slut IU S ft nr llrtla )i,il will If. I ouir f.i-l bright, Slul rtii-ril'lli', but full will be ine pl. im t.f nrw lil,-. f H i prrpsred ily In tha Ishnrs nr t uf lln- Half! Si, ill.- '... '.'.'I lwlft It 'lil . Annuls tin , wliu maintain s ?l i nn i. at Mi.ii. si i-.srtiiiHil, tw r all ! bare aay bi-HMl dianrder ef a stiibbora aslnra msy wrlla fraely fnr adTli-a. M. M. a. Is snld trrrywbi-r If all drug at. .ra. Hewsre nf sil atieruiits la sell sua sum. (iUq "Jual (iMd, ' iall ufv . a. ai OFFICERS FOU s. . of the Sunshine State H00D0 SEEMS TO FOLLOW OIL Enough Hard Luck Experi enced by Prospectors at Carlsbad to Make the Aver age Man Quit. I'al'lHliaiT. . M , A pl II L' I The nil ilillleiH in the ('ihIhIiiiiI illHlritt h.itc met I'lmiiKli I, ml lin k 1.1 ir their mil1", ll ih iih if ftnhle UHHi-eli KUHItlian nl Hit- wi. 1I1I1 hltlili-ii ln-lnw Han t .1 1 1 11 .11 1 In. ililtl. nlil. p,,tHil.e In the wiiy t f linn IrtitiH In le.nh the nil. tmt 111. re mi tlie leiiHi-i of the l'irlni,l I'll an,' 1 inn miiipnny ihliik a'ler the nt lur ha hiippetieil it 11 ni, itt ilny up pan-in re -ii While ilrilliiin in ifl liiiilel htl the ilrill nlein Hmippi-d A hiuKer nut. it an hrmmht In II it I y Itinl It In i 11 ilrnppi il 111I11 the In. It- w hen It Itrnke. fr'o they Hxeil uml ftt,J 1 'a -in it muck nml Int liutm Hn thi hoi,, wan left ami 11 new title alumni. Then the mime nlil Htnry all over iiKiiin. Imt the In, It- ih nnw i lenr ami K.itiir.lav the ilrill Jnnt .imetl in ilr.'p rmhi tlnwn. lulilnn a hiiiulrel let-t in a iay. yeniiltir Aiiilrewta. Ih-pri-Hiilint nf the inmpiiny. in im t.'ia (imiiiitl unn he never iiiita. Kterv Ihinit Ih In nhiip,. junt nnw ami 11,1 further im utile in expe. t.'il. The hn'e wan n a Imut Mm feet when the ilrill H,iiiet wmk Saturiliiy nluht. The lliirtfnril penple wi t nf tnwri Lint all their limln In the flrt hnc. Nnw their Innl.t lire hiinv In the new In, If nml it I 11 trtlnn. tunc. BRIIER SAYS THE PECOS VALLEY LOOKS FINE Santa Fe Traffic Manager Pleased With Development of Irrigation Around Carls bad. Carlnhud. X. M.. April 21 "The I'ei-un t alley belter Ulan I eve iw ll," k.ih J Hrinki r. trallii iiimi Ker nf the Simla Ke, hit made the trip fiuin Himnell t,, c.irlH.iad by ail' i today. .Mr. Ilrinker ban a llalilt i vlMtmic ,-very town frmn time In lime In learn II rat hunt) Imw the talley m itdtamit.K. lie la unually aii'miipnit- le.l by Tiavillnij I'anHeime Aitelit T. A i;.tl aln r and Ini-itlunially thet Ih.ik Ini.i tarn. tin matters thai need a.i JiiHtiiiK im the trip today the rail .a.i ,.mi, lam were in rnurku of J.ime' Triinliiill, the in iiiiiuer of the Itogyti il hriui Kxt-lianiii. Mr. Ilrinker wax Im pri-HM-il with the better mttlmdn ai baieni in fin iiiiuk. The on hnrdn nr! n-ieitliiK b.iier t.ire aa well ua other trnpH. Hetter ayHti-m of marketiiia; Ih he iiik it.ii.iweii," .Mr Hrinkir aaltl. "In the pant aoine of the crnp hate not proved pr.,lli.ilile tici-aiiae of unaatia f n inry ineihoila of finding a inarke' i ma una iieen true oi me t nla,,ii,e i rui iih an lnnlam e. Hut thin In lu-in r. ini-illed. Mt year muny failed in iiuikn any mnney out of their eiinia- lmipi a. Hut tilt ho men have leurnt a leHnii untl have nlno cri-uii-il u de iiiand fur valley i anlalmipen mid thin .Mar they will tin oelter. Another thliiR that ImpreHHeH ine la the fact tlllll tile Pi Y alley on H.'