Newspaper Page Text
IIVEJ. You'll Never Get in Trouble Wiring Yourself. By "Bud" Fisher ; , ' y i 4U4 fAM I L II A 1 AT AC ,. rOg, rVHCUeWv I . tat rVVi ,,'V VVHOia; Mq TSL fcatVwl TO tm cm Mrv,, m. e. mott, J . J THE EVENINO HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N M.. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1914. Z' fwt.twwf i a"''A ak . " HukT ft ic "4 J n -" I CST .4OUT A i.K.,-Fnc., ... vooj" i j v i r t. hmrr x i , r ' i m m J iiiL r I; Today's Market Reports . . . . 4 WALL STREET REMAINS UNDISTURBED BY WAR Itjr lr in K nin ll-rall. Ni-w York, April l'J--Tliv mnrkHl ciiiiii Icml lln iidixI unili'l lime iiml ilul liiK I (if m-i niid hour Kurt- whm a Rcn i i 0 h w I n k of Wfiikru-KK with nmtiy ItiicM if 1 to 3 iminlft. AllhnUKh tin- Mcminn allu.illurt u imMluml hi( In InMurrx in mMiliiin iit thu markt't khv tin IimIii ulltiii nf iinoaHl nt'xN himI th il'i-lm 4II1I ittil tirmu outj n hfnvy nliifn of m'llnig. ( 'I'l'i.iiionn lor r-1 k 1 Hi i oimt wi'ii- iiiHti iiinriitai ill HhapiiiR (he loutHc of Hi niHiki'l. Ijnai' nrlluiK i.nlfi for l:nroir with cvn utf .1 In I I'iiiiii.'. nlinh lnoke i I 1 11 1 m. iiml in viirloim iithtr HoiuU rr- irnmilur. Aiiiiiiuin Piiu iil of ftlllhcr i'iIh In nii'i'l, iiitr mnl oil prlif p and iho liartlt'iuiiK tf'mlwiry of lluii loatiN o- 1 u nil HKuhml lh niaikPt. T'ip tnnrki'i rloiw-il mionK. VlexliMII Uf I ! l iirli't'n nrvcrrly In 'h1 lore lain of the U but thrr' HUH lUlMK tnovilll'llt Willi IKlll't'll- vil luiit riiri( in n !' rx'vpltoitally wink iiiipi. Tlifrr a frtr llinn i f Kuiiras a 11 J Tt'iuiP dhuriH lor run till) ntal aii inllil. t'loKin .ri on tin morr llnl'"'.- II n I ioik wi: A lll.ilKalllalrd. 7 4. KuKar. lll. All lilmili, K.i. K.mkIimh, 1(1 3-4. Xouihrrn ! Hl . 80 1-4. I'liion I'ai II'. '. lH ' Hi -. l. .'.h M .1, pn-h rrnl, 1H 1-4. Mney Market Nf Vrk, April 21 fall money Kt' iiilv. I :-4 4i i per i-nt. Tun., loan airointrr; iIhV. 3 pr 1 t ill. y liiyi. 11 J 1-4 per . r t . mt moiitli. 3 pir I'viil. M-r. untlli. 1 u r. 3 't i 4 pi r r.-li' Par Miln-r, .'.Vr. Mi an an ilollam, 4j'i'. Lead and Spelter c York, Apnl -I.t'inl ipiifl. $3 J nr.; l.nUoti. IH H..'H.-r ipiit 1. lni . 30, I.on.loti. (tl l.'.K. Hi UniK. April I.tail rimUr. t3K; p.tfr raKlt-r. 1 4 ill 41 H&. Chicago Grain Chliiisi.. April 22. jrly on nc l oiiiit of war ex lt inrnt, liut a Ian !-riiiiHi- of lh fultiir of prcil l( raliiK. Hhfal prlc fj Imlay ran up rup lilly. Mprrilnic iiuotulloiia, whii'h wi-i Mi almve l:iat nlnhl. wit fol- lo-l liy a mutiriul furiht-r Ruin 1'hr 1 Iih wiin at un nd vii m i' of li 4f I c IIPI. I'oin Jnmpiil nliilUily mnrr thmi wheat l'iii'i-a aturled I I K hlMh vr unil coiitiiiiird to uai'Pinl. The i loar was m runic. IMl net lilKh- rr TlKhli-nlnn of iiiolnlloiia arf-td oula with other frreulM. The efftt't, lmwir, 4111 oata waa compuralively 11. lid. Kind anlo In provlHion were 1111- hiiiiat il ii Klc hiKhrr, lull lu 1 r trun Hiiiliniia ware un Hilvancf u II around 1 luMiia priica: When! -Way. 1 r ; July, KKa. l orn May. 4i ; July. 44 Sc. 