romt. THE EVENING HEHAI.I), ALBUQUERQUE, N If.. TUESDAY. MAY 20, 1914. j The Evening Herald. ruMlahrot tijr Tha Kv.lilni Herald, Inn. Oeorae H. Velllant, Manager. II. n IWoitiR, Krtitnr. crucial rarer or the cur of Alriuquerque. ruMlshrd ever afternoon n ret flumlny. at lit North Beroul ttlreet. AlliU'iuet'iue, N. M. Kntsred aeciinil-rlsae matter t the iinatnfnYe at All,iinieriii, N. M., under the Act of March 1. 1171. one month by mail or trrlr. lc Ona week ti carrier lie (o year by ni-il or carrier la advance II 01 Telephone 117 and 1(1. Tin. W HI l I Hoi i: IMH w MIM, Wl. IIWK Ha l the I nlte.l Mutia I ml in it Imol with ik o lonit mott i.f u. Imxe i mm to Like thi' liiMitutum ami It. Hoik f., c f ii II ! 4 Ull'l iotiiiilri- IIO-IV HW l III, rfNllil' -H 111 1 1 iIiiiIiik i hi' imsi four or fixe the . Iiool i,N ii fi ( fioin a ineiliuiie iimtilullnn inlo ' of thi' foii'tiioHt. not only In thi' sniithsl, thi' Imol of MlllllV lllillllll fi llooln, bill III tlir whole of till' t'lllti'll KlHleK. Iilirt Hint It Is no r-ani di d liy thi- imvei ninent iu I inn me nml liy It-niHn. Imlliin eilu latnrs tlirnUKheiit thi' lountry. With an mil hnnreil miuuay of four humlreil atinli nin. tin- n Iiool I lurlnc fir inort" t tin ti Unit mini mill . mrur; for tin in with a ItioiouKliiii pH iinil mi effHIeitey whuh in altoitf titer praiseworthy. Noihln V'ca eflii lem y I kt result", and this in'hoiil In ii'iurrl i allow lesult (( a innst i orix lti -mi! nature The i.iiiit'ol N.ntii r i.rk linn leiichi-'l a at.ihilnril whcip It linn lon r uml iih' I'KMiry in ndil k .) m to th wiiiW. ttie sttmenls m-m-rnllx fni It-Mm; the trxt lumk riuirwi In-fur they hiive liiol time In i(im,ile tin iimtitil trnining anil ilutiieKin- st-iem-i- rmirse. tioni whlrh es'ieelnl ntnl loiiiini-niln'ili' i'tnihiiHiK In luM. Thin atlvunee la due to two causes; t In fl flit hranrh of the service la hi Inn-Inn tin atuitfiits to ihr mi hoot at an ear lier niir, anil the work In I ho m hoo room luia ailxumcil fifty per tent In Intelligent ef Mi lew v il'irluxf the. put half diixeii iura. With the hue nr-w domestic aileni'c and manual trulnliiR liutlilliiKS now In enurs of cnrmtriK'tioii. and whuh Willi lie completed In 1 1 -no for the lienuiK f the "-hool Iii . He pteniher. therfe vitally' lni.or'nni .Ii par imetitc will he ahle In add nuiteriiilly to the thorntifrhnimi of the ei-elent work now lieln- doiie." alendid rcnultn have been shown The InrKi puit of the work on the liUllilniK" now Ix-ina. t iiinitrut ted will le done ly the Indian buys. inn unit wln ilo, flooiInK- '!.'.. will he made and put In I.) the youiiK liolliin i.ill'ili tern, tine of the he! harnn in N,-w M-xro ntimilp oti the utoiiniln. ion Ktrm ted entirely li the Htudentr Kvidenit" of their liuniliuork and their I ill ill for the miiIoiih trades mi nt hand i-rrywhere alioiu the n hool .Vii In Her evulen.e of the i fti i tive traintiift In '.ie ilomr nt U m n-m e de p.ii tinent iniilil he linked than I In fill I liint every linhaii Kill who will take .Ii.iiuhU'- work ilurinit the unn mei inonihn In In deiimml riKhl here in Alhuiier'iie and at 11001 min-i. The Indian n hon H not only a valua'dt i-dui uiioimI iikhi-i for tr n rm. hut it In nil nnimi lain roiiiini-r- ml at Hi Well line hundred and titty thoUHiiinl 1'oiindn of flour, ninety -live fhouMind otintln of heef two thoiinand hii:-m of nhorn nnd othi-r loi.d and I'M In ; 111 ii opoi tioti me lined annually ! the four hundled kluiUnta- - - I inter the diit. turn :.f Siin iiii l.ndent ft'enhen fi rrv. the n Iiool han Rone iilitiiit with lnarllln ntrnten Mr 1'irry In the iinet type of 1 Xi 111 tle who, without Kuiry or ex He lm nr or noitit, known the operntioii of every wheel