.nlint ot eliinaiir- rnnditlonn la more enpei'lally adapted In eropa that hut little com- petlilnn and na n rule aell at a hli Irlre mi iiii'mini of extra tjuiilliy." Mr. Ilrinker hud a tonferenie wii.t Frani ia (i. Trat y, Ihe preniilenl nf tn f'nmmeri ial clutt and later met n number of Ihe leartir. bunlnenn men like Jnhn It. Joyce. Huvirnor Xleniils. A. J. Muzxy and oiliern CLAYTON TO ENTERTAIN THREE LIVE GOVERNORS Cliiylmi. .V. M . April 1 . Tuentiay, May ,'ilh, will be a hi day In l'liiion. tjotermir Mcl i,,na 1,1 nf New Mexli'n, (iovi-rhur Aminuiia of I'ulurHiln, and Coverimr Cubiuili nf Texan are lo lie the giiffla nf the liatew.iy City on that day. ilutertiura MiTimuiltl and An iiii.nn will arrive frum the nnrin riming ih furenunn. t la automobile, at . uiiii'Miit init the ('nlurndu-to-ine- Culf Suiliihllliy Tour, liuvernor Col- iiuilt wl.l he hrmight frum Texlina In iiii'i-t thi-m in thin tin. Imrir Die urteriiiiun Claytun will virtually be the i ap Hal of three great alalft, allh.iiiuh only one neiuiite, ciover Imr M, I "l,iilil, will be i.renent In bin own Hlate. Outernnr M' Unnuld ami AliiinuliH will It ate Clayinn tall III .'. :in nmlh bnuml train, while Hot, erinir t'u.Uitt will at 'mini, any Ihd tuurlHtn m, ui h i,n their Journey thruiiKh Trxaa BISHOP H0WDEN TO VISIT SAN JUAN COUNTY ON SUNDAY Fariniiigimi, X. M . April IS. mi iMi.r In Ihe I ttl e mm h Intel Hiahnp Ki-ndrick waa elected al Ihe last general convention i.f ihe Kim. copal i-hur. h, wbli h met III New Vurg In at fall, in ihe person of Hi. Itev. Frederick It. Il.iwjli-n. who waa lli-n Ihe recti. r i.f St lieurgr'e church in Wulilngioii. II. l Hihoi llnwdeii came tn hi new fl-l'l in .Hiiiuiiry l.tsl, imikiny It is htsd- OR LLEBS 'iniiriern ln Alini,iieriiir. Ulnep tint lime he Iiiih linn Iiiihv tnakiiiir tlmti 11. .iih to h1 tin. 1 hurt he nf thn ilm. ee, hihI will . In HI. Jnhii ihtirih, Kurniinmm. Huniluy, Ap'U '.''iih, In Hilmim-ii r i mifli inallmi, mtikn Hie ai'.iiiiiinliiii- nf Una net linn ot hia tilHl diinitie. mill In inernee Ihn t t, mill inn nr Huh 1 hun h, tie will lie in i niiipitlilt-il ,v In-an Hinltli nf llj fiiiiKii, In wh"f ileniiery Nun J 11 ill itiiinly. New Mi'imi, in itttai heil. Her tnea on that day will be anmiiiiircil next week A rerrplinn will he temlereil lllnhni llnttili-n al lliinier a hull Hnturil iv teiilng, April : .Hi. tn whit h the nih. lu- In toll) In 1 1 im ued. FROM LOflG TOUR OF State Superintendent Seven Counties and Finds1 Schools in Flourishing1 Con dition. FIVE C0UNTIE3 READY TO BUILD HIGH SCHOOLS (awelal Otasairh ta knewtaai flersl41 Santa Ke, X. i.i , April 22 Hlato iluperlnlendet nf Public Inalruition AlUn X. White returned today from n nt hunl vinltlnK trip in whb h he ha t overeil art en cnuntlea ami vlnlt -.1 Hi-ti ral huntlred at hoola. He relurna w ith a report - vhnI ailt nn, emriit In the rummnn iinnla of thene t'ountle ami ia highly encnumned over the pmnpeotn of nlu.'ntlnnal adviinrrmeni In the atnte. A tery large number ot pi'plln are ailt.mring to hitth athntl fiatli- thta year and In five t-ounllei, Kiionetelt. Iternnlillii, Vali nt !a. I'nmn ami ijuay. eleititina have been rallei to vote on County high aehnnl r lal llHhmenta. -Mr. White