't -X4a. f,c, July, 37140. I'ork May. f ;) :'): July. I.'H 13. Ird May. Ilii.'O; July. $10.37 Itllia-Mny, (li nn; July, 111.17. OPERATIONS IN LIVE STOCK MARKETS ktimiii I lly l lmtmL. Kanaaa flly, April 1 1 Una Hp relpta K.lllMI. piarkel 6 to 10r lower; hulk. n.!0i 11.40. heavy. $H S0r k43S: pai'kcra and Inilrhi-ra. $ H, ?I 40; IIkIiI. tM. 101 It 90; piK. t7.& 4 H OD. futile llereipta 4.000; market at rail ; prime fed ateera. I r.O i S I r. ; Iri-awd lieef ali-er. 17 . r l K Ml . wrat trn aleera. 17.0041 Mar.; aoillhi-rn aliera, $ S0i K 3!i; rowa. 1 4 (illl 7.f.0; lielleia, 4 7S4i.0O; aim am and feedera, I4f.4l21; hulla. fj.r.04 7 on; calvea, 4r.0 4l 74. Kheep Iteolpla 11.0H0; rnarl.ei ateinly In 0c lower, lunilia, ti t,it k 0; yearlniKa, 14 004i 7.4n; wetheia, f .'. f. t 7 C ; ewca. 14 701 4 25; alork' era and feedeia, f3 &oi4.U. iliHtmo IJvrHiM'k. fliliago, April tl lloaa- Ite relpla :i,000, maikel alow, & lit o tenta nmler yinlrnlny a uveiaKe; bulk, l. 4.141 H r,:,; IlKht, l 3i4i N.r.6; mixed, 14 lull nil, heavy, IK lmi K.7.7 i . roiiKh, lull h 30, pl-, I7.0U4I H .3,1. Cattle Kerelpla l.l.uon. murki-t aleady to n ahnde lower, li evea, $7 or, i .4P; Texua Hl. ria, f 7. 1 0 l i i weale in ati era, t7 004it lo; aloi ki-ro anil feeder. .1. jH4 H. I u ; i'nn and hi'llira, ll.VM'ii 1 in; cnhiB. 1(1.0" i x.r.a. f'heep Itereipia 33.000; market dlow. moktty lo 1 ititN loner, native, l.'i.:':.4i .71; western. S1.3.14 6. Ml; eut!inn. 11.7041 7.40; iinllve In nil. a. I J4 IS; W.Helli lulllha. I 304 a. 40. Cotton Market. New York. April J;'. I'ottoii aj.o, in .; 113 3',. KU, U I" The Metal Markets. New York, April 3! fopper 110111 iiial; aput and June, 1 1 3. .10 t 1 4 00. Tin irregular, apot, 331 4".ii Iron unlet; unohaniti d. l,ondoii prii-ea )loaed ua followa' Copper firm; apot. 84 ja 3d; I. Pure", (4 la. Tin firm; apot, 1(1 la; fulur. 13 1. lion Ck'Vi-lanil warranta 9d. LIGHT RECEIPTS AGAIN IN KANSAS CITY MARKET Kan;i City Pluck Yurda. April 3u - 1'allle retelpia afur Tiiealit la: week nili' lialit. Olid KHIei pjul mic.HKer prii-ra. (lie weak 1 loaing lo. to :'"c hiKhi-r than Die low time, antl 14 hule atrotitO'i I lui u 1 of pru vioua week. Stinker ulid reeden broke 31 to 4 ci nl the middle of tile week, winch decline h.'.d the ef fect of throwing the oullel wide i.pcn b.iluhit duiinit the week, and alii Un III exceeded 1 l.Olill head, 4.0UU tnoie Ulan durimt ai;iie week laal -!'