in Inn omnnlution; whither or not in donn itx woik well and If not Ikiw to In. ike that work K1...1I He han added hnlldiriK alter tin ilt 1 n u to the Inxtitutlnn until the Mtoup an It now- ataiidii In thor ouKlily iiiodi-in. thoroiiiihly eftl- lent mid one of tin- mont miponinn moupn of m lionl liiiiUliiiu- In the went In addition to 1 he liuiUlinna now under cotlnl rut tlon. the Imtlilu til part inent han MpproM-d "Ihr binldtliKa reioin-Uii'iidi-d l Mr. Terry mid prmlnnm flu whhh i rn.nle In the pendintc In ill.ii ttprot iiiteoi 1 1 The ground are In ui ln-m.tit.i-d. Die u'ljoiniiiu fill 111 inaile hixhly prodm -live, und ht-nt of all the t-ih IB I tiimlillonn at the hool are in! id. .Hi l.i and irirln. bin and Irttle. form as happy and an lunteutrif a 1 oiniiuimiy as one would tare lu aeo. Tim Ir health In perfei 1. their aurroundinMs plranaiil. and under ilnne loniiiUom It is not kill turning lhat the renulln heinii oh lulned ate splendid mid that the Al tiutierjue a'hMil la i-omina to hr rer I'mnaed as one if the Mi it In I tit lmlian ser it e. IT I till It I It. Dli nT Her look the iiicetintf of hiisuitne) liien in lite I'uiiiiner- lal tlul' loBiuhu This meet in is for the pm pose of dt . Idina nu nterioia Important itiienlhin (nnni"'td with tin ioinmK nliile (air l.rron- I tliee 1 1 iiniin if of tlunl .i 1 -oluil 10I1 1 1 M 11 ml 1 in 1 11. 1 tnni e to n e. 1 01 si m n in. 111 10 Aliuiueriue. AlllnniKli thi . n. 1. 1 u. runt" lair h.m nn-n adopt til l. lln nt. Hi .ill. I turned into a nlale inlitiil, ..11 it ik 111, ue I tie lenn Al'ni- 'I i Ian und it In none the It mk i.iii iluiv and t" our pi Interent to do t wlilliitiK in our power to in--iie 1 1 n'Jtit-MH. We tan . , a Ida Mi oke of lor nuinelyen anil f"i At iii-r'iie liy pnttiiiK our nh'Oil- 1I1 it in the uht-ol and innkiuK Ihln w-hi h f.til a tleini-ndoiln h'n i-esn. Not "lily Will tin le l.e the iiurm lliite ' lietll flolll I. live iitlend'Hii e at the Imr. Inn 11 will lli.iki pniiKllile the immediate lln- prmeinent ,,r the nl.ile fair Krounili- mi the men.i and the r 1 1 1 it n t di-vel-'ipuieiil of that mult 'led anil Iiiipnrt- atil nt rtli'ii ,, ,l. 1. hi, rille re- .-oiuien lie i.l the ( 1.1111111I . nil til, l-.IHtlll at S ,, ' In, K MMIA I Ml AT AT TIIK im 1 iisn v. V NI-'. more year of mk '-ensl ill II Work at the liu emit" id New Mi x 11 0 will i lone with the annual 1 oiiiii.i-ik t-inent eM-i'lnen In liotley hill I. .in.. 11 ,w 1111. ilium The year has het 11. 111 ever) way, I lie inonl natlnfiit tot y in Hie hlntory of the I nivernity The attendant e han lit i n lin 1 eitn'-d mateually; stau diiitln of work hae heen atlv.inreil, a ntrt"iiMer i-nlleue nplrll than ever he fore has been apparent In a word, the I 11 n ei nil-, of New Mi- is grow no! up. lis founditt ions haf nettled The duyn when ttiu luntitution wall bled with evil) lirieite are pant. The Mintly impnt taut wotk of entahlinh uient han hfi-ti nivoiiidi.thet. It han liei-ti tllltli ull work, und at tunes dm inn aitlnic. lint it has been done und Ihere la nun h of iredlt ilue to the many men who hue u ha ml lu the dolna The t'liivi rnlty in i-arli, ularly for tuinile now m It m manaiiemcrit and tliieitlnn are in the liaiidM ol Ini-ir-.i-fB imn The pleni.tint 1,1 tlm bo.tril of teKentn In a tiUHinenn mall ami a renult petter. He In not only an fi-nnommt. hut a builder. The plarin he has In iiiind for the 1'iiiM-r-nity are not dreams but pruttital thiiiMH eanlly within the net timplinh merit of (he luntitution with Itn pres ent resoiirt e. nml lie in bat ked III his I'Iiiih bv the oilier hunltiera moll who make up the hoard. The Inntitutioii iiKalti 11 enpeeially fortunate In l)a inn "n lis prenidetil not" r ihly a flnmht d edur.txor, hut' n it wl executive, w ho nlni Is In-' prai'lit ntntent upon Itnullt It Itnjd h.i ai t i'iiidinln d mm Ii 1 11 r 1 11 -4 hiu brief tenure of nftti e toil what he has done in mitulf u ant an pointing I" "hit he will lie alilt to in voinpllnh lor the Ini'HI'ilii.ii In the immedl ite form- Willi the I1.11 iiiiK of 1111 inltiun liintu fat ullv ami an interented mm mtinlly N' tbirn; itnl n ui -. un it tUurly the ii'lvaiiie of the I iiixvisity than tin pul, In iiiiat . 