thlnka ull will inrrjr. Vela ;Ha tnernni'Tit lollliii. Claudiua J. Xria for Ihe pant five yeara law clerk In the I'nlled Sial -a In ml olfirc here tndny rereivnl new of hlH appointment lit he anniatant 'i. tirllor for the department of arl rulture. He will be anniKiietl In duty either at Port I.i ml nr Han Krnnrlwi. PERSONALS A regular meellng uf tin- Allnniuer- lUe Inline of .M',.l. rii .iiinillntn will be hilil tunlght in I. M. ii. V. halt for inliia'li'ii mid a Miniker. Mia. .1. A. Iteidt n-id TTina John nn1 I li'i.tHf, and lr. Iteldya in, . I her. Mm Martin liiedy, left yi-lertlay fur nil City. Henna. Hurr W Porter, a men bant nni ntni'k man ftf NMvajo, Arimna. la but', lug from AI!ui)Ueritie who'i-nale iner t'hmita tnila. Jmnen A. Porte of l.mig Hemh, Cat, in iiiakinv a buninenn and pie. in ure tint tn Albuquerque. Mr. and Mra. t harlen Clark of Flag. hihiT. Ari.nna, are Albuiiieritu,. t m Horn. Mr. i lark ia a inert hant and in (ailing mi AlbutUeriUe wbnen.iie hounen. Tim Mlnaiunary clrrle of the Haplim chiirth will meet tomorrow, Tliurailay m tern. i. ni at 3 oi liw k In Ihe i hur. h The auhjf. i tt ill b- Htiuth Amrri. An thin In the I..M mevtlng of the ,-onven-liniial year a full nltendanre la de aired. Try HERALD Want Ads, they bring results. LEO AL N0TICE3. Pit(ipiij4 itui cirv ti:yis. Si-ult-d bids will bo received for the furnlaluiig tu ih city for one year n'. three Iwo-lmra teama, Into wagnna. t lie dump wagon, hariH and driver thereof, with the privilege of ten ad ditional tt.iina, dump wagon and dritera thi-u-nf, to be furnihed when demandeil. Coiitritit in run for one year from May Uth, l .. 14. Hn lI teama to be lined fur illy pur- pun- under the direction of the attet-l ciimmlitee hix day In Ihe week, and ten houia per day, wlih Ihe privilege f one or t, teama being railed o work on Mil, -lay when dralred: aald ."unilay wmk. however, to be addition al work mid lo be paid for pro rata in Hccurilaine vith bid. K.arh and evtrry une of aaul horara to weigh at least U2" twilie hundred pminda. and the driver i Hereof to lie able bodied men cHpntilr of perfurninif the worn required. Hald bids will be opened by the city council ui ma clal or regular meeting tu be held mi r after May 4th, 1I4, ' and com rm t lu be let lo Ihe low ant and best luMi-r. I required to dep. mil J for it til twenty- Kai h l.iiMi r la a lertilled check lite d .liars WHITE BACK SCHOOLS in inaure ine good fuitnlrat't to be let to the lowest and beat or the bnl. .-aid check lo be returned when contia.'t is entered Into. The party whose old Is accepted will be ri'iuiii'd to gite bond In ti. sum of five hundred dollars condition ed for the Uuhful perlormunce uf t-- contract. Icily and aoine other person to do snl All bid tu he directed l the city perform such services, clerk and marked -Bid fot furnishing The ciy ordinance are lo be ron teams and drivers." and must be in aldered a part of this adterllaement Ihe hands u aald clerk not later lhan and all bids ahall be In accordant U o'clock iiuon, Monday, May 4. ISM. there Iih. and all duiles rtulre1 The i lly nr. nuances are tu be con- hereunder shall bs- In accordance will sldered a pari of this advertisement and subject to ihe orders of Ihe police and all htda shall be In accordance committee of Hie city