. ('aide aupply l.nlay la 13.000 head, and the nun ket la atend) to In cent lower. late aleer anlea aomewhcl alroiiKer. and clone in aundy with the lllllall lat week. NehrnaKa atee hroiiKhl f K Ml, uinl Kniiaiia oil Co Is. 75, Nehraaka and Colorado In-.-t pulp altera. 1 10 and H.6.1, and the rank and tile of the native teer 17.7.1 In IR.Sii, iiiarntlne aleera l si lv 17.7 5. Cow a and helfera are o ateiid today; row ai I Vi.H to IT So-, heller, 17.00 to Ian"; nulla, . '..10 lu 17. 00; Veal alea at 17 Oil to k.31; feeder 4Ulet at 17.31 4 IS .'. Ktockera aul.l up lo lu a year ako; feeder. Is 31 The lilieral run on recem Moiid.ixr la due partly to the fuel that Hundiy loading gnlna 11 day for ahipper. .1.1 linportiuil I'onalderailon at thia oua" aeaaon. The market tendency la for choice ( prime aleera lo creep alead ily upward, wiiile middle gradea are Buaceptlhle to every wind that blown. Prime Kunaa aleer (old at ti.40 Inat Tueaduy, hlaheat price paid here Una year, and only 10 tenia under I'll. cuan a tup luat week. Hog aold allkhlly atrnnger todiv, recil. I 7. mnl; top, Ih S.'".,, paid for two loada; hulk, .jt.n, iUite number of medium weiKht and neav hoga at $1 go, Iteceipi Inat week In w a bin vhortuKe from aa iue week laat year, let the market declined, 0 n reauli of a break In proviatomi I'ui'kera, however, are not diapoaed In penult proWaluna 10 aelj much lower al Ihla tune, hence rxpectutlnn of aomethiiig like preaent pip ea lor huiia for aw hile la pupular. Hheep and lumba held up well laal week, and the market la ateady, wil l weak apota todiiy, recelpta II.imiO. Ke t Wraiern lainba In lleece biouaht 17. kh In 130 today; ewea. 14.40. Texa wclhera 11 ml rwea are worth 11.10 to If. 71; biiatH. 13.10 to 14 10. and aoiiv Arixona aprlng lamha old today ut 17.7.1 In la in. A good many Tek.i aheep and goal! ar on the way 11 market, hut reeclpta of Colorado led alock will lie light from thia lime for ward. J. A. Itli KAHT. ARIZONA MININ0 NOTES. Iliahee lievlew: Tentative pinna have been announced b the Calumet it Arltona Mining company of lltabee for the development of the IliiiKlna rlulma recently purcluiacd The rlalma are; The MiiKeulii, 3' 33 acrea. Ulnck llawk, 1 3 in rea. War Kavle. In 74 ji re, and Nam I'an.i, g.Ok aerea. I'hoenlx llaxetler llperullona have been reaumed by Fred Vola ul hla I'iiioii mine, In th While Tank mouii- Fenton J. Spaulding Agent New York Life. I loom 17. N. T. Arnilju Itldit. AMU jri:itgi The Best Boy Scout Shoes In Tint 11. MI4K l(M-ll(IM. U'c I th lu- IhiiImt tin le Murk't. PARIS SHOE STORE I0 X. Hrt St. Knit IlKNT After May 1, the atore room corner 3nd and Central uve., occupied by the Mult Clothing Co. Apply lo lien. K. Albright, phone 4 40. GLASS OF SALTS If Your