1 I.,, ally In itn 1 0111- men' enieiit exert im-. It i.aed to la that the 101111111 in eint lit at the I 111-vil-.l to la- broiuhl tlown town nml widely ml 11 1 lm il in nidi-i to tli.iw- .1 irowil I .ii Mt year the ' oiumt in eim-nt iieii iKt n hi-k- held in Itoiley hall ami iietore an iiudieiiie hi'h fHlid Hie ,,,wi,ili. (a to itn (iipatltr. Thone who expel I to it I -It-Mil thin )iin 1 1 o in ti it -11 --i' me rit Pro liant loiuoii.iw tiioruiiiK ill do well to tin ty I,, l. Mm. ,,f ;, The I"KI.IIII Will he all intei'eadiiK tme. and n. ,t the lin.-t inturentinit p..rt of It lli lie Hie pItHelllinK of it I p lolllll n to lathe nltidt-ntn who hnxe tlone f-.ill 'olh Ke Wolk 111 the liltn mid -i-l' 'toirstM anil nix who haxe 1 ino.i lt'1 lln- roiil'ie in ped. ii), ,k A t lann ol 1 l.liii-i n Ktatluaten in not I ii jt- ,m iini xirnilien gn nowud.iyn Hot tin , hiirai ter ol the work whnh h.m been don,. ,x t Ii ik xtar.t,. t,f tin I iilxernit) of New Mi xn ti 1:1 oidi r I" obtain ih-Kiees Is the llnal proof that out ntatn unlvernty In full icroxxn ami Hint It In well latin, bed upon ite lulli-r und greater lan-er. j Our President 1 tlx William Allen White I - 11. iw well oe Deems lo have managed it Ihln whole sordid Litnttiei-s of going to wnr; httw lair he has been: how patient. how iliguilii'd. how Infinitely gentle ami kind No blunter, no threats, 110 snicker of antnipa- ,on. no licking of th mill,, us ' hop-i .11st u eimple oulel. I'lsxe, soli -hearted, hard headed man. It Is nad enough lo no Into war of any k ml at any time: but It Is lens sad to go knowing Hist I'xere honorable means has been taken to keep away from war. And this immolation I'renldeut S 1 1 1.0 11 has given us by his wine. forbearing, I'hristlun nit nude tie- 4 lore the provoialion of a foe mad mid ii-npeiHlr ami foolish The good Hotl, who kuowg all ami wnti-his oxer all. mid sees all. I ami din its all. was In our henrta deeper than we knew when as a nation we 1 hose this great, serene soul lo lead us. The HXIIALD Want Ads get the best results. : A FEW WORDS FROM : NEW MEXICO EDITORS ; Time In Swear IT. ivml yur pruxini.'. wo are wet 1 innik-h now -Vila Vina News 'I lie 1 1 tun of lmliilr. Tin- xillu;'- lil.i- Knililt ll hi III ki'iH btiny ut in 1 note 111 t'lmin News I'nr lie ll In on I . I'n. Ill to .1 nlllUle llll't.lll' I' III. lid or toe 111 Him town Hi. 11 will .1 kno.x- b dlte the I lei till .11 tint being ill, me the axiniKf III t'lll'Tlil .1. Hilly I ui .iiiko 1 11 mi, 1 t .1 1 . Hu le n lan an I xpema-. The lt) f.irmirn will hiixi" to ottl-il . lot of h.i'x tins! in 11 ili 1 In keep unlit h 1,11 lop to hold itioiMun . Til ' unit .1 1 1 New n. J.IMHI tl M of I llilt'llt e. II In I a -t ponrilile nhoiild no. in one t nine along with a leilly truly pr.i' noliiltoii of all the lilt "I Ii 11 11 1 .1 n 1 1 - thole nhoiild lie net tl 1 f llkhling to plain It 111 operation Ta t Hot tirdi r. i iiiikii soiial Itiniril I'ri'HH Noll. o. It In a pi IX Hog" to read Hie l.'ol-m.