council, therewith. Healed bids shall be directed to the All bids sulijert to reject Ion by the clly clerk and marked "Hlds for '"' THOMAS Ht ilHKS, Furnishing Mesls to Clly Prisoners. ' Clly Clerk. ai.d must be in Ihe hands of the city clerk mil laler than II o'clock Boon, I'ltOIHIHU-i Milt fITY MUNTIXU Monday, Msy 4, ISI4 Healed hula will be received from THOMAS III'OHFH newspapers published in Ihe cltv ol JIEGEST FLOOD OF SEASON on 11 'IM I Water Sets New Record in Rio Grande at Buckman 's Where Flow Is 3500 Second Feet Today. (Kixi'lnl Hum Ii In Tln llernlil) Hunts !, X. M , April 22.- The blKKenl llimil ,,f the M-aann la on the way iluwn the Itio (Iraluli- tmluy Al Ilm kninn'n nnrth of thla elty the r.iukc rhiiw 3 ."itiu mm i. nil feel of flow, nr wre.iirtl fur thla neiinun of the year. The Km Chimin In repnrleil mil nf biinkn ami aerlniia ilnliuiKe to lirmallmi illtihin nml brlilKen Ih lunkeil for ahuiilil there he any fur ther rlne. f'liml of t hi-mili' 'iiiiHllinilmi. "I'lir twenty jeiirn I aiilfereil Willi (hronle rmiHtlpuilnn." aaya 1. W. Iti.I.erlHt.n. of Coriluva. H I'. "In May, I Sim, i Imil iinniiineil n mure a form, renuliinii in itiiliii'tinn. 001 ER Iillea nnil neuriith''iilii. Life aeeinetl . j luirilen to me. Two fnnunm phtni VlSltS , I. inn nml one ape. ialint 11 ti all 'inelr ilrimlli- iItiikh falletl tn help me. A friend ailt ineil me In Rive I'hain- I lierluln'n Tnliletn a irlHl. whhh I (IM. anil inn pleunt il In any two litit llea of them cured, me." Kor mile liy all driiKRiata. AlblPUeriUe, XeW Mexico, fur iltv printing from May l.'i, I'M 4 lo May l'i, lDl.'i, aald bldn In be opelieil by Ihe t lly fuitnril nt apet ial or rexu' ir meeting to be held on or after May lh. 11. Kuch bidder will be required in tn clie with hia bid a fortified rhet k fur ten dnllarn ((IOO, payable l'i Ihe city to IliHiire g.iuil failh of bit. cherka to lie relumed In bidder when contract la entered Into, The prrann or turpi. rniiun lo whutn rnntrart la let will be r.-uuiri-.l I. fiiriiinh bnnd in Ihe aum uf two hun dred ilnllara ( 2'Ml.iiil), in be appruved ly the mayor and cotidltlniied fnr the faithful nerfnrmam c of the cmilrat t. Healed bldn are to he directed lu Ihe Ity clerk and marked "HIcIh fur City I'rinltng," and munt he In Ihe hand of the clerk not later lhan 13 o i l. it k noun: Monday, May 4. 1914 All hula miiat apecirv the amount to lie charged per brevier Inch fnr the flrat Inner! inn mid no milch charged for aubaeiii.-ni Inner! lima, and to be tinned on the printing of ordin.inien. prnilatnnllniia. noticea, mlniitea, el". Job work lo be on 5IMI or mnre let t p- t. .. i, a - i, , . . . . , . - ,n, iiioir rti.riir, , une-naii aneei i.ianKn nne-mim ahi-ft blank, and one-quurler nheet blankn, fnr Ihe flrat one hundred mid fnr e.irh auhnequent one hundred and all other neceaary Juh work., Illda to he baited r flrat cla ilock fnr rominercliil printing. City reaertea right to reject any and all blda. TH'MAH liniHKS. t 'Ity Clerk PHOPOHYI.M Hllt HtlllM, IMI PHt IIK Ml. f'rupnaitlx for burial of palmer dia.l In accordance with the ordinance ot ine city or AI'iuiUerque, New Mexico, w ill be re.-eived by the cuunt II of aiild city and oprned al a apeclnl or regu lar meeting lo be held on nr after Miy 4. 