Hark linn or lllnibh'r Moth. Ha Yimi. Ilrlng ltt or Water. When your kidmy hurt nnd imir l.a'k feel aore. don't get acaied nil 'I Pin ed to IimhI our milium h with 11 lot of druaa that excite 1 he klilni v and irritiiie the entire untiary ir:i-l. Keep your kidney t leun like you keep your bowel clean, by llunhinu them with n mild, linrnit) anil which re movea the hody'a uriiiotia w.iMte an I Kiitnul.iiiH them to their normal ac tivity. The function of the kidiieva la to filter the bleood. In 34 hi. lira they at nil 11 from it Iimi cr.ilna of acid and waale. ao we can readily unilci- Klaml the vital importance of lieepli'.'f the kidney nctlve. Iirink loia of water you can't drink too much; alao get from any phnr iiihi Inl about four ounce of J. id Sail : lake 11 tableapoonf ul In a Rl i of water bi-fore brenkfaat ea. h mornin x for a lew ilnva and your kidneya will act line. Thia fiimoiiH aalla I mud' from the arid or li 111..11 Juice, c..u -I.. lied with In hla. and ha been uel lor generHtloiia to clean and aliiiiu Inte rlogged kidney; alao In nelitr 1 ixe the acid iti uritie ho it no longer la 11 aource of irrllation. tliua ending iilnddiT wiiknea. J. id Salt la Inexpenalve; i-nnnot In jure; niiik. a h delulnful cfT. 1 -. enceM litliui-wulcr drink wliuh everyone ahoiihl lake now and then to keen their kidney clean and active. Try thia. ulao keep up I he water drlnkini', and no doubt you will wonder what bee. 1. lie of your kidney tumble and backache. Ililli tu.u.e filly lliilea weal of I'hoe nix Me expeit" to ahip a carload of ore in 11 ahort t -nv Altogether Hon feet of work hna I een done on tha I'nlon and an excellent allowing of gold ore can yiii-; aome ha b.en opi'iifiil. Willn.x V'ew: Kmil C.relie haa aold to A. I.. Uri.w. triiHtec in bank rupt!)' ol the Toiol.Hii.iii- 1 'oniollilatcit Mitiea ciimp.iny. I.liiiiied. nil unpat ented llllllea located ill Iho Tombaloue mining ilu-tru l lomicd bv him. and which are either retm ntiot.K or con Micta of any iintiatented mining cliiiuni of the 'oniioliiliiicit coiiipanv. and which lire mentioned In ilia afll.lavlt of uaaeaament work pel funned for the year Ial3. Tombatone I'lonpei tor: The South weatern Copper rompany of San Si mon haa been lncoi por.iled to operate the property of the old Cm nine 1 011 aolidated Copper company two milea north of t'a rail me, thia county. The mine waa cl.,a d down In lMinl. the propeity being In litigation for aev -eral yeara. A large ainount of ore haa been blinked out ut the lc lie There la a com ntrnt.r on the ground and u number of building are in a good atate of prcHcrvitiloit. Mohave Miner: Fred llrown came up from the Mccracken country Thuraday linn, Irinalng with bun aome aplendld aamplca of gold