-i',lii,l l;ei orti M in Ii in loiin 1 Hu-ieiu Hint in lutt renting ami 111 nliui tixe N'e tlh exety nubie, t uiidir the nun Ii treated In itn tuluir.nn 1.1 a ,eriod of 11 year ,y the meintie"-4 I h., Hi In t.f i-nnuii m. Kxety botly nliould i-e.til the pr o'-eetll tigs of 1 ongri'sn in onler to le.ttn what Un law rinikern ate lining. There wan .1 time when pntly nearly eei a t pel formed 111 the two ImiiIIi-h lllnttd In Hie noxxnpapern; now only the briefest mention is made i,f Hie dnliiin of the t-origrennmeti. iiuUnn It In xi-ry linpoi taut, like 11 tl. li.ile oil soiiio aubjoi t of particular Ihleiust. T.ion Itt ioriler. Koilh" I'nn't ttot Oyer ll. The poKtollii-e 1I1 p.irtnient han gone emirely I " 1110. i.tln . 1111 the tenth of thin monih 11 letter was mailed it Homing, adili't-nnt-d to a pornoti wiio Kt'ln bin 111, III lu a box III the 1. Ol 'In built pontolh -e, The letter was to llxered to tho addtennee on May l'.itn. lonltliurg Liberal. There's a lloannn. The llnhing neanon opened l.tnt weeti but xx i- h.ixe in. 1 In.tril any t'nlumtnis i-ill.enn lolling nay Mnh nlorus Ther.-'s if leanoti t'oliinilius t'oltrlir. Murder Will ln'. Thai loud snapping noise that oit iiaxo heen hearing all xxeck Is cililn.-il ! by the niiiglu -non of In iniiig putting I tl.t ru iln r ti.Hi'ln li e a on Hi' f 1 po, kolbookn alter healing u milllrier admit under oath thai she bought a hat for sixty -Mx ill n. sewed twenty 1 outs wt.rth of trimming on it ami sold the result for Hie dollars and filtv cents. Hotting under 1 ox t-r iH-ming Hrnphlc. . ' . ... A MiMk-ru Mil at In'. Scxeral gnoil raiiin haxi fallen etio 11 the In si of thin month, making a new ii'ortl f,, Hi ik pan of the 1 oun'rv. as it in said liy old neltlt ra here Hi't they next r k 111 w It lo rain In M iv In i'- until thin year. I'll linn thin iin-aus .1 pel 111. 1 neiii th-tnuu in wi-atti-r ' t.udlliotin Vt hope an a ll'.mt. il.'hlox.i l;c'ill,n all. till You Turin. Willi wool highir than ll his lain 111 twtntx ,, xx e L11I lo see anv XXllei,. Hie nltti men il.'ixi a k: k '"inin unit nn Iii! xvantn the earth. I ion- i- N w n 4;, THE JEW AS A CITIZEN Il-'lom the i'hrinliau S'lomc Moniti,i 1 NI.W ViiliK fITV K miixoi, xx Imn.! ntlici .l 11 1 1 1 , i 11 1 nu ii t - have inll llritied lna win d. han Junt gone 011 r ,t 111 ptaine of the "Ideal- mm. sanity atnl biiiliance" of the Jew. judged by Ins I c mil as a citi zen, cix ic i-eiorini f. Jouioalisl. phll aitthtiipiht and neeker Itlte.r klluxxl t tlm- nime ho ttt nl inx ailed I he me tropolis lu l.i ike iiutnnern With the largenl aggt egitt mn ol reprireiitutiv .a of tho, race of anx 1 it in the World. Nt w Vol k hatu'uily hi 1 nines the focal enter lor em h .I'tjustmt ut" ta riniu ociic inntitutioio, me ui-ces-.ry sniniig 11 people so long dim Ipllnetl ' Hiilot lulu lule and nulijt-i t to it te -' I 1 1 II 1 f 1 a I It , 11 n that lu the I'fllteit stall's are en' aped, t 'orine'tueritly, if In New Yolk tily. wlih Itn tonjentcil hounuiK 1 "inlitioiin. its allui i-ineiitH mul US ix i t xx ht-liiiiiia- tn!, ,,f cniiimerce and lrni the etdict is no f a or.i I1I1. it mum be 1 n u moiu ho hi t omiiiunities w In -re the ptticeaM ol limioii Mini us ni 1 n 1 1 11 1 11 ,11 tun In- tarried on no-rc lea, lily and while the pcinpettivii of lilt- In somewhat dillcicut Stuttoiitn ol t I'liiciupoiiiix' politu s In the I lilted Malts, lining the Word p"litn in us liigher co -a-, are solu li ons iiliout the itlntixely linger tin merit al nttingth of groupn ami ru us that haxe it iii-toiy of sulijecinui to politlia! un I icx lestuntlt-iil HUthorily. 1 he political nuns and the uilvot ate of state noclallniu uliku welt nine thu coming of imiinxi ants thai am used In lo liig "1 iiiilrolletl ' iinil that have litile "i no Intellectual umhition be- cain-e It nexer hue la ell l ullixatell standing out itk 1 oiilrudistitii Uon to Ibis altitude of ao luuiiy immigrants is the Jew, Independent and individ ualistic lu tempeiameiil, pansi"naltl (lex ol oil in pursuit ol lemiung. reared in a lallll that at lln best cnipbu-iUes polsonal and tommunity righteous ness, and geneioui In suppoil of agon 1 Its Dial incieane kriowietlge una suc cor huuiunilx The political hons la llndiug bill, Intiui lalde. not easily tu be "dclix't .