1HI4. All blda unlit be In ."' hallda of the city clerk not later Ulan Monday. May 4. ISM. at 1J o'clnrH noon. Certified check In the aum of 110. payable to Ihe city to I in lire good faith of bid, munt accompany bid Check to be returned lo bidder when contract In entered Into. Homi in the aum of IJ'io will te required from the iUcceHaful bidder, conditioned for Ihe faithful perform ance of the contract in accordance with city urdinance, adterllKing for l id and ronlrnci entrrig Into. Cnn triici to run one year from May 11, 1(14. Pruponnl are alio to include am bulance for aervlce fur the clly for nt h cane n may lie decided by t ru inator, marxhal or city phyirtan to, b deatltuie raaea. rropoaula alao to include adequate ambulance aervlce to and from Ihe detention honpltal whether located til J" In or without the city limn for in h i imen aa may be decided by the mayor, city .hylcan or mar'hal ft b destitute cajes. fiiy reaervea tha rial h t to reject any and all blda. THOMAS II H1 II h.-l. City Clerk. PKOIHSji 1t IKIIIINo 4 ITY PHIMINKIIK. KTC. Bculeil blda fur Ihe fui nulling of I meal to clly priaonera, taking cars of and cleaning city nltl.-e and keep ing watch at the police mat lmi during the night. In or near by to anawcr tall will be received, to be opened al a ieclal or regular meeting of Ihe clly council, on or after May 4th, ltll. Kuch bidder will be required to de posit a certified check of 110.00 tr- able to the city of Albuquerque, to Insure the good failh of the bid. che. k 0 be returned to the bidder whn contract Is entered Into. Huld con- responsible bidder at so much per meal and so much for salary. All bid subject to rejection by the city coun cil. Contract to run from May Ii, 114 to May IS, 11&. or until a now contract la entered Into between Ihe dH Clerk. Lumbago-Sciatica "Aft itMf nf ftmt f inlmnl fnr Iht I tot Sy-ar. rn Mr It Umf the hmt mm th tn'Ua.ft. t-iPn atrt I irnnci tur anklt bim! (o net cnttcb, and Ih ilnrtor cud I W'ttii'l ftlwni Im Umf. A fn(nl nrivi-anl rii In trr yntir .inimnl 1 rift r iiMnc It riiRiit fttid mtirnhic f' ih nm nt- ruml nny of th ottir-r wiilivtil a Indue Nuiv Uiat Uiw,' Mr. m i TTTVH Al all DmW rVWa Sloaa't InttrartWe Ilook on hoftri, Addntaa. DR. EARL S. SLOAN, laav, BOSTON, MASS. LIVESTOCK. SNAP GOES 00T OF WOOL TRADE Ifl Prices Hold Firm But Activity Is Missing While Buyers and Market Wait on New Crop. The huslon I 'ninmi-rcial lliillelin, let if w nig lant wi rk's trading In wind in lln- H-.HIi.n Kiliiritl market. hays: CmiHiiJiring thn amount of wool at a liable In the lliinimi market the volume of hiiHini'Hn put through has been or fair prnpurl inn, but there han been no particular snap In Ihe trading, nml prices are Junt about w hi re they wete a week ao. al thmiuh tery firm. l-'nri igu w no In hate again ciiihII tliltti the greater pr-,tiulli,li of the liOHiui-Ha bmli i iuhhIii ee .la und mcr in.'s uniting tilth fair fricil.uii Xew ilmneHlIc wnoln bate la-en snld ubmit tin faal an they hate iirrited. ul IhuiiKh there tin ).-. n, ef courai., no large quantities ,.f Ihrae wtiula to urrite el. Inquirv which was re pi.rtrd a ui'i'k an., for loerinns tu go abroad, aeeni In hate resulted in ac tual Imaim-HS. iIuiochIic m tliufuctur- 111 taking Uic w mil Hint, ail There Is apparent uti jndnnor lo luiHlen the shearing araauli aa much as posHtlil.