ore. Muring the pa hi two inoiiiba he hna been proapecting to the north of the McCracken minea and haa I raced out the big dike that ruia Unit loiintry and along II courae he diai-overed 11 great vein of gold bearing ore. Sample, from the vein allow big In the horn l 11 and alao leave 1..11- aiderable concent ratea that 11 re be lleved to have good valuea lu both gold and allver Mr. Hi ow n alao haa a number of clulma In the camp that carry value In lend, allver and gold The country la well mlneralired and II now appear ioaallile that a new 1 amp Will be ealubllahed there iiml that many pmapectora will lunh In The location la on the aoulh end of VhIIii.iiI mountain, to the north of the Yuccu-Slgnul road. CLEANS ill- Jl &J?e Eveiming Herald Want Ads Three Lines : Three IlAIM.MNtt. We have an uiiUHiially aitradivv lui of llouM-a anil Varant lita jual now. vblch can lau bought on eany term. Why pay rent? I.NM IIAM i; l.4 HKNTAIX JOHN M. iiOORE REALTY CO. ltiom. in. m i; in 4 I I'M s.i:. 4 4 t-room 111. -.lei 11 In. line coe 4 4 in, on cur line, . u y l.'.iion. un 4 eaay lerma. J. 11. -;K 4 tit Wtit Central. 4 4 Phona 391 4 MM.tixm 4 1 room, aleepiug porch; hard- 4 wood floor. lino 00 (Irit pay- 4 4) m ni, Ini In lire iimtiihly. IIUMI. Itl M.TY 441. 40'J et 4'cnlral. HELP WANTKD Nh.V MKXH'ii Kmplnyment Agency. All klnda of reliable help un abort not Ice. Ill V Oilier ave. I'lmnc 4SH. WAXTKIV- Solicitor Picture 'r. iming 114 ' W. Cenlral. for and order for c illuming Vulcanizing Ylllcninzi.iK "'id Tar Itcpulllng AM Work glial, il. 'ceil. A lbll.l)'t ,lle It 11 li- ber t'omp.iny, 531 Weat Central Furniture Repairing, KXPKltT fiiinlture repairing and parkinK. We nlau buy and aell inc. ond-haiid furniture. Crown Furniture Co. 315 S Second St 1'imne 434. Shoe Repairing. F.XI'KItT Shoe ItepairiiK r. tiur rule. New .iddreaa, 411 W. A UV A It A I m 1 Shoe Shop - l'imt-(!ana repairing l.adlea and g ma rub ber heela 4" i-enta: genla half anlea 71 cent; lii. :i' 10 cent, lv YaiUe, 307 ' Went lentrul. BUSINESS CHANCES I-Tilt SAI.i: N'rua nnd cigur atand; cheap. II I locution, very amall iiipital re. ii, Call at 31.1 South Second 81. Fult K.M.I-: Automobile hiitm a In I'ecoa v.illiv. Ijuiie niriif. well eiiulppcd. re . r ahop, do ig nod Inii li.eaa. nul l r liua oiiianle 1 11 1 1 . h . a in.! mii-i . II Adilrea t.,x IK. r iro Hi rillil. Poultry. Hilt HAI.I; - for bin. bilig Slink all leallby and I il ul -1 I.ihh. ut I- nrlcea: lllue A 11 , 1 -1 11 - aluna. Harr .1 lloek. White Itrow n nnd Ituff I Khorna, While !! ka, lllack .Miiini ia. l.abg-' While uinl l-iif Orpinaii'iiH, Simjlc ami Iinae-C.11.l1 It. d-d. While Coc-lnn, Ibini.iiiia; alao Itri.nxe Tur key and In. I ."i Itunner dm k itkn fur aalc. l-oiiitry lininli ni l Albuiiieriiu V'laltora nhvaya wel come 1iih.' l.on ai. lulled I'll.. lie I31H TIII V I.M i: Mill 4TIII lt. (leiiiiy a C. While l gborii hicks. ISc i.i h; til per lull. Safe dellviiv guaranteed F.gga, II : per II; In per 100 Incuhalor I.. 