-cd ' en iii..Mae Kcclesias tits who wo-il'l under minu the pul, lie w Itools Und Hie Jew slant h lu delelise of them. Stal t-sint n and puldic oftl 11. lis who wuul ailunn.Blraloia will (inn to Ihu racy thai known, as tne deimtiid gruwa louder for r.Hl"linlled met hoils of gov el niiienl and planned modes of community existent.. Try HEEALD Want Ads, they bring results. Great Trials Till l, or IrrllAT II reiiiii d ireai liery lo dent I with tleailiitv the Idea nt the 1'nlleil stales giiverllinv It dining Hie yrrm following the tlx 1 1 xx ,11 when ih authorities at WnnhiriK .i'n were trying to In 1 111: order out ol Ith.ton ill, the fur xx ent Hitoiigh Hi,, fro. tint lit Indian upiiningn. tin,, of t Ii o hildent th h id to ileal wl'h weir the Mottoes, h bo Inhabited whit w.m 1 Inn kliiwu an the lax a brds ul . t'alilornla. I Thin tribe wan no thoroughly on- tren' hetl. anil haul of aitenn. Ill-it lor a long period they were able l Miily ("rlli, fun.init depredations d 1x1 ix i luiratter, im lmllrig t ne mat ! iloi in k of w hole xillases. ami return home with tho m oils they were aob I to t idle' t. ! The latter wrt "r I"T1 saw the be ginning of the rinl of the goxern 1111 in n trouble with the Modotn. Hut In order in bring thin about they w.-i,. 1 ompelled to to Indian la In n. I They aiimmnned the leading tribe.i I 111' 1 together II nil when lin y ho I 1 Hit 111. through iIiti i.l inn, at Ih ir ilinT' X. they fell upon ilieui nml nlex the 1 tut-f lestlern Hut an Indian nex.-t - foiKi-ts to enie a wrong, and the tilth d Hn.r lime fur xi-n-geatlt e. I The leading spirit of Ihln tribe was "Modoe'' Jnt'k. A eompany of sol i diets were sent to the lax a beds to n i' 1 J i' k and I"- followers A eon I, 'it-lii e was ' eld Hid while III,, lead em were i-nnfrrring. u tight broke out between u few of the solillels and the hull. in-, whli h 1 ntled In a. Kenerul strimm.ige In wliuh live were killed on oath n'de and many Injured. The I Moilnea fled southward, destroying exery white sett 1 inent In their pntu. I ) : 1 1 1 though w hit,, men and hoyg won evetwhere slain. Jat k would alio" j no while woman or child to ho harmed. At length with in hraves. he sought refuge In tho lax. 1 eaves of I. ost river. Colonel Wheat. ,11, with Hull Trill. d Slates troops, xx as sent In dinlotl :e him, out f'Hptain .Ink sent the sol diers In retreat, killing .1.'. of them. (Then an army, under ileneral I'aiiiix, I wits brought ui' and honieged the ii.t.t.t. When J i k found himseii niirroumletl ami liiiely 'n bo slarxett out ho proponed a conference with Monroe Doctrine Proposed First by While the reprenentallvea of Ar ent'lie. ItrHall mid Chile, as media-. tors, are coiiferritu ut Niagara Kalln. with ri'prenentH.ivea of the I'nltt-d thittos und Mexuo in m effort tu brina about an .nljuntinent of Mexi can uffars. a brb f review of the i'o grens of I'an-Aniirlcunlstn la Inter cntlng l ew nbewrxere of the present sit uation remember that it was the lirltinh prime in In Inter. Canning, who, lit conference with I'nited Htates .Min ister Kunh In m:i. gave the first Impetus to that crowing solidarity of the North and Mouth American re publics which In latterly called J'nn-Amt-iii 11 11 mm and of which the much ilebated Monroe doctrine has been tho bulwark. Thu "holy alliance" of the emperors of Hunsla und Austria mid the King of I'runnla xx.,s contracted In 1x15 without the in, I of intervening minis ters but by themeclvea as Hi, solute sovereigns. Their object wus in oiurily l rehabilitate autocracy with "Jure divino." and secondarily to pre. ent the rme of, ami to overthrow, free goxernnnnta and til dominate, the world. 