-. in urtlt r tu get tbu do mcatlc clip in the market while the market is bare and thn demand seems likely tn tie keen. TIm' New Clip. Contracting baa been pr.,gi efing mure or Ichh atcudilv ill Ihe went dur ing the week, nll'i mull Ihe volume of tt nni purchased tl-n-H nut appear lu hate been heat y. In Mt nluna a Hiiatuii hoiiHe i-iiiiliai'lf d fur seventy UiuoHiind lien's ill the Hacn district at II renin this week, accunlitig to ailt n en In the trade. I'm i n in M'.n lana appeiir to have with cut and pr. nt Iciil change nine a week ago, and Ihe game la true else "here through. ml the west, at least so far as the unshorn wuul Is mn crrned. tlrowers are now unking in Montana 19 to 20 cents for any av- rage wool and dealers refuse to pay Una price. From t'ttih 20 S-t rents Is reported to have been paid f,,r a fuir-stxfd line of sin in wool sold by sealed bids at Mack At u iieur-hy town anoth er lot sold at " cents, after Ihe owner had ' refused 1 4 11 cents, which wan Ihe highest bid made. In Wa-hliigtiiii curly wuoIh nra being takin by mill I, tit its nlinns. wholly, and It Is said that a. one of Ihe wnula are unduubtcilly com in the milln about SO lent clean landed ant. Katlinate of territory wool pur chase are, for the principal slates, sa follows: Molilalia and Wyoming, CO per cent; I'tah. 95 per cent; Ne vada, to per cent; Triangle. SO per tent. ' rrieMVls anil Price). Aa Indicative of the present altu it lion and out look fur the American market, the monthly financial re view of the First National bank of Huston, an far as it relates to wool, is of Interest It rays: "TI.e wool trade la an tindoublftf bright spot. Cmit rin t'ng for wool on Ihe sheep's buck in Ihe west has been active and extensive much Inrger than a ear ago. The highest I price lif the season ure prevailing. ilHimenitr and foreign wools are both J strong in price, inquiry Is persistent and ahipmenla are heavy. There la nine ahearlng under way and some new clip wool already headed to the market. "The woolen and w oral ad mills lire about In Ihe middle nf the fall run. They are well siotkcl with orders oosTor Sprains ' The d. recti on eyt, It ffonl for lumlwito lo, Sloto' turcl fnf rhrumatiimi IV til It aed I know.' D f ou m &!'? ' l ttf hit twit hurt In th Rnr Wf nt two fvittt ft1 I A lilt hv m n)rert NffMi. m four .immrt.t In a rtnic H.ff ncl got ft lmttl In trr The Ural ppiirntinn rutwl inlainl prlitff. and niw rirrpt fri htH n"ffiir. I mm m mmi Inst KUst Ipmi Sciatica wins krpi In hd with riAlln dlnr ih Hrl nt lrtif,afv. bill I hl niml in t -ml rrhr wtn I tnM fnr Uuioscnl." itrrc tiiouMtt. I roiild witth wiiihmiI i mnm nri-ntn iii m tii'ttfirtmf m. I hT iievcr wa I tttmm ti. Htu iaMUMtl I A. 1'. tU.. tO. aaat It M rattle, poultry anil hot;, aent fre. enough to curry them through and Inaure operation nl about kit per icnl of rapacity. Htisines In conaid lii-ticr than n' yenr ago, partly lice, nine nf the dinned up and anil mil rundlUnna which have been ex iHlent. This seanon n luintneas ap pears to lie am ure. allhmiKh th" margin uf profit la unduly Ion ltuw t. in. I like hi . H. Is on a strictly de mand and supply tin aln The supply Is unequal tn the demand and thn iliepiirlly aeems likely to Increase. Halt wind la atill low priced na com pared with