'a freh and fertile. I.IATIIV. lOl I.TIIY It WCII Albuiiierijiir, X. M. LOST. l.l iMT X11111I.. r plnle for unto. No. 44. IJuukle Autn Supply Co Finder plea-, return to Herald of fice. Plumbing. VU'MHIN'! ind ll-utlng p.-eiiini at Ayer. r7 K. Cenlral. pnhne Ml FOR SALE -Livestock. Fult SAl.F- r'uiall horae. aonnd, gen. He. youin:. I0114 K."l Ceiilrnl I'hone 1444 , arl,M-HT.M.-, r II I '"rv - fa 21 1 Wot ;n, Ave. mil hi:xt. imidi-iii Inl.k. 133.10. 1 5-iui.m model 11, l.'O 00; vvaler 4 fiald. 4 4 4 -room lil l k houne, 7I Kual 4 Ci niiiil. niiideiii. price, 130 On. 4 .'.-1 in. 111 1.1 nk. modern, 119 4 New York aienue, 130.00. 4) 1-room brn k: modern; 133 New Yolk avenue, 133.10 nilobe houae; Fourth 4 Wntd, VI. li. 4 it ut nam:. l.nllila In large and email 4) Ira.-I It. in. Ina near thu city. Some fine rt-Hldeiice for gale, 4) 4 near In. 4-rooin houae, North Fluh 4 atreet; modern. I3310.ini 4 5-ruoui Inl.k. 13400 00. 4 -room adobe, 1 1 1 00.00. Itouiiuug Mouae arid lintel, Cenlral avenue at a bargain; rent 4) 4) lelioliable, 4) IIouhi-b on South I'.dltti atreet 4) 4 for aule ihi'up. 4 4) Ail kinda of terma 4 1 -1 iti : ii iianci: 4) Mul V lo I.4IW. 4 DtMlAIC'S tti:A tvsTATK DIHC!'; 4 231 t.old Ave., ' Third St. MONEY TO LOAN. M"NKV TO I.IIAN- un aalnrlea. hoiisehobl g U and livcalock Willi out removal. Xoioa bo in.-hi and aold 1 I'nlon l.o.m Co.. room II, over Fiiai ! Xaliuiial bank. I hone 138H. Foi S.le Migcelianeom Fult SAI.I-: I'nir of (ileal I 'line pup !t Wfi-ka old. nuelv marked mil of ill Marleillllll hll.-h. I'liee 13.1.00 if laaen ut once. ecu I ir I 'l .1 t ' ill uweiia. t. V. S., Tin 11111. .ni, N M Fult SVI.K Two g I dairy cow. Cull room , Savoy hotel. F'll! S.M.i: - My Niuall. glut le dnv- I lug horae and pony, buggy and har- lit'ftw, ainlnble for ivomen or children; in neat oiitru I'li-amore ni Son, 414 S. Second St Full SVI.K- Man... Caah or part time. I'.urgiiln. loos s, ,ihu St. Cult SAI.F Two 3 h. ,, c.eneral Klei trie Co. indiictloii in. i,,rs F.d ni..n.lH..ii Klei-irn-al Co., :'n; K Cen tral uve. FOR SALE-A"tomobiles: Furt SAI.K 40 hi rae power automo bile. Call 311 N. 2th Ft. Foil SAI.I-: 41-linraa power Ovtr land car. gnml as new. Nagle Par age. F'Mt S.W.K --" h. p. motor, , le 111 good condlilon. Will aell at a aac rlflce. i'ii eh or time. Can be seen ul McCloakey A iiti iiiohile Co. WANTED-TO BtTY. WAXTKIV Tn buy. aell or exihange aecund-hand furniture. 