1 ir thia la the uccoiint ut ll given by linear 8. ft r a une in hia new l-ook, "Tlia American ttpirll." page l'rante to,,i a hand In 18.' 3. meddling- with Hie Spanish constitution of the Cortex ami upholding the obsolil tisrn desired by Ferdinand VII. Hut r.ow the Itritmh government protested disclaiming f.,r Itself ami denying to other power the rlchl of requiring any t hunge in tha Internal Institutions of an Imlept mient alatc. Then thu Billed poueiK proposed to ll.tervetie In Si, nth Am. in u unit Canning wrotu tn liunh. "l not the moment come when our t-n 1 nmenta might untbr Blimd each oiher as to the Hpaiiish Amerltan ' nles'."' lie said thai while Hrlt.i n did not aim at posM-s-slon of unx spanlslt colonies she "could not x .1 w their transfer to any tithet poxxtr xiith Indifference." origin if list Klwi. If any r.ui pean plan looked tn a foieliile etiti.iii.a Into any hpaninh American , , , ny, Hrltain. and the I'mted rhaien ni ght well declare their "Joint dlMpi - nation of such pro Jet Is." lie xx rota Hint there had seldom uiiuii.-'i In hlntory such uu opportunity for two friendly govern ments an e.i lx to prevent such ex tra n, x e 1 iiliimii Though ho 1 'incurred In the Itlsa. I rend. nt .Mniir.Mi did not adopt the ploponal ol a Joint declaration. lit; maintain' 'I that the public policy of the Tinted M.i tee. which kept aloof from Inlorrti'nullnaT with Kuropean nfrairn ne.i.-. non-intervention from Kurope in II, 1 affairs of the west. The phiaMh; of the Monroe doctrine him, ileal I) that It waa set forth In conwiiii 11, e i f the ads of the "holy a 11 in nee" nml ,11 response to the ad vice of Brlnu,,. Mr riraur naya that the Monro" doctrine ouilmiLea the Hidden rule of International relations. It is not a producer or xx. ir hut a harbinger of la-ace. ll hastened not only the in-deM-iidente of the colonies on this liemmphere. but It relieved Kiiropx; of the abnolutinm of the "holy alli ance." Lord liruufhum said that Monroe's mo.., 1 tie to congress was en event "than which none bus ever d'S . petsed greater Joy, exultation and jgi.tlltude mer all tha freedom of 1. 111 ope " Cunning aald. referring to his fchsre of the plan. "I called tht MW world Into existence In redress of History MOIMH.' jack 44ltl4 the nflitrin. It was arriinKiil that flxo Indians und live white men shoiii I meet 1111, 11 imil on April II. IHiJ, nt 11 I1e11tr.1l npot lulxxn-n tho lines. Whether Jat k suHpoiteil irem hor.v or whi ther he tin rely wished to axenge the ptexinun mann.K -r of 111" Irlbenmon, ciintiot be kiiovxn. At any rale, he and lour of hln men went the conferelu e 111 moil. They tired 01 the white men, killing lietieial t'an'i. and wounding I'olonel Mem hi in. Then th y got bin k In safety to Ih ir eaven. Hut Hielr hiding plate wis dini-iixeicd, and Jat-k wan betrayed h hi -1 own biaxes and was the lam mm 1 apt 11 red. The gnx eminent dot Ided 10 jn.tke npeetlx wolk III avenging the death ol the lil.txe Vim 1 nan oflu-ein. Hen. Jeff t'. 