other ears, ilei-pili III-) recent adiance " tllilo I Irfi-c. Hales oT odds anil cii.Ih or ithl-i fierce wnoln ure only n ported this week, for which prices have been mure or lens Irregular. (Jtiulal imii for regular (,.drs are hardly more hnn minima! at the moment, hut arc fully firm. .Michigan No miles of Michigan fleet'" are reported locally this week. In the i-iititry, th" is being boiiklil stiudilv. prices being apparently tin rhanged at last week's iiuulutiuna. Vet Virginia. A very Utile wool hnn been pur i haaed In West Vliglnui at withheld prices Farmers arc generally ask ing 25 cents fur quarter and three eight wnoln. hiit dealers are unwill ing lu pay this prlie as yet. A I t'll- wool Is being offered In the open market tu connumcr at 26 ccnls. MkHMOIIli. Hinai, country .,Ih of Missouri bright winds are reported as lielne In ken In HI. Louis, at I H In 1 cents but no quantity of wool Is yet avail able in order lo teat Ihe market. Pulled Wools. Hnlea of pulled wool In the grease in Ihin murkct hate not Ik en at all -. Some trading has occurred l.t lwein dealt is iiitoitliiir An and Its. however, nt pra.lcally uurhanuitl rati-n. but no volume uf hunuiena has been pin through fteports from Xisr Vi'lk. nlno. denote dull trading In that cenler nil pulled woolg. Prlreg ure firm and urn hanged Tcrrlnry. Very Utile old territory wool hnn been atailiilil.' lur sale In tho mar ket, Imt suiiie new wools hate been aolil. A fair weight of newly urrlted Xcvndaa Iiiih changed liumla at varl min rales, hi i i.rililig lo condition nt frmn 11 lo 1 tenia for original clips, running u f,lc wool very largely. New Arlsonn wmils have also a., I, I readily m ntitiSH, cents Fur i. no lot 2il rents ia reported to hate been paid. This mean fully Clt cents lor Ihe best wools. iNew I'lahs are expected In the market wnhin the next week or two. weeks or mure. Hmne of the ear lier cnnlrnets in I'tah and even in .MoMmm hate been sold, but no pur chasing conlrai'i hate been report ed during the hum " leva ami ( a...,,. ' ' ' ' "' -a and Cnliforni.. kle.iHu t.ui'l lepnrted thla week. locally, nffi niMs la mg practiciriy nll. I'rln ure m-mimilK linn. en-oul-itl. Ivmand fur scoured wimiIs thla week ha been rather Irregular, aome dealer hnvlng a-iatr call ami other only a Very me ure one. Tha turnover of some 400 or &00 bags of A pulled wools in Chicago fur resale on Ihe ban is of . about 47 4S rents live red east Is reported. Wld.-ly Mil. Chamberlain Cough Hemcily i one of the muni widely known inrili t llie in the market ll is an iioi.uIuf In Canada. Australia and H.iuih Af fica as at home. Thi le bet suae it make good." You can always de- pi'iul ii pun H when you hat a tough or cold. For aal by all druaaiaia. AmimvriiiTtHtM mitkf. In the mailer ot the uarliiershlii es tate of ."ii w telle A Hicks. Notice I hen liy glten that Marcus P. Matt telle, iidinliilat rsior of the part nership estate of Saw telle Hicks, has filed in the probate court of Iter, iinllllu. Now Mexico, his Una I report as sin h Hilimtilairaior. and the court lias Intel Tuesday, the ISth day or May. H. as the day for hearlii objections. If any there I.e. to the ap proval of said final report and In discharge of an Id admlnlatriitnr, I late. April Mlh, ISM. A. K. WAT.KFM, Clerk of said probate ('our i