133 Weal Silver Ave. I'hone 1048. W A XT F.I - - A gentle an, bile ami har nraa pony and good aecond hand .nldle. Muat he cheap. Iu7 South Walter. PERSONAL Port CAM PUT Meaning, furniture and stove repairing W. A. 1"ff phone 444 IH'ISiMAKIVM by Mra. A A. Mi. a 307 W Tiler' Masseurs I'ATIKNTK requiring mrntaave treat -meiit. pie,,,. ,all u Jin Weal Mil ver l-boiie 1114 Min Annie liisacll. Times : Three Dimes NEW MEXICO HOTEL DIRECTORY. SANTA FK Tim Molilexumu Motel, Americiiii plan; aervice firat clnaa, electric light. et 11 in heal, telephone In every room. Special attention to unto panic. IHiTKI. cum us -The pew comn-er-c.iil hotel i f Albuiiieriiie. Kuro peau plan; lirat 1 I.ihh cafe and bullet. I'mlcr iiciv maniiKemeiit. Ilemlipiar lei a Occun-to-i i.euii Highway. ll'iTKI, I. A I'KNKluN Kuropeiin I 'In ii. 1 me block lloin depot. Ceiiler of l.tiHmcM'i xone; all modern i-onvenlcn-ce. Kant Ijih V gaa, N. .M. FOJtRNl --Rooms. hl.i;i.K" or iiiiuhc keeping rooms. I,o Angeleg Motel, 313 South Thlid St. l-'ii It Itl-.' XT 3 f 111 nlHhed roorna for I101IH1. keeping ; all "111 heated, pri ! vale bath room, gun range, am. ill ' eleeplng porch. Ii;l Weal Central. ; Tom llu'il. ell houae. I 'lil! I! I'.NT lloonia lor hollH-.eep-iiiK. Apply .Mia. I ; ul hell nr. Ih. 117 S Itroinl. I 'M! l!i:XT I loiim keeping room and iutuiHliiil coii.igea; alceping 1'iafcliea 0 10 Weat C011I. ROOMS AND BOARD. SI'I.KN 1 1 l board un. I modern room w.ib keeping ,oi, b.a 1130 North Hi ' i.ii.l allo t. I'h. .in- 4 J I BUSINESS CHANCES HMilt SA1.I-: I'.iynm l.iifiiin-HH. Ilaiing an oiler will He 1 1 i,,i. 1l li1.s K . , ;. r.ild Blacksmiths. MOItSKSIIl i:lMI rheap for cnan. lien. Ilutchlliaoli 311 Weat Lend. lll.CKSMITIIIii .111. 1 l..iaesioeiiiK. liny ulid -ell f mi hand w.ik'i.;. F. I bay en, Se-olid Sanl.i I'C. TYPEWRITERS. A l.l. KINDS, both new and second hand, bought, aold, rented and re paired. Albuiueriiiv Typewriter F.I ?hange. I'hona 114. 311 W. 'lold Foil BA I.K ( Mlver typewriter, good as nt.T, 121 00. izt Wrat Hold. I'hune 144. Public Stenographer. AI'THultS' iii.iiiiihi 1 iptH 'evin-il and typewritten. Commercial mid le gal work, cienra II. II1.I111, (1 init l!.g. .sti:.uoi:ai'1iic vui;k. nrric hmira a in. 1.1 5 p m . or by up poliitmcnt. Augelii .Hin-re. 30 liar-lii-tl IlliU- H.-hiiI. 11. . , 1 , 1 1 J. TAILOR KF.PAI III Ni i, cluiniiig and tailoring. H. UaniHi'. Ill S. 3rd CI.F. A N I 'i 1. ilyeinii nnd repairing Star Cleaner Co. Ill W. Silver Phone 4:ix. 3jT0ORAERS pi 1ST CMll'S l no ..r doin Firm cIiihh wok gtii 1 n ni id K"ilik IlllialllllR .-elelllll uinl I'el.lljl WK WILL develop anv K'uliAK FILM for 111-. poai Card Studio, 213 So. Sei ond. Carpenters Jul! WullK. 44. Call J. II. T.ll, Phone FOR SALE-- rai Estate. Full HALF, 1'iO acres In Sharp county Arkansas; 10 acr.-a In cultl. vatlon; 20 in .b.wr and alfalfa, II acrea young apple on hard: balance in timber. T a land can all be cul tivated Hood miivn wire fence; uew an room flame dwvllniK, bard uinl ni her out biiildiiiga: live spring and i"i"l elateui; una mil 11 from 1 liun h and hm.l: three mllis from ri. Iroiiil alutlon. Prl.e 3,100; ainnll '.-- payment and balam- lu suit puri haaer. Addlea F. U, Urola. Wllllfuld. A.k. r PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. Practice Limited to r;i:x rit. i m a 1 1 y hiskahscm And lUSF.ASIlS tl TIIK aKIX. The WaNM-rman ami Xogmhl Tesugt Sahurann "tMlsi" Adiniiilaiered. Cllizins' Hank lluililing. Albuqueruue - Mew Mngloo A. i. hllor.I I I, M. I). Prailb-r IJniiiril to Tunenlihaik. (iftie Hours. 10 tu 12 a. m. Plioim 1171. 224 Vt Weat Central. Albuipierqua Sanitarium i'hune l4l. DRS. TULL & BAKES KMM'Uillle !:. jr. XihiC, I'linsal. blate Xalloiial llauk UIU41. l'ltone 3ll. hULIIMON- h. ItVltTOX, M. IX lliyalclan ami Burgeon. Iteaidenea, 610 South Waller Hire. Pholiu U40 W. Offlca. t Harnett llldg., Phona (If. ti:xts. Wal. Wedge. Miner. 1 1 11 til era. Ite frcahmi nt and Hoy Hcnul Tenia. Cowboy lied Shceta, Wagon Covera. Folding- camp atovca uml ramping; 1, ul in. Tenia for rent. Awnlnga nnd porch curtaina 111111I11 to order. Anything made of ennvua Chaa. 1. Keppler ar Hon. Millinery. 1 'l.l' or new hula trimmed. I'lumee cleaned Call ul Stale Motel, Kuulil 3. I'h. .11.. 13 . 3 W. Dentists lilt. J. kllAIT. IKiitnl Surgery. Ituoma 2 and 3, H.iilnlt llldg. liver 1 ' Itlelly' I irug Store. ( A ppoinlun-iiia made by mall.) Plione Til. C. I! II l.l. l. II. It. H. (.runt lUiiblmg Albiinueriiie - - New Mexico utile II, ,111 a '. to 13 and 3 tu 5. Phone 67. Attorneys JtlllX w. w 1 i.sox Aiiorney-at-l .aw. Itm.ina lfi-17-lx. Cromwell Bid. Ilea. Phone 1123 W; office Phunt 1I7S 4 4 PAH. II. MIX KK 4 4 Coiiaiillliig Mining Fnglliree. 4) 4 Fxamlnalioiia and Iteporta. 4 4 ItfMtma I J-1 4, CroanwWI llpa-k. 4 4 I I SON . VOIIIUH Anliluit. Prticilcnl ami p i iat0 Work. ll'Mum 21 and 3:1, biting llulldlnc. 1-ciliono lulls. SANTA FE TIME TABLE 7"i r ia KfTectlva December 7. tall. W calbound No. Claaa. Arrlvea. Tlepart I Cal Limited ....11 3011 11 &0a I Cal. Kxprea .... 7 imp 1-30p 7 Cat Kxpn-aa ....10-lop II Olip Cal. Faat Mail ...II t0p I 4lB (Thuraday only. It (I), Luxe 7 10a : Fi Itnuml I Overland Fxpreae 7 14a I 01, I KiiHlern Fgpreaa. . I Up I 49p 4 Chicago Limited . ( lop 7 0'Jp I K. C A Chi. Fx.. 7:'.lp I 4lp tWedneeday unly; 10 (le Luxa I I Op tOp SoMihlniume 10 Fl I 'a a. 1 ai Meg Kg ta 111 Fl Paao Pnaaengar l.l III Pecoa Valley Fx.. I:4p NonlilMiumP II From Mei A Fl P 7 40 III From Fl Paau t Itp ' - III Fruin Pe'a Val ley and Cut-off. t.44p P. J. JOHNSON, Ajitit