1 1.1 x In, iht. old Indian tighter, favored the iiutiir diale execution o. Jack and llin cottfoilcrales. ,iut Wanh ingloti ilirettetl that the ptinoiier' should be hultl ' iregon authorities Hied iii vain to haxe tin 111 turned oxer to that nl.ile for piinlnhinont a'td the irn iuln of the peace poll, y at tbti tapital rained the iiitnlln Whether the M" does could he legal IV tried by a military oomminnion. The entile prens of tho eoiintvy din rtlkned the lliellnu and the ,ei,.lr took slden on It. AH Hie olije' t bms xxi-re, howtxi-r. tueiriileil I ,- Hi,, pren Ideiit. ami a military t-oniminnion wun apliointed and the tn lrd" n in were trietl and ondi lulled lo death, xnnle from Modoc Jack, there weie II others eondemneil lo death, the nt them for having taken part In the massacre nnd the others for having killed set tiers. The execution took place on 1 o io ta r i. I 7:1. n Jacknoiix illo. lire. Two of the prisoners xvere reprievei. tin the day of the cxi-t lit mn. hui they wee 1 1, inn oiled In stand (l front of Ihu acafTnlil and see their hmthois h.tngetl. The la Indians wore hanged upon the same scaffold. To adjunt the noone i wan m-ceaaty to out away a little of Captain .lin k n long h tlr which was In Hie way of the rm.o l-'txe hiiiulretl Kliiininuh Indians wit lienned the aw (u spot tacle W.tlln n! deep and bitter angutnh w rn.-t up fio-11 the xi,,. nation w hore the w x en mi l children of the tn, ti executeu x unown ed the nil. aking atone. British Minister t.-.i balance ol the old." 1'an- m rk aiilxin'n t. row Hi. Ii' ltn2 Secretary l-'rollughuy wi tnld James liunnell Loxxell lhat Iht tlncttirie no formiiiatod liy .Moure. oxpouinleil hy Adaiiin anil counm-li tl by .' ' llernon nnd -Mad, son woulil tin 1 tl . ly be controverted by tlreat llillui 1. for It was an Intel nuti., mil ikiirim u Ivl. k a,n x. 1 1 . I'nileil Htates whim looking to lei nwr, Inlerentn ami which when adopt led by the t'nitod Xtaten she had ! ly approxed. Kecrelary I'-sh n., 'tl jwhen a settlement ol nlfnlrs In C111- triil America wn peinhng !i.n ine .Vniletl Stales nimnlM soloiunlx enm Itnittod by repeaii ri ilot l.trat ions mi l ll- Ih In the Monroe (ha-trine It 'sl.iluln ait.tlnnl lln increase of Kit- lopeall power or influence In the we:,t. It ti 1 . 1 r 11 1 1 y antieipiiti n I be Lino when I'.uropoau poWorn eh i.l tlopart from Hie wt-nlorn conlitieul itml .tint Ii entirely Ainorlian. i'n the other hnrnl the atlxance ol iln- I'an-Ainci iilea h.m be"n v rv sl-w. The southern republic havt fit, u w hole been ileniroiis neith'-r of a union iiinnng I hemm lx e nor 01 union w ith the Cnlleil Htates . Ill I XXX Hit t'lillod Stat.-s eonmesN invltetl the I'an-Amei it an goveriinients to send delegate to n conference at Wanh inirton. which was prenldt d oxer by James ll. I'.btlne und uttemletl by t - -eiy state except Hun lomngo. A majority of the members voted '' compulsory arbitral mn and 1111 inter national American bunk wan pro poned. The one coin-role roMill wps Hint the International bureau of Am erican republic xx an est.i I'lixhed nt Wsnhlngtnn to puldinh Informni b.n t'nccrnlng ull thu Amerliun coun tries. In lttnl the nocornl I'an-Ainel Ic 1 1 conlerem e mot in Mexloo City and nr. bllralioti wan again Ihu chief topi.-. FAMILY AVOIDS ' SERIOUS SICKNESS Sj Bc!b CouUat! Supplied Willi Retford's EUck-DrangkL McDuff. Vt "I tufffrfd for fttl ffirl," Mya Mrt. ). B. Whutakei. ol (hia r!"cr, "with (Kk headache, and ttomaUi trouble. 1 en y?rt r;a a friend told me lo Uj rhrdlord'i Ulaik-Draut'ht, which I did, ind I lound it lo be the Lct lamily mcxli Ciae lor young and old. I keep Black-Draucht on bund all the rime now, and when my children icel a Utile bad, they ak me lor a dote, and il doei them more good thaa any medicine lliey aver tried. We never have I Ion apell of tack iest in our family, lm.e e commeuced using UUck-Uraulit." Thedford'e Black-Dratifh. la ptiely erRekibte, and hat been found to regu late weak aiomachs, aid digestion, ie Iteve Indigestion, colic, wind, nausra, headache, tick atoiitoch, and aiuuloi tyntpioiiia. It hits been In comtanf use for innre ittan 7ii years, and has benelilcd mure tlutn a million people. Your dnifTtrist sells and recommends Blsek-DraUi-iit. t'tice only Za. Oct a Backage to-y. HG 14 The Interim liinnl I, menu wnn roor gsnixetl on a ntrutiger basin. Willi Hie l alted Htalrt ntirt-tnry of state .is ihairninn. The third I nn-Ann 1,1 in cotif'-reiive wan held ut lilo do .lanil to In II0. Nineteen Mates wore represented, all in fact t-xeepl fluvtl lllltl Vl-liexilt-lu. l-:iihu Iiool. I'lliU I Stalea secretary of sliilo, ndilrenM-il the nnlerence. The next one w in held In Hiionos Airi-n In ItH". ll re named the bureau the bureau of full. Amoritan union. In lllf. too a 1'au-American Htuten n if", iclii Hon was ptoponod by businesn moil an pulely a mailer of Commer cial Inlt-renf. II In nlntnl frnnkly to bo concerned with the personal In , .a- T. ' A CORDIAL INVITATION Awaits you to make use of the services afforded by the First National Bank. You will find that every courtesy and accommodation is extended to you, whether your account is large or small. Our officers will be pleased to advise you regard ing any investment jnatters and to explain any banking rules or customs with which you are un familiar. Make the First National Bank your bank. Checking accounts are invited in any amount and absolute safety is afforded every dollar. 4 iN CaB ' XWil r- Coiiitin ti-nig Mi.. I "till and .lilly tn luilrii; Heplembi-r Jtnth cheap rale ticket will be on nale lo'iin points. Tlifao ti'-kela nre liinlleil Iii return October 31.-1 ami pt iiuil stop oxor.i at vsrlo'.e points. lu low In a Int of r.itt-n In nouie of Hie linpnrlunt point. Cololil'ln HplillKS, Col' l.'llTi I unx 1 r, t.ltt I i ; rut-bi,., coi $i :ti Washington. i. c j;t , j Atlanta. H i I'.x in fin, .mo. llin I , Ilatliiuiire, Mil $71 1 i Huston. Miii's :'" I Cincinnati. 1 1I11 IU ' Toledo. 1 tht 1st 11 Ptltnhiirti, I'a. "l ' ' Kr further Inlni mat ion pk"M,. e.,11 at the II-kit office nr nddreia I. J JollN'soN, Agent. SAlin iiK'-lit for Htealo Hhlp Inns lo all f"iei ;n po'nts. Figure with us Mouldings and MILL 1 Superior Lumber W. H. IIAIItl CO. I'ur Itest In) t'mH ul i U Hindi. PHONE 11. Baldridge Lumber Company Evrcything in builders' inpplies. FAItlOD roofing with a 15-ycar guarantee. 6htrwin-Williams Faint. tit mu tii niWT. peons sea. Summer i Furniture Makti )imr mn Ii an lilesl ilsi-e an1 tu in iln It MlllHiut (fiHiin I" any rrl rtMtinr. If )os liujr uilnr fon h Kliaili-a lo kii'ii Im glnrp t I lie sun H.t ami Mill liatr I'sil ami Irjr ine-, aim i In e kimnI ill-sjili if llaiiuiMM ks, r-Mlntts, t'iMttii-llani-niiH -Ls, Km ki-rs ami t lis Irs. Our IH'htxe are , limcat. ALBERT FABER Furniture, Carpeti, Draperiei and Stovct. 325 Soulh First Street terests of each member. It la llnpn.l lo bring about doner nnd lit tler re lit! Inns Let x sen North and fbiuth Am erican liunlnons hniiKt-n. and many men of public mill fin. nu ml ronponslhillly are lending t support. DON'T WAIT; DON'T DELAY Take advantage of the bi? Learnard & Lindemann sale of artistic pianos and player pianos. I'or croup nr sore throat, unu lr. Thomas lectio till. Two sixes. Sic and inc. At all drug stone. '1 kit' Cheap Summer Rates lo Eastern Points Salt Lake. I'tuh . Ilellnlt, Mb h . . . M int'.ea polm. Minn. HI. I'ltiil, Minn . . Kantan 1 'it . Mn. . St l.outn. Mo. . . . Atlantic fin .... Inirtiio. N. V. ... Nt w Vol k Niagara Knll . . . I'hlbnl' l hia. I'a. 1 'tden. I'tah .... on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mil) Company eee4444 CEIUtllJ.Ofl M'MP (JAI.HJP MIMP (IAM.ITP Ktl' A NTH ft Af 'ITK, ALL, 81ZB.1 KINIH.INil ANt MILL WOOD BRICK ASH I't-AHTKUINO l-IMB iANTA FB BRICK . .us." ; . .IH Is ! . ...! I J 1 . . r. 7 . 1 i ! , .JIM KS 1 ..cix.. ; . . I'd 3a . ..I7i.5 ..Mini . .I